Debug Block

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This topic is part of the manual Designer User's Guide for version Current of Designer.

Use this block to debug runtime logic that isn't running as intended.

Related documentation:

You can use this block during the application development phase to define a specific checkpoint in a module or application. This is useful when you want to debug runtime logic that isn't running as intended.

For example, you might add some ECMAScript expressions to an Assign Variables block to assign values to certain variables, but discover that the logic isn't producing the desired result. To assist in debugging this, you could add a Debug block immediately after the Assign Variables block to capture the values of the variables as they exist at that time. These values can then be reviewed in Designer Analytics, under the debugcheckpoints property of the Session Detail Record (SDR).

The Debug block is only processed in the DEV, QA, and UAT application streams. It is ignored in the LIVE stream.

Debug tab

Capture Checkpoint

Select this option to enable debugging for a specified checkpoint.

Checkpoint Name

Specify the name of the checkpoint to be captured. You can also specify a variable that holds the value of the checkpoint name.

When specifying the Checkpoint name, Genesys suggests using the following naming convention:

<ApplicationType>_<SharedModule Name>: <Block Name before Debug block>

For example: Main_HelpDesk:Read_EWT

This can make it easier to locate and view the Debug block outputs in Designer Analytics.


Specify the condition as a script expression. For example:

var02 === 1

Data tab

This tab displays a list of variables that can be captured by the checkpoint. Select the variables that you want to include.

Advanced tab

Enable the Write these statements to platform logs option if you want to write the results of the specified ECMAScript expressions to platform logs that can be reviewed by Genesys support. Click Add Log to enter the ECMAScripts.

You can also specify an error message statement to add to the logs if the expression evaluations result in an error.

Retrieved from " (2024-10-02 16:06:29)"
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