Capture Point Dashboard

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This topic is part of the manual Work with Genesys CX Insights Reports for version Current of Reporting.

Analyze the business value driven through capture points, and the volume of work processed through each capture point.

Work Arrival Business Value tab

The Capture Point Dashboard provides insights into the business value driven through capture points, and the volume of work processed through each capture point.

The dashboard report organizes data on the following tabs:

  • Work Arrival Business Value tab — This tab provides insights into the value of work arriving at each capture point.
  • Capture Point Volumes tab — This tab provides insights into the volume of work arriving at each capture point.
  • Capture Point Detail tab — This tab provides a drill down to the detail of the work that is arriving at the capture point.
Capture Point Volumes tab

The dashboard breaks down the overall average duration time that is spent to complete tasks (from inception within the pre-source system to termination within iWD) into average task durations at defined milestones along a task’s routed path for each capture point. The dashboard also displays the business value range into which the tasks fall, the average time that it took to complete the tasks, and plots the total number of finished tasks against their assigned business value range.

Although this dashboard is defined using the Business Value Range attribute, you can drill along this attribute to display larger ranges.

Capture Point Detail tab

Note that the term dashboard is used interchangeably with the term dossier. Dashboards provide an interactive, intuitive data visualization, summarizing key business indicators (KPIs). You can change how you view the data in most reports and dashboards by using interactive features such as selectors, grouping, widgets, and visualizations, and explore data using multiple paths, through text and data filtering, and layers of organization. For specific instructions about customizing the granularity of data in this dashboard, see Customizing the dashboard.

To get a better idea of what this dashboard looks like, view sample output from the report:
Sample Capture Point Dashboard.pdf

The following table explains the prompts you can select when you generate the Capture Point Dashboard:

Prompt Description
Prompts on the Capture Point Dashboard
Pre-set Date Filter Choose from the convenient list of predefined rolling time ranges, spanning one day or more, over which to run the report.
Start Time Choose the first day and time from which to gather report data.
End Time Choose the last day and time from which to gather report data.
Department Optionally, select a department on which to focus the report.
Process Optionally, select a business process on which to focus the report.
Capture Point Optionally, select a Capture Point on which to focus the report.
Media Type Optionally, select one or more media types for which to gather data into the report.

The following table explains the attributes used in the Capture Point Dashboard:

Attribute Description
Attributes in the Capture Point Dashboard
Capture Point Enables data to be organized by the name of the capture point that acquired tasks from the source system.
Business Value Range Enables data to be organized by the range in which the business value of the task capture falls.

Ranges are character values that have a granularity of 5—for example: 1–5, 6–10, 11–15. For more information about customizing these ranges, see Customizing the dashboard.

Department Enables data to be organized by the name of the department for which iWD prioritizes and routes tasks.
Process Enables data to be organized by the name of the business process. The business process name is a core attribute that is used to define strategies for how to route tasks and work items.
Day Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular day within a month and year. Day values are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The following table explains the metrics used in the Capture Point Dashboard:

Metric Description
Metrics in the Capture Point Dashboard
Entered The total number of new tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point during the reporting interval.
Finished The total number of tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point and were finished during the reporting interval.
Avg Accept Time (Fmt) For finished tasks, the average amount of time that elapsed before tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point were assigned to a resource for the first time. This metric reflects how long, on average, tasks were backlogged.
Avg Handle Time (Fmt) For tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point, the average amount of time that resources worked on the tasks before completing them.
Avg Finish Time (Fmt) The average amount of time that elapsed before tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point were finished. This measure includes the time that tasks were backlogged as well as work time.
Avg Source System Time (Fmt) For completed tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point, the average amount of time the tasks spent in the preceding system before they were created within iWD.
Avg Pre-Source System Time (Fmt) For finished tasks that entered the iWD system through this capture point, the average amount of time the tasks spent in the pre-source system.

Customizing the dashboard

Some dashboards contain attributes representing different granularity of an attribute, such as Age Range, or Business Value. You can change the granularity of the data shown on the dashboard by replacing this attribute with another; this procedure uses Business Value Range in the Capture Point Dashboard as an example (or see the video below).

Changing the granularity of the dashboard data

Changing the granularity of the dashboard data

Change the Business Value Range. By default, the Capture Point Dashboard is configured to use the "Business Value Range 100" attribute.

  1. Log in with an account having Administrator privileges.
  2. Open and run the dashboard.
  3. Complete the following steps to make a copy of the dashboard, rather than modify the original:
    1. Click File > Save As.
    2. In the Save As editor:
      1. In the Save in list, choose one of the following paths:
        • Shared Reports > Custom — to make the modified dashboard accessible to other users.
        • My Reports — to make the modified dashboard accessible only to you.
      2. Enter a Name for the report, and optionally modify the Description, or Advanced Options.
      3. Click OK.
    3. In the Dossier Saved editor, click Run newly saved dossier.
  4. You can now modify the dashboard:
    1. From the View menu, click Datasets Panel.
      The Datasets Panel appears, where you can select a new Business Value Range to apply.
    2. Right-click the existing attribute value (Business Value Range 100 by default), and in the menu that appears, choose Replace Reference With.
    3. Click the name of the dataset object to insert (for example Business Value Range 1000).
      The selected dataset attribute replaces the default Business Value Range 100 attribute.
  5. Click File > Save to save your changes, and rerun the report to verify the results.

Video: Changing the granularity of the dashboard data

This video describes how to customize the Business Value Range.

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