Voice SIP Cluster Service Release Notes

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Not all releases or changes listed below may pertain to your deployment. Check the table below to see which releases apply to you.

The Release table lists the initial availability date for each release and the deployment environments for which a release is made available. Except when otherwise stated in the description for a specific release, each release includes all of the features and resolved issues that were introduced on earlier dates, regardless of the deployment environment. The features and resolved issues that apply only to a specific deployment environment are noted as such.
Available Genesys CX on Private edition Highlights Release
AWS Azure
January 12, 2024


Resolved issue.
October 6, 2023


Resolved issue.
July 31, 2023


Resolved issue.
August 2, 2022


  • Call monitoring subscription in SIP Server is now cleared correctly (cancellation of call monitoring is successful).
  • In the INVITE message sent to a conference destination, the user part of the From header is now updated correctly (the Tenant ID is not added to the From header).
  • Third-party dependency updates.
July 25, 2022


PrivateEdition.png Support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

New Helm charts and third-party dependency updates.
April 4, 2022


  • Voice SIP Cluster service introduces a configurable user data size limit for the RequestUpdateUserData and RequestAttachUserData requests.
  • Fixed a memory leak in SIP node.
March 28, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Generally Available release for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on the officially supported Kubernetes platforms.

*Important security improvements.

  • Support for deploying all private edition services in a single namespace.
March 7, 2022


  • Support for a new voice call rebalancing feature.
  • Support for customization of the Designer Application Server (DAS) part of the dial-plan-moh option value.
February 16, 2022


Updates to SIP node.
November 19, 2021


  • Voice SIP Cluster Service now correctly selects an originating trunk for inbound calls.
  • Known issue related to call supervision.
September 27, 2021


  • Resolved issue.
  • Log redirection to standard output (stdout).
September 22, 2021

Azure.png Resolved issue.
September 15, 2021


  • Early Adopter Program support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on GKE.
  • Support for customized default Music On Hold.
  • Support for SIP redundancy in multi-tenant environments.
  • Support for arbitrary UIDs in private edition deployments on OpenShift.
June 30, 2021 PrivateEdition.png Early Adopter Program support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on OpenShift.

January 12, 2024Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • UTF-8 encoded data is now handled correctly by SIP node. (VOICEMCS-5931)

  • Any attempt to Single Step Transfer a call to a Routing Point (RP), which is already present in a conference will be rejected. Previously, such request was accepted by SIP Server in multi-tenant environments. (VOICEMCS-5820)

October 06, 2023Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • Now, SIP node supports both cgroup v1 and v2 on Linux. Previously, only v1 was supported. (VOICEMCS-5704)

July 31, 2023Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • A new option, multitenant-rp-type, is added to SIP Server with values rtqueue (default) and cdn. When the option is set to rtqueue, SIP Server will report EventRouteUsed event with CallState=26 (dropped) when the Routing Point (RP) party is deleted from conference. Setting the option to cdn will instruct SIP Server to behave in a backward-compatible way (EventAbandoned will be reported). As a result, when a RP is deleted from conference, the Designer application running at the RP will be stopped. Previously, if an EventAbandoned event was distributed, the application was not stopped. (VOICEMCS-5615)

August 02, 2022Azure.png PrivateEdition.png

What's New

  • Third-party dependency updates to maintain security and reliability. (VOICEMCS-4762)

Resolved Issues

  • In the INVITE message sent to a conference destination, the user part of the From header is now updated correctly with the value specified in override-domain-from when the override-from-on-conf option is set to true; in addition, the Tenant ID is not added to the From header. Previously, the value in override-domain-from was not used to update the user part of the From header and the Tenant ID was added to the header instead. (VOICEMCS-4023)

  • Call monitoring subscription in SIP Server is now cleared when a supervision conference fails to establish. Previously, the call monitoring subscription was not cleared in this scenario, meaning calls to the monitored DN were supervised even if the Supervisor canceled the monitoring session. (VOICEMCS-3676)

July 25, 2022Azure.png PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • This release includes:

    • An updated container and new versions of the Helm charts.
    • Helm chart upgrades compatible for Kubernetes version 1.22 and Consul version 1.10.
    • Third-party dependency updates to maintain security and reliability.

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service supports deployments on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition. (CPE-3613)

April 04, 2022Azure.png

What's New

  • Voice SIP Cluster service now has a configurable user data size limit for the RequestUpdateUserData and RequestAttachUserData requests. The default value is 16,000 bytes of packed user data. The maximum allowed value is 64 Kilobytes. SIP Cluster service rejects requests that attempt to attach user data above the maximum allowed size limit. The user data size limit is controlled by the following configuration option in the Helm values.yaml file: configDir/options/requestUserDataLimit. (VOICEMCS-3980)

Resolved Issues

  • SIP node no longer leaks memory when performing the periodic reading of configuration. (VOICEMCS-3969)

March 28, 2022PrivateEdition.png

Security Fixes

  • This release includes important security upgrades made to third-party software. (GCLOUD-18868)

For private edition

  • As of July 13, 2022, Voice SIP Cluster Service is Generally Available for deployment in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition on the Kubernetes platforms officially supported by Genesys.

  • Support for deploying the Voice SIP Cluster Service in a single namespace with other private edition services has been implemented. To deploy Voice SIP Cluster Service in a single namespace, override the namespace parameter in the SIP Cluster Service Helm chart values.yaml file:

    Voicemcs rn update namespace.png

    In the SIP Cluster Service Helm chart values.yaml file, you must also update the namespace specified in the rmAddress parameter so it matches the single namespace that you are configuring. That is, change "gvp-rm.gvp.svc.cluster.local;transport=tcp" to "gvp-rm.<single namespace for services>.svc.cluster.local;transport=tcp".
    Voicemcs rn update rmaddress updated.png

March 07, 2022Azure.png

What's New

  • In this release, SIP Cluster service introduces support for a new Voice call rebalance feature that allows the transition of voice calls from a SIP Cluster Service instance, undergoing graceful termination, to a successor service instance. This type of voice call transition enhances call handling continuation during a rolling upgrade or service scale-down.
    To enable this functionality, configure the following section in the values.yaml file:
    Enable voice call rebalance in yaml file.png
    The rebalanceEnabled: false option disables the feature.
    For this functionality to work correctly, you must upgrade dependent services to the following versions or higher:

    • SIP Proxy service:
    • SIP Front End:
    • Orchestration service: (VOICEMCS-3844)

  • Voice SIP Cluster service now allows customization of the Designer Application Server (DAS) part of the dial-plan-moh option value. To customize the value, specify a new designerDasAddress parameter in the Helm chart values.yaml file.

    Support for this feature begins with Helm chart version voice-sip-100.0.1000013.tgz. (VOICEMCS-3843)

February 16, 2022Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • When an agent initiates Single Step Conference (or 2 Step Conference) with an external caller and Routing Point (RP) and then leaves the call and logs out, a subsequent TRouteCall received on the RP executes successfully. Previously, the TRouteCall failed in this scenario. (VOICEMCS-3712)

November 19, 2021Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service now correctly selects an originating trunk for inbound calls. Voice SIP Cluster Service selects the trunk only if the partition ID of that trunk is the same as the tenant callcenterid (CCID) received in the X-Genesys-Partition-Id header of the initial INVITE message that is arrived from a Voice SIP Proxy Service. (VOICEMCS-3224)

Known Issues

  • When a supervision conference fails to establish, the call monitoring subscription in SIP Server is not cleared. The result is that calls to the monitored DN are supervised even if the Supervisor cancels the monitoring session.

September 27, 2021Azure.png PrivateEdition.png

Resolved Issues

  • The call-cleanup idle timeout in the Voice SIP Cluster Service has been increased from 60 minutes to 4 hours. (VOICEMCS-2987)

For private edition

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service now supports optional forwarding of SIPNode logs to standard output (stdout) using a Fluent Bit sidecar and an ephemeral volume (emptyDir). You must override parameters in the voice-sip Helm chart values.yaml file to implement Fluent Bit log forwarding to stdout. (VOICEMCS-2662)

September 22, 2021Azure.png

Resolved Issues

  • When a trunk, softswitch, or trunk group is deleted from the environment, the Voice SIP Cluster Service now correctly removes device's Prometheus metrics. Previously, the Voice SIP Cluster Service did not remove metrics of the deleted device, which led to invalid alerts on that device. (VOICEMCS-2751)

September 15, 2021Azure.png PrivateEdition.png

What's New

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service supports customized default music per Tenant basis that is played when a call is placed on hold. For each Tenant, the Voice SIP Cluster Service composes a specific URI  that points to the Music on Hold (MOH) resource, and then includes this URI in a SIP INFO message to GVP when an active call is placed on hold. The MOH resource is a media file stored in the Designer Music on Hold media collection. Designer release is required for this feature support. Refer to the Designer documentation for details. (VOICEMCS-1996)

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service supports SIP redundancy in multi-tenant environments. SIP redundancy enables the Voice SIP Cluster Service to place an outgoing call to an external destination/remote agent using a trunk or softswitch DN in another region within the Tenant if local resources are not available. (VOICEMCS-1894)

For private edition

  • Voice SIP Cluster Service now supports the use of arbitrary, or random, user IDs (UIDs) in OpenShift.

    • The Dockerfile has been modified to specify container and file ownership as user=500 (genesys) and group=0 (root).
    • The securityContext settings exposed in the default values.yaml file specify the user and group IDs for the genesys user (500:500:500). You must override these Helm chart values if you want OpenShift to use arbitrary UIDs. For more information, see Configure Voice Microservices.
    • Voice SIP Cluster Service is deployed using ServiceAccounts that use the restricted Security Context Constraint (SCC). In an earlier implementation, Genesys required you to deploy all private edition services using a ServiceAccount associated with the custom genesys-restricted SCC, to control permissions for the genesys user (500). Genesys now expects OpenShift to use arbitrary UIDs in your deployment, and the genesys-restricted SCC has been deprecated. If you previously deployed Voice SIP Cluster Service using the genesys-restricted SCC, Genesys recommends that you redeploy Voice SIP Cluster Service so that you use arbitrary UIDs. (VOICEMCS-2614)
      More info: Configure Voice Microservices

  • As of October 29, 2021, Voice SIP Cluster Service supports deployments on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, as part of the Early Adopter Program. (CPE-1983)

June 30, 2021PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Starting with this release, Voice SIP Cluster Service is available for select customers in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, as part of the Early Adopter Program. Deployments on OpenShift Container Platform (OpenShift) are supported. (VOICEMCS-1740)
    More info: Voice Microservices Private Edition Guide

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