Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

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This topic is part of the manual Work with Genesys CX Insights Reports for version Current of Reporting.
The (Dashboards and Designer folders) Weekly Business Attribute Dashboard provides detailed information and visualizations that you can use to learn about the number and percentage of interactions that enter each Designer Application and conclude in the Self-Service phase, compared to the number that enter the Assisted-Service phase and are routed to a DN or agent.
Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

Understanding the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

The Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard provides an interactive weekly view of self-service and assisted-service statistics. Use the Week Selector slider to easily focus on one or more weeks — as indicated by week number, where W1 is the first week of the year, W10 is the tenth week of the year, and so on. To get a better idea of what this dashboard looks like, view sample output from the dashboard:

SampleWeekly Self Service Containment Dashboard .pdf

Video: Focusing on certain time spans or applications

Focus the dashboard on one or more applications, or narrow the results to certain week (s).

The following tables explain the prompts you can select when you generate the dashboard, and the metrics and attributes that are represented in the dashboard:

Prompts available for the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

The following table explains the prompts available for the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard:

Prompt Description
Pre-set Date Filter From the convenient list of predefined dates, choose a date range for which to run the report. This option has no effect if you specify a Start Date and End Date.
Start Date Choose the first day from which to gather data into the dashboard.
End Date Choose the last day from which to gather data into the dashboard.
Application Optionally, choose one or more applications on which to focus the reprot.

Attributes used on the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

The following table explains the attributes used on the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard:

Attribute Description
Application Name Enables organization of data based on Designer application. Optionally make a selection in the list, to focus the report on a given application.
Week Enables organization of data by week. Drag the Week Selector control handles to change the focus of the report.

Metrics used on the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard

The following table explains the metrics used on the Weekly Self Service Containment Dashboard:

Metric Description Source Table.Column or Calculation
Contained in Self- Service The total number of interactions that entered the Designer application in Self-Service and were concluded without entering Assisted-Service.
% Containment The percentage of interactions that entered the Designer application in Self-Service and were concluded without entering Assisted-Service.
Entered in Assisted Service The total number of interactions that entered the Designer application in Assisted-Service.
Routed to Agent The total number of interactions that entered the Self-Service phase of the Designer application and were later routed to an agent.
Entered in Self- Service The total number of interactions that entered the Designer application in Self-Service.

To view more detailed information about the metrics and attributes in this dashboard, and other metrics and attributes that can be used to customize reports, see the Genesys CX Insights Projects Reference Guide.

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