Callback V2

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This topic is part of the manual Designer User's Guide for version Current of Designer.

Use the settings on this block to set up Callback (V2).

Related documentation:

You can use the Callback V2 block in the Assisted Service phase of your Default type application for inbound calls. Designer supports the following types of callbacks:

  • Immediate (or in-queue) callbacks, where the caller requests a callback when the next agent is available.
  • Scheduled callbacks, when the caller selects a preferred time and date for the callback.
  • Web-invoked callbacks, where the caller requests a callback using an HTTP request (such as a website or a mobile application to request a callback when an agent is available).

You can use the Callback V2 block in the Initialize phase of your Callback type application for Scheduled callback. This block processes the Scheduled callback at the desired time.

Before using the Callback V2 block, you must first create a variable for the callback virtual queue. Then, you can use Special Days, Business Hours, and Data Tables (under Business Controls) to specify your business requirements and associate those settings with the virtual queue.

The settings for callback virtual queues are stored in the Callback_Settings data table.

The Callback V2 feature can only be used with Callback V2 blocks.

Sample callback scenarios

The following scenarios describe sample call flows for immediate and scheduled callbacks.

Immediate callbacks

  • The session starts when the customer's call arrives.
  • The caller is offered immediate (or in-queue) callback. They accept, and confirm the number they want to be called at.
  • At this point, the caller can hang up. The voice interaction is converted to a virtual call and added to the queue.
  • While the virtual call waits in the queue, the session remains active and continues to monitor statistics for the call, such as the Estimated Wait Time (EWT) and it's position in the queue.
  • When an agent that satisfies the required skill expression is ready, the customer is called.
  • Music on hold plays while the call is being routed to the agent.
  • Once the agent connects to the call, the virtual call is removed from the queue and the session ends.
  • (Optional) If survey is enabled and the caller has agreed to take it, the caller is taken to the survey application after the agent disconnects.

Scheduled callbacks

  • The session starts when the customer's call arrives.
  • The caller is offered a scheduled callback. They accept, and confirm the number they want to be called at, along with the date and time when they would like to receive the callback.
  • At this point, the caller can hang up.
  • When an agent that satisfies the required skill expression is available, the customer is called.
  • Music on hold plays while the call is being routed to the agent.
  • Once the agent connects to the call, the virtual call is removed from the queue and the session ends.
  • (Optional) If survey is enabled and the caller has agreed to take it, the caller is taken to the survey application after the agent disconnects.

Call Routing tab

Select the Virtual Queue that you are going to use for callback. Designer uses this Virtual Queue to fetch the associated configuration settings from the CALLBACK_SETTINGS data table.

Des callback v2 callrouting.png

Advanced Options - Overrides

(Optional) You can expand the Advanced Options - Overrides section to select your own variables for certain parameters. For example, your business might require that an offer or skill expression parameter override the current setting in CALLBACK_SETTINGS with a different value.

Variables used for overrides must be provided as boolean values (for example, true/false, or 0/1). Otherwise, Designer interprets the variable lookup as false.

Des callback callrouting var.png

Offer Callback tab

In the drop-down menu, select Callback V2 - Offer Callback to use the pre-packaged template for callback.

The inbound callback feature is provided by a series of shared modules. The Callback V2 block hands off the call to one main shared module that guides callers through the callback process. This shared module might rely on one or more supporting shared modules to extend its functionality (such as to collect a phone number or negotiate a time for Scheduled callback). When the callback process is complete, the main shared module returns the call to your application.

For ease of use, you can use shared module templates that provide pre-packaged callback functionality. The templates are read-only and cannot be edited or deleted. If you want to modify these templates, go to the Shared Modules list and click Clone beside a template to create a copy for editing.

Although you can copy a template to modify its prompts or behavior, you must not change its inputs or outputs. Doing so might cause unexpected behavior or validation issues. If you want to change audio prompts only, you can modify audio resources in the Callback V2 Audio audio collection, which you can access by going to the Media Resources window.

Connect Customer tab

In the drop-down menu, select Callback V2 - Calling Back to use the pre-packaged template for callback.

The outbound callback feature is provided by a shared module.

For ease of use, you can use a shared module template that provides pre-packaged callback functionality. The template is read-only and cannot be edited or deleted. If you want to modify this template, go to the Shared Modules list and click Clone beside the template to create a copy for editing.

Although you can copy a template to modify its prompts or behavior, you must not change its inputs or outputs. Doing so might cause unexpected behavior or validation issues. If you want to change audio prompts only, you can modify audio resources in the Callback V2 Audio audio collection, which you can access by going to the Media Resources window.

Routing Priority tab

Enable the Use Priority during Routing check box to use priority-based routing, which prioritizes your calls depending on your business requirements.

To prioritize calls, you should set the Initial Priority based on your business segmentation (for example, Gold customers start at Initial Priority = 50, Silver customers start at Initial Priority = 30, and Bronze customers start at Initial Priority = 0).

Enable the Increment Priority every _____ seconds check box to specify the time interval between priority increments. If you enable the other check box beside the field, you can select a variable that specifies the overall Routing Timeout and Priority Increment Interval properties.

If the Increment Priority every _____ seconds option is enabled, you can use the Limit Priority to option to set a maximum priority value. For example, if the initial priority is 50, you can use this option to not let the priority value increase beyond 100.

If you enable the other check box beside the field, you can select a variable for this option.

If Use Priority during Routing is enabled, you can also choose to enable the Set Agent Reservation Priority to current priority option. This will apply the current priority of the call at the time an agent was found for the callback to the agent reservation request. If you choose not to enable this option, the default priority value of 10,000 is used.


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Ideally, the Route Call block and Callback V2 block should have their priorities synchronized, so that their rate of increase is the same. One way you can do this is by using variables for the Initial Priority, Increment Priority every..., Priority Increment Size, and the Limit Priority to... settings.

Advanced tab


Enable the check box beside Customer Greeting and/or Agent Greeting to play an audio file to that person while the call is being connected.

For customers, you might use this feature to play a legal disclaimer, or to announce that the call might be recorded (if you use call recording in your contact center). For agents, you might use a variable to announce the customer name or other relevant information.

After you enable Customer Greeting and/or Agent Greeting, you can select an audio file to play by clicking the icon in the Announcement field. This is useful for customer greetings that play a static disclaimer audio file.

Optionally, enable the Var? check box to use a variable to dynamically select the audio file. This is useful for agent greetings that use a variable to provide call-specific information, such as the customer name.

Music on Hold

Enable Music on hold to select the music file that plays while callers are on hold.


Enable Put (re)connected call into a virtual queue if you would like to place the real interaction in a separate virtual queue for reporting purposes, to differentiate between regular calls and calls routed to agents as a result of a callback.

You can either select a virtual queue that is defined in the application or you can add a suffix to the virtual queue that is used for the inbound call. For example, if the callback virtual queue is named VQ1_cb, and the suffix is _out, the reconnected virtual queue should be configured as VQ1_cb_out.

The following options enable you to specify the metrics to display in reporting:

Enable Show the EWT of the inbound VQ when callback was offered to specify the name of the inbound virtual queue. You can select a variable or one of the virtual queues available in the drop-down menu.

Enable Show the threshold that was used to determine if callback should be offered to specify the Callback EWT Threshold value (in seconds). You can select a variable or enter an integer.


(If survey is enabled) Enable Route to a different RP than previously specified in Setup Survey block if you need to change the routing point to use for the survey application after the agent disconnects. Otherwise, the routing point configured in the Setup Survey block is used.


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Result tab

(Optional) In the drop-down, select a variable to store the outcome of the callback interaction.

Callback Settings Data Table

The callback settings for each virtual queue are stored in a special data table called CALLBACK_SETTINGS. You can view the settings for this data table by selecting it on the Data Tables page.

The data table includes a default queue that is already populated with the recommended values. To add a new virtual queue, simply add a new row to the data table. Each parameter is automatically assigned the default setting, but you can edit the values to further refine and customize the callback settings for each virtual queue.

If you are making changes to this data table, note the following:

  • Genesys recommends that you do not set the Callback_TTL ("Time to Live") value lower than the default setting of 259200 seconds (3 days). This value specifies how long the callback service will be kept active in the system. If you set this value too low, the callback is removed from the system before the customer receives their callback. (This value does not apply to scheduled callbacks, as those can be booked up to a week in advance.)
  • If your application is not automatically detecting the caller’s number (ANI), you might have to use the Dial Prefix setting to enter a country calling code, or use the audio prompts to ask callers to include their country code when manually entering their callback phone number.
  • The value for Slot Duration (minutes) must be a divisor of 60. The recommended values are 15 (default), 20, 30, or 60, with 60 being the maximum value you can use.


This data table contains the following parameters:

Setting Key Description Default Value Web Callbacks (for API – see note)
VQ (section name) Name of the Virtual Queue. (none)
Immediate Enabled _immediate_enabled Enables (or disables) the option to offer Immediate Callbacks. true
Scheduled Enabled _scheduled_enabled Enables (or disables) the option to offer Scheduled Callbacks. true
Hold Enabled _hole_enabled Enables (or disables) the option to Hold (or Reject) a callback. true
Logged In Check _logged_in_check Checks to see if any agents are logged in before offering Immediate Callback. If this feature is enabled and no agents are logged in, Immediate callback is not offered. false
Immediate Blackout (minutes) _immediate_blackout This value acts as a cut-off time (in minutes) before the end of the business day when Immediate callbacks won't be offered. For example, if the business closes at 5:00 PM and the Immediate Blackout value is set to 60 minutes (default), customers who call and receive an estimated waiting time that exceeds 4:00 PM (i.e. 60 minutes before closing) won't be offered an Immediate callback.
If Immediate Offer Hours is configured, this option is ignored.
Callback Purge Time (minutes) _callback_purge_time Duration (in minutes) to keep a callback session alive before we make a courtesy call to reschedule or cancel the callback because no agents were found and the callback cannot be processed. However, the courtesy call will be made at the end of the business day if the business closes before the callback session alive time.
You might want the courtesy outbound call to happen at the end of the business day. To do this, set the value of this parameter to a number that is greater than the total number of minutes the office is open. For example, an office with business hours of 09:00–17:00 would be open 480 minutes (or 8 hours). Setting this parameter to a higher value, such as 500, would initiate an outbound call to the customer after business hours (for example, to inform them that no agents were available and to provide them with the option to reschedule or cancel the callback). |2
Call Display Name _call_display_name Name to display for Caller-ID.
Call Display Number _call_display_number Number to display for Caller-ID.
Enable CPD _cpd_enable Enables (or disables) Call Progress Detection. false
CPD Timeout (seconds) _cpd_timeguard Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for Call Progress Detection after the call is connected. 3
Dial Prefix _prefix_dial_out The prefix to add to the phone number for outbound dialing. (This should only be used to add the country code, if desired. The + should not be added here, since it should already be configured in the dial plan.)
If your application is not automatically detecting the caller’s number (ANI), you might have to use this setting to enter a country calling code, or use the audio prompts to ask callers to include their country code when manually entering their callback phone number.
Dial Retry Timeout (seconds) _dial_retry_timeout Time to wait (in seconds) before making another attempt to dial an outbound call, if the previous attempt failed. 30
Max Dial Attempts _max_dial_attempts Maximum number of times to try dialing an outbound call. 3
Min Time Before Callback (seconds) _min_time_before_callback Minimum time (in seconds) between the disconnection of the inbound call and the dialing of the outbound call. 60
Snooze Duration (minutes) _snooze_duration Time to wait (in minutes) before dialing a caller who chose the "snooze" option from the menu. 5
Pushed Callback Expiry Time (minutes) _pushed_callback_expiry_time Duration (in minutes) to keep user-originated callback sessions alive. 120
Skill Expression _target The skill expression to use for targeting an agent. (Example: Billing>0&Collections>0)
Attach Userdata _attach_udata Specifies the format in which the user data should be attached to the interaction before it is routed to an agent.
  • Selecting single_json will attach all user data as one JSON object (key: GMS_UserData).
  • Selecting separate_keys will attach each user data as a separate key. (The name of the key will be the same as the user data key.)
Business Hours _business_hours_service Name of the Business Hours entry for this VQ. This name must correspond to one of the entries in Business Hours.
  • If Immediate Offer Hours is not configured, these hours apply to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.
  • If Immediate Offer Hours is configured, these hours apply only to scheduled callbacks.
  • For immediate callbacks, these hours indicate when immediate callback is to be offered (up until the time specified by Immediate Blackout, if configured).
  • For scheduled callbacks, these hours indicate when timeslots will be available for booking scheduled callbacks.
Immediate Offer Hours _immediate_offer_hours Name of the Business Hours object that defines the hours when Immediate callback is to be offered. This name must correspond to one of the entries in Business Hours. However, this option uses the timezone of the Designer application.
  • Immediate callback will not be offered if the current time plus the Estimated Wait Time (EWT) is outside of the hours defined in Business Hours (_business_hours_service). For example, if Business Hours are set to Monday-Friday, 09:00 - 17:00, the EWT is 10 minutes, and the current time is Monday at 16:55, then Immediate callback will not be offered.
  • This option disables both Immediate Enabled and Immediate Blackout (minutes).
  • If Immediate Offer Hours is configured, the override for offering Immediate callback configured in the Callback V2 block is ignored.
Call Direction _call_direction Determines who will initiate the call to the target. USERTERMINATED (n/a)
Slot Capacity _max_request_by_time_bucket How many callbacks can be offered for each slot. 5
Slot Duration (minutes) _request_time_bucket Duration (in minutes) of the time slots for scheduled callbacks.
This value must be a divisor of 60. The recommended values are 15 (default), 20, 30, or 60, with 60 being the maximum value you can use.
Routing Point _route_point Routing Point (RP) to use for making the outbound call.
Callback Application _service The name of the Designer callback application.
Application Stream _stream Specifies the stream of the application (of Callback type) that will be used. Live
Callback TTL (seconds) _ttl Specifies how long (in seconds) the callback record is stored on the system. This setting is fixed at 14 days (starting from the Desired Callback Time) and cannot be changed. 259200
Web Callbacks (API): If you are booking callbacks directly with the API, not all settings in the CALLBACK_SETTINGS data table are taken into account. The parameters that are included with API callbacks are marked with a checkmark (✓) in the Web Callback column. Parameters with a crossmark (✗) can be checked manually with the appropriate API calls prior to booking the callback. For more information, see Booking a callback using the callbacks create API.
Retrieved from " (2024-10-05 11:22:55)"
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