Work with Genesys CX Insights Reports

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The following topics are defined for this manual but are not included in the list of topics: Final Disposition Dashboard, Bot Analytical Dashboard, Bot Analytical Dashboard, Final Disposition Dashboard
This manual is for version Current of Reporting.

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Article Description
Abandon Delay Report Examine the number and percentage of interactions that were abandoned (or disconnected) while queued at a specific queue, and the percentage of abandoned interactions by service time interval.
About the Genesys Info Mart historical database Genesys Info Mart is the component behind the historical reports in your Cloud deployment. This page introduces the Genesys Info Mart historical database, which provides a structure for collecting contact center analytics data and sorting it to provide insights to business users. This information is intended for advanced users.
Activity Summary Report View summary information about activities in Designer applications, including the number of activities within a given time period, and the number and percentage of those activities that were complete or incomplete.
Agent Conduct Report Analyze how well each agent handles incoming calls.
Agent Details Activity Report View a detailed breakdown of an agent's activity.
Agent Details Activity Report View a detailed breakdown of an agent's activity.
Agent Group Business Attribute Report Compare agent group interaction handling activities against the revenue generated by each group.
Agent Group Interaction Handling Report View detailed information about the interaction-processing performance of agent groups.
Agent Group Membership Details Report Examine the distribution of agents among agent groups.
Agent Group Membership Details Report Examine the distribution of agents among agent groups.
Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Analyze agent activities based on a range of call handling attributes.
Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Learn about the hierarchy of interactions that were offered to agents.
Agent Interval Based Report Analyze key agent performance indicators when handling interactions during specific time intervals.
Agent Login-Logout Details Report Analyze the timing and duration of agent login sessions.
Agent Login-Logout Details Report Analyze the timing and duration of agent login sessions.
Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Learn more about agent performance, including detailed call handling information for each agent.
Agent Not Ready Report Learn more about the time agents spend in the Not Ready State.
Agent Omnichannel Activity Report View detailed information about how each agent's active time was used.
Agent Outbound Campaign Report Analyze agent performance in your outbound campaigns.
Agent Performance Dashboard Analyze agent performance and conduct in the contact center, including information about handle time, interaction volume, and relative ranking compared to other agents.
Agent Queue Report Analyze agent performance by reviewing detailed call handling information for each agent, by queue.
Agent Social Engagement Report Analyze average social media scores for one or more agents.
Agent State Details Report Monitor agent noncall-related activities. Often used in circumstances where the agent is paid by the minute.
Agent State Details Report Monitor agent noncall-related activities. Often used in circumstances where the agent is paid by the minute.
Agent Summary Activity Email Report Analyze how agent active time is used when handling email interactions.
Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Analyze how agents use their active time.
Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Analyze how agent time is spent during interaction handling.
Agent Task Dashboard View a breakdown of the time agents spent when handling interactions that were routed by Genesys Task Routing (GTR).
Agent Utilization Email Report Perform in-depth analysis of agent active time related to handling email interactions.
Agent Utilization Report Analyze agent performance with respect to customer and consults interactions.
Agent Wrap Report Examine the time the agents (or agent groups) spend on after-call work (ACW or wrap) activities.
Agents reports Use Agents reports to learn more about the performance of agents in your contact center.
ANI Details Dashboard Explore outcomes of customer interactions based on Automatic Number Identification (ANI).
ANI Details Report Explore the outcomes of customer interactions based on Automatic Number Identification (ANI), on a daily or hourly basis.
Application Duration Report View detailed information about Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service time durations.
Application Summary Report Learn about the disposition of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) sessions.
Assisted Service Interactions by Last Milestone Report Analyze the events that precede calls moving from Self Service into Assisted Service.
Async Interactions Report Find out about Chat interactions that are initiated by customers outside of regular business hours.
Billing Data reports Learn about your consumption of billable Genesys services.
Blocks Summary Report Learn about traffic and errors in each application block.
Bot Analytical Dashboard Analyze the impact of bots on the customer experience in interaction flows that involve Genesys Designer applications.
Bot Analytical Dashboard Analyze the impact of bots on the customer experience in interaction flows that involve Genesys Designer applications.
Business Metrics Executive Report Review adherence to baseline service objectives.
Business Results reports Use Business Results reports to learn about the business outcomes that result from activity in your contact center.
Callback Details Report View detailed information about Callback usage in your contact center.
Callback reports Learn more about the performance of Callback in your contact center. Reports in the Callback folder are ready-to-use, but as always, can be modified to suit your specific business needs.
Callback Summary Report Analyze overall callback success rates in your contact center by reviewing the volume of callback calls, success rates, resulting savings, and customer wait times.
Campaign Callbacks Summary Report Analyze the use of Callback in your campaign.
Campaign Summary Report Monitor the overall progress of your campaign.
Capture Point Business Value Report Explore the distribution of tasks by process and point of entry (capture point) into the iWD system.
Capture Point Dashboard Analyze the business value driven through capture points, and the volume of work processed through each capture point.
Capture Point Task Duration Report Identify and plan remediation for bottlenecks in the system.
Chat Engagement Report Analyze the volume and duration of agent chat engagements agents.
Chat Message Statistics Report Analyze the volume and duration of chat exchanges between customers and agents.
Chat reports Learn more about chat volumes, statistics, and outcomes in your contact center.
Chat Session Report Examine the number of chat sessions, the number of messages within chat sessions, and how often chats were missed or transferred.
Chat Thread Report View detailed information about chat sessions and threads.
Co-browse Detail Report Assess agent handling of contact center interactions that include Co-browse sessions.
Co-browse reports Learn more about agent handling of contact center interactions that involve Co-browse sessions.
Co-browse Summary Report Analyze each agent's handling of interactions that involve Co-browse sessions.
Contact Center Dashboard View detailed information about interaction volumes and KPIs for the whole contact center.
Contact List Effectiveness Report Analyze the success rates of your contact lists, focusing on the frequency of SIT detection.
Customer Perspective Report Monitor customer experience in the contact center.
Customer Segment Service Level Dashboard Understand how well each department and process is meeting Service Level Agreements
Customer Segment Service Level Report Examine whether SLAs are being met for each customer segment.
Customize reports Modify out-of-box reports to customize them for your business needs. Information on this page applies to both reports and dashboards, but for simplicity, refers to them simply as reports.  
CX Insights for iWD reports and dashboards Analyze activity in contact centers that use iWD Data Mart.
Dashboards Learn about dashboards, which provide visual summaries of activity in your contact center, and are organized to suit your role in the organization.
Designer reports View information about Interactive-Voice-Response (IVR) usage in your contact center.
Details reports View detailed information about activity in your contact center, from many different perspectives.
Email reports Learn more about email interaction volumes, statistics, and outcomes in your contact center.
ETL Audit Dashboard Track job execution statistics, including duration, status, and other critical ETL values.
Final Disposition Dashboard Analyze trends in interaction outcomes based on whether interactions conclude in the Self-Service phase or enter the Assisted-Service phase and are routed to a DN or agent.
Final Disposition Dashboard Analyze trends in interaction outcomes based on whether interactions conclude in the Self-Service phase or enter the Assisted-Service phase and are routed to a DN or agent.
Generate historical reports Navigate in Genesys CX Insights to access and run/generate historical reports, and control what data appears in reports.
Get started with Genesys CX Insights Learn how to navigate in Genesys CX Insights, and how to generate reports.
Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Analyze the volume of iWD email tasks that are added, completed, or in process during a specified time period.
Inbound Voice User Report View information about Named and Concurrent Users Count usage.
Interaction Flow Report Understand how interactions proceed, from the customer’s perspective.
Interaction Handling Attempt Report Learn about agent handling of interaction handling in the contact center.
Interaction Traffic Group Report Examine the efficiency of interaction handling in any given queue group.
Interaction Traffic Report Study the efficiency of individual queues.
Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Analyze Business Results in the context of Service Level and caller objectives.
Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Analyze how effectively customer needs are being met.
Interactions Acceptance Dashboard Analyze the number and percentage of customer interactions that are accepted promptly, compared to those that encounter a delay.
Interactions Acceptance Report Analyze how long it takes for agents to accept interactions.
Intraday Process Dashboard Analyze completed iWD tasks on an intraday basis.
Intraday Process Report Examine the performance of historical and pending work items, explore backlogs, throughput, and overdue tasks.
IVR Usage Report View information about Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) usage, as represented by daily and monthly totals of IVR Minutes and IVR Ports.
Milestone Path Analysis Dashboard Explore the first and last milestones customers traversed, and the number of sessions that ended in each final disposition.
Milestone Summary Report Learn about the dispositions of calls at each milestone.
Outbound Contact reports Learn about the outbound campaigns running in your contact center (outbound engagement).
Outbound Email Report Perform detailed analysis of outbound email usage patterns.
Pre-Agent Termination Report Learn more about calls that terminated without connecting to an agent.
Predictive Routing - AHT & Queue Dashboard Evaluate the impact that enabling Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) has on your contact center efficiency.
Predictive Routing - Model Efficiency Dashboard Evaluate the impact that enabling various GPR prediction models has on your contact center efficiency.
Predictive Routing A/B Testing Report Evaluate the impact of enabling various predictive models and predictors based on time-sliced A/B testing.
Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Dashboard Evaluate the impact that enabling Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) has on the use of agent's time.
Predictive Routing Detail Report Find out how Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) is used in your contact center, and how enabling GPR impacts Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Predictive Routing Operational Report Track key operational statistics for Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR), such as interaction volume and wait times.
Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report Evaluate the impact that enabling Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) has on queue-related Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Predictive Routing Reports and Dashboards Learn more about how Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR) is used in your contact center, including how GPR impacts customer experience, wait times, issue resolution rates, and other key metrics.
Queue Dashboard Compare the performance of various queues by viewing detailed information about agent performance on a queue-by-queue basis.
Queue Outline Report View detailed information about queue performance.
Queue Summary Report Assess the performance of configured queues in your contact center.
Queues reports Analyze activity in your contact center on a queue-by-queue basis.
Report Descriptions View a complete list, organized by type, of the out-of-box historical reports and dashboards that are included with Genesys CX Insights.
Resource Performance Dashboard Analyze the amount of time and effort required to resolve work items.
Resource Performance Report Examine key task-handling metrics for each agent / resource.
Self-Service Statistics Report Discover how often calls are completed successfully in each phase (Self-Service and Assisted Service), and what happens when they are not.
Speed Of Accept (hours) Report Analyze how long interactions wait in queue before being accepted.
Speed Of Accept (seconds) Report Find out how long interactions wait in queue before being accepted.
Supervisor Dashboard View detailed information about agent activities, interactions, and states, focusing on indicators that are relevant from a supervisor perspective.
Survey Answer Report Learn more about customers responses to post-call survey questions.
Survey Statistics Report Learn more about how customers interact with post-call surveys.
Task Age Dashboard Understand how well each department and process is meeting Service Level Agreements
Task Age Report Explore the volume of tasks that fail to meet Service Level Agreements.
Task Detail Report Perform detailed analysis of individual work items from a customer perspective.
Task Routing dashboards Learn more about the performance of Genesys Task Routing in your Genesys Multicloud CX contact center.
Task Volume Dashboard Review the volume of tasks that agents handled when working on interactions that were routed by Genesys Task Routing (GTR).
Task Work Detail Report Analyze tasks that involve more than one agent / resource.
Transfer Dashboard Learn about how agent time was spent when handling contact center interactions that involve a transfer, consult, or conference, whether warm or cold.
Transfer Detail Report Analyze the circumstances that lead to call transfers, and the outcomes.
Weekly Agent Group Performance Dashboard Explore weekly interaction handling at the group level on a weekly basis.
Weekly Agent Group Performance Dashboard Explore weekly interaction handling at the group level on a weekly basis.
Weekly Agent Group Utilization Dashboard Understand how agents are using their time over the course of a week.
Weekly Agent Group Utilization Dashboard Understand how agents are using their time over the course of a week.
Weekly Business Attribute Dashboard Explore interaction business-result categorization on a weekly basis.
Weekly Business Attribute Dashboard Explore interaction business-result categorization on a weekly basis.
Weekly Queue Summary Dashboard Assess the weekly performance of configured queues.
Weekly Queue Summary Dashboard Assess the weekly performance of configured queues.
Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard Explore the volume of interactions that are (or are not) contained in Self-Service.
Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard Explore the volume of interactions that are (or are not) contained in Self-Service.
Work with reports Read and understand Genesys CX Insights reports, and learn how to drill, filter, or export report results.

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