Genesys Widgets Release Notes

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Not all releases or changes listed below may pertain to your deployment. Check the table below to see which releases apply to you.

The Release table lists the initial availability date for each release and the deployment environments for which a release is made available. Except when otherwise stated in the description for a specific release, each release includes all of the features and resolved issues that were introduced on earlier dates, regardless of the deployment environment. The features and resolved issues that apply only to a specific deployment environment are noted as such.
Available Genesys CX on Private edition Highlights Release
AWS Azure
November 15, 2023 AWS.png This release includes resolved issues to Genesys Widgets.
June 26, 2023 AWS.png This release includes resolved issues to Genesys Widgets.
March 29, 2023 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the Callback Widget.
February 6, 2023 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
January 17, 2023 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
October 19, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the Callback Widget.
September 28, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
August 4, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
June 9, 2022 AWS.png Introduced the new configuration property main.googleFontUrl.
June 3, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
May 27, 2022 AWS.png Google Fonts are now hosted in the Genesys Repository.
March 23, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
February 11, 2022 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
November 24, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
October 18, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
September 3, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
August 3, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
July 20, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
June 30, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
June 4, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat and SideBar Widgets.
May 5, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.
April 23, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget, as well as a security upgrade.
April 9, 2021 AWS.png This release includes important improvements and fixes to the WebChat Widget.

November 15, 2023AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • This release includes security improvements to the WebChat, Callback, GWE, RichMedia, and App plugins. (CXW-322)

June 26, 2023AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • An error dialog is now displayed when a 502 error is received from the Nexus transport. (CXW-317)

  • Uploaded images are now displayed in the chat transcript. Previously, images were not displayed when the image was large. (CXW-316)

March 29, 2023AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • The time slots for the current date in the Callback Widget are now correctly updated after selecting the time slot for the next day and then reopening the calendar. (CXW-315)

February 06, 2023AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • The placeholder text, for Norwegian language, displayed in the Chat Input field in Web Chat Widget is corrected. (CXW-312)

January 17, 2023AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • Users can now view images attached to a chat. Earlier, clicking on an attached image opened an empty browser tab and the image was not displayed. (CXW-311)

October 19, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • The issue when the calendar was not displayed when a callback was scheduled for the same day by setting the genesys.widgets.calendar.numberOfDays configuration parameter to 1 has been resolved. (CXW-310)

September 28, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChat Widget, the proactive chat is now reset in the userData and the isProactive value is no longer sent as true in the reactive chat requests. Previously, the proactive chat's isProactive value was not reset in the userData, and it was sent in the startChat request of the subsequent reactive chat session. (CXW-306)

August 04, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, the Chat button is no longer visible when the web chat is restored. (CXW-304)

June 09, 2022AWS.png

What's New

  • All Google Fonts API references have been removed as part of version, and Widgets now refers to Google Fonts from the Genesys Hosted Repository when the main.downloadGoogleFont configuration option is set to true. As customers are unable to upgrade to the version without a change in their configuration, the configuration property main.googleFontUrl has been introduced to provide customers with the option to select the closest region URL where the Genesys web fonts are securely hosted. Note: By default, Genesys web fonts are loaded from the North America (East) region. (CXW-302)
    More info: Genesys Web Fonts

June 03, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChat, system messages using the "\n" character now display properly in a new line within the chat transcript. (CXW-300)

May 27, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • All Google Fonts API references have been removed and the Google Fonts are now hosted in the Genesys Repository. (CXW-292)

  • When opening the WebChat Widget, the primary focus is now always on the first field in the Chat Registration form. Previously, when the Select element was used as the form's first field, the focus was set on the First Name field instead of the Select element. (CXW-288)

March 23, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChat, when the user swipes or tabs from the last emoji item in the Emoji V1 Menu, the focus order is now properly maintained. Previously, the focus would move to the minimize button instead of the file upload button. (CXW-283)

  • In WebChat, when sending markdown rich media messages that contain URLs with query parameters, the HTML target attribute is now properly added to the chat transcript. Previously, the target attribute provided by the user in the markdown rich media URL message was not applied to the HTML link tag, which caused the URL in the chat transcript to not function as expected. (CXW-281)

February 11, 2022AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget for Genesys Multicloud CX v3, the stream configuration property is now sent correctly during the WebChat restore process. Previously, in certain instances, the stream property would sometimes be missing while restoring the Async WebChat Widget. (CXW-284)

November 24, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChat, Client Messages are now displayed properly in the chat transcript after the connection is restored following a network disruption. Previously, during a network disruption, agents were able to view the contact's messages in the user interface; however these messages were not displayed in the chat transcript. (CXW-271)

October 18, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, you can now enable and disable the metadata using the configuration property metaDataEnabled. (CXW-268)
    More info: WebChat Configuration Options

September 03, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • When using a browser's zoom functionality to switch between Full Screen Mode and Desktop Mode in the WebChat Widget, the browser focus is now properly trapped and released. Previously, the focus remained trapped inside the chat widget which did not allow the user to access the entire page. (CXW-267)

August 03, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChat, when sending markdown messages that contain URLs with query parameters, the HTML target attribute is now properly added to the chat transcript. Previously, the target attribute provided by the user in the markdown URL message was not applied to the HTML link tag, which caused the URL in the chat transcript to not function as expected. (CXW-262)

July 20, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, browser focus is now properly trapped inside the alert dialog box whenever it is displayed in full screen mode on a desktop. Previously, the browser focus was not trapped inside the alert dialog box, which would allow a user to navigate to the background window and address bar using the tab and shift keys. (CXW-259)

June 30, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • Now, when Webchat is in use with Pure Engage V3 API layer and the Restore previous session browser option is disabled, messages display properly when the browser is closed and reopened, and a new chat session is started. (CXW-256)

  • In Webchat, the Emoji menu (v1) items are now accessible while navigating the User Interface with a voice-over screen reader using iOS. (CXW-254)

June 04, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat registration form, in mobile or full-screen mode, tabbing from each input field or button now works as expected. Previously, if the tab keys were used to navigate through the form, the tabbing would stop on the hidden emoji button. (CXW-253)

  • In the Sidebar Widget's menu items, the role and title attributes are now removed for cx-icon as per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards. Previously, the cx-icon div tag had role="img" and title attributes, which resulted in missing alt text. (CXW-247)

May 05, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, when using Safari on iPhone, and the website has scrolling capability, the page no longer automatically scrolls to the top or the bottom when the WebChat registration form is closed. Previously, the page scrolled to the bottom when the WebChat registration form was closed. (CXW-246)

  • In the WebChat Widget, when the user submits the chat registration form in iOS with VoiceOver, the loading announcement now occurs as expected. (CXW-237)

April 23, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • Handlebars.js library version is upgraded to 4.7.7, resolving a security issue. (CXW-251)

  • In the WebChat Widget, the screen reader's voice-over focus is now on the Cancel button when the End Chat alert dialog is displayed in iOS. Previously, voice-over focus was on the Close button. (CXW-238)

  • In the WebChat Widget, when the End Chat alert dialog displays, the focus is now on the Cancel button. Previously, the focus was on the End Chat button. (CXW-215)

April 09, 2021AWS.png

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, localization strings now apply as expected and error messages display in the correct language. Previously, the WebChat Widget used the default language strings in some error messages. (CXW-232)

Prior Releases

For information about prior releases of Genesys Widgets, click here: Genesys Widgets

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