Blocks Summary Report

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This topic is part of the manual Work with Genesys CX Insights Reports for version Current of Reporting.

Understanding the Blocks Summary Report

The (Designer folder) Blocks Summary Report provides information about the frequency of use of each application block, and the number and type of errors encountered in each application block.

To get a better idea of what this report looks like, view sample output from the report:


The following tables explain the prompts you can select when you generate the report, and the metrics and attributes that are represented in the report:

Prompts for the Blocks Summary Report

Prompt Description
Pre-set Date Filter From the list, choose a time period on which to report.
Start Date Choose the first day from which to gather data into the report.
End Date Choose the last day from which to gather data into the report.
Application Choose the applications to include in the report. By default, the report includes all applications. If you add any applications to the Selected list, then only those applications are included.

Attributes used in the Blocks Summary Report

Attribute Description
Application Name This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the name of the self-service and/or assisted-service Designer application.
Block This attribute enables data to be organized by application block.
Country This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the name of the country in which the caller is located.
DNIS This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS).
Day This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular day.
Language This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by language.
Region This attribute enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the geographic classification of the call. The value is derived from the Region (such as North America LTAM, North America APC, or EMEA) defined in Designer.

Metrics used in the Blocks Summary Report

Metric Description
Strikeout The total number of times that the maximum number of retries was reached.
Blocks The total number of hits to a given block. A session can hit a block more than once.
No Input Error The total number of times that a No Input error was encountered in each block.
No Match Error The total number of times that a No Match error was encountered in each block.
Avg No Input Error The average number of No Input errors encountered in each block.
Avg No Match Error The average number of No Match errors encountered in each block.
Avg Block Duration (Fmt) The average amount of time spent in each block (HH:MM:SS).

To view more detailed information about the metrics and attributes in this report, and other metrics and attributes that can be used to customize reports, see the Genesys CX Insights Projects Reference Guide.

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