Session Detail Record (SDR) Fields Reference

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This topic is part of the manual Designer User's Guide for version Current of Designer.

This page lists some of the most commonly used Session Detail Record (SDR) fields. It is not intended as a comprehensive list of all SDR fields used by Designer.

Related documentation:

In most cases, the most commonly used Session Detail Record (SDR) fields are automatically populated with system-generated values. But in some cases, the values are based on information provided by the application developer, such as the name of the country and the language of the application.

The SDR fields are organized according to the block category (or classification) they are most typically associated with.

Not sure which category your field belongs to? Use the search function in your browser to see if it's listed on this page. For example, in Chrome, press CTRL + F to open the search tool.

Session Data

The following SDR fields contain values that are sourced from data collected during various phases of the application session. They are mostly used for generating reports on the Designer Dashboards but can also be used for troubleshooting.

Values set by Designer

Field Description
@endtime Timestamp of when the interaction ended.

Example: 2017-03-08T01:56:26.085Z

@timestamp Timestamp of when the interaction started.

Example: 2017-03-08T01:56:12.037Z

ANI The caller's phone number (or Caller ID).
asduration Length of time that the call was in the Assisted Service phase.
asend Timestamp of when the Assisted Service (or IVR) phase of the interaction ended. If the interaction was routed, this value represents the time that the session exited the Self Service phase.

Example: 2017-03-08T01:56:20.937Z

asstart Timestamp of when the interaction entered the Assisted Service phase.

Example: 2017-03-08T01:56:20.933Z

callEndReason Indicates why a call ended, such as whether it was terminated in Self Service, Assisted Service, or due to a System Error.
DNIS The phone number that the caller dialed.
duration Duration of the total session, in milliseconds (ms). Tip: To calculate the duration of blocks execution and exclude session wrap-up time, subtract the value of the operationalOverheadDuration field from this value.
operationalOverheadDuration Total time that the application was in an idle state (typically, this occurs just before the session finalizes).
finalDisposition Status of an interaction at the time it exited the application flow, such as whether it was routed to an agent or the caller hung up. (See Count by Disposition for more information about dispositions.)
InteractionCategory Channel type used for the interaction (voice, chat, or email).
InteractionID Unique ID of the interaction. This ID can be used to track an interaction across multiple application sessions (or multiple instances of the same application).
ssduration Amount of time that the caller spent in the Self Service phase of the application (in milliseconds).
ssend Timestamp of when the Self Service (or IVR) portion of the interaction ended.
ssstart Timestamp of when the Self Service phase of the application started.

Values set by application developer

These fields are populated with values that were provided by the application developer.

Field Description
activities List of activities encountered in the interaction. Activities are defined in an Activity block or automatically captured when an interaction enters or exits a shared module.
activitycount Number of activities that were referenced in the interaction.
CountryName Name of the country.
LanguageName Language of the application.

Business Controls

These fields contain values sourced from Business Controls blocks.

Field Description
businesshourserrcount Number of times a Business Hours block was accessed during the interaction.
businesshoursextcount Total number of external business hours checks that occurred within a session.
businesshoursreqcount Total number of requests for business hours checks that occurred within a session.
emergencieserrcount Total number of emergency flag checks within a session.
emergenciesextcount Total number of external emergency flag checks within a session.
specialdayserrcount Total number of special days checked within a session (all checks in a single Special Day block count as one check).
specialdaysextcount Total number of special days checked externally within a session (all checks in a single Special Day block count as one check).
specialdaysreqcount Total number of exceptions encountered when checking special days (all errors in a single Special Day block count as one check).

Routing Data

These fields contain values sourced from Routing blocks.

Field Description
routingBlockCount Number of routing blocks that were hit within a session.
routingBlockTimeoutCount Number of times that routing blocks timed out.
A high number here can indicate that customers are waiting too long in the queue for some reason. For example, skill levels might be set too high or there are not enough agents available.
routingCallHandlingType Indicates the type of routing used for the call (default or consult).
routingLCAAttempted Indicates if Last Called Agent routing was attempted (this option can be enabled on the Route Agent block).
routingSkillRelaxationCount Number of routing blocks that used skill relaxation.

User Interaction

These fields contain values sourced from User Interaction blocks.

Field Description
inputcount Total number of User Input blocks executed during a session.
nicount Total count of No Input instances that occurred for Input class blocks (User Input and Menu).
nmcount Total count of No Match instances that occurred for Input class blocks (User Input and Menu).
strikeoutcount Count of inputs where the maximum number of permitted attempts was exceeded.

External Requests

These fields contain values sourced from External Services blocks.

Field Description
extreqcount Total number of external requests.
extreqerrorcount Total number of failed external requests.

User Milestone

These fields contain values sourced from user-defined milestones (such as those defined in a Milestone block or Menu block) and Survey blocks.

Field Description
FinalUserMilestone The last milestone in the milestones array at the end of the application session.
LastMilestone Tracks the most recent milestone encountered.
milestones List containing the system milestones that were encountered. Milestones indicate special points or transitions in the application, such as phases starting, phases ending, or an application terminating.

Note: These values can be auto-populated by Designer or provided by the application developer.

userMilestones Milestones that were defined in Milestone blocks or set in other blocks, such as Menu.

Note: These values can be auto-populated by Designer or provided by the application developer.

usermilestonecount Number of user-defined milestones hit in the session.
userMilestonesPath Names of all milestones hit during the call.


These fields contain values sourced from Activity blocks.

Field Description
activities List of activities encountered in the interaction. Activities are defined in an Activity block or automatically captured when an interaction enters or exits a shared module.
activitycount Number of activities that were referenced in the interaction.
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