Customer Segment Service Level Report

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This topic is part of the manual Work with Genesys CX Insights Reports for version Current of Reporting.

This page describes how you (as a team leader or business user) can use the (CX Insights for iWD folder) > Customer Segment Service Level Report to learn more about the number of new tasks, number of completed tasks and percentage of all tasks that were completed during the reporting interval, by day, by customer segment, and by business process.

Understanding the Customer Segment Service Level Report

This report provides the count and percentage of tasks that were completed during the reporting interval by customer segment and business process allowing you to compare achievements against objectives that you might have preset with a focus on different customer segments.

To get a better idea of what this report looks like, view sample output from the report:


Prompts in the Customer Segment Service Level Report

Prompt Description
Pre-set Date Filter Choose from the convenient list of predefined rolling time ranges, spanning one day or more, over which to run the report.
Start Date Choose the first day and time from which to gather report data.
End Date Choose the last day and time from which to gather report data.
Department Optionally, select a department on which to focus the report.
Process Optionally, select a business process on which to focus the report.
Customer Segment Optionally, select a Customer Segment on which to focus the report.
Media Type Optionally, select one or more media types for which to gather data into the report.
Category Level 3 Optionally, select one or more Category Level 3 from which to gather data for the report.
Category Level 4 Optionally, select one or more Category Level 4 from which to gather data for the report.
Category Level 5 Optionally, select one or more Category Level 5 from which to gather data for the report.

Attributes in the Customer Segment Service Level Report

Attribute Description
Department Enables data to be organized by the name of the department for which iWD prioritizes and routes tasks.
Process Enables data to be organized by the name of the business process, which is a core attribute of tasks and work items that define strategies for how to route them.
Media Type Enables data to be organized by media type.
Customer Segment Enables data to be organized by the customer segment, which is an extended attribute of a task or work item that is assigned by the source system.
Product Enables data to be organized by the type of product.
Day Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular day within a month and year. Day values are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Category Level 3 Enables data to be organized by the 3rd category level.
Category Level 4 Enables data to be organized by the 4th category level.
Category Level 5 Enables data to be organized by the 5th category level.

Metrics in the Customer Segment Service Level Report

Metric Description
Finished The total number of tasks of this classification that were finished (canceled and completed) during the reporting interval.
% Finished The percentage of tasks of this classification that were finished during the reporting interval.
Completed The total number of tasks of this classification that were completed during the reporting interval.
Canceled The total number of tasks of this classification that were canceled during the reporting interval.
Canceled Autocompleted The total number of tasks of this classification that were automatically canceled during the reporting interval.
% Canceled Autocompleted The percentage of automatically canceled tasks of the total number of tasks that have been finished.

Custom metrics

Metric Description
Canceled NON Autocompleted The total number of canceled tasks in this classification that were not automatically canceled during the reporting period.
Completed Agent The total number of tasks that were completed during the reporting interval and in which one or more agents were involved.
Completed NON Agent The total number of tasks of this classification that were completed during the reporting interval for tasks where no agents were involved (via API, designer, etc.).
Finished Agent The total number of tasks of this classification that were finished (completed or canceled) during the reporting interval for tasks where an agent was involved.
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