Configure Voice Microservices
Learn how to configure Voice Microservices.
Override Helm chart values
For general information about overriding Helm chart values, see Overriding Helm Chart values in the Genesys Multicloud CX Private Edition Guide.
When deploying Voice services, certain parameters must be enabled or modified based on customer requirements and environment. For each of the Voice services, an override values.yaml file must be created that overrides certain sections of the default configuration for the service. In this document, we use the following format for creating an override values.yaml file: <servicename>_override_values.yaml.
The override_values.yaml file contains the following sections:
Deployment section
This section can be used to specify minimum and max instances that will be started for each service. By default, the minimum replica count is 1, and the maximum replica count is 10. You can modify it per your load requirements. For RQ service alone it is recommended to set replica count to 2 or more based on load for high availability.
namespace: voice # Namespace of voice service
replicaCount: 1 # Min replica count when service is deployed
maxReplicas: 10 # Max replica count to which the service will scale.
Image section
This section has information about the registry from which the voice services will be deployed.
registry: # registry from where image needs to be deployed
pullPolicy: Always # whether to pull image always
imagePullSecrets: "mycred" # Secrets needed for pulling image from registry
Config section
The config section contains configuration parameters that need to be overridden for all voice services.
Additional information needs to be passed for SIP Cluster Service: dnsServer. Get the DNS Server value from the above section (Configure DNS server for voice-sip).
# Set the redis port to be used.
port: 6379 # Redis port
dnsServer: "" # DNS server address. Needed only for SIP Service.
Secrets section
This section captures all the secrets needed by voice services for connecting to infraservices (Consul, Kafka, Redis). The default values for Redis and Kafka secrets are the same as what is created above.
# set the secrets
enabled: true
- name: consul-shared-secret
secretName: consul-voice-token
HPA section
The HPA section captures whether HPA is enabled for a service or not and what is the CPU and memory percentage used for scale up and scale down. Common HPA for the following voice services: Agent Service, Config Service, Call State Service, Registrar Service, SIP Front End service, Dial Plan Service.
targetCPUPercent: 60 # Average CPU percentage which determine scale up and down
targetMemoryPercent: 60 # Average Memory percentage which determine scale up and down
enabled: true # Horizontal Pod scalar enabled
For SIP Proxy and RQ Services, HPA is set to false:
enabled: false # Horizontal Pod scalar enabled
For SIP Cluster and Orchestration Services, HPA is set as follows:
targetCPUPercent: 50 # Average CPU percentage which determine scale up and down
targetMemoryPercent: 50 # Average Memory percentage which determine scale up and down
enabled: true # Horizontal Pod scalar enabled
Resources section
This section captures the resource request and limits for each voice service. The default resource given below is set for each service. You can modify this request and limit based on your load requirement.
cpu: "250m"
memory: "256Mi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: "512Mi"
For Orchestration and SIP Cluster Services, the CPU and memory requirement is high. Genesys recommends the following setting:
cpu: "500m"
memory: "1Gi"
cpu: "1500m"
memory: "4Gi"
Log volume
This section captures parameters pertaining to log volumes needed by SIP Cluster Service. These parameters are needed for storing logging of SIP Server binary, which runs inside the SIP Cluster Service. Configure the values for storageClass and volumeName based on the recommendation given in the Persistent Volume section.
# pvc will be created for logs
create: true
claim: sip-log-pvc
create: true
claim: sip-json-log-pvc
Configure Kubernetes
For information, see the following resources:
Configure security
Before you deploy the Voice Microservices, be sure to read Security Settings in the Setting up Genesys Multicloud CX Private Edition guide.
Security context configuration
The security context settings define the privilege and access control settings for pods and containers. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.
By default, the user and group IDs are set in the values.yaml file as 500:500:500, meaning the genesys user.
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500
fsGroup: 500
runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500
runAsNonRoot: true
Secrets for Voice services
Create the following Kubernetes secrets for other infrastructure services:
- Kafka
- docker-registry
- Redis
Kafka secrets
Kafka secrets must be created when Kafka is deployed. The secret is referenced in the Voice Microservices values.yaml file.
When Kafka is deployed without authentication, create the secret for Kafka as follows:
kubectl create secret generic -n voice kafka-secrets-token --from-literal=kafka-secrets={\"bootstrap\":<kafka-bootstrap-url>}
for ex, kubectl create secret generic -n voice kafka-secrets-token --from-literal=kafka-secrets={\"bootstrap\":\"infra-kafka-cp-kafka.infra.svc.cluster.local:9092\"}
When Kafka is deployed with authentication, create the secret for Kafka using this method:
kubectl create secret generic -n voice kafka-secrets-token --from-literal=kafka-secrets={\"bootstrap\":<kafka-bootstrap-url>, \"username\": <USERNAME>, \"password\": <PASSWORD>}
for ex, kubectl create secret generic -n voice kafka-secrets-token --from-literal=kafka-secrets={\"bootstrap\":\"infra-kafka-cp-kafka.infra.svc.cluster.local:9092\",\"username\":\"kafka-user\",\"password\":\"kafka-password\"}
Redis secrets
Ensure Redis is installed before you deploy the Voice Services.
Use the following commands to create Redis secrets:
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret infra-redis-redis-cluster -n infra -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-agent-token --from-literal=redis-agent-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-callthread-token --from-literal=redis-call-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-config-token --from-literal=redis-config-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-tenant-token --from-literal=redis-tenant-stream={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-registrar-token --from-literal=redis-registrar-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-sip-token --from-literal=redis-sip-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-ors-stream-token --from-literal=redis-ors-stream={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-ors-token --from-literal=redis-ors-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
kubectl create secret generic -n voice redis-rq-token --from-literal=redis-rq-state={\"password\":\"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"}
JFrog secrets
Use the following commands to create JFrog secrets:
kubectl create secret docker-registry <credential-name> --docker-server=<docker-repo> --docker-username="$JFROG_USER" --docker-password="$JFROG_PASSWORD" -n voice