Genesys Web Services and Applications Release Notes

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Not all releases or changes listed below may pertain to your deployment. Check the table below to see which releases apply to you.

The Release table lists the initial availability date for each release and the deployment environments for which a release is made available. Except when otherwise stated in the description for a specific release, each release includes all of the features and resolved issues that were introduced on earlier dates, regardless of the deployment environment. The features and resolved issues that apply only to a specific deployment environment are noted as such.
Available Genesys CX on Private edition Highlights Release
AWS Azure
May 31, 2024 PrivateEdition.png This release includes resolved issues to Genesys Web Services and Applications.
April 26, 2024 PrivateEdition.png Security updates.
December 22, 2023 PrivateEdition.png Security updates.
May 25, 2023 PrivateEdition.png Updates to the container base image and resolved issues.
September 29, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Supports changes in the gws-ui-workspace container for Agent Workspace.
August 25, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Fix for connections to GWS UCS Service.
July 28, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Supports changes in the gws-ui-workspace container for Agent Workspace.
July 7, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Generally Available release for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on the officially supported Kubernetes platforms.

Helm chart enhancements.
April 13, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Support for secure connections for mixed mode deployments.
April 7, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Support for secure connections for third-party dependencies.
March 21, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Elasticsearch 7.17+ is required.
February 1, 2022 PrivateEdition.png Support for deploying all private edition services in a single namespace.
November 16, 2021 PrivateEdition.png Important security improvements.
September 17, 2021 PrivateEdition.png
  • Early Adopter Program support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on GKE.
  • Support for arbitrary UIDs in private edition deployments on OpenShift.
June 30, 2021 PrivateEdition.png Early Adopter Program support for Genesys Multicloud CX private edition deployments on OpenShift.

May 31, 2024PrivateEdition.png

Resolved Issues

  • The memory leak issue is fixed in for Voice service and for IXN. (GAPI-38558)

April 26, 2024PrivateEdition.png

What's New

  • This release includes multiple security updates for system and application libraries, and modules.

December 22, 2023PrivateEdition.png

What's New

  • This release includes multiple security updates for system and application libraries, and modules. (GAPI-37217, GAPI-37966, GAPI-38060, GAPI-38122)

  • Supports topology spread constraints from Kubernetes. (GAPI-37945)
    More info: Configure GWS Services

  • Agent Setup and Workspace Web Edition are no longer delivered in GWS package. (GAPI-37930)

  • GWS Helm Chart has been redesigned to replace gws-system-nginx container by Nginx ingress controller annotations. (GAPI-36867)
    More info: Configure GWS Ingress

May 25, 2023PrivateEdition.png

Resolved Issues

  • The GWS Workspace service now tries to rejoin the Chat session multiple times (up to 5 attempts with 10s delay between each attempt). Previously, the GWS Workspace service didn’t try to rejoin the chat session in case of No such session error from Chat Server. (GAPI-37294)

  • API clients are now cleaned up and unregistered from Interaction Server after they got inactive and disconnected by timeout. (GAPI-35068)

  • The Provisioning API's bulk import now supports a dedicated Use WebRTC column to control corresponding settings for each Agent. (GAPI-32066)

  • Agents can now view all chats in applications that rely on Workspace API including Workspace Web Agent Desktop or custom applications. Previously, agents could not view some chat messages due to incorrect delivery of events from Interaction Server. (GAPI-36444)

Known Issues

  • Agents might not be able to login to all digital media channels (chat, email, workitem, and so on.) in Interaction Server, when GWS Interaction Service is connected to multiple Interaction Servers through the Interaction Server Proxy or the cluster of Interaction Server Proxies. This scenario is common when separate Interaction Servers are deployed for different media channels.
    Workaround: Set the Stat Server option suppress-agent-status-updates-for-ixn-server to true for all Stat Servers (both reporting and routing). This will prevent Stat Server from triggering the distribution of the EventCurrentAgentStatus event by Interaction Servers after an agent is logged in. Before applying the workaround, ensure that there are no custom applications using this event. Note that this event is not used by any Genesys application. (GAPI-37462)

For private edition

  • Updated the third-party dependencies as part of an ongoing security best practice. (GAPI-37347)

  • Workspace Web Edition now uploads attachments with the MSG file extension for emails. To configure this feature, set the value of the file-type.extension-definition.cfb option to doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,msg and ensure that the value msg is included in the list of allowed file extensions in the attachment.restrict-to-file-types option, both in the workspace-service section. (GAPI-37300)

  • Improved delivering of unsolicited events from Interaction Server. Previously, some events might not be delivered to Digital Channels by Interaction Server, which would prevent proper chat termination. (GAPI-36904)

September 29, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

August 25, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Requests to the GWS UCS Service are now routed correctly in Mixed Mode deployments. (GAPI-35600)

  • This release includes third-party dependency updates to maintain security and reliability.

  • Genesys Web Services and Applications supports deployments on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition. (CPE-3607)

July 28, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

July 07, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • As of July 13, 2022, Genesys Web Services and Applications is Generally Available for deployment in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition on the Kubernetes platforms officially supported by Genesys. This includes General Availability of all APIs packaged with the service.

  • Enhanced flexibility of the gws-services Helm chart parameters for connections with Genesys Authentication. (GAPI-34963)
    More info: Genesys services parameters

  • Web Services and Applications now uses annotations instead of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for metrics scraping. The gws-monitoring Helm chart, which creates the CRDs, will be removed from Web Services and Applications in a future release. (GAPI-33420)

  • This release includes third-party dependency updates to maintain security and reliability.

April 13, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Secure connections are now supported from containerized Genesys Web Services and Applications to non-containerized Configuration Server, Interaction Server, SIP Server/T-Server, Universal Contact Server, Real-Time Metrics Engine (Stat Server), Chat Server, and Outbound Contact Server. As part of this feature, Genesys Web Services and Applications includes two new services: GWS UCS Service and GWS Chat Service. (GAPI-23935)
    More info: Configure connections with TLS and authentication

April 07, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Secure connections with optional authentication are now supported from containerized Genesys Web Services and Applications to PostgreSQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch. (GAPI-30907 and GAPI-33057)
    More info: Configure connections with TLS and authentication

March 21, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Genesys Web Services and Applications now requires Elasticsearch 7.17+. You must upgrade your Elasticsearch clusters to version 7.17+ before upgrading to this release.

February 01, 2022PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Support for deploying Genesys Web Services and Applications in a single namespace with other private edition services has been implemented. No configuration changes are required to enable this alternative deployment scenario, but you must disable internal ingress to avoid roundtrip traffic outside the single namespace. To disable internal ingress, set entryPoints.internal.ingress.enabled to false. (GAPI-30852)
    More info: Configure GWS Ingress

  • To enhance container security, Genesys Web Services and Applications container images are now built on Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 (UBI8). (GAPI-28354)

November 16, 2021PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • This release includes important security upgrades made to third-party software. (GAPI-30693)

September 17, 2021PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Genesys Web Services and Applications now supports the use of arbitrary, or random, user IDs (UIDs) in OpenShift.

    • The securityContext settings exposed in the default values.yaml file specify the user and group IDs for the genesys user (500:500:500). You must override these Helm chart values if you want OpenShift to use arbitrary UIDs. For more information, see Configure Genesys Web Services and Applications.
    • Genesys Web Services and Applications is deployed using ServiceAccounts that use the restricted Security Context Constraint (SCC). In an earlier implementation, Genesys required you to deploy all private edition services using a ServiceAccount associated with the custom genesys-restricted SCC, to control permissions for the genesys user (500). Genesys now expects OpenShift to use arbitrary UIDs in your deployment, and the genesys-restricted SCC has been deprecated. If you previously deployed Genesys Web Services and Applications using the genesys-restricted SCC, Genesys recommends that you redeploy Genesys Web Services and Applications so that you use arbitrary UIDs. (GAPI-30097)

  • As of October 29, 2021, Genesys Web Services and Applications supports deployments on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, as part of the Early Adopter Program. (CPE-1958)

June 30, 2021PrivateEdition.png

For private edition

  • Starting with this release, Genesys Web Services and Applications is available for select customers in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, as part of the Early Adopter Program. Deployments on OpenShift Container Platform (OpenShift) are supported. (GAPI-26709)
    More info: Web Services and Applications Private Edition Guide

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