View table: SMART_UseCase

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Table structure:

  • MintyDocsVersion - String
  • MintyDocsProduct - String
  • MintyDocsManual - String
  • ID - String
  • Title - String
  • Offering - String
  • UCOverview - Wikitext
  • UCSummary - Wikitext
  • Description - Wikitext
  • PainPoints - Wikitext
  • DesiredState - Wikitext
  • BuyerPersonas - Wikitext
  • QualifyingQuestions - Wikitext
  • MaturityLevel - Wikitext
  • SellableItems - List of String
  • CloudAssumptionsAdditional - Wikitext
  • PremiseAssumptionsAdditional - Wikitext
  • CloudAssumptionsAdditional_Sales - Wikitext
  • PremiseAssumptionsAdditional_Sales - Wikitext
  • BusinessLogic - Wikitext
  • DistributionLogic - Wikitext
  • CustomerInterfaceRequirements - Wikitext
  • AgentDeskRequirements - Wikitext
  • OperationalRequirements - Wikitext
  • RealTimeReporting - Wikitext
  • HistoricalReporting - Wikitext
  • GeneralAssumptions - Wikitext
  • CustomerAssumptions - Wikitext
  • RequiresAll - List of String
  • RequiresOr - List of String
  • Optional - List of String
  • Exceptions - List of String
  • Requires - List of String
  • PremiseAssumptions - List of Text
  • CloudAssumptions - List of Text
  • Conditions - Text
  • Video - String
  • RelatedDocs - Wikitext
  • DocVersion - String

This table has 118 rows altogether.

Page MintyDocsVersion MintyDocsProduct MintyDocsManual ID Title Offering UCOverview UCSummary Description PainPoints DesiredState BuyerPersonas QualifyingQuestions MaturityLevel SellableItems CloudAssumptionsAdditional PremiseAssumptionsAdditional CloudAssumptionsAdditional Sales PremiseAssumptionsAdditional Sales BusinessLogic DistributionLogic CustomerInterfaceRequirements AgentDeskRequirements OperationalRequirements RealTimeReporting HistoricalReporting GeneralAssumptions CustomerAssumptions RequiresAll RequiresOr Optional Exceptions Requires PremiseAssumptions CloudAssumptions Conditions Video RelatedDocs DocVersion
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/BO01 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud BO01 Genesys Work Automation GenesysCloud Routing work effectively into the contact center unlocks a multitude of business benefits that significantly impact customer experience and operational efficiency. It is challenging to balance and distribute high volumes of work items along with interactions, quickly, and in accordance to the underlying customer commitment or SLA. While many have invested in automation, these systems and applications focus on the process and not the employees who actually complete the processes.  Here's a breakdown of the key value propositions:

Unified View & Orchestration:

Single Pane of Glass: By routing all work, including interactions and tasks, through a central platform, businesses gain a holistic view of customer journeys. This eliminates information silos and facilitates seamless handoffs, ensuring agents have a complete context for each interaction.

End-to-End Journey Orchestration: Routing extends beyond initial contact, allowing for the orchestration of the entire customer journey. This enables automated routing of tasks based on specific needs, ensuring prompt resolution and a consistent experience across touchpoints.

Enhanced Efficiency & Faster Resolution:

Automation: Effective routing connects and automates tasks between agents and backend systems (e.g. CRM, ERPs), streamlining workflows and minimizing manual processes. This translates to faster resolution times for customer issues, improving overall satisfaction.

End-to-End Observability & Management: Real-time visibility into the entire service process, facilitated by effective routing, enables proactive identification of bottlenecks. This allows for targeted interventions and resource allocation, optimizing agent utilization and reducing wait times.

Proactive Planning & Improved Customer Experience:

Accurate Forecasting & Scheduling: By analyzing historical data and routing patterns, businesses can accurately forecast workload and schedule agents accordingly. This proactive approach ensures adequate resources are available to meet customer demands, minimizing hold times and frustration.

Eradicating Bottlenecks: Effective routing helps identify and eliminate bottlenecks throughout the customer journey. This proactive approach ensures a smooth and seamless experience for customers, preventing frustration and fostering positive brand perception.

Strategically routing work into the contact center goes beyond simply connecting agents with customers. It unlocks a comprehensive framework for optimizing agent efficiency, streamlining operations, and ultimately, delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Genesys Work Automation is a modern, cloud native approach to workitem routing and process automation purpose built for Genesys Cloud. It is intended for work that originates from the contact center to be easily tracked, automated and forecasted for agents.

Genesys Work Automation enables effective management and distribution of work items and high value leads in the contact center. This distribution occurs across multiple departments to the best-suited agent, based on business segmentation, resource skills, and availability.

Genesys can receive and capture work from multiple source systems. The work item will be created and assigned to a pre-defined work type based on the business logic created. Tasks can be distributed to workbins where agents and supervisors can fetch tasks from there or can also be automatically assigned to an agent.

Refer to Additional Documentation section for resources on configuring the business logic for this use case. Refer to Additional Documentation section for resources on configuring the distribution logic for this use case. This use case requires the Agent using the Agent UI with the Task List:

Task List screen 0.5x.png

  • There is no direct migration path from iWD and IPA to Work Automation.
  • Work Automation will enable CX Evolution for iWD and IPA customers. Customers will likely need to re-engineer their workflows and implementations to adapt to Work Automation.
  • Implementation of the business process and prioritization logic are supported through Architect and Work Automation Triggers.
  • Network communication between Genesys and the source of external contextual data is enabled.

  • Work Automation use case with tasks arriving from a source system use a provisioned bi-directional REST capture point.
  • The customer handles the Genesys Work Automation integration of the source system.
  • Any source-system changes needed for the integration with Genesys are within the customer responsibility.
  • The source system must support the update of work items in Genesys Work Automation as required by the work item life cycle (complete, update, pause, resume, cancel, and so on).
  • Work items appear in this use case as the "workitem" media type
  • Customer has reviewed the Work Automation roadmap to align their CX Evolution timelines with Work Automation roadmap.
CE16 v1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE07 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE07 GenesysCloud Smart contact center software knows who’s calling. Genesys Cloud CX identifies customers based on their caller ID or prompts the customer for identifying information. This information is passed throughout the call flow for progressive identification and verification — so your customers don’t have to repeat themselves and your agents can start solving problems faster.
  • Increasing competitive pressure​
  • High customer churn​
  • High purchase abandonment​
  • Unable to use context​
  • Poor customer experience scores​​
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels​
  • Calls with long handle times​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​​​
  • Integrate with customer database or CRM for identification​
  • Identify customers based on their caller id​
  • If no identification, ask identifying question before verification​​​
  • If identified, ask verification question & determine whether to authenticate customer or not​
  • Call can be routed to continue in the IVR​
  • Alternatively, the call can be routed to an agent​​
  • If an agent receives the call, they are notified that the caller is already identified & verified and do not have to repeat those steps​​​
Consistent Genesys Cloud CX 2 or greater Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Client has web services accessible customer database (Web Services is preferred. Bridge would be required if web services is not available)​
  • OR Client uses CRM which already has a built-in data integration

Parameters and Business Rules

  • Customer identification by ANI / CLI - Step 3 in the business flow can be enabled or disabled depending on specific business requirements. If this step is disabled, the flow always asks for a customer identifier. (for example customer ID, account number, or tracking number.) You can set this parameter for each company service line.
  • General: Voice Prompts - The business can configure all voice prompts within this flow.
There is no applicable content for this section. No applicable content for this section. If Genesys Cloud CX transfers the call to an agent, the agent receives an indication whether the customer is:
  • Identified and verified
  • Identified only
  • Not identified or verified

If they are available in the back-end system, Genesys Cloud CX displays the customer's identifier and name.

Due to the continuous evolution, the features available in Genesys Cloud CX rapidly change. See the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center for latest features at

The following are examples of Genesys Cloud CX Historical and Real-time views that provide relevant insights:

  • Agent
    • Agent views provide metrics on agent status, agent performance, agent interactions, and other metrics to understand agent activity. Filters include skills, languages, wrap-up codes, and more.
  • Queue
    • There are several views that provide insight into both real-time and historical queue activity.
    • The Queue Activity view shows real-time metrics, including all calls that are currently waiting on and interacting with agents.
  • Interactions
    • The Interactions view provides detailed information on both historical and real-time interactions.
    • It allows supervisors to filter interactions based on metrics including agent names and wrap-up codes.
  • Reports
    • Genesys Cloud CX has a full library of canned reports available in .pdf and .xlsx formats.
    • Supervisors can filter these reports by dates, users, queues, and so on.
    • Supervisors can download reports from the Genesys Cloud CX user interface.
    • Supervisors can schedule reports to run and download in batch.
  • Other Views
    • WFM
    • Quality
    • Outbound
    • Scheduled Callbacks
    • Campaigns
    • And more
Same as real-time Reporting.
  • Identify the customer using the businesses publicly available REST endpoint. This endpoint must provide the appropriate web services and must be web accessible.
  • Validate the customer's identity using the publicly available REST endpoint that the business provides.
  • The business must either have a unique identifier or a phone number for each customer used for identification.
  • If the business requests customer entries, the unique identifier must be numeric.
CE43 N/A 396472805 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE08 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE08 GenesysCloud This functional use case enables companies to use Payment Capture capabilities to provide PCI PA-DSS certified payments out-of-the-box (PCI PA-DSS = Payment Card Industry - Payment Application Data Security Standard). Dynamic treatment is applied so that only relevant questions for the card are asked. The use case can be deployed in fully automated or agent-initiated mode. Allows companies to add a PA-DSS certified payment capture IVR application to a call flow to capture payments quickly. The payment capture IVR application integrates with a third-party payment provider to complete the payment. The payment capture IVR application includes automatic card type detection. It also applies appropriate rules for collection and validation of the card data. Payments can be agent-assisted or fully automated.
  • Inability to achieve PCI DSS for taking card payments​
  • Low payment capture rates​
  • Struggling to meet evolving compliance requirements​​
  • Existing technology no longer meets business needs
  • Customer is transferred to the payment capture IVR application (transferred from IVR or agent)​
  • Payment application determines if customer has been identified & verified​
  • If yes, the payment application requests the credit card information via either DTMF or Voice​
  • Based on the card used, the payment application requests the needed card details (expiration date, CCV, etc)​
  • Application plays back details to confirm before submitting​
  • Application is integrated with Payment Gateway, completes payment through Gateway​
  • When successful, application informs customer of successful payment​
Defined Genesys Cloud CX 2 or greater Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Integration with a payment application via Rest-based API's.,
  • Customer undergoes certification of full PCI environment to be considered fully PCI compliant

Parameters to be Passed to the Payment Application

The payment capture IVR application requires the following parameters:

  • Customer or Account Identifier (recommended)
  • Outstanding Balance or Payment Amount (recommended)
  • Payment Reference (optional)

Configuration Settings

The following parameters are configurable within the system:

  • The maximum number of declined payments allowed before exiting the flow
  • The allowed cards for payment (such as Amex and Visa)
  • The currency of the payment
  • Setting and details on the payment provider
  • Optionally a minimum payment amount in case the customer can specify the payment amount. For payment requests below this amount, there is an error flow where the application asks the customer to enter the amount they want to pay.
  • The result to return when the customer reaches the maximum attempts, possibly to send the call to an agent, or initiate some other handling
There is no applicable content for this section. There is no applicable content for this section. Use Genesys scripts to create an action to start a payment transfer. The scripts pass data for payment amount and other details that are required to complete the secure payment transaction. Conversations for which an agent started a secure IVR Flow have a specific IVR segment on the conversation. The Interaction view shows this specific segment on the conversation. Conversations that involve a transfer from the IVR into the payment provider shows the payment provider's IVR as a separate IVR segment on the conversation. Same as real-time Reporting
  • The customer / partner provides the integration between Genesys Cloud CX and the payment Gateway (or the CRM or another system that processes the payment)
  • Requirements for the payment provider:
    • REST-based API for payment integration
  • Certification of the full PCI environment is outside the scope of this use case.
  • Audio Prompts:
    • Genesys recommends that pre-recorded prompts be used for any dynamic playback of information such as payment amounts, dates, or order numbers, as these prompts provide a better caller experience than using text-to-speech.
    • TTS is optional for playback of prompts.
  • Input modes:
    • If the agent starts the payment capture by conferencing the customer with the IVR, customer inputs are DTMF only.
    • If payment capture is started from IVR, customer inputs are using DTMF.
  • Enabled organization for PCI.
CE01 CE07 N/A 484607951 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE09 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE09 GenesysCloud IVRs have historically been designed to maximize the containment of callers to reduce staffing costs associated with increased call volume, often without a careful assessment of customer experience. This has led to deep and complex IVR menu trees that frustrate customers, create an undesirable customer experience, and result in high opt-out rates. IVR personalization addresses the following:
  • Simplify the menu structure (both depth and within a single menu)
  • Present meaningful options to the caller
  • Increase containment and use of the IVR through ease of use and relevance of options
  • Increase customer satisfaction through simpler, more relevant navigation and completion of tasks IVR personalization is proven to increase self-service rates and improve customer experience.
Customers presented with personalized menus and messages are more likely to self-serve. This functional use case lists several types of personalization as follows:
  • Proactively play a status or balance before presenting any options. For example, “Your next order is due to be delivered on Thursday.”
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason. For example, “Are you calling about the loan application you have in progress?”
  • Personalize menu options, have multiple variants of the same menu which are personalized got different contexts. For example, play a menu that contains mortgage optionsonly if they have a mortgage, or present a menu with a promotion option only if they are eligible.
  • Data table driven personalization can be used in conjunction with dynamic prompting to provide the ability to change the prompts based on language or customer context, such as age. These types of personalization can lead to an increase in self-service rates. They can also improve customer experience by shortening the time spent on the IVR or bypassing self-service based on the context of the customer’s call. The context to drive this personalization can be retrieved from native or from third-party data sources. Personalized IVR can also update customer context so that this information is available across other channels.
  • Low self-service adoption​
  • Unable to identify customers to provide a personalized experience​
  • Long handle times from increased call volume​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to generic IVR Experience​
  • Increased agent frustration and low morale due to handling of low value and monotonous queries​
  • Lower KPIs due to lack of segmentation​​​

  • Identify caller using context or IDV data​
  • Personalized treatment based on context and business rules – for example:​
  • Proactively play status or balance update​
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason​
  • Personalized menu options​
  • See context for transfer to an agent​
  • If no personalized treatments, then continue with IVR application​​
Defined ​ For additional personalization Genesys recommends this use case in conjunction with Genesys Customer Authentication (CE07) for PureConnect. PureConnect: Voice XML Interpreter Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service ​ Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional)​ PureConnect: Secure Input IVR (Optional) PureConnect: Speech Recognition Services (Optional) PureConnect: MRCP ASR Feature License (Optional) PureConnect: Interaction Speech Recognizer (ISR) (Optional) Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Additional Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 2 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 3 - Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Text-To-Speech (ITTS) (Optional) ITTS Base Langage ITTS Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Attendant Remote Data Query (Optional) PureConnect: Secure Input IVR (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Client has web services accessible
  • ​Client provides access to application to validate customer identity​
N/A The personalized treatments use built-in variables or external variables. See the following table for an example list of variables. Personalized treatments are confirmed during design.

Built-in Variables

Name Description
Call.Ani The caller’s origin phone number for the active call (Automatic Number Identification).
Call.CalledAddress The called address that caused the caller to enter this flow. For a new inbound call, this value is the same as Call.CalledAddressOriginal, but changes for a flow entered by a transfer, for example.
Call.CalledAddressOriginal The called address received when the call first entered the system. Typically this address is the phone number that the caller dialed to reach the system. For a specified call, this value never changes.
Call.Language The IETF language tag lowercase string value set on the current interaction.
Call.RemoteName Remote name for the active call.
Call.UUIData Reflects the user-to-user call information (UUI) set on the call.
FindSystemPrompt If it finds an exact match, FindSystemPrompt Performs a search for an Architect system prompt by the specified prompt name and returns the Prompt value.
FindUserPrompt If it finds an exact match, FindUserPrompt Performs a search for an Architect user prompt by the specified prompt name and returns the Prompt value.
Flow.IsTest Indicates whether the flow is running in debug mode.
Flow.StartDateTimeUTC The UTC DateTime when the flow started execution.

External Variables
In addition to the built-in variables described in the table, more customer variables can be used in the rules. These variables can be:

  • Retrieved from a third-party system by a data action call to a web service.
  • Set by the IVR application that applies this use case. This logic can be based on caller input, for example.

Business Rules

Apply the Business rules to the variables using expression evaluation in a Switch action. The outcome of the business rule determines which personalized treatment applies. Business rules consist of logical calculations that are built as an expression. Examples include:

  • Variable customer segment is equal to VIP.
  • Current Date is equal to 24.12.2020.
  • Can combine Multiple logical conditions within one business rule. This combination means that the treatment is applied only if all conditions are met. Another option is to apply the treatment when any of the conditions are met. Examples for business rules:
    • If Customer Segment = VIP and Outstanding Support Request = true, then route directly to VIP support queue
    • If Customer Segment = Platinum or Customer Segment = Gold, then play preferred customer announcement

Multiple Rules

Can add Multiple rules to the business logic for personalized routing so that many different personalized treatments can be handled within the same call flow.

There is no applicable content for this section. No applicable content for this section. No applicable content for this section. The Genesys solution provides reports to determine:
  1. Self-Service success.
  2. How customers entered and exited the IVR
  3. How long customers spent in the IVR.

NOTE: This solution is not available until later in Q1.

The Genesys solution provides reports to determine:
  1. Self-Service success.
  2. How customers entered and exited the IVR.
  3. How long customers spent in the IVR.

N.B. This will not be available until later in Q1.

  • External variables require customer integration into a third-party system. We assume that this data can be accessed using a web service.
CE43 CE07 463028065 V 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE11 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE11 GenesysCloud A company must make outbound calls to start contact with its customers which are based on specific business rules for sales, marketing, care, or collections. This use case describes the ability to configure and run outbound dialing campaigns – both automated and agent-assisted – based on customer-provided contact lists.

Generating new business and up-selling existing customers is a critical part of any business. The challenges of Sales and marketing organizations include improving the efficiency of their team members increasing reach, contact rates, response rates, revenue, and complying with industry regulations.

Sales and lead development reps are manually dialing customers and prospects for sales and marketing purposes, which are expensive and wastes time. Companies are managing communication channels in silos and don't have an integrated, multichannel outbound platform. All companies must follow industry regulations and manage for compliance risk.

Improved Effectiveness / Higher Return on Investment

  • Improved Return on Investment of outbound sales and marketing campaigns (for example telemarketing; upsell/cross-sell; customer win-back; loyalty/promotions)
  • Leads are routed to sales agents within seconds (not minutes, hours, or days) since "speed to lead" follow-up is crucial in many sales environments. This drives lead contact rates and conversion rates while decreasing call abandonment rates
  • Sales departments are using predictive, progressive, and preview dialing modes instead of making manual dials and outbound call volume is efficiently paced. The various dialing modes result in more sales conversations and increases agent productivity
  • Companies are using multiple channels

Happier Agents

  • Automated channels are used when appropriate to improve agent efficiency and satisfaction by removing low value calls and wasted time
  • Productive and highly utilized agents have more opportunities to close business and meet their sales quotas

Happier Legal Team

  • Compliance and business rules are accurately maintained to ensure enterprise-wide contact strategy adherence
The Genesys system supports both agent-assisted and automated outbound call campaigns in various dialing modes, including predictive, power, progressive, preview, and agentless. Companies tell Genesys which consumers they want to contact. Companies blend contact strategies and escalate outreach attempts from automated calls to agent-assisted. The system records delivery results for use in reports.

A company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events. The contact lists include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, contact phone number, and contact reason. The system records delivery results for use in reports.

Sales and lead development reps are manually dialing customers and prospects for sales and marketing purposes, which are expensive and wastes time. Companies are managing communication in silos and don't have an integrated, outbound dialing campaign. All companies must follow industry regulations and manage for compliance risk.

  • Calls by agents are effective, but they are expensive and can lose effectiveness over time.
  • Low agent utilization due to subpar predictive dialling or an overreliance on manual dialling.
  • Unable to efficiently pace outbound volume resulting in agent idle-time or call abandonment inefficiencies.
  • Inability to prevent too many contact attempts to the same consumer or to meet compliance requirements such as excluding mobile numbers without opt-in.
  • Cannot proactively contact sales opportunities.
  • Optimally pace contact attempts while taking the expected impact on inbound/outbound interactions and agent availability into consideration
  • Self-service campaign management enables business users to create rules and maintain compliance
  • Contact opted in consumers (assumes company provides preferences as part of their contact lists)
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Sales Operations, Head of Business Units Differentiated Genesys Cloud CX 1 if only agent based outbound will be performed OR Genesys Cloud CX 2 or greater if agentless (IVR) outbound notification will be used. N/A
  • This use case is not available in Premise


Contact Records

The admin loads the contacts in Genesys Cloud CX. Genesys does not configure the API calls from external systems to add contacts. A custom solution can do this work as a custom SOW at extra cost.

Agentless Campaigns

The customer can configure their campaigns with various dialing modes, including Agentless (IVR). The customer or Genesys PS configures the dialing mode of a campaign before uploading the contact list. The admin or Genesys PS also configures any pre-recorded messages and IVR flows for automated outbound calls.

Campaign Settings

The customer admin or Genesys PS configures various campaign settings such as:

  • Scheduling
  • Maximum attempts
  • Do Not Call (DNC) options
  • Default* agent script
  • Contact list
  • Pacing
  • Rule sets
  • Priority
  • Sorting (Dynamic or Static)
  • Caller ID
  • Filter
  • ACD queue
  • Time zone mapping

*More advanced scripts are part of the Genesys services catalog.

Dialing Mode: Preview, Progressive, Power, Predictive, Agentless

A customer can choose to run outbound dialing campaigns using Preview, Progressive, Power, Predictive, or Agentless modes. Either the customer admin or Genesys PS configures the campaign. A customer can also designate specific contacts to always be dialed in Preview mode (Precise Dialing). Preview mode ensures that an agent is available when the specific customer answers.

If Preview mode is used, customers can assign ownership to an agent so they will only those records. This is helpful by combining several individual campaigns into a single one.

Answering Machine Detection (AMD

Call analysis (CPD) that includes AMD detects whether an answering machine or a live person is answering the phone before connecting the call to an agent. A customer can also choose whether to disconnect, play a message, or send the call to an IVR flow when a call connects. A customer can also disable AMD for compliance reasons, or if the customer wants to have agents handle all connected calls to ensure that an agent is available when the customer answers.


DNC Lists

Do Not Contact lists should include customers who have opted out of previous campaigns and a country-specific DNC list (if applicable). A customer can apply multiple DNC lists to a campaign. When a consumer opts out of a campaign, they should be added to the DNC list. Customers can also upload another DNC list or add an individual to an existing DNC list. These suppression lists can then be applied to future campaigns at the campaign level. DNC lists can also be outsourced to one of our integrated partners,, or Gryphon Networks. They can manage their subscriptions to those services and customize several options including wireless and VoIP identification.

For internal DNC lists, users can now set an expiration time/date for a DNC record. After this time, the system will ignore the entry and proceed with making an attempt. Our integration features the ability to block restricted days such as state holidays as well as specific time of day restrictions.


For Agentless (IVR) campaigns, the content of the messaging can be personalized (TTS audio).


Agentless - Connect to Agent Option

Agentless option requires implementation of Inbound, please see the Use Case Interdependencies section.

There is no applicable content for this section.
  • The agent must be able to add contacts to the Do Not Call list (DNC) or to make the contact uncallable via the agent script or wrap-up code.
  • The agent must be able to enter a wrap-code for each call (such as Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Stopped, Transferred, Up Sell). The Customer Admin or Genesys PS configures the wrap-up codes (included within the corresponding use cases).
Use Genesys Cloud CX Performance dashboards and views for real-time reporting on active outbound campaigns. Use agents for outbound dialer campaigns and improve campaign performance.
  • Watch campaigns run in real time on Performance Outbound Campaigns dashboards. Monitor connect rates, abandoned calls, and the progress of each running campaign. Select a campaign on the Campaigns dashboard page and observe the number of idle agents, the abandon rates compared with target rates, number of calls blocked by Do Not Call lists etc. The Outbound campaign details view shows campaign statistics, wrap-up call details, live or historical interactions, and scheduled interactions for a campaign.
  • See detailed information on agent metrics to improve the performance of outbound campaigns. View a list of outbound campaign interactions specific to an agent in Agents Interactions Detail view, and monitor successfully completed sales in Agents wrap-up Detail view.
  • View in-progress and completed interactions associated with outbound campaigns in Interactions view. This view displays interactions associated with multiple campaigns and outbound interactions associated with selected contact lists.
  • See Queues Interactions Detail view, in Performance Queues, for in-progress and completed interactions associated with outbound campaigns for specific queues and selected contact lists.

To improve performance of outbound campaigns, use Genesys Cloud CX reports to see past metrics and data for your dialer campaigns.
  • The Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempts History report displays outbound interaction attempts for one or more campaigns during a specific date and time range. It contains information such as caller ID number and name, the total amount of time spent on wrap-up for the interaction, and the amount of time between the customer answering the call and the call transferring into an outbound flow.
  • The Dialer Campaign Success Results by Interval report includes totals for the interval, by day, for the number of dials, contacts, and abandons for the campaign. If a report includes more than one dialer campaign, the report aggregates the totals for all the campaigns. The report includes the percentage of: contacts compared with the calls placed, abandoned calls compared with the calls placed, and abandoned calls compared with the number of contacts.
  • The Dialer Campaign Success Results by Day report displays a daily breakdown of the results for one or more dialer campaigns during a specific date range. The report includes weekly and monthly totals for the number of dials, contacts, and abandons for the campaign. The report includes the percentage of: contacts compared with the calls placed, abandoned calls compared with the calls placed, and abandoned calls compared with the number of contacts.
  • The customer provides Genesys with the contact list from their own CRM, marketing, or collections database. This contact list can be either a flat file or an on-demand trickle-feed that applies the Genesys Cloud CX REST API. Note: development work to write against the API is not included as part of this use case.
  • The customer is responsible for recording and providing any required announcements and recordings[LF1].
  • The customer handles compliance as follows:
    • The customer has acquired the proper level of express opt-in consent from its contacts to receive Sales and Marketing calls and automated messages.
    • The customer maintains an auditable list and honors opt-out requests.
    • The contact lists that are loaded into Genesys Cloud CX contain only customers to whom calls can be made according to the corresponding local compliance rules.
  • The outbound solution can be configured based on the customer's understanding and direction of compliance with local outbound calling regulations at the site of the installation. The customer is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations regarding outbound calling and automatic dialing. It is recommended that the customer's legal department confirms that the organization is in full compliance with these regulations.
CE43 407614711 V 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE12 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE12 GenesysCloud Consumers want businesses to send them proactive notifications when that information is personalized, timely, and relevant. Automated notifications are an efficient, quick way to notify customers of appointment reminders, delivery notifications, fraud alerts, coupons, loyalty program information, surveys, and much more. Many companies struggle with adding the SMS channel to their outbound notification strategy for marketing, care, or collections. This use case offers the ability to configure and execute outbound SMS / Email campaigns. This use case illustrates how companies proactively send customers notifications using SMS or email for marketing, care, or collections purposes. The company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists to generate an SMS or email campaign. The lists can include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, mobile phone number, email address and contact reason. The system records delivery results to feed into reports. Public APIs are useful to send a message based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events without needing to build and maintain a traditional "blast" campaign.

Outbound SMS / Email notification examples include:

Financial Services Telecom Healthcare Utilities
  • New customer engagement
  • Replenish prepaid card reminders
  • Payment reminders
  • Fraud alerts
  • Going over plan alerts
  • Payment reminders
  • Upgrade eligibility
  • Customer win -back
  • Appointment reminders
  • Wellness updates
  • Refill prescriptions
  • Claim status updates
  • Service call confirmation
  • Planned downtime
  • Outage status
  • Payment reminders
Retail Insurance Collection Agencies Travel and Hospitality
  • Promotional Messaging
  • Order confirmations
  • Product recalls
  • Loyalty program activity
  • Quote follow-up
  • Payment reminders
  • Claims status updates
  • Renewal notice
  • Payment reminders
  • Late payment alterations
  • Payment confirmations
  • Booking confirmation
  • Upselling service
  • Payment reminders
  • Travel updates
  • Loyalty program activity
  • Unable to keep customers informed about their accounts and the products and services they use
  • Can’t engage with customers over their preferred channels
  • Unable to deflect avoidable inbound contacts resulting in higher agent costs and lower satisfaction
  • Proactively sending timely and personalized alerts, confirmations, and reminders using multiple channels results in lower customer effort and fewer inbound interactions
  • Contact consumers in accordance to their channel preferences (this use case assumes the company provides contact list with only opted-in customers)
  • Reduce outreach costs by leveraging less expensive text messaging versus agent calls
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service Consistent

Agentless SMS and Email Notifications

Customers typically use agentless SMS / Email notifications when triggering a message based on an event such as: purchase, scheduled appointment, two factor authorization, and so on. The customer must have an external system invoking the API call to send the message. These trigger-based notifications are not sent all at once. As such, trigger-based notifications do not use traditional outbound campaigns. However, they are included within interaction views and reporting.

Standard SMS Keywords

Standard opt-out keywords include STOP and UNSUBSCRIBE and additional variations including: END, QUIT, CANCEL and STOPALL

Standard help keywords include HELP and INFO.

Standard opt-in keywords include START, YES and UNSTOP.

SMS Campaigns

Contact List

  • The organization either prepares a contact list from a third-party system (such as CRM) or configures their system to use Genesys Cloud CX APIs to insert contact records.
  • Batch Upload Option: Customer contacts are loaded through the User Interface using a .csv file.
  • API Upload Option: Customer contacts are loaded through a Genesys Cloud CX API call. Customers can set a flag in the API to add the contact to the top of the list.


  • The campaign is started and begins contacting consumers based on the campaign settings configured. The Genesys Cloud CX system checks each contact record against the Do Not Contact list(s) assigned to the campaign to filter out consumers who should not be contacted. The message body can be specified in a SMS campaign templated associated with the campaign. Alternatively, the customer can specify the SMS message body for each contact record by assigning a column in the list as the message column. Best practice recommends that if hyperlinks are used in the message that the total message content is no more than 160 characters to avoid splitting the hyperlink across multiple text messages.
  • The consumer’s mobile phone provider determines the concatenation of an long message. Messages longer than 160 characters may be concatenated into one message by the mobile provider or may arrive as multiple messages. Genesys stores the SMS sent success or failure status of a message on the interaction. Consumer may decide to respond to the SMS message. Responses will thread with the original outbound SMS message for a configured amount of time with the available metadata from the SMS message to identify the consumer. For a HELP keyword, a customer-specified help text is sent to the consumer. For a STOP keyword, a default or customer-specified text is sent to the consumer, the mobile number is added to a suppression list by the aggregator, and further messages are blocked by the aggregator. For a START or UNSTOP keyword, the aggregator begins allowing further messages to be sent to the consumer.

Email Campaigns

Contact List

  • The organization either prepares a contact list from a third-party system (such as CRM) or configures their system to use Genesys Cloud CX APIs to insert contact records.
  • Batch Upload Option: Customer contacts are loaded through the User Interface using a .csv file.
  • API Upload Option: Customer contacts are loaded through a Genesys Cloud CX API call. Customers can set a flag in the API to add the contact to the top of the list.


  • The message body can be specified in an email campaign template associated with the campaign.
  • The outbound domain used for sending messages is provisioned in Genesys Cloud.
  • The campaign is started and begins contacting consumers based on the campaign settings configured.
  • The Genesys Cloud CX system checks each contact record against the Do Not Contact list(s) assigned to the campaign to filter out consumers who should not be contacted.
There is no applicable content for this section. N/A N/A Live messaging campaign information can be found on the Messaging Campaigns tab on the Campaign Management dashboard.
  • Campaigns can be turned on/off
  • Campaign progress is shown with the number of total contacts and the number of processed contacts
  • Campaign attributes such as name, contact list, and division are also provided

Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History can be used to display the individual:
  • Number of SMS attempts
  • DateTime of SMS attempt
  • Campaign and queue
  • Contact ID
  • Number of SMS messages rejected by the aggregator
  • Number of SMS messages accepted by the aggregator

Further information about campaign results can be found by exporting the contact list such as:

  • Records skipped, for example, the contact is listed on a "do not contact list" assigned to a campaign

Customers can have ultimate flexibility by using the Interactions View to show detailed results of a campaign, including applying filters and choosing data columns, and also export as .csv or .pdf. Note: This view is the only method available to see details when using the agentless API method of sending SMS messages.

  • The customer cannot use a third-party SMS / email aggregator.
  • Our aggregator stores opt-out requests and blocks messages if a customer attempts to send them to a consumer. This is accomplished by the consumer using keywords such as STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, or QUIT. If the consumer wants to resume messages (opt-in), they can use keywords such as START, YES, and UNSTOP. Genesys also supports custom keywords for opt-in and opt-out requests.
  • For SMS campaigns, customers must acquire a short code in North America.

  • Customer provides Genesys with the contact list from their own CRM, marketing, or collections database - either via uploading a .csv file in the user interface or using API endpoints to add contacts to a contact list.
  • Compliance is handled by the customer. The customer has the responsibility for securing express consent from consumers (when required) before sending SMS messages, maintains an auditable list, and honors opt-out requests. The contact lists loaded into Genesys should contain only consumers to whom and when an SMS message can be sent according to the corresponding local compliance rules.
  • The outbound solution is configured based on the customer's understanding and direction of compliance with local outbound SMS regulations at the site of installation as well as at the local regulations at the site of delivery of SMS messages. The customer is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations concerning outbound SMS and automatic sending of SMS. It is recommended that the customer's legal department assert that the organization is in full compliance with these regulations as SMS messages are sometimes considered the same as voice calls with regard to compliance.
  • The sender number (dedicated short code or long code) is provisioned on the Genesys system.
  • MMS is not included in the scope of this use case.
  • For email campaigns, customers must provision an outbound domain in Genesys Cloud for sending emails on behalf of the campaign

UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE16 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE16 GenesysCloud Email is still one of the most reliable and desired ways for customers to interact with companies for support. It is an essential avenue for companies to serve and engage with customers while providing a consistent and positive customer experience. Genesys can improve handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction by automatically distributing emails to the best available agent based on content analysis and keywords, systemizing automatic acknowledgment, and automating responses. A customer sends an email to a company email address. Genesys Cloud CX receives the email and triggers an inbound email flow. The inbound email's flow can automatically reply to the customer to set expectations, or the flow can search basic keywords determine the correct routing. Genesys Cloud CX routes the email to the queue that corresponds to the email's "to" address and the matching keywords. The email is then distributed to the best available agent based on the required skills. When an agent receives the email, the agent sends an email reply to the customer. Genesys Cloud CX tracks subsequent replies from the customer as part of the same conversation, assuming they come within a few days. In this way, Genesys Cloud CX routes the replies to the same agent.

Organizations can configure ACD so that phone conversations can interrupt email conversations. This approach allows agents to maintain and hit service levels goals for voice while working on email during slower periods.

Organizations can also optionally enhance Genesys Cloud CX so that a supervisor or quality evaluator can review outgoing emails from agents. This enhancement provides management visibility into the email interaction channel and enables further process improvements.

  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Website not offering or providing the right information or online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels
  • Inconsistency in responses
  • Unable to connect to the best agent
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer
  • Poor customer experience scores

  • Enable email on web site
  • Recognize customers
  • Understand intent and sentiment
  • Deliver personalized response
  • Leverage standard response library when needed
  • Meet SLA
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service Consistent N/A Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Architect provides basic text screening which allows you to identify the presence of particular string or pattern (using regular expression syntax) in the text (email or any other text-based message)
N/A In the logical flows in the previous sections, there are various process steps driven by configuration parameters and additional business logic within the system. These parameters and the underlying logic are described in this section.

Capturing of Incoming Emails

In step 2 of the business flow, emails are delivered to Genesys Cloud CX. The following configuration options are available:

  • Direct customer-sent email messages to the yourAccountName.myGenesys Cloud domain.
  • Register the business domain with Genesys Cloud CX for email routing (MX Records)
  • Forward existing email addresses from corporate email platform to Genesys Cloud CX.

Note: Genesys Cloud CX does not allow an organization to use their own email platform. However, an organization could forward email from their corporate mail platform to an email address that is registered with Genesys Cloud CX. The downside of this approach is that the email responses from the agent to the customer include a different email address in the email header. However, the email address in the Reply To field is correct.

Quality Management

Email interactions are available for Quality Management just like all other media types.

  1. Genesys Cloud CX checks if the email is a reply email that belongs to an existing conversation.
  2. If so, Genesys Cloud CX tries to route the email to the agent who last handled the conversation. If that agent is not available, Genesys Cloud CX starts the email flow and handles the email based on the email flow configuration.

Additional Distribution Functionality

The additional distribution logic is:

  • Re-route on no answer (RONA)-functionality: If an agent does not accept the email interaction, the email interaction is automatically put back into the queue after a timeout. The agent is set to Not Responding.
  • Conversations can include emails and other media types.
  • An organization can configure email interactions to be interrupted by other media types.
  • An organization can set the starting priority.
  • An organization can configure how Genesys Cloud CX removes skill requirements to expand the possible agent pool.

Automatic Replies

In step 5, the Genesys Cloud CX system checks for automatic/system replies from the mail server to automatically stop email processing when no agent intervention is needed. To prevent “pingpong” emails between mail servers, Genesys Cloud CX detects automated answers, such as auto-responses and auto-acknowledges. For example, it detects Out of the Office responses.

Standard Responses

The agent can use canned responses to create email responses. Each organization creates and manages their own canned responses.

Available Parameters Available for Configuration by Customer

The following configurable parameters are used for the distribution logic:

  • Skill/skill level
  • Overflow timeouts for skill-based routing. These timeouts are based on the age of the interaction.
  • Starting priority

An organization can configure the following parameter by the "to" Email Address (for example, Sales, Jobs, or Support) or by specific keywords:

  • Auto-acknowledge message
  • Skill selection
  • Transfer to specific queue
There is no applicable content for this section. The following lists the minimum requirements for the agent desktop:
  • Configuration of disposition codes (Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell)
  • Configuration of and access to standard response library
  • Agent-to-Agent transfer
  • Agent-to-Queue transfer
  • Review functionality for supervisors
Use Genesys Cloud CX Performance views and dashboards for real-time reporting on email routing. Analyze email routing metrics and data to better manage and plan agent time and queue email routing.

The Agents Performance Summary View displays current and historical metrics and data about agent email interactions for the number of ACD emails routed to an agent, the total number of emails handled by an agent, emails that were transferred by an agent, and the total amount of time the agent spent handling email, for a time period. The data in this view and the Agents Performance Detail View can help with improving your routing of emails to agents.

The Queues Performance Summary View and the Queues Performance Detail View display current and past metrics and data for queues that receive email. A queue configured to receive ACD routed emails displays the number of emails routed to a queue for agents, the average amount of time an email waited in a queue before an agent answered it, the number of email interactions handled by agents in the queue, emails handled by an agent in a queue and then transferred, and the total time and average time agents spent handling emails in the queue, for a time period. The data in these views can help in improving your routing of emails to queues.

View in-progress and completed inbound email interactions in Interactions View. This view displays metrics and data for email interactions, including the language of the email, matching skills for the agent in the queue, and the number of emails sent by an agent including Reply All and Forward. Understanding this data can create a better customer experience with improved routing of emails.

Search for the media type emails in the Skills Performance View to see statistics based on the skills and languages for interactions as they enter a queue. These statistics can help supervisors determine performance issues with a specific skill in one or multiple queues. The statistics can also help supervisors evaluate the effectiveness of their evaluation and routing methods.

Run the Interactions Details Report for insights into email interactions. This report includes details on how long the email remained in a queue, the agent who handled the email, and the total duration to handle and wrap up the email interaction. Use this report to identify if email handle time is taking longer than average, to improve managing and planning for agent and queue email routing.

View the Queue Wrap-up Summary Report to see the wrap-up codes that agents, grouped by queues, used most frequently. This helps to identify the email interactions on which agents spent most of their time. Analyzing the total number of emails and their duration, by queue, assists you in balancing the volume of email interactions, improving email routing. Better routing provides quicker responses to customer emails for faster resolution.

An organization must configure the following things for Genesys Cloud CX to receive emails:
  • Use method to direct customer-sent email messages to the yourAccountName.myGenesys Cloud domain.
  • Register the business domain with Genesys Cloud CX for email routing (MX Records).
  • Forward existing email addresses from corporate email platform to Genesys Cloud CX.

An organization must do the following things in order for Genesys Cloud CX to access requested emails:

  • Provide the subdomain
  • Configure MX records appropriately

Other assumptions include:

  • Genesys Cloud CX's email environment uses AWS spam verdict to detect spam. An organization has no control over the Genesys Cloud CX spam settings.
  • Text input must be available in UTF-8.
  • Architect provides basic text screening which allows a business to identify the presence of particular strings in the subject, body, or both.
412786353 V 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE18 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE18 Genesys Chat Routing GenesysCloud The web chat channel is an invaluable tool for communicating and engaging with customers to provide better service for answering questions, completing orders, general guidance on company’s product and features, and personalized customer support. With this solution, Genesys improves handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction. The customer can request a chat session with an agent from the company's website on a specific topic. The request is routed to the best available agent, depending on the subject and the agent skill. The agent is provided with the customer context (requested subject).
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Website not offering the right information or providing online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels
  • Unable to connect to the best agent
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer
  • Poor customer experience scores
  • Enable chat on website
  • Recognize customers
  • Understand intent and sentiment
  • Deliver personalized response
  • Leverage standard response library when needed
  • Meet SLA
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency
Consistent Business logic and rules determine the distribution of chat requests and the standard responses agents can use. Distribution depends on a combination of agent skill and availability. The chat widget includes several settings. For more information on each option, see Web chat in the Genesys Cloud CX Developer Center.

Standard responses

In the response library window, the UI displays responses to the agent. The agent can search for responses using keywords. Standard responses are generated by the customer for specific scenarios or steps of the chat flow.

Operational hours

Operational hours should be configured on the customer’s webpage. The chat initiation functionality should not appear to a customer outside business hours.

Additional Functionality

The following lists additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • At every step, the distribution logic looks for agents with a) the requested skill and b) a skill level within the boundaries of maximum and minimum required skill levels.
  • Reroute on no answer functionality: If an agent does not accept the chat interaction, after a timeout the chat interaction automatically returns to ACD. The agent is set to Not Responding
  • Blending with other media types is possible. Priority settings for chat interactions are configurable to enable proper priority ranges between different interactions and media types. Utilization rules are configured at the system level to define which interactions, if any, can be handled in parallel.
There is no applicable content for this section. There is no applicable content for this section. Genesys Cloud CX standard Analytics Views and Reports can report on "Chat." The following views are available for Web Chat:
  • Interactions --> Detailed view of what happened to a conversation
  • Queue Activity --> Real-time view of activity that is currently happening in queue
  • Queue Performance --> Historical Performance Data based on Queue and other key data elements (skill, language, etc.)
  • Agent Performance --> Historical Agent Performance data
  • Skill Performance --> Historical Skills Performance data

These views can also show data specific by "Chat." Besides the various available views, Genesys Cloud CX also comes with a set of canned responses.

See Real Time Reporting.
  • Genesys customers handle the integration of the solution into their website.
  • Customers are responsible for creating their own automated responses within Admin.
N/A 426274918 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE27 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE27 GenesysCloud A customer and a contact center agent are having a conversation over the phone or through a web messaging or web chat session. During the conversation, the ability to see and control the customer's browser through co-browsing functionality enables the agent to convey information more effectively and get the customer's issue resolved more quickly. During a call or a web messaging or a chat session between a customer and an agent, the customer can initiate a co-browse session with the agent, so both the agent and the customer share the same instance of the browser. This session enables the agent to provide direct support to a customer trying to complete a request on the company's website.
  • Increasing competitive pressure
  • High customer churn
  • High purchase abandonment
  • Unable to use context
  • Poor customer experience scores
  • Calls with long handle times
  • No assisted service online
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Online help not providing the information customers need
  • Enable co-browse and provide specialist assistance
  • Proactively offer assistance through co-browse sessions
Defined No real-time co-browse data is available currently, this data will be added in a future release.
  • Interactions Detail View: Co-Browse sessions are shown in the Interactions Timeline information.
  • Interaction History for External Contacts: Co-browse sessions are shown in the interaction history screen for related conversations.
  • Additional co-browse metrics are available via the Genesys Cloud CX API's, not all of this data is currently exposed in the various performance views.
Co-browse with Web Messaging:

Co-browse with Voice and Chat:

  • Customer has Genesys Cloud CX 3 licensing for their organization.
  • Customer has prepared their website to work with co-browse (
  • Customer has added tags to private data on their website to control what can and cannot be seen by the agent.
  • Customer is responsible for integration of the solution into the company website.
  • Customer is responsible for tagging information and fields on their website that need to be hidden from the agent during a co-browse session, or agent controls that need to be blocked (such as Submit form).
CE34 CE18 CE43 V 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE29 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE29 Genesys SMS Routing GenesysCloud In today’s digital world, customers want a simple, convenient method of communication through their preferred channel at a time that meets their schedule. More often, customers choose asynchronous channels, such as SMS, for the convenience it provides. Using SMS, customers can avoid calling and waiting on hold for an available agent. SMS also allows customers to engage "on the go" without a dedicated mobile app. Also, because customers engage by SMS at faster rates than any other messaging channel, the organization can resolve issues more quickly. A customer sends an SMS message to a company. The Genesys system receives the SMS message and routes it to the appropriate messaging flow for processing. The messaging flow allows customer to potentially perform a data dip that enriches the available data about the SMS conversation. Based on decisions made in the flow, the system eventually transfers that data to a queue. The system then queues the SMS message to the best available agent who has the skills that correspond with the skills requested in the flow. When an agent becomes available, the system routes the conversation to the agent by ACD, just like any other media type. The agent answers the message, reviews the message contents, and replies from within the Genesys Cloud CX interface. The agent can keep the message open and use SMS like a chat channel, or close the SMS message after replying. If the agent keeps the conversation open, the system immediately displays each customer response to the agent, using SMS messages as a chat channel. If the agent closes the conversation but the customer replies within 72 hours, the conversation reopens (after 72 hours, the system creates a new conversation) and routes to the last agent that handled the SMS. If that agent is unavailable, the system routes the message by ACD to the next available agent. After the conversation ends, it may pass to a Quality Evaluator, who scores the conversation. As part of the SMS messaging channels, supervisors can view SMS traffic in all the analytics dynamic views.
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Website not offering online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Customer having to call multiple times
  • Online help not providing the information customers need
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

  • Enable SMS service
  • Recognize customers
  • Understand intent and sentiment
  • Deliver personalized response
  • Leverage standard response library when needed
  • Meet SLA
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information
Consistent There is no applicable content for this section. There is no applicable content for this section.
  • Customer cellular phone that can send or receive SMS messages.
  • Standard Genesys Cloud CX user interface.
  • Access to response library.
  • Admin and Architect access to provision and configure SMS numbers and flows.
Genesys Cloud CX comes with a set of real-time dashboards, views, and reports. These views and reports work across all channels including messaging, which also shows all SMS messages. This feature enables supervisors to gain insight on the SMS traffic that the system handles. The following list outlines some of the key views available to exposed analytics data:
  • Interactions: A detailed view that provides information related to each conversation and shows every step along the way for an SMS message.
  • Queue Activity: Real-time view of the conversations waiting in queue.
  • Queue Performance: Queue Metrics specific to SMS volume, including the ability to get insight into SL, Handle Time, ACW, and other key metrics specific to SMS.
  • Agent Performance: Specific metrics around agents, including Handle Time, number of SMS conversations, and more.
  • Wrap-Up Performance: Detailed insight into selected wrap-up codes.
  • Skills Performance: Detailed insight and metrics specific to skills-based routing.
  • Several Canned Reports: Set of canned reports specific to the various needs from contact centers and specific to messaging.

Genesys Cloud CX continuously releases new capabilities. For additional information and details on newly released analytics features, see the release notes on the Resource Center at

See Above. Each Genesys DC must purchase an SMS server to serve as the reverse proxy server for cloud customers.
  • Customer secures and provisions a dedicated long code or text-enabled toll-free number, enabling them to send SMS messages in Genesys Cloud CX.
473349437 V 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE31 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE31 Genesys Blended AI Bots GenesysCloud The proliferation of digital channels leads to higher customer expectations and an increased number of interactions that companies deal with when servicing customers. Coupled with increased usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business applications, this change results in organizations implementing chatbots that can interact with customers to automate tasks and assist their queries on digital channels such as web, mobile, social, SMS, and messaging apps. Chatbots can alleviate strain on contact center employees while improving the customer experience and controlling costs. Chatbots are always on and available, and can hand over to a live agent at any time where needed. While chatbots can also be used by employees and for business optimization purposes, the remainder of this document refers to omnichannel bots in the context of customer engagement. The primary benefits of chatbots are to increase self-service success, deflect interactions from the contact center, and improve the customer experience.

Genesys chatbots unify and orchestrates self-service experiences using both native and third-party bots – powering exceptional customer and employee experiences. Genesys supports a “design once, deploy anywhere” concept for bots to enable organizations to provide a seamless customer experience across voice and digital channels. This use case focuses on deploying a bot on web chat, mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Message, Line Messaging, WhatsApp, or SMS.

Genesys Chatbots supports native platform Dialog Engine Bot Flows and third-party platforms such as Amazon, Google etc. As each chatbot and third party has their own specific capabilities, this use case covers broadly available capabilities, for the most of to date latest references available, visit the Resource Center.

The chatbot supports or orchestrates the following capabilities:

  • Personalization – to tailor the experience based on context from the current interaction or from previous interactions
  • Natural Language Understanding – to derive intents and entities
  • Simple bot orchestration enables customers to use the best bot for the job. For example Google Dialogflow has highest alphanumeric recognition rates
  • Genesys Cloud CX Architect makes it easy to integrate to new bot providers, switch between bot providers or to use multiple bot providers within a single interaction
  • A-B testing with Genesys Cloud CX Architect helps determine which bot is most effective for a particular business use case
  • Graceful escalation to a live Agent at the right time
Supported Genesys Chatbot channels for Genesys Cloud CX are web and mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Line Messaging, Twitter Direct Message, and SMS.
  • Increasing interactions on digital channels​
  • Low first contact resolution rates​
  • Generic customer experience across all customers​
  • High online purchase abandonment or lack of assistance​
  • Increasing repeat contacts​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time for chat agents​
  • No seamless customer experience across channels
  • Introduce self-service through chatbot​
  • Pass conversation history when handing over to an agent​
  • Personalized interactions for customers based on natural language understanding​​
  • Context-aware chatbot to assist purchase process or service requests​
  • Better user experience based on customer context​
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s) Differentiated
  • Channels supported: Web & Mobile Chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter Direct Message, Line Messaging, and SMS.
  • Transfer to agent is on same channel.
  • Survey is provided by Bot provider Q&A functionality and needs customisation.
  • Intents: The goal of the interaction. For example, a "switch flight" intent returned by the NLU indicates that the customer receives a payment business process.
  • Slots: Additional pieces of key information returned by the NLU. These pieces can accelerate the conversation by prepopulating answers to subsequent questions.

BL1: Agent Handoff: The customer can ask to connect to an available agent. At that point, the chatbot disconnects and the chat transcript (excluding sensitive data) appears in the agent desktop.

BL2: Survey: The customer can determine whether to address a survey or not. This survey can be based on:

  • Customer profile information in External Contacts
  • Customer journey data
  • API call to third-party data source
There is no applicable content for this section. This use case expects the utilization of Genesys Cloud CX Widget to display the chats. Chat transcript between customer and chatbot is populated in the chat interaction window in the agent desktop. With Genesys Cloud CX, you can do flow reporting and use flow outcomes to report on chatbot intents.

See the Flows Performance Summary view and use flow outcomes statistics to help you determine performance issues for specific chatbot flows, and gather data about self-service success. Use the chatbot flow data to improve outcomes.

Use the Flows Performance Detail view to see a breakdown of metrics by interval for a specific chatbot flow, and to see how chatbot interactions enter and leave a chat flow.

The Flow Outcomes Summary view displays statistics related to chats that enter Architect flows. These statistics can help you determine how well your chatbot flows serve customers and gather data about self-service success.

We are working on providing more chatbot reporting in the future, including building your own chatbot reports.
  • Handoff to agent is on the same channel.
  • The customer is responsible for the build of the natural language bot model and providing the bot training of utterances, intents, or slots. Professional Service may be engaged to develop the model.
  • Survey capabilities are provided by chatbot provider QA functionality (for example, Amazon Lex) and need customization.
  • Chatbot integration is not HIPAA-compliant.
  • Third-Party Chatbots are enabled via the Integrations Registry and informational through AppFoundry.
  • Customers use their own third-party Chatbot accounts for Integration Services.
CE18 CE29 CE34 398264777 1.4.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE34 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE34 GenesysCloud In today’s digital world, telephone calls are not always the best or desired way to communicate with businesses. Telephone calls are not visual, and they require a synchronous live interaction. Consumers want a simple, convenient method of communication through the channel of their choice and according to their own schedule. Third-party messaging applications are a popular communication option that consumers have come to expect as a way to interact with companies.

Genesys messaging enables two-way conversations between consumers and businesses on familiar mobile devices. Genesys messaging provides a feature-rich, flexible, and convenient method of answering questions and solving problems all through a single messaging conversation. The long-lived, asynchronous nature of the conversation means that consumers and contact center agents can return to the conversation at any time with a full history.

This use case enables businesses to handle messaging conversations with channels like Genesys Web Messaging, Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Message, LINE, and WhatsApp in their Genesys contact center environment. Businesses must apply for approval with WhatsApp and get their use cases approved by WhatsApp to be part of the ecosystem.

To increase successful self-service interactions, a chatbot used over these messaging channels can automate the conversation with the customer. This feature transfers the interaction to a contact center agent seamlessly if needed (outside the scope of this use case). When companies enable supported Genesys Messaging customer service channels within their Genesys environment, benefits can include:

  • Improved first contact resolution and reduced handle time by matching every consumer with the agent best equipped to respond through skills-based routing
  • Improved NPS by carrying context across channels and matching the consumer with an appropriately skilled agent, similar to how all Genesys channels are managed
  • Reduced costs by granting agents the ability to manage multiple messaging conversations simultaneously and blend messaging conversations with other media types in the same agent desktop
  • Continuity in asynchronous conversations, enabling consumers to make contact when convenient throughout the day, week, or buying or service journey
  • Workforce management and reporting integrated with the rest of the contact center
  • Improved brand perception by offering new channels that expect to be heavily promoted
  • Convenience for consumers by offering a familiar messaging app as opposed to a separate chat window
A consumer can start a conversation with a business directly in messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Message, LINE, and WhatsApp. They do so by receiving offers that include messaging apps, links, or account names and phone numbers in customer mobile apps, websites, and promotional materials. Genesys Web Messaging works similarly, with the consumer engaging the business directly through their website or mobile app where Messenger is deployed. These conversations route to a company's contact center through the Genesys Messaging service. A chatbot can automate the conversation (outside the scope of this use case) or a contact center agent can provide human assistance. These engagements become persistent and long-lived (asynchronous), but can be handled live (synchronously) when necessary. During the conversation, the agent can present rich messaging elements. These elements include images, URL links, emojis, and stickers. This feature makes it convenient for the consumer to resolve an issue, receive an answer to a question, or complete a transaction (such capabilities vary by channel).
  • For WhatsApp, make sure a brand is approved and on-boarded. Please contact Genesys Cloud CX Product Management or consult Genie for details. Make sure to follow on-boarding for PoC, Trial, Test, Dev and Production accounts.
  • WhatsApp limitations relate to their messaging capabilities. They are not on Genesys (see table below).
Capability Facebook Messenger Twitter Direct Message LINE WhatsApp
Text Supported Supported Supported Supported
Images Supported Supported1 Supported2 Supported3
Emojis Supported
Supported Supported
URL Links Supported
Supported Supported
Stickers Supported (inbound) Not supported
Supported Not supported
Inbound file attachments Supported4 Not supported Not supported
Template Messages Not supported Not supported Not supported Expected Q3/Q4 2019

1. Inbound: Supports .png and .jpg; converts .gifs to .mp4 and removes them from the Agent view but can access via API. Outbound: Supports .png, .jpg, .gif. 2. Inbound: Supports .png, and .jpg; renders .gifs as non-animated .jpg files. Outbound: Supports .png, .jpg, .gif.

3. Inbound: Supports .png and .jpg; converts .gifs to .mp4 and removes them from the Agent view but can access via API. Outbound: Supports .png, and .jpg. Sends .gifs as a URL link. 4. Removes file attachments (for example, .pdf) from the Agent view, but can access via API.

  • Customers will demand and expect messaging channels. If companies do not support it quickly, they can lose out to competitors who offer it​
  • Difficult to support increasing number of digital channels​
  • Unable to share context across channels​​
  • Agents are unable to manage conversations across channels in single desktop interface​
  • Potential for customer frustration and long resolution times​
  • Cannot manage a complete interaction within single channel​​
  • Voice channel can be inconvenient for consumers​
  • Enable feature-rich conversations across messaging channels
  • Enable end-to-end encrypted conversation via WhatsApp
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information​
  • Allow agents to handle messaging conversations within the same desktop interface and infrastructure as other contact channels without major retraining on new tools​
  • Enable intelligent bots for automated interactions​
  • Enable asynchronous conversations that are convenient for the consumer​​
Differentiated Apple Business Chat Messaging App Connector (perpetual or subscription) Workspace CIM CIM HA (Optional) Genesys InfoMart (Optional) Genesys InfoMart – HA (Optional)
  • Companies may not proactively reach out to consumers through Messaging Channels; the consumer must initiate the first conversation.
  • Companies should check with messaging provider with regards to compliance for their industry.
  • For Facebook Messenger
    • Before you can configure and test ACD messaging for Facebook Messenger in Genesys Cloud CX, create a Facebook app using Facebook’s developer site. To create your Facebook app, follow the instructions on Facebook’s App Development page.
  • For Twitter Direct Message
    • Before you can configure ACD messaging for Twitter Direct Message in Genesys Cloud CX, create a Twitter app using Twitter’s developer site. To create a Twitter app, you must have an approved developer account. Twitter has two levels of developer accounts: Premium and Enterprise. Either one works for creating a Twitter Direct Message app. The one you choose depends on your business needs. For more information, see Twitter’s Apply for Access page.
  • For LINE
    • A LINE Messaging App is required. To create a LINE Messaging app, you must have a LINE Developer account. LINE has two different types of developer accounts: Standard and Approved. The type you choose depends on your business needs. For more information about the different LINE accounts, see the LINE for Business site.
  • For WhatsApp
    • Before using the WhatsApp Business API, customers must obtain approval from WhatsApp.
    • Genesys Cloud CX does not currently support template messages.WhatsApp allows agents to follow-up a conversation with pre-approved template messages (for example, "notifications"). If more than 24 hours elapse since the consumer last contacted the customer, these messages are required and are billed at usage rates defined by WhatsApp.
Users should never receive unsolicited messages and must have control over the conversation.


  • Genesys Web Messaging
    • Conversations will be threaded until a maximum period of 72 hours of inactivity is reached. If an agent wraps up an interaction and there is no further activity within the 72-hour period, the conversation session will be terminated and the consumer will see a brand new session when they revisit the Messenger. This 72-hour threading window can be configured to be less than 72 hours if desired, however the customer’s view of the conversation in Messenger will always be based on the 72 hours of inactivity.
  • Facebook Messenger
    • Businesses using the Facebook Messenger platform have up to 24 hours to respond to a message sent by a person in Messenger when using standard messaging. A bot may also send one additional message after the 24-hour time limit has expired. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds to a business through one of the eligible actions listed in Messenger Conversation Entry Points. This limit is commonly referred to as the '24 + 1 policy'.
    • Customers must agree to and comply with the Facebook Messenger Platform Policy Overview.
  • Twitter Direct Message
    • You may not use Twitter for sending bulk, aggressive, high-volume unsolicited replies or Direct Messages; repeatedly sending identical Direct Messages; and repeatedly ending Direct Messages consisting of links shared without commentary, so that this contains the bulk of your Direct Message activity.
    • Customers agree to comply with Twitter Rules and Spam / Platform Manipulation Policies.
  • LINE
    • LINE prohibits activities such as sending messages indiscriminately to numerous Users or any other activities deemed to be spamming; activities that use the Service for sales, marketing, advertisement, soliciting or other commercial purposes (except for those purposes approved by LINE); and activities that are related to religious activities or invitations to certain religious groups.
    • Customers agree to comply with the LINE terms/ Terms and Conditions of Use.
  • WhatsApp (beta)
    • A brand has 24 hours to respond to a consumer. Within that timeframe, bots and agents are allowed to send as many templated or free-form messages as they want. Any response by the consumer resets that 24-hour limit.
    • Template Message support is a near-term roadmap feature for Genesys Cloud CX. Once the 24-hour limit has expired, only paid WhatsApp-approved Template Messages (called "paid notifications") can be sent until the consumer responds. Once the consumer responds, another 24-hour window opens for agents, bots, and the consumer to communicate.
With each conversation:
  • For new interactions:
    • Genesys Web Messaging, Facebook, Twitter, and LINE pass platform-specific unique IDs. The end customer must volunteer additional information for identity matching.
    • WhatsApp passes the phone number of the customer to help identify who initiated the conversation.
  • For customers who previously initiated a conversation, the system pulls the conversation history and presents it to the agent.
  • Customer history is displayed to the agent upon interaction arrival. Agent can scroll back through previous messages, all the way back to initial interaction.
  • Agent can send rich message elements, such as images, emojis, stickers, or URL links depending on the platform.
  • Genesys Cloud CX 2 licensing or the Genesys Cloud Digital Upgrade is required for Genesys Web Messaging, Open Messaging, and third-party messaging channels.
Use Genesys Cloud CX Performance views and dashboards for real-time reporting on Message interactions. Filter by Media Type to view Message analytics reporting on messaging channels.

The Interactions view displays current and historical metrics and data about Message interactions for the conversation duration of the message, the queue the message was routed to, the agent that handled the message, the skills required for handling the message, a consult transfer, the total handle time, and the wrap-up code, for a time period. The data in this view and the View an interaction’s details view can assist you in improving first contact resolution and reducing handle time.

The Agents Performance Summary view displays current and historical metrics and data about agent Message interactions for the number of messages handled, the average number of seconds an agent spent interacting on messages, the total amount of time an agent spent handling messages, the percent of messages transferred, for a period. The data in this view and the Agents Performance Detail view assists you in forecasting Message interactions and scheduling agents.

The Queues Performance Summary view and the Queues Performance Detail view display current and past metrics and data for queues that receive Message interactions. A queue configured to receive Message interactions displays the total number of messages routed to a queue, the average time a message waited in a queue, the number of messages that were abandoned in a queue, the number of messages transferred by an agent, and the total time and average time agents spent handling messages in the queue, for a time period. The metrics in these views can assist you in balancing and managing agent workload for messaging channels.

View real-time reporting on Message interactions that are in progress and waiting in the My Queues Activity view. The data in this view can help you improve workforce management for messaging.

To report on messaging channnels in Genesys Cloud CX Reports, for the Media Type parameter, select Message. The following is an example of running a report for Message interactions.

Run the Interaction Details report for one or more agents during a specific date and time range. The report includes the Message interactions associated with agents, the queue wait time, the duration of the message, and the wrap-up code. In addition to the interaction details, this report assists you in understanding the amount of time agents are spending on Message interactions.

Web Messaging
  • Customers create a Messenger configuration and deployment, then add the deployment snippet to their web pages where their consumers can interact with the business.

Facebook Messenger

  • Customers deploy an approved Facebook Messenger app.
  • Businesses sending messages have up to 24 hours to respond to a message sent by a person in Messenger when using standard messaging. A bot may also send one additional message after the 24-hour time limit has expired. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds. This limit is commonly referred to as the '24 + 1 policy'.

Twitter Direct Message

  • Businesses deploy an approved Twitter Direct Message app.
  • Customers agree to the Twitter Rules and Spam Policy as defined by Twitter.


WhatsApp brand can try to channel-switch a consumer by sending them an opt-in message or offering them a Call-to-Action. These interactions count as an opt-in. Examples:

  • Click-to-action button on the brand's website
  • Link in email signature
  • Sending them an SMS with an offer to switch to WhatsApp
  • IVR offering to channel-switch to WhatsApp (need to check first whether the customer is on WhatsApp). Within 24 hours after the consumer contacted the brand on WhatsApp, agents or bots can post to the consumer as often as they want.
  • Genesys Cloud CX plans to support template messages as a near-term roadmap feature. After 24 hours, regular messages by agents or bots are rejected. Instead, the brand has to send a pre-approved notification message (called Template Messages) and the brand has to pay for the message. Paid messages are billed to Genesys, and Genesys bills the brand on a monthly message based on the rates published by WhatsApp. See WhatsApp Rate Card (rate card) and also WhatsApp's reference for more (guidance) regarding what kind of messages are allowed.

Other Assumptions

End customers must have a supported application version installed as a mobile or desktop application, where applicable, or be logged into the Messaging channel provider's website with a supported web browser.

  • Text, Images, Emojis, URL links, and Stickers are supported (support by channel varies)
  • Mobile applications
    • Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LINE, and WhatsApp mobile clients are compatible with Genesys Messaging for Genesys Cloud CX, where required platform messaging apps have been approved, configured, and deployed according to the provider's guidelines.
  • Website applications
    • Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and WhatsApp web clients are compatible with Genesys Messaging for Genesys Cloud CX, where required platform messaging apps have been approved, configured, and deployed according to the provider's guidelines.
  • Desktop applications
    • The LINE desktop client is compatible with Genesys Messaging for Genesys Cloud CX, where required platform messaging apps have been approved, configured, and deployed according to the provider's guidelines.
  • Until template messages (outbound notifications) are supported, customers acknowledge that they respond to all inbound messages within 24 hours via an Agent, Messaging Flow auto-response, or a chatbot. Customers acknowledge that inbound messages queued for more than 24 hours without a response cannot be responded to.
No results 402727717 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE37 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE37 Genesys Predictive Chatbots GenesysCloud One of the biggest challenges for the modern business is learning to work with the data available in a way that is both meaningful and easy to act on. The data generated by a website often goes unexplored, and as a result you might overlook the intentions and reactions of individual customers and prospects. Focus is often placed on the broad strokes–key metrics like the number of conversions per month–and the ability to identify the potential customers who need engagement is lost. As a result, customers who might be on the verge of signing up for a trial, completing a checkout, searching for information regarding service or support, or any other desirable outcome, fall through the cracks. The high volume of website traffic makes it a challenge to identify the right individuals, best moments, and optimal ways to engage in real time. Expectations for time-to-respond are increasing but extending your staff is costly.

Genesys Predictive Engagement uses machine learning to observe the progress of website visitors toward defined business outcomes –such as purchase completion or requesting a quote. Genesys Predictive Engagement enables the business to use real-time observations and predictions rather than static rules, to trigger intervention only at the points when it is needed most.

For customers seeking service or support, a company’s website is often the first point of contact, even if it is only to find a phone number to call. But companies are challenged with making sense of and learning to use all the data generated by their website in a way that is both meaningful and easy to act on in real time. As a result, customers either end up calling into the contact center (an expensive support channel) or get frustrated with your business because they can’t find the help they need. Genesys Predictive Engagement prioritizes engagement with high value visitors and proactively offers chat to better utilize your staff and reduce your costs.

Examples of how the customer experience can be optimized by using data, context, and website behavior for a predictive engagement:

  • Use of machine learning to detect the progress of website visitors toward defined outcomes–purchase completion, requesting a quote–and enable the business to trigger intervention only at the points when it is needed most.
  • A customer who is recognized to be having trouble submitting a loan application is prompted with a proactive web chat enabling an agent to help the customer walk through the steps.
  • A customer needs to activate their new mobile phone, goes to the website, and searches for "device activation." A proactive chatbot is offered to help the customer walk through the steps.
  • A customer is planning a trip abroad and needs to notify their credit card company. They go to the company's website and based on a search related to "travel alert," a chatbot is offered to assist to prevent the need to call the contact center.
  • A customer is proactively offered self-help options to assist with a transaction, for example providing a link to a video to help with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).
Understanding and using knowledge of online activities and behaviors can provide context to better handle a follow-up digital or voice interaction to help customers who are shopping, buying, using the company's products across the full customer life cycle. This engagement intelligence can also be used for converting service requests to sales opportunities for cross-sell or up-sell. Genesys uses artificial intelligence to observe and analyze the progress of website visitors toward defined outcomes – service requests, pending transactions, application status. The technology allows the business to engage with customers using dynamic observations and predictions rather than simple static rules- creating happier customers, smarter employees, and better outcomes.

Companies have vast amounts of data within their CRM, marketing automation, contact centers and websites, and Genesys enables companies to unlock that data in real-time to engage customers proactively, eliminating the need for a voice call or contact without context. Genesys Predictive Engagement observes individual customer journeys on your company website and applies machine learning, dynamic (or audience) segmentation, and real-time outcome scoring to identify the right moments for proactive engagement with the right customer via chat, chatbot, or content offer.

Predictive Engagement's real-time engagement sophistication increases customer satisfaction, improves conversion rate, and optimizes the use of agent resources for the highest value customers leading to improvement of key performance indicators like call deflection, average order value (AOV), first contact resolution, and conversion rates.

  • Inability to see, understand and engage in real time with customers and prospects across channels.
  • Low conversion rate on website.
  • Poorly utilized inside sales staff.
  • Difficulty in creating and converting qualified online sales opportunities.
  • Low optimization of website user journeys of efficient engagement through self- and assisted- service.
  • Use journey analytics to detect where customers or prospects struggle on a website. Use this information to engage a sales rep at the critical point in the sales process to increase likelihood of closing the sale, while improving customer experience.
  • Identify the visitor's segmentation, monitor their web behavior, and predict their outcome score related to the online purchasing process. By using machine learning to profile behavior, predict outcomes, and allow organizations to define rules on when intervention is necessary.
  • Proactively engage with prospects via chat or content offer if this score drops below a defined threshold while on the website.
  • Identify hot leads on the website via customer browsing behavior and predict customer likelihood to perform a specific action.
  • Deflect from live agent contact by proactively displaying additional information or offering the most cost-effective channel for the specific customer segment.
Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Sales Operations, Head of Marketing Operations, Head of Operations, Head of Customer Service Differentiated

BL1 – Customer Identification

The system can use cookies to detect returning visitors and associate them with previous site visits. Identity information provided during the journey (such as email address or phone number) is captured after it is explicitly submitted from the web page and can identify the visitor even across devices. After the customer is identified, all tracking data collected is associated to that specific customer. All customer information collected is done in a GDPR-compliant fashion.

BL2 – Segment and Outcome Configuration

Segments are a way to categorize visitors on the website based on common behavior and attributes. Segments are configured upfront during system provisioning. A segment can be made up of one or both of these components:

  • Attributes, such as browser type, device type, location, marketing campaign they are associated with, UTM parameters, and the referral website.
  • Journey pattern, such as web browsing behavior, searches performed on the website, items clicked, returning users, cart abandoner, and high-order value.

Outcomes or goals are specific tasks you want your visitors to perform on your website. As with segments, they are configured upfront. Typical outcomes include:

  • Check order status or return status
  • Open or check status of a trouble ticket
  • Locate warranty or return policy
  • Application submission
  • Online purchase confirmation
  • Submit payment
  • Online quote
  • Book a demo or appointment

Genesys uses predictive analytics to evaluate in real-time the probability for a specific outcome to be achieved, based on segment and visitor behavior on the website (the outcome score).

BL3 – Action Map Configuration

Action maps determine the way to engage with the website visitor. Within action maps, you define the triggers that result in an action to the customer. These triggers can be based on any combination of:

  • Segment
  • User activity
  • Outcome score (typically, a drop in outcome score for a specific segment can trigger a webchat)

BL4 – Customer Invite and Registration Window

Genesys Widgets are used for:

  • Invite messages for webchat
  • Collection of visitor's contact details
  • Engagement over chat session
The distribution of the interaction is determined by the target expression and virtual queue configured in the Genesys Predictive Engagement rules.
  • Integration of Genesys Predictive Engagement desktop gadgets into Workspace Desktop Edition 8.5 (in case chatbot conversation requires escalation to an agent)
  • Requires Interaction Connect
  • Single sign-on is available as an option
An admin can see the Live Now view of current visitors and live tracking information on the site. The views allow admins to make real-time operational decisions, for example, if a marketing campaign has gone live and drill into individual customer journeys.
The visitor activity report provides trend analysis and a drill-down by device type. Reporting on segments matched and outcomes achieved. Action map performance of action types; web chat, content offers, and architect flow.

It allows a funnel drill-down performance of the key stages which can identify resourcing requirements, queue issues,

  • Qualification
  • Offer
  • Acceptance
  • Engagement

Individual Drill-down

External Contacts provides historical conversational data including chats triggered by Predictive Engagement on an individual customer level.


Performance reporting is available on Genesys Cloud CX, it gives an in-depth look at individual queue and agent performance. There are three different types of reports: canned reports, customized reports, and raw data API feeds.

  • Genesys Widgets 9 must be used.
  • General logic for routing of interactions is defined with logic within the mandatory use cases.
  • Design and configuration of this use should account for previous deployment of mandatory use cases.
  • Genesys Widgets must be used. Customer must deploy both Genesys Predictive Engagement and Widgets code snippets on their website / webpages.
  • General logic for routing of interactions uses part of these cases. If CE18 is already deployed and customized, SL09 design and configuration must be accounted for.
  • Genesys Interaction Connect release 2019R1 is required.
  • Integration of Genesys Predictive Engagement desktop gadgets into Workspace Web Edition 9
  • Based on Genesys Widgets 9 with standard capabilities to adapt to customer corporate identity.
  • Predictive Engagement can automatically create leads in Salesforce and any CRM that uses Rest APIs through Action Map orchestration.
  • Profiles can be looked up on the CRM and the lead information displayed within the Script tab of the Agent Workspace. Agents can also manually create and update lead information here without the need to directly log in to the CRM.
  • Customer must deploy both Genesys Predictive Engagement and Widgets code snippets on their website / webpages.
CE18 CE31 499587183 V 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE41 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE41 Genesys Voicebots GenesysCloud Natural Language Understanding (NLU) allows customers to speak in their natural language without having to repeat specific keywords that may or may not align with the customer's intent. With the evolving functionality of artificial intelligence tools such as Alexa, Siri, and the like, customer begin to see these types of interactions as the norm. Contact centers are a natural progression into this world of virtual assistants.

When a customer can speak naturally, the company can better understand the intent of a customer and then more quickly route the call to a highly skilled agent. Voicebot integration within Genesys Cloud CX enables customers to utilize NLU within inbound synchronous customer interaction flows.

Voicebots can alleviate strain on contact center employees while improving the customer experience and controlling costs. Voicebots are always on and available, and can be handed over to an agent at any time needed. While Voicebots can also be used by employees and for business optimization purposes, the remainder of this document refers to omnichannel bots in the context of customer engagement. The primary benefits of bots are to increase self-service success, deflect interactions from the contact center, and improve the customer experience. Benefits typically include:

Genesys supports a “design once, deploy anywhere” concept for bots to enable organizations to provide a seamless customer experience across voice and digital channels. This use case, however, focuses on deploying a bot on voice.

During a call, the customer uses NLU to either easily get to an appropriate agent or obtain the information and assistance they need without engaging an agent.

The voicebot supports or orchestrates the following capabilities:

  • Use NLU to derive intents and slots.
  • Stream the customer response to the voicebot for processing. The voicebot recognizes the intent, understands its meaning, and captures key information into slots. These slots are then passed back to Dialog Engine Bot Flows for further processing.
  • Delegate to an agent to connect the customer to a live person with the full context of the interaction.

Genesys bot orchestration enables customers to use a bot of their choice for the job. For example, Google Dialogflow has the highest alphanumeric recognition rates. Also:

  • Genesys Cloud CX Architect makes it easy to integrate to Third party bot providers, switching between bot providers or using multiple bot providers within a single interaction.
  • A-B testing with Genesys Cloud CX Architect helps determine which bot is most effective for a particular business use case.
  • Graceful escalation to a live agent at the right time.
  • Agents wasting time, capturing routine information
  • Increasing interactions on voice channels​
  • Low first contact resolution rates​
  • Increasing repeat contacts​
  • Customer having to queue for along time to talk to agents​
  • Frustrating IVR experiences leading to low NPS scores​
  • Introduce self-service through Voicebots​
  • Collecting of routine information through natural language understanding (NLU) Voicebots
  • Fulfilment of simple and repetitive tasks
  • Pass conversation history when handing over to an agent
  • Personalised interactions for customers based on NLU​
  • Better user experience based on customer data​
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service, Head of Contact Center(s) Differentiated N/A BL1: Agent Handoff: The customer asks to connect to an available agent. At that point, the voicebot disconnects and the customer context data appears in the agent desktop.

BL2: Retries: In the voicebot management interface, configure the number of retries for self-service tasks and questions. Configure the dialog to, upon maximum retries, present a message, or hand-off to an agent. Or through IVR configuration, offer a callback if the agent is busy or the request is outside business hours through IVR configuration.

BL3: Response Type: Configure the interaction flows to accept natural language responses and closed responses such as account number, date of birth, and yes or no questions. This process means that customers can backtrack to a different point in the dialogue when required. For example, if a customer is midway through getting flight information and says, “actually just tell me where your nearest ticket counter is,” then voicebot informs the customer of the location of the nearest counter.

Parameters influencing voicebot behavior

This use case is supported across industry verticals. The basic features of voicebot business logic, such as personalization, are parameterized. Example parameters include:


  • Intents: The goal of the interaction. For example, a "switch flight" intent returned by the NLU indicates that the customer should receive a payment business process.
  • Slots. More pieces of key information returned by the NLU. These pieces can accelerate the conversation by prepopulating answers to subsequent questions.

Agent Handoff

  • Based on user choice, such as "I want to speak to an adviser."
  • Based on default handling, such as retries, timeouts, and global commands.
  • Based on application logic, such as the customer owes money and application decides to transfer.
There are three possible ways for the flow to end with a transfer to ACD after a voicebot:
  1. The caller requests live Agent assistance.
  2. The voicebot failure path steered the call to ACD.
  3. The path for a particular intent steered the call to ACD.
Architect is required. There is no applicable content for this section. There is no applicable content for this section. Administrators and contact center managers use flow outcomes to gather data about self-service success. This information helps determine how well Architect flows service the customer interaction and includes:
  • The total number of interactions that start a self-service operation.
  • The number and percentage of interactions that fail the self-service operation.
  • The number and percentage of interactions that successfully complete the self-service operation.
  • The length of time successful interactions spend in the self-service operation.
  • The customer's response is streamed to the voicebot for processing. The voicebot recognizes the intent, understands its meaning, and captures key information into slots. These slots are then passed back to Genesys Cloud CX Architect for further use.

Dialog Engine Bot Flows

  • Supports Google Speech to Text as a technology provider to enable the voice channel.
  • Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows support US English (en-US), UK English (en-GB), and Australian English (en-AU) languages.

Third-Party Voice Bots

  • Third-party voicebot is enabled via the Integrations Registry and informational through AppFoundry.
  • Customers use their own third-party voicebot accounts for Integration Services.
  • Third-party voice bots are not PCI-compliant and cannot be used in secure flows.

Amazon Lex

  • Region and Language limitations are detailed in the Amazon Documentation.
  • Lex integration is not HIPAA-compliant.

Google Dialogflow

  • Dialogflow Language support is detailed in the Google Documentation.
  • Dialogflow integration is not HIPAA-compliant.
  • Voicebot configuration and settings are quoted as part of a Professional Services engagement to capture requirements and business logic.
CE43 390961231 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE43 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud CE43 GenesysCloud Organizations want to provide an exceptional customer and sales service experience by reducing transfers, hold time, and frustration from repeated customer interaction with your company. Advanced routing capabilities improve efficiency and reduce hold times by sending interactions to the right agent using skills-based routing, preferred agent routing, and in-queue callbacks. The easy-to-deploy routing application contains flexible business logic and configuration options required to direct calls to the best-fit agent based on the type of request and customer context. When companies enable call routing within their Genesys environments, benefits can include: Creating a great experience for the customers and prospects that call into your contact center is paramount to creating long-lasting business relationships. The experience starts at the IVR, presenting callers with simple options to identify or self-serve to reduce their time on the phone. Caller data retrieved from the IVR allows the system to make the best routing decision. Use the ACD routing tools to look up the caller’s phone number or account number and personalize the messaging customers hear. Preferred agent routing directs callers to a single, or set, of scored agents selected ahead of other available agents. Pairing the best agent, or the agent who last spoke to the customer, with the customer reduces handle times and drive a positive customer experience.

In case, there are not enough agents to respond to callers in a timely manner, Genesys Cloud CX automatically expands the pool of available agents to answer the call more quickly and present relevant content about the caller to an agent. Genesys Cloud CX can offer a callback option for customers to save their place in line until an agent becomes available and can call them back. Please also see the Callbacks overview.

  • Cannot recognize repeat customers​
  • Unable to use context to enable a finer granularity in matching the customer to the best agent in the target agent group​
  • Calls with long handle times, with customers having to recap previous interactions​
  • Missed service levels within or across channels​
  • Increasing interaction abandonment and repeat contacts
  • Recognize customers in all touchpoints and channels, and match callers with the same agent with whom they previously spoke​
  • Carry context and orchestrate interactions between channels​
  • Offer self-service and call back options​
  • Inform customers of expected wait/process times
Defined CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights SIP Interaction SIP Interaction HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) SIP Qualification & Parking SIP Qualification and Parking HA (Optional) GVP GVP HA (optional) ASR and TTS (Optional) Conversation Manager Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service (Optional Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Full set of capabilities are available.
Using Architect, the Genesys Cloud CX flow builder, users can configure comprehensive call flows that are designed to route callers through the appropriate menus to connect them to the best agents available. Operational parameters allow you to configure routing logic such as target queues, skills assignments, interaction priority, and so on. Some parameters are only available at the DNIS or route point level. The use of operational parameters occurs either once at the beginning of the call (greeting message), or across the whole call flow independent of subsequent DTMF menu choices of the customer. Other parameters are available at both the DNIS or route point level (if no call routing has been activated) and at the level of the choice of a specific touch point.

Parameters to Configure Service Level Announcements

  • Business hours - Sets the hours that you are open and accepting calls
  • Special day - A list of exceptions to the regular open hours, for a holiday or other reason
  • Emergency declared - Activates the emergency announcement (such as a power outage or general closure)

Emergency Check

  • Emergency mode activation is enabled at the beginning of the call. If an emergency flag is set for an incoming call, the corresponding emergency announcement plays, and the configured action applies to the call (disconnect or transfer to another number within or external to Genesys).

Estimated Wait Time (EWT) Announcements

  • Announcement of EWT to customers is handled based on predefined recordings. It is good practice to announce expected wait times to not jeopardize customer expectation.

Busy Treatment

  • Messages and music play for queuing calls and can be looped until the call is answered or abandoned.

Skill Model

  • Basic skills: Skills can be used to route a specific type of request or service. Genesys routing utilizes skills for enhanced routing logic and personalization, and to route callers to the most appropriate agent with the matching skill set.
  • Language skills: Language skills can be used to determine the language in which a call is answered. The requested language is provided via the IVR, and if no language is provided, a default is used.

Interaction Priority

  • Priority may be set on interactions as they enter and leave the IVR flow. Different priorities are set for calls according to business value of the type of request. If priorities are set and an agent becomes available, Genesys distributes the call with the highest priority matching the agent's skills. This process is specifically relevant if the agent can receive interactions for different types of request. The priority of a call is increased over time to make sure that low-priority calls still route to an agent after a potential longer waiting time.


  • Agents can transfer calls to other agents directly, to other queues, or even to external contacts. Genesys Cloud CX supports standard blind and consult transfer functionality to help agents direct callers to the right location.

Parameters to Define Call Routing / DTMF Menus

Customers can configure up to four levels of DTMF menus, with a maximum of nine sub-options for each level. A caller's choice of DTMF menus and sub-options determines the service they need and the agent skill required to best meet that need.

These DTMF levels and sub-options provide the greatest flexibility to adapt the use case to specific company requirements. However, to avoid a poor customer experience, we recommend that customers use the minimum number of levels and menu choices.

Reporting Parameters

Customers use different combinations of reporting parameters to analyze the unique properties of each parameter group in reports. Reporting parameters include:

  • Queue - The target agent queue to which the interaction was routed. Customers can optionally filter queue performance data based on skill requirements.
  • Agent - The agent or agents who handled the interaction.
  • Wrap-up code - The wrap-up, or disposition, code that the agent or agents apply to the interaction.

Audio Resources

The following audio resources are configurable by service line:

  • Business Hours - A message announcing office closure and inviting the caller to call again at opening time
  • Please Wait on Hold - A message inviting the caller to wait
  • Welcome - A greeting message
  • Emergency - An emergency message
  • Special Day - A message announcing office closure due to a special day (such as a bank holiday)
  • Music waiting in queue - Music
  • Main DTMF Menu Message - The main call routing menu announcement
  • Sub-DTMF Menu Messages (multiple messages) - The sub-menu messages for the call steering menu as required
The ACD evaluation method and routing method determine distribution logic. Configuration options include:
  • All Skills Matching - ACD considers only agents who have all the requested skills and routes the call to the first available agent with the requested skills.
  • Best Available Skills - ACD routes interactions based on the highest average proficiency level for the requested skills. Genesys Cloud CX evaluates the first 100 agents to find the agent with the highest average proficiency rating. Genesys Cloud CX then calculates the average using the agent’s proficiency rating for each of the requested skills.
  • Disregard Skills, Next Agent - ACD routes interactions based on agent availability instead of skills. Genesys Cloud CX routes the call to the first available agent and ignores any skill requests.

General Distribution Functionality

  • The queues, skills, and priority are configurable by (final) DTMF choice. Other targets are optional.
  • Proficiencies are configurable at the agent level.
  • Agent Not Responding: If an agent does not accept the voice interaction, the voice call remains in-queue and the agent is set to: "Agent not responding."
  • Voice interactions can be prioritized over other media types.

Routing Methods

  • Standard ACD - Genesys Cloud CX routes interactions to the next available agent. Genesys Cloud CX considers skills as specified by the evaluation method.
  • Advanced Routing Options:
    • Bullseye Routing: Genesys Cloud CX routes interactions to a targeted subqueue of agents with specific skills. If no agents are available, Genesys Cloud CX relaxes the requested skills, based on the queue configuration, to expand the pool of agents who can receive the call.
    • Preferred Agent Routing: Similar to Bullseye routing, Genesys Cloud CX routes interactions to a predefined (from the call flow) set of scored agents which allows customers to connect callers with agents they have worked with in the past or from a pre-existing relationship defined in the CRM. Rather than relax skills, Preferred Agent Routing enables customers to relax score rings' thus expanding the pool of ranked agents who can receive the call. After times expire, Bullseye Routing can be implemented, or calls can route to any available agent in the queue.
    • See Advanced Routing Options for more details.
There is no applicable content for this section. Context Data

When a call gets distributed to an agent, the following data displays:

  • An alert message to accept or decline the call
  • The calling customer's phone number
  • The duration of time that the call has been alerting
  • The state of the call
  • The queue name to which the call was targeted (as agents can work in multiple queues)
  • Optionally, you could present scripts to agents to greet and interact with callers appropriately

Call Outcome / Wrap-up Code

After the call between the customer and agent has finished, an agent can apply a wrap-up code to capture the outcome of the call. Wrap-up codes could be used to capture a successful sale, identify a new lead, or even to collect a payment.

  • Use various views, such as the Queue Performance View, to track improvements to key KPIs like Average Handle Time or Service Level.
  • When using Preferred Agent Routing, route customers to agents they’ve worked with in the past. Use the Interactions Detail View to confirm which agents were targeted and who finally answered.
  • Reduce abandoned calls by creating Custom Dashboards that show the number of calls in queue and set up a visual to show when wait times exceed defined thresholds.
  • Improve agent productivity by using the Agent Performance View to confirm that agents are available and not spending too much time in after-call-work.

For more information about the existing views which are offered by the Genesys Cloud CX Platform, see Reports, Views and Dashboards in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.

Genesys Cloud CX moved away from creating hard-coded historical reports in favor of the more dynamic performance views that can be created, saved, and exported on demand. For more information about these views, see Reports, Views and Dashboards in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center. For basic call routing and personalization, any Genesys Cloud CX license suffices. For callback, the GC2 level or above applies.
  • The IVR application to determine the type of request and customer ID is not part of this use case and has to be provided separately. Alternatively, SIP Qualification and Parking with a script controlled by routing are used if full GVP application is not required. This functionality is also not included within the use case.
  • All announcements are provided by the customer.
  • Set up a process to upload and update customer data within Genesys Context Services.
CE07 This use case is not supported in Cloud. 443291013 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/CE45 Current GenesysCloud CE45 Genesys Contact Center Orchestration GenesysCloud Contact Centers managers are interested in identifying the quality of their customer interactions, improving efficiency and ultimately, reducing unnecessary costs. This often means increasing the efficacy of self-service.

The proliferation of channels that customers utilize in issue resolution has made it that much more difficult. Businesses require a way to tie their customers’ experiences together to effectively enable change.

Genesys Contact Center Optimization not only creates a cohesive customer journey across channels, it allows the business to measure, analyze, and augment customer journeys rapidly to improve the customer experience.

Genesys Contact Center Orchestration maximizes self-service capabilities within omnichannel service journeys, seamlessly integrating Human Assisted and Self-Service Contact Center channels. Service Journey analysis emphasizes enhancing internal efficiencies and elevating the customer experience. With over 82% of customers utilizing multiple Contact Center channels to resolve issues, and more than 70% of companies measuring First Contact Resolution (FCR) and Issue Resolution (IR) without cross-channel metrics, the need for comprehensive measurement is clear. Besides CSAT, FCR and IR are the leading metrics for assessing customer satisfaction in Contact Centers. For journey analyzer and conversion analysis, Customer will require journey management for the contact center SKU and permission from their company’s administrator. There are two different types of roles for permissions. These are view only and edit related permissions.

Channels & Events include:


  • Analytics Detail Events (ADE)
  • acdStartEvent
  • acdEndEvent
  • customerStartEvent
  • customerEndEvent
  • flowStartEvent
  • flowEndEvent
  • outboundInitEvent
  • userStartEvent
  • userEndEvent
  • voicemailStartEvent
  • voicemailEndEvent
  • wrapUpEvent
  • afterCallWorkEvent
  • contactUpdateEvent


Bot Events

  • botSessionStart
  • botSessionEnd
  • botSessionTurn

N/A Conversion Analysis

Conversion Analysis will be able to take advantage of your organizations Analytics Detail Events and native Genesys Cloud Bot Events. A user can view conversion rates from any starting point and along any path; highlighting customers that completed the event and those that dropped out.

With Genesys Contact Center Optimization, you can get to the heart of your customer’s journey.

Build customer journeys and visualize customer behavior in aggregate to uncover journeys resulting in self-service, error, agent escalation, transfer to an agent.

Determine thresholds for each Contact Center metric you’d like to measure and be alerted when anomalies occur.

Genesys is working on providing more customer journey reporting in the future, including instant previews, custom KPIs, and behavioral segmentation.

Add pre-defined metrics to inform charts and track over time (Coming soon)

Simplify root cause analysis with AI, revealing reasons for high and low performing customer journeys. (Coming Soon)

Genesys Cloud includes performance views and dashboards that enable analysts to examine interaction data across time. We also have A3S, an expert application service, that can be used to explore and analyze historical contact center data. N/A For charts and conversion analysis, Customer will require Contact Center Optimization SKU and permission from their company’s administrator.
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/EE31 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud EE31 Genesys Agent Assist with Google Contact Center AI GenesysCloud A positive customer experience relies on the ability of the company or provider to answer a customer's request, provide excellent service, and deliver on the requested outcome. Contact centers are often the single point of contact for customers, and it is critical that agents properly and effectively handle these interactions. Agents must navigate knowledge and FAQs to find answers and resolve customer inquiries - which takes time that could be better spent on activities that improve customer service or sales outcome.

With Agent Assist, companies can rely on the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor and analyze the conversation and then deliver contextual, relevant information drawn from a knowledge base to provide relevant suggestions to the agent. The agent spends time assisting the customer based on the suggested results, rather than digging for information. To improve the knowledge base for future use, an agent may verify whether the suggestions that Genesys Agent Assist AI returns are relevant.

Genesys offers Agent Assist as a native AI capability fully integrated into Genesys Cloud CX. Genesys also enables customers to use Google CCAI transcription and knowledge services for voice-based Agent Assist as an alternative.

During a call or digital interaction between a customer and an agent, to assist the agent, Genesys Cloud Agent Assist presents relevant, real-time suggestions to the agent in their desktop. Agent assist provides contextually relevant knowledge suggestions, such as answers to frequently asked questions to the agent in real time. The knowledge empowers the agent, provides the right information at the right time, and enables the agent to provide better support to a end-customer.
  • Agents without the right information will give the wrong answer or take precious time finding the correct answer.
  • Agents spend an average of 12.5% of their work-week looking for information.
  • Agents want to help customers. If they don’t know how, they get frustrated.
  • Training material becomes quickly outdated.
  • Agent Assist empowers agents to be CX Heroes by giving them contextually relevant knowledge suggestions in real-time as they talk.
  • Commonly asked questions related to the live conversation are automatically served up as needed without agents having to look them up manually.
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s), Chief Information Officer Differentiated Must be an Engage Cloud customer with English (US-En) speaking agents deployed in North American region.

Must be willing to provide a reference.

Must be using Engage Cloud IVR, Designer 9 and WWE 9.

Not available for premise at this time. BL1: Review knowledge: The agent performs a high-level assessment to ensure the information returned from Agent Assist is appropriate and relevant to the current conversation.

BL2: Leverage knowledge: The agent communicates relevant information to the end-customer, or they use the information to perform the required "back-end" actions to resolve the customer issue.

BL3: Rate knowledge: Agent assist may provide an agent with multiple pieces of information during the interaction. Agents should rate the information using the thumbs up / thumbs down buttons to verify as relevant or irrelevant.

BL4: Resolve issue or continue conversation: If the end-customer issue is not adequately resolved, the agent continues the conversation with the end-customer to trigger Agent Assist to surface additional information. If Agent Assist is unable to provide appropriate information to resolve the end-customers issue, Agents should follow their corporate escalation policy to ensure that expectations are fulfilled.

Since the end-customer is already speaking with an agent in real time, any subsequent call steering is likely to be manually directed by the agent.
There is no applicable content for this section. The knowledge dashboard for Genesys Agent Assist gives overview about knowledge base article activities. Genesys Agent Assist metrics and reporting provides insight about presented, opened and copied articles. For more information, see In the knowledge optimizer dashboard, you can analyze the effectiveness of your knowledge base. In this view, you can see the following metrics:
  • All queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of answered and unanswered queries.
  • All answered queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of the application from which the conversation originated.
  • All unanswered queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of the application from which the conversation originated.
  • Top 20 articles and the frequency in which an article appeared in a conversation.
  • Top 20 answered queries and the frequency in which each answered query appeared in a conversation.
  • Top 20 unanswered queries and the frequency in which each unanswered query appeared in a conversation.


Customers and/or Genesys Professional Services are responsible for managing and uploading their own knowledge base content into Genesys Knowledge Workbench to be used by Agent Assist.
CE01 CE34 CE31 CE41 EE31 v 2.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/EE32 Current GenesysCloud EE32 Genesys Agent Copilot GenesysCloud Positive customer experiences can only happen when agents can answer a customer's request, provide empathetic, personalized service, and deliver on the requested outcome. In many contact centers, agents must navigate multiple processes and tools to look up knowledge and FAQs to find answers and resolve customer inquiries which takes time, leaves customers sitting on hold, and causes high average handle time and long waits.

With Agent Copilot, companies can leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to support agents as they serve customers digitally, or on the phone. Genesys Cloud Agent Copilot determines customer intent, automatically surfaces relevant knowledge, and guides agents to their next best actions – such as what to say next, what workflow to kick off, how to follow up, and more. It then summarizes interactions by generating text and predicts wrap-up codes. Agents spend time personalizing the assistance they offer each customer, and providing superior answers based on  suggested results, rather than digging for information and writing call notes.

It is possible to create rules based on events like starting an interaction, ending a conversation, or transferring it to another queue or agent. When an event like this happens, it will be possible to configure the appearance of an article from the knowledge base, triggering a script or a canned response.

Agent Copilot also allows to train a NLU model that detects Intents based on utterance. The detection of these intents will allow the user get an article from the knowledge base, triggering a script or a canned response, as with the events described above.

After the completion of the conversation between the agent and the user, a summary of the conversation is generated. This summary can be reviewed, modified, copied and pasted as part of the notes of the interaction.

Genesys offers Agent Copilot as a native AI capability fully integrated into Genesys Cloud CX.

During customer interactions, Genesys Cloud Agent Copilot assists agents by presenting relevant, next best actions to the agent in their workspace. Agent Copilot understands customers’ intents and provides agents with relevant answer highlighted knowledge, canned responses, and scripts. When agents move to after call work, Genesys Cloud AI creates an interaction summary and predicts wrap codes.
  • Agents without the right information will give the wrong answer or take precious time finding the correct answer.
  • Agents spend an average of 12.5% of their work-week looking for information.
  • Agents want to help customers. If they don’t know how, they get frustrated.
  • Training material becomes quickly outdated.
  • Agent Assist empowers agents to be CX Heroes by giving them contextually relevant knowledge suggestions in real-time as they talk.
  • Commonly asked questions related to the live conversation are automatically served up as needed without agents having to look them up manually.
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s), Chief Information Officer Differentiated Must be an Engage Cloud customer with English (US-En) speaking agents deployed in North American region.

Must be willing to provide a reference.

Must be using Engage Cloud IVR, Designer 9 and WWE 9.

Not available for premise at this time. BL1: Review knowledge: The agent performs a high-level assessment to ensure the information returned from Agent AssistAgent Copilot is appropriate and relevant to the current conversation. 

BL2: Leverage suggestion: The agent communicates relevant information to the end-customer, or they use the information to perform the required "back-end" actions to resolve the customer issue. 

BL3: Rate suggestions: Agent Copilot may provide an agent with multiple pieces of information during the interaction. Agents should rate the information using the thumbs up / thumbs down buttons to verify as relevant or irrelevant. 

BL4: Resolve issue or continue conversation: If the end-customer issue is not adequately resolved, the agent continues the conversation with the end-customer to trigger Agent Copilot to surface additional information. If Agent Copilot is unable to provide appropriate information to resolve the end-customers issue, Agents should follow their corporate escalation policy to ensure that expectations are fulfilled. 

BL5: End Coversation: Agent reviews the AI generated note and Wrap Up Codes. Agent selects the wrap up code from the AI suggested or finds the appropriate code.  

Since the end-customer is already speaking with an agent in real time, any subsequent call steering is likely to be manually directed by the agent. 
N/A The Agent Copilot Performance dashboard for Genesys Agent Copilot gives overview about knowledge base article activities. Genesys Agent Copilot metrics and reporting provides insight about presented, opened and copied articles. For more information, see   In the knowledge optimizer dashboard, you can analyze the effectiveness of your knowledge base. In this view, you can see the following metrics:
  • All queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of answered and unanswered queries.
  • All answered queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of the application from which the conversation originated.
  • All unanswered queries in a specific time frame and the breakdown, in percentages, of the application from which the conversation originated.
  • Top 20 articles and the frequency in which an article appeared in a conversation.
  • Top 20 answered queries and the frequency in which each answered query appeared in a conversation.
  • Top 20 unanswered queries and the frequency in which each unanswered query appeared in a conversation.


Customers and/or Genesys Professional Services are responsible for managing the Copilot NLU, rules engine and uploading their own knowledge base content into Genesys Knowledge Workbench to be used by Agent Copilot.  Customer needs to provide a KB or the articles that will be the elements of the Knowledge Base.
CE01 CE34 CE31 CE41 EE31 v 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/OP01 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud OP01 Genesys Business Communications GenesysCloud Companies want to reduce complexity, simplify administration, improve efficiency, and reduce total cost of ownership. They need a single platform that empowers both contact center and business users. The combination of customer experience management and business communications gives customers a unified all-in-one solution.

Companies no longer want to deal with multiple cobbled-together communications solutions. These solutions require more resources to deploy and maintain, increase cost of ownership, and leave the business constantly context-switching without a good way to collaborate across teams and business units. Customers and employees are too important to just maintain the status quo.

With a unified platform, enterprises smartly connect departments, workgroups, contact centers, branch offices, and remote and mobile workers. The unified platform combines a contact center solution with traditional business telephony functionality, speech-enabled auto-attendant, and real-time collaboration features. For example, video conference, screen share, dynamic team chat, presence management, corporate directory, and document management.

In keeping with multi-modality requirements, companies must equip their employees, especially sales force and field organizations, with mobility-based applications that give them the same functionality as their in-office counterparts. This functionality includes a company-wide directory with real-time presence and geolocation indicators, call controls and voicemail, find-me/follow-me, video and voice conferencing, ad hoc call recording, and unified messaging. Employees must also have access to contacts and communications from anywhere, on any device—including native mobile applications. Selecting a unified platform that supports traditional and digital communication capabilities can bridge the gap between the contact center and the rest of the business, and become a competitive advantage.

This use case offers basic PBX functionality, together with rich collaboration features. Features include:
  • IP PBX call processing
  • Auto-attendant
  • Desktop phone features
  • WebRTC softphone
  • Real-time presence management
  • On-demand call recording
  • Voice and video conferencing
  • Screen- and file-share
  • Corporate and workgroup directories
  • Instant messaging
  • Voicemail and unified messaging
  • Document management
  • Multilingual support

This complete functionality is built into the Genesys Cloud CX Communicate license, available as low as $19.99 per user per month (with annual prepay). Genesys Cloud CX Communicate complements the contact center sales: lead with contact center and evaluate back-office opportunity for business users.

  • The customer's current enterprise PBX is no longer under warranty.
  • There is uncertainty whether current infrastructure is being maintained by the manufacturer.
  • The customer is spending too much money maintaining outdated equipment.
  • The customer has to outsource support for an enterprise PBX.
  • The customer owns multiple siloed PBX platforms.
  • Existing PBX is managed and maintained as a solution separately from Genesys.
  • Allows single source of administration and support.
  • Allows single source of administration and support for all PBX functionality.
  • Enterprise users are added onto the Genesys infrastructure that the customer currently uses for contact center.
  • Support and maintenance for both PBX and contact center is consolidated into one platform.
  • Supports PBX growth through licensing to deliver exactly what the customer needs.
Consistent There is no applicable content. An ACD agent connects to a PBX user (e.g., Subject Matter Expert/SME). The PBX user/SME can be a remote agent working from a satellite location or from home. In either case the ACD agent would see the status of the SME and be able to warm transfer the customer call.
  1. The ACD agent needs to reach out to a SME in the enterprise.
  2. The ACD agent can see the status of the SME in the client.
  3. The ACD agent can perform a warm-transfer to the SME.

ACD user connects to business user via chat

  1. The ACD agent reaches out to a SME in the enterprise.
  2. The ACD agent sees the status of the SME in the client.
  3. ACD user reaches out to the back office SME via chat.

ACD user connects to business user via video

  1. The ACD agent reaches out to a SME in the enterprise.
  2. The ACD agent sees the status of the SME in the client.
  3. ACD user reaches out to back office SME via video.

ACD user connects to business user via mobile application

  1. The ACD agent reaches out to a SME in the enterprise.
  2. The ACD agent sees the status of the SME in the client.
  3. ACD user can still reach business users in the field via mobile device.

The Company Directory feature allows customers to call an IVR and say the name of the Genesys Cloud CX user they want to reach.

  1. Customer contacts a Genesys Cloud CX user that does not have a DID (or they do not know the DID).
  2. Customer calls the main IVR # and says the name of the Genesys Cloud CX user they want to reach.
  3. The system automatically connects the caller to the Genesys Cloud CX user.
  4. Notes:
There is no applicable content. See the Genesys Cloud CX Installation and Configuration Guide:

Web app

Access your Genesys Cloud CX account from almost any computer with the web app. Use a web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to log on to Genesys Cloud CX without downloading an app.

Mobile apps

Use the mobile app to stay connected to your org directory and chats, even when you are away from your office. We offer apps for iPhone and Android phones.

Desktop app

Keep Genesys Cloud CX separate from your browser and other work with the desktop app. The desktop app allows you to open Genesys Cloud CX automatically at startup and run it in the background. Download the desktop app for Windows or Mac.

Due to the continuous evolution, the features available in Genesys Cloud CX change rapidly. See the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center for latest features at The following are examples of Genesys Cloud CX historical and real-time views that provide relevant insights:

Business User Reporting

  • Interactions. The Interactions view provides detailed information on both historical and real-time interactions.
  • Call Detail Reporting (if leveraging voice from Genesys Telecom). This report tracks your organization’s consumption of Genesys Cloud CX Voice services, including information about call origin and destination, and the type of call.

Contact Center Reporting

  • Agent
  • Agent views provide metrics on agent status, agent performance, agent interactions, and other metrics to understand agent activity. Filters include skills, languages, wrap-up codes, and more.
  • Queue
  • Various views provide insight into both real-time and historical queue activity.
  • The Queue Activity view shows real-time metrics, including all calls that are currently waiting on and interacting with agents.
  • Reports
  • Genesys Cloud CX has a full library of canned reports available in .pdf and .xlsx formats.
  • Supervisors can filter these reports by dates, users, queues, and more.
  • Supervisors can download reports from the Genesys Cloud CX user interface.
  • Supervisors can schedule reports to run and download in batch.
  • Other views include, but are not limited to:
  • WFM
  • Quality
  • Outbound
  • Scheduled Callbacks
  • Campaigns
There is no applicable content. There is no applicable content. OP04 V 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/OP02 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud OP02 Genesys CRM Collaboration GenesysCloud CRMs and the contact center often coexist, serving as complimentary pieces to the customer experience puzzle. The contact center can use information stored in the CRM about your customer and their prior interactions with your business to provide a more personalized, meaningful, and effective customer experience. Data enables your IVR to make the customer experience more personalized, addressing the caller by name and confirming critical information before they ever reach an agent. This data can also be used to make advanced routing decisions, steering the customer to the appropriate queue to handle their inquiry. Once a queue is chosen, the system selects the appropriate skills an agent in that queue should have to properly handle this inquiry. The system provides the ACD engine all the facets it should consider when making a routing determination. Lastly, the information gathered from the CRM can be surfaced directly to the agent when they receive the call. The agent will have all the necessary context to quickly and efficiently handle the call. Genesys Cloud CX supports out of the box integrations for Salesforce, MS Dynamics CRM 365, and Zendesk. Genesys Cloud CX also supports a “generic” integration that connects to a wide range of REST and GRAPH APIs. For more information, see: (web services tab). This use case has really become table stakes for contact center installations. If customers aren't requesting these capabilities, we really should be asking why.
  • Silo'ed data in the CRM
  • Navigating IVR difficult
  • Inefficient routing
  • Duplicate questions in the IVR and by the agents
  • Utilize existing information to simplify the IVR
  • Use existing information to make better routing decisions
  • Eliminate duplicate effort by surfacing customer info directly to agents
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s), Systems Administrator Consistent Available on all interaction channels There are two methods to deliver a screen pop, either use an agent script or agent UI embedded into the CRM.

There is no applicable content. There is no applicable content.
  • Customer has a CRM.
  • Assumes CRM has web service endpoints to access records.
  • Assumes they are not using sensitive data to make routing decisions.
426300472 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/OP04 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud OP04 Genesys Voice Services GenesysCloud While new communication channels continue to crop up, the importance of voice remains. The speed and agility of the Genesys™ Genesys Cloud CX™ contact center platform connects your customer engagement and enterprise-wide unified communications with the telephony option that best fits your business needs. The widest variety of voice services connectivity options in the industry gives customers unparalleled flexibility and choice.

Customers can choose Genesys Cloud CX Voice (Genesys telecom) for VoIP, use the cloud-based Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) option, or BYOC on-premises using a Genesys Cloud CX Edge appliance for local survivability. Customers can keep a carrier contract or existing PBX infrastructure, or consolidate using Genesys as a single vendor for all needs. Customers who choose Genesys Cloud CX are often attracted to the cloud technologies and microservices architecture that provide speed, stability, and agility for their business. Adopting a cloud solution for voice services is a future-proof approach—extending these same cloud benefits across a customer’s entire communications system.

Genesys Cloud CX Voice

Genesys Cloud CX Voice is an internet-based telephony service provided by Genesys that, when activated, provides public telephony access to Genesys Cloud CX services. (for example, Genesys Cloud CX Communicate and Genesys Cloud CX contact center.) The Genesys Cloud CX Voice service is built on Genesys Telecom, a Genesys second-generation multi-carrier platform, and registered Interconnected-VoIP provider, subject to all local telecom regulation. With Genesys Cloud CX Voice, customers can simplify their software and vendor management, consolidating down to one vendor and one bill. Deployment is fast with this all-cloud solution that easily scales. After enabling Genesys Cloud CX Voice for an organization, the administrator can purchase new phone numbers (for example, 800 numbers and DIDs) from a Genesys Cloud CX-provided inventory. Alternatively, they can also port existing phone numbers to the service for use with Genesys Cloud CX. From there, administrators can assign phone numbers to users, IVR systems, managed phones, or campaigns. Pricing is based per phone number and usage-per-minute.

Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC).

Genesys Cloud CX BYOC refers to the ability for customers to define SIP trunks between Genesys Cloud CX and third-party devices or services. Customers can establish and maintain strategic carrier relationships and manage their own business voice costs. This service also eases deployment of global offices by enabling compliance with country-by-country telephony regulations. This service also allows customers to apply the speed, scalability, and agility of the cloud. A premises-based appliance is also available for customers who want local survivability. BYOC is available in two distinct offerings, named according to where the connection terminates against Genesys Cloud CX: BYOC Cloud: Customers can define SIP trunks between the Genesys Cloud CX cloud-based Edge & Media Tier and third-party systems over the public Internet. BYOC Premises: Customers can define SIP trunks between premises-based Edge hardware devices and third-party systems. Whether customers use BYOC in the cloud or a local Edge appliance, the solution enables them to create efficient and cost-effective telephony plans by applying local carriers and defining outbound routes for various number classifications.

Genesys Cloud CX telephony connection options provide convenience and flexibility. Simplify your implementation by using Genesys Cloud CX Voice, a comprehensive contact center solution that includes telephony service provided by Genesys. For more interoperability between Genesys Cloud CX and third-party devices, or to retain your existing carrier service, choose a Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) option.

Additional information can be found in these documents:

  • Difficulty scaling business communications
  • Overhead related to infrastructure and network maintenance
  • Carrier flexibility to support global growth; ability to easily add new users and offices
  • Reduce hardware and network needs
Consistent All voice calls to external participants route through a Genesys Voice Solution: Genesys Cloud CX Voice or Bring Your Own Carrier.
  • Does the customer have an existing carrier relationship?
  • Does the customer want to keep this existing carrier relationship or port services to Genesys Cloud CX Voice?

The first example uses a toll-free 800 number. The number in this example can also be interchanged with the DID number. For example, any number reachable from the PSTN.

Example 1

  • Customer has an existing relationship with Carrier ABC that owns their 800 numbers.
  • Customer selects BYOC open and integrates our solution with Carrier ABC for PSTN services.

Example 2

  • Customer does not have an existing relationship with any carriers and needs to buy net-new 800 numbers.
  • Customer selects Genesys Cloud CX Voice and purchases new 800 numbers from within our platform.

Example 3

  • Customer has an existing carrier relationship with Carrier ABC that owns their 800 numbers. Customer wants to consolidate and sees efficiencies in porting these numbers to Genesys Cloud CX Voice.
  • Customer selects Genesys Cloud CX Voice and completes the necessary paperwork to transfer or port services from their previous carrier to Genesys Cloud CX Voice. For 800 numbers, this process is referred to 'resporg'. It updates the PSTN so that it knows what carrier to route the traffic to. In this example, PSTN has to be notified that the 800 number is now registered to Genesys Cloud CX Voice.
All voice calls to external participants route through a Genesys Voice Solution: Genesys Cloud CX Voice or Bring Your Own Carrier.

The Number Plan / Number Assignment configuration defines all distribution logic of calls to business users or agents. Customers can assign a phone number to a user or to an IVR with ACD Routing. For more information about distribution logic after routing the number per number assignment, please refer to Genesys Business Communications or Genesys Call Routing use cases.

For more information about requirements, see

Web app

Access your Genesys Cloud CX account from almost any computer with the web app. Use a web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to log on to Genesys Cloud CX without downloading an app.

Mobile apps (not applicable to Genesys Cloud CX Voice and BYOC configuration screens)

Use the mobile app to stay connected to employees and chats when you are away from your office. We offer apps for iPhone and Android phones.

Desktop app

Keep Genesys Cloud CX separate from your browser and other work with the desktop app. The desktop app enables you to open Genesys Cloud CX automatically at startup, and then run it in the background. Download the desktop app for Windows or Mac.

There is no applicable content. Genesys Cloud CX provides real-time reporting for managers, supervisors, and agents. Real-time reporting includes contact center performance and metrics in dynamic views and dashboards. For more information about real-time reporting for your business requirements, see About reports, views, and dashboards.


Real-time reporting dynamic views display historical and real-time contact center metrics for interactions, agents, and queues. Use these views to meet your business needs.

To view in-progress and completed interactions, see Interactions view. The interaction's details page shows the interaction overview that is a visual representation of the interaction. The interaction overview provides information about the interaction participants and the type of interaction, including a waveform for voice interactions.

Agents Performance views include agent metrics, time in statuses, and evaluations. To understand agent activity, view detailed performance metrics for an agent or group of agents, in the Agents Performance Detail view.

Queues views provide insight into both real-time and historical queue performance data, including queue activity and metrics. See real-time information about a specific queue in the Queues Activity Detail view, including the queue's current interactions, agents, and service levels in one view. The Queues Activity Summary view updates in real time, and shows real-time statistics for all queues at the same time.


Performance Dashboards allow you to monitor the real-time activity for the contact center. These include service level, ASA, and the number of customers interacting and waiting. Display selected metrics and performance data about your contact center by creating Dashboards. With the Metric and Chart widgets, you can select the metrics about the queues, users, wrap-up codes, flows, or flow outcomes you want to see on your dashboards.

Reports show you historical data about your contact center and assist you in understanding your business needs. Use reports to see past metrics and data about the contact center. Reports include a pre-defined set of metrics. You set parameters for reports such as which users or queues to include, which media types to include, what date range to report on, and when to run the report. You can schedule reports to run at certain times, and you can run the report directly from your reports list page.

Using historical reports with dashboards and views gives you an accurate picture of your contact center's performance.

All voice calls to external participants route through a Genesys Voice solution: Genesys Cloud CX Voice or Bring Your Own Carrier.

For a list of countries in which Genesys Cloud CX Voice is currently available, see .

BYOC Cloud is available in all regions where Genesys Cloud CX is available. To view BYOC Cloud requirements, see .

For more information about how BYOC Premises is defined, see .

There is no applicable content. V 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/OP07 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud OP07 Genesys UCC Third-Party Integration GenesysCloud You can benefit from the productivity and communication capabilities of Genesys Cloud CX and collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom that make it easier for contact center agents to collaborate and communicate with subject matter experts across the company and resolve issues within the first customer contact. Benefit from the flexibility of the Genesys Cloud CX™ platform and the productivity and supported communication capabilities. You can make it easier for contact center agents to collaborate and communicate with subject matter experts across the company and deliver memorable customer experiences.

Agents use the integrated directory, search, and presence features to find a subject matter expert, determine availability and collaborate in real time with a single click. A single communication and collaboration interface for agents puts an end to switching between systems. Real-time access to experts gives them the ability to resolve issues within the first contact. Select from Microsoft, Genesys, or another carrier of your choice for inbound and outbound voice and your internal calls.

Improve the quality of work and productivity by empowering agents with a single integrated communication and collaboration interface. Real-time access to experts gives them the ability to resolve customer issues within the first contact. Select from Microsoft, Genesys, or another carrier of your choice for inbound and outbound voice and your internal calls. It’s a convenient combination with the industry-leading Genesys Cloud CX routing and artificial intelligence capabilities — with a single point of control. Consistent Agents handling voice interactions are able to see a new 'tab' associated with the UC integration (Teams, Zoom, other). Within this tab, UC integration users' presence from external platform is shown and telephone number associated with external platform is used when transferring calls. Please also see the below links for more information on MS Teams integration and Zoom Phone integration:

MS Teams Integration Call Transfer Tab.png

N/A UC Integrations utilize Genesys Cloud CX's BYOC-Cloud and Premises* solutions for voice connectivity to external UC platforms which natively support information about call events, including call transfer and conclusion.   SIP connectivity between Genesys Cloud CX and the external platform via either BYOC-Cloud or BYOC-Premises. Customer is responsible for selecting a SCIM provider and managing SCIM implementation for their Genesys Cloud CX organization. Customer is responsible for setting up SIP connections and managing any additional system components such as SBCs and/or Edges as required by external service provider. OP04 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/WE01 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud WE01 Quality Assurance and Compliance for Genesys Cloud CX (WEM) GenesysCloud The success of a contact center hinges on its ability to provide a high-quality experience to customers, achieve consistently high levels of quality and meet regulatory compliance. Further, Quality evaluators, Quality administrators, and Quality managers need efficient tools and integrated automated processes to ensure that all interactions are handled effectively and efficiently. Hence, Contact centers need systems that provide the functionalities to monitor, record, and evaluate the quality of agent customer interactions on all communication channels combined with recorded agent desktop activity. Further, the system should also have features to obtain customer satisfaction feedback through surveys upon the conclusion of their interaction with the contact center.

Businesses must evaluate the quality of their interactions to identify opportunities for improvement, but it’s not efficient to evaluate every interaction. There is a need to distinguish important from routine interactions and generate the results in a consistent and automated manner. Also company's need to prevent risk arising out of lack of compliance and loss of valuable information.

Genesys Cloud CXTM Quality Assurance and Compliance consists of Integrated tools that help customers meet the above challenges. Genesys Cloud CX Interaction recording reliably records all voice and digital interactions and makes it easy to search and access recordings. Genesys Multi-monitor screen recording captures the agent desktop activity for up to four monitors while handling ACD interactions.

Genesys Cloud CX Speech and text analytics is a set of features that provide automated speech and text analytics capabilities on all interactions to provide deep insight into customer-agent conversations. For voice interaction, speech and text analytics provides automated transcription and employs speech-to-phrase grammar-based recognition. Along with non-linguistic analysis of recordings, speech and text analytics creates meaning from otherwise unstructured data. Sentiment analysis and Topic spotting enable Quality Managers to understand the overall sentiment of the interaction.

Genesys Cloud CX Quality Evaluation features includes flexible evaluation forms for use with any recorded interaction. The evaluation workflow provides both automated and ad hoc assignments, easy access to results and scheduling for ad hoc coaching. Quality Evaluation results enable contact centers to analyze performance for continuous agent improvement and improved customer experience.

Genesys Cloud CX's survey is built in to the platform and is used to send a survey to customers after any media interaction i.e. call, email, chat, and messaging. The survey includes an easy to use flexible form builder with multiple question types for a standard post-interaction satisfaction survey or a post-interaction NPS survey. Genesys sends the survey to the customer via email with a web link to the survey. Geneys Cloud built in survey solutions allows organizations to gain insight into customer satisfaction/experience regardless of the channel and other related contact center metrics.

Organizations can use Genesys Cloud CX Quality Evaluation and Compliance tools to fulfill key use cases around agent performance improvement (decrease AHT, increase FCR, sales conversion, compliance, and customer satisfaction). These precise tools help improve employee culture, technology, and operations to plan and execute strategies that bring contact center quality to new heights.

Genesys Cloud CX's Quality Assurance and Compliance is a set of tools and automated processes that are built to help contact centers ensure that interactions are handled effectively and efficiently.

Organizations must evaluate and improve the quality of the interactions that their employees have with their customers and prospects. The Quality Management module helps organizations improve the quality and efficiency of agent performance which can improve customer satisfaction.

This use case includes overall multichannel (voice and digital) capabilities for interaction recording, agent desktop screen recording (multi monitor), interaction quality evaluation, ad hoc coaching, and post-interaction surveys. These key capabilities provide an effective method for defining desired agent behaviors, acknowledging and reinforcing those behaviors and identifying areas of performance improvement. These features also allow customers to verify that their agents are adhering to critical regulation and compliance.

Genesys Cloud CX Quality Assurance and Compliance provides visibility on the agent activity to understand:

  • Why certain types of interactions (voice or digital) take longer to handle than others
  • How well the agent understands the applications and processes
  • Identify which issues are related to agent problems and which to system/ workflow issues
  • Agent's handling of multiple overlapping interactions
  • Agent access to unauthorized activity
  • Adherence to compliance requirements/regulations
  • Impact to customer satisfaction
  • Managers, Supervisors, Coaches and Quality evaluators waste time hunting for relevant interactions to evaluate for quality purposes.
  • Manual methods of tracking the results of evaluations (i.e. excel) make it difficult to achieve consistency across different evaluators.
  • Evaluation results and scores are difficult to efficiently and effectively manage, report upon and analyze.
  • Inability to record across all communication mediums reliably.
  • Lack of useful metadata about recorded calls.
  • High total cost of ownership (TCO) for recording.
  • Desire to move away from incumbent recording vendor.
  • Keeping the current recording solution updated with all recording channels and technology transformations.
  • Need to get an ideal picture of the service quality of the employees to the customers and to understand customer's level of satisfaction across various communication channels.
  • Identify areas of improvement for agents by sharing the customer's perception of their experience.
  • Identify and act on sources of customer satisfaction and frustration. Align quality evaluation expectations with your customer's expectations of quality service.
  • Identify contact center procedural/process improvement opportunities.
  • Use quality results to reinforce desired performance as well as improvement opportunities.
  • Implement a recording solution which is natively integrated with your Customer experience platform.​
  • Record 100% of the calls handled by your contact centers with no “lost” calls to increase compliance, decrease risk and evaluate 100% of calls along with agent desktop screen activity.
  • Simplify the process of creating forms (questionnaires) for evaluating interaction quality.​
  • Automate the selection of evaluations based upon business rules.​​​​
  • Record all of your available customer digital channels along with agent desktop screen activity.
  • Post-interaction surveys to obtain actionable feedback from your customers on their contact center experience with any/all communication channels.
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s), Chief Information Officer Differentiated

Archiving and Deleting Criteria

Genesys Cloud CX Policy can be configured to defined a archive and deletion actions for recordings and screen recordings. For more information Recording Policy

Pause / Resume recording

Agents can pause or resume recordings as needed for compliance reasons. The ability for an agent to pause or resume a recording from the agent desktop is enabled or disabled based on customer requirements. APIs are also used to pause or resume a recording. If a recording of the interaction is paused for an interaction that is also being screen recorded, the pause/resume action is synchronized.

View and Download recording and screen recording

An interaction can have multiple recordings, including screen recordings. If applicable, navigate through the recordings associated with the interaction and to play the screen recording. For ,more information-> View a screen recording and Download recording

Quality Manager/ Administrator

Roles will determine the access to recording and screen recording of users. Roles can be provided additional permissions based on business requirement. The Quality Administrator and Quality Evaluator roles have the additional permissions than a user for viewing quality and recordings. For more information ->  Roles and Permissions

Evaluation Sessions

To help ensure an agent's handling of interactions aligns with specific business requirements, evaluators receive assigned evaluations that they must complete according to the assignment process. A completed evaluation form provides a view into how an agent communicates with a customer. When used as part of evaluation sessions, these forms provide consistent and regular feedback and can help surface insightful results, comments, and suggestions. This can lead to formal skills training and action plans to improve agent performance. For more information-> Evaluation form

N/A Quality Assurance and Compliance features are accessible from the Genesys Cloud CX application. Genesys Cloud CX comes with several Reporting and Analytics features.

For detailed reporting features:

Genesys Cloud CX comes with several Reporting and Analytics features.

For detailed reporting features:

  • 100% of ACD Interactions will be recorded. Internal calls (agent to agent) and inbound or outbound DID calls are not recorded.
  • Recordings are based on what channels are configured.
  • Screen recordings can be configured during interaction on any communication channel
  • Surveys can be configured for any available channel.

N/A CE16 CE18 CE29 CE34 CE43 468979114 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/WE02 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud WE02 Ressource Management GenesysCloud Contact centers are complex, continually changing entities. They often have a large human resource with varied skills and operates long hours, making Resource management a challenge. If any one element falls away – agents calling in sick, for example – the entire process could break down. Spreadsheets were once the method of choice for resource management, and creating these spreadsheets manually required a skilled, numbers-savvy manager. As the contact center becomes increasingly complex. However, manual processes become less feasible.

Forecasting expected interaction volume and creating schedules for agents are two of the most important roles of resource management. It’s tricky to get right: if you under-staff the center, customer satisfaction levels go down and agents become burned out.

Resource management software can help eliminate some of the most time-consuming tasks for managers while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of forecasts and the flexibility of schedules. Some of the most common challenges of resource management are:

  • Inaccurate forecasts - While managers traditionally use historical data to create forecasts, there are other factors to consider (time of year, marketing activities and even weather). The more data points involved, the more fallible manual calculations become.
  • An inability to be all channels- While interactions may take up most of the resource’s time, other contact media, and even manual tasks must be factored into forecasts and schedules.
  •  A lack of real-time exception planning - An employee may need to leave suddenly, or an unexpected spike in volume could consume more resources than expected.
  • Limitations to physical premises- While your current methods of scheduling and forecasting may work well enough for employees on your physical premises, what about remote employees? or business partners?
  • Problems with adherence - Schedule adherence is critical to a well-run contact center, but manual methods don’t account for it. If your customer interactions are time sensitive, understanding your resourcing shortfalls and availability can improve customer experience.

Resource management is all about assigning the right employees with the right skills to the right job at the right time and through a platform that address most of the well-known challenges. Challenges such as forecasting accuracy, multichannel resource allocation, exception handling, and adherence control have been around for a while. However, a wealth of resource management software today continues to use Erlang-C based forecasting and scheduling algorithms which do not provide the accuracy, processing speed nor the agility required to fulfill the expected digital channel explosion (digital transformation), the rise of asynchronous messaging and combined self and agent-assisted journeys.

Genesys Cloud Resource management helps simplify the process of forecasting interactions and scheduling employees in multichannel contact experience environment. Its AI-powered core capabilities help companies optimize resource utilization through highly accurate forecasts and lightning fast scheduling so that supervisors can spend more time coaching their agents to achieve organizational goals.

Genesys Tempo is a mobile application on iOS and Android platforms for Genesys Cloud. It empowers the workforce to achieve a work-life balance with the ability to self-manage their working hours from their mobile device. Through this app, employees can view their schedule, receive notifications when a schedule is added, changed or removed, and keep track of their working hours quickly and efficiently. They can also put in time-off requests and receive notifications when request statuses change or changes occur. With the latest release, users can now see what days are available for leave, which slots are filling up quickly and where they are in line for waitlisted time-off requests.

By applying other workforce engagement capabilities, facilities and resource management teams can determine new arrangements for flexible work-time allocation, work-remote scenarios, gamification, and other employee self-managed services. This is done through agile, upgrade-free, and rapid innovations delivery in a single platform to keep operational efficiency, effectiveness, and business performance under control.

Resource Management forms part of the critical operations in all modern customer experience environments and is a process that maximizes performance levels and competency for a Contact center. The process includes all the activities that are needed to maintain a productive workforce, such as human resource management, budgeting, forecasting, scheduling, and analytics.

Genesys Cloud Resource management provides software to support contact center workforce management that delivers a set of optimized schedules, utilizing agent skills and contract rules while providing editing and monitoring capabilities for the contact center. Demand-oriented resource management enables planners to optimize staffing by creating schedules that conform to the forecasted requirements. At the same time, a resource management solution helps organizations manage adherence to all relevant legislation, local agreements, and the contracts of individual employees such as work-life balance guidelines.

In today's world of multiple digital channels, a contact center could have set call hours but digital channels are always on. Without the right insights, it’s hard to create balanced schedules that allow contact centers to be responsive to digital interactions while considering employee hours, contracts, preferences, time off, and labor laws.

Genesys Cloud Resource management helps you find the right balance. Genesys solution automatically gathers data, making it easy to get accurate forecasts and scheduling scenarios across channels. Factor in arrival patterns and hours of operation to cover your bases, and get real-time insight and monitoring into SLAs and schedule adherence.

  • Inability to consistently meet SLA.
  • Low customer satisfaction due to excessive wait times and low first call resolution.
  • Low employee engagement due to high work pressure, receiving interaction types they cannot handle and ever changing schedules.
  • Create an accurate forecast across all queues that take in to account specific arrival patterns for digital interactions.
  • Gain better insight into effectiveness of several forecasting/scheduling scenarios.
  • Report on who is ’out of schedule adherence’ in real time and historically.
  • Report on cross channel schedule adherence in real time and historically.
  • Automatically gather data for accurate forecasting from contact center platform.
  • Real time insight into intraday SLA & schedule adherence.
Head of Operations, Head of Contact Center(s), Head of Workforce Planning Differentiated A prerequisite to any basic WFM deployment is a formal discovery process. The formal discovery process produces specific documentation. N/A Resource Management features are accessible from the Genesys Cloud application. Genesys Cloud WFM comes with several Reporting and Analytics features.

For detailed reporting features:

Genesys Cloud WFM comes with several Reporting and Analytics features.

For detailed reporting features:

  • Workforce Resource Management is available for the Inbound Interaction type for all channels.
  • A Business unit is limited to 5,000 agents.
  • A management unit is limited to 1,500 agents.
  • The use case does not include any of these advanced options:
    • Integration to 3rd party WFM tools (There are native integrations for some. There are public APIs’s available as well. APIs are available to those agents that want to use them.)
    • Advanced Customization - API customization
  • Bullseye Routing configurations will not be supported as bullseye routing and WFM don’t play too well together. It’s not best practice.
  • Scheduled callbacks, non-scheduled callback, and ACD Voicemail appear as callbacks in forecast and schedules.
  • The setup of Business units, Planning groups, Service Goal templates, Management units, Agents, Activity Codes, and basic Work plans are a prerequisite for planning. These objects must be configured and required permissions to use them and set them must be in place. Genesys Professional services can be used for initial setup of the pre-requisites.
  • Complete the initial setup to before creating any schedule
N/A CE16 CE18 CE43 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysCloud/WE03 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysCloud WE03 Employee Performance GenesysCloud High-performing, happy employees are an integral part to a successful contact center. In a recent study by Gartner, 86% of organizations consider employee engagement an equal or more important factor in achieving customer experience (CX) and, consequently, contact center goals. This is because the more engaged an employee is the more likely they will perform well in their role. To meet and surpass employee performance objectives, contact centers need to deploy a holistic, deeply integrated workforce engagement solution that provides the following key capabilities— onboarding development, learning & training, performance management, coaching, and gamification.

Personalized learning and development from day one

To deliver consistent, positive customer experiences, employees need to be well-informed and trained on company product, services, policies, and procedures. With Genesys Cloud you can deliver training, informational content, or assessments to employees to help them onboard, learn, and stay up-to-date. Personalized training can be delivered automatically based on rules or manually assigned, allowing managers to build customized learning and development journeys for employees within your organization. Regardless of start date, all employees quickly receive the necessary training to perform well in their role.

Powerful and intuitive performance management

Once employees are trained, leaders need to easily identify high and low performing employees against defined objectives and goals so that they can reward good performance and focus limited resources on coaching and mentoring those that need it most. Genesys Cloud consolidates performance metrics from across the platform into unified scorecards that can be viewed by managers and employees alike to understand performance across all defined objectives. Real-time metrics let managers and employees improve KPIs when needed most. Historical individual and team trends in performance help managers with planning, evaluations, and training initiatives.

Strategic coaching and training sessions

Strategically planned coaching sessions are known to significantly improve employee performance. Supervisors and quality managers can identify, assign, and schedule training sessions through a single, seamless process. Genesys Cloud centralizes all necessary information and documentation to complete a productive coaching session. And because it’s integrated to Workforce Management, you can complete in a single go — no need to check with other departments for best available time slot.

A single, easy-to-use employee dashboard

Employees not only want to meet their performance goals but grow and develop within their roles. Too often, however, an employee’s performance and development are hindered by the tools they use. Having to navigate several disjointed systems to complete tasks or understand their manager’s performance expectations frustrates employees and contributes to low employee engagement and productivity — ultimately affecting employee retention. 

Empower your employees to outperform by giving them a single, holistic view of the information needed to perform their role successfully, including employee schedule, performance metrics and goals, evaluations, and personalized development plans.

Gamified performance scores to motivate employees

Employee performance metrics across KPIs are gamified into user-friendly performance scorecards and leaderboards. Employees can see how their performance tracks and compares against teammates in real-time — encouraging healthy competition and facilitating performance improvements when needed. Gamification in employee performance management is key to building strong employee engagement, especially when your teams work remotely. By leveraging people’s intrinsic motivator for status and recognition, competition and feeling of community, contact centers are able to motivate their employees to improve their overall performance and develop professionally along the way.

Genesys Cloud makes the lives of your employees better by minimizing tedious manual processes, providing actionable data transparency and consolidation, and streamlining how your various teams work together. Through a single, holistic solution, it delivers the key capabilities necessary for a modern and effective performance management strategy— onboarding, training & development, performance management, coaching, gamification, and voice of the employee. Genesys Cloud creates an easy-to-use, collaborate working environment for employees, supervisors, managers, and leadership.

Most contact center leaders aren’t happy with the high costs of agent attrition, overwhelmed team leaders, underwhelming CSAT/NPS scores, and all the other daily realities that cause them heartburn. Instead of suffering with the status quo of outdated, complicated, and disparate systems for workforce optimization, contact center center leaders can deploy an end-to-end workforce engagement management solution.

Performance management is an integral part of workforce engagement management for enabling contact center to align people, processes, and systems to organizational goals and objectives, such as customer satisfaction and experience, cost control and revenue generation.

This use case guides organizations to create organization-specific learning modules, schedule coaching and training sessions, customize performance scorecards, and implement gamification tools like leaderboards. Competitions, badges and social elements coming soon.

This use case and solution is well integrated providing native capabilities in learning management, coaching, gamification and performance management.

  • Built-in learning module designer can add multimedia-rich assessments and learning material.
  • Employee performance is consolidated from multiple sources and used in gamification.
  • Coaching functionality delivers a set of capabilities that allows workforce planners to efficiently plan and execute offline scheduling of activities in the most efficient manner.

The agent activity view enables Agents to view a variety of data directly associated with their schedule, tasks, and performance. At a glance, the agent activity view provides a current summary of the off-queue information in one location. From the agent activity view, agents can view their current or upcoming schedule, scorecard, leaderboard, and coaching appointments. For examples, agents can:

  • See today’s schedule
  • Stay in adherence / conformance (take breaks at the specified time)
  • View manager evaluations and provide feedback
  • Meet supervisor for coaching
  • See My Performance compared against objectives and peer performance
  • Get up-to-date on new policies and procedures
  • Complete learning content of work on personal development

Real-time reporting provides detailed analysis of agent progress and task completion, while identifying any gaps in performance. Easy-to-use performance dashboards help organizations identify high-performers, the skills & capabilities necessary to deliver great customer experiences, and benchmark those results with the rest of the team. This improves performance management and decision-making around agent engagement and development activities — from onboarding, ad-hoc, and ongoing training. As skilled and capable agents are more likely to provide consistent customer experiences like maintaining resolution rates and handle times, it's vital to conduct effective onboarding programs, track & measure performance, and provide appropriate training and coaching sessions.

  • Not having consolidated performance data makes it difficult to reward success and target individual training to fill knowledge gaps.
  • Lack of well integrated Learning management system with contact center reduces the alignment of HR and operations within Contact center.
  • Scheduling coaching and other offline tasks is typically a very manual process occupying up to 30%+ of resource planning and training resources.
  • Having an integrated system that Aligns organizational KPIs with individual objectives gives your agents a way to track their progress against individual development plans and improve skills.
  • Insights from Learning Management will help coaches and trainers better engage agents to maximize their capability and provide better customer experience
  • Well integrated coaching can help Managers and trainers can request and schedule their own ad-hoc meetings, Coaching and training seamlessly.
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s), Contact Center Supervisor / Manager Differentiated
  • Genesys Cloud is configured with appropriate user roles and licenses.
  • Business rules must be set up to assign the learning items to the agent target group.
  • Genesys Cloud Coaching permissions are needed to schedule a Coaching session.
  • Genesys Cloud Workforce Management is needed for optimizing scheduling.
  • Gamification/ Performance Manager must decides on the Performance data that needs to be measured.
  • Supervisor and Agents need to finalize the performance objectives that are to be achieved including the KPI that needs to be tracked.
  • Periodic review process with necessary learning items and coaching should take place between the Supervisor and agent to agree the final targets.
  • Agents can view their Assigned Learning Module from Module Icon in the Inbox
  • Agents can also view their Assigned Learning items with appropriate due dates in the Activity Tab of Genesys Cloud.
  • Agent feedbacks should always be incorporated to enhance the system on a periodic basis.
N/A N/A Reporting and Analytics insights on Employee Performance would be available as part of the Functionality reports and through Analytics reports. Same as Real time reporting. Reporting and Analytics insights on Employee Performance would be available as part of the Functionality reports and through Analytics reports. Employee Performance functionalities are available only for Genesys Cloud3 N/A WE01 WE02 641804199 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO02 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO02 Genesys Task Distribution GenesysEngage-onpremises Work items and sales leads created in CRM, BPM, marketing, email, or workflow source systems each have their own business processes and corresponding journey touchpoints. Siloed workbins across different business units, geographical regions, systems, or resource groups cause inefficient distribution of work items and sales leads.

It is challenging to distribute high volumes of work items and sales leads fairly, quickly, and in accordance to the underlying customer commitment or SLA. While many have invested in automation, these systems and applications focus on the process and not the employees who actually complete the processes.  

Genesys Intelligent Workload Distribution (iWD) allows for the effective management of all enterprise work items and leads. Capturing work created in multiple source systems, placing them into a universal queue, and constantly reprioritizing them based on business needs delivers efficient distribution. Genesys distributes work items and leads at the right time to the best-skilled and available employee to complete the task or close the lead.

The ability to define and edit business logic easily drives the proper prioritization and distribution of leads between the available resources. It also prevents “cherry-picking” of work and balancing out the interactions between the available resources fairly and equally.  Work items and sales leads can be segmented and prioritized based on multiple business parameters such as lead capture date, expected value, customer segment, and so on. For example, a consumer shopping online that has abandoned their shopping cart is an interaction captured by the website and delivered to Genesys iWD as a "hot lead."  The lead takes its place in the universal queue with a priority schema defined by the size of the shopping cart, the value of the product or service, or other data points about the customer.  The lead is constantly reprioritized and then distributed based on business rules that define the service level.

By using Genesys iWD, companies improve their throughput and lead conversion rates, while managing operational costs, enhancing customer experience, and keeping employees satisfied.

The design of Genesys Intelligent Workload Distribution (iWD) enables effective capture, classification, prioritization, management, and distribution of work items and high value leads. This distribution occurs across multiple departments to the best-suited employees, based on business segmentation, resource skills, and availability.

The powerful iWD Manager enables business users to define and adjust business segmentation rules and prioritization schemas, as well as view near real-time dashboards into operational performance and backlog. Genesys gives administrators control over the routing logic once the task or lead needs to be delivered to the Genesys agent workspace.

Genesys captures new work items or leads from multiple source systems and creates an interaction in the system.  The interaction goes through a process of classification, segmentation, and prioritization within the universal queue based on the business rules created.  

Once an employee with the right skill profile becomes available, the Genesys core routing engine is used to distribute it to the employee in the Genesys agent workspace at the right time to convert the lead or execute on the task.   If it cannot be assigned to an employee within a specified period, it continues to be reprioritized.

  • Unable to measure and report on employee utilization
  • No visibility into work item queues and backlogs
  • Work items split across CRM, ERP, BPM and other enterprise systems
  • Employee’s cherry pick work
  • Work items are pulled rather than pushed to employees
  • Unable to plan omni-channel resourcing to match peak online activity
  • Single global task list (both real-time and offline)​
  • Real time and continuous prioritization of work​
  • Automation of SLA Management​
  • Consolidated Employee Desktop with full context of the work item inputs
  • Equitable distribution of work items across employee base
  • Insights into workforce skills and proficiency
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Operations, Head of Business Units Consistent Capabilities Assumption: Not available for Partner Cloud but iWD Cloud is available for partners of Genesys Multicloud CX to sell N/A Before Genesys receives work items, the source system classifies the work and attaches all the necessary metadata. Then, Genesys matches this work with the best employee at the right time.

Genesys system analyzes work items created within to be able to:

  • Be associated with the right business process, department, queue, prioritization schema, and employees. The Genesys system assigns work to the business process in real-time based on employee presence and capacity rules.
  • The source systems can optionally assign the due date and priority settings for handling the work item (so called work item prioritization).
  • Distribution schema applied to the work items is crucial for both steps above. For example, the business process, department and metadata define needed the skills to handle the work item. Segmentation and prioritization depend on the attributes associated to work items and on business requirements. The following sections describe these attributes or metadata.


Work item segmentation and prioritization depend on metadata input from one or more source systems. To apply the segmentation and prioritization within the Genesys system, a set of business attributes (parameters) must arrive from the source system. These attributes captured by the capture event are within the Genesys capture adapter.

The global task list includes work captured. Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution Manager applies segmentation rules to separate work items using core attributes and custom attributes:

  • For the work item to pass from the source system, it must be a core attribute. A core attribute is a fixed attribute passed from the source system, otherwise the system rejects (external identifier) it.
  • Custom attributes can guide the work item to an employee and reflect in the routing and reporting. At the beginning of the project, generation of the mapping between the source system to Genesys iWD attributes occurs. The business user can manage their environment, once establishing the environment. Screen pops on the agent workspace and segmentation in iWD Manager occur through work item and custom attributes.

For detailed Attribute List for Leads, refer to the respective Leads Attribute List section below:

Business Rules

Business Rules define or mirror both the operating principles and constraints of an organization. A few examples:

  • All work items associated with Sales Department and Customer Segment Gold shall be handled within 72 hours.
  • If the work item attribute department equals Sales and the Customer Segment equals Gold then the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is 72 hours.

These and finer-grained segmentation rules established in iWD Manager and managed by the business user. The GRE & ORS applications controls the distribution strategy for work items to the desired employees.

iWD Manager uses the attributes from the captured work item to assign the task. It can assign directly to an employee, agent group, combination of skills, or skill proficiency levels. Importance of the work relative to other work items is a key factor that determines prioritization in the global task list. Work in the longest routing status distributes first when there are multiple work items with the same priority targeting the same employees.

The same applies for leads, the priority schema defined within iWD manager is highly flexible and business users can adjust the priority curve to suit their business needs.

In the following sales example, the business value of the lead degrades over time. When a promotion runs for leads that didn't convert within six days, the business user raises the priority between six and eight days after capturing the lead.

Note: In a blended environment, the priority ranges used for leads align with the priority ranges for other media types to ensure the right behavior (distribution order) within the environment. For example, if the employee is answering both phones calls and leads, the sales manager decides that phone calls have a higher priority. The result is voice calls priority starts higher than work items maximum priority. If there is an inflection point where the leads are more important than voice calls, then the prioritization strategy should reflect that. For example, leads within 2 hours of their due date and time are more important than voice calls that are in the queue for 30 seconds.

Business Context and Segmentation

Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution assigns every work item to a business process. Assignment of work items occurs after capture based on the segmentation defined within iWD Manager. The Finance and Sales Departments example shows the split of the processes according to the respective segment, and it reflects the different types of skills and proficiencies. The departments and process names adapt easily according to the changing organization's requirements.

Intelligent Workload Distribution Manager configuration segmentation example table:

Customer Segment
Priority increase scheme
Min priority
Max priority
Finance Gold Gold 400 1000
Silver Silver 200 1000
Bronze Bronze 100 1000
Sales Gold Gold 500 2000
Sales Silver Silver 200 1000
Sales Bronze Bronze 100 400

Unspecified business processes use a default segmentation, prioritization, and distribution scheme.

Priority Schema

The system applies the priority schema to the work item/lead initially after capture and again periodically, according to defined prioritization schema. The reprioritization follows the logic defined below.

Rules define the logic to increase the priority over time by.

  • Setting an initial value for the priority
  • Setting a priority increment
  • Setting the various periods between priority increments
  • Setting the due date and time
  • Set an overdue priority
  • Setting the overdue or at SLA value of the priority

The priority of each work item or lead represents the urgency and business value at that point in the life cycle of the item. The prioritization schema allows a balance of work items representing different Service Level Agreements (SLA). The prioritization allows items of a shorter SLA to increase faster and reach the maximum priority compared with items of equal business value with a longer SLA. The values selected along the graph reflect the different SLAs. In other words, maximum priority culminates with the due date. In a blended environment, priority ranges used for items must broadly align with the priority ranges for other media types to ensure the right behavior (distribution order) within the environment.

As an example, for employees answering phone calls and items, phone calls have priority. The priority of voice calls is higher than items. If there is an inflection point where work items/leads are more important than voice calls, then the prioritization strategy should reflect that. For example, work items/leads within 2 hours of their SLA are more important than voice calls that have waited in queue less than 5 minutes.

Work item/lead life cycle (or) Work item/lead completion - Option 1 in source system and in Genesys

Genesys work items complete via the source system. The logical flow is as follows:

  1. The employee completes a work item/lead in the source system.
  2. The employee presses "Mark Done" in Genesys to signal that they have finished working on the work item/lead. The employee is then ready for the distribution of their next work item/lead.
  3. The source system sends an update via the Capture Adapter to complete the item. If the update does not arrive within a specified timeout, the item goes back into distribution with the same priority. The calculation of priority referenced is in the graph described in the section "Priority Rules." The item going back to distribution ensures that the item avoids a stuck state in the Genesys system. If the employee accidentally presses "Mark Done" in Genesys, the redistribution of the item takes place.

Work item/lead life cycle (or) Work item/lead completion - Close in source system

Genesys work items complete via the source system. The logical flow is as follows:

  1. The employee completes a work item/lead in the source system.
  2. The source system sends an update via the Capture Adapter to complete the work item/lead. If this update does not arrive within a specified timeout, the item goes back into distribution with same priority. The priority calculated from the graph described in the section 'Priority Rules'. If the employee accidentally presses "Mark Done", the item goes back to distribution preventing a stuck status in the Genesys system. Disabling the "Mark Done" button within the Genesys agent workspace is an option to prevent this scenario from occurring.

Parking work items/lead in the personal workbin

If an employee is unable to complete the task, they can store it in their personal workbin for later. When they need to access the item, the employee can just pull it from their workbin to continue working on it. The use of workbin is helpful when employees are sick or taking time off. Supervisors manage workbins through the desktop to prevent stuck items in an employee's workbin. Items return to queue or assigned to another team member.

Rescheduling work items/leads

An employee may also need to reschedule a work item/lead, when a customer is available the following day. The source system handles rescheduling and depending on its functionality and integration with Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution. The logical flow is as follows:

  1. The employee determines to reschedule a work item/lead.
  2. The employee updates the source system, optionally setting an activation date in the source system. Most important, the employee sets the new SLA date and time in the source system.
  3. The employee sets Mark Done in the agent workspace. The employee is available to work on the next work item/lead.
  4. The source system updates the work item/lead in Genesys with a so-called activation date which is the date set by the employee. Updating the date prevents the item from distributing before the activation date. The work item/lead is prioritized following the logic described above, starting with the activation date. If the activation date fails to set, then the source system updates the work item/lead based on the new SLA.

Reclassifying work items/leads

An employee might also need to reclassify a work item/lead. The source system handles resegmentation which depends on the functionality and integration to Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution

The logical flow is as follows:

  1. The employee reclassifies a work item/lead.
  2. The employee updates the source system and sets the new date in the source system. 

  3. The employee sets Mark Done in their agent workspace. The employee is available to work on the next work item/lead.
  4. The source system updates the work item/lead in Genesys with the new attributes. The process of classification of the work item runs according to the new attributes. The item distributes to an employee with the right skill profile

Leads Attribute List

The attributes used for one or multiple of the following purposes:

•Segmentation (See topic 'Business Context and Segmentation')

•Prioritization (see topic “Priority Rules”).

•For display within the agent workspace.

The following table lists the attributes and its purpose which is available as part of this use case.

Attribute Description Segmentation Prioritization Agent Display
External ID Mandatory ID to identify the lead X
Contact Number Contact number to call the customer X
Alternative Contact Number Alternative contact number to call the customer X
Name Customer Name X
Surname Customer Surname X
Customer Segment Mapped to a business attribute by the organization X X X
Customer ID ID to identify the customer in a third-party system X
Product To be mapped to a business attribute by the organization X X X
Subproduct Mapped to a business attribute by the organization X X X
Deal Value The actual or estimated value of the lead X X
Type of Request Mapped to a business attribute by the organization X X X
Lead Description A short text to provide information to the agent on the lead (max. 30 characters)

The table focuses on the attributes actively used within the configuration of this use case, however the iWD data model contains a broader list of attributes.

Skill and proficiency-based routing

This use case is provided with a predefined routing strategy that creates all the queues needed to assign a work item/lead to a specific employee. The distribution strategy is based on a series of skill expressions, ensuring that a work item/lead is distributed to the most suitable employee, independent of their location within the organization. The required skill(s) and proficiency levels are defined by the department and process the item belongs to. See "Business Context and segmentation" for the logic to define the Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution department and process. Each employee has one or more skills associated with their profile and a skill level associated to each skill, referred to in this document as proficiencies. The metadata on the work item/lead and the distribution strategy is used to define the primary, secondary, and tertiary targets within the routing logic described below. The targets are defined as follows:

  • Primary target = Employees with base skill level > N
  • Secondary target = Employees with base skill level > M
  • Tertiary target = Employees with base skill level > P

The values for N, M, and P are configurable in iWD Manager and routing strategy based on Department, Process, and metadata attached to the work item.

For example:

  • Primary target = Sales Processing > 7 and Legacy System Processing > 1
  • Secondary target = Sales Processing > 4
  • Tertiary target = Sales Processing > 0

Routing to Preferred Employee

The source system can provide a preferred employee for a work item/lead as work item/lead metadata. In this work item/lead, the distribution logic first attempts to distribute to a preferred Employee. If the work item/lead cannot be distributed to this Employee within a specific time out, routing to the skill is applied. This timeout is configurable as a percentage of the SLA as a global parameter.

Additional Distribution Functionality

The distribution logic supports redistribution or "RONA" functionality. In other words, if an employee does not accept an item distributed to them, the item is routed to another employee after a time out. The first employee is set to not ready. This use case is combined with use cases for different media types. Blending with other media types, including the required configuration of capacity rules, is supported.

N/A Agent Workspace enables agents (employees) to handle Work Items through the following functionality:
  • Work item/ lead processing from Genesys work blending
  • Auto or manual answer
  • Pop up of the work item / lead in the source system by a URL or by displaying capture ID to manually open a work item / lead in the source system
  • Agent Workbins for parking and pulling of work items / leads (Group Workbins not supported in this use case)
  • Option to disable "Mark Done" button
  • Disposition codes
  • Contact History with Universal Contact Server
  • Support for through Gplus Adapter which integrates the Agent Workspace as a tab or floating window (Gplus Adapter supports intelligent Workload Distribution)
  • Ability to transfer work items / leads
  • Multiple configurable not-ready reason codes (for example: Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA, and Training)
  • Display of agent, status, and interaction statistics in the Agent Workspace
Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables that provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to quickly add report widgets to your dashboards.

The following Genesys Pulse standard reports are particularly relevant for this use case:

  • IWD Agent Activity — Displays agent or agent group activity as it relates to the processing iWD work items type contacts.
  • IWD Queue Activity — Displays an overview of current or near real-time activity associated with the iWD queues.

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Note: Genesys Pulse is limited to a 24-hour window, so cannot be used to track work item / lead backlogs over longer periods. Backlog reporting is available through iWD Manager for cloud. For more detailed information on the dashboards available within iWD Manager for Cloud, please visit iWD Manager Dashboard documentation.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that provide intraday tracking of processes, resource performance, and task handling.

Some of the most relevant reports include:

  • Intraday Process Dashboard — Provides an intraday overview of the completed iWD tasks that were overdue, along with the counts, percentages, and averages of completed iWD tasks, including a breakdown of the average amount of time it took to complete tasks. This dashboard provides visual summaries of the detailed information in the on the Intraday Process Report.
  • Intraday Process Report — Provides information about the performance of historical and pending work items. Use this report to learn more about sources of backlog, about throughput, and to understand how often tasks become overdue before they are finished. Includes counts of the completed iWD tasks that were overdue, and counts, percentages, and averages of completed iWD tasks, along with a breakdown of the average amount of time it took to complete tasks.
  • Resource Performance Report — Insight into how resources handle tasks over specific time periods, which can help you gain insight into the the variability of performance for each process, department, and days the resource worked.
  • Task Detail Report — Provides details about individual work items when viewed from the customer perspective.
  • Task Work Detail Report — Provides detailed information about tasks that involved more than one employee, and about the queues that distributed the tasks to the employees.
  • Customer Segment Service Level Report — Provides information about the number of new tasks, number of completed tasks, and the percentage of all tasks that were completed during the reporting interval, by day, by customer segment, and by business process.

See more information, see Get started with Genesys CX Insights and Genesys CX Insights reports for iWD Cloud.

  • Business Calendar attributes are handled in Designer.
  • Customizations of the business process are supported through Designer.
  • The recommended approach is for the source system to provide the necessary meta data for iWD Manager to perform the classification of the work down to the department and process level.
  • If this capability does not exist in the source system, the source system must classify the work down to the Department and Process level.
  • Employee capacity rules will be provisioned through Agent Setup.
  • Blending of voice, chat, and work item is supported. Agent Setup provisions the capacity rules for employees; for example, the agent will only work on more than media at once (1 voice, 3 chat, 1 email, 2 work items). Routing then handles the delivery of work items based on priority.
  • The following known limitations exist in this use case for cloud
    • Genesys Pulse reports and dashboards are generic to the Agents, and not specific to work items. iWD Manager dashboards functionality needs to be used for work item specific realtime reports and dashboards.
    • All work items need to be submitted through the cloud capture point only.
    • No 3rd party WFM support

  • Intelligent Workload Distribution use case with tasks arriving from a source system use a provisioned bi-directional REST capture point.
  • The customer handles the Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution integration of the source system.
  • Any source-system changes needed for the integration with Genesys are within the customer responsibility.
  • The source system must support the update of work items in Genesys intelligent Workload Distribution as required by the work item life cycle (complete, update, pause, resume, cancel, and so on).
  • To enable the functionalities of resegmentation and rescheduling, the source system must support the flow as described above.
  • The work item completed in the source application, so the employee must have access in the source application (BPM/CRM). To enable pop-up of the work item in the source activation, a URL must be available for to Genesys to link with the work item. Otherwise the employee must pull the work item manually.
  • When using preferred employee routing, the work item attributes must specify the same employee (agent) ID as used in Genesys.
  • Work items captured from the BPM have the required minimum fields from the source system to apply segmentation and prioritization rules. The scenarios described above these fields are:
    • External ID - unique ID to identify the work item in the source system
    • Data used to derive the Process and Department for the work item
  • Workspace Web Edition (WWE 9.0) used as the employee and supervisor desktop.
  • Limits to number of departments, processes, and rules as described in "Business Logic".
  • Genesys Pulse and iWD manager used for real-time reporting.
  • Work items appear in this use case as the "workitem" media type.
CE16 383260904 V 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO03 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO03 GenesysEngage-onpremises Customers want to enjoy the benefits of automated work distribution capability, but want to provide flexibility for their staff to select the task from a pre-optimized work list (also known as Optimized Pull Mode) instead of implementing direct Push to deliver tasks.

The back office automation system can be integrated with one or multiple source systems, where the customer-related tasks are created and stored. The system can capture, classify, prioritize, distribute, and manage these tasks efficiently to group or individual workbins from where the agents can pull their desired tasks from pre-prioritized and assigned work packages.

All work packages are assigned to the workbins and can be pre-prioritized based on a centralized business logic, and can be fairly distributed among the available agents.

Pull mode allows freedom for the agents to choose which work items they want to complete first, but they can select only one of the pre-assigned tasks. The task distribution is fully automated, all handling times and performance parameters can be measured, and the fulfillment of SLAs can be supported by the workbin assignment mechanism and used for Workforce Management.

This use case extends Genesys Task Distribution (BO02) by adding Optimized Pull, which enables organizations to leverage essential parts of iWD capabilities without fully implementing the automated Push mechanism. Tasks are distributed to personal and/or group workbins and agents can fetch tasks from there. Customers can also easily migrate from the decentralized pull mode to a more automated task distribution. If working in push mode is not allowed for any reason, the concept of Optimized Pull still provides a controlled and predictable method of work and delivers the required transparency across the company.
  • Unable to measure and report on employee utilization
  • Labor laws or business processes prevent direct distribution to agents
  • No visibility into work item queues and backlogs
  • Work items split across CRM, ERP, BPM and other enterprise systems
  • Employee’s cherry pick work
  • Unable to plan omni-channel resourcing to match peak online activity
  • Single global task list (both real-time and offline)
  • Real time and continuous prioritization of work
  • Automation of SLA Management
  • Consolidated Employee Desktop with full context of the work item inputs
  • Equitable distribution of work items across employee base
  • Insights into workforce skills and proficiency
Consistent No sellable items
  • This use case is not available in the cloud
  • Capabilities Assumption: Same as BO02

Workbin handling

Workbins contain a list of tasks that an agent can pull. While the agent is free to choose the tasks from the workbin, there is still a level of control as they are fully managed through defined business rules. Tasks within workbins may be reprioritized or redistributed automatically to support evolving Service Levels and business priorities.

Personal workbins

Personal workbins, assigned to a single agent, enable the agent to receive more than one work item (depending on the distribution rules) from the Global task list. Conceptually you can think of workbins as an agent's personal queue. Agents can place work items in their personal workbins when they cannot complete the work, and can also transfer work items from their workbin to other colleagues or supervisors. While agents cannot see work items in other workbins, supervisors and managers can. Personal workbins are equipped with an automated escalation capability, which means that work items are sent to a supervisor or back to the Global Task List automatically if they are not handled before the threshold is reached. This capability adheres to service levels and ensures that no work item remains in a workbin for too long.

Group workbins

Group workbins are assigned to a group of agents (could be considered a bucket of centrally managed tasks that are allocated to a virtual group of agents). More than one work item can be transferred from the Global Task List to the group workbins (depending on the distribution logic). Agents assigned to a group workbin can work on any of its tasks and transfer tasks to other colleagues or supervisors. Like personal workbins, group workbins are equipped with an automated escalation capability, ensuring that no work item remains in a workbin for too long without handling.

Business Rules

In addition to the Business Rules detailed in the use case Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for Genesys Engage on premises, Optimized Pull requires:

  • Definition of the maximum number of tasks allocated to a group or personal workbin at one time. This parameter is configurable per agent or agent group.
  • A threshold time that determines when a task is pulled from a group or personal workbin and reprioritized and/or reassigned. This threshold time is based on a percentage of the Service Level for this task and can be set on the department level within iWD.
  • A threshold time that determines when a task should be escalated to a Supervisor/Coach/Escalation Manager for supervisor attention or reassignment. This threshold time is based on a percentage of the Service Level and can be set on the process level within iWD.
This use case uses the routing logic detailed in BO02, enhanced by the capability of distributing work items to group and/or personal workbins.

Task Lifecycle

In addition to the task lifecycle described in BO02, this use case adds a task supervision step to the lifecycle. Working with workbins opens the possibility for agents to ignore certain tasks and leave them in the workbin unhandled. Supervisors can close or manually reassign overdue tasks to named agents to ensure timely handling. If a task becomes due and remains unhandled, the task is automatically pulled from the workbin. It is redistributed to a special agent with capabilities to either work and finish these kinds of tasks or to redistribute them manually to assure they are handled as soon as possible. The task may either be routed to a specific skill or to a dedicated agent (such as a team leader).

N/A In addition to the Agent Desktop requirements detailed in BO02, this use case requires additional statistics to be displayed on the Agent Desktop:
  • Number tasks in My Workbin (group or personal)
  • Number of tasks handled
In addition the real-time reporting delivered in BO02, this use case reports:
  • The current workload in each workbin
  • The age of the oldest waiting work item in each workbin
  • The current number of past due work items in each workbin
  • The workload for the current work week (+ past due) in one dashboard. The report displays the week with dates and all the work items due on each specific date. For example, Past Due (4), Tomorrow (5), Tuesday 22nd (44), Wednesday 23rd (64).

These KPIs are available for each iWD department and iWD process.

In addition the historical reporting delivered in BO02, this use case provides escalation reports for group and personal workbins that show the number of escalations for each workbin and the percentage of work items escalated. For example:
Workitems Escalated Escalation Percentage
44 20%
Workspace Desktop Edition or Workspace Web Edition is used as the agent desktop. As this use case has dependencies on Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for Genesys Engage on premises, please review and reference underlying assumptions. BO02 v 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO04 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO04 GenesysEngage-onpremises The personalized task distribution solution can be integrated with one or more source systems (such as CRM/BPM/workflow systems) where tasks related to customers are created and stored.

The personalized task distribution system is designed to capture, classify, prioritize, manage, report, and effectively distribute these tasks to the best fit employees based on certain business rules according to resources, skills, and availability.

Business rules configured in the personalized distribution system (such as service level agreements, business calendars, and external customer or interaction context) enable calculation of the individual task's business value and priority. This ensures the adequate prioritization and timely completion of all tasks for all customers.

Once the organization has a list of tasks that employees need to handle (coming from different systems, and the tasks already imported to the personalized task distribution system), the tasks are automatically distributed to employees based on their skills, capacity, and real-time presence. In this use case, the prioritization rules for the tasks can be influenced by real-time captured external data. These external data (captured from third-party systems (such as marketing, BI, workflow, network management, and maintenance systems) can be used to modify the routing and or prioritization rules.

The system provides functionality for near-real time monitoring and historical reports of operational performance and for the key business KPIs.

This use case builds on the use case Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for Genesys Engage on-premises, adding third-party data lookup to enable context-based prioritization and routing. This feature enables companies to leverage data that is not available in the source system of the tasks to be used in prioritization or distribution decisions. These systems may include marketing, BI, or data warehouse systems as well as Genesys internal context services. The use case enables companies to better target skilled resources based on interaction history and/or customer context stored in non-integrated backend systems. For example, NPS survey results from a third-party system can be used to personalize work item handling and improving business outcomes. Displaying task-related external documents, references, and contextual information together with the work item improves the agility of handling tasks. Many personalization scenarios can be supported where the dynamically captured data is used for reprioritization and/or routing enhancement.

  • External Parameters might be captured from third-party systems or from Genesys Context Services (through webservices or DB lookup) to allow personalization of the business logic defined using Business Rules. Third-party systems must be integrated with Genesys to enable the capture of external context data. The format of the data and the communication interface will be defined at the beginning of the project (See Assumptions).
  • Unable to measure and report on:​
  • work completion​
  • employee utilization​
  • SLA adherence​​​​
  • No visibility into task queues and backlogs​
  • Tasks split across CRM, ERP, BPM and other enterprise systems​
  • Employee’s cherry pick work​​​
  • Tasks are pulled rather than pushed to employees​
  • Unable to plan omnichannel resourcing to match peak online activity​​​
  • Single global task list (both real-time and offline)​
  • Real time and continuous prioritization of task​
  • Automation of SLA Management​​
  • Proactive Notification of task progress to customers and/or management​
  • Consolidated Employee Desktop with full context of the task inputs​
  • Equitable distribution of tasks across employee base​​
  • Insights into workforce skills and proficiency​
  • Integrated quality and skills management of employees​
  • Plan and forecast resources per skill ​​​
Differentiated Genesys Conversation Manager (Optional)
  • This use case is not available in the cloud
  • This use case is available in Premise
In addition to the business logic from BO02, this use case makes the attributes from the customer context available within the business rules for task classification and prioritization as additional custom attributes. For example, the original source system may not include the customer segment for a specific task. A lookup in the CRM database can add this information to the task and can in turn be used within the prioritization rules to ensure that your VIP customers are handled with higher priority. In addition to the distribution logic from BO02, this use case adds context-based routing, which uses the captured contextual data from third-party systems to enhance the task distribution. The attributes are made available to set up rules within the system. In addition to the standard and custom attributes supported in BO02, this use case adds further custom attributes to be used in routing rules to define the required employee skill to handle the specific interaction. N/A In addition to the Agent Workspace requirements from BO02, this use case requires the display of eternal contextual data fetched from the third-party systems or Genesys context services. These will be displayed as additional Case Data in Agent Workspace interaction views, pop-up notifications, and Contact and Interaction histories. The iWD out-of-the-box Pulse templates can provide the following reports.

IWD Agent Activity

A report presenting agent or agent group activity as it relates to the processing of iWD work items of the type contacts. It is possible to report separately on not-ready reason codes in the relevant KPIs.

IWD Queue Activities

A report presenting agent or agent group activity as it relates to the processing of iWD work items of the type contacts. It is possible to report separately on not-ready reason codes in the relevant KPIs.The following graphic shows a typical dashboard configured with iWD templates for work item monitoring.

BO DistributeBusinessTasksEffectivelyPulse.png
Using CX Insights, Genesys provides some out-of-the-box reports and metrics, including these out-of-the-box customizable reports:
  • Capture Reports
    • Capture Point Business Value
    • Capture Point Task Duration
    • Classification Reports
    • Customer Segment Service Level
  • Intraday Backlog Summary
    • Process Volume
    • Resource Reports
    • Resource Performance
    • Queue Reports
    • Queue Priority Range
    • Queue Task Duration
  • Task Detail Reports
This use case requires:
  • The source of external context data shall comply with the default external context adapter (PS asset).
  • Network communication between Genesys and the source of external contextual data is enabled.
BO02 BO03 v 1.2.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO06 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO06 GenesysEngage-onpremises Companies want to improve their business Key Performance Indicators (KPI), capitalize on innovation in Artificial Intelligence and drive business decisions with the abundance of data and context available. Predictive Routing uses machine learning to support optimization of Customer Service KPIs.

Customer Service KPIs are metrics measuring a customer experience or efficiency outcome of an interaction, as opposed to Sales KPIs that measure the sales outcome of an interaction. Service KPIs can be of two types:

  • Customer experience outcome such as Net Promotor Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), First Contact Resolution (FCR), and Customer Effort Score (CES)
  • Operational efficiency metrics such as Handle Time (AHT), transfers, hold count, hold time, cases open/closed, and back-office tasks opened

This use case illustrates an improvement in First Contact Resolution (FCR), captured from Genesys Info Mart or from 3rd-party surveys (for inbound voice interactions, for example). The use case also illustrates service-related KPIs, where the data for the KPIs is available in Info Mart or another available data source.

Predictive Routing also applies to Sales & Marketing KPIs. See Genesys Predictive Routing for Sales (SL06) for Genesys Engage on-premises

Traditional routing matches customers to agents through skills-based or queue-based logic. The goal is to maintain a service level, rather than to improve a KPI. Predictive Routing differs from traditional routing in that it uses machine learning to detect patterns in historical data from Genesys Info Mart and other third-party data sources. The predictive algorithm then uses these sources to build a model that predicts the business outcome of a customer's interaction when handled by an employee.

The predictive model works to improve KPIs by ranking agents according to their predicted impact on the business outcome. It then assigns the interaction to the highest ranked available agent. A/B testing measures the real-world impact of Predictive Routing on the target KPI by comparing Predictive Routing performance against the existing routing strategy.

Organizations seeking to improve the level of customer service offered to their customers realize significant benefits from Predictive Routing. Machine learning models configured to optimize metrics such as First Call Resolution are at the core of the solution.

A customer calls the contact center, and Predictive Routing uses the data captured about the customer, their journey, and the current interaction to rank all available agents according to their predicted probability of resolving the call. Configuration options manage and balance the Service Level (speed to answer) with connecting to the most suitable agent. The result is a reduction in repeat contacts and improved FCR.

The outcome data feeds back into the machine learning model to inform future predictions. Impacts on KPIs and the performance of the machine learning models are available via real-time reports.

  • Frustrated customers or repeat interactions – increased number of transfers to identify the right person to resolve the issue​
  • Resource inefficiency and high costs – unable to identify the right agent to quickly solve the issue​
  • Reduced employee satisfaction – employees don’t feel empowered and managers are unable to identify the right training opportunities​​​​​​​​
  • Leverage Predictive analytics and machine learning to identify the optimal agent-customer match to improve First Contact Resolution​
  • Employ continuous learning by feeding back actual outcomes to update predictive models​
  • Managers can gain insights to help identify root causes and employee training opportunities​
  • Managers can view reports identifying attributes that influence KPI​
  • A/B testing methodologies can be applied to evaluate lift​
  • Deep integration with Genesys routing and orchestration​​​
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service, Head of Contact Center(s) Differentiated At least one Inbound SMART USE Case is required CIM CIM HA (Optional) Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional)
  • Available on premises (Conditional)


  • Genesys CIM
  • Info Mart (Used as a component of Predictive Routing, or common)​
  • At least one Inbound or Digital SMART USE Case (see use-case inter-dependancies section for details)
Routing Step 1
  • Using a supported channel and media type, the customer creates an interaction. As the interaction is handled and traced through your environment, data is captured that enables you to determine the outcome for the metric you want to optimize.
  • Prerequisite: This use case requires inbound call routing.

Routing Step 2

  • The interaction use case identifies the customer's primary intention (Service Type) and sets the initial target skill expression.

Routing Step 3

  • This step queues the interaction and is designed to cover both agent surplus and customer surplus scenarios. When either one or multiple agents are available (agent surplus scenario), the flow immediately proceeds. Otherwise, Genesys queues the interaction until an agent is available (customer surplus scenario).

Routing Step 4

  • The predictor information along with necessary call information (Customer Profile, Interaction, Agent Profile) passes to Predictive Routing as a scoring request once one or more agents are available. The relevant machine learning model processes the request, resulting in a score for each available agent for that interaction. This process handles both customer surplus and agent surplus scenarios.

Routing Step 5

  • The customer-to-agent matching provides the interaction score for each of the agents to the routing engine to identify the agents that can deliver the highest benefit to the target KPI. In an agent surplus scenario, the model compares the score of the highest ranked agent to the configured minimum score threshold. If the score is below the threshold, then the interaction is held until a higher-ranked agent becomes available or the threshold is reduced.
  • In a customer surplus scenario, where multiple interactions are waiting when an agent becomes available, the agent’s scores for each waiting interaction are compared with the minimum score threshold. If the agent score exceeds the threshold for at least one interaction, the system proceeds to route the highest scoring interaction. If not, then the agent remains unassigned until a lower-scored interaction becomes available or the threshold is reduced.

Routing Step 6

  • The minimum score threshold is reduced over time according to the preconfigured fallback strategy.
  • The checks in Routing Step 5 repeat regularly until an agent-interaction matchup meets the threshold requirements.
    • Normal target expansion, such as relaxing skill level as configured within the underlying distribution strategy, occurs.
    • The continual reprioritization of the interaction also occurs, as do any treatments and the standard queued customer experience.

Routing Step 7

  • The system delivers the interaction, handling any ring on no answer and exception situations as defined in the underlying use case.
  • The customer and the agent connect.

Routing Step 8

  • The interaction ends when the customer or agent disconnects the call.

Routing Step 9

  • The agent workspace or a server-side process captures the interaction outcome. Genesys APIs invoke, either automatically or after an agent action, to map the outcome to a Genesys interaction attribute, which can be custom attached data or a disposition code.
  • Genesys Info Mart captures this attribute in the Info Mart interaction record.

Routing Step 10

  • Optionally, the customer receives a survey.
  • If the customer completes the survey, the system collects and stores the outcome through a 3rd-party application.

Routing Step 11

  • Optionally, a third-party application produces and stores the outcome data.
The inbound use case provides details of the distribution of an interaction to an agent. Refer to the flow above to understand how Predictive Routing influences the distribution logic. N/A Target agents can review Attached Data/Case Data when an interaction routes to their Agent Workspace. Predictive Routing does not include real-time reports. Operational reports are available in the Predictive Routing UI.

Operational reports include:

  • KPI Outcome
  • Feature Coverage
  • Model Accuracy
The historical reports available through GCXI are the following:
  • Predictive Routing Operational Report - tracks Predictive Routing operational statistics.
  • Predictive Routing A/B Testing Report - tracks A/B testing results for Predictive Routing models and predictors.
  • Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report - tracks Agent Occupancy while Predictive Routing is being used to optimize routing.
  • Predictive Routing Daily Queue Statistics Report - tracks KPIs for each Queue while Predictive Routing is being used to optimize routing.
  • Predictive Routing Detail Report - interaction-level detail data about Predictive Routing use and its impact on KPIs.

*A/B reports can be developed from any standard or custom Info Mart data. If the outcomes data is NOT integrated with Info Mart, the creation of A/B reports must be evaluated as a separate effort.

  • Requires Product Management approval.
  • Predictive Routing solution is offered to on-premises customers in a hybrid architecture that incorporates core functionality served from the components deployed in your own environment.
  • Predictive Routing is offered as a managed service by Genesys Professional Services, who deal with all aspects of machine-learning model creation and maintenance. A Professional Services package is mandatory for implementation and support of Predictive Routing.
  • The standard deployment materials address Inbound voice interactions based on Genesys Info Mart data only.
  • Integration of additional data sources, whether Genesys or 3rd-party, requires a dedicated assessment and implementation by Genesys Professional Services.
  • Customer must have implemented a use case for one or more channels and have deployed Genesys Info Mart reporting. These use cases populate the data used to build predictors and models, which direct how interactions are routed. Note that the capture and analysis of FCR KPIs is not part of Genesys Info Mart out-of-box statistics and is developed during model creation.

Note the exceptions where Predictive Routing cannot be integrated listed in the interdependencies section:

  • Self-Service use cases
  • Outbound preview and agent reservation used for Predictive and Progressive outbound
  • Customer has already optimized traditional routing strategies and processes and wants to achieve further improvements.
  • Customer has all compatible versions of URS, IRD, Genesys Info Mart, GCXI, and Pulse; or upgrades have been scoped in to the project plan.
  • Customer has the necessary systems and processes in place to track results and measure impact over the life of the model.
  • Customer identification is available and stored in Genesys Info Mart.
CE01 CE02 CE16 CE18 CE19 EE14 CE03 CE07 CE08 CE09 CE10 CE11 CE12 CE27 CE28 CE31 CE41 This use case is currently not available in Genesys Multicloud CX 312195823 v 2.2.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO07 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO07 GenesysEngage-onpremises Business users must be able to report, monitor and make decisions regarding their contact center/customer experience to both improve business outcomes and to move the needle. Knowing when changes need to be made, the impact of the change and when not to make changes requires the ability to rapidly identify anomalies and understand root cause behind the anomalies. Maintaining alignment between routing, reporting and resources is essential in streamlining the business and driving optimization.

Companies set their business plans annually or more regularly and the key KPI objectives that they will measure customer experience success against.

To manage the company's Contact Center objectives and meet end customer's business needs, there is a set of required operational key performance indicators (KPI) that are required. A good business practice is to analyse contact center performance through Service Level review to assess areas of focus in order to identify any remediation actions.

An example of a contributing factor to Service Level is Average Handle time. As such this business has set an objective for the Average Handle Time (AHT) KPI to be under 6 minutes for voice, email and chat interactions. While in some customer environments the AHT may be longer for Chat than voice this has been simplified as this is a simplified "essential use case".

The ability to generate the report ad-hoc or on a pre-scheduled basis is supported.

Historical reporting available on 15 minute increments if needed.

Improve efficiency through historical reporting to provide improved agent utilization, reduced churn and enhanced customer satisfaction scores. Based on service levels set, customers need to be able to both monitor and analyse interaction data plus discover anomalies through reviewing detailed interaction data. Mapping this against business outcomes, across all channels and where appropriate, customers need to be able to make informed strategic and operational decisions that minimize these anomalies in the future.
  • Limited data and reports – missing relevant business data and inconsistent data across channels
  • Limited capabilities – business users unable to easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Reliance on IT - busienss users unable to take or automate action in a timely manner
  • Agent Performance - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions
  • SLA drops - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions
  • Make informed decisions based on business outcomes
  • Provide end-to-end visibility into your business performance with consistent relevant business data across channels
  • Allow business users to take actions in a timely manner with easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Set thresholds on various KPIs to monitor and take timely actions
  • Wide range of agent and workgroup dashboards with relevant business data​
Consistent No sellable items Available on premises​


  • Genesys CIM

Parameters and Business Rules

BL1: Assign reports to roles within the company

  • The business decides during implementation and during operation which roles will receive reports pushed out to the users and which roles can run ad hoc analysis. In this example the team leader has the ability to receive reports via email and then perform the ad hoc analysis.
  • The roles are then assigned to users of reports to either receive the emails or have a login to the online reporting
  • This is part of Interactive Insights standard capabilities.

BL2: Comparison of reports with business level KPIs:

  • The actor analyses the Interaction Volume Customer Segment Report and notices that the service level was not met for several hours the day before.
  • The actor reviews the report against business level KPIs for service level, handle time, customer segmentation and media type.
  • The actor reviews the service level in the report and notices that the service level is exceeded in certain periods yesterday as is AHT and decides to investigate.

BL3: Analyse contributing factors

  • The parameters that drive AHT are Talk time, Hold Time and After call work. These can be filtered by a large amount of drivers of AHT such as Agent Group, media type, customer segmentation, Queue, intention, etc.
  • When an anomaly is seen in average handle time in the reports the actor investigates the cause of the anomaly and the decision can be made by evaluating the Agent Group Customer Segment Report.
  • The actor (e.g. team leader) has the AHT upper and lower values (confidence level) set for their team and measures against these values. The handle time parameters are part of the reporting and the upper and lower values are known to the actor.'

BL4: Drill down into details

  • The reporting user starts to drill down or filter the reports to identify the underlying root cause of the high handle time identified.
  • The reporting user makes a decision as to where the underlying driver of the high handle time is coming from and identifies that its being driven by certain queues (e.g. Queue 1) on certain media type (e.g. Inbound Voice) by evaluating the Agent Group Customer Segment Report.
  • The service level parameters are part of Interactive Insights reporting. e.g. ACW, hold time, talk time, etc

BL5: Identify correlations

  • The drill down or filtering continues to identify the underlying root cause of the high after call work time identified at point 4.
  • When an anomaly is seen in the reports the actor investigates the cause of the service level anomaly and identifies that ACW has risen at the same time that the service level was not met by evaluating the Agent Group Customer Segment Report.
  • The actor (e.g. team leader) is viewing the ACW time for the period that exceeded the service level. The service parameters are part of Interactive Insights reporting.

BL6: Identify root cause

  • The reporting user makes a decision as to where the underlying driver of the high after call work time is coming from and identifies that its being driven by certain agent(s) and decides to look at their skill levels and tenure.
  • The parameters are part of Interactive Insights reporting by evaluating the Agent Group Customer Segment Report.
  • The actor then investigates the skill levels and that the newly hired agent(s) require training to reduce the handle time or if other corrective action should be taken such as changes to the routing, scheduling, skilling, etc.
Not applicable N/A Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE), Workspace Web Edition (WWE), or other Genesys enabled agent desktop. Not applicable.

This is for Omni-channel Analytics- Historical Reporting

Genesys CX Insights provides reports and dashboards that summarize contact center activity. Reports display contact center activity using easy-to-read grids, while dashboards summarize a wider range of information using a variety of visualizations. CX Insights enable users to analyze the data and empower them to take the data driven decisions.

Here are are some the modern BI capabilities:

Provide Out of the box Reporting templates.

Empower individuals with self-service analytics.

Data Discovery & Dashboards.

Data Blending with different datasets.

Custom Reporting and personalized report views.

Create Custom HTML 5 Visualizations.

Personalized Alerts on Metrics.

14 Languages Support.

Here are some of the Contact Center reports & Dashboards that will enable business users to capture contact center KPIs

Agent Performance Dashboard:

Use this dashboard to view detailed information about agent activity in the contact center, including information about handle time, interaction volume, and relative ranking compared to other agents.

Contact Center Dashboard:

Use this dashboard to view detailed information about interaction volumes and KPIs for the whole contact center.

Queue Dashboard:

Use this dashboard to compare the performance of queues by viewing detailed information about agent performance on a queue-by-queue basis.

Supervisor Dashboard:

Use this dashboard to evaluate interaction handling and agent performance at a glance. It includes both key information about interaction volume and customer experience, and charts to illustrate each agent's activity during the reporting period.

Business Results Reports

  • Interaction Volume Customer Segment Report - It must be possible to report the following KPIs:
    • % First Response Time Service Level
    • Avg Handle Time
    • Avg Wrap Time
  • These KPIs must be available in the following dimensions:
  • Customer Segment
  • Media Type

Agent Reports

  • Agent Group Customer Segment Report - It must be possible to report the following KPIs:
    • Avg Handle Time
    • Avg Wrap Time
    • Engage Time
    • Hold Time
    • Wrap Time
  • These KPIs must be available in the following dimensions:
    • Media Type
    • Agent Group
    • Customer Segment

Detail Reports

  • Interaction Handling Attempts Report
    • Looking for Routing target which will contain the Skill Expression used to route the interaction to the agent.

CX Insights allows users to run and schedule reports for automatic distribution.

    • Additional Report Benefits: This list of reports and benefits below are not all-inclusive. It just shows reports that are specific to troubleshooting Service Level issues. Many reports give you the data from a different perspective to help with root cause analysis.
  • Agent Conduct Report
    • Compare agent performance in handling interactions against the agent's group, focusing on a few specific measures that demonstrate the possible mishandling of interactions - a high number of unaccepted interactions, excessive hold and after-call work (wrap) times, and shorter-than-usual engage (talk) durations with customers.
  • Agent Group Customer Segment
    • agent-group performance by customer segment
  • Agent Group Interaction Handling
    • Enables supervisors to monitor the interaction-processing performance of one or more groups of agents during a range of days that you specify.
    • Determine which agent groups are transferring too many interactions.
  • Agent Group Queue Business Attribute
    • Categorizes how agent-activity results by a wide range of dimensions i.e. agent group, queue type, media type, intreactioninteraction type, date
  • Agent Group Service Type
    • Summarizes agent-group performance by service type with respect to interactions that are received within the contact center during a range of days
  • Agent Interval Based Report
    • Manage contact center operations enabling viewing of key performance indicators that are related to the agents they supervise and to assess agent productivity
  • Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report
    • Displays times when agents logged in and out and the duration of each login session during a range of hours that you specify within a day
  • Agent Not Ready Report
    • Identify
      • The top five reasons (reason codes) that are used by agents cumulatively for entering the NotReady state.
      • The top five longest durations that are associated with the reasons that agents placed their devices in the NotReady state.
      • The top and bottom five agents who had the greatest and least percentage of their active time attributed to the NotReady state.
    • Agent Queue Report
      • Enable supervisors to monitor the interaction-processing performance, as it relates to interactions, of an agent (or all agents) by the queue from which interactions were distributed during a range of days that you specify.
      • Provide the top and bottom 10% of agents who have the longest and shortest average hold times. Interaction processing (or handling) involves accepting interactions, placing calls on hold, consultations, transfers, after-call work, and conversing.
    • Agent Summary Activity Report
      • Obtain snapshots of agent states for a given day and to assess agent productivity for interactions that begin and end during the given day
    • Agent Utilization Report
      • Summarizes agent performance with respect to the customer and consults interactions that are processed within the contact center Although the Avg Engage Time and Avg Handle Time measures provide an indication of how effective an agent is in terms of customer service and handling interactions, these measures must be analyzed within the scope of the agent’s group. For example, results might show that a Tier 3 Technical Support agent has a higher average engagement time than the front-line agent who initially handled the interaction and routed it to the higher tier for further analysis. Indeed, the higher average across groups in this scenario might indicate the quality or complexity of service that is provided, rather than the proficiency of the agent in processing interactions.
    • Agent Wrap Report
      • Enables supervisors to monitor the after-call work (wrap) call-related activities that an agent (or agent group) performs after processing calls and during a range of hours that you specify within a particular day
      • Rank the agents who spent the least (fastest 10%) and most (slowest 10%) amount of time in ACW mode.
      • Especially useful for viewing the progress of new agents as they make more (or fewer) calls to complete aftercall work than more established agents. With this data, you can determine whether you need to fine-tune Genesys Info Mart configuration to, for instance, send more information about a customer (that is, attached data) to the agent’s desktop.
      • Customer Perspective Report
      • Summarizes contact center milestones from customer perspective providing the average response times, revenue and customer-satisfaction scores, and various service-level percentages of interactions that enter or begin with the contact center.
      • Describe how much time elapsed before customers got to speak to an agents or received a response, how satisfied were they with their transactions, and how much money they spent.
    • Interaction Volume Service Subtype Report
      • Summarizes how interactions that enter the contact center are categorized into the service type and service subtype business attributes that are configured in your environment.
    • Interaction Volume Service Type Report
      • Summarizes how interactions that enter the contact center are categorized into the service type and service type business attributes that are configured in your environment.
    • Interaction Handling Attempt Report
      • This report summarizes segment-related details with regard to an agent's handling of contact center interactions.
    • Transfer Detail Report
      • This report provides the detailed information about the initiating and receiving parties of those contact center interactions that involve a transfer.
    • Interaction Traffic Group Report
      • This report summarizes contact center activity as interactions are offered to, abandoned within, and distributed from queues that belong to one or more queue group(s).
    • Interaction Traffic Report
      • This report is helpful for determining the efficiency achieved on a specific queue because it provides the volume of interactions accepted in a given period, along with the average speed of answer and maximum delays experienced before acceptance or abandonment from the perspective of the queue. When results are interpreted in concert with results from the Speed of Accept and Abandon Delay reports, the overall productivity of your queue's can be assessed.
    • Queue Outline Report
      • There are three main tabs in this report. The Customer Interaction tab shows how the number of interactions that entered a particular queue or queue group break down into the various queue-related measures that provide interaction counts. The Consult Interaction provides similar information for consult interactions that enter the queue/queue group. The Customer & Consults tab combines these results into one report. From this information, you can see how these measures interrelate and how they contribute to the sum total of all interactions (Entered) that entered a queue resource.
    • Queue Summary Report
      • This report provides measures that relate to the interactions that enter a queue and that are either abandoned or distributed and handled by any routing target, such as an agent.
    • Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
      • This report shows the number of interactions that were accepted within each of 10 time buckets and the percentages of interactions that were accepted in these buckets to the total number of interactions that were accepted from the queue. Pertains to short term interactions like a voice call.
  • This use case is for Inbound interactions only.
  • Customer must have Genesys enabled Self Service IVR/GVP, CIM, GIM and GI2, Agent desktop.
  • KPIs out of box for Genesys Infomart (KPI: Various Operational metrics and/or business metrics e.g.. SL, AHT, Transfers, Occupancy, Segmentation, Intention/Call type, Disposition, Queue volume, etc.…)
  • The following user roles will be supported within the scope of this use case: Team Lead, Supervisor, Business Analyst.
  • Other requirements
    • Assume this use case has a pre requisite use case of inbound voice and/or Genesys Email and/or Chat
    • KPI captured and analyzed is part of GIM Out of box statistics
    • This essential use case is based on the Service Level metric
    • Once anomalies are identified in reports, the team lead/ supervisor can take actions:
      • Call agents back form lunch or breaks early
      • Call extra resources in
      • Upload an announcement notifying customers of an event causing increased hold times (Requires this be available in routing and gives the customer the option to hang up)
      • Modify overflow parameters (Requires Routing have the capability and objects to be changes)
      • Train additional agents with the impacted skill to take care of the service level influencing interactions.
CE01 CE02 CE16 CE18 This use case is not available in the cloud v 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/BO11 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises BO11 GenesysEngage-onpremises This functional Use-Case has been created to enable Genesys customers to leverage the back-office automation capabilities to help Supervisors and Employees to better manage cases, through enhanced ways cases are handled in the organization.

By using our dynamic case management solution, Company can improve processes for the resolution of cases by:

- Increasing the level of Automation

- Providing a Single Interface for the resolution

- Breaking the inflexibility of current processes

- Getting a 360◦ view on the Process Handling and associated SLAs

- Increasing Advisors Satisfaction and Autonomy

- Increasing Supervisor Visibility and Control

- Give agents visibility into other Tasks or People associated with their immediate work

In addition to this, the benefits can be combined with the Workload Management Use-Cases (see BO02; BO03; BO04; BO05/SL05 Use-Cases documentation to get more info).

Different Genesys partners can deliver the DCM component of this Use-Case. While we can integrate with many DCM partners this use case focuses on Eccentex DCM and Appbase offering.

As such, to illustrate this Use Case and make it more tangible, we have provided technical information coming from the Eccentex Platform (in a future release of these Use Case we will introduce technical detail coming from other vendors). If you are interested in another Case Management Solution Providers, Genesys account team will help you to get in contact with our Genesys solution leads.

The Genesys Dynamics Case Management solution can be provided in the cloud, on-premise or in a hybrid model.

DCM brings the omni-process concept, allowing to integrate data and tools into a single user interface. This allows agents and advisors to work on a single application, instead of having to switch from one application to another, to resolve Cases. In the background, DCM orchestrated the flow of information, ensuring that the required information is provided to the agents/advisors at the right time and replicate the new input in the relevant back-end Systems.

This Use-Case is applicable for Genesys Engage on-premises.

  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Get actionable insight into what customers are doing on the Web, and across other interaction channels, to ensure that help is offered when it is most likely to succeed.
  • Provide Employees with complete contextual customer information
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Operations, Head of Business Units Consistent N/A Cloud: NO

Capabilities Assumption:

• Hybrid/Hosted capabilities only

Premise: YES

Capabilities Assumption:

Case creation

For this Use-Case, we have foreseen three ways of initiating a new case. A new case can be created:

1. Via a web form on a public or internal website. By completing this form, a web service call is triggered which will create a new case in DCM via its open API.

2. Via DCM user interface. An Advisor or Expert can create a new case manually. This method can be used if email or voice channels are used. The Advisor (agent) who handles the call or email will manually create a new case.


Image2018-6-20 16 23 32.png

3. Via the Smart API. This allows the creation of Cases by other backend systems.

Simple Distribution

This Use Case only comes with a straightforward distribution logic, where tasks are sent to work bins and it is up to the Employees and Experts to ensure they are processing the tasks in accordance to the expectations of the company they are working for. Advisors need to pull tasks from their associated workbin(s).

The escalation monitoring part of the process will ensure tasks are processed in due time, by sending at-risk tasks to experts.

This Use Case also foresee the fact that the supervisor can assign tasks from team workbins to one of their Employees workbin.

NB: this manual assignment is not foreseen in the escalation part of the process. So, each escalation expert is supposed to pick tasks from the escalation workbin(s) (see escalation Process Part for more info).

Advance distribution

The advance distribution can only be implemented if one of the optional Workload Management distribution Use-Case has been selected and is deployed at the same time as this DCM Use Case.

In this section, we will only highlight some of the benefits of combining this Use Case with a workload distribution Use Case:

  • No cherry picking
  • Ensure employees and experts are working on the most important tasks for the company first
  • Measure employees and experts handling time
  • Enabling workforce management/optimization for employees and experts
  • The push of tasks reducing allocation bias and idle time
  • Automatic assignment of tasks
  • Employees performances visibility for the employee as well as for the Supervisors
  • Fair distribution of tasks

To get more information on these High-level benefits, please refer to the Workload Management distribution Use Cases (the Workload management Use-Case: BO02; BO03 and SL05).

Besides this, we also need to mention the following benefit of combining Use Cases:

  • Reduction in the number of groups to be configured in DCM

As distribution will take into account additional parameters (Like for instance Language and Case_Type), it is not needed to multiply the number of target groups to support the different possibilities.

For example: Enterprises will no longer need to foresee different target groups for all the languages and/or segments you are supporting for a specific case type. The routing engine will take to take into consideration the Skills (Languages, Segments...) and proficiency levels of the advisors in the task distribution.

Advisor Case handling

Simple Case Handling environment

The Eccentex platform comes with its own Advisor environment, where Employees can review and manage the tasks to which they are assigned to. With access rules, it is possible to provide the right visibility and capabilities to each of the people involved in the handling of the case.

Advanced Case Handling environment.

If a Workload Management Use Case will be deployed with this BO11 Use Case, beyond the additional routing and distribution capabilities, new capabilities will also be provided to the Employees.

With the Workload Management Use Case, an Advisor(Agent) toolbar will be provided. With the toolbar, Employees will be able to easily login and put them self in the desired mode (for instance selecting their login status and ready state, communicate with colleagues...). They will also be able to interact with customers easily if some communication channels are available. Once they receive new tasks, they can get preview information and contextual information to provide enhanced customer experience.

Note that all Standard Case Handling capabilities will be kept unchanged as the Eccentex DCM interface will appear in a frame of the Advisor/Agent toolbar like show in the below example.

Image2018-7-16 12 23 2.png

Escalation Process

Escalation criteria

The following escalation criteria are foreseen in this Use Case:

  • Operation level agreement (OLA) for the task.
    • If a task is not performed in OLA time automatic escalation of the task. OLA monitoring can escalate the task at any step of the normal handling flow. The only exception to this is if an advisor is currently effectively working on the task (task's screen open and active on the desktop). In this case, the task will be subject to escalation if the Advisor does not finish the case before closing the task window. As there is only one escalation mechanism, escalated tasks cannot be further escalated. Note: Adding Genesys Engage BO02 to this use case provides significantly more escalation options.OLA should be smaller than Case SLA, to allow sufficient time for experts to resolve the case.SLA and OLA can be defined in Open Office time or Calendar time. (Allowed format: Days; hours; Minutes)
  • Advisor manual escalation.
    • An Advisor, when handling a task, can decide to Escalate the task, if he thinks this is appropriate, to secure in time Case Resolution.

Detail escalation process

Once a task has been escalated, it will always follow the same escalation path. The target escalation expert group can be determined based on the case type.
Note: adding BO02 to this use case allows for escalation based on any metadata or context around the case.

Case_Type SLA SLA/OLA Type Handling_Target OLA Escalation_Target
Technical 16 hours Open office time Employees_group_A 12 hours Expert_group_X
Finance 3 days Open office time Finances_group_B 2 days Team_Supervisor
Replacement 10 days Calendar time Field_service_group_C 8 days Express_delivery_team

Once one of the escalation criteria has been met, the associated task will be escalated, and the task will be sent to the escalation target. The experts associated with this target will then receive the escalation in their inbox and will be responsible for handling it as quickly as possible. Supervisors will be able to monitor the tasks (Normal and Escalated) through the reporting interface, based on the input they will be able to assign or remove additional Employees or experts. They will also be able to change the task's Targets and OLA/SLA.

Live notifications

At several steps in the process, notifications can be activated. The activation of the different notifications can be done based on the Case type. Administrators and/or supervisors can alter the content of the notification messages. Assuming several notification channels are available, the selection of the notification channel can be done based on case type (communication channels will not be delivered in the scope of this Use Case).

Case_Type Creation Notif Create Notif Change Assign Notif Assign Not. Change Other Notify
Technical Yes Email No   ...
Finance Yes SMS Yes Email ..
Replacement Yes Email Yes Mobile Notification ..

The content of the different live notification messages can be configured by the administrator and/or supervisors.

The message will be the same for all case types, but the message will support the following variable information:

  • Case_Type (Example: Technical, Finance, Replacement)
  • Case_Description ( Example: technical issue...
  • Case_Id (Example : 1234566 2346)
  • Case _SLA (Example : 12)
  • Case_ SLA_format (Example : Days, Hours, Minutes)
  • Case_SLA_Type (Example :Open office time/ calendar time)
  • Case_Target ( Example : Finances_group_B)
  • Case _Creation_Date
  • Case_Creation_Time
  • Case_Status

Other variables coming from the Case creation forms (Maximum of 20 fields. This is not a technical limitation, for more than 20 fields, additional PS effort is required.)

Example of variables that could be captured in the creation form:

  • Customer_Name
  • Customer_ Firstname
  • Customer_Id
  • Customer_ Email
  • Customer_ Segment
  • Customer_ request_description
  • ....

Example of Message:

Dear ,

With this email, we want to confirm you that an ACME ticket has been created for your request

< Case_Creation_Date> at < Case_ Creation_Time>. The related identifier for your ticket is the following .

You will get an answer from us in the timeframe.

Best regards

The ACME Company

Portal Case status dashboard frame

This Use Case can also come with case status dashboard for the customer, this is only applicable if the customer has been identified during the case creation and if the company is providing personalized portal capabilities to their customers. In this case, the DCM platform can provide a Web dashboard with all the cases associated to this customer as well as the status of these cases.

Any combination of the Case _Variables and Case Creation Variables can be presented in this dashboard.

Case_ID; Case_Status ; Case_Type; Case_SLA....

Note that the integration of this Case status Dashboard in the existing company portal is not covered in the scope of this use-case. This integration can be done or by customer resources or partner resources.

CRM-Light- customer profile storing

The DCM Platform comes with an out of the box CRM Light capability. It allows the storing of customer profile data, which can be used in this case management process (like customer search, case report based on the customer).

Image2018-12-10 12-26-8.png

In the scope of this Use case, it is foreseen toa allow the addition of up to 5 fields to the default Customer profile data template (additional field can be added but this will be subject to a separated quote).

N/A Agents must have the following capabilities:
  • Unique user name and Password from which their login status derived.
  • Ability to set status such as Ready, Not Ready, After Call Work, Logged off, and Not Ready with a reason such as "Meal".
  • Back end to track time in status.
Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables. The reports provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to add report widgets to your dashboards quickly.

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that you can use assess case volumes and statistics.

Some of the most relevant reports include:

  • Self-Service Statistics Report — Learn about the number and percentage of interactions that enter the Designer Application and and concluded in the Self-Service phase, compared to the number that enter the Assisted-Service phase and are routed to a DN or agent.
  • Predictive Routing A/B Testing Report — Includes a First Contact Resolution Rate calculation, which allows you to quickly see how often customer concerns were resolved on the first attempt, and allows you to contrast interactions that were processed when Predictive Routing was switched ON compared to when it was OFF. The report also profiles response time, engage time, wrap time, and other relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
  • Customer Perspective Report — Summarizes contact center milestones from a customer perspective, providing the average response times, revenue and customers satisfaction scores, and various service level percentages of interactions that enter or begin with the contact center. This report also provides such summary values as the average revenues generated by each customer segment, by media type, and to evaluate the average customer satisfaction scores. Attributes applied to these metrics include customer segment, service type, and media type.
  • Business Metrics Executive Report — Highlights exceptions to service level by business result, customer segment, and service type for those interactions that have defined a baseline service objective that is greater than zero (0). The Entered with Objective metric enables you to gauge service level within the perspective of the total number of interactions that were offered to resources, by day, over the reporting interval.
  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Summarizes segment-related details with regard to an agent’s handling of contact center interactions that are stored in the Info Mart INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table, providing both the time that was required to distribute the interaction to the agent and data about the agent’s contiguous participation in the interaction.
  • Other reports relevant to this use case are found in the Agents, Business Results, Detail, and Queues folders.
  • Genesys CX Insights provides tools to create tuned reports for specific reporting needs. For more information, see Customizing reports and the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 Projects Reference Guide, or for assistance, contact your Genesys representative.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights, see Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

For information about customizing reports using attached data: Using Attached Data.

This Use-Case does not include any system integration.

The case submission web form and web dashboard (provided in scope of this Use-Case) will not be integrated into the existing web environment of the customer. On request of the customer, this integration could be done by Genesys resources, but this will be subject to a separate quote by Professional Service. Customer may also choose to realize this integration with its own or partner resources.

The customer should provide the communication channel(s) for the customer notification (like Email, SMS and notification gateways).

If relevant, notification channel(s) are available, the Use-Case supported the following notification types:

  • Email (requires getting customer email);
  • SMS (requiresgetting customer Mobile number);
  • Mobile notification (requires getting customer Mobile number).

Note that Genesys can provide, in option additional routing capabilities for this notification channels (see Use Case interdependencies section for more info).

This Use-Case foresees only:

  • one submission form,
  • one case status web Dashboard form,
  • Five Case-Types,with one common case process.

If additional Submission form(s), case dashboard(s) and/or cases process are requested they can be purchased as add-ons to this Use-Case.

Cases can be routed up to 5 different target group(s) of Employees plus one escalation group. (If additional groups of Employees are required they can be purchased as add-ons to this Use-Case).

The numbers of Employees and Supervisors are unlimited, but each agent and supervisor should be equipped with a valid license.

The maximum number of information fields requested in the Case creation (Web form or agent creation form) is limited to 20. Each of these fields can be made mandatory or not and can be submitted to classical format verification (example: date format, drop-down list, membership number format…). Not that format validation should happen in DCM, as integration to external systems is out of scope of this Use-Case.

Note that Complex field validation algorithm can be supported but, in this case, the algorithm should be provided by the customer. This part of the code remains under the responsibility of the customer.

Document or photo upload is supported by default in this Use-Case, so advisors and Customer can attach digital document to the case.

DCM can also provide advance capbilities in this areas wich are out og scope of this Use Case like; document scanning, indexing, Image editing, Format changed. This can be added to the customer implementation but will be subject to a separate quote by professional service.

If required, this could be delivered as an add-on to this Use-Case (this might also require additional licenses purchase).

No data upload is foreseen to populate the CRM light information (this can be done or by the customer or by Professional Service but is subject to a separate quote).

Use Case Interdependencies

This use case can be sold as standalone.

However, it is recommended to sell it with one of the Workload Management Use Cases.

See table below to review the compatibility and the availability of the Workload Management Use Case.

PureConnect Genesys Engage
Premise BO02 iWD platform Use Case(s) available: BO02; BO03.
Cloud BO02 Coming Soon
  • For Genesys Engage on-premises, an outbound email channel license will be delivered for each IWD license purchased.

As stated earlier in this document, this Use-Case support Notifications via Email, SMS and Mobile Notifications. It is, however, the responsibility of the customer to Provide access to the relevant Gateways ( Email; SMS; Mobile Notification).

If direct communication is required between the Customer and the Case Worker, it is recommended to select the relevant additional Genesys Use Cases to orchestrate the communication channels. This will ensure that:

  • Customer replies are routed to the relevant Advisors,
  • Customer interactions are stored in a central place: Universal Contact Server.
  • Provide Advisors with an intuitive and easy to use desktop tool to initiate and professionally manage the interaction.
  • Provide Standard response library

and many more capabilities, depending on the additional Use-Cases selected. Please find below a list of possible use cases for the different platform.

PureConnect Genesys Engage
Premise CE01; CE03; CE09; CE11; CE12;

CE16; CE18; CE20; CE22; CE29.

CE01; CE03; CE09; CE11; CE12; CE16;

CE18; CE19; CE20; CE22; CE24; CE25;

CE27; CE34.

Cloud CE01; CE03; CE09; CE11; CE12;

CE16; CE18; CE20;CE22; CE29.

CE01; CE03; CE09; CE11; CE12;

CE13; CE16; CE22.

Note that this list is here only for the indicative purpose, contact your account team to get the list of relevant use cases for your configuration.

N/A BO02 BO03 CE01 CE03 CE09 CE11 CE12 CE16 CE18 CE19 CE20 CE22 CE27 CE34 V 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE01 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE01 Connect a Voice Interaction to the Right Resource GenesysEngage-onpremises Organizations want to provide an exceptional customer and sales service experience by reducing transfers, hold time and repetition.

To achieve this experience, they need customizable software to fit complex rules, distributed using skills-based routing while automaticity capturing each call disposition for analysis.

When companies enable call routing within their Genesys environments, benefits can include:

Customer wants to contact the company for a specific service or for further information around a product or offer and then calls the company. The system performs hours of operation, special day, and emergency checks, and then plays corresponding messages. The customer selects an option from a menu (prompt and collect) that maps to an agent skill expression. If no agents are available, the target expands to include an additional agent skill or skill-level before routing to an optional overflow number.

After the initial implementation, customers can enhance the service with more Genesys routing capabilities.

  • Poor customer experience scores due to excessive wait times, transfers, hold times, agents who do ​not have needed expertise, and the need for repeat contacts
  • High staffing costs to meet service levels
  • Inefficient use of agents who are responding to simple inquiries or requests
  • Inability to use context of previous interactions to optimize each customer call


  • Optimize customer experience by connecting them to a knowledgeable, efficient agent available within a configured time period
  • As customers wait in queue, remove skill requirements to expand the pool of available agents
  • Route interactions without conversations leaving the queue to better understand why customers are calling and keep your data clean for clear reporting
Chief Marketing Officer, Business Analyst, IT Administrator
  1. How easy is it for your customers to get repetitive or easy issues fixed?
  2. How often do your customers have first contact resolution?
  3. How often is a transfer required, due to agents’ experience or knowledge?
  4. What service level issues are you experiencing?
Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights SIP Interaction SIP Interaction HA (optional) GVP GVP HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) ASR and TTS (Optional) This use case is available in the Cloud Capabilities Assumption:​This use case can be addressed utilizing SIP qualification and Parking OR can be delivered using GVP solution. This chapter describes the business logic and business rules which drive the decisions made by the Genesys system within the business & routing flow above described in the chapters above, i.e. the parameters used by Genesys to drive routing decisions and how these are configured.

These parameters allow the user to configure a number of operational parameters related to routing logic, including the target skills for each menu option, priority tuning, timers and overflows.Some parameters are only available at DNIS / Route Point level. These are either needed only once at the beginning of the call flow (e.g. greeting message) or will be used across the whole call flow independent of subsequent DTMF menu choices of the customer. Other parameters are available at both the DNIS / Route Point level (to be used if no call steering has been activated) and at the level of the choice of a specific touch point. The following tables illustrate example parameters which may be configured through Genesys configuration tools.

Parameters to configure Service Line Announcements

The following parameters can be configured by service line:

Name Description
Business hours Sets the hours that you are open and accepting calls
Special day A list of exceptions to the regular open hours, for a holiday or other reason
Emergency declared Activates the emergency announcement (i.e. power outage, general closure)

Parameters to define the Call Steering / DTMF Menus

The use case allows users to define Menu options externally through parameters, thereby simplifying the flow. Based on the menu options chosen, corresponding caller segmentation can be done by this context.

Up to 4 levels of DTMF menus can be configured with maximally 9 different sub-options for each choice in the previous level. The combination of choices of the customer within the DTMF menu will determine the service requested and the agent skill required to best satisfy this request. This possibility provides highest flexibility to adapt the use case to a specific company requirement, but it is generally not recommended to use all available levels and number of menu choices to not provide a bad customer experience via a complicated and lengthy DTMF menu.

Distribution Parameters

The following list of parameters define the behaviour of the distribution logic. These parameters can be configured per combination of possible DTMF choices in the Call Steering.

Name Description
Primary Target The skill and skill level expression to which the call will be routed. Alternatively, a DN or a specific Agent/Agent Group can be configured as routing target.
Secondary Target The skill and skill level expression to which the call will be routed in the first target expansion step. Alternatively, a DN or a specific Agent/Agent Group can be configured as routing target.
Tertiary Target The skill and skill level expression to which the call will be routed in the second target expansion step. Alternatively, a DN or a specific Agent/Agent Group can be configured as routing target.

The skill expression to define the target is defined by a combination of skill(s) and skill levels. Best practice is to use the same skill(s) with decreased skill level in subsequent targets to gradually expand the pool of agents after each timeout, rather than using a different skill.Priority tuning is configured via the following parameters:

  • Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time)
  • Priority interval (the time between priority increases)
  • Priority limit (the maximum priority)
  • Priority start (the starting priority)

Reporting Parameters

The following five business parameters represent reporting categories and are completely customizable to your business model. You can assign different combinations of these parameters to each of your Inbound and Distribution parameter groups, to distinguish them in reporting and enable you to identify the unique properties of the parameter group.

Name Description
Department Business organization used as a category for reporting
Flow A business flow used as a category in reporting
Intent Category Business categories typically used as the top level of the call steering menu choices

Audio Resources

The following audio resources are configurable by service line:

Name Example
Business Hours A message announcing office closure and inviting to call again at opening time
Please Wait on Hold A message inviting to wait
Welcome A Greeting message
Emergency An emergency message
Special Day A message announcing office closure due to special day (i.e. a bank holiday)
Music waiting in queue Music
Main DTMF Menu Message The main Call Steering menu accouncement
Sub-DTMF Menu Messages (multiple messages) The sub-menu messages for the Call Steering as required.
General distribution functionality

The distribution logic will include the following functionality:

  • The target will be configurable by (final) DTMF choice. Additional targets are optional.
  • RONA-functionality: If an agent does not accept the voice interaction, the voice call will be automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time out. The agent will be set to not-ready.
  • Blending with other media types will be possible. Priority settings for voice interactions will be configurable to enable proper priority ranges between different media types. Capacity rules will be configured for the agents / agent groups to define what interactions can be handled in parallel (if any).
N/A Agent Workspace provides a suite of out-of-the-box and configurable features to enable you to maximize routing:
  • Agents can view the menu selection (service) and/or the DNIS when a call is routed to them
  • Agents can transfer calls to other individual agents and specific route points enabled for the agent.
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (for example, Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA, and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes for reporting of business outcome (for example, Cross Sell, Need Follow-Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell). Agents select the disposition while handling the interaction.

If Skype for Business Platform is used for Inbound call (option), agents must use Workspace Desktop Edition integrated with Skype for Business endpoint.

Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables that provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to quickly add report widgets to your dashboard.

The following Genesys Pulse standard reports are particularly relevant for this use case:

  • Agent Group Status — Displays the current number of agents in their various interaction handling states by group.
  • Agent KPIs — Displays agent key performance indicators for agent groups and individual agents within those groups.
  • Agent Login — Displays agents that are logged in, what type of work they have been assigned, and their current status.
  • Queue KPIs — Displays call activity associated with the interaction queues.

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case. The metrics and attributes in these reports measure and filter Info Mart data based on interaction-related activities conducted by active agents, on the agent queue(s) through which customer interactions pass, and on Business Attributes attached data, and enable you to examine low-level interaction details, including handling attempts, flow, and transfers.

Some of the most relevant reports include:

  • Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) — Provides a breakdown of the duration of the different states that an agent can be in (Ready, Not Ready, Busy, and Other).
  • Agent Performance Dashboard — Provides at-a-glance key information about agents, focusing on metrics related to handle time and agent conduct.
  • Agent Utilization — Provides detailed information about agent performance with respect to the customer and consults interactions that are processed within the contact center for a range of days that you specify, and illustrates the percentage of interactions accepted by agents.
  • Queue Outline Report and Queue Summary Report — Collect detailed counts related to customer interactions and consult interactions, showing how the number of interactions/consultations that entered a particular queue or queue group break down into the various queue-related metrics that provide interaction counts, including abandoned, or distributed and handled by any routing target, such as an agent.
  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Summarizes segment-related details with regard to agent handling of contact center interactions.
  • Transfer Detail Report — Learn more about the initiating and receiving parties of those contact center interactions that involve a transfer including the technical result, the mediation devices through which the interaction passed, the business attribute, and the entire duration of the interaction.
  • Other reports relevant to this use case are found in the Agents, Business Results, Detail, and Queues folders.

For more information about the Genesys CX Insights reports, see Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • SIP connectivity is offered as a standard solution for Genesys Engage on-premises and Cloud.
  • Optionally Skype for business can be offered for Genesys Engage on-premises only.
  • Implementation based on SIP Server (SIP Voice Blueprint).
  • Routing parameters are configured through GAX operational parameter groups, which are referenced in the underlying strategy / routing application.
  • Text To Speech and Speech Recognition are not included.
  • No Genesys Voice Portal - all customer input is via DTMF prompt and collect.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights will be used for historical reporting.
  • Workspace Desktop Edition will be used as agent workspace.
  • Genesys Pulse will be used for real-time reporting.
  • No Integration with third party systems.

For Skype for Business Connectivity (Option):

  • Integration with Skype for Business based on Multimedia Connector (Skype for Business Blueprint)
  • The agent uses Workspace Desktop Edition integrated with Skype for Business endpoint.
  • No integration with 3rd party recording. GIR is the only available recording option with Multimedia Connector for Skype for Business.
  • GIA is not supported as a standard option.
  • PS team should be consulted for Skype for Business Platform deployment.
v 1.2.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE02 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE02 GenesysEngage-onpremises This functional use case has been created to enable companies to use Advanced Genesys Routing capabilities to improve customer experience by routing voice interactions to the best fit agent based on the type of request and customer context. The ability to recognize repeat customers is a very common scenario. Detailed routing behavior is driven by configuration parameters and rules, therefore providing a highly flexible framework to adapt to specific organization needs. The base logic is based on experience and best practices from previous implementations and therefore enables the organization to use best practice scenarios to enable fast realization of benefits. A customer call is qualified within the IVR. The customer is identified and authenticated (if needed) within the IVR menu (not part of this use case). The customer ID is used to retrieve context data on the customer from Genesys Context Services. Based on his choices within the IVR and on the context data, he is routed to the best agent able to serve his request and potentially additional services, e.g. to realize up-sell potential. All relevant context information is displayed to the agent to enable high-quality service delivery. Providing the ability to recognize customers in all touch points and channels, orchestrating the interactions; enabling the agent to see the context to better serve the customer and being able to match callers with the same agent with whom they previously spoke are ways to deliver an excellent customer experience.

The logic of this use case is business rules driven and therefore flexible to changing needs and business environments.

  • Unable to use context to enable a finer granularity in matching the customer to the best agent in the target agent group​
  • Calls with long handle times, with customers having to recap previous interactions​
  • Missed service levels within or across channels​
  • Increasing interaction abandonment and repeat contacts
  • Offer self-service and call back options​
  • Inform customers of expected wait/process times
Defined CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights SIP Interaction SIP Interaction HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) SIP Qualification & Parking SIP Qualification and Parking HA (Optional) GVP GVP HA (optional) ASR and TTS (Optional) Conversation Manager Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service (Optional Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Full set of capabilities are available.
Emergency Check

Emergency mode activation is enabled at three levels: Global, Service (Type of Request) and Queue. The emergency mode is not only checked at the beginning of a call, but is constantly monitored during call queuing. If an emergency flag is set for a queued call, the corresponding emergency announcement is played, and the configured action applies to the call (disconnect or deflect to another number within or external to Genesys).

Furthermore, Genesys runs a parallel stream to continually check if agents are logged onto the platform. If no agents are detected, then an emergency mode is automatically activated.

EWT Announcements

Announcement of Expected Wait Time to customers is handled based on predefined recordings. It is a good practice to announce expected wait times approximately to not jeopardize customer expectation. Six thresholds are configured which can trigger different announcements. Default values are: 60, 120, 180, 300, 600 and 1200 seconds. The announcement text should match the threshold.

Last Agent Routing

The last agent(s) a customer spoke to is stored within Context Services (part of Universal Contact History) including the base skill which was required for the corresponding service. When a customer calls the contact center for the same service and Last Agent Routing is enabled, Genesys checks in Context Services for a recent contact, not older than a configurable threshold, handled by an agent with the required skill. The corresponding agent is used for Last Agent Routing.

In case of multiple matches, the most recent entry is used.

Busy Treatment

Messages and Music are played for queuing calls. It is possible to configure up to six messages with music treatment in between. The first two messages and associated music treatments are played once, the remaining 4 messages and music treatments are looped until the call is answered or abandoned.

Skill Model

Skill types

The skill model, used for distribution, is based on three logically different skill types which define attributes and knowledge of the agents:

Basic skill

This skill is required to handle a specific type of request or service. One basic skill is required for each call for the distribution of calls to agents.

Language skill

This skill type determines the language in which a call shall be answered. The requested language is provided via the IVR. If no language is provided, a default language is used. One language skill is required for the distribution of calls to agents.

Supplementary skill

Genesys Routing utilizes supplementary skills for enhanced routing logic and personalization. Supplementary skills are defined by customer specific context data.

The following provides an example:

  • A customer calls the service hotline for "Account Transactions."
  • He successfully identifies and authenticates within the IVR. The corresponding data are passed to Genesys.
  • The caller's profile within Context Services indicates that the caller is eligible for a Platinum Credit Card up-sell.
  • In this case, the call should ideally be routed to an agent with the base skill "Account_Handling" and the supplementary skill "Up-Sell" to ensure that he can handle both the original request and successfully convert the up-sell opportunity for this customer.

Skill level

Each agent has one or more skills associated to their profile and a skill level associated to each base skill, referred to in this document as proficiencies. The skill level is used to define primary, secondary and tertiary targets within the routing logic described in section "Targeting". The targets are defined as follows:

  • Primary target = Agents with base skill level > N & language skill > 0
  • Secondary target = Agents with base skill level > M & language skill > 0
  • Tertiary target = Agents with base skill level > P & language skill > 0

N, M, and P are configurable based on request type and customer context.

Priority Model

Different priorities are set for calls according to business value of the type of request. If priorities are set and an agent becomes available, Genesys distributes the call with the highest priority matching the agent's skills. This is specifically relevant if the agent can receive interactions for different types of request. The priority of a call is increased over time to make sure that low-priority calls are still distributed to an agent after a potential longer waiting time (priority tuning). Priority tuning is configured via the following parameters:

  • Priority start (the starting priority)
  • Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time)
  • Priority interval (the time between priority increases)
  • Priority limit (the maximum priority)

These values are configurable by type of request and by customer context.

In addition, a priority mark-up is configured for customers who have previously completed IDV or ID within the IVR to account for their additional time within the IVR compared to customers who did directly drop out into the queue. The priority mark-up for customers who attempted / complete IDV and ID is relative to the amount of time it takes to complete the IDV and ID verification application within the IVR.

Transferred calls and RONA calls can also get a higher priority assigned.


The agents can transfer calls to defined internal agent groups or business lines (route points). The routing logic defined for these route points is similar to the routing logic defined above (without initial announcements). Only transfer route points are visible to the agent in WDE.

Additional functionality

  • RONA-functionality: If an agent does not accept the call, the call is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time out. The agent is set to not-ready.
  • This use case can be combined with other non-voice use cases. Blending is possible. The configuration of priority values need to be synchronized with priority settings for other media types to allow an ordering of interaction within the universal queue corresponding to business requirements. Capacity rules will be configured for the agents / agent groups to define what interactions is handled in parallel (if any).

Context Service Data

Customer Context is stored within Genesys Context Service as part of the Universal Customer History Server. The data is provided by the organization. A regular update process has to be set up. Instructions to map the organization's specific data with the data stored in Genesys need to be determined. The following data scheme provides flexibility to map specific organizational data with data to be used within Genesys. The data is used for routing rules or for display of the agent workspace. Context data related to a list is only used if the time and date of the call is within the List Stop and List Start data. The following table shows the available data and how these are used:

Attribute Definition Agent Workspace Routing Rules
Customer ID Unique identifier of the customer X  
Name Customer Name X  
Segment Customer Segment X X
Customer Data 1 Additional information on the customer to be used in rules   X
Customer Data 2 Additional information on the customer to be used in rules   X
Customer Data 3 Additional information on the customer to be used in rules   X
Customer Data 4 Additional information on the customer to be used in rules   X
Customer Data 5 Additional information on the customer to be used in rules   X
Display Data 1 Custom Attribute to be displayed at agent workspace X  
Display Data 2 Custom Attribute to be displayed at agent workspace X  
List Name This data is used to indicate that the customer is on a specific list / campaign X X
List Type Type of the list or campaign X X
List Start When actions for a list / campaign starts   X
List Stop When actions for a list / campaign stops   X
List pop message Message to be displayed to agent X  
List actioned Indicates if the list / campaign has been already actioned. If the list / campaign has been actions, no list data is displayed to an agent.   X

Parameters available per type of request / service

The following lists the business parameters which are configurable by service. These are configured by Genesys Administrator Extension. Please note that the list is not exhaustive as additional parameters for technical settings might be required. It also does not reflect the technical realization and naming conventions to be used. Also some of the parameters are combined for ease of readability. The list is intended for business readers to give an overview of the flexibility in the configuration of the routing logic:

Name Description
Service Name Name of the service.
Enable Rules Flag to indicate if rules are used for the service. If rules are not enabled for the service, the default parameter settings within GAX are used.
Service Emergency Flag Flag to set emergency status for the service.
Open hours Sets the opening hours of the service.
Special Day A list of exceptions to the regular open hours, for a holiday or other reason.
After Hour Message Message to be played if the call is out of business hours.
Special Day Message Message to be played if the call is on a special day.
Emergency Message Message to be played in emergency situations.
EWT flag Flag to determine if EWT shall be announced to a customer.
EWT Thresholds 6 Thresholds to activate different EWT announcements (see chapter "EWT Announcements").
EWT Announcements 6 pre-recorded EWT announcements corresponding to the 6 thresholds above.
EWT Breach Threshold Threshold to determine if a call is queued (see chapter "Expected Wait Time Check”).
IDV Type Level of ID&V required for the type of request. Values are "None", "ID" or "ID&V". This value is displayed to the agent.
Quality Message The quality message to be announced to the customer (see chapter "Main Flow").

Parameters available per customer context and type of request / service

The following lists the business parameters which are configurable by service and customer context. Default values for these parameters are configured by Genesys Administrator Extension per service. These base parameters are overwritten by parameters defined by rules using additionally the customer context. These rules are configured in Genesys Rules Engine. Please note that the list is not exhaustive as additional parameters for technical settings might be required. It also does not reflect the technical realization and naming conventions to be used. The list is intended to give business users an overview of the flexibility in the configuration of the routing logic:

Name Description
Special Message 1&2 The special messages to be played after the quality message (See chapter “Main Flow”).
Last Agent Routing enabled? Flag to indicate if Last Agent Routing is enabled for the Service
Last Agent Routing Time Out Time out used to wait for the last agent.
Basic skill Basic skill required for this call
Supplementary skill Supplementary skill for this call.
Supplementary skill timeout Timeout to wait for an agent with the supplementary skill.
Skill Level Targets 1-3 Skill level thresholds to define the primary, secondary and tertiary target. The skill level defined provides the minimum skill level for the corresponding target.
Timeout 1,2 Timeouts to wait for the primary and secondary target.
In Queue Messages and Music Parameters to define the in busy treatments as described in chapter Busy Treatment.

Reporting Parameters

The following five business parameters represent reporting categories and are completely customizable to your business model. You can assign different combinations of these parameters to each of your Inbound and Distribution parameter groups, to distinguish them in reporting and enable you to identify the unique properties of the parameter group.

Name Description
Department Business organization used as a category for reporting
Flow A business flow used as a category in reporting
Product A product or product group used in reporting
Service Business categories typically used as the top level of the call steering menu choices
Call Qualification & Customer Identification (outside of scope of this use case)

As a prerequisite for this use case call qualification and customer identification is handled by an IVR application upfront of the start of this use cases. This IVR application is outside the scope of this use case.Use case CE7 - Effective Identification & Validation in IVR can be used for this functionality.

The assumption is that Genesys receives the following information from the IVR:

  • Type of Request / Service (either via DTMF, natural language recognition or IVR intelligence).
  • Caller language
  • Caller identification
    • Information on the status of the identification:
      • Anonymous
      • Identification provided
      • Identification and Verification (ID&V) provided
    • Customer ID
      • the customer ID might be any ID as used by the organization which identifies the customer
      • Alternatively the CLI is used for customer identification, however this is less reliable

This input is used to determine the parameters for the specific customer call.

Remark on naming convention in this document:

"Type of request/service" is the mapping of a customer call to his need by using an IVR prequalification like DTMF menu. Therefore it may be more granular than a published service number for the contact center, or a department within the contact center (e.g. Sales, Billing). The latter is sometimes also referred as service within some organizations. However, in this document, "service" is used interchangeably with "type of request" and referring to the more granular definition.

N/A Context Data

When a call is distributed to an agent the following data is displayed:

  • Context Services Data as defined in chapter “Context Service Data”
  • Customer language
  • Time in IVR and in Queue
  • ID & V Status
  • ID or ID & V required for service?
  • Indicator if a special promotional message has been played

Call Outcome / Disposition Code

If a lead is presented to an agent, the outcome can be classified within Agent Workspace. The outcome includes information about whether the lead has been actioned. Lead actioned data is stored in Context Services to prevent the interaction from being directed to an agent again.

Additionally, the call outcome is used for reporting.

Many different call outcomes / disposition codes can be configured.


Agents can handle manual Identification and (optionally) Verification if required for the specific customer request. ID&V is handled in an application outside of Genesys. However, it is possible for the agent to update the ID&V status of the call. In this case, the call data is updated and if the customer has not been identified before, the customer-related data from context services is retrieved and displayed to the agent. See also section “Conversation”.

General Requirements

  • Agents can transfer calls to other individual agents.
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (for example: Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA).
Genesys Pulse is a Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) plug-in application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, interactions handled, and the average handle time.

With Pulse you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of Contact Center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling and call routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from predefined and user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Predefined Inbound templates
    • Agent KPIs
    • Agent Group Status
    • Agent Login
    • Queue KPIs
Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that you can use assess the routing and handling of interactions.

Some of the most relevant reports that are useful to measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case include:

  • Customer Perspective Report — Summarizes contact center milestones from a customer perspective, providing the average response times, revenue and customers satisfaction scores, and various service level percentages of interactions that enter or begin with the contact center. This report also provides such summary values as the average revenues generated by each customer segment, by media type, and to evaluate the average customer satisfaction scores. Attributes applied to these metrics include customer segment, service type, and media type.
  • Interaction Volume Customer Segment Report — Provides detailed information about how interactions that enter the contact center are categorized into the business-result attributes that are configured in your environment, including analysis (based on the Entered with Objective metric) of the service level within the perspective of the total number of interactions that are offered to resources by day over the reporting interval.
  • Business Metrics Executive Report — Highlights exceptions to service level by business result, customer segment, and service type for those interactions that have defined a baseline service objective that is greater than zero (0). The Entered with Objective metric enables you to gauge service level within the perspective of the total number of interactions that were offered to resources, by day, over the reporting interval.
  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Summarizes segment-related details with regard to an agent’s handling of contact center interactions that are stored in the Info Mart INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table, providing both the time that was required to distribute the interaction to the agent and data about the agent’s contiguous participation in the interaction.
  • Other reports relevant to this use case are found in the Agents, Business Results, Detail, and Queues folders.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Implementation based on SIP Server (SIP Voice Blueprint).
  • Routing parameters are configured through GAX operational parameter groups or Genesys Rules Engine, which are referenced in the underlying strategy / routing application.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights is used for historical reporting.
  • WDE is used as agent workspace.
  • Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • The IVR application to determine the type of request and customer ID is not part of this use case and has to be provided separately.
    • Alternatively, SIP Qualification and Parking with a script controlled by routing are used if full GVP application is not required. This functionality is also not included within the use case.
  • All announcements are to be provided by the customer
  • A process to upload and update customer data within Genesys Context Services needs to be set up.
CE07 This use case is not supported in Cloud. version 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE03 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE03 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case enables companies to improve customer experience by providing wait time information and callback functionality. Dynamic treatment can be applied to transfers, playing different messages and providing different customer experiences based on the length of the wait. Businesses can specify wait time thresholds and, using reporting, monitor and quickly adjust the outcome if required. No one likes to wait on hold. When a customer is waiting to speak to an agent, and the expected wait time to reach an appropriate agent exceeds a specified configurable threshold, they are presented with the option to receive a callback, either as soon as possible or at a scheduled future time. Different treatment can be applied and a different message presented based on the length of the wait.
  • Long queue times lead to abandons and missed service levels​
  • High staffing costs in order to have resources available for peak periods​
  • Unable to obtain view of operational performance through reporting & analytics​
  • Customer dissatisfaction with long waits and lack of options​

  • When caller requests agent assistance from IVR, the queue times are dynamically checked
  • When queue exceeds threshold set by business, the caller is played a message relaying the current wait time and given callback option
  • Caller can choose to accept or reject the callback option
  • When accepted, the callback is registered in the queue
  • When the callback reaches the top of the queue, it is assigned to an available agent.

Consistent Genesys Callback GVP GVP HA (optional) ASR and TTS Conversation Manager Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • BEC / Designer​Workspace Desktop / Web Edition​Pulse​
  • Genesys Infomart & Interactive Insights
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Genesys Voice Portal​
  • Workspace Desktop / Web Edition​Pulse​
  • Genesys Infomart & Interactive Insights
These business rules drive the decisions made by the system.

Callback Offer

The system verifies the estimated queue wait time for the type of request before transferring a call. The returned wait time is checked against the system configurable setting:

  • If the expected wait time is greater than or equal to this threshold, a message is played before offering callback to the customer. The message can be generic or provide a range of time (best practice) for the estimated wait.
  • Estimated Wait Time (EWT) uses one of 3 available options:
    • URS analyzes callback processing speed and pending callbacks while ignoring agent availability.
    • URS analyzes callback processing speed and pending callbacks while accounting for the agents who have historically handled interactions of the Virtual Queue.
    • Query EWT from Stat Server.

The business can configure the thresholds and messages played for various queues.

Register Scheduled Callback

Potential time slots for scheduled callback include these options:

  • Business hours and special days for the callback service
  • Callers can request to be scheduled in time slots of 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
  • Maximum number of connection requests per time slot (the number will be the same for all slots).


Configurable voice prompts for announcements / treatments for the callback:

  • Voice prompt in case the callback is answered by an automated answering machine
  • Announcement once the customer is connected
  • Treatment while waiting for the agent to be connected
  • Announcement in case no agent could be connected to the call after a certain timeout
  • It is possible to assign a priority to callback requests. This is important in case this use case is used in combination with other inbound media types (such as inbound calls or e-mail). All callback requests will have the same priority.

These parameters are configurable for each type of request. The type of request is determined by the point in the IVR where transition from self-service to assisted service is required. It is defined by the Speech Application using this callback functionality.

Distributing transfer calls to agents

This functionality is handled by one of the prerequisite use cases, which transfers the call to an existing queue for inbound voice routing.

Distributing callback requests to agents

The minimum functionality for distributing a callback generated from the IVR to agents includes:

  • Routing of callback requests to agent based on agent skills. The required skills for a callback request depend on the type of request and the language. The mapping between subject and skill is configurable.
  • RONA (Redirect On No Answer).
  • In combination with other use cases, blending with other media types is supported, including configuration of capacity rules.
  • After configurable timeouts, the routing target can be expanded based on skill level. Upper and lower limits of skill levels can be configured by target.
N/A Full inbound Voice Call handling features:
  • Call controls
  • Callback UI

Callback interface includes:

  • Display of Type of Request, User ID, User First Name, User Last Name, User phone number, Language (as provided by the voice application).
  • Disposition Codes to classify call and call outcome for reporting purposes.
Callback-related reporting

Minimum functionality includes:

  • Information on entered and distributed callback requests for distribution. Callbacks entered counts those scheduled callbacks whose scheduled time has arrived and which have been entered into the queue for distribution to an agent.
  • The information is available per type of request.
Leverage standard out of the box Call Back reports in CX Insights.

UseCallback Summary Reportfor detailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyse callback performance based on nearly thirty metrics, including:

  • Total number of accepted, declined, attempted, connected, cancelled, abandoned, and successful callbacks.
  • Percentages of callbacks that were successful, unsuccessful, declined, or connected.
  • Savings resulting from callbacks, including the total amount time and money saved and the average time and money saved per callback.
  • The number of attempts made to complete callbacks, the time customers spent waiting for an agent, and time customers waited before abandoning a call.

UseCallback Detail Reportfordetailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyse callback performance based on nearly 30 metrics. Use this report to view a detailed picture of how Callback is used in your contact center, including information about the volume of callback calls, success rates, resulting savings, and customer wait times.


This use case contains only the functionality described above, which can be integrated with existing voice (self-service) applications.

Implementation of this use case requires the following Genesys components:

  • Outbound CPD: Genesys SIP & Media Server
  • Agent desktop:Workspace Desktop
  • Real-time reporting:Pulse
  • Historical reporting:Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights
  • Other components:
    • CIM Platform
    • Orchestration Server (ORS)
    • Genesys Mobile Services (GMS)
    • Resource Manager
  • No integration with third-party systems
  • Genesys Voice Platform is mandatory only for speech recognition (ASR) or text-to-speech (TTS) in the IVR.
CE01 CE02 No results v 1.1.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE07 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE07 GenesysEngage-onpremises In most IVR applications, customers call into companies, such as their credit card company, bank, or cable company, and must manually identify themselves. If the call goes to an agent, customers normally need to identify themselves again to the agent. This is frustrating and time consuming for callers. IVR systems can and should contain self-service to identify the customer automatically based on their caller ID, and this information should then be used throughout the call flow for progressive identification and verification (ID&V), passed as context to a visual session or passed to an agent. This makes customers feel that they want to do business with the company, as their identity is proactively recognized and maintained. For example, as soon as the call connects, a data dip should be completed to identify the customer based on their caller ID. The IVR application can then configure logic to greet the caller by name, skip identification for new self-services within the same call, or skip identification or verification if they move to a visual IVR. The IVR system proactively identifies the caller at the beginning of the call. The IVR then asks the caller to identify themselves by entering information to verify their identity. Depending on the business logic configured in the Control Center, the system routes the caller to self-service in the IVR, a main menu, or an agent. If the customer needs to go through another self-service option, the customer's ID&V status persists. This ID&V status also persists if they transfer to a visual IVR and continue their journey there. Finally, if the caller transfers from the IVR to an agent, the system displays the data captured by the IVR to the agent, providing a better experience for both the caller and agent.
  • Increasing competitive pressure
  • High customer churn
  • High purchase abandonment
  • Unable to use context
  • Poor customer experience scores
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels
  • Calls with long handle times
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

  • Integrate with customer database for identification
  • Identify customers based on their caller id
  • If no identification, ask identifying question before verification
  • If identified, ask verification question &amp; determine whether to authenticate customer or not
  • Call can be routed to continue in the IVR
  • Alternatively, the call can be routed to an agent
  • If an agent receives the call, they are notified that the caller is already identified &amp; verified and do not have to repeat those steps

Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Genesys Voice Platform (incl add'l capability) Genesys Voice Platform (incl add'l capability) - HA (Optional) Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) Genesys Infomart (Optional) Genesys Infomart - HA (Optional) Genesys Interactive Insights (Optional) SIP Interaction SIP Interaction HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) Interaction Workspace (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Requires GVP and Designer​
  • Client has web services accessible customer database
  • ​Client provides access to application to validate customer identity​
  • Requires TTS for customer name playback (if in scope)
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Requires GVP and Genesys Intelligent Automation​
  • Client has web services accessible​
  • Client provides access to application to validate customer identity​
  • Requires TTS for customer name playback (if in scope)
You can define business logic to govern the ID mechanism, next steps, and voice prompts.

Customer identification by ANI / CLI

Step 3 in the flow above can be enabled or disabled depending on specific customer requirements. If this step is disabled, the flow will always ask for a customer identifier (for example customer ID, account number, or tracking number). This parameter can be set per company service line.

Configuration to define the next steps

After Identification and Verification has been performed successfully, the call will be transferred to the next step of the overall callflow. This might be an agent assisted service, a self-service application or an IVR menu. This parameter can be set per company service line.

Progressive ID&V: Configuration to define preceding authentication question(s) - Configuration can be set from within the ID&V module to give the business user control on the order of authentication questions. The configuration of other ID&V modules that contain these questions are out of scope for this use case.

Omnichannel ID&V: Passing of ID&V token - This authentication use case can be configured to pass an ID&V token from IVR to a visual IVR, so a customer can continue their journey on visual IVR if previously identified.

General: Voice Prompts

The customer can flexibly change all voice prompts within this flow.

N/A N/A Only available if this use case is used in conjunction with the Genesys Personalized Routing (CE02) for Genesys Engage on premises:
  • If the call is transferred to agent-assisted services: The agent will receive an indication whether the customer is
    • Identified and verified
    • Identified only
    • Neither Identified nor verified

Customer identifier and name will be displayed to the agent as well (if available).

Users with appropriate permissions are able to follow the interaction journey throughout the IVR. Each step of the IVR process the caller enters (and after, if going to a user or to queue), is identified with time-stamps. Intelligent Automation offers a suite of internal reports details below:


  • Application Overview
  • System Pulse
  • Real-time Graphs

Prebuilt Reports

  • Summary
  • Calls per Day
  • Calls by Time of Day
  • Block Results
  • Recognition Summary
  • Business Task Summary

Customer Journeys

  • See what’s important to callers
  • Monitor the impact of changes
  • Compare customer experience
  • Data Extracts (CSV format)
  • Call Details
  • Business Tasks
  • GUI Actions
  • Inbound SMS
The use case is supported for Cloud, Premise and Platform as a Service (IVR PaaS) .

For IVR PaaS, Genesys Intelligent Automation is deployed on premise.

  • To support PCI or similar compliance, on-premises environments must be architected and configured accordingly
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation is a required sellable item.
  • As an additional add-on, ASR can be used for the numeric input (see above) and for the phrase "I don't have it" (and synonyms of this phrase) in the flow above.
  • The company has a database that can be used to identify the customer. This database must provide the appropriate web services
  • The company provides access to an application to validate the customer identity
  • Company must have a unique identifier for their customers
  • Complex alphanumeric inputs (for example, check digits) may require custom grammar development - available as optional add-on.

ASR functionality is an optional add-on service for numeric input (see above) and for the phrase "I don't have it" (and synonyms of this phrase) in the flow above.

CE02 526149198 v 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE09 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE09 GenesysEngage-onpremises IVRs have historically been designed to maximize the containment of callers to reduce staffing costs associated with increased call volume, often without a careful assessment of customer experience. This has led to deep and complex IVR menu trees that frustrate customers, create an undesirable customer experience, and result in high opt-out rates.

IVR personalization addresses the following:

  • Simplifies the menu structure (both depth and within a single menu)
  • Presents meaningful options to the caller
  • Increases containment and use of the IVR through ease of use and relevance of options
  • Increases customer satisfaction through simpler, more relevant navigation and completion of tasks
This functional use case offers several types of personalization:
  • Proactively play status or balance before presenting any options. For example, “Your next order is due to be delivered on Thursday.”
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason. For example, “Are you calling about the loan application you have in progress?”
  • Personalize menu options. For example, play a mortgage option in the menu only if they have a mortgage, or present a promotion option only if they are eligible.
  • Persona-based Personalization is the ability to change the wording of input and messages based on language or customer context such as age.

These types of personalization can lead to an increase in self-service rates. They can also improve customer experience by shortening the time spent on the IVR or bypassing self-service based on the context of the customer’s call. The context to drive this personalization can be retrieved from native or from third-party data sources. Personalized IVR can also update customer context so that this information is available across other channels.

  • Low self-service adoption​
  • Unable to identify customers to provide a personalized experience​
  • Long handle times from increased call volume​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to generic IVR Experience​
  • Increased agent frustration and low morale due to handling of low value and monotonous queries​
  • Lower KPIs due to lack of segmentation
  • Identify caller using context or IDV data​
  • Personalized treatment based on context and business rules – for example:​
  • Proactively play status or balance update​
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason​
  • Personalized menu options​
  • See context for transfer to an agent​
  • If no personalized treatments, then continue with IVR application
Defined No sellable items Please reference prerequisits
  • This use case is currently not available in Cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Requires GVP and Genesys Intelligent Automation​
  • Client has web services accessible​
  • Client provides access to application to validate customer identity
This use case is supported by industry templates that contain examples of personalized treatments using built-in variables or external variables. See below for a sample list of these variables. Personalized treatments are confirmed during design.

Built-in Variables

Name Description
Dialed Number The number the caller dialed.
CLI Calling Line Identifier - The number the caller is dialling from (also known as Automatic Number Identification - ANI).
Recent Failure Flag Indicates if a call has failed. When a call fails, such as due to technical error, a flag is set in the database to True or False. This parameter can only use the True or False logic.
Random Percentage Used for A/B testing. A specified percentage of calls can be randomly selected to be sent down a new leg of the callflow. The results of this testing can be monitored using the reporting.
Last Result The outcome of the last callflow block. For example, for a menu this would be the menu choice or for a self-service task it could indicate if it was completed successfully. This value will be set by the speech application.
Number of Calls Today The number of times the customer has called into this callflow today.
Number of Calls in Last Week The number of times the customer has called into this callflow in the last week.
Number of Calls in Last 2 Weeks The number of times the customer has called into this callflow in the last 2 weeks.
Number of Calls in Last 4 Weeks The number of times the customer has called into this callflow in the last 4 weeks.
Date A specified date
Time A specified time of day.
Date and Time A specified date and time of that particular day.
Current Day of the Week This parameter allows you to select a day of the week. No further logic is required.
Opening Hours Rule This parameter allows you to select whether an opening hours rule is currently open or closed. No further logic is required.
Variable Variables can be populated with context from within the same dialog or by integrating with other Genesys or third-party systems.

External Variables

In addition to the built-in variables described in the previous section, the rules can use additional customer variables:

  • Retrieved from a third-party system via a web-service.
  • Set by the IVR application that leverages this use case. This can for example be based on caller input.

Business Rules

Business rules are applied to the variables to see how they compare to the value. The outcome of the business rule determines which personalized treatment applies. Business rules consist of logical comparisons of one variable with predefined values. Examples include:

  • Variablecustomer segmentis equal to VIP
  • Current Date is equal to 24.12.2020
  • Number of calls in the last week is greater than 3

Multiple logical conditions can be combined within one business rule so that the treatment is applied only if all conditions are met. There is also the option to apply the treatment if any of the conditions are met. Examples for business rules:

  • If Customer Segment = VIP and Number of Calls Today > 1, then route directly to VIP agent
  • If Customer Segment = Platinum or Customer Segment = Gold, then play the preferred customer announcement

The list below defines the possible options for comparison:

Name Description
Equal to Compare variable with a value to see if they are equal.
Not equal to Compare variable with a value to see if they are not equal.
Containing Compare variable with a value to see if the variable contains the value.
Not containing Compare variable with a value to see if the variable doesn't contain the value.
Matching pattern Compare variable with a value to see if the variable matches the pattern in the variable.
Not matching pattern Compare variable with a value to see if the variable does not match the pattern in the variable.
Starting with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable starts with the value.
Not starting with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable doesn't start with the value.
Ending with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable ends with the value.
Not ending with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable ends with the value.
In list (comma separated) Compare variable with a comma separated list to see if the variable is one of the values in the list.
Not in list (comma separated) Compare variable with a comma separated list to see if the variable isn't one of the values in the list.
Between Compare variable with two values to see if the variable is between those two values.
Not between Compare variable with two values to see if the variable is between those two values.
Greater than Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is greater than the value.
Greater than or equal to Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is greater than or equal to the value.
Less than Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is less than the value.
Less than or equal to Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is less than or equal to the value.
Blank Check to see if variable is blank.
Not blank Check to see if variable is not blank.

Multiple Rules

Multiple rules can be added to the business logic for personalized routing so that many different personalized treatments can be handled within the same call flow.

N/A N/A N/A The Genesys solution provides KPIs indicating the number of times a specific business rule has been used Intelligent Automation offers a suite of internal reports details below:


  • Application Overview
  • System Pulse
  • Real-time Graphs

Prebuilt Reports

  • Summary
  • Calls per Day
  • Calls by Time of Day
  • Block Results
  • Recognition Summary
  • Business Task Summary

Customer Journeys

  • See what’s important to callers
  • Monitor the impact of changes
  • Compare customer experience
  • Data Extracts (CSV format)
  • Call Details
  • Business Tasks
  • GUI Actions
  • Inbound SMS
  • The payload of ID&V should include all data to be used by Personalization (such as Customer Segment).
  • The use case is supported for Premise and Platform as a Service (IVR PaaS) .
  • For IVR PaaS, Genesys Intelligent Automation is deployed on premise.
  • This use case is defined for premise based deployments using Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service.
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation is a required sellable item for this use case.
External variables require customer integration into a third-party system. We assume that this data can be accessed using a web service. CE07 CE01 CE01-S4B CE02 v 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE10 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE10 GenesysEngage-onpremises Voice self-service interactions have limitations, especially when it comes to handling multi-step tasks or complex inputs such as alphanumeric characters or email addresses. With the adoption of smartphones, we now have the ability to present callers a visual means to complete their task or complement their voice interaction.The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business.
  • Increased self-service and reduction of handle time by giving the caller the ability to complete tasks on a visual User Interface rather than transfer to an agent (mixing of visual and voice for information that is difficult to capture on voice, such as address, postal code, email address, or tracking number)
  • Improved NPS by providing a more efficient and shorter interaction with the customer
  • Lower total cost of ownership by designing the customer experience once and deploying across the voice and visual channels
The customer can choose a voice or visual channel to navigate the call, as both channels are simultaneously active during the session. The IVR application remains active on the voice channel and reads the textual elements of the visual interface.

The Visual IVR can present menus, messages, and self-service tasks. Context is maintained between voice and visual channels. This is ideal when a customer must enter a complex input or view a complex output. Effectively the voice channel is not convenient for capturing complex information, such as addresses, postal codes, email addresses, or alphanumeric tracking numbers. The Visual IVR ensures accurate, first-time resolution, avoiding customer frustration or escalations.

During the visual interaction, the IVR actively disables the voice input to avoid background noise interfering on the voice channel.

  • Increasing pressure from competitors to provide better CX​
  • Technology siloes create a disconnected customer experience​
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels resulting in high customer churn or purchase abandonment​​
  • Increased numbers of incoming calls with long handle time​
  • Poor speech recognition rates leading to abandonment or default routing
  • If complexinputs/outputs arerequired, the caller is offered the option to use visual smart phone capabilities to continue​
  • If accepted, the caller can self-serve and move to the next step in the dialog (Voice or Visual)​​
  • If the customer does not accept, they may continue with voice only​
Differentiated CIM CIM HA (Optional) Genesys Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service Genesys Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) Genesys Voice Platform (incl add'l capability) Genesys Voice Platform (incl add'l capability) - HA (Optional) AIModule for ASR (Optional) AIModule for ASR - HA (Optional) AIModule for TTS (Optional) AIModule for TTS - HA (Optional) Genesys Infomart (Optional) Genesys Infomart - HA (Optional) Genesys Interactive Insights (Optional) SIP Interaction SIP Interaction - HA (Optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) Interaction Workspace (Optional)
  • This use case is not available in the Cloud
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Requires Genesys Intelligent Automation​
  • Secure passing of context from IVR to Visual channel requires Genesys Intelligent Automation
  • ​XML/HTTP(S) interface should be provided by customer for backend look ups and access to an SMS Gateway

Is Visual IVR required?

The need for Visual IVR is determined by specific business rules within the Genesys Intelligent Automation IVR application.

Voice prompts and input options

All voice prompts and menu options within this flow can be flexibly changed by the customer.

N/A The visual interaction is displayed in a mobile web browser. Adjustments to a CSS within Genesys Intelligent Automation can fulfill company style guide requirements.

An example CSS style guide will be provided.

Customization of CSS by Genesys is out of scope.

N/A Real-time reporting is not supported for Visual IVR. Intelligent Automation offers a suite of internal reports details below:


  • Application Overview
  • System Pulse
  • Real-time Graphs

Prebuilt Reports

  • Summary
  • Calls per Day
  • Calls by Time of Day
  • Block Results
  • Recognition Summary
  • Business Task Summary

Customer Journeys

  • See what’s important to callers
  • Monitor the impact of changes
  • Compare customer experience
  • Data Extracts (CSV format)
  • Call Details
  • Business Tasks
  • GUI Actions
  • Inbound SMS
  • The questions in the IVR application used to invoke a visual IVR are asked within Genesys Intelligent Automation.
  • Genesys Visual IVR must be selected.
  • The Visual IVR application is designed within Genesys Intelligent Automation.
  • The company has a database that can be used to complete self-service interactions.
  • A Genesys Intelligent Automation Load Balancer and/or customers must route requests to the Visual IVR.
  • Implementation of third-party natural language understanding (NLU) engine is out of scope.
  • MicroApps are to be chosen from the MicroApp catalogue.
  • ORS is required.
  • MicroApps can support UTF-8 languages.
  • The Genesys Intelligent Automation Control Center required to configure the IVR application and Visual IVR is currently localized to support the following languages:
    • English (United Kingdom)
    • French
    • Spanish (Mexican)
    • German
  • Secure passing of context from IVR to Visual channel requires Genesys Intelligent Automation.
  • XML/HTTP(S) interface should be provided by customer for backend look ups and access to an SMS Gateway.

  • Customer provides standards-based XML/HTTP web services to support integration to backend systems.
  • Customer provides an XML/HTTP web service to support access to an SMS gateway.
  • Customer is responsible for the setup and charges relating to the SMS account.
CE07 CE08 CE09 v 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE11 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE11 Genesys Outbound Dialer GenesysEngage-onpremises A company needs to make outbound calls to initiate contact with its customers based on specific business rules for sales, marketing, care, or collections. This use case describes the ability to configure and execute outbound dialing campaigns – both automated and agent-assisted – based on customer-provided contact list(s).

Generating new business and upselling existing customers is a critical part of any business. Sales and marketing organizations are challenged with improving the efficiency of their team members; increasing reach, contact rates, response rates, and revenue; and complying with industry regulations.

Happier Agents

  • Predictive dialing is used when appropriate to improve agent efficiency and satisfaction by removing low-value calls and wasted time.
  • Productive and highly utilized agents have more opportunities to serve customers, close business, and meet their sales quotas.

Happier Legal Team

  • Compliance and business rules are accurately maintained to ensure enterprise-wide contact strategy adherence.

Improved Effectiveness / Higher Return on Investment

  • Improved Return on Investment of outbound sales and marketing campaigns (such as telemarketing; upsell/cross-sell; customer win-back; loyalty/promotions) and outbound campaigns.
  • Leads are routed to sales agents within seconds (not minutes, hours or days) since "speed to lead" follow up is crucial in many sales environments, driving lead contact rates and conversion rates while decreasing call abandonment rates.
  • Sales departments use predictive, progressive, and/or preview dialing modes instead of making manual dials, and outbound call volume is efficiently paced, which results in more sales conversations and increased agent productivity.
The Genesys system supports both agent-assisted and automated outbound calling campaigns using dialer and outbound IVR channels. Dialer calls can be made in predictive, progressive, preview (Push/Pull), Outbound IVR modes (Power/Fixed, Predictive, Progressive), or manual mode. The company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events. The lists include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, contact phone number, and contact reason. Delivery results are recorded in the system to feed into reports.

Sales and lead development reps are manually dialing customers and prospects for sales and marketing purposes, which is expensive and wastes time. Companies are managing communication in silos and don't have an integrated, outbound dialing campaign. All companies must follow industry regulations and manage for compliance risk.

If Email and SMS channels are required, please contact Mike Davies (PM).
  • Calls by agents are effective, but they are expensive and can lose effectiveness over time.
  • Low agent utilization due to subpar predictive dialling or an overreliance on manual dialling.
  • Unable to efficiently pace outbound volume resulting in agent idle-time or call abandonment inefficiencies.
  • Inability to prevent too many contact attempts to the same consumer or to meet compliance requirements such as excluding mobile numbers without opt-in.
  • Cannot proactively contact sales opportunities.
  • Optimally pace contact attempts while taking the expected impact on inbound/outbound interactions and agent availability into consideration
  • Self-service campaign management enables business users to create rules and maintain compliance
  • Contact opted in consumers (assumes company provides preferences as part of their contact lists)
Consistent Capabilities Assumption:​
  • English-only user interface

Parameters and Business Rules


Contact Records – Batch Upload

Contact records are batch uploaded, as configured by the customer administrator or Genesys PS based on the goals of the customer and the source of the contact. There is no limit to the number of contacts.

Channel Type – Dialer or Automated Outbound IVR

Customers can choose which channels to use in their campaigns: Dialer (agent-assisted) or Outbound IVR (automated). Channels are configured by the Customer Admin or Genesys PS prior to the list being uploaded. The Customer identifies the message content (or message template) for automated outbound calls.

Campaign Settings

The customer administrator or Genesys PS can configure various campaign settings: start/stop timing, frequency of contact per consumer, contact strategy, mobile filtering treatments, answering machine delivery options, connect to agent options, and assigned agent group.

Dialer Mode– Predictive, Progressive, Preview

Customers can choose to run dialer campaigns using Preview, Progressive, and/or Predictive modes, configured by the customer administrator or Genesys PS.

Answering Machine Detection

Genesys PS can tune aspects of the configuration such as listening for speech or tones, as well as the length of silence between phrases. Customers can choose whether to disconnect or to play a message when an answering machine is detected.



For Outbound IVR, the message or script may contain personalized information from a third-party or customer database, to be provided by the customer along with the list. The audio file is also provided by the customer.


Outbound IVR - Connect to Agent Option

To enable transfer to an agent, option 1 requires the implementation of Genesys Call Routing (CE01).

Option 2 connects through the customer's non-Genesys contact center. Calls are routed to a phone number provided by the customer.

  • Contacts can be added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list by the agent
  • The agent can enter a Disposition Code for each call (such as Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell). Disposition Codes are configured by the customer administrator or Genesys PS (included within the corresponding use cases).
  • Support for Callback:
    • Personal callback
    • Campaign callback
Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables that provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to quickly add report widgets to your dashboards.

The following Genesys Pulse standard reports are particularly relevant for this use case:

  • Campaign Activity — Displays the activity associated with outbound campaigns.
  • Campaign Callback Status — Displays the information related to campaign initiated callbacks.
  • Campaign Group Activity — Displays the activity associated with outbound Campaign Groups.
  • Campaign Group Status — Displays the current state and duration associated with outbound campaign group activity.

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that track agent occupancy, routing, handling, an disposition of interactions, and analyze the effectiveness of outbound campaigns and contact lists.

Some of the most relevant reports include:

  • Agent Outbound Campaign Report — Captures total and average durations of call-handling activities, including Handle Time, Wrap Time, Preview Time, Engage Time, and Hold Time, for agents who participate in outbound campaigns.
  • Campaign Callbacks Summary Report — Displays a summary of information about callback activity, including the total number of callbacks processed by the contact center, broken down into the total number scheduled, missed, and completed for each day of the reporting period. Focuses in outbound voice-only interactions.
  • Campaign Summary Report — Summarizes key metrics, such as Accepted and Not Accepted, that illustrate the disposition of contact attempts associated with Outbound campaigns.
  • Contact List Effectiveness Report — Provides detailed information about the number of contact attempts that were generated by an Outbound campaign.
  • Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report — Provides an analysis of the amount of the time agents spent in a NotReady state, and can help you to identify the most common reasons given, the longest durations, and the agents who spend the most or least amount of time in the NotReady state.

For more information about the Genesys CX Insights reports, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide. Reports most relevant to this use case are found in the Agents, Outbound Contact, and Detail folders.

  • Campaign Group are assumed to be single-mode only, no escalating between modes. Modes applicable to this use case are:
    • o Progressive/Predictive (Dialer)
    • o Push/Pull Preview (Dialer)
    • o Outbound IVR
  • Opt Out/In is assumed to be handled in the following way:
    1. For Outbound IVR calls, where the customer answers, there is an option to opt out of further calls. In some cases, this is required and applicable to local regulatory requirements, and is included as an option. The opt out adds the customer to the DNC list. This opt-out announcement is a recorded audio file.
    2. For Dialer calls, where the customer answers and there is no agent available, there is an option to opt out of further calls. In some cases, this is required and applicable to local regulatory requirements, and is included as an option. The opt out adds thecustomer to the DNC list.
    3. While handling an outbound interaction, agents can add a customer to the DNC list through agent desktop.
  • Workspace Web Edition is the agent desktop.
  • Genesys Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Any real-time or historical reports beyond the standard reports listed in the document are considered additional work.
  • For this use case, the linking of subsequent inbound interactions to previous outbound interactions is not in scope.
  • Callbacks may be scheduled by the agent through Workspace Web Edition provided they are currently handling an outbound interaction. An agent cannot schedule a callback while handling an inbound interaction.
  • English-only user interface.
  • Please see Distribution Logic section for Outbound IVR - Connect to Agent Options and use case prerequisites.

  • Customer provides Genesys with the contact list from their own CRM, marketing, or collections database through a flat file.
  • Customer is responsible for recording and providing any required announcements and recordings.
  • Compliance is handled by the customer: the customer has acquired proper express consent opt-in from consumers to make Sales & Marketing calls and send automated messages, maintains an auditable list, and honors opt out requests. The contact lists that are loaded into Genesys contain only customers to whom calls can be made according to the corresponding local compliance rules.
  • The outbound solution can be configured based on the customer's understanding and direction of compliance with local outbound calling regulations to the location of delivered calls. The customer is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations with respect to outbound calling and automatic dialing. It is recommended that the customer's legal department confirm the organization is in full compliance with these regulations.
  • Suppression lists should include customers who have opted out of previous campaigns as well as a country-specific Do-Not-Contact list (if applicable). When a consumer opts out of a campaign, they should be added to a suppression list. Customers can also upload another suppression list or add an individual to an existing suppression list. These suppression lists can then be applied to future campaigns at the campaign level or at the overall account level. They can be optional or mandatory for each future campaign, as configured by the administrator.
CE01 2.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE12 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE12 GenesysEngage-onpremises Consumers want businesses to send them proactive notifications when that information is personalized, timely, and relevant. The text messaging channel is an efficient, quick way to notify customers of appointment reminders, delivery notifications, fraud alerts, coupons, loyalty program information, surveys and much more. Many companies struggle with adding the SMS channel to their outbound notification strategy for marketing, care, or collections. This use case describes the ability to configure and execute outbound SMS campaigns based on customer-provided contact lists. This use case enables companies to proactively send customers notifications using SMS for marketing, care, or collections. The company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events. The lists include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, mobile phone number, and contact reason. Delivery results are recorded in the system to feed into reports.

Outbound SMS notification examples include:

Financial Services Telecom Healthcare Utilities
  • New customer engagement
  • Replenish prepaid card reminders
  • Payment reminders
  • Fraud alerts
  • Going over plan alerts
  • Payment reminders
  • Upgrade eligibility
  • Customer win back
  • Appointment reminders
  • Wellness updates
  • Refill prescriptions
  • Claim status updates
  • Service call confirmation
  • Planned downtime
  • Outage status
  • Payment reminders
Retail Insurance Collection Agencies Travel and Hospitality
  • Sales alerts
  • Order confirmations
  • Product recalls
  • Loyalty program activity
  • Quote follow-up
  • Payment reminders
  • Claims status updates
  • Renewal notice
  • Payment reminders
  • Late payment alters
  • Payment confirmations
  • Booking confirmation
  • Upselling service
  • Payment reminders
  • Travel updates
  • Loyalty program activity
  • Unable to keep customers informed about their accounts and the products and services they use​
  • Can’t engage with customers over their preferred channels​
  • Unable to deflect avoidable inbound contacts resulting in higher agent costs and lower satisfaction
  • Proactively sending timely and personalized alerts, confirmations, and reminders using multiple channels results in lower customer effort and fewer inbound interactions​
  • Contact consumers in accordance to their channel preferences (this use case assumes the company provides contact list with only opted-in customers)​
  • Reduce outreach costs by leveraging less expensive text messaging versus agent calls
Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights Genesys SMS Genesys Content Analyzer Outbound Proactive Contact Genesys Outbound Preview N/A Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Use case applicable to Genesys Multicloud CX and Standalone Cloud​
  • English-only user interface​
  • Customer cannot use third-party SMS aggregator.​
  • MMS is not supported in this Use Case.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • MMS is not included in the scope of this Use Case.

Contact Records

The customer is responsible for the preparation and loading of calling lists into the outbound solution via Genesys Administrator. The design, development, and usage of any custom method for uploading calling lists into the outbound solution (via API, for example) is the responsibility of the customer.

Campaign Settings

One campaign is configured within the system. Customer Admin or Genesys PS can configure campaign settings such as start/stop timing and interaction design.

Text Message Content Template

One template is used for compiling the SMS message. The wording of the SMS message can be personalized using calling list data.

N/A N/A N/A Pulse, a Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) plug-in application, shows the campaign event, but SMS statistics do not populate.

Reporting for SMS can only be viewed through the calling list. The call_result field is populated with the value "answer", which represents the SMS being sent. There are no additional call_result values to represent an SMS being delivered or not delivered.

Similar to real-time reporting, the calling list can be exported to show the SMS records sent. There are no additional call_result values to represent an SMS being delivered or not delivered.

Reporting is very limited and it is not available in GI2 and GCXI.

  • The default SMS gateway for sending/receiving SMS messages is the Genesys SMS Aggregation Service. Integration with a third-party SMS aggregation service is a custom implementation for which the customer is responsible.
  • Chained records are not supported.
  • The customer is responsible for the preparation and loading of contact lists as described in the Business Logic section.
  • Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights are used for historical reporting.
  • Any real-time or historical reports beyond the standard reports listed in the document are considered additional work.
  • Opt Out/Opt In is not part of the use case, but is a regulatory requirement to be handled by the customer.
  • Customer will provide Genesys with the contact list from their own CRM, marketing, or collections database.
  • Compliance is handled by the customer: the customer has a plan for securing express consent from customers (when required) before sending SMS messages, maintains an auditable list, and honors opt-out requests. The contact lists loaded into Genesys contain only customers to whom an SMS message can be sent according to local compliance rules.
  • The outbound solution can be configured based on the customer's understanding and direction of compliance with local outbound calling regulations at the site of the installation. The customer is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations with respect to outbound calling and automatic dialing. It is recommended that the customer's legal department confirm that the organization is in full compliance with these regulations.
  • SMS message content supports a single language only (Latin-based, no double-byte characters).
  • The sender number (dedicated short code, long code, alpha sender ID, or text-enabled toll-free number) is provisioned on the Genesys system. Genesys can provision this for the customer for a fee.
  • MMS is not included in the scope of this use case.
  • SMS throughput is limited to 1 message per second per server when dealing with long-codes.
v 1.2.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE13 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE13 Genesys Omnichannel Notifications GenesysEngage-onpremises Generating new business and upselling existing customers is a critical part of any business. Sales and marketing organizations are challenged with improving the efficiency of their team members; increasing reach, contact rates, response rates, and revenue; and complying with industry regulations. According to Forbes, 87% of consumers want to be proactively contacted by companies with relevant information. Many organizations struggle with keeping customers informed in a timely and personalized manner across multiple channels, which is frustrating for customers and costly for companies. Companies are not deflecting avoidable and low-value inbound calls, resulting in higher agent costs and lower customer and employee satisfaction. Channels are being managed in silos because companies don't have an integrated, multi-channel outbound platform. And companies often struggle to stay within industry regulations and manage for compliance risk as it relates to outbound communications. This use case enables companies to implement multi-channel outbound campaigns across voice, SMS, and email to improve the efficiency of their staff while increasing reach, contact rates, response rates, and revenue.

Current State Pain Points

  • Inefficient dialing of outbound calls by agents. Inefficient dialing could be an overreliance on agents manually dialing customers or using limited predictive dialers that don't optimally pace outbound call volume or successfully screen out unproductive calls such as voice mails and no-answers.
  • Inability to escalate outreach across multiple channels to increase successful contacts, lower costs, and improve the number of payments collected.
  • Sales and lead development reps are manually dialing customers and prospects for sales and marketing purposes. Manually dialing customers is expensive and wastes time
  • Companies are managing communication channels in silos and don't have an integrated, multi-channel platform
  • All companies must follow industry regulations and manage for compliance risk
  • Organizations are challenged to proactively contact customers over multiple channels with payment reminders and past-due notifications that results in fewer payments being collected.

Ideal State

  • Improved effectiveness and return on investment of outbound sales and marketing campaigns (such as telemarketing; upsell/cross-sell; customer win-back; loyalty/promotions) through increased contact rates, response rates, and close-rates.
  • Leads are routed to sales agents within seconds (not minutes, hours, or days). "Speed to lead" follow-up is crucial in many sales environments and it drives lead contact rates and conversion rates while decreasing call abandonment rates.
  • Sales departments are using predictive, progressive, and/or preview dialing modes instead of making manual dials and outbound call volume is efficiently paced, which results in more sales conversations and increases agent productivity
  • Bill pay reminders using multiple preferred outbound channels collects more payments from customers, reduces the cost-to-collect and drives high-value inbound calls into the contact center (prompt customers to call with questions or to pay).

Happier Agents

  • Automated channels are used when appropriate to improve agent efficiency and satisfaction by removing low-value calls and wasted time
  • Productive and highly utilized agents have more opportunities to close business and meet their sales quotas

Happier Legal Team

  • Compliance and business rules are accurately maintained to ensure enterprise-wide contact strategy adherence
The Genesys system supports agent-assisted and automated outbound communications across channels including Dialer, Outbound IVR, SMS, and Email. Customers tell Genesys which consumers they want to contact through which channels. Companies can blend contact strategies (cloud only) and escalate outreach attempts from automated to agent-assisted calls. Dialer calls can be made in predictive, progressive, preview, or manual mode. The company contacts the customers based a provided list provided to Genesys. The list contains information on the requested channels and collections rules, that are used to decide how to contact the customer. The customer is offered the option to switch channels based on their need, specific moment, location, etc. The company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events. The lists include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, phone number or email, and contact reason. Delivery results are recorded in the system to feed into reports.
  • Maximize agent productivity / efficiency
    • Automate dialing phone numbers, screen out unproductive calls, and optimize the volume of outbound calls based on predicted agent availability
    • Contact results are captured in the CRM system / collection system to add context to future interactions
  • Simplify compliance
    • Self-service rules builder (cloud only) that enables business users to adhere with requirements
    • Compliance and business rules are taken into accounts and accurately maintained
    • Customer opt-in program (cloud only)
  • Improve the customer experience
    • Timely, relevant, and context-aware outreach over multiple channels
    • Personalized messages to individual customers with option to self-pay
    • Balance the need to collect payments from customers while protecting the ongoing customer relationship
    • Transparent conversation throughout multiple channels when negotiating with debtor, drive a better conversion
  • Managing outbound tools/channels within organizational silos and not as an integrated multi-channel strategy​
  • Difficulty meeting compliance requirements such as limiting outreach to allowable contact windows or excluding mobile numbers without opt-in
  • Calls by telemarketers are effective but they are expensive and can lose effectiveness over time​
  • Low telemarketers utilization due to subpar predictive dialing or an overreliance on manual dialing​
  • Unable to efficiently pace outbound volume resulting in idle-time or call abandonment inefficiencies​
  • Proactively sending timely and personalized alerts, confirmations, and reminders using multiple channels results in lower customer effort and fewer inbound interactions​
  • Silos between different channels are removed at both an organizational and technical level​
  • Contact opted in consumers in accordance to their channel preferences (assumes company provides preferences as part of their contact lists)​
  • Customers can escalate from self-service to an agent​
  • Self-service campaign management enables business users to create rules and maintain compliance
  • Coordinate outreach using multiple channels to improve contact rates and sales conversions​
Defined Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Available in Genesys Multicloud CX supported by Stand Alone. Cloud Standalone: Outbound IVR; Text; Email​
  • Opt-in and preference management on Genesys Multicloud CX 3Q18 roadmap​
  • English-only user interface
This use case is not available in Premise environment, position CE11, CE12 for Dialer and SMS in Premise and for Outbound Email please contact PS for Outbound Email without channel escalation quote.


Contact Records – Batch Uploaded or Added On-Demand

Contact records are either batch uploaded or added on-demand via API. An API integration would be configured by the Customer Admin or Genesys PS based on the goals of the customer and the source of the contact. The integration would be completed before the list is uploaded or contacts are added on-demand. There is no limit on number of contacts.

Channel Type – Dialer, Outbound IVR, SMS, or Email

The customer can choose which channels to use in their campaigns – Dialer (agent-assisted), Outbound IVR, SMS, and/or Email. The channel configuration is done by the Customer Admin or Genesys PS before the list being uploaded. The Customer identifies the message content (or message template) per channel.

Campaign Settings

The customer Admin or Genesys PS can configure various campaign settings: start/stop timing, frequency of contact per consumer, contact pass strategy by channel, mobile vs. landline filtering treatments, answering machine detection tuning, opt-out options, connect to agent options, and assigned agent group.

Dialer Mode - Predictive, Progressive, Preview

The customer can choose to run dialer campaigns using Preview, Progressive, and/or Predictive modes. The modes are configured by the Customer Admin or Genesys PS.

Answering Machine Detection

Genesys PS can tune aspects of the configuration such as listening for speech or tones, and the length of silence between phrases. The customer can choose whether to disconnect or to play a message when an answering machine is detected.



For Outbound IVR, SMS, and Email, the content of the message/script may contain personalized information from a third-party or customer database provided by the customer.

Text Message Content Template

One template is used for compiling the SMS and Email messages. The template can be personalized with specific customer-defined fields (such as customer name) from a third-party or customer database provided by the customer.


Suppression Lists

Suppression lists should include customers who have opted out of previous campaigns and a country-specific Do-Not-Contact list (if applicable). When a consumer opts out of a campaign, they should be added to a suppression list. Customers can also upload another suppression list or add an individual to an existing suppression list. These suppression lists can then be applied to future campaigns at the campaign level or at the overall account level. They can be optional or mandatory for each future campaign, as configured by the Admin.


Standard SMS Keywords

It is possible to configure multiple keywords to detect an opt-out (STOP) or help request. Standard keywords include STOP and HELP and variations including: END, QUIT, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, OPTOUT, NO, STOPALL, STOP ALL, HLEP, and HLP and variations including the organization's language. A list of keywords that triggers STOP or HELP scenarios is defined with the organization at the beginning of the project.


Outbound IVR – Connect to Agent Option

  • Option 1 - The interaction is routed to an agent.
  • Option 2 - Connect to the customer's contact center that is not running on Genesys. These calls are routed to a phone number provided by the customer.


Outbound SMS – Connect to Agent Option

Incoming SMS (MO) interactions are routed to agents through an agent desktop as needed.

The customer doesn't need any specific user interface. For an interaction (email, SMS) requiring a landing page, the customer needs an internet network connection available. Just to complete the scenario, the landing page should be pre-populated with, or ask for, the following data:
  • Customer ID/Account Number
  • Bill date
  • Due Date
  • Amount
  • Payment Type
  • Other data, depending on the specific collection system
  • Genesys interaction ID and/or Agent ID

The landing page, which processes the payment, is out of the scope of this use case.

  • Outbound Campaign calling. The agent must be able to perform the following tasks:
    • Add contacts to the Do Not Call list
    • Enter a Disposition Code for each call (such as: Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell). Disposition codes are configured by the Customer Admin or Genesys PS (included within the corresponding use cases).
  • Collections Requirements. The agent must be able to perform the following tasks:
    • Send an SMS/email during an outbound collection campaign call.
    • Access the payment system during an outbound collection campaign call.
    • Reschedule a callback if requested by the customer.
    • Track the Outbound call result (payment done, promise to pay, SMS/email sent, etc.).
    • Access the contact history.
Key KPIs related to this use case are:
  • Delivery / Reach Rates
  • Response Rates
  • Number of Inbound Calls

The Genesys system provides extensive analytics and monitoring of campaign statistics, for more Information reference the online documentation.

Collections: In addition to the standard real-time reporting mentioned in the Outbound Dialer Use Case, the main KPI to show are:

  • Contact rate
  • Payment rate
  • Preferred channel used for payment
  • Agent efficiency (as measured by talk time vs. idle time)
  • Campaign effectiveness
Key KPIs related to this use case are:
  • Delivery / Reach Rates by Campaign and Trends
  • Response Rates by Campaign and Trends
  • Customer Satisfaction / NPS Scores
  • Number of Inbound Calls

Note: Omnichannel (SMS and email) Outbound Reporting is not available in GI2 and GCXI.

Collections: In addition to the standard historical reporting mentioned in the Outbound Dialer Use Case (based to Campaigns, Calling Lists and Agents) the main KPI to show are:

  • Contact rate - for specific campaign or date range
  • Payment rate - for specific campaign or date range
  • Preferred channel used for payment
  • Agent efficiency - for specific campaign or date range, overall and per agent
  • Campaign effectiveness - for specific campaign or date range
  • The customer provides Genesys with the contact list from their own CRM, marketing, or collections database - either flat file or on-demand trickle-feed.
  • The customer is responsible for recording and providing any required announcements and recordings.
  • We assume that compliance is handled by the customer: the customer has acquired proper express consent opt-in from consumers to make Sales & Marketing calls and send automated messages, maintains an auditable list, and honors opt-out requests. The contact lists which are loaded into Genesys contain only customers to whom calls can be made according to the corresponding local compliance rules.
  • The outbound solution can be configured based on the customer's understanding and direction of compliance with local outbound calling regulations at the site of the installation. The customer is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations about outbound calling and automatic dialing. It is recommended that the customer's legal department validates the organization is in full compliance with these regulations.
  • SMS message content supports a single language only (Latin-based, no double-byte characters).
  • The sender number (dedicated short code, long code, alpha sender ID, or text-enabled toll-free number) has been provisioned on the Genesys system. Genesys can provision the sender number for the customer for a fee.
  • MMS is out of scope.
CE11 CE12 CE01 CE16 CE29 v1.0.0
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE16 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE16 GenesysEngage-onpremises Email is still one of the most reliable and desired ways for customers to interact with companies for support. It is an essential avenue for companies to serve and engage with customers while providing a consistent and positive customer experience. Genesys can improve handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction by routing email interactions to the best agent, systemizing automatic acknowledgement, automating responses, and supporting the ability for supervisors to quality review agent responses for training, coaching, and to support the company’s goals for the ideal customer experience. A customer sends an email to a company email address. The email is captured by the Genesys system and a content analysis is performed to assign a category to the email. It is then queued to the best available agent with the skill set corresponding to the category. After the agent has compiled the email answer, a supervisor may review the email depending on the agent. Priority tuning functionality can improve the service level adherence to customer's emails. The reporting functionality of this use case provides management visibility into the email interaction channel to drive further improvements.

The use case includes the optional enhancement to use Natural Language Processing to identify the email category. This requires additional licenses and services efforts.

  • Increasing calls related to online service and support ​
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts​
  • Website not offering or providing the right information or online service and support​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels​
  • Inconsistency in responses​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience​
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer​
  • Poor customer experience scores​
  • Enable email on web site​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Meet SLA​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency​
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service
  1. Do you manage your customers’ interactions in silos?​
  2. Can you connect a customer to the right skilled resource anywhere in your business?
Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights Cloud: Yes refer to Use Case CE16 Genesys Multicloud CX

​The following capabilities are NOT supported in Genesys Multicloud CX:​

  • Content Analysis​
  • WebForms​
  • Blacklist​
  • Last Agent Routing
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Classification allows you to classify the message against predefined category tree using classification model.
In the logical flows in the previous sections, there are a number of process steps driven by configuration parameters and additional business logic within the system. These parameters and the underlying logic are described in this chapter.

Capturing of Incoming Emails

In step 2 of the business flow, the Genesys system checks a set of mailboxes for new emails. The following configuration options are available:

  • Address of email server for mail box
  • Authentication details for mail box
  • Protocol for communication (POP3, IMAP, Exchange Web Services Protocol)
  • Delete email (any emails captured by Genesys are deleted from the mailbox)
  • Polling frequency (how often the mailbox is checked for new emails)
  • Maximum size (the maximum size of emails accepted by Genesys). Emails larger than this size are left in the mailbox and not captured by Genesys


It will be possible to configure and manage a blacklist of e-mail addresses. An administrator can add / delete e-mail addresses from this blacklist. E-mails coming from an address on the blacklist will not be distributed to agents.

Automatic replies

In step 4a, the Genesys system checks for automatic / system replies from the mail server to automatically stop email processing when no agent intervention is needed.

This includes:

  • Detection of automated answers to prevent “ping-pong” between mail servers by answering with auto-acknowledge on e-mails of type auto-response or auto acknowledgement.
  • NDR Handling (Non-Delivery Report Handling): The system recognizes automatic responses due to failed delivery (assuming these automatic responses are following standards).

Email Categorization

There are two methods of categorizing emails: Advanced Content Analysis and Keyword Matching. This is a system wide setting and only one method will be used at any given time. Configuration of up to twelve different categories are supported within the scope of this use case. Additional categories can be added by the company or by Genesys Professional Services on request.

Keyword Categorization

Keyword matching allows the system administrator to configure a number of screening rules to identify emails belonging to different categories. E.g. an email that contains the word “order” in the body of the email, would be categorized as a sales email. Screening rules can be configured to look for regular expressions that look for different words or phrase patterns that help categorize emails. Screening rules will be applied to the e-mail body and subject.

Additionally, screening rules can be used to detect patterns like credit card numbers, customer ID, and account number to be able to mask sensitive information to the agent. Configuration of up to three regular expressions to display to the agent / mask information are within the scope of this use case.

Advanced Content Analysis (optional)

Advanced Content Analysis is an optional extension to Keyword Categorization. This option requires additional licenses and services effort.

Incoming Email is analyzed using natural-language processing (please see the comments on supported languages below) to analyze the e-mail body. The result of analysis is an assignment to one or more categories of the category structure.

Content Analyzer creates its analysis algorithms by training: that is, by working its way through a number of emails that are classified according to the category system.

Training operates on a training object, which is a category tree and a group of emails classified using that category tree. A training object combines a category tree and a set of text objects, with each text object assigned to one category in the tree (categorized). The text objects are typically emails, but you may choose to have the set of text objects also include the standard responses associated with the category tree.

Training scans the text objects and forms a statistical model of the words and phrases that tend to occur in each category.

There are five possible sources of categorized text objects:

  • Emails that have been assigned to categories
  • Text objects (in the form of emails) that are created in Knowledge Manager
  • Responses that are used when creating standard responses
  • Objects that are used when creating other training objects
  • Emails that are categorized when adding uncategorized emails using the Training Object Data Analyzer

The result of training is a model. This classification model - a statistical representation of a category tree - is applied to an incoming email and produces a list of the categories that the interaction is most likely to belong to. Each likely category is assigned a percentage rating indicating the probability that the interaction belongs to this category.

An email will be assigned to the category with the highest percentage of probability if this percentage is above a configurable threshold. Otherwise it will be categorized with a default category.

QA Process/Supervisor Review of Outbound Emails (Configurable by agent)

After an agent completes an outbound reply email, the system checks the agent configuration and if the agent is marked for the QA process, the email is queued for a supervisor to review or distributed into a supervisor workbin. If the e-mail cannot be distributed to a supervisor within a specific time frame or if he does not pull the e-mail from his workbin within this time frame, the e-mail will be sent automatically to the customer.

The supervisor has the option to edit the email then send to the customer, or add some notes and send back to the original agent. If the email needs to be sent back to the original agent, the supervisor will set a specific disposition code. Genesys routing functionality will attempt to distribute the email back to the original agent. If the agent is not available, the target can be expanded to the pool of agents for the respective category.

The system administrator can configure for each agent whether to enable/disable the QA function.

Standard responses

The Genesys Workspace displays standard responses available to the agent, grouped by category. Standard Responses accepts parameters, such as Customer Name, which will be filled in automatically when inserting the standard response into outgoing emails. The customer must provide the standard responses.

Available parameters for configuration by customer

The following lists the parameters used for the distribution logic. These parameters are configurable by category:

  • Skill / skill level for the first, second, third and fourth target
  • Supervisor skill / skill level for the first, second, third and fourth target
  • Overflow timeouts for overflowing from last agent routing to skill-based routing and from overflowing between targets. These timeouts are based on age of interaction.
  • Priority tuning parameters

o Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time) o Priority interval (the time between priority increases) o Priority limit (the maximum priority) o Priority start (the starting priority)

  • Enable / disable last agent routing
  • Time-out for workbin escalation
  • Time-out for Supervisor QA check

The following parameter is configurable by the “To” address:

  • Auto-acknowledge message

Confidence Level Threshold

It is assumed that an automated response would only be sent if the confidence level is high, where a suggested response would be sent to an agent if the confidence level isn't high enough to warrant an automated response, but high enough to send to an agent as a suggestion. To do this, two confidence level thresholds must be configured in the strategy for the following actions:

  • The first threshold indicates the minimum confidence level required for an automated response to be sent to the customer. For example, 80 would indicate 80 percent confidence.
  • The second threshold indicates the minimum confidence level required for a suggested response to be sent to an agent. For example, 60 would indicate 60 percent confidence.

If the confidence level is below both thresholds, the email inquiry is forwarded to an agent without a suggested response.

Draft work bin and escalation

If the agent cannot complete an e-mail, she can store the e-mail in her personal workbin. When she needs to access the e-mail, she can pull it from her workbin and continue working on it.

To avoid that tasks are stuck within a workbin, e.g. if she is sick or on PTO the next day, the work bins are automatically emptied after a configurable time out. Distribution of the task resumes according to the normal distribution logic described above.

Distribution of e-mails for Supervisor QA

E-mails, which need to be distributed to supervisors for quality check, will be routed similar to the logic above. This means they will be distributed to a supervisor skill for the specific category with the option for overflow to lower skill levels.

Additional Distribution functionality

The following lists additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • Re-route on no answer (RONA) -functionality: If an agent does not accept the email interaction, the email interaction is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time-out. The agent is set to not-ready. The priority of the email can be increased by a configurable parameter.
  • Blending with other media types is possible.
  • Priority tuning can be configured via the following parameters:

o Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time) o Priority interval (the time between priority increases) o Priority limit (the maximum priority) o Priority start (the starting priority)

  • Transfers are possible to another category, i.e. to agents satisfying the skills of another category. In case of transfer, the priority is increased to a configurable parameter.
N/A The following lists the minimum requirements for the agent workspace:
  • Access to Universal Contact History
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes (Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell)
  • Access to standard response library
  • Agent to Agent transfer
  • Agent to Queue transfer
  • Transfer to third party outside Genesys.
  • Store draft email in personal workbin with review functionality for supervisors
  • Interaction Queue Management for supervisors

For Auto Response, Agents can review, edit, and author responses. Genesys agent workspace can handle omnichannel interactions, as well as review and apply suggested responses.

Genesys Pulse is a Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) plug-in application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, chat interaction handled and the average handle time.

With Pulse you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of Contact Center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling and call routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from predefined and user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Filter KPIs by Business Attributes such as the Category.
  • Use predefined templates such as:
    • Monitor operational Email activity through the Email Queue Activity and the eServices Queue KPIs templates.
    • Monitor Agent resource activity through the Email Agent Activity and the eServices Agent KPIs templates.

The sample Email dashboard below demonstrates usage of the Email Agent Activity and the Email Queue Activity. The implementation of dashboards would be customized based on the deployment.

Example Pulse View

For Auto Response, There are no defined real-time reporting requirements. The solution must provide near real-time reports reflecting response usage and confidence levels. The following data fields need to be added so that reports may be created by the end user:

  • Interaction Queue / Agent Group / Agent
  • Category (could also use Service Type / Service Sub Type if these fields are populated by the Category filed and applied as a filter in Stat Server)
  • Confidence level (applied as a filter in Stat Server)
  • Action taken by strategy (applied as a filter in Stat Server)

Note: Filters may be used to group high-, medium-, and low-confidence scores. However, these filters do not apply to Interaction Queue and may be applied only for Agent and Agent Groups. In addition, the out-of-the-box Genesys Administrator Plugin for Content Analyzer does provide reports on the model confidence, precision, and recall.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that illustrate the routing and handling of interactions.

Some of the most relevant reports that are useful to measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case are found in the Email folder, including:

  • Agent Summary Activity Email Report — Provides a breakdown of the duration of the different agent states (Ready, Not Ready, Busy, and Other) for a specific media type, fully accounting for the agent's interaction time (time spent handling interactions).
  • Agent Utilization Email Report — Provides details about agent activity when handling email, including, for each agent, the average time to handle an interaction, the number of offered email interactions, the number rejected, and the number and percentage of accepted and transferred interactions.
  • Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report — Provides detailed information about how interactions that enter the contact center are categorized into the business-result attributes that are configured in your environment, including analysis (based on the Entered with Objective metric) of the service level within the perspective of the total number of interactions that are offered to resources by day over the reporting interval.

Other reports relevant to this use case include:

  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Explore segment-related details with regard to an agent’s handling of contact center interactions that are stored in the Info Mart INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table, including both the time that was required to distribute the interaction to the agent, and data about the agent’s contiguous participation in the interaction.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights and other reports/dashboards, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Implementation of this use case will be based on the Digital Blueprint Architecture.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights in place for historical reporting.
  • Genesys will capture emails from the corporate email server. The customer is responsible to configure the e-mail server appropriately so Genesys can retrieve the requested emails.
  • WDE or WWE will be used as agent workspace.
  • Pulse will be used for real-time reporting. Integration with one corporate e-mail server.
  • Blacklist: It is assumed that the Blacklist functionality is used for short-term manual handling of emergency cases. It is not intended for long-term or broader spam filtering functionality.
  • Spam is handled at the level of the corporate email server. No functionality related to Spam is included within the Genesys implementation.
  • If Content Analyzer is used for email categorization: The training model uses a Lexical Analyzer to convert text input from the e-mail to an array of words or stems. Language specific Lexical Analyzers are available in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, German and Japanese (requires the Japanese edition of Content Analyzer). For other languages, a default Lexical Analyzer can be used, but this will require more training for reliable categorization. The creation of a custom lexical model is not part of the delivery scope. Text input needs to be available in UTF-8. Customer to provide pre-categorized sample e-mails to train the Content Analyzer language model.
  • Assumes that supervisors can monitor and approve agent responses (again leverages requirements from inbound omnichannel interaction use cases).
  • Assumes that the environment includes other services required to process email, such as Interaction Server, email server, GMS, or Widgets.
  • The use case can route omnichannel interactions (leverage inbound omnichannel use cases).
  • Capabilities Assumption:​ Classification allows you to classify the message against predefined category tree using classification model.
  • Composer is used for all business processes.
  • Rules around handling of confidence levels are managed in the business process (Composer) rather than using Rules Engine as part of the solution.
  • Confidence thresholds for referral to an agent and auto-response are both configurable through OPM/GAX.
  • Use case includes one classification model with up to 10 categories.
  • Use of Knowledge Center would be an add-on.
  • Use of Context Services would be an add-on, such as tracking interactions across time and channels covered by Genesys Personalized Digital Routing (CE20).
  • The training model uses a Lexical Analyzer to convert text input from the email to an array of words or stems. Language-specific Lexical Analyzers are available in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, German and Japanese (requires the Japanese edition of Content Analyzer). For other languages, a default Lexical Analyzer can be used, but requires more training for reliable categorization. The creation of a custom lexical model is not part of the delivery scope.
  • Text input must be available in UTF-8.
  • Customer provides pre-categorized sample emails to train the Content Analyzer language model.

Administrators must:

  • Define categories for messages (such as home loan and bill pay).
  • Create a Training Data Object and add messages to the object that represent the messages that apply to these Categories.
  • Run the training to create the model.
  • Periodically update these models with more recent messages to keep them current
BO02 ver 1.0.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE18 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE18 GenesysEngage-onpremises The web chat channel has become an invaluable tool in communicating with and engaging with customers to provide better service for answering questions, completing orders, general guidance on company’s product and features, and personalized customer support. With this solution, Genesys can improve handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction. The customer can request a chat session with an agent from the company's web site on a specific topic. The request is routed to the best available agent depending on the subject and the agent skill. The agent will be provided with the customer context (requested subject).
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Website not offering the right information or providing online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels
  • Unable to connect to the best agent
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer
  • Poor customer experience scores

•Enable chat on web site

•Recognize customers

•Understand intent and sentiment

•Deliver personalized response

•Leverage standard response library when needed

•Meet SLA

•Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency

Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Interactive Insights Genesys Chat The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud. The full use case outlined here is available on premise. Business logic and rules determine the distribution of chat requests and the standard responses agents can use. Distribution depends on a combination of agent skill and availability.

Distribution logic

The following table shows the parameters, which can be configured, based on the subject:

Parameter Description
Skill   Required agent skill for distribution of the chat message
Min Skill level 1   Required minimal skill level for the first target group of agents
Max Skill level 1   Required maximal skill level for the first target group of agents
Time out 1   Time out for waiting for the first target group. If skill level 2 is not configured, the interaction will be disconnected after time out 1
Min Skill level 2 (Optional)   Required minimal skill level for the second target group of agents
Max Skill level 2 (Optional)   Required maximal skill level for the second target group of agents
Time out 2 (Optional)   Time out for waiting for the second target group. If skill level 2 is not configured, the interaction will be disconnected after time out 2
Min Skill level 3 (Optional)   Required minimal skill level for the third target group of agents
Max Skill level 3   Required maximal skill level for the third target group of agents
Time out 3 (Optional)   Time out for waiting for the third target group. The chat interaction will be disconnected after the configured time out has been reached
Disconnect Message (no agents) (Optional)   This message will be displayed to the customer when no agents are logged in for his service
Welcome message (Optional)   This message will be displayed to the customer when the chat session is started
Disconnect Message (final time out) (Optional)   This message will be displayed to the customer in case the final time out is reached
Comfort message 1 (Optional)   This message will be displayed to the customer after the first time out is reached
Comfort message 2 (Optional)   This message will be displayed to the customer after the second time out is reached
Chat transcript?   Enable that chat transcripts are sent if the customer has provided his e-mail address

Standard responses

The workspace will display suggested responses to the agent based on the chosen subject. Genesys will prepare the possibility to associate a specific subject with suggested responses using examples. The standard responses will need to be provided by the customer.

Operational hours

The following information can be configured to inform the customer if the contact center is out of operational hours once he initiates a chat request:

  • Emergency Flag: If this flag is set, a special message is sent to inform the customer about the condition
  • Special Days: Special Days (e.g. public) holidays can be configured, in which the contact center is not operational. If a customer requests a chat on a special day, a corresponding message will e sent to him.
  • Operational Hours: If the customer requests a chat outside of the operational hours, a special message will be sent to him.

Additional Functionality

The following lists additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • At every step above the distribution logic will look for agents with the requested skill and a skill level within the boundaries of a maximum and a minimum required skill levels.
  • The skill, minimum and maximum skill levels and timers will be configurable by subject (see chapter “Business Logic”). The second and third target are optional.
  • Re-route on no answer (RONA) - functionality: If an agent does not accept the chat interaction, the chat interaction will be automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time out. The agent will be set to not-ready.
  • Blending with other media types will be possible. Priority settings for chat interactions will be configurable to enable proper priority ranges between different media types. Capacity rules will be configured for the agents / agent groups to define what interactions can be handled in parallel (if any).
The user interface will be based on Genesys chat widget:
  • The Genesys standard registration and chat widgets will be used
  • The registration Window will include the following data fields:
    • First Name, Last Name, Nickname, E-mail Address, Subject
    • The subject can be selected via drop down box
    • Subject is mandatory all other fields are optional
  • Possibility for basic adaptation to customer corporate identity. The following functionality is covered
    • Add customer logo
    • Use corporate identity colours & fonts

Recommendation for registration window:

If the visitor is logged in on the web site and known to the company, it is recommended to pre-populate the data fields with the visitor’s data (first name, last name, e-mail address) to avoid that he has to enter them again. This functionality requires integration of the widgets with the company’s web site. This will be within the responsibility of the company. Genesys Professional Services provides a half-day workshop to introduce your web developers to the widgets.

The following lists the minimum requirements for the chat interface:
  • Access to Universal Contact History
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (for example: Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes to report on business outcome (for example: Cross Sell, Need Follow-Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell)
  • Access to standard response library
  • Setting Threshold Alarm to alarm agents on pending responses for chat
  • Agent to agent transfer

Pulse is a Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) plug-in application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, chat interaction handled and the average handle time. With Pulse you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of Contact Center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling and call routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from predefined and user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Predefined templates
    • Monitor operational Chat activity through the Chat Queue Activity template.
    • Monitor Agent resource activity through the Chat Agent Activity template
    • Monitor Tenant Service Level through the Chat Service Level template.

Below are several examples of Chat dashboards, implementation of dashboards would be customized based on the deployment.

Example 1:

Pulse View - Example 1

Example 2:

Pulse View - Example 2

Example 3:

Pulse View - Example 3

Example 4:

Pulse View - Example 3


Due to the continuous evolution, the features available in Cloud rapidly change. Please reach out to your local Cloud Team for latest information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that illustrate the routing and handling of interactions and measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case.

Some of the most relevant reports that are useful to measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case are found in the Chat folder, such as:

  • Asynchronous Chat Dashboard — Use this dashboard to view detailed information about asynchronous chat sessions in the contact center. Asynchronous (Async) chat sessions are single chat sessions between a customer and a contact center that last for a long period of time (potentially several days). Agents can return a chat session back into the workflow (into a dormant state), and then reconnect to the session later.
  • Chat Engagement Report — Learn more about the number of chat engagements agents had, and the duration of each. Sessions can contain more than one engagement; each engagement represents an agent's participation in that part of a session.
  • Chat Message Statistics Report — Learn more about how chat is used in the contact center.
  • Chat Session Report — Learn more about the volume of chat sessions handled in your contact center within a specific time period, including details about the number of messages within chat sessions, and about how often chat sessions were missed or transferred.
  • Chat Termination Report — Use this report to learn more about how interactions were terminated; whether by the client, by the agent, due to inactivity, or for some other reason.
  • Interaction Acceptance Dashboard — Understand how long it takes for agents to accept customer interactions, and to identify what percentage of interactions are accepted promptly, or with some delay.
  • Interaction Acceptance Report — View statistics about the acceptance of interactions by agents, including the amount of time it takes for agent to accept interactions, and the number and percentage of interactions that were accepted quickly, or with a delay.
  • Pre-Agent Termination Report — Learn more about calls that terminated before connecting to an agent.

Other reports relevant to this use case include:

  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Explore segment-related details with regard to an agent’s handling of contact center interactions that are stored in the Info Mart INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table, including both the time that was required to distribute the interaction to the agent, and data about the agent’s contiguous participation in the interaction.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights and other reports/dashboards, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Implementation of this use case will be based on the Digital Blueprint Architecture
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights in place for historical reporting
  • WDE or WWE will be used as agent workspace
  • Pulse will be used for real-time reporting
  • Use of Genesys CX widget with limited modification to the company’s corporate identity as described in chapter “User Interface Requirements”.
  • No integration with third party systems
  • Genesys customer will handle the integration of the solution into his web site,
  • Provision and configuration standard responses in Genesys Knowledge Manager
V 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE19 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE19 GenesysEngage-onpremises This functional use case enables companies to use Genesys Social Engagement to provide a consistent customer service experience across social media sites. Consistently provide customer service across Twitter and Facebook by delivering interactions to the best available resource with social media public and private messaging. Agents are able to advice customers based on customer information and social media context. Standard responses enable your agents to provide consistent response to customers engaging via Facebook or Twitter.
  • Increasing calls related to service and support​
  • Website not offering online service and support or providing the information customers need​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time​
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts​
  • Missed service levels​
  • Inconsistency in responses​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​
  • Enable chat on website​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Meet SLA​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency
Defined CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights Genesys Social Engagement Conversation Manager Genesys Content Analyzer Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Social Engagement is not available in the Cloud
Capabilities Assumption:
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise
This chapter describes the business logic and business rules, which drive the decisions made by the Genesys system within the business flow above, that is, the rules, which are used to determine if a chat invite message is sent to a visitor.

The first part describes the engagement rules of the social customer care. The second part describes any additional rules verified before the final decision.

For information about setting up and using social media channels in Genesys Engage on-premises, refer to the following articles:

Engagement Scenarios

The following 4 scenarios describe typical social customer care engagement which have been used successfully.

Scenario 1: Twitter - tweet to company

This scenario depicts an engagement when the customer is tweeting to the company's handle.

The customer uses their account to post a message.

Genesys Social Engagement captures this message according to predefined business logic (see below) and evaluates actionability.

Customer profile details are received with the message through the Twitter API. The profile details are attached to the interaction. The twitter message will be stored in the Genesys Contact History.

The original incoming twitter interaction is delivered to the agent workspace. The desktop identifies that this message was directed to the business and if the author is a follower of the business' twitter account

The agent reads the incoming twitter message and sends a public response. Alternatively, he/she may mark the tweet as “favorite” (Like), and/or mark this interaction as “Done”, assign a disposition code and not take any further action.

The workflow creates an interaction an outgoing twitter interaction and associates it with the same customer contact.

Genesys Social Engagement sends the reply back to the customer.

Scenario 2: Twitter - Direct Message (DM) to company

In this scenario, a customer is sending a DM to a company's twitter handle. Please note that this is only possible when one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • the flag “Receive Direct Messages from anyone” is activated in Twitter (not recommended as this might result in a high volume of messages)
  • the customer is a follower
  • a previous conversation was already established in the past to receive help

Please note that the Twitter policies which allow to send unsolicited Direct Messages may change. This is outside Genesys control and the flow and / or preconditions to send Direct Messages may change.

User sends a DM to the company:

The user must be a follower of the company, so that the company can send a direct message back. Therefore, non-followers are sent a follow request, e.g. “Please follow @Genesys for us to assist you”. This allows the User to assist customers over Twitter privately.

The tweet is stored in Genesys Contact History as an outgoing twitter message and associated with the same contact.

Genesys Social Engagement sends the Twitter message to the customer.

The customer sees the tweet and responds by following the @Genesys Twitter account.

The company then has a different choice of actions to perform, also according to what other channels are available for the agent and customer. If no other channel is available, the agent can reply to the direct message with the intended information and the interaction is closed.

Scenario 3: Facebook - post on Company's timeline (wall) or comment to post (Reply)

The customer uses his account to post a message on the company's timeline (wall) or posts a reply to a post from the company's timeline.

Genesys Social Engagement queries this page's wall and finds the new post with comments. The query is run on a configurable timer.

Genesys Social Engagement captures the message and creates an interaction in Genesys. The interaction consists of an original post plus comments which are posted within the query's timeframe. Additional attributes describing the post author's and commentators' profiles are also part of the interaction structure.

A customer contact will be created / updated for the initial author of the original post. Based on your business requirements you can decide whether you want to create a contact record for each author of a potential reply to the original post or only for the initial author (recommended).

The strategy stores the post including comments in Genesys contact history and associates it with the contact(s).

NOTE: while the interaction representing the initial post and comments is in the queue, further comments could be added. The query could pick up these additional comments and create another interaction. The agent receiving the first interaction will be notified of the remaining pending interactions.

The Incoming Facebook interaction will be delivered to an agent.

The agent processes the incoming Facebook message and sends a response if required. Also he/she may mark this interaction as “Done” and not take any further actions.

Genesys stores the message text of the outgoing Facebook interaction in Genesys Contact History for the same contact.

Please NOTE: The outbound Facebook message will be a child of the original message. (Reply)

Scenario 4: Facebook - private messaging

Facebook messenger can only be initiated by the end user.

The user needs to invite the company to a chat session via the “Message” button on the main Facebook page.

Genesys receives the chat request and distributes to an agent. The customer's public Facebook info is passed with the chat request.

The agent is alerted of an incoming Chat session with a "toast" indicating the chat is with the Facebook customer.

The agent accepts the chat interaction and begins a chat conversation with the customer.

Genesys Social Engagement sends the reply back to the customer.

Keyword mapping

There are two entities taking care of actionability detection and keyword mapping:

  • The cloud driver software
  • The on-premise content analyzer
Cloud driver logic

The cloud driver can be configured to monitor either a specific account (=all interactions that are related to the account) or keywords (such as hashtags or specific words that are relevant to the social customer care task). Please be careful when specifying keywords as common words or hashtags may result in a large number of interactions that are both filtered and routed at the on-premise server, thus impacting the overall performance of the architecture. In addition to this, Twitter and Facebook have policies that might prevent or block the account from receiving all those interactions, or might throttle message processing, if they receive too many processing requests, resulting in lost messages or delays in sending or receiving messages.

Content analyzer / Knowledge Manager

You can use Genesys Content Analyzer to run a secondary analysis on the actionability of interactions that are brought into the system by the Cloud Driver Logic. Genesys supplies samples, which demonstrate these capabilities.

Knowledge Manager provides additional key-word spotting abilities.

Content Analyzer provides Natural Language Processing Capabilities.

You can use the sample training objects to produce new models, improving the quality by making adjustments such as:

  • Altering the settings such as those for quality level.
  • Using the Mail Editor to edit the content of the messages in the training object.
  • Using the Mail Editor to add more sample messages to the training object.

Genesys also provides sample-screening rules for detecting sentiment and actionability.

Please see the latest product documentation for supported languages.

Please note: this channel type is a hybrid between chat and social. It is a chat session but can also receive offline messages and these can be delivered via Facebook (i.e. messages sent by the customer after the chat interaction with the agent has been finished). These will be handled as a new interaction. Sending offline messages from the agent workshop is currently: if the agent needs to send info via FB Messenger, the end user must initiate the conversation and re-open the chat session.

The following lists the minimum requirements for distributing a social message to agents:
  • One skill is needed for distribution of all social interactions (no differentiation according to topic or Media). All agents with the corresponding skill are the target for distribution of interactions (no skill level).
  • Blending with other media types is supported including configuration of capacity rules.
Common browsers or mobile apps for social media sites. The following lists the minimum requirements for the Social Engagement interfaces:
  • The agent workspace will be enabled to handle Social Media Interactions (Facebook & Twitter) supporting Genesys standard functionality.
  • Access to Universal Contact History.
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes (Cross Sell, Need Follow Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell).
  • Access to standard response library.
Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables that provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to quickly add report widgets to your dashboards.

The following Genesys Pulse standard reports are particularly relevant for this use case:

  • Facebook Media Activity
  • Twitter Media Activity

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by enabling you to assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions.

Some of the most relevant reports that are useful to measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case include:

  • Agent Social Engagement Report — Provides detailed information about average social media scores in each configured standard response or category, for each agent and day. Includes average agent social media scores for Sentiment, Influence, and Actionability. This report must be configured for your use, and can be customized to better suit your environment.
  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Provides detailed information about handling times, agent participation, engage time, routing time and parameters, and the technical results (disposition) associated with customer interactions. Use this report to understand how the contact center is routing and handling interactions, and evaluate conversion success rates.
  • Other reports in the Agents,Business Results, and Detail folders are useful to evaluate resource performance.

For more information, see Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Implementation of this use case is based on the Digital Blueprint Architecture.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights is used for historical reporting.
  • WDE is used as agent workspace (with social plug-in)
  • Genesys Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Please note that public posts, comments and tweets can be edited or deleted by a user while an agent works on a resolution, which is not addressed or reflected in this use case
  • GSE in configured to handle interactions from the company’s Facebook page and Twitter handle.
This use case is currently not available in Genesys Multicloud CX v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE20 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE20 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case is an open framework which allows to implement multiple scenarios in conjunction with other Smart use cases (most notably the use case Genesys Personalized Routing (CE02) for Genesys Engage on premises.

Please see the document [[UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE05|]] as one example.

Identify customer intent and identity and use customer context data and journey information (cross-channel history) to route to agent with optimal capabilities to handle the customer's request. This use case is an enhancement of the following functional use cases, which provide details on handling of the respective channel.

In addition to the functionality covered already by the use cases mentioned above, this use case will add the following capabilities by using customer context data and business rules:

  • Personalized auto-acknowledge messages
  • Personalized routing decisions
  • Increasing competitive pressure​
  • High purchase abandonment​
  • Poor customer experience scores​
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels​​​
  • Calls with long handle times​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​
  • Increasing online sale abandonment​
  • Unable to use context​
  • High customer churn​​​​​
  • Increasing calls about web transactions, service and support​
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience online​​
  • Recognize customers in all touchpoints​
  • Recognize customers in all channels​
  • Carry context and orchestrate interactions between channels​
  • Reach out proactively to stop channel change​
  • Proactively offer assistance through web chat​
  • Proactively offer assistance through a scheduled call back​​​​​
  • Enable web chat / click to call / callback / email or web form​
  • Proactively engage valuable customers to offer web chat/ call back​
  • Enable co-browse and provide specialist assistance​​

Defined Genesys Social Engagement Genesys Web Engagement Genesys Callback (Optional) Conversation Manager Capabilities Assumption:​
  • All of the reporting defined here and in Omni-channel analytics use case requires custom development both for real-time and historical.

Parameters and Business Rules


Genesys checks the personalized routing database to see if there is a unique match for the available customer Identifier. Customer identifier will vary based on the inbound interaction channel:

  • E-mail address for e-mail and chat
  • Phone number for SMS


Genesys uses the available Customer Identifier to see if there is a matching record in the Context Services Database. Where there is a match, Genesys will also establish if personalized handling of the interaction is required. This decision is based on the available data for the customer entry and the configured business rules.

The following section describes the information that can be sent to / utilized by the Personalized Routing DB in order to influence the routing.

  • Repeat Calls
  • Abandoned Calls
  • Pending Interactions (e.g. unanswered e-mail, SMS / Twitter, Facebook)
  • Customer Segment (stored by Genesys)

BL3: Treatments Available by Use Case Level

This section covers the treatments that can be applied to an inbound interaction based on the available data outlined in BL2.

  • High Priority Routing (next available agent)
  • Route Customer to Specific Skill / Skill combination
  • Personalized message, i.e.
    • Personalized auto-answer in case of e-mail and SMS
    • Personalized greeting message in case of chat
Please refer to the following use cases: No additional requirements to underlying use cases. When calls are routed to an agent, the following additional requirements are available:
  • Review *customer interaction history.
  • Correlate anonymous data with customer identification.
  • When a call is distributed to an agent the following data is displayed:
    • Context Services Data
    • Short message which explains the context (to be set via business rules)
Real-time reporting requirements
  1. Open sessions by type of interaction
    a. This report shows a summary of the continuity sessions by interaction type (Sales, Tech Support, Information, etc.)
  2. Reactive continuity Sessions by state by interaction type
    a. This reports shows a summary of the continuity sessions were customer contact the Company back.
  3. Cross channel communication follow up
    a. In this report the Company will know the last rule apply and the next one

Note: Reports to include dimensions like:


Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that illustrate the percentage of abandon interactions, and the root cause of abandonment.

Some of the most relevant reports that are useful to measure the effectiveness of the engagement rules and efficiency of the use case are found in the Chat folder, such as:

  • Asynchronous Chat Dashboard — View detailed information about asynchronous chat sessions in the contact center. Asynchronous (Async) chat sessions are single chat sessions between a customer and a contact center that last for a long period of time (potentially several days). Agents can return a chat session back into the workflow (into a dormant state), and then reconnect to the session later.
  • Chat Engagement Report — Learn more about how chat calls that terminated.
  • Interaction Acceptance Dashboard — Understand how long it takes for agents to accept customer interactions, and to identify what percentage of interactions are accepted promptly, or with some delay.
  • Interaction Acceptance Report — View statistics about the acceptance of interactions by agents, including the amount of time it takes for agent to accept interactions, and the number and percentage of interactions that were accepted quickly, or with a delay.

Other reports relevant to this use case include:

  • Interaction Handling Attempt Report — Explore segment-related details with regard to an agent’s handling of contact center interactions that are stored in the Info Mart INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table, including both the time that was required to distribute the interaction to the agent, and data about the agent’s contiguous participation in the interaction.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights and other reports/dashboards, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Customer can provide web services interfaces for context services integration
  • Customer can provide standard integration with CRM / BI systems.
N/A CE16 CE18 CE29 This use case is not available in the cloud v 1.0.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE21 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE21 GenesysEngage-onpremises Customers or prospects often begin their customer service or sales journey on a company's website before placing a call. By presenting each website visitor with a dynamically-generated phone number and optionally an access code, you can use contextual information from the website visit such as the current web page, cookies, and/or customer information for routing and reporting purposes, and make it available to the employee who handles the call.

Where the call is made from a mobile device, information about the device location can also be used to personalize the treatment of the call and display the caller's location to the agent on a map, for example to guide a customer to a local branch or store.

Customers or company website visitors on desktop and mobile devices are presented with a dynamically-generated phone number. When a call is received on one of these phone numbers, the system retrieves context information from the website visit for use in routing and reporting on the call, and to provide context to the employee who handles the call. Where the website visit originates on a mobile device, the location of the device can also be used in routing and reporting, and the device location can be displayed on a map for the sales rep.

This use case enables a company to offer its customers a specific phone number to call, which provides routing to the best agent based on the context of their request. This "click-to-call" capability applies only when the customer manually dials the number or is prompted to click-to-dial on a mobile phone. In other words, no media transport such as WebRTC is provided as part of this use case.

  • Increasing calls about web transactions
  • No assisted service online
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Website not offering online service and support
  • Online help not providing the information customers need
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience​
  • Online help not providing the information customers need and unable to offer an engagement with an agent at the point of purchase​
  • Cannot recognize customers or context​
  • Poor customer experience scores​
  • Unable to connect to the best employee​
  • High customer churn​
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Website not offering online service and support
  • Unable to see web origination points for customers to improve user experience
  • Recognize customers at all touch points and channels​
  • Carry context and orchestrate interactions between channels​
  • Enable click to call / callback based on relevant agent availability


Defined Genesys Mobile Engagement CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights SIP Interaction SIP Interaction HA (optional) GVP (optional for DNIS but required for Access Code callback configuration) GVP HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) ASR and TTS (Optional) GAAP (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Mobile application not supported in Genesys Multicloud CX
  • ​Genesys Widgets framework not supported
  • ​All inbound voice calls are routed via Genesys​
  • Workspace Web Edition is used as the agent desktop
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Genesys Widgets framework not supported
  • ​All inbound voice calls are routed via Genesys
  • ​Workspace Desktop Edition or Workspace Web Edition are used as the agent desktop
Assign skill based on subject

The agent skill required for a specific call depends on the call origination. Up to four subjects are standard; any additions require customization. This logic needs to be defined based on the DNIS number for incoming interactions.

Assign priority based on subject

Different priorities can be assigned for different subjects. Three priority values are defined per subject based on the status of the call (Initial, Overflow, or RONA).

The following lists the minimum requirements for distributing a call generated from the website to agents:
  • Skill-based routing
  • RONA (redirect on no answer)
  • Call flow logic: Up to three expanding targets with configurable timeout based on skill level. Optionally, one external overflow number outside the control of Genesys can be configured; however, in this case the call context is lost. The timeouts, skill level, or external numbers in this call flow logic are configurable per subject (four are included as standard).

See additional technical information on this use case in the Genesys Mobile Engagement help.

The website or mobile app "ClickToCall" button and the integration with Genesys are the responsibility of the customer.

Genesys provides an API for integration with Genesys Mobile Services (GMS), which enables the functionality described in this document. Genesys Professional Services provides a one-day workshop to introduce your website or mobile app developers to the API.

The following functionality is satisfied within the scope of this use case:

  • The customer’s website or mobile app can retrieve Expected Wait Time (EWT) and access code via the GMS Stat Service API.
  • Integration with the GMS API delivers the following data to Genesys:
    • Subject
    • User ID (optional)
    • User First Name (optional)
    • User Last Name (optional)
    • Geo-location details (optional)
    • Telephone number (optional)
The following lists the minimum functionality for the agent interface:
  • Configuration of Not Ready reason codes (such as Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA, Training). Current Genesys customers can reuse the existing Not Ready reason codes.
  • Display of Subject, Customer ID, First Name, Last Name (as available from the website).
  • Dedicated tab for Mobile Details, current address, and Google map (if available) – for mobile app
Leverage standard reporting for voice in Pulse for reporting on calls generated via Genesys Mobile Engagement. Each subject is available as a dimension in the relevant reports. Leverage standard out-of-the-box callback reports in CX Insights. Use Callback Summary Report for detailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyze callback performance based on nearly thirty metrics, including:
  • Total number of accepted, declined, attempted, connected, cancelled, abandoned, and successful callbacks.
  • Percentages of callbacks that were successful, unsuccessful, declined, or connected.
  • Savings resulting from callbacks, including the total amount time and money saved and the average time and money saved per callback.
  • The number of attempts made to complete callbacks, the time customers spent waiting for an agent, and time customers waited before abandoning a call.

Use Callback Detail Report for detailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyze callback performance based on nearly 30 metrics. Use this report to view a detailed picture of how Callback is used in your contact center, including information about the volume of callback calls, success rates, resulting savings, and customer wait times.

This use case makes the following assumptions:
  • All inbound voice calls are routed via Genesys.
  • Workspace Desktop Edition or Workspace Web Edition are used as the agent desktop.

Mobile App-Specific

The customer is responsible for:

  • Providing geo-location information from the app to the Genesys Mobile Services API.
  • Securing a subscription to the Google API, which is necessary for Google to support every agent getting a screen pop with a Google Map in this way.
  • Supplying the push provider configuration as well as Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) certificates and credentials for push notifications.
  • The customer is responsible for all aspects of the website or mobile app, including development of the logic and the integration with Genesys.
  • Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights are used for historical reporting.
  • No integration with third-party systems.
  • Customers need to update/provide scripting to make REST calls into GMS through the web page associated with click-to-call feature.

Mobile App-Specific

The customer is responsible for:

  • Providing geo-location information from the app to the Genesys Mobile Services API.
  • Securing a subscription to the Google API, which is necessary for Google to support every agent getting a screen pop with a Google Map in this way.
  • Supplying the push provider configuration as well as Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) certificates and credentials for push notifications.
ver 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE22 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE22 GenesysEngage-onpremises At times, customers browsing your website or mobile app realize they need assistance. You can create a seamless transition by offering a callback option, either immediate or scheduled, that gets the customer to the right agent based on their stated issue. The contact center agent is provided with the context of the request for a seamless customer experience. A customer browses the company's website or mobile application and requests a callback from the contact center for additional support. The customer provides their information, including the subject of their inquiry, and chooses either a callback as soon as possible or within a convenient timeframe. At the designated time, a call is placed to the customer and they are connected to an agent with the matching skill needed given the provided subject of the call.
  • High online purchase abandonment
  • Website is not enabled to offer assistance for online sales and e-commerce
  • Unable to recognize customers within and/or across channels to provide a personalized experience
  • Customers spend a lot of time waiting on hold adversely impacting NPS
  • Unable to connect customers with the best skilled agent
  • Call center is not staffed to handle peak call load, resulting in long wait times
  • Cannot service customers outside of normal business hours

  • Ability to capture customers on the web as they are conducting a transaction by providing a way to get in contact with a representative​
  • Provide an alternate way to resolve customer requests by offering an immediate or scheduled callback​
  • Enable the business to identify customers that have originated the interaction from the web including context about their previous activity​
  • Reduce the time a customer needs to wait on hold to improve customer satisfaction and lower costs​
  • Reduce transfers by using the entire context including the customer selected reason for callback to determine the most appropriate skill given the availability of the resource ​
  • Provide a single stack with fewer components that need to be installed and maintained, resulting in lower total cost of ownership​
Defined Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Mobile Applications are not supported in Genesys Multicloud CX (web and mobile sites only)
  • ​Callback Preview mode and rescheduling of callback requests is not available
  • ​Genesys Workspace Web Editions used as agent desktop
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Call Progress Detection (CPD) will be based on Genesys SIP & Media Server
  • ​Workspace Desktop Edition is used as agent desktop (otherwise,Callback Preview mode and rescheduling of callback requests is not available)​
  • Company to provide a SIP trunk for connection to Genesys SIP Server
The following parameters are configurable for callback:
  • Potential time slots for scheduled callback:
    • Duration of the time slots for requesting a scheduled callback. Business hours are separated into time slots of 15, 30, or 60 minutes that users can request to be scheduled in.
    • Maximum number of connection requests per time slot. This number is valid for all time slots.
    • These time slots do not apply to immediate callback.
  • Business hours for the service, including holidays and special days.
  • Voice prompts for announcements.
    • While the Callback UI allows reference to audio files, unrelated to language, for purposes of this use case, one language is configured as the default language to be used if this information is not available.
  • Assigning a priority to callback requests. This is important when this use case is used in combination with other inbound media types (such as inbound calls or email). All callback requests have the same priority.
The minimum functionality for distributing a callback generated from the web page to agents includes:
  • Routing of callback requests to agent based on agents' skills. The required skill expression for a callback request is based on service definition, and can be configured at service level.
  • Redirect On No Answer (RONA) functionality.
  • Support for blending with other media types such as non-voice inbound interactions, including configuration of capacity rules.
  • After configurable time-outs, expansion of the routing target based on skill expression.
The integration of the company website or mobile application with Genesys is the responsibility of the company. Genesys provides an API for integration with Genesys Mobile Services (GMS), which enables the functionality described in this document. Genesys Professional Services provides a one-day workshop to introduce your website developers to the API.

The integration must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Integration with GMS API is delivering the following data to Genesys with every callback request:
    • User ID (optional)
    • Customer First Name (optional)
    • Customer Last Name (optional)
    • Customer Phone Number (mandatory); for mobile app, the mobile phone number of the customer’s device
    • Requested callback mode: Immediate or Scheduled (mandatory)
    • Point of Origination mapped to skill (mandatory)
  • The website or mobile application accesses the following information from Genesys via the API for display to the customer based on the chosen subject:
    • Expected wait time for Immediate Callback
    • Available time slots for Scheduled Callback
  • In case of Scheduled Callback: Requested time slot for the callback (mandatory)
The Agent Workspace provides the following functionality to support Callbacks:
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA, and Training).
  • Display of Subject, Customer ID, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Customer Phone Number, and Language.
  • Disposition codes to classify call and call outcome for reporting purposes.
Minimum functionality:
  • Information on Total Callbacks, Answered by customer or Abandoned, In queue, and Distributed to agent
  • The information is available per Service.
Leverage standard out of the box Call Back reports in CX Insights.

UseCallback Summary Reportfor detailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyse callback performance based on nearly thirty metrics, including:

  • Total number of accepted, declined, attempted, connected, cancelled, abandoned, and successful callbacks.
  • Percentages of callbacks that were successful, unsuccessful, declined, or connected.
  • Savings resulting from callbacks, including the total amount time and money saved and the average time and money saved per callback.
  • The number of attempts made to complete callbacks, the time customers spent waiting for an agent, and time customers waited before abandoning a call.

UseCallback Detail Reportfordetailed information about callbacks that were processed by the contact center, allowing you to analyse callback performance based on nearly 30 metrics. Use this report to view a detailed picture of how Callback is used in your contact center, including information about the volume of callback calls, success rates, resulting savings, and customer wait times.

  • Implementation of this use case is based on the Digital Blueprint Architecture.
  • Call Progress Detection (CPD) is based on Genesys SIP & Media Server.
  • Workspace Desktop Edition is used as the agent workspace (otherwise, Callback Preview mode and rescheduling of callback requests is not available).
  • The company must provide a SIP trunk for connection to Genesys SIP Server. Genesys Callback requires that:
    • SIP Server performs call dialing, CPD, call queuing, music treatments, and distribution to agents.
    • Agent Extensions are defined on SIP Server.
  • If the callback requests are to be blended with other interactions (such as inbound calls), routing of the interactions must be based on the Genesys Platform.
  • The company is responsible for all aspects of the website or mobile app: for example, development of the website, mobile application logic, and the integration with Genesys. For a mobile application, Genesys provides a set of APIs and examples for the customer’s use.
  • Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights are used for historical reporting.
  • No integration with third-party systems.
  • Real-time and historical report templates may require customization.
v 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE27 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE27 GenesysEngage-onpremises A customer and a contact center agent are having a conversation over the phone or through a web chat session. During the conversation, the ability to see and control the customer's browser through co-browsing functionality enables the agent to convey information more effectively and get the customer's issue resolved more quickly. During a call or a chat session between a customer and an agent, the customer can initiate a co-browse session with the agent, so both the agent and the customer share the same instance of the browser. This enables the agent to provide direct support to a customer trying to complete a request on the company's website.
  • Increasing competitive pressure​
  • High customer churn​
  • High purchase abandonment​
  • Unable to use context​
  • Poor customer experience scores​
  • Calls with long handle times​
  • No assisted service online​
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience​
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support​
  • Online help not providing the information customers need​
  • Enable co-browse and provide specialist assistance​
  • Proactively offer assistance through co-browse sessions
Defined See sellable items for CE01 CE02 CE18 CE21 CE22 CE24 or CE25
  • This use case is available for Premise
Starting a co-browse session without primary interaction: Co-browse sessions take place on top of a primary interaction (in this case, chat or voice). If the customer initiates a co-browse without any primary media, the instrumentation prompts the customer to initiate a conversation via voice or chat before initiating the co-browse. N/A The user interface is based on Genesys Widgets.

Sample screenshots:

  • Co-browsing can be started or ended from the Web Chat Widget:


  • Co-browsing can be started when on a voice call:


Widget Functionality

Widgets can provide basic adaptation to customer corporate identity, including:

  • Add customer logo
  • Use corporate identity, colors, and fonts
The agent interface related to co-browse must:
  • Enter the session ID when co-browse needs to be started from a voice call
  • Automatically start a co-browse session if the session has been initiated by the customer through their chat widget
  • Display the customer page view when co-browse is engaged

Transfer, Conference, and Supervision of co-browse sessions are not supported.

Real-time Reporting is provided through Genesys Pulse.

Minimum requirements:

  • Implementation of standard templates in Pulse: eServices Queue KPI, eServices Agent Activity

Current Co-browse Agents

  • Chat Agents: Number of agents working on chat
  • Chat with Co-browse: Number of agents working on chat with co-browse
  • Inbound Voice: Number of agents working on inbound voice
  • Inbound Voice with Co-browse: Number of agents working on inbound voice with co-browse

Current Chat Interactions with Co-browse

  • Chat: Number of chat interactions currently handled by agents
  • Co-browse in Chat: Number of chat with co-browse interactions currently handled by agents
  • (Co-browse in Chat)/Chat, %: Ratio of current number of chat with co-browse interactions to the total number of chat interactions
  • Web Chat: Number of web chat interactions currently handled by agents

Co-browse in Web Chat: Number of web chat with co-browse interactions currently handled by agents

  • (Co-browse in Web Chat)/Web Chat, %: Ratio of current number of web chat with co-browse interactions to the total number of web chat interactions

Current Voice Interactions with Co-browse

  • Inbound Voice: Number of inbound voice interactions currently handled by agents
  • Co-browse in Inbound Voice: Number of inbound voice with co-browse interactions currently handled by agents
  • (Co-browse on Inbound Voice)/Inbound Voice, %: Ratio of current inbound voice with co-browse interactions to the total number of inbound voice interactions

Co-browse Session Details

  • Current Agent State: Auxiliary statistic needed for user data retrieval
  • Co-browse Session State: Alive or finished
  • Co-browse Session Start Time: Session start time
  • Co-browse Session ID: Session ID
  • Co-browse Session Quantity: Session quantity
Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case. You can easily filter the values in reports to show only chat, inbound voice, or both.

The most relevant reports include:

  • Co-browse Detail Report — Provides detailed information about Co-browse sessions, on an agent-by-agent bases, including Interaction durations, Co-browse session durations, Co-browse modes, and details about the pages visited.
  • Co-browse Summary Report — Provides a summary view of Co-browse session volumes, by agent, including interaction volumes, the number and percentage of interactions that included Co-browse sessions, handle times, and other key metrics.
  • Other reports relevant to this use case are found in the Agents, Chat, Co-browse folders.
  • For information about filtering report data, see Understanding and using reports.

For more information about Genesys CX Insights, see Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Workspace Desktop Edition is the agent desktop.
  • Pulse is used for real-time reporting.
  • Use of Genesys Widgets with limited modification to the company's corporate identity as described above, under “Widget Functionality”. Alternatively, use of custom chat widget which is not part of Genesys deliverable.
  • No integration with third-party systems.
  • The Genesys customer is responsible for integration of the solution into the company website.
  • The Genesys customer is responsible for tagging information and fields on their website that need to be hidden from the agent during a co-browse session, or agent controls that need to be blocked (such as a Submit form).


CE01 CE01-S4B CE02 CE18 CE21 CE22 This use case is currently not available in Genesys Multicloud CX v 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE28 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE28 GenesysEngage-onpremises Knowledge makes it easier for contact center agents to use information to do their jobs boosting agent productivity and customer satisfaction. With the right knowledge, agents can provide resolution to customer queries in real time. When agents have access to standardized content for frequently asked questions, it helps expedite the customer request. Agents (especially when working from home) can address customer issues by using a knowledge base with vital information to solve customer inquiries.

Knowledge solutions support the following outcomes:

  • Promote agent growth and development
  • Provide quicker problem solving
  • Deliver better, faster decision-making abilities
  • Avoids redundant effort by agents
  • Reduce repeat callers
  • Increase customer satisfaction and productivity
  • Reduce training time

When agents have at their disposal up-to-date, easily available and relevant knowledge they provide high customer satisfaction to resolve customer issues.

Agents are empowered to search through knowledge bases for appropriate responses to customer inquiries. Agents can leverage partial or complete content from the knowledge base and have confidence in providing customers with pre-authored responses. Agents provide faster and more relevant responses to customers.
  • Website not offering online service and support​
  • Knowledge articles and FAQs not easy to find on website​
  • Online help not providing the information customers need​
  • Enterprise knowledge is scattered, inconsistent and hard to manage​
  • Customers trying multiple channels during peak times​
  • Increasing interaction and sales abandonment leading to repeat contacts​
  • Calls with long handle times​​

  • Consolidated knowledge that is easily accessible by customers and agents using natural language searches​
  • Proactive offer of knowledge articles​
  • Continuously and automatically improve questions and answers​
  • Ability to easily handover to an agent, including customer context, when self-service isn't enough​
  • Agents have access to comprehensive and context-sensitive knowledge within their desktop tohelp assist customers more effectively and quickly​
Defined CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys InfoMart (Optional) Genesys InfoMart – HA (Optional) Genesys Interactive Insights (Optional) Genesys Knowledge Center - Self-Service Genesys Knowledge Center - Agent Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Integration to Knowledge Center is a customization task. Example code snippet to integrate with Knowledge Center is provided.​
  • CE28 requires CE18 (Chat) if Live Assistance is a requirement

Required agent skill will be determined by the classification and categorization of the search results. N/A

This use case requires:
  • Genesys Knowledge Management enabled
  • Reporting on knowledge surfaced
  • Feedback from customers and agents
  • Identification of improvements in knowledge
  1. Genesys Workspace (Desktop or Web Edition) is required
  2. Genesys native knowledge management solutions
  3. Supports English only
  4. Workspace Desktop Edition version and above
  5. Workspace Web Edition version and above
  6. Genesys Knowledge workbench will be available through Genesys Cloud CX subscription
  7. Available for Organizations in North American regions only
This use case is not available in the cloud v 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE29 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE29 GenesysEngage-onpremises This functional use case has been created to enable companies to use Genesys Solutions to streamline the queue management and distribution process of customer-generated SMS messages to the handling agents. Genesys can improve agent productivity, increase adherence to SLAs, and deliver improved management tools. It is based on experience and best practices and contains the minimal functionality to enable our customers:
  • To go live quickly (Time to market).
  • To use best practice scenarios to enable fast realization of benefits.
A customer sends an SMS to a company. The SMS is captured by the Genesys system and a content analysis is performed to assign a category to the SMS. It is then queued to the best available agent with the skill set corresponding to the category. After the agent has compiled the SMS answer, a supervisor may review the SMS depending on the agent. Priority tuning improved the SLA adherence to customers' SMS messages. The use case provides reporting capabilities to provide management visibility into the SMS interaction channel.
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support​
  • Increasing repeat contacts​
  • Website not offering online service and support​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time​
  • Customer having to call multiple times​
  • Online help not providing the information customers need​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​
  • Enable SMS service​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Meet SLA​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information
Consistent CIM CIM (HA) Interaction Workspace Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart HA (optional) Genesys Interactive Insights Genesys SMS​ ​ Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​The full use case outlined here is available in Premise
In the logical flows in the previous sections, there are a number of process steps driven by configuration parameters and additional business logic within the system. These parameters and the underlying logic are described in this chapter.


It will be possible to configure and manage a blacklist of phone numbers for distributing SMS messages. An administrator can add / delete phone numbers from this blacklist. SMS messages coming from an address on the blacklist will not be distributed to agents.

SMS message Categorization

There are two methods of categorizing an SMS: Advanced Content Analysis and Keyword Matching. This is a system wide setting and only one method will be used at any given time.

Advanced Content Analysis (optional)

Incoming SMS message text is analyzed using natural-language processing (please see the comments on supported languages below). The result of analysis is an assignment to one or more categories of the category structure.

Content Analyzer creates its analysis algorithms by training: that is, by working its way through a number of SMSs that are classified according to the category system.

Training operates on a training object, which is a category tree and a group of messages classified using that category tree. A training object combines a category tree and a set of text objects, with each text object assigned to one category in the tree (categorized). The text objects are typically messages, but you may choose to have the set of text objects also include the standard responses associated with the category tree.

Training scans the text objects and forms a statistical model of the words and phrases that tend to occur in each category.

There are five possible sources of categorized text objects:

  • SMS messages that have been assigned to categories
  • Text objects that are created in Knowledge Manager
  • Responses that are used when creating standard responses
  • Objects that are used when creating other training objects
  • Messages that are categorized when adding uncategorized SMS using the Training Object Data Analyzer

The result of training is a model. This classification model - a statistical representation of a category tree - analyzes an incoming SMS and produces a list of the categories that the interaction is most likely to belong to. Each likely category is assigned a percentage rating indicating the probability that the interaction belongs to this category.

An SMS will be assigned to the category with the highest percentage of probability if this percentage is above a configurable threshold. Otherwise it will be categorized with a default category.

Keyword Categorization

As an alternative to advanced content analysis, it is possible to replace this functionality with more straightforward keyword matching categorization.

Keyword matching allows the system administrator to configure a number of screening rules to identify SMS belonging to different categories. E.g. an SMS message that contains the word “order” would be categorized as a sales SMS. Screening rules can be configured to look for regular expressions that look for different words or phrase patterns that help categorize SMS messages.

Additionally, screening rules can be used to detect patterns like customer ID, and account number to either display or mask sensitive information to the agent. Configuration of up to three regular expressions to display to the agent / mask information are within the scope of this use case.

Distribution Logic

The following lists the parameters used for the distribution logic. These parameters are configurable by category:

  • Skill / skill level for the first, second, third and fourth target
  • Supervisor skill / skill level for the first, second, third and fourth target
  • Overflow timeouts for overflowing from last agent routing to skill-based routing and from overflowing between targets. These timeouts are based on age of interaction.
  • Priority tuning parameters
    • Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time)
    • Priority interval (the time between priority increases)
    • Priority limit (the maximum priority)
    • Priority start (the starting priority)

The following parameter is configurable by the company phone number the SMS is sent to:

  • Auto-acknowledge message

Standard responses

The workspace displays suggested responses to the agent based on the category. Genesys will prepare the possibility to associate a specific category with suggested responses using examples. The standard responses will need to be provided by the customer.

Additional Distribution functionality.

The following lists additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • Re-route on no answer (RONA) -functionality: If an agent does not accept the SMS interaction, the SMS interaction is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time-out. The agent is set to not-ready. The priority of the SMS can be increased by a configurable parameter.
  • Blending with other media types is possible.
  • Priority tuning can be configured via the following parameters:
    • Priority increment (the amount to increase the priority after the interval time)
    • Priority interval (the time between priority increases)
    • Priority limit (the maximum priority)
    • Priority start (the starting priority)
  • Transfers are possible to another category, i.e. to agents satisfying the skills of another category. In case of transfer, the priority is increased to a configurable parameter.
N/A The following lists the minimum requirements for the agent desktop:
  • Access to Universal Contact History
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes (Cross Sell, Need Follow-Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell)
  • Access to standard response library
  • Agent to Agent transfer
  • Agent to Queue transfer
  • Transfer to third party outside Genesys.
  • Collaboration function (forward to external party)
  • Review functionality for supervisors
  • Interaction Queue Management for supervisors
Pulse is a Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) plug-in application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, chat interaction handled and the average handle time.

With Pulse you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of Contact Center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling and call routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from predefined and user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Filter KPIs by Business Attributes such as the Category.
  • Predefined templates
    • Monitor operational SMS activity through the eServices Queue KPIs templates.
    • Monitor Agent resource activity through the eServices Agent KPIs templates.

The sample SMS dashboard below demonstrates usage of the eServices Agent Activity and the eServices Queue Activity.

CE29 - Pulse.png

CX Insights out-of-the-box reports will be used to:
  • Assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions.
  • Dimension the out-of-the-box aggregate based GCXI reports with Routing Parameters including the Category and the Disposition codes.
  • Measure First Response Threshold (Customer Service Level) using the Interaction Volume Customer Segment Report.
  • Evaluate resource performance with a variety of reports for Agents and Detail facts

There are 40+ reports available, potential reports to confirm the benefits for this use case are being met are as follows.

Queue KPI enable the organization to measure and filter Info Mart data based on the queue(s) through which customer interactions pass. Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions entered the queue or work-bin.

  Queue KPIs Description
Queue Examples for available KPIs:
  • Period
  • Queue Name
  • Media Type
  • Customer Segment
  • Service Type
  • Service Subtype
  • Entered
  • Redirected
  • Not Accepted
  • Accepted Agent
  • Accepted Agent in Threshold
  • Accept Time Agent
  •  % Service Level
  • Invite Time
  • Engage Time
  • Handle Time
  • Transfer Initiated Agent
  • ….

Queue interaction level data.

Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions are offered to the queue or work-bin.

Business Attribute enable the organization to measure and filter Info Mart data based on the business attributes that are associated with the customer interactions. Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions entered the Contact Center.

  Business Attributes Description
Business Attributes Available KPIs
  • Period
  • Media Type
  • Customer Segment
  • Service Type
  • Service Subtype
  • Entered
  • Entered Obj
  • Abandoned Waiting
  • Not Accepted
  • Redirected
  • Accepted
  • Accepted in Threshold
  • Accept Time Agent
  •  % Service Level
  • Engage Time
  • Avg Engage Time
  • Handle Time
  • Avg Handle Time
  • Transfer Initiated Agent
  • ….

Business Attribute interaction level data.

Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions are offered by business attribute

Accepted Agent enable the organization to measure and filter Info Mart data based on the queues or work-bins through which customer interactions pass in which agents accepts or pulls the interaction. Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions entered the queue.

  Accepted Agent KPIs Description
Accepted Agent Available KPIs:
  • Queue Name
  • Media Type
  • Customer Segment
  • Service Type
  • Service Subtype
  • Accepted Waiting 1..20 Thresholds
  •  % Accepted Waiting 1..20 Thresholds

Service quality data for interactions in Queue.

Gauges service quality by indicating how many interactions were accepted as well as the percentage of interactions that were accepted within a specific set of time ranges. The time ranges are configured within the InfoMart Application options.

Agent Activity enable the organization to measure and filter Info Mart data based on the interaction-related activities that are conducted by active agents.

  Agent Activity Description
Activity Examples for available KPIs:
  • Accepted
  • Conference Initiated
  • Consult Initiated
  • Engage Time
  • Handle Time
  • Hold
  • Invite
  • Offered
  • Rejected
  • Wrap
  • ...

Agent interaction level data.

Counts and duration measures are attributed to the reporting interval in which interactions are offered to the agent.


State & Reason

Examples for available KPIs:
  •  % Engage Time
  •  % Hold Time
  •  % Invite Time
  •  % Wrap In Time
  • Accepted
  • Consult Received Accepted
  • Engage Time
  • Not Accepted
  • Not Ready In Time
  • Offered
  • ....
Agent interaction and State level data.

Measures are attributed to each reporting interval in which agents handle the interactions and durations are clipped at interval boundaries.


State & Reason

Examples for available KPIs:
  •  % Busy Time
  •  % Not Ready Reason Time
  •  % Occupancy
  •  % Ready Time
  •  % Wrap Time
  • Active Time
  • Not Ready
  • Not Ready Reason Time
  • Wrap
  • ...
Agent summarized data for a session.

Measures are attributed to each reporting interval in which agents handle the calls, and durations are clipped at interval boundaries.

Interaction Details enable the organization to track low-level interaction details.

  Interaction Detail KPIs Description
Handling Attempt Available KPIs:
  • Interaction ID
  • Connection ID
  • Media Type
  • Customer ID
  • Customer Segment
  • Service Type
  • Service Subtype
  • Business Result
  • Interaction Type
  • Start Timestamp
  • End Timestamp
  • Routing Target
  • Resource Role
  • Role Reason
  • Technical Result
  • Result Reason
  • Queue Time
  • Route Point Time
  • Total Duration
  • Customer Talk Time
  • Customer Hold Time
  • Customer Wrap Time
  • ....

Handling Attempt detail interaction level data.

Handling Attempt details of interactions that are stored mostly in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT Info Mart tables.

Flow Available KPIs:
  • Agent/Queue
  • Connection ID
  • Media Type
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Interaction Subtype
  • Segment ID
  • Source
  • Target
  • Technical Result Resource Role
  • Technical Result Role Reason
  • Technical Result
  • Technical Result Reason
  • Duration

Flow detail interaction level data.

Interaction-flow details of interactions that are stored mostly in the INTERACTION_FACT, INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT, and MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT Info Mart tables.

Transfer Available KPIs:
  • Interaction ID
  • Media Type
  • Source
  • Source Service Type
  • Source Service Subtype
  • Source Customer Segment
  • Source Last Queue
  • Source Technical Result
  • Source Customer Engage Time
  • Source Customer Hold Time
  • Source Customer Wrap Time
  • Source Queue Time
  • Target
  • Target Service Type
  • Target Service Subtype
  • Target Customer Segment
  • Target Last Queue
  • Target Technical Result
  • Target Customer Engage Time
  • Target Customer Hold Time
  • Target Customer Wrap Time
  • Target Queue Time
  • ....

Transfer detail interaction level data.

Interaction details identifying the source and destination of transferred and conference interactions.

  • Implementation of this use case will be based on the Digital Blueprint Architecture.
  • Genesys Infomart and Interactive Insights in place for historical reporting.
  • Genesys standard agent desktops will be used as agent desktop (WDE or WWE).
  • Pulse will be used for real-time reporting.
  • Integration with one corporate SMS center.
  • Advanced Content Analysis is an optional extension to Keyword Categorization. This option requires additional licenses and services effort
  • Blacklist: It is assumed that the Blacklist functionality is used for short-term manual handling of emergency cases. It is not intended for long-term or broader spam filtering functionality.
  • Requirements for integration with SMS Center
    • Check local requirements for character set, against SMS Server's supported list (Deployment Guide and Release Notes)
    • Best practice recommends to avoid message splitting. The max size of the SMS messages is 160 characters in the U.S., check on SMS Center restrictions
    • If there is some issue with SMS Center, CC operations manually stops all SMS campaigns
  • Customer has secured and provisioned a dedicated short code, long code, or text-enabled toll-free number in order to send SMS messages
  • If Content Analyzer is used for SMS categorization:
    • The training model uses a Lexical Analyzer to convert text input from the SMS to an array of words or stems. Language specific Lexical Analyzers are available in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, German and Japanese (requires the Japanese edition of Content Analyzer). For other languages, a default Lexical Analyzer can be used, but this will require more training for reliable categorization. The creation of a custom lexical model is not part of the delivery scope.
    • Text input needs to be available in UTF-8.
    • Customer to provide pre-categorized sample SMS messages to train the Content Analyzer language model.
This use case is currently not available in Cloud. 559066483 1.0.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE31 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE31 Genesys Blended AI Bots GenesysEngage-onpremises The proliferation of digital channels leads to higher customer expectations and an increased number of interactions that companies deal with when servicing customers. Coupled with increased usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business applications, this change results in organizations implementing chatbots that can interact with customers to automate tasks and assist their queries on channels such as web, mobile, social, SMS, and messaging apps. Chatbots can alleviate strain on contact center employees while improving the customer experience and controlling costs. Chatbots are always on and available, and can be handed over to an agent at any time where needed. While chatbots can also be used by employees and for business optimization purposes, the remainder of this document refers to omnichannel bots in the context of customer engagement. The primary benefits of chatbots are to increase self-service success, deflect interactions from the contact center, and improve the customer experience.

Genesys supports a “design once, deploy anywhere” concept for bots to enable organizations to provide a seamless customer experience across voice and digital channels. This use case focuses on deploying a bot on web chat, mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter Direct Message, Line Messaging, WhatsApp, or SMS.

Genesys Chatbots supports "bring your own technology model" supporting Amazon Lex, Google Dialogflow, and third-party bots. As each chatbot and third party has their own specific capabilities, this use case covers broadly available capabilities.

The chatbot supports or orchestrates the following capabilities:

  • Personalization – to tailor the experience based on context from the current interaction or from previous interactions
  • Natural Language Understanding – to derive intents and entities
  • Identification & Verification (ID&V) – to identify and verify the customer if required
  • Directed Dialog – to automate relevant business processes or provide information
  • Involve supported third-party NLU/bot platforms, if it specializes in a particular topic
  • Handoff to an agent – to connect the customer to a live person with the full context of the interaction
  • Offer and schedule a callback - if outside of business hours or long wait time then chatbot offers an immediate or scheduled callback
  • Offer a chatbot survey depending on business context
Supported Genesys Chatbot channels for Genesys Engage on-premises are web and mobile chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat.

For Genesys Engage on-premises Subscription, there is a Chatbot bundle sellable item that includes Bot Gateway, Intelligent Automation, Knowledge Center and the digital channel (for automation only).

For Genesys Engage on-premises Perpetual, customers would license the components separately.

  • Increasing interactions on digital channels​
  • Low first contact resolution rates​
  • Generic customer experience across all customers​
  • High online purchase abandonment or lack of assistance​
  • Increasing repeat contacts​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time for chat agents​
  • No seamless customer experience across channels
  • Introduce self-service through chatbot​
  • Pass conversation history when handing over to an agent​
  • Offer callback outside of business hours​
  • Personalized interactions for customers based on natural language understanding​​
  • Context-aware chatbot to assist purchase process or service requests​
  • Better user experience based on customer context​
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s) Differentiated
  • Channels supported: Web & Mobile Chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, and SMS.
  • Transfer to agent is on same channel (unless callback is selected).
  • Native Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities through Dialog Engine are English and German only. Dialog Engine is under restricted release through at least Q2 2019. Google Dialogflow supports dozens of languages.
  • Bot Gateway is available today (Conditional) and can enable a connection to any third-party bot/NLU platform.
BL1: Agent Handoff: The customer can ask to be connected to an available agent. At that point, the chatbot is disconnected and the chat transcript (excluding sensitive data) is displayed in the agent desktop. Other context can also be displayed as Case Data.

BL2: Retries: The number of retries for self-service tasks and questions can be configured by a business user. When reaching maximum retries, the dialog can be configured to present a message, hand off to an agent, or offer a callback if busy or outside business hours.

BL3: Response Type: The interaction flows can be configured to accept natural language responses and closed responses such as account number, date of birth, and yes/no questions; enabling customers to backtrack to a different point in the dialog when required. For example, if a customer is midway through making a payment and says “actually just tell me where your nearest branch is”, then the chatbot shows the nearest branch.

BL4: Callback: If outside of business hours, or estimated wait time (EWT) is high, the chatbot can offer an immediate or scheduled callback. If this option is not included, then a message states that a transfer is not possible.

BL5: Survey: The customer can determine whether to address a survey or not, based on:

  • Customer profile information in UCS
  • Journey context from Altocloud or customer journey data
  • API call to third-party data source
When the conversation is handed over to a live agent, the interaction moves to one of these use cases, depending on the channel the customer is using the use cases listed under the interdependency section. The agent desktop requirements for the required digital use cases can be referenced by clicking on the respective use case in the interdependencies section.

Chat transcript between customer and chatbot is populated in the chat interaction window in the agent desktop.

The following is a summary of real-time metrics, for more details reference the eServices Statistics for additional information.
  • Agent Group capacity for chat interactions to define whether or not to offer escalation to customer service.
  • Concurrent Chats statistic in the Chat Agent Activity template is helpful in assessing Agent Group capacity for chat interactions to define whether or not to offer escalation to customer service.
  • Chat Agent Activity is applicable for Agent and Agent Group object types.
  • Current Chat interactions waiting in the system
  • Current Wait statistic in Chat Queue Activity template addresses "Current Chat interactions waiting in the system".
  • Total Chat interactions (self-service vs assisted service). Below are a list of available templates:
    • Chat Agent Activity> Offered: The total number of chats that were offered for processing to this agent or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
    • Chat Agent Activity> Accepted: The total number of chats that were offered for processing and that were accepted by Agent during the specified period.
    • Chat Queue Activity>Requested: Total number of Chats Requested.
    • Chat Queue Activity> Accepted: Total number of Chats Accepted by Agent.
    • Chat Offered/Accepted: This metric is suited to Agents only (assisted service), unless some adapter for bots is used, the one that expose itself as an agent.
    • Chats Requested: Represents all requests for new chats. These chats later may be served by agents or by bots.
  • Agent Group Status: There are out-of-the box templates with the same name with lots of useful statistics available supporting multimedia channels email, voice, chat etc., found in the Genesys Pulse Agent Statistics reference.
Intelligent Automation offers a suite of internal reports details below:


  • Application Overview
  • System Pulse
  • Real-time Graphs

Prebuilt Reports

  • Summary
  • Calls per Day
  • Calls by Time of Day
  • Block Results
  • Recognition Summary
  • Business Task Summary

Customer Journeys

  • See what’s important to callers
  • Monitor the impact of changes
  • Compare customer experience
  • Data Extracts (CSV format)
  • Call Details
  • Business Tasks
  • GUI Actions
  • Inbound SMS

For more information regarding Historical Reporting for bots, reference the Bot Dashboard page.

  • This Use Case is supported by industry templates that contain examples of chatbot applications combining personalization, natural language understanding, AI, and microapps. Chatbot application requirements including required microapps are confirmed during design. These application templates are created for Financial Services, Telco, and Travel.
  • Handoff to agent is on the same channel (unless callback).
  • NLU capabilities for languages can be supported through integrations to third-party NLU engines such as Google Dialogflow.
  • The Genesys Control Center to configure Chatbots is localized to support the following languages:
    • English (United Kingdom)
    • French
    • Spanish (Mexican)
    • German
  • Callback Dialogflow is provided by the Smart Transfer microapp.
  • Chat transcript is not passed to callback agent.
  • Survey Dialogflow is provided by Questionnaire Builder microapp. Results available for download from Genesys Intelligent Automation Control Center or via web service. Review Menu Block documentation for further details.
  • To deploying bots when Dialog Engine is the NLU provider, see Integrating Intelligent Automation with Dialog Engine. (Dialog Engine is only available on Genesys Cloud CX).
Genesys Widgets are required to support out-of-the box rich messaging capabilities for chat. CE18 CE19 CE29 CE34 CE20 CE28 CE37 V 1.0.8
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE34 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE34 GenesysEngage-onpremises In today’s digital world, telephone calls aren't always the best or desired way to communicate with businesses because they are not visual and require a synchronous live interaction. Consumers want a simple, convenient method of communication through the channel of their choice and according to their own schedule. Third-party messaging applications are a popular communication option that consumers have come to expect as a way to interact with companies.

Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat beta, and WhatsApp beta enable two-way conversations between consumers and businesses on familiar mobile devices and provide a feature-rich, flexible, and convenient method of answering questions, solving problems, and making purchases all through a single messaging conversation. The long-lived, asynchronous nature of the conversation means that the consumer and contact center agent can return to the conversation at any time with a full history.

This use case enables businesses to handle Messaging conversations in their Genesys contact center environment. Businesses must sign up with Apple or WhatsApp, choose Genesys as their customer service platform provider, and get their use cases approved by Apple or WhatsApp to be part of the ecosystem. There is no approval required for Facebook Messenger.

To increase successful self-service interactions, a chatbot can be used over these messaging channels to automate the conversation with the customer, providing the ability to seamlessly transfer to a contact center agent if and when needed. See use case Genesys Chatbots (CE31) for Genesys Engage on premises for details and limitations of incorporating chatbots with Genesys Messaging offerings. When companies enable Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat and WhatsApp as supported customer service channels within their Genesys environment, benefits can include:

  • Improved first contact resolution and reduced handle time by matching every consumer with the agent best equipped to respond through skills-based routing
  • Improved NPS by carrying context across channels and matching the consumer with an appropriately skilled agent, similar to how all Genesys channels are managed
  • Reduced costs by granting agents the ability to manage multiple chat conversations simultaneously and blend messaging conversations with other media types in the same agent workspace
  • Continuity in asynchronous conversations, enabling consumers to make contact when convenient throughout the day, week, or buying or service journey
  • Workforce management and reporting integrated with the rest of the contact center
  • Increased revenue and ease of purchase by leveraging Apple Pay (Apple Business Chat only)
  • Improved brand perception by offering new channels that are expected to be heavily promoted by Apple and WhatsApp
  • Convenience for consumers in using familiar messaging app as opposed to having to open a separate chat window
A consumer can initiate a conversation with a business directly in Apple's Messages application, Facebook Messenger, or in WhatsApp. They do so by clicking on the chat message icon that appears when searching for a business on their iOS device using Safari, Apple Maps, Spotlight, Siri or a custom button for Apple Business Chat, by being presented with a button to connect to WhatsApp, or by searching for the business's Facebook page to initiate a chat conversation. These conversations are delivered to a company's contact center through the Genesys Messaging service. The conversation can be automated with a chatbot or human-assisted with a contact center agent. These engagements become persistent and long-lived (asynchronous), but can be handled live (synchronously) when necessary. During the conversation, the bot or agent can present rich messaging elements, such as Facebook Messenger Rich Messaging, Apple Business Chat list pickers, date pickers, URL previews, custom messaging extensions or WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages to offer feature-rich capabilities that make it convenient for the consumer to resolve their issue, get their question answered, or complete a transaction.
  • For WhatsApp, a brand needs to be on-boarded - please check out the WhatsApp ordering FAQ and on-boarding Guide in Genie. On-boarding needs to be followed for PoC, Trial, Test, Dev and Production accounts.
  • WhatsApp for On Premises is sold as Subscription only (On Premises Perpetual customers may consume through subscription)
  • WhatsApp limitations are related to their messaging capabilities-- not dependent on Genesys (see table below)

Capability WhatsApp Apple Business Chat
List Picker Text-based Supported
Date Picker Text-based
Carousel No Supported
Custom Messaging


No Supported
Rich URL Links Text-based Supported
  • Customers will demand and expect messaging channels. If companies do not support it quickly, they can lose out to competitors who offer it
  • Difficult to support increasing number of digital channels
  • Unable to share context across channels
  • Agents are unable to manage conversations across channels in single desktop interface
  • Potential for customer frustration and long resolution times
  • Cannot manage a complete interaction within single channel
  • Voice channel can be inconvenient for consumers
  • Enable feature-rich conversations across messaging channels
  • Enable end-to-end encrypted conversation via WhatsApp
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information
  • Allow agents to handle messaging conversations within the same desktop interface and infrastructure as other contact channels without major retraining on new tools
  • Enable intelligent bots for automated interactions
  • Enable asynchronous conversations that are convenient for the consumer
Differentiated Apple Business Chat Messaging App Connector (perpetual or subscription) Workspace CIM CIM HA (Optional) Genesys InfoMart (Optional) Genesys InfoMart – HA (Optional)
  • Companies may not proactively reach out to consumers through either Apple Business Chat or WhatsApp; the consumer must initiate the first conversation
  • Companies should check with messaging provider with regards to compliance for their industry.
  • The On Premises version connects via Genesys Hub to the messaging providers; Genesys does not provide on-premise driver​ to connect directly. This reduces upgrade overhead for the company.
  • For Apple Business Chat:
    • Customer must get approval from Apple before they can use Apple Business Chat. Apple has to approve the brand first to get an Apple ID, and then they have to approve them again once the use cases have been developed before they can go live.​
    • English only for messages going through Apple Chat (other languages may work, but need to be tested as part of use case testing) (limitation from Apple, not Genesys)​
  • For WhatsApp only
    • Customer must get approval from WhatsApp before they can use the WhatsApp Business API
    • WhatsApp allows for agents/bots to follow-up a conversation with pre-approved notifications. If more than 24 hours have elapsed since the consumer last contacted the customer, these messages are paid notifications.
    • If Customer wants to use WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages (HSMs), the HSMs need to be reviewed and approved by WhatsApp prior to use.
  • For Facebook Messenger only
    • Facebook allows for agents/bots to follow-up a conversation within 24 hours until the last message received from the end-user. Beyond this time limit, the agent/bot has an option to send only 1 message. They need to wait for the end-user to reinitiate the conversation by sending one more message to reset the 24-hour limit clock.
Users should never receive unsolicited messages and must have control over the conversation.


Apple Business Chat:

  • As long as the conversation is ongoing in Messages, the brand can post to the user as often as they want. There are no published time limits for responses. This means that the brand could send 100 messages after receiving the first message from the consumer. We would advise brands to exercise caution, though, and not "spam" consumers or use it as an outbound solution; we expect providers to monitor this kind of behavior and eventually step in.
  • The consumer can end the conversation in Messages by left-swiping and deleting the message, sending a “Close” command to Genesys. Once the conversation is closed, the system cannot send any more messages to the consumer.

WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger:

  • A brand has 24 hours to respond to a consumer. Within that timeframe, bots and agents are allowed to send as many templated or free-form messages as they want. Any response by the consumer resets that 24-hour limit.
  • WhatsApp: Once the 24-hour limit has expired, only paid WhatApp-approved template messages (called "paid notifications") can be sent until the consumer responds. Once the consumer responds, another 24-hour window opens for agents, bots and the consumer to communicate. Facebook Messenger: Only one message is allowed to be sent after the 24 Hour rule. This is called the 24h+1 rule.
  • Paid notifications: WhatsApp charges for each notification sent based on the consumer's phone number. Their rate card is published on WhatsApp's website.
  • For Apple Business Chat only, the links behind the chat button can include an Intent ID and/or Group ID, which can be used for routing purposes or to indicate a specific product configuration.
  • With each conversation
    • Apple passes the consumer's language and device region, which can be used for routing purposes to the right agent.
    • WhatsApp passes the consumer's phone number that was used to send the message from, allowing the brand to identify the consumer.
Agents must have the following capabilities:
  • Customer history is displayed to the agent upon interaction arrival. Agent can scroll back through previous conversations to initial interaction.
  • Agent can send rich message elements, such as List/Date Picker, custom message extensions or Apple Pay inApple Business Chat, or paid notifications in WhatsApp.
  • Agent can can send a message with Text, Emoji, and Image.
  • Agent can receive a message with Text, Emoji, Image, Video, Audio, and Location.
  • Agent can pivot to another channel and preserve the context of the interaction.
Genesys Pulse enables at-a-glance views of real-time contact center statistics through dashboards and wallboards.

Each Genesys Pulse report presents information within graphical widgets, which show graphs or tables that provide information about incoming voice call queues, agent groups, or individual agents. You can personalize Genesys Pulse reports based on functional, geographical, or organizational considerations.

Genesys Pulse provides templates for the most popular reports. You can use these templates to quickly add report widgets to your dashboards.

The following Genesys Pulse standard reports are particularly relevant for this use case:

  • Chat Agent Activity — Presents agent or agent group activity as it relates to the processing of chat contacts.
  • Chat Queue Activity — Allows you to monitor Chat Queue Group activity.
  • Facebook Media Activity — Presents agent or agent group activity as it relates to the processing of social media interactions.

See Standard Report Templates for more information.

Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) provides customizable reports and dashboards that can help you track the benefits of this use case by analyzing historical data KPIs that provide intraday tracking.

Relevant reports for this use case are found in the Chat folder, notably:

  • Interactions Acceptance Dashboard — Use this dashboard to understand how long it takes for agents to accept customer interactions, and to identify what percentage of interactions are accepted promptly, or with some delay. Understanding interaction acceptance rate and speed can help you optimize agent performance and, by monitoring the time that customers wait before connecting to an agent, help to improve customer experience.

To use these reports to analyze messaging, filter the reports by Media Type to report on a specific channel (applebcsession, facebook, facebooksession, and/or whatsappsession), or all messaging channels.

See information about filtering data in a reports, see Understanding and using reports, and for additional information about GCXI, see the Genesys CX Insights 9.0 User's Guide.

  • Connects to Genesys Engage on-premises via Genesys Hub in the Cloud; no on-premise driver is available (this enables Genesys to keep the connections up-to-date without requiring customers to upgrade/install each time there are changes with third-party messaging apps).
  • Apple Business Chat
    • Customer must get approval from Apple before they can use Apple Business Chat. Apple has to approve the brand first to get an Apple ID, and then they have to approve them again once the use cases have been developed before they can go live. Without both approvals, a customer cannot go live.
    • Companies may not proactively reach out to consumers through Apple Business Chat; the consumer must initiate the conversation.
    • English-only for messages going through Apple Chat; other languages may work, but need to be tested as part of use case testing (limitation from Apple, not Genesys).
    • No HIPAA compliance (limitation from Apple, not Genesys)
    • The consumer has to initiate the first session. Such an initiation counts as an opt-in.
  • Whatsapp
    • The brand must get approval from WhatsApp before they can use WhatsApp.
    • A brand can try to channel-switch a consumer by sending them an opt-in message or offering them a Call-to-Action. Interacting with these counts as an opt-in. Examples:
      • Click-to-action button on the brand's website
      • Link in email signature
      • Sending them an SMS with an offer to switch to WhatsApp
      • IVR offering to channel-switch to WhatsApp (need to check first whether the customer is on WhatsApp). Within 24 hours after the consumer contacted the brand, agents or bots can post to the consumer as often as they want.
      • After 24 hours, regular messages by agents or bots are rejected. Instead, the brand has to send a pre-approved notification message (called HSM, a.k.a Highly Structured Message) and the brand has to pay for the message. Paid messages are billed to Genesys, and Genesys bills the brand on a monthly message based on the rates published by WhatsApp. See WhatsApp Rate Card ( rate card) and also WhatsApp's reference for additional (guidance) regarding what kind of messages are allowed.
For reference, here is a list of consumer-facing features that Apple supports. When using Genesys Messaging for Apple Business Chat, companies can leverage all of these.
  • Keyboard shortcuts with intelligent suggestions for email address, phone number, postal address, and location.
  • All standard Message attachment types like photos, videos, and documents.
  • Built-in features to provide consistent experience for common use cases:
    • Time Picker - for scheduling appointments; exposes conflicting appointments in Calendar
    • List Picker - visual way to make a selection; user can select one or more depending on configuration
    • Apple Pay - easy and secure way to pay; for full checkout experience, user can also capture payment, shipping, and contact information
  • iMessage Apps ("Deep Linking") - to customize experience beyond common use cases, companies can:
    • customize by extending Business Chat using the iMessage App Framework
    • pull in parts of the company app to appear like a message bubble within Messages
    • provide link to download app if consumer doesn't have it yet
  • Live Message Layouts - companies can customize the look of the bubble, add map or live countdown, and add a simple form
  • Consumers can Hide Alerts or Delete the message. Delete blocks all future messages from the company.

Facebook Messenger supports a rich messaging interface and companies can leverage these elements when using Genesys Messaging for Facebook Messenger. All standard Message attachment types like photos and videos.

  • Agents will be able to add a tag (Human-Agent) to outgoing messages beyond the 24 hours window. This is not available for Bots.
  • Inbound contact information.

Similarly, WhatsApp supports a rich messaging interface and companies can leverage these elements when using Genesys Messaging for WhatsApp. All standard Message attachment types like photos and audio attachments.

  • Notifications to send predefined, WhatsApp-approved messages to consumers even when WhatsApp's regular response interval has expired.
  • Inbound location and contact information
  • Checking whether a contact is on WhatsApp, thus allowing a workflow to offer a channel switch to WhatsApp from a less desirable channel.
CE19 CE31
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE37 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE37 Predictive Engagement for Customer Service GenesysEngage-onpremises One of the biggest challenges for the modern business is learning to work with the data available in a way that is both meaningful and easy to act on. The data generated by a website often goes unexplored, and as a result, the intentions and reactions of individual customers and prospects can be overlooked. Focus is often placed on the broad strokes–key metrics such as the number of conversions per month–and the ability to identify the potential customers who need engagement is lost. As a result, customers who may be on the verge of signing up for a trial, completing a checkout, searching for information regarding service or support, or any other desirable outcome, fall through the cracks. The high volume of website traffic makes it a challenge to identify the right individuals, best moments, and optimal ways to engage in real time. Expectations for time-to-respond are increasing but growing your staff is costly.

Genesys Predictive Engagement uses machine learning to observe the progress of website visitors toward defined business outcomes –such as purchase completion or requesting a quote. The technology enables the business to use real-time observations and predictions rather than static rules, to trigger intervention only at the points when it is needed most.

For customers seeking service or support, a company’s website is often the first point of contact, even if it is only to find a phone number to call. But companies are challenged with making sense of and learning to use all the data generated by their website in a way that is both meaningful and actionable in real time. As a result, customers either end up calling into the contact center (an expensive support channel) or get frustrated with your business because they can’t find the help they need. Genesys Predictive Engagement prioritizes engagement with high value visitors and proactively offers chat to better utilize your staff and reduce your costs.

Examples of how the customer experience can be optimized by using data, context, and website behavior for a predictive engagement:

  • Use of machine learning to detect the progress of website visitors toward defined outcomes–purchase completion, requesting a quote–and enable the business to trigger intervention only at the points when it is needed most.
  • A customer who is recognized to be having trouble submitting a loan application is prompted with a proactive web chat enabling an agent to help the customer walk through the steps.
  • A customer needs to activate their new mobile phone, goes to the website, and searches for "device activation." A proactive chatbot is offered to help the customer walk through the steps.
  • A customer is planning a trip abroad and needs to notify their credit card company. They go to the company's website and based on a search related to "travel alert," a chatbot is offered to assist to prevent the need to call the contact center.
  • A customer is proactively offered self-help options to assist with a transaction, for example providing a link to a video to help with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).
Understanding and using knowledge of online activities and behaviors can provide context to better handle a follow-up digital or voice interaction to help customers who are shopping, buying, using the company's products across the full customer life cycle. This engagement intelligence can also be used for converting service requests to sales opportunities for cross-sell or up-sell. Genesys uses artificial intelligence to observe and analyze the progress of website visitors toward defined outcomes – service requests, pending transactions, application status. The technology allows the business to engage with customers using dynamic observations and predictions rather than simple static rules- creating happier customers, smarter employees, and better outcomes.

Companies have vast amounts of data within their CRM, marketing automation, contact centers and websites, and Genesys enables companies to unlock that data in real time to engage customers proactively, eliminating the need for a voice call or contact without context. Genesys Predictive Engagement observes individual customer journeys on your company website and applies machine learning, dynamic (or audience) segmentation, and real-time outcome scoring to identify the right moments for proactive engagement with the right customer via chat, chatbot, or content offer.

Predictive Engagement's real-time engagement sophistication increases customer satisfaction, improves conversion rate, and optimizes the use of agent resources for the highest value customers. Predictive Engagement leads to improvement of key performance indicators such as call deflection, average order value (AOV), first contact resolution, and conversion rates.

Genesys monitors individual customer journeys on a company website and applies machine learning, dynamic personas, and outcome probabilities to identify the right moments for proactive engagement via a chatbot. If the consumer requires interaction with an agent, the agent has the customer journey information at their fingertips.

Sales applications of this use case (with or without a chatbot) will be covered by SL09.

Content Offers, Callback, SFDC Third-Party Integration, Historical Reporting and much more are planned in 2019. For further details, please contact the Product Manager.

  • Low self-service rate on website leading to high number of contacts into contact center
  • Inability to see, understand and engage with customers during service journeys across channels in real time
  • Website user journeys not optimized for efficient engagement through self-service
  • Use journey analytics to detect where customers struggle on a website and use this information to improve their service journeys
  • Identify the user’s persona, monitor their web behavior, and predict their outcome score related to the customer service process
  • Use machine learning to profile behavior, predict outcomes and allow organizations to define rules on when to intervene
  • Proactively engage with customers via a chatbot if this score drops below a defined threshold while on the website
  • Deflect from live agent contact by proactively displaying additional information or offering the most cost-effective channel
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service Differentiated
  • Requires Genesys Widgets 9
  • Requires Workspace Desktop Edition 8.5

BL1 – Customer Identification

The system can use cookies to detect returning visitors and associate them with previous site visits. Identity information provided during the journey (such as email address or phone number) is captured after it is explicitly submitted from the web page and can identify the visitor even across devices. After the customer is identified, all tracking data collected is associated to that specific customer. All customer information collected is done in a GDPR compliant fashion.

BL2 – Segment and Outcome Configuration

Segments are a way to categorize visitors on the website based on common behavior and attributes. Segments are configured upfront during system provisioning. A segment can be made up of one or both of these components:

  • Attributes, such as browser type, device type, location, marketing campaign they are associated with, UTM parameters, and the referral website.
  • Journey pattern, such as web browsing behavior, searches performed on the website, items clicked, returning users, cart abandoner, and high order value.

Outcomes or goals are specific tasks you want your visitors to perform on your website. As with segments, these are configured upfront. Typical outcomes include:

  • Check order status or return status
  • Open or check status of a trouble ticket
  • Locate warranty or return policy
  • Application submission
  • Online purchase confirmation
  • Submit payment
  • Online quote
  • Book a demo or appointment

Genesys uses predictive analytics to evaluate in real time the probability for a specific outcome to be achieved, based on segment and visitor behavior on the website (the outcome score).

BL3 – Action Map Configuration

Action maps determine the way to engage with the website visitor. Within action maps, you define the triggers that result in an action to the customer. These triggers can be based on any combination of:

  • Segment
  • User activity
  • Outcome score (typically, a drop in outcome score for a specific segment can trigger a webchat)

BL4 – Customer Invite and Registration Window

Genesys Widgets will be used for:

  • Invite messages for webchat
  • Collection of visitor's contact details
  • Engagement over chat session
The distribution of the interaction is determined by the target expression and virtual queue configured in the Genesys Predictive Engagement rules. Based on Genesys Widgets 9 with standard capabilities to adapt to customer corporate identity.

Predictive Engagement can automatically create leads in Salesforce and any CRM that uses Rest APIs through Action Map orchestration.

  • Integration of Genesys Predictive Engagement desktop gadgets into Workspace Desktop Edition 8.5 (in case chatbot conversation requires escalation to an agent)
An admin can see the Live Now view of current visitors and live tracking information on the site. The views allow admins to make real-time operational decisions. For example, when a marketing campaign has gone live and drill into individual customer journeys.
The visitor activity report provides trend analysis and a drill-down by device type.

Reporting on segments matched and outcomes achieved (available through Predictive Engagement).

Action map performance of action types; webchat, content offers and architect flow. It allows a funnel drill-down performance of the key stages which can identify resourcing requirements, queue issues,

  • Qualification
  • Offer
  • Acceptance
  • Engagement

The Bot Dashboard provides a dashboard-style summary that you can use to evaluate the impact of Chat Bot, including visualizations of session and message volumes, and breaks down sessions based on whether bots, agents, or both, were involved. The dashboard report organizes data on the following tabs:

  • The Bot Sessions tab provides an overall view of bot sessions, including information about:
  • Session durations
  • How many sessions were initiated, started, interrupted, or failed
  • Information about the number of messages sent and received by bots.
  • The Media Sessions tab focuses on media sessions, contrasting the number of media sessions with the number (and percentage) of sessions with bots, and with the number of sessions (and percentage) with bots only.
  • Genesys Widgets 9 must be used
  • General logic for routing of interactions is defined with logic within the mandatory use cases
  • Design and configuration of this use should account for previous deployment of mandatory use cases
  • Customer must deploy both Genesys Predictive Engagement and Widgets code snippets on their website / web pages
CE18 CE31 v. 1.2.1
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/CE41 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises CE41 Genesys Voice Bots GenesysEngage-onpremises Successful companies strive to provide good experiences for their customers, but doing so becomes challenging and expensive given the multitude of communications channels (voice and digital) that must be offered to interact with customers. It is increasingly expensive to serve customers with live agents and companies need to optimize efficiencies in cases when requests can be fully or partially automated and serve customers faster and more economically. Customer Service costs are sustainable for self-service channels like in-app, web self-service, and virtual assistant but they begin to increase with web chat and exponentially skyrocket with voice. The challenge to customer service leaders is to provide outstanding experiences for customers by utilizing automation and artificial intelligence blended with human interaction where required.

Blending bots technology with voice, self-service and digital applications enables companies to optimize service without incurring costs associated with live customer interactions. Designing customer experiences with voicebots delivers the following:

  • Ability to manage the customer entire journey, automated wherever possible, human touch when needed, for example, chatbots, voicebots, and Altocloud
  • Create personalized bot experiences by sharing context across voice and digital channels and with agents
  • Voicebots in general provide significant higher benefits than a traditional IVR due to more advanced technology and the introduction of Conversational AI which promote a more natural interaction providing a high-quality customer experience
  • Quickly and easily deploy omnichannel bots with Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and pre-built microapps that leverage industry best practice
  • Move to cloud at your own speed and at low risk with cloud, hybrid, and premise options
  • Inclusion of voicebots powered by Natural Language Understanding from Google DialogFlow and Amazon Lex and other third-parties to provide natural and rich conversational experiences for customers who call Customer Service. Spoken phrases from customers are transcribed to text by Google Cloud Speech to Text which is then interpreted by the chosen NLU application to identify the customer’s intent. For example, book a flight; extract key data for the query such as origin and destination city, date, day, time; and generate an appropriate response and/or further questions to continue the interaction.
Genesys supports a “design once, deploy anywhere” concept for AI-driven bots to enable organizations to provide a seamless customer experience across voice and digital channels. This use case focuses on deploying a bot on the voice channel and can automatically be extended to digital channels by adding the Genesys Chatbots with Blended AI Use Case. The voicebot supports and orchestrates the following capabilities:
  • Personalization – to tailor the experience based on context from the current interaction or from previous interactions
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU) – to derive intents and entities
  • Intent classification utilizes NLU to classify the customer's intent with high accuracy, and connect the customer to the correct self-service process or agent. Also NLU derives entities, which are pieces of relevant information from customer utterances such as: account numbers, amounts, and other parameters that are returned to complete a process corresponding to the intent thus enabling a conversational experience.
  • Identification & Verification (ID&V) – to identify and verify the customer if necessary
  • Directed Dialog – to automate relevant and structured business processes or provide information
  • Involve another NLU/AI platform – if it specializes in a particular topic
  • Hand off to a voice agent – to connect the customer to a live person with the full context of the interaction
  • Offer and schedule a callback - if outside of business hours or long wait time then the voicebot offers an immediate or scheduled callback from the voice channel (requires GMS)
  • Offer a voicebot survey depending on business context
  • Agents wasting time, capturing routine information
  • Increasing interactions on voice channels
  • Low first contact resolution rates
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Customer having to queue for along time to talk to agents
  • Frustrating IVR experiences leading to low NPS scores

  • Introduce self-service through Voicebots
  • Collecting of routine information through natural language understanding (NLU) Voicebots
  • Fulfilment of simple and repetitive tasks
  • Pass conversation history when handing over to an agent
  • Personalised interactions for customers based on NLU
  • Better user experience based on customer data
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Business Units, Head of Customer Service Differentiated BL1: Agent Handoff: The customer can ask to be connected to an available voice agent. Other context can also be displayed as Case Data.

BL2: Retries: The number of retries for self-service tasks and questions can be configured by a business user. Upon maximum retries the dialog can be configured to play a message, hand off to a voice agent, or offer a callback if busy or outside of business hours.

BL3: Response Type: The interaction flows can be configured to accept natural language spoken responses as well as closed spoken responses such as account number, date of birth, and yes/no questions.

BL4: Callback: If outside of business hours, or estimated wait time (EWT) is high, the voicebot can offer an immediate or scheduled callback. If this option is not included, then a message is played back to the caller that a transfer is not possible.

BL5: Survey: The customer can determine whether to address a survey or not. This can be based on:

  1. Customer profile information in UCS
  2. Genesys User Data
  3. API call to third-party data source

Parameters Influencing Voicebot Behavior

This Use Case is supported across industry verticals. The basic features of voicebot business logic such as personalization are parametrized. Example parameters include:

  • Personalization
  • Segmentation, offer management, characteristics, and most likely contact reason
  • Intents - the goal of the interaction - for example, a "pay_bill" intent returned by NLU Engine would indicate that the customer should be presented with an authentication business process followed by a payment business process
  • Entities - Additional pieces of key information returned by NLU Engine. These can accelerate the conversation by pre-populating answers to subsequent questions
  • Confidence levels

Agent Handoff:

  • Based on user choice, such as "I want to speak to an advisor"
  • Based on default handling, such as retries, timeouts, global commands
  • Based on application logic such as customer with an outstanding debt and application decides to transfer


  • Estimated wait time to determine whether to offer callback


  • Based on context from UCS, Genesys User Data, or third-party web service
When the conversation is handed over to a live agent, the interaction moves to one of these use cases, depending on the channel the customer is using - please see the Use Case Interdependencies section for related use cases. N/A N/A The following is a summary of real-time metrics, for more details reference the eServices Statistics for additional information.
  • Agent Group capacity for chat interactions to define whether to offer escalation to customer service.
  • Concurrent Chats statistic in the Chat Agent Activity template is helpful in assessing Agent Group capacity for chat interactions to define whether to offer escalation to customer service.
  • Chat Agent Activity is applicable for Agent and Agent Group object types.
  • Current Chat interactions waiting in the system
  • Current Wait statistic in Chat Queue Activity template addresses "Current Chat interactions waiting in the system".
  • Total Chat interactions (self-service vs assisted service). Following are a list of available templates:
    • Chat Agent Activity> Offered: The total number of chats that were offered for processing to this agent or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
    • Chat Agent Activity> Accepted: The total number of chats that were offered for processing and that were accepted by Agent during the specified period.
    • Chat Queue Activity>Requested: Total number of Chats Requested.
    • Chat Queue Activity> Accepted: Total number of Chats Accepted by Agent.
    • Chat Offered/Accepted: This metric is suited to Agents only (assisted service), unless some adapter for bots is used, the one that exposes itself as an agent.
    • Chats Requested: Represents all requests for new chats. These chats later may be served by agents or by bots.
  • Agent Group Status: There are out-of-the box templates with the same name with lots of useful statistics available supporting multimedia channels email, voice, chat and so forth, found in the Genesys Pulse Agent Statistics reference.
Intelligent Automation offers a suite of internal reports details:


  • Application Overview
  • System Pulse
  • Real-time Graphs
Prebuilt Reports
  • Summary
  • Calls per Day
  • Calls by Time of Day
  • Block Results
  • Recognition Summary
  • Business Task Summary

Customer Journeys

  • See what’s important to callers
  • Monitor the impact of changes
  • Compare customer experience
  • Data Extracts (CSV format)
  • Call Details
  • Business Tasks
  • GUI Actions
  • Inbound SMS
  • Use Case supports voice channel. Genesys Chatbots (CE31) for Genesys Engage on premises supports digital channels.
  • This Use Case is supported by industry templates that contain examples of voicebot applications combining personalization, natural language understanding, AI, and microapps. Voicebot application requirements including required microapps are confirmed during design. These application templates are created for Financial Services, Telco, and Travel.
  • Handoff to voice agent is on the same channel.
  • NLU Engine has been "trained" with intents.
  • NLU capabilities for other non-English languages can be supported through third-party NLU engines such as Google DialogFlow. Integration to third-party NLU/AI engines is a customization task. Dialogs that do not require NLU can support any language by using Personas.
  • Callback dialog flow is provided by the Intelligent Automation Smart Transfer microapp.
  • Chat transcript is not passed to callback agent.
  • Survey dialog flow is provided by the Intelligent Automation Questionnaire Builder microapp. Results available for download from the Intelligent Automation Control Center or via web service.
  • The Intelligent Automation Control Center (for Genesys Engage on-premises) to configure voicebots is localized to support the following languages:
    1. English (United Kingdom)
    2. French
    3. Spanish (Mexican)
    4. German
  • The IVR transcript will not pass in Genesys Engage on-premises.
  • The voicebot is deployed in a Hybrid model. On premise with Google speech, and other NLU providers on the Cloud.
  • Dialog Engine is only available on Genesys Cloud CX.

  • Voicebot configuration and settings will be quoted as part of a Professional Services engagement to capture requirements and business logic.
CE01 BO06 CE28 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE01 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE01 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case describes how Genesys Workforce Management helps you deliver a set of optimized schedules, utilizing agent skills and contract rules whilst providing editing and monitoring capabilities in the contact center.

A critical aspect to routing the call to the right agent is having an agent with the needed skills available to meet demand. Our solution optimizes staffing levels throughout the day and week to meet demand. As caller needs are identified and available skill segment agents are known, then optimal matching of the two can occur. Getting the caller to the most appropriate resource on the first pass results in fewer transfers, shorter contacts, and improved customer satisfaction.

The solution offers visibility into current information on agent performance metrics, schedule adherence and forecast variances. With this information, our solution allows for better management of variances between target and actual availability. Our solution also allows for specific adherence tools such as thresholds for maximum acceptable handle times.

The solution enables the precise scheduling of contact center agents based on integrated forecasting of expected activity. That means organizations are more likely to have an appropriate level of staffing for all portions of the workday. The result is reduced staffing costs, reduced telephony expenditures, and improved customer satisfaction.

Deliver a set of optimized schedules, utilizing agent skills and contract rules whilst providing editing and monitoring capabilities in the contact center. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • Inability to consistently meet SLA​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to excessive wait times and low first call resolution​
  • Low employee engagement due to high work pressure, receiving interaction types they cannot handle and ever changing schedules​​​​
  • High workforce cost due to overstaffing​
  • Poor CX due to understaffing​
  • Insufficient data for accurate forecasting​
  • Real performance/SLA not in line with forecast/schedule prediction​​​

  • Create an accurate forecast and effective schedule across all activities/queues​
  • Gain better insight into effectiveness of several forecasting/scheduling scenarios​
  • Report on who is ’out of schedule adherence’ in real time and historically.​
  • Automatically gather data for accurate forecasting from contact center platform​
  • Real time insight into intraday SLA & schedule adherence​​​


Consistent Genesys Workforce Management Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:

​The full use case outlined here is available on premise.​

  • Genesys Workforce Scheduling for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02) can be implemented at the same time.
A prerequisite to any basic WFM deployment is a formal Discovery process with resulting commensurate documentation.

This diagram shows the basic components that need to be considered when configuring WFM.

Employee Engagement - WFM - Configuration

N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. The following figure shows the reporting flow:


Approved, authorized staff can generate, schedule, and distribute out-of-the-box reports in the following categories:

  • Configuration
  • Forecast
  • Performance
  • Schedule
  • Adherence
  • Audit

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box real-time reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out of the box real-time and historical reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide


  • Interaction type is inbound voice only.
  • Does not include any of these advanced options:
    • Advanced Configuration - Digital Transactions:
      • Queues
      • Statistics
      • Importing Historical Data Volumes
      • Forecasting techniques
      • Reporting
    • Advanced Configuration - Enterprise Workload Management Transactions:
      • Queues
      • Statistics
      • Forecasting techniques
      • Reporting
    • Creation of more than six Security Roles
    • Advanced Configuration - Schedule States development to enable shrinkage tracking
    • Creation of more than six Adherence Rules
    • Advanced Configuration - Exceptions development to enable shrinkage tracking
    • Advanced Configuration - Agent Initiated Exceptions
    • Advanced Configuration - Activity Groups
    • Advanced Configuration - Email Notifications
    • Advanced Configuration - Custom color schemes
    • Advanced Configuration - Advanced Out-of-the-Box Reporting and Forecast Graphs
    • Advanced Forecasting - Shrinkage Tracking (Planned / Unplanned Overheads)
    • Advanced Scheduling - Activity Sets
    • Advanced Scheduling - Task Sequences
    • Advanced Scheduling - Agent Shift Trading
    • Advanced Scheduling - Rotating Patterns
    • Advanced Scheduling - Overtime Management
    • Advanced Scheduling - Secondary Shifts
    • Advanced Scheduling - Profile Scheduling
    • Advanced Scheduling - Agent Shift Preferences
    • Advanced Scheduling - Agent Schedule Bidding
    • Advanced Scheduling - Scheduling Team Managers
    • Advanced Scheduling - Shared Transportation Configuration
    • Automated Time Off (stage 1) - Web Agent Application enabled for agents to request Time Off
    • Automated Time Off (stage 2) - Time Off Rule Calculations with balance tracking
    • Automated Time Off (stage 3) - as above + Time Off Bidding
    • Automated Time Off (stage 4) - as above + Time Off Limits
    • Advanced Customization - Additional tab custom content of Agent Web
    • Advanced Customization - HR/Payroll Integration
    • Advanced Customization - ETL Enablement
    • Advanced Customization - API customization
  • Any additional Exceptions, beyond the standard predefined list (provided in the FDD) will require additional effort.
  • Any additional Schedule States beyond the predefined list will require additional effort and are out of the scope of this package.
  • If additional agents and contracts are needed beyond the pre-defined scope, additional effort will be required.
  • Historical Reporting: ICON, GIM & GI2 are not included in this package

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

  • More than 500 WFM agents within their PureConnect system
  • Required Workgroup level statistics are available
  • The WFM Deployment is within a single site, single data center
  • The number of WFM agents included in the base level package is 200 or less; more than 200 agents may require additional base level packages.
  • The prerequisites for EE01 on PureConnect are Genesys Call Routing (CE01)and Genesys Personalized Routing (CE02)
  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

The interaction type does not include any of these advanced options:

  • Advanced Configuration - additional Security Roles
  • Advanced Configuration - Advanced WFM Application Option settings
  • Advanced Configuration - Bespoke Schedule Element Colours
  • Advanced Configuration - Automated Reports Scheduler
  • Advanced Configuration - Audit Reports
  • Advanced Forecasting - Forecasting Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Scheduling Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Secondary Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Meeting Planner / Meeting Scheduler
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Contracts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Shifts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 24/7 Scheduling (night shift management)
  • Advanced Scheduling - Shared Transport Management for Supervisors & Agents
  • Advanced Customization - Mobile Agent Web


  • More than 500 WFM agents within their PureConnect system
  • Required Workgroup level statistics are available
  • The number of WFM agents included in the base level package is 200 or less; more than 200 agents may require additional base level packages.

The interaction type does not include any of these advanced options:

  • Advanced Configuration - additional Security Roles
  • Advanced Configuration - Adherence Rules
  • Advanced Configuration - Advanced WFM Application Option settings
  • Advanced Configuration - Bespoke Schedule Element Colours
  • Advanced Configuration - Automated Reports Scheduler
  • Advanced Configuration - Audit Reports
  • Advanced Forecasting - Forecasting Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Scheduling Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Secondary Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Meeting Planner / Meeting Scheduler
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Contracts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Shifts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 24/7 Scheduling (night shift management)
  • Advanced Scheduling - Shared Transport Management for Supervisors & Agents
  • Advanced Customization - Mobile Agent Web
CE01 CE01-S4B CE02 versions 1.2.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE02 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE02 GenesysEngage-onpremises When a contact center can effectively and accurately forecast and schedule for immediate and deferred work items, efficiency increases and centralization and standardization add even more value. This element of WFM allows users to forecast and schedule for non-immediate (“deferred”) work items like back office and digital. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • Inability to consistently meet SLA for digital channels​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to excessive wait times and low first contact resolution​
  • Low employee engagement due to high work pressure, receiving interaction types they cannot handle and ever changing schedules​​​​
  • High workforce costs due to overstaffing​
  • Poor CX due to understaffing​
  • Insufficient data for accurate forecasting​
  • Real performance/SLA not in line with forecast/schedule prediction​​​
  • Create an accurate forecast across all activities/queues that take in to account specific arrival patterns for digital interactions.​
  • Gain better insight into effectiveness of several forecasting/scheduling scenarios​​
  • Report on cross channel schedule adherence in real time and historically.​
  • Automatically gather data for accurate forecasting from contact center platform​
  • Real time insight into intraday SLA & schedule adherence​
Defined Genesy Workforce Management At least one of Digital use cases (email chat etc) n/a n/a Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out of the box historical reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide. Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

This use case can be deployed if one of the following Genesys Digital (Chat, Email, Social, SMS) products is deployed and Workforce Management is in place.

Other Assumptions

Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

Forecasting & Scheduling for Digital Interactions and / or Back Office transactions must come through Genesys Interaction Server into WFM or be loaded manually & continually through a flat file.

Genesys Workforce Scheduling for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02) can be implemented at the same time.

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM.

If using Genesys WFM with PureConnect, please note the following …

  • More than 500 WFM agents within their PureConnect system
  • Required Workgroup level statistics are available
  • The WFM Deployment is within a single site, single data center
  • The number of WFM agents included in the base level package is 200 or less; more than 200 agents may require additional base level packages.
  • Object type scheduling and forecasting will require workgroups to only handle and be configured for a single object type
  • The prerequisites for EE02 on PureConnect are Genesys Email Routing (CE16), Genesys Chat Routing (CE18), Genesys Social Media Routing (CE19) and Genesys SMS Routing (CE29)
  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

The interaction type does not include any of these advanced options:

  • Advanced Configuration - additional Security Roles
  • Advanced Configuration - Advanced WFM Application Option settings
  • Advanced Configuration - Bespoke Schedule Element Colours
  • Advanced Configuration - Automated Reports Scheduler
  • Advanced Configuration - Audit Reports
  • Advanced Forecasting - Forecasting Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Scheduling Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Secondary Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Meeting Planner / Meeting Scheduler
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Contracts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Shifts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 24/7 Scheduling (night shift management)
  • Advanced Scheduling - Shared Transport Management for Supervisors & Agents
  • Advanced Customization - Mobile Agent Web


  • More than 500 WFM agents within their PureConnect system
  • Required Workgroup level statistics are available
  • The number of WFM agents included in the base level package is 200 or less; more than 200 agents may require additional base level packages.

The interaction type does not include any of these advanced options:

  • Advanced Configuration - additional Security Roles
  • Advanced Configuration - Adherence Rules
  • Advanced Configuration - Advanced WFM Application Option settings
  • Advanced Configuration - Bespoke Schedule Element Colours
  • Advanced Configuration - Automated Reports Scheduler
  • Advanced Configuration - Audit Reports
  • Advanced Forecasting - Forecasting Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Scheduling Multi-Site Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Secondary Activities
  • Advanced Scheduling - Meeting Planner / Meeting Scheduler
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Contracts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 10+ Shifts
  • Advanced Scheduling - 24/7 Scheduling (night shift management)
  • Advanced Scheduling - Shared Transport Management for Supervisors & Agents
  • Advanced Customization - Mobile Agent Web
The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. This use case has to be enriched by additional information on the scope which would be included in a related PS package. Hackathon team relies on PS input on what needs to be done to implement the functionality described above. Part of this input will flow back in this use case to avoid ambiguity on the customer side. CE16 CE18 CE19 CE29 Genesys Workforce Scheduling for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02) can be implemented at the same time. This use Case is available in Cloud v 1.1.5
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE03 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE03 GenesysEngage-onpremises Forecasting and tracking shrinkage allows a business to deliver a more efficient resource/demand plan by taking that factor into account.

Shrinkage describes the percentage of time that employees are not handling interactions. Examples of different types of shrinkage:

  • Planned
    • Vacations
    • Meetings / Training
  • Unplanned
    • Sickness
    • Emergency Situation

In Genesys WFM, the term shrinkage is synonymous with the term overheads.

Overheads are assigned to schedule state groups. A schedule state group a collection of schedule states linked to a site. Schedule states include breaks, meals, exceptions, time off instances and so on.

A forecaster uses shrinkage as an optional step in the forecasting process to pre-plan additional FTE requirements. For example, it is known that vacations & team meetings are going to take place and pre-planning for this to ensure it can go ahead without affecting service level goals.

Shrinkage is attached to a schedule state group, so actual, historical shrinkage achievement can easily be measured and applied to the configured overhead. This will increase the accuracy of future shrinkage planning because it can be based on accurate numbers.

A scheduler can use the schedule state totals screen in Genesys WFM to review the impact of shrinkage levels on service level performance and make changes to the day accordingly, like moving or cancelling team meetings or initiating an overtime process.

A team leader or supervisor may have a shrinkage KPI / MBO - they will want to be aware of how much and what types of shrinkage are occurring in their team. Armed with this information, they will be able to effectively manage their team’s performance which will contribute to the overall performance of their business.

Shrinkage is a generic term used in contact centers to describe the percentage of time that employees are not handling interactions. It must be planned for to allow service targets to be met to an appropriate level of efficiency. Genesys WFM provides a variety of shrinkage management options. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Inability to consistently meet SLA across activities and work types​
  • Inability to track/manage shrinkage as part of the forecast process​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to excessive wait times and low first contact resolution​​
  • Low employee engagement due to high work pressure, receiving interaction types they cannot handle and ever changing schedules​
  • High workforce costs due to overstaffing​
  • Poor CX due to understaffing​
  • Real performance/SLA not in line with forecast/schedule prediction​
  • Create an accurate forecast across all activities/queues that includes ability to track shrinkage by using a template or manually entering shrinkage data​
  • Gain better insight into effectiveness of several forecasting/scheduling scenarios​​
  • Automatically gather shrinkage data for accurate forecasting from contact center platform​
  • Real time insight into cross channel intraday SLA & schedule adherence​​​

Consistent No sellable items See Prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
n/a n/a Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of real time reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out of the box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

The dependency use case covers the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions. Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02)

  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE04 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE04 GenesysEngage-onpremises Enrich any of the existing use cases handling inbound interactions with the ability to route calls based on WFM schedules. Doing so can help ensure a more-balanced multi-skill workload for agents and improvement in schedule adherence. Routing strategies can route based on the anticipated availability of an agent. For example, interactions are not routed to agents immediately before they are scheduled for a break or a meeting. This improves agent adherence and leads to better customer service and worker efficiency. Schedule-based routing is a powerful tool enabling contact centers to optimize employee satisfaction while reduce attrition and unnecessary overtime all while providing better coverage.
  • Employees receive interaction types that do not match their schedule​
  • Employees miss their breaks or shift ends​
  • Frequent unplanned overtime drives higher operating cost (increased overtime)​
  • Unplanned overtime increases employee stress, dissatisfaction and attrition​
  • Route interactions to employees who are actually scheduled for the activity / interaction type​
  • Avoid sending interactions with long average handle times before a break starts or a shift ends​​​​​
  • Eliminate / reduce the number of skill changes needed to ensure appropriate coverage​
  • Offer a better (or the right) mix of activities to keep employees engaged (variety)​​​​
Defined No sellable items Please reference prerequisits
  • Use case is not applicable for cloud
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
BL1: Activity

It must be possible to match the possible routing targets of the underlying use case (skill expressions) to an activity in WFM. This activity will be used to identify the agent's schedules.

BL2: Scheduled agents and cut off time

Genesys scans schedules and activities stored in the WFM database periodically (every 15 minutes). This information will be used in Genesys routing decisions. Note that an agent could be working on multiple activities at any given time.

The routing cutoff time is the period that URS stops sending interactions to an agent for the activity when the schedule for a specific activity is about to end. This cutoff time should reflect the duration of a typical interaction and a threshold that an agent can allow an interaction to overlap into the time of the next scheduled activity. For example, if the typical interaction lasts 3 minutes and the threshold is 2 minutes, cutoff time might be the difference between them or 1 minute. URS would no longer send interactions specific to that activity to a particular agent when only 1 minute remains for the agent to spend doing that activity. Cut off times will be configurable by activity.

BL3: Timeout to wait for a scheduled agent

This timeout will be configurable by activity.

Full distribution requirements will be included in the underlying use case. The distribution requirement specific for this use case are described in the previous chapters. N/A No additional agent desktop requirements. No additional real-time reporting requirements. Reporting requirements in addition to the reporting functionality of the underlying use cases:

- Number of Interactions which were distributed according to schedule - Number of Interactions overflowing back to skill based routing

  • Workforce Management base service (WFM Use Case or Genesys WFM product) already deployed is a pre-requisite.
  • Depending on the channels which should be covered with this use case, Inbound or Digital Use Cases is required.
  • This use case currently does not support chat as this is not included in the available WFM use cases.
  • Use case is not compatible with the functional use case “predictive matching”.

CE01 CE01-S4B CE02 CE16 CE19 CE29 EE01 EE02 v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE07 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE07 GenesysEngage-onpremises Businesses need to reliably record calls to improve customer experience and employee performance, be compliant, and manage risk.

Genesys Interaction Recording is a compliance and control platform thatreliably records 100% of calls — even across multiple sites — and makes it easy to search and access recordings regardless of location. Through voice recording, customer service operations can analyze the quality of voice conversations, identify training needs and help to continuously improve the performance of employees. The payoff is a better customer experience.

Fully integrated to the CIM platform, Genesys Interaction Recording provides economies and powerful recording control via a host of integrations across the suite. This powerful solution will enable the modern contact center to record the entire customer interaction, allowing the contact center to meet quality or regulatory compliance requirements.

100% voice recording of customer conversations with an agent for compliance and regulatory requirements.
  • Inability to record all calls reliably​
  • Lack of useful metadata about recorded calls​
  • No end-to-end recording, particularly when calls are transferred across multiple locations​
  • High Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for recording​
  • Desire to move away from incumbent recording vendor​
  • Current recording solution doesn’t support SIP transformation strategy​​
  • Implement an Interaction Recording solution which is natively integrated with your Customer Experience Platform (single vendor for both)​
  • Record 100% of the calls handled by your contact centers with no “lost” calls to increase compliance, decrease risk, and evaluate 100% of calls.​
  • Include extensive metadata with each recorded call​
  • Record and stitch calls from cradle-to-grave, even across multi-site transfers
Consistent Genesys Interaction Recording - Voice Recording Genesys Interaction Recording – Voice Recording HA (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
Details of the business flow described in the previous chapter depend on how the system will be set up for your environment. This chapter describes the options which are available and how the initial set-up will be done for your environment by Genesys Professional Services within the scope of this Smart use case.


Metadata are tags which will be added to the recording and allow precisely targeted interaction search and selection for evaluation and analysis. What data are available depend on the distribution logic implemented in your environment and will be defined with you during the implementation project.

Archiving and Purging Criteria

Recordings can be archived and / or purged from the system after a specified time. After recordings have been purged, they are no longer available for supervisors or compliance officers via the Genesys user interface. The corresponding policies will be configured during the set-up of this use case. Within the scope of this use case, we will set up one set of rules which will be valid for all recorded calls. Archived files are not managed by GIR. It is customer's responsibility to set up lifecycle policy of these archives and purge them after the lifecycle period.

Access Control

Access control to recordings is managed by user roles and associated permissions as well as by the organizational hierarchy defined for the individual agents. The scope of this use case includes default set of roles that can be provided upon request.

Pause / Resume recording

The ability for an agent to pause / resume a recording from his agent desktop will be enabled or disabled based on customer requirements.

N/A N/A The agent will have the optional capability to pause/resume a recording when confidential information is passed via the call via his agent desktop. N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Recording.

As this is a compliance use-case, it is not relevant how many calls per service/business line/customer segment are recorded. Assumption is that 100% of calls are recorded.

In addition to the historical reporting, Genesys Interaction Recording provides audit logs for recording access. These audit logs contain the following information:

  • Who accessed a recording
  • Which recording
  • When
  • Deletions
  • Playback requests
  • Exports
  • Report exports
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Reason Code
  • All attached metadata
  • Archive and Purging logs
  • The Record Interactions – Base package supports 100% voice recording at the DN level only (no other recording methods).
  • Apache is the only load balancer currently supported for GIR.
  • GIR MCP’s will not be shared with GVP
  • The following activities are out of scope:
    • Configuration of Network at its final state: SBC, Media Gateways, VLANs, Firewalls, NAT, Trunking services, etc.
    • Configuration or Setup of additional Load Balancer software/hardware (DNS method or other)
    • Load balancing or cluster for API Servers
    • Configuration of External Storage system (e.g. SAN / NAS)
    • Set up of lifecycle policy for archived files
    • Installation of the standard out of the box WDE
    • Customization of other desktop application to enable Dynamic Recording
    • High Availability for the Apache load balancer
    • Provisioning of recordings from other vendors
CE01 CE02 v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE08 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE08 GenesysEngage-onpremises Recording calls and agent screens is important for quality management purposes. Simultaneous playback of recorded calls and agent screens helps to identify issues with agent efficiency, desktop applications, and to identify the training needs of each agent. This powerful solution will enable the modern contact center to record the entire customer interaction, allowing the contact center to meet quality or regulatory compliance requirements. Genesys provides organizations with reliable, high-quality recordings of both audio communications and related desktop screen activity.

This powerful solution will enable the modern contact center to record the entire customer interaction, allowing the contact center to meet quality or regulatory compliance requirements. Genesys provides organizations with reliable, high-quality recordings of both audio communications and related desktop screen activity.

100% voice recording of customer conversations for compliance and regulatory requirements, with a sub-selection of screens being recorded.
  • Inability to record calls and screens reliably​
  • Lack of useful metadata about recorded interactions​
  • No end-to-end recording, particularly when calls are transferred across multiple locations​
  • High Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for recording​
  • Desire to move away from incumbent recording vendor​
  • Current recording solution doesn’t support SIP transformation strategy​​
  • Implement an Interaction Recording solution which is natively integrated with your Customer Experience Platform (single vendor for both)​
  • Record 100% of the calls handled by your contact centers with no “lost” calls to increase compliance, decrease risk, and evaluate 100% of calls.​
  • Include extensive metadata with each recorded conversation​
  • Record and stitch calls from cradle-to-grave, even across multi-site transfers
Defined Genesys Interaction Recording - Voice Recording Genesys Interaction Recording – Voice Recording HA (Optional) Genesys Interaction Recording – Screen Recording Genesys Interaction Recording – Screen Recording HA (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.​
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
Parameters and Business Rules

Details of the business flow described in the previous chapter depend on how the system will be set up for your environment. This chapter describes the options which are available and how the initial set-up will be done for your environment by Genesys Professional Services within the scope of this Smart use case.


Metadata are tags which will be added to the recording and allow precisely targeted interaction search and selection for evaluation and analysis. What data are available depend on the distribution logic implemented in your environment and will be defined with you during the implementation project. Genesys Professional Service will configure up to 10 metadata elements within the scope of this use case.

Archiving and Purging Criteria

Recordings can be archived and / or purged from the system after a specified time. After recordings have been purged, they are no longer available for supervisors or compliance officers via the Genesys user interface. The corresponding policies will be configured during the set-up of this use case. Within the scope of this use case, we will set up one set of rules which will be valid for all recorded calls. Archived files are not managed by GIR. It is customer's responsibility to set up lifecycle policy of these archives and purge them after the lifecycle period.

Access Control

Access control to recordings is managed by user roles and associated permissions as well as by the organizational hierarchy defined for the individual agents. The scope of this use case includes default set of roles that can be provided upon request.

Pause / Resume recording

The ability for an agent to pause / resume a recording from his agent desktop will be enabled or disabled based on customer requirements.

Screen Recording Percentage

Screen recording will be done for a percentage of calls only. The system will be set up with a fixed percentage. Audio will be recorded in 100% of the cases.

  • The agent will have the optional capability to pause/resume a recording when confidential information is passed via the call via his agent desktop.
  • The Screen Recording Service is installed on the agent's desktop by IT.
N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Recording.

In addition to the historical reporting, Genesys Interaction Recording provides audit logs for recording access. These audit logs contain the following information:

  • Who accessed a recording
  • Which recording
  • When
  • Deletions
  • Playback requests
  • Exports
  • Report exports
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Reason Code
  • All attached metadata
  • Archive and Purging logs
  • The Record Voice and Screen Interactions Use Case supports 100% voice recording at the DN level only (no other recording methods).
  • Apache is the only load balancer currently supported for GIR.
  • GIR MCP’s will not be shared with GVP
  • The following activities are out of scope:
    • Configuration of Network at its final state: SBC, Media Gateways, VLANs, Firewalls, NAT, Trunking services, etc.
    • Configuration or Setup of additional Load Balancer software/hardware (DNS method or other)
    • Load balancing or cluster for API Servers
    • Load balancing for SpeechMiner UI
    • Configuration of External Storage system (e.g. SAN / NAS)
    • Set up of lifecycle policy for archived files
    • Installation of the standard out of the box WDE/WWE beyond those for initial testing
    • Installation of the standard out of the box WDE/WWE
    • Customization of other desktop application to enable Dynamic Recording
    • High Availability for the Apache load balancer
    • Provisioning of recordings from other vendors
  • The only supported desktops for GIR with Screen Recording is Workspace Desktop Edition and Workspace Web Edition

CE01 CE02 version 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE09 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE09 GenesysEngage-onpremises Quality Management (QM) helps organizations move beyond random sampling to gain a deeper understanding of its agent/customer interactions by monitoring, evaluating, and studying customer interactions. Quality Management not only helps organizations identify agents who underperform, but it also helps them identify the root cause of an agent's behavior.

By understanding agent performance and productivity at a granular level, Quality Management offers insight into customer interactions and ways in which agents can improve them. That is, Quality Management offers insight that can increase employee productivity, resolve future customer disputes and subsequently enhance customer service. It enables you to ensure consistent and professional service.

The QM module is a tool that helps organizations improve agent productivity as well as customer satisfaction. The key features such as Forms Manager and Evaluations Manager can be utilized for evaluating agent productivity, as well as targeted agent training. These features allow easy detection and training of agents who do not adhere to compliance or specified procedures.

Quality Management key features include:

Forms Manager: Enables you to create feedback forms to use when evaluating your contact center agents.

Evaluations manager: Enables you to create evaluations to monitor your agent's productivity and efficiency.

Evaluation Sessions: Provides a list of existing evaluation sessions.

Reports: Enables you to monitor agent or evaluator progress using predefined reports, identify areas for training, and calibrate evaluator responses to limit evaluation variations.

After a call is recorded, it's time to perform a quality evaluation by choosing one of the following two methods:
  • Ad-Hoc Evaluations - allow users to pick and choose which calls they want to evaluate, along with any relevant evaluation forms.
  • Targeted Evaluations - leveraging any Genesys metadata, users can predefine which calls needs to be evaluated and by whom within a configurable timeframe.
  • Managers, Supervisors, Coaches and Quality Analysts waste time hunting for relevant interactions to evaluate for quality purposes
  • Manual methods of tracking the results of evaluations (i.e. Excel) make it difficult to achieve consistency across different evaluators
  • Evaluation results and scores are difficult to efficiently and effectively manage, report upon and analyze
  • Communication with agents regarding QA results can be difficult and confrontational.
  • Automate the process of creating forms (questionnaires) for evaluating interaction quality
  • Automate the distribution/management of evaluation sessions.
  • Include extensive metadata with each recorded interaction to precisely target which interactions to evaluate.
  • Store evaluation scores in a database and use pre-defined reports to analyze and monitor those results
Defined Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
Details of the business flow described in the previous chapter depend on how the system is set up for your environment and how your team defines the details. This section describes the tools used to define the business logic.

Form Manager

With the Quality Management - Forms Manager you can create and manage forms that enable evaluators to provide feedback about a specific agent. That is, when a form is included in an evaluation, it becomes part of a process that helps you identify how an agent is functioning, and subsequently what the agent needs to do in order to maximize your business goals and customer satisfaction.

Evaluation Manager

Quality Management evaluations are the best way to evaluate and improve agent behaviors that support your business goals. They drive the behaviors that promote a specific agenda by enabling you to assess how well your agents are performing during customer interactions.

Evaluation Sessions

To help ensure that an agent's participation in an interaction coincides with a specific business agenda, SpeechMiner Quality Management evaluators receive a list of evaluation sessions that they must fill out according to a configurable schedule. A completed evaluation session provides a view into how an agent communicates with consumers. Such evaluation sessions provide consistent and regular feedback that helps surface insightful reports, comments, and suggestions that can lead to formal skills training and action plans to improve an agent's performance. In addition, ad-hoc evaluations can be performed by selecting individual interactions.

Action Items creates an environment where evaluators and agents can communicate, leveraging alerts informing when evaluations are completed or acknowledged.


Reports are summaries and analyses of interaction, speech, and external metadata. You can generate reports for analysis, view report details and status, and share the data with users throughout the enterprise. You can view reports in your browser, print them, or send them via email. To help you monitor your business, SpeechMiner offers a wide range of standard reports that can be customized to better suit your needs. Depending on the type of report, the results may be presented as lists or data and/or in graphic form. In some reports, you can drill down to see additional details.

Parameters and Business Rules common flow

The following needs to be set up to support the Quality Management process:

  1. IT Admin to set up Users, Role-based access rights, and additional metadata configuration.
  2. Set up a Question Library:
    • Define the measurement based on categories.
    • Define question types (such as multiple choice, yes/no) and number of questions.
    • Define actual answers, and the number of answers.
    • Define Weighting of the scoring type.
  3. Create Form: Define name, description, create categories, and insert questions from Library.
  4. Plan Evaluation and Calibration:
    • Choose New Evaluation Type: Distribution, Calibration, Shared
    • Interactions - date range, metadata, agents, ixn type, ixn duration, number of ixns for evaluation
    • Scheduling - one time, or recurrence (by minute, hour, days, weeks, months,) schedule series expiry (after minute, hour, days, weeks, months.) Date range of start and finish of scheduling.
    • Activate schedule.
  5. Select an evaluation session:
    • Select review session, playback interaction, and score by assigned forms.
    • Save to be included in performance results.
  6. Create reports by templates:
    • Select template and user type and assign relevant data.
    • Save to report library or dashboard.
    • Create subscriptions for feedback reports.
Creation by Supervisor, Team leaders, Quality Managers to publish reports by subscriptions of feedback by email. In case there is need of screen recording (Premise only), the Genesys Voice and Screen Recording (EE08) for Genesys Engage on premises use case is a prerequisite and a desktop client needs to be deployed on each workstation. NA Speechminer report templates enable you to create a dashboard display to address:
  • What the actual state of planned review sessions and the remaining target?
  • What are the actual scoring results per site/team/agent?
  • Is scoring done similarly by reviewers to assure scoring standards?

QM Report templates include:

  • Planning/Quota progress report
  • Quality Performance report
  • Feedback results report to inform agents
  • Supervisor Calibration report
  • Team comparison
  • Recording is set up in full detail and metadata relevancy is sorted out.
  • Understanding of the business QA process:
    • Scoring quotas/targets and planning criteria are known.
    • Scoring thresholds are known, such as 60% minimum 90% excellent.
    • Scoring categories are defined, such as greeting, knowledge, behavior.
    • Scoring question types are defined, such as multiple choice and pass/fail.
    • Scoring answers follows a business standard like 2,3,4, answers plus free text.
    • Preferred output is defined, such as how to display what has been measured.
  • Regulatory issues: with every project it is highly recommended to discuss local restrictions related to compliance, data protection, and any special regulations, to make sure that access to interactions and permission to review is understood in full detail.
Quality management is mainly driven by the Speechminer GUI as business usage related to the QM process of QA Staff and team leads.
  • IT Admins use GAX and Cloud administrative UIs.
  • Supervisors and Quality Managers use Speechminer.
  • Agents use Speechminer and the email client.
EE07 EE08 v 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE10-A Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE10-A GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case focuses on operational efficiency and employee empowerment through automated time-off processing, featuring:
  • Time-off balance is automatically calculated and recalculated when supervisors or agents update time-off.
  • The time-off balance for each agent is automatically calculated at the beginning of every time-off year and when the date associated to a time-off rule is reached.
  • Control of the number of agents on time off in the time-off limits.
  • Time-off tracking to support shrinkage calculations applied to the staffing forecasts.This use case provides the following business benefits:
Employees can self-manage their time off, controlled through business rules. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • With a PureConnect integration to WFM through EE01, this use case and all configuration strictly lies within Genesys Multicloud CX WFM and is outside of the PureConnect platform.
  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Processing time off requests manually is both time consuming and process heavy for workforce management teams​
  • Employees get frustrated with the lack of tools available for them to self-manage their schedules.​
Consistent No sellable items Please see prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​​WFM Application settings managed by Cloud Ops
Capabilities Assumption:​​
  • WFM Web Application settings enabled for Time Off
Time-off rules, limits, and configuration is specific to the customer, vertical, region, and country laws, and so can vary widely. However, the base requirements are:
  • Time-Off Limit Values
  • Time-Off Types
  • Application of Time-Off Rules to Time-Off Types
  • Enabling of time-off self-management
N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys Workforce Management product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

The dependency use case covers the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions. Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02)

  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

Schedule State Groups are configured to meet business requirements regarding Time-Off Types. EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.2.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE10-B Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE10-B GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case focuses on operational efficiency and employee empowerment through enabling employees to request and drive their own shift exceptions, optimizing both employee satisfaction and business operational needs. The use case features:
  • The ability for an agent to enter an exception into the published schedule.
  • Labor-saving as agents enter exceptions that would otherwise be entered by supervisors.
  • Agent empowerment, allowing agents to enter items into their own schedules.
  • Supervisor control, as customers can decide whether the agent-initiated exception is pushed directly to the master schedule or is if it requires supervisor approval prior to appearing in the schedule.
Deliver the capability for an employee to enter exceptions (offline activities) into their schedule via the Workforce Management User Interface without the need to supervision or effort on the planner's behalf. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • With a PureConnect integration to WFM through EE01, this use case and all configuration strictly lies within Genesys Multicloud CX WFM and is outside of the PureConnect platform.
  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Exception requests from employees historically have been manual tasks coming either through request systems or via email.
Consistent No sellable items Please see prerequisits
  • This use case is available in Premise
  • This use case is available in Cloud
The following business capabilities need to be in place to allow this capability to be of benefit:
  • Defined rules and decisions on which exceptions employees can use.
  • Confirmation from the business on the operating procedures of such exceptions.
N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys Workforce Management product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

Supervisor has a user role allowing access to Exceptions. In Web Supervisor application > Policies > Exception Types:

  • check ‘Agent-Initiated’ to enable the functionality
  • enter optional start/end dates if required
  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02) Additional assumptions which are included in the dependency use cases cover the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions.

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

This use case should be considered only if the business intends to allow agents to have a say in how their schedules get built. EE01 EE02 EE26 No results No results v 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE10-C Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE10-C GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case focuses on operational efficiency and employee empowerment by enabling employee shift preferences and optimizing both employee satisfaction and business operational needs.

The Workforce Management schedule builder can optionally consider agent preferences for individual days when building schedules. Agents can enter preferences for shifts, days off, availability, and time off using WFM Web for Agents. Supervisors can enter agent preferences in Workforce Management Web for Supervisors and, with the appropriate security permissions, can grant or reject preferences. If a supervisor grants a preference, the calendar algorithm considers that agent’s preference when building the schedule, along with various other criteria such as seniority.

Deliver the capability for an employee to self-manage their schedule preference requirements within the Workforce Management product, controlled through business rules. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • With a PureConnect integration to WFM through EE01, this use case and all configuration strictly lies within Genesys Multicloud CX WFM and is outside of the PureConnect platform.
  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Employee’s in modern contact centers wish to nominate overall preferences for daily work. Without the ability to specify individual preferences some employees can end up with undesirable schedules, leading to attrition and excessive shrinkage.
Consistent No sellable items Please see prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​.
  • WFM Application settings managed by CloudOps
Capabilities Assumption:​​
  • WFM Application settings enabled for preferences: WFM Web >AgentPreferences\AllowAccess=true
The ability to set preferences relies on the underlying contract and shift configuration configured for each business unit, site, team, and employee. N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys Workforce Management product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

  • WFM Application settings are detailed in the functional design document.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

The dependency use case covers the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions.

Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02)

  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

Consider configuring shift names that have meaning to agents so they are clear on what they are selecting. EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE10-D Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE10-D GenesysEngage-onpremises Within any organization, it is inevitable that employees will need to start their daily shift later than planned or leave for the day earlier than planned, for a variety of reasons (such as lateness, doctor's appointment, or illness).

The Lateness Payback feature of the Genesys Workforce Management solution allows a supervisor or an employee to input the period of time for which they will need to be absent, due to starting later or leaving earlier than planned. This time can now be made up by arriving earlier, departing later, or reducing the length of the employee's meal for the affected day or a future day.

Supervisors and employees can now insert unpaid, part-day exceptions into schedules to indicate missed work time and insert work intervals into schedules to pay back or recoup it. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.

Please be advised that the latest revision of the "WFM with PureConnect" document is available on Genie. This document contains a side-by-side comparison of Optimizer and WFM.

  • With a PureConnect integration to WFM through EE01, this use case and all configuration strictly lies within Genesys Multicloud CX WFM and is outside of the PureConnect platform.
  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Employees arriving late for their shift must manually find a way to make up the time​
  • Supervisors and Planners need to make manual adjustments to the employees schedules to account for employee lateness or other partial day absences​
  • Employees do not have options as to how they can make up for lost time due to lateness or early departure​​
  • ​Allow employees to interact directly with their schedule to indicate how they will pay back the time they had to deduct.
  • ​Allow employees to choose whether to pay back time via extending the current day's schedule, extending a future day's schedule, or reduce the length of an unpaid meal instead of using personal time off they have accrued.​​
Consistent No sellable items Please see prerequisits
  • This use case is available on Premise
  • This use case is available on Cloud
Marked Time types representing lateness payback time need to be configure with the "Use to Mark Payback" option selected.

Exceptions to be used to define the lateness/early-depature itself must be configured in accordance with:

  • Unpaid
  • Partial Day
  • Breaks-over-Exceptions are NOT allowed
  • Agent Initiated selected with NO date range defined
N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys Workforce Management product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

Genesys Workforce Management v8.5.206 or higher

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

The dependency use case covers the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions.

Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02)

  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE11 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE11 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case focuses on operational efficiency and employee empowerment through enabling the employee shift bidding process. In this process, planners build employee profiles rather than individual employee schedules. Once schedules are created, the employees are asked to populate their individual profiles with their preferred shift combinations.

Contrary to the use of rotating patterns and agent shift preferences, Workforce Management Schedule Bidding allows supervisors to build schedules based on the best coverage available within the pre-defined business rules, constraints, and labor laws. The supervisor controls which agents can bid on schedules and the dates available for bidding, allowing for complete operational control.

Provides the capability for workforce planning teams to generate schedules based on profiles of their configured employees. Once generated, these profiles can be pushed to the employee for preference selection. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.
  • With a PureConnect integration to WFM through EE01, this use case and all configuration strictly lies within Genesys Multicloud CX WFM and is outside of the PureConnect platform.
  • Version should be v8.5.206 or higher
  • Employee satisfaction in regards to shift designs leads to attrition and employee engagement issues.​
  • Enable employees with self- service by allowing them to bid on their shift.
Differentiated No sellable items Please see prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • TBC
  • ​Need to check with Cloud Ops
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
The ability to create profiles relies on the underlying contract and shift configuration configured for each business unit, site, team, and employee.

Bidding is available for one-week schedules, allowing agents to select a group of shifts over a given period.

The supervisor user role has the following access:

  • WFM Policies > Contracts > Profiles
  • WFM Configuration > Agents > Activities & Skills
  • WFM Schedules > full access

Contract Profiles are created with the appropriate skill assigned to provide optimum coverage and relation to real agents.

N/A Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys Workforce Management product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements.

Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Workforce Management

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

The dependency use case covers the PureConnect Platform-specific assumptions.

Please be advised that Genesys Back office Scheduling (EE26) is currently not a dependency for this use case for PureConnect. The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Workforce Management for Voice (EE01) and Genesys Omnichannel Workforce Scheduling (EE02)

  • PureConnect GWFM Connector is required to utilize Genesys WFM on PureConnect

Other Assumptions

The customer has the requirement or desire to use this element of advanced WFM. The Inbound Voice use case is a pre-requisite of the base WFM package, including the definition of Queues, Stats, Agents & Skills. Because the WFM Web Supervisor uses Java, both JRE and Tomcat are requirements. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific versions.

  • WFM Application settings enabled for Bidding: WFM Web > AgentBidding\AllowAccess=true.
  • Supervisor builds profile schedules.
  • Agents enter bids using Web Agent application.
  • Supervisor controls the bidding process using seniority, rank, or both.
Base WFM configuration completed for skills and profiles. EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE12 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE12 GenesysEngage-onpremises Optimizing offline scheduling tasks allows a business to streamline operational processes between departments such as resource planning/forecasting, training, and contact center operations. Scheduling offline tasks is typically a very manual process occupying up to 30% of organizational Manpower planning and training resources.

Scheduling offline activities such as meetings, training, and coaching, can often be a time-consuming and disparate process. Consequently, scheduling teams have to juggle the optimum time for each session based on the business requirements and targets with room, manager and trainer availability. Due to the different business areas and systems involved, many in-house spreadsheets are developed to help record, track, and communicate the progress of the activities, all adding time and complexity to the process.

Training Manager helps remove these challenges, promoting a more collaborative working practice while managing the end-to-end process as a single entity. Managers and trainers can request and schedule their own ad-hoc meetings and training via the Training Manager Web Portal.

Through integrations with Workforce Management and Exchange, Training Manager can show:

  • The best time to schedule an activity for business and agent availability.
  • When managers and trainers are available
  • When rooms are available

This integration allows for the creation of an optimized schedule for activities in minutes. Once finalized, the schedule can automatically be pushed to the following systems:

  • WFM
    • Update agent, manager, and trainer schedules and work exceptions
  • Exchange
    • Update room calendars
  • Training Manager Portal
    • Update agent, manager, and trainer calendars
    • Create training attendance registers
  • Email
    • Send participants and facilitators notification and calendar invites to their scheduled sessions
Deliver a set of capabilities to workforce planners that allow them to plan and execute offline scheduling of activities in the most efficient & effective manner.
  • Unable to optimize the scheduling of off line activities which also involve trainers, rooms and managers which typically do not sit within a WFM schedule.​
  • Scheduling offline tasks is typically a very manual process occupying up to 30%+ of Resource Planning and Training Resources.​
  • Due to the different business areas and systems involve many in-house spreadsheets are developed to help record, track and communicate the progress of the of the activities all adding time and complexity to the process.​
Differentiated No sellable items Please see prerequisits Training Manager is available on an Azure Standalone cloud. Training Manager would be able to connect withGenesys Engage on-premises platform and GWFM from the standalone cloud.
  • The offer will be available only as a Hybrid Offer for Genesys Engage on-premises Customers. The offer consists of the following
    • Training Manager Thick client can be installed by administrators on their systems
    • Training Manager Servers will reside in Azure Standalone Cloud
    • Training Manager Portal will be hosted from the Azure Standalone cloud
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on-premise.
The business user needs to predefine, in the underlying workforce management system, the offline activities that are valid for scheduling. N/A Supervisors, Learning Management, and Workforce Planning teams access the Training Manager user interface. The integration between Workforce Management and Training Manager provides the users with a richer user experience and roles based behaviors, privileges and actions. Agents access the Workforce Management Web Agent User Interface with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

Real-time Reporting:

The following figure shows the reporting flow:


Approved, authorized staff have access to generate, schedule, and distribute out-of-the-box reports in the following categories:

  • Configuration
  • Forecast
  • Performance
  • Schedule
  • Adherence
  • Audit

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box real-time reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.
  • API to GWFM is available.

Training Manager is available on an Azure Standalone cloud. Training Manager would be able to connect with

Genesys Engage on-premises platform and GWFM from the standalone cloud.

  • The offer will be available only as a Hybrid Offer for Genesys Engage on-premises Customers. The offer consists of the following
    • Training Manager Thick client can be installed by administrators on their systems
    • Training Manager Servers will reside in Azure Standalone Cloud
    • Training Manager Portal will be hosted from the Azure Standalone cloud
Up-to-date schedules are configured, and access to non-WFM users such as managers/trainers is input. This use can also support NICE IEX and Teleopti Workforce Management solutions where the customer has those products available. EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE13 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE13 GenesysEngage-onpremises As a base functionality, Performance DNA enables organizations to measure, manage, and develop employee skills and capability. Online knowledge assessments and feedback surveys are created within the system and are used to benchmark employee core knowledge. Learning items such as audio & video files, slide decks, documents, and webpages can be attached to Performance DNA assessments to address any knowledge gaps and ultimately improve employee capability.

Data is captured and maintained electronically while in-system reports provide real-time updates on activity completion and results. Learning items can then be delivered in a targeted manner, to address skills and capability gaps identified by Performance DNA, instead of using a generic “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Performance DNA provides:

  • Clearly defined and validated skills & capability blueprint – Performance DNA blueprints align with HR, L&D, and Operations. Employee skills and capability data are captured electronically and retained in-system.
  • Increase speed to competency – Self-paced learning and assessment programs can be deployed for new hires or existing employees to improve their speed to competency. Blueprints identify actual skills and capability levels among employees across the organization. Learning items can be targeted at addressing gaps quickly and effectively.
  • Enterprise employee optimization journeys – Creation of individual employee development journeys provides clear visibility of the skill levels of all employees across the enterprise.
  • Reduced L&D cost – Targeted development reduces costs associated with a "one size fits all" learning strategy. Online learning and assessments reduce over-reliance on classroom training and manual processing of attendance and results. Classroom training can be limited to employees who fail online learning and assessments. Digitalized assessments and reports cut back on trainers’ administrative workload, allowing them to focus on their core duties.
  • Standardized employee service to customers – Similarly skilled and capable employees are more likely to provide consistent experience to customers, maintaining similar resolution rates and handle times.
  • Record management, governance and certification – Training and coaching data such as completion, results, and analysis are stored in a single centralized source, reducing manual processing time, omissions, and errors. System-generated reports improve governance function and align with the requirements of ISO9001 and COPC CSP Standard.
Skills and capability can be assessed by importing historical data from previous activities conducted by the business, most notably by the learning and development team. Alternatively, or additionally, Performance DNA has a built-in assessment designer that can create multimedia-rich assessments. These include knowledge test, skills verification, scenario or situational assessments, aptitude tests and feedback surveys.

Once skills and capability data has been consolidated in Performance DNA, organizations can quickly and accurate identify highly skilled and capable employees across the enterprise for any given role. Their "blueprint" can be used as a benchmark for comparing skills and capability of other employees, teams, departments, outsources, or subsidiaries.

  • Core competencies for role not defined and validated​
  • Inconsistent customer experience​
  • Labor intensive L&D processes​​​
  • Limited Visibility of employee development​
  • Non-Conformities and Risk Exposure as untrained or unskilled employees many be allow to handle customer interactions.​​​
  • Employee skills and capability data are aligned with HR, L&D and Operations.​
  • Employee are able to have a self-paced learning platform to improve their speed to competency.​
  • Learning assign automatically based on knowledge gaps​
  • Clear visibility of the skill levels of all employees across the enterprise.​
  • Reduces L&D costs by providing targeted learning​
  • Provide consistent customers experience by providing skilled and capable employees across channels.​
  • Centralize reporting for training and coaching​
Consistent CIM CIM HA (Optional) SIP Interaction (Optional) SIP Interaction HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity (Optional) Any of the Digital Channels (Optional) Performance DNA Skills Management Training Manager Workforce Management Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
The business user needs to pre-define the assessments to be used for the baseline agent skill and capability benchmarking.

Business rules must be set up up to auto-assign the designated assessments to the targeted focus groups.

Rules must be set up to provide remedial learning if the agent scores below a certain baseline assessment target score.

N/A N/A Agents and supervisors access the Performance DNA UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a Standalone Cloud in a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture.
  • Performance DNA required a minimum of 200 agent seats are required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
Customer to provide HR data on each employee. The following data is required as a minimum:
  • Unique identifier (Employee ID or other)
  • Personal Identifiers: First and Last Name, Job Role, Induction Start Date, On-the-Job Start Date, Email address
  • Hierarchy Identifiers: Training Group, Team, Department / Business Unit, Site / Center, Company
  • Reporting Identifiers: Reporting Manager unique identifier, Reporting Manager Name
  • Optionally, customers can provide a historical skills and capability data, by employee and *activity. Skills and Capability data must include the following:
    • Unique identifier (Employee ID or other)
    • Activity identifier: Activity title, Activity type, Category, Date assigned, Date completed
    • Results identifier: Total Score, Achieved Score
    • Breakdown of score by question and answer (if necessary)
v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE14 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE14 GenesysEngage-onpremises As a base functionality, Performance DNA enables organizations to answer the following questions:
  • Who are my top performing employees?
  • What are my program-level and employee-level performance gaps?
  • Where should I focus my time and resource investments to achieve performance improvements?

Organizations measure employee performance using a variety of key performance indicators. However, organizations may struggle, or fail, to consolidate performance data from different systems in a single place. This lack of consolidation impairs organizations from engaging and developing their employees in the most efficient and effective manner, thus increasing their operating cost, risk of non-compliance, and adverse impact on customer experience.

Performance DNA provides senior executives, managers and supervisors with a holistic view of performance, enabling them to direct their focus and efforts to areas that need it the most. Insights from Performance DNA will help coaches and trainers better engage employees to maximise their capability and provide better customer experience. The solution further supports data-driven decision making and improvements to Governance, Resource Planning, HR and Continuous Improvement functions.Performance DNA provides:

  • Consolidated performance data – A centralized view of individual employee performance across the enterprise with the ability to roll data up to a department, business unit, or site view.
  • Improvement management decision-making and governance – Consolidated performance data and analytics enables management and stakeholders to make educated decisions around employee engagement and development initiatives. It also improves governance functions by providing visibility on performance variations across outsourcers, departments, business units, teams, or individuals.
  • Improved Performance Management – Create performance blueprints, or what we refer to as DNA mapping, based on multiple key performance indicators. Mapping enables businesses to identify performance issues at the program and agent levels. These insights improve management decision-making around employee engagement and development activities.
Recommended for new and existing customers, Performance DNA is an enterprise-wide solution for use across contact centers, back office, HR, retail, BPO, and others.

Performance DNA imports and consolidates employee performance data from multiple sources and uses that data to build DNA Strands for each job role.

Performance data can be imported from Genesys Insights (Infomart), data warehouse, and data extracts from other third-party systems (such as Oracle, Salesforce, and Cisco). By setting import service to run as a scheduled task, performance data can be updated automatically.

DNA Strands are composed of any single performance data (Component) or any combination of performance data that are grouped together (Block). Components and Blocks can be weighted to reflect the relative importance of the performance measures to the business, then allowing DNA Strands to calculate and present a single overall measure of performance.

DNA Strands provide key insights into overall employee performance and the variance between Top, Mid, and Low performers. This information is presented from a high-level organizational view down to individual employees, enabling fast and accurate comparison against the equivalent high-performing benchmarks.

  • Operational performance data is spread across multiple systems (e.g. quality assurance, learning management, human resources, call routing and workload management systems)​
  • No single source of truth for understanding good performance​
  • Consolidated performance data not presented to employees or their managers to facilitate coaching​
  • Consolidated performance data not presented to training and development teams to facilitate ongoing training​
  • Consolidated performance data not presented to senior executives and stakeholders to facilitate operational governance​​​
  • Have a centralized view of employee performance across the enterprise​
  • Create job role profiles directly aligned to business goals​
  • View individual employee performance to target coaching or development​
  • Compare your departments, branches, business units, centres to identify top, mid and low performance.
Consistent CIM CIM HA (Optional) SIP Interaction (Optional) SIP Interaction HA (optional) SIP Business Continuity Any of the Digital Channels (Optional) Performance DNA Skills Management Training Manager Workforce Management Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
The business user decides on the Performance data that will be measured and used as the building block for the Agent DNA KPI Block. N/A N/A Agents and supervisors access the Performance DNA UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. Details can be found in the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a Standalone cloud in a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture.
  • Performance DNA requires a minimum of 200 agent seats to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
  • Storage location for KPI data must be available to customer. Storage location for HR data must be available to customer.
  • Customer to provide HR data on each employee. The following data is required as a minimum:
    • Unique identifier (Employee ID or other)
    • Personal Identifiers: First and Last Name, Job Role, Induction Start Date, On-the-Job Start Date, Email address
    • Hierarchy Identifiers: Training Group, Team, Department / Business Unit, Site / Center, Company
    • Reporting Identifiers: Reporting Manager unique identifier, Reporting Manager Name
  • Customer to provide a minimum of three month’s historical performance data, by employee, and on either a daily or weekly basis. Performance data should include the following metrics:
    • Customer satisfaction metrics
      • For CSAT surveys – Total Surveys, Count Top Box, Count Middle Box, Count Bottom Box
      • For NPS Surveys – Total Surveys, Count Promoters, Count Passives, Count Detractors
    • Call handling metrics – Total Calls Answered, Total Handle Time, Total Talk Time, Total Hold Time, Total Wrap (After Call Work) Time
    • Call resolution metrics – Count Calls Eligible for Resolution, Count Calls Resolved (if multiple resolution metrics are used by the business, then repeat for each)
    • Call transfer or repeat metrics – Count Calls Transferred, Count Calls Repeated
    • Quality Assurance – Total Monitoring Sessions, Critical Score %, Non-Critical %
    • Sales data – Total Sales Unit, Total Sales Amount, Conversion Rates, Sales Target, Footfall (for retail)
    • Others

Note: KPI requirements vary depending on organization and type of operations and as such will be confirmed with the customer on a case-by-case basis.

v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE15 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE15 GenesysEngage-onpremises Employees can build their own Personal Development Plans, aligning the plans to their own individual KPI measurements. Managers can review, update and approve the plans in line with company goals. The solution can be used across the enterprise.This use case leverages the benefits from Genesys Performance Management (EE14) for Genesys Engage on premises and Genesys Skills Management (EE16) for Genesys Engage on premises, and provides these added benefits:
  • Online employee development plans – development plans can be created online, enabling the individual employee and manager to set objectives and development goals that are agreed on by both parties.
  • Continual development reviews – continual reviews of individual development can be carried out between the individual and manager to measure performance improvements over time.
  • Alignment of objectives with KPI targets – Key Performance Indicators can be used to set goals directly linked to individual performance.
  • Minimize employee attrition – Providing each employee with a clear and defined personalized development plan and career progression.
Delivers the capability to the manager to build an employee journey with objectives and targets to be met and to track it across time.
  • Ineffective processes for managing Performance Reviews –Process to measure the Personal Development Plans of employees is either manual or not aligned to KPIs​
  • No centralized view of employee development plans –Management have no holistic view of Personal Development Plans for employees which in turn hampers the development of a company-wide development strategy.​
  • High employee attrition– Employees are leaving the business as they don’t feel like they have clear personal development. Initial investment in employee development has slowed following onboarding training.
  • Clear visibility of the overall employee’s morale across the enterprise​
  • The ability to provide a clear and defined personalized development plans and career progression for each employee based​
  • Able to delivery effective and targeted learning quickly based on each employees knowledge gaps.​
  • Have a centralize platform to track employee skills and capability across the entire employee journey.
Consistent No sellable items Please see prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
Employees propose the objectives and how they are to be achieved, and must decide on the target types and targets associated to the objectives.

A review process meeting takes place between the Manager and employee to agree the final targets.

Business users create a Feedback Potential Capability Assessment.

Manager approve the proposed plan, review the results on a periodic basis, and complete a potential capability assessment of the employee.

N/A N/A Agents access the Performance DNA Web UI with a supported browser.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a Standalone Cloud in a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture.
  • Performance DNA requires a minimum of 200 agent seats are required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
EE14 EE16 v 1.0.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE16 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE16 GenesysEngage-onpremises This extensional use case is built on foundational use cases Genesys Skills Assessment (EE13) for Genesys Engage on premises and Genesys Performance Management (EE14) for Genesys Engage on premises. It unlocks the key differentiating features of Performance DNA, enabling organizations to:
  • identify skills & capabilities that drive high-performance,
  • personalize employee engagement and development,
  • increase coaching and training ROI, and
  • help achieve better business outcomes.

This use case is applicable in the following scenarios:

  • For existing customers who have deployed use case EE13 previously: Implementation of use case EE16 will be done in conjunction with use case EE14;
  • For existing customers who have deployed use case EE14 previously: Implementation of use case EE16 will be done in conjunction with use case EE13.
  • For new customers who are deploying use case EE13 and EE14 simultaneously: Implementation of use case EE16 will be done in conjunction with the above.

This use case addresses a number of pain points:

  • Performance management optimization – Develop performance "blueprints" based on multiple key performance indicators and employee skills & knowledge used to improve key business metrics. Gain key insights on the skills and capability of high performers and use this as the basis for developing skills and capabilities of all other employees.
  • Targeted personal development based on KPIs – Performance DNA blueprints help organizations identify specific skills and capability gaps of an employee when compared against a high performer in the same role. This enables targeted training and coaching based on each employee’s unique needs. Since development is based on high-performer skills and capabilities, the activities undertaken are aligned to overall business goals and targets.
  • Reduced Operating Costs – By aligning employee skills and capabilities to actual business performance, organizations increase their returns on investment. Targeted coaching and training are more effective and reduce the overall number of sessions that need to be scheduled.
  • Consistent customer experience - Gain actionable insights into the key skills drivers of company top performers and how these skill sets can be replicated to drive a consistent customer experience across all channels, enterprise-wide.
  • Conformance with ISO 9001 and COPC CSP Standards – Consolidate record management across coaching, training, and operational performance functions. Reduce manual processing, omissions, and errors. Organizations pursuing or maintaining ISO9001 and/or COPC CSP certifications benefit from having high data quality (CUIKA) and system-generated reports that measure completion, results, effectiveness, trends, and sustained improvements as required by certification standards.
Recommended for new and existing customers, Performance DNA is an enterprise-wide solution for use across contact centers, back office, HR, retail, BPO, and others.

Use case EE16 guides organizations to map employee skills and capability (from use case EE13) against employee performance (from use case EE14) in the Performance DNA solution.

The assessment framework in Performance DNA will be aligned with key performance indicators Configuration will allow specific assessments to be auto-assigned or recommended to employees when they fail to meet related KPI targets.

DNA Strands will be updated to include both skills and performance components with the actual design developed collaboratively.

Correlation analysis between skills and performance component to be enabled. Employee progress trend reports, meanwhile, will display learning outcomes and KPI results over time to help organizations measure process effectiveness.

Employees, and their managers, will be able to view skills and performance data in a single location, improving coaching flow and day-to-day conversations.

  • Coaching and training is not delivering the desired performance improvement​
  • Employee development budget reductions are limiting the scope that can be covered​​
  • Business process for employee engagement and development is not aligned across entities leading to inconsistent performance levels and customer experience.​
  • Inconsistent Record Management across functional groups
  • Developing skills and capabilities of all other employees base on insights on the skills and capability of high performers.​
  • Able to provide targeted development based on the specific skills and capability gaps when compared against a high performer in the same role.​​
  • Employee skills and capabilities are aligned to actual business performance.​
  • Replicating key skill drivers that deliver a consistent customer experience across all channels.​
  • Centralize reporting for training and coaching​
Consistent No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on Premise
Business users must:
  • build a consolidated Agent DNA framework using both KPI and Assessment metrics.
  • set up business rules to automatically assign learning items to support identified performance or knowledge gaps.
N/A N/A Agents access the Performance DNA Web UI with a supported browser.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a standalone cloud in a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture. A minimum of 200 agent seats is required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
EE13 EE14 v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE17 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE17 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case builds on top of use case Genesys Skills Management (EE16) for Genesys Engage on premises to enable your organization to manage outsourcer performance and commitment towards employee development and engagement. This provides a holistic view of each outsourcer's performance, skills, and capability, benchmarking them against internal performance or even other outsource centers.

This use case focuses on:

  • Real-time competency monitoring – Introduces speed to competency certification to ensure that only employees with the required core skills are speaking to customers.
  • Visibility of partner performance – Ability to compare the high-level capabilities of each partner, providing insights to drive strategic performance improvement strategies.
  • Individual employee capability monitoring – Monitoring the skill levels of individual employees provides clarity around employee capability and allows for individual automated development journeys.
Delivers a set of capabilities that allow the organization to have visibility and manage the skills and capability across multiple outsourcers.
  • No visibility of partner competency​
  • Inconsistent partner performance​
  • No measurement of learning delivery​
  • No control over individual coaching
  • Ability to view and track speed to competency of outsource partners.​
  • Ability to compare the high-level capabilities of each partner, providing insights to drive strategic performance improvement strategies.​
  • Ability to monitor individual employees capability and automated their customized development journeys.​
  • Ability to tracking learning completion and measure learning initiatives effectiveness against business performance.
Consistent No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
The business user must identify the remedial training to be assigned when a specific knowledge or performance gap is identified.

Business rules must be set up to provide remedial training based on Agent DNA triggers below a certain score parameter.

N/A N/A Agents access the Performance DNA Web UI with a supported browser.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a standalone cloudin a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture. A minimum of 200 agent seats are required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
EE16 v 1.2.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE19 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE19 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case builds on the Performance DNA base use case, Genesys Skills Assessment (EE13) for Genesys Engage on premises, to help organizations fulfill compliance regulatory requirements and build certification programs they can quickly deploy across the enterprise, including:
  • Ability to comply with regulatory requirements – The ability to measure and report compliance to regulatory bodies with ease.
  • Building a comprehensive certification program – The ability to easily build, change, and manage an employee certification program and track each employee's progress.
  • Lowering operating cost for compliance – A platform to quickly and cost-effectively deploy a compliance/certification program across the enterprise.
  • Real-time reporting – The ability to report in real time across individuals, teams, or business units on compliance levels. Gap analysis reporting to pinpoint additional focus areas for training and coaching.
Provides the ability to design and implement a certification or compliance program across the enterprise, targeted at each individual employee. Real-time reporting provides detailed analysis on completion and identifies any gaps in capability.
  • Challenges to complying with regulatory requirements​
  • Unable to deliver Employee Certification Programs and track progress​​​
  • Time intensive and high operating cost for compliance
  • Ability to measure and report compliance to regulatory bodies with ease​
  • The ability to easily build, change and manage an employee certification program and track individual employee progress​
  • Quickly and cost effective deploy a compliance program across the enterprise
Consistent No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​The full use case outlined here is available on Premise
The business user:
  • Predefines the assessments to be used for the compliance or certification program.
  • Sets up business rules to auto-assign the designated assessments to the agent target group.
N/A N/A Agents access the Performance DNA Web UI with a supported browser.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers froma standalone cloud in a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture. A minimum of 200 agent seats is required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
EE13 v 1.0.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE20 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE20 GenesysEngage-onpremises This use case builds on the Performance DNA base use case, Genesys Skills Assessment (EE13) for Genesys Engage on premises, to build a Speed to Competency program to be used by new employees to:
  • Reduce employee attrition with new hires – Provide a structured measurement of employee development at each stage of the onboarding journey. Ensure each employee is receiving the correct level of knowledge and address any knowledge gaps automatically.
  • Achieve speed to competency targets – Building a linear measurement of individual skills and knowledge enables Learning and Development functions to address any employee skill gaps immediately, before any impact to the customer.
Delivers the capability to conduct onboarding programs efficiently and track their progress across time, as well ensuring that agents are competent in the most time-effective manner.
  • High turnover of recent hires​
  • Not achieving speed to competency
  • Ability to identify an ideal employee in the recruitment stage based on the key skills, knowledge and attributes.​
  • Archive speed to competency for all agents in a timely manner​
  • Ability to identify individual knowledge gaps and automatically assign learning items for all new hirer.​
  • Ability to measure and track success of training initiatives and coaching
Consistent No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:

​The full use case outlined here is available on Premise

The business user:
  • Predefines the assessments according to the Onboarding or Speed to Competency Program.
  • Sets up business rules to auto-assign the onboarding assessments to all new employees.
N/A N/A Agents access the Performance DNA Web UI with a supported browser.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

N/A The Genesys PDNA product contains a number of out-of-the-box reports. See the Skills Assessor (PDNA) Administration Guide for details.
  • Performance DNA solution is offered to On-Premise customers from a standalone cloudin a Cloud-only supporting Hybrid Architecture. A minimum of 200 agent seats is required to deploy a local standalone (independent) instance.
  • KPI/Org data availability is mandatory for setting up the Performance DNA base configuration.
EE13 v 1.0.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE21 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE21 GenesysEngage-onpremises Genesys Interaction Recording is a compliance and control platform based on Genesys SIP, the T-Lib protocol, and the Genesys proprietary event model. Fully integrated to the CIM platform, Genesys Interaction Recording provides economies and powerful recording control via a host of integrations across the suite.

This solution enables the modern contact center to record the entire customer interaction, enabling the contact center to meet quality or regulatory compliance requirements.

Delivers 100% voice recording of customer interactions within the IVR for compliance and regulatory requirements.
  • Inability to record all calls reliably​
  • Lack of useful metadata about recorded calls​
  • No end-to-end recording, particularly when calls are transferred across multiple locations​
  • High Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for recording​
  • Desire to move away from incumbent recording vendor​
  • Current recording solution doesn’t support SIP transformation strategy​​​
  • Implement an Interaction Recording solution which is natively integrated with your Customer Experience Platform (single vendor for both)​
  • Record 100% of the calls in your IVR and handled by your contact centers with no “lost” calls to increase compliance, decrease risk, and evaluate calls.​
  • Include extensive metadata with each recorded call​
  • Record and stitch calls from cradle-to-grave, even across multi-site transfers​​
Consistent No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premise.
Details of the business flow described in the previous section depend on how the system is set up for your environment. This section describes the available options and how Genesys Professional Services does the initial setup for your environment.


Metadata are tags that are added to the recording and allow precisely targeted interaction search and selection for evaluation and analysis. What data is available depends on the distribution logic implemented in your environment.

Archiving and Purging Criteria

Recordings can be archived and/or purged from the system after a specified time. After recordings have been purged, they are no longer available for supervisors or compliance officers from the Genesys user interface. The corresponding policies are configured during setup. This use case provides one set of rules that are valid for all recorded calls. GIR does not manage archived files. It is the customer's responsibility to set up the lifecycle policy of these archives and purge them after the lifecycle period.

Access Control

Access control to recordings is managed by user roles and associated permissions as well as by the organizational hierarchy defined for the individual agents. This use case includes a default set of roles that can be provided upon request.

Pause / Resume recording

The ability for the system to pause and resume a recording is configured as part of the VXML scripts within the IVR, based on your requirements.

N/A N/A N/A N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Recording. As this is a compliance use case, the number of calls recorded per service/business line/customer segment is not relevant. The assumption is that 100% of calls are recorded.

In addition to the historical reporting, Genesys Interaction Recording provides audit logs for recording access. These audit logs contain the following information:

  • Who accessed a recording
  • Which recording
  • When accessed
  • Deletions
  • Playback requests
  • Exports
  • Report exports
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Reason Code
  • All attached metadata
  • Archive and Purging logs
  • The Record IVR Interactions – Base package supports 100% of voice recording at the IVR Extension level only (no other recording methods)
  • This use case supports Genesys GVP only–no 3rd-party IVRs
  • Apache is the only load balancer currently supported for GIR
  • GIR MCPs are not shared with GVP
  • If IVR is used to collect payment information or other customer-sensitive data, then use case Genesys Selective Recording (EE30) or Genesys Compliance Recording (EE29) needs to be used as well.
  • The following activities are out of scope:
    • Configuration of network at its final state: SBC, Media Gateways, VLANs, Firewalls, NAT, Trunking Services, etc.
    • Configuration or setup of additional Load Balancer software/hardware (DNS method or other)
    • Load balancing or cluster for API Servers
    • Configuration of external storage system (such as SAN / NAS)
    • Setup of lifecycle policy for archived files
    • Installation of the standard out-of-the-box Workforce Desktop Edition
    • Customization of other desktop applications to enable Dynamic Recording
    • High Availability for the Apache Load Balancer
    • Provisioning of recordings from other vendors
EE07 EE08 v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE22 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE22 GenesysEngage-onpremises Organizations want to improve business performance, using the valuable information that is contained in recordings of interactions between customers and agents. It is impossible to mine even a small amount of the information contained in these recordings through manual sampling or listening.

Interaction Analytics provides organizations with the ability to mine the content of recordings for specific phrases that indicate the occurrence of key events relating to customer experience, agent performance, sales, and compliance.

This base use case introduces the Interaction Analytics technology and use of the speech-to-text engine to transcribe the content of voice interactions, search for key words and phrases, and automatically detect changes in the frequency of the occurrence of words and phrases over time and across interactions.

Enables the organization and its analytics teams to mine the content of voice recordings for specific phrases that indicate the occurrence of key events relating to customer experience, agent performance, sales, and compliance. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Intelligence Analytics are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.
  • No visibility of call content,listening to entire calls is tedious, sampling results in unreliable information and important content being missed​
  • Changes in activity are surprising and negatively impact the business, constantly in crisis mode​
  • Assessment of customer experience is anecdotal and unreliable, difficult to quantify
  • Call content is automatically converted to a searchable form​
  • Less time spent listening to calls, quickly and easily find relevant calls and context based on key words and phrases​
  • Early warning of emerging trends or changing business circumstances based on changes in frequency of words and phrases
Consistent Speech Analytics Text Analytics (Optional) Speech Analytics Additional Language (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Available for Genesys Engage on-premises customers for use with Genesys Interaction Recording and 3rd party recording solutions.
See the user guide for search and discovery functionality. Genesys Interaction Analytics is a browser-based user interface. Access control for specific employee roles can be configured and is handled via the User Security configuration.

More information can be found within the product administration guide.

N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of the Genesys Interaction Analytics platform. A full copy of the reports available is documented in the User Manual. Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Speech Analytics

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

Minor additional work is required to integrate 3rd-party recording and this is catered for in the use case. This has no practical impact on the performance of the system or the user experience.

Interactions must be unencrypted or, if encrypted, then provided in a form and with appropriate keys to enable decryption by Genesys.

The preferred format for recordings is WAV PCM (uncompressed). Preferred format for metadata associated with recordings is XML files with one XML file per recording.

When deployed with PureConnect, recordings are fed to Interaction Analytics via the "UConnector for PureConnect" which is a custom Professional Services asset.

The prerequisites for this use case on PureConnect are Genesys Voice Recording (EE07) and Genesys Voice and Screen Recording (EE08)

UConnector for PureConnect is required to utilize Genesys Intelligence Analytics on PureConnect


Languages currently available on Premise include: English, Spanish, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish, Cantonese, Dutch, Canadian French, Russian.

Check with product team for specific dialects and planned dates for new languages.

EE07 EE08 v 1.2.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE23 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE23 GenesysEngage-onpremises Contact Center managers and supervisors typically listen to 1-2% of agent calls as the basis for coaching and training. This means they have to rely on other metrics such as average handle time, call volumes, resolutions, or surveys as a basis for assessing agent performance.

Interaction Analytics enables the content of 100% of agent calls to be incorporated into assessments, training, and coaching. Managers and supervisors can search within the interactions for specific words and phrases, accurately classify call types, sentiment, agent behavior, and customer reactions, understanding contact center performance at both an aggregate and individual level across teams and regions, including both in-house and outsourced resources.

Identify the differentiating behaviors that both drive and increase the speed of operational improvement in areas such as first contact resolution, call volume, repeat calls or handle time reduction, and customer satisfaction of Net Promoter Score through a thorough and comprehensive analysis of call content. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Intelligence Analytics are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.
  • Issues with first contact resolution, call volume, repeat calls or handle time reduction, customer satisfaction of Net Promoter Score​
  • Wide variation in agent performance at an individual level or across team, regions, in-house and outsourced resources​
  • Contention/ disagreement/ conflicting opinions on what is or is not effective in addressing current issues​
  • Long cycle times for analysis and implementation of improvements and difficulties in measuring the impact of any changes made​
  • Understand the underlying causes of issues whether within the contact center or due to issues in the broader organization including products, processes, competition​
  • Identify the agent behaviors that truly differentiate in terms of call outcomes, customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score​
  • Continuously driving operational improvement based on ongoing analysis of calls and able to demonstrate the impact of improvements made​
  • Faster to react to changing business circumstances, emerging trends, seasonality, and unexpected or recurring events.​
Defined Coaching Capabilities Assumption:​
  • See EE22.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • See EE22.
  • Objectively identify and quantify the multiple reasons for the customer interaction and efficiently transcribe the contents of the interaction for analysis.
  • Enable quality assurance process improvement through setting the foundation to enable organizational specific interests and needs.
  • Focus analysis on calls of a particular type or having specific outcomes, for example payment calls, complaints, calls exhibiting customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
  • Improve First Contact Resolution, Customer Satisfaction, and Net Promoter Score.
  • Provide tending and analysis of interaction content along with other key metadata to understand the key drivers of performance.
  • Reduce Average Handle Time by understanding the triggers across resources and topics for extended interaction times.
  • Improve Employee Performance through understanding the employee performance linked to the underlying topic and categories of the the interaction and implementing coaching and training plans.
  • Interaction Trending and Discovery through visibility into emerging and unknown interactions across topic, category and customer intention.
N/A Genesys Interaction Analytics is a browser-based user interface. Access control for specific employee roles can be configured and is handled via the User Security configuration.

More information can be found within the product administration guide.

N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Analytics platform. A full copy of the reports available is documented in the User Manual. Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Speech and Text Analytics

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

When implemented in conjunction with Genesys Interaction Recording, caller ANI and agent hierarchy data is generally available without requiring additional professional services.

Where the use case is implemented in conjunction with a 3rd-party recording solution, additional professional services effort may be required to import ANI and agent hierarchy information.

Appending NPS or CSAT data to recordings may require additional professional services effort.

The prerequisite for this use case on PureConnect is Genesys Speech Analytics (EE22)

UConnector for PureConnect is required to utilize Genesys Intelligence Analytics on PureConnect

EE22 v 1.2.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE24 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE24 GenesysEngage-onpremises Organizations invest huge amounts of time and effort in developing and testing sales campaigns, agent sales scripts to support them, and training of agents to be effective. When it comes to understanding what makes campaigns or agents effective in sales, however, they have very limited information available.

Using Interaction Analytics enables deep insight into what does and does not work across all aspects of the campaign, including which messages are effective, which features or benefits customers best respond to, and the skills and behavior that agents need to be effective.

Rather than relying on limited sampling, anecdote, or hearsay from agents or customers, Interaction Analytics provides objective, quantifiable feedback and points directly to what is needed to drive more successful sales outcomes. It works with inbound and outbound campaigns across new sales, cross-sell/up-sell and retention scenarios, and enables the benefits of the approach to be accurately and objectively proven.

Recordings of campaign calls are analyzed to identify effective messages, techniques, and language used by agents, correlating these to sales outcomes and using the results to improve both campaign and agent performance. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Intelligence Analytics are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.
  • Poor, disappointing or ineffective customer service or customer service experiences​
  • Inability to distinguish between performance of agents and effectiveness of Customer Service strategies​
  • Reliance on anecdotal feedback about Customer Service effectiveness​
  • Contention/ disagreement/ conflicting opinions on what is or is not effective either in terms of CX or Customer Service strategies or agent behavior​
  • Wide variation in agent performance or effectiveness
  • Improved service performance​
  • A/B testing of Customer Service strategies and agent behavior used to determine most effective approaches​
  • Rapid iteration of customer engagement strategies to be more effective​
  • Objective quantification of benefits in using Interaction Analytics for service improvement
Defined No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption: ​
  • See EE22​
Capabilities Assumption: ​
  • See EE22​
See the User Manual for search and discovery functionality. N/A
Genesys Interaction Analytics is a browser-based user interface. Access control for specific employee roles can be configured and is handled via the User Security configuration.

More information can be found within the product administration guide.

N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of the Genesys Interaction Analytics platform. A full copy of the reports available is documented in the User Manual. Available for Genesys on-premises customers for use with Genesys Interaction Recording and 3rd-party recording solutions.

Available for PureConnect Premise customers,via the "UConnector for PureConnect" which is a custom Professional Services asset.

Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Speech and Text Analytics

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

Minor additional work is required to integrate 3rd-party recording and this is catered for in the use case. This has no practical impact on the performance of the system or the user experience.

Interactions must be unencrypted or, if encrypted, then provided in a form and with appropriate keys to enable decryption by Genesys.

The preferred format for recordings is WAV PCM (uncompressed). Preferred format for metadata associated with recordings is XML files with one XML file per recording.

When deployed with PureConnect, recordings are fed to Interaction Analytics via the "UConnector for PureConnect" which is a custom Professional Services asset.

The prerequisite for this use case on PureConnect is Genesys Speech Analytics (EE22)

UConnector for PureConnect is required to utilize Genesys Intelligence Analytics on PureConnect


Languages currently available include: English, Spanish, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish.

Languages in development or on the roadmap include: Cantonese, Dutch, Canadian French.

Check with product team for specific dialects and planned dates for new languages.

EE22 v 1.2.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE25 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE25 GenesysEngage-onpremises Organizations have to comply with a wide range of legal and regulatory requirements that vary depending on the industry they operate in, the types of the interactions they are handling, the types of customers they are serving, and even the content of the interaction itself. The impact of non-compliance, even in isolated instances, can be devastating legally, financially, and to the organization's reputation. It is therefore critical to ensure, as far as possible, complete compliance on every single interaction.

Using Interaction Analytics provides the ability to monitor 100% of interactions, check for the occurrence or non-occurence of specific words and phrases related to a range of legal and regulatory compliance obligations, and prove the level of compliance with these obligations. This is impossible to do with sampling of recordings.

Provide comprehensive monitoring and validation of compliance with legal, regulatory and organization obligations and both individual agent and overall organizational levels to reduce risk of compliance failures, ligitation, financial impacts, and damage to organization reputation or brand. Please be advised that PureConnect platform assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Intelligence Analytics are displayed under "General Assumptions" in the main use case content.
  • Loss or risk of loss due to non-compliance​
  • Inability to validate or demonstrate compliance​
  • Variation in performance with respect to compliance obligations at individual agent level or across teams, regions, in-house or outsourced resources
  • Comprehensive monitoring and reporting of interactions for compliance with legal, regulatory and organizational obligations​
  • Specific monitoring and reporting of compliance depending on the nature of interactions, customers being served​
  • Ability to incorporate compliance related reporting into agent training and ongoing improvement programs
Consistent Coaching Capabilities Assumption: ​
  • See EE22​
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​See EE22
  • ​When implemented in conjunction with Genesys Interaction Recording caller, ANI and agent hierarchy data is generally available without requiring additional professional services.​Where the use case is implemented in conjunction with a 3rd party recording solution, additional professional services effort may be required to import ANI and agent hierarchy information.​Appending NPS or CSAT data to recordings may require additional professional services effort.
Business issues that an implementation might need to deal with include:
  • Financial regulation, medical, payments, credit cards
  • Compliance with company regulation and standards
  • Differences across regions, different states or countries
  • Data regulation
  • Union / employment
  • Discrimination
  • Things agents must say
  • Things agents must not say
  • Things agents omit
  • Points in a call at which things need to be said
  • Confirmation of consent
  • Triggering of what is required based on the content of the call
  • Confirmation from customers
N/A Genesys Interaction Analytics is a browser-based user interface. Access control for specific employee roles can be configured and is handled via the User Security configuration.

More information can be found within the product administration guide.


N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of the Genesys Interaction Analytics platform. A full copy of the reports available is documented in the User Manual. Assumptions for PureConnect customers running Genesys Speech and Text Analytics

PureConnect Platform Assumptions:

When implemented in conjunction with Genesys Interaction Recording, caller ANI and agent hierarchy data is generally available without requiring additional professional services.

Where the use case is implemented in conjunction with a 3rd-party recording solution, additional professional services effort may be required to import ANI and agent hierarchy information.

Appending NPS or CSAT data to recordings may require additional professional services effort.

The prerequisite for this use case on PureConnect is Genesys Speech Analytics (EE22)

UConnector for PureConnect is required to utilize Genesys Intelligence Analytics on PureConnect

EE22 v 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE26 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE26 GenesysEngage-onpremises Traditionally, back-office environments have not enjoyed the advanced contact center benefits that workforce management solutions have provided due to the non-integrated nature of such environments. Using Genesys Workforce Management coexisting with a Genesys Enterprise Workload Management solution, businesses can effectively and accurately forecast and schedule back-office work items. Genesys WFM, when integrated with a Genesys EWM solution, allows users to forecast and schedule for back-office work items.
  • No visibility into back office expected workload/staffing needs​
  • Not meeting back office service expectations through increasing backlog​
  • No visibility into real time back office employee monitoring and performance trending​
  • Inability to optimize back-office employee utilization
  • Ability to automatically gather historical work item arrival and existing backlog information, determine future workload arrival patterns, and calculate precise staffing needs by unique back office work type.​
  • Ability to see in real time the exact state of all back-office employees and how that relates to their optimized schedule state.​
  • Ability to see predicted back-office arrival patterns as compared to actual arrival patterns to determine current and near-future trending​
  • Ability to provide back-office employees with optimized schedules detailing how their time can and should be best spent in accordance with business goals and customer expectations.​
Defined Genesys Workforce Management
  • This use case is available on Premise
A prerequisite to any basic WFM deployment is a formal discovery process with resulting commensurate documentation. N/A Genesys WFM Web Supervisor is a browser-based UI that requires a Java applet. Access control for specific roles (such as Planners, Supervisors, Forecasters, and Schedulers) is handled via User Security configuration.

See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Supported Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. The following figure shows the reporting flow:


Approved, authorized staff can generate, schedule, and distribute out-of-the-box reports in the following categories:

  • Configuration
  • Forecast
  • Performance
  • Schedule
  • Adherence
  • Audit

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box real-time reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide. EE01 EE02 BO02 BO03 BO04 v 1.1.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE27 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE27 GenesysEngage-onpremises Organizations often already have third-party systems that contain many of the same data elements that Genesys Workforce Management needs to perform its functions. These systems might include wage and time-off information found within a Human Resources (HR) or Payroll Management System. The Genesys WFM Solution includes an API that provides bi-directional integration between the Genesys WFM Solution and the existing systems, allowing for automated synchronization between the two and eliminating the need for redundant data management. The Genesys WFM API provides server-side integration between the Genesys Workforce Management solution and third-party systems.
  • Interdependent data needed by more than one system does not match.​
  • Excessive manual synchronization of data between Genesys WFM and more than one system
  • Develop integration between WFM and one or more third party systems with the Genesys WFM API
Differentiated Genesys Workforce Management Capabilities Assumption:
  • Use of the Genesys API within the Genesys Multicloud CX environment requires a request to be made through Genesys Multicloud CX Operations for the specific application to be developed.
Capabilities Assumption:
  • The Third Party Systems in question must allow and support the desired integration.
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Required Development Resources (one or more of the following):
  • Genesys Professional Services developer
  • Customer-provided developers
  • Third-Party System Integrator developer
EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE28 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE28 GenesysEngage-onpremises Some customer experience environments need to control the scheduling and sequencing of specific tasks. For example, schedulers may wish to control which activities, channels, or tasks are worked on together or individually.

Task sequencing allows the administrators and management teams to utilize workforce management to create sequences of events that can be scheduled on a regular basis, removing the need for multiple edits to align schedules to sequencing requirements.

Task Sequences guarantee that a specific period of time is spent on specified types of work throughout the day.
  • Cannot define specific times for agent's to perform unique tasks that MUST be performed that otherwise wouldn't be scheduled. (Manual outbound dialing, email-box cleanup, TPS reports, manual correspondence, etc...)​​​
  • Cannot optimize agents to do certain tasks only when they are not needed for higher priority work​
  • Cannot anchor certain tasks to the beginning or end of an agent's schedule regardless of specific start and end times​
  • Configure and implement Task Sequences
Defined Genesys Workforce Management
  • This use case is available in Cloud
  • This use case is available in Premise
  • Are Task Sequences needed?
  • Can they be interrupted by meals?
  • What are the minimum and maximum durations for the Tasks?
  • Can they be optionally used?
  • What order should the tasks occur in during the day?
  • Do they need to be anchored to the start or end of the shift?
N/A Genesys WFM Web Supervisor is a browser-based UI that requires a Java applet. Access control for specific roles (such as Planners, Supervisors, Forecasters, and Schedulers) is handled via User Security configuration.

See Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support.

Agents access the WFM Web Agent UI with a supported browser. There is no Java in this UI. See Operating Environment Guide for specific browser support. The following figure shows the reporting flow:


Approved, authorized staff can generate, schedule, and distribute out-of-the-box reports in the following categories:

  • Configuration
  • Forecast
  • Performance
  • Schedule
  • Adherence
  • Audit

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box real-time reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide.

The Genesys WFM product contains a number of out-of-the-box historical reporting elements. Details can be found in the Workforce Management Administrator Guide. EE01 EE02 EE26 v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE29 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE29 GenesysEngage-onpremises Genesys Interaction Recording is a compliance and control platform based on Genesys SIP, the T-Lib protocol, and the Genesys proprietary event model. Fully integrated to the CIM platform, Genesys Interaction Recording provides economies and powerful recording control via a host of integrations across the suite.

This solution enables the modern contact center to record the entire customer interaction, enabling the contact center to meet quality and/or regulatory compliance requirements.

This use case provides 100% voice recording of customer conversations with an agent for compliance and regulatory requirements, including access control, encrypted communications, and long-term storage.
  • Enable a set of security measurements to protect sensitive data and provide access control and auditing capabilities.
Defined No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • Validated GIR Setup following 100% recording smart cases EE7/8/21


Metadata are tags that are added to the recording and allow precisely targeted interaction search and selection for evaluation and analysis. What data is available depends on the distribution logic implemented in your environment.

Archiving and Purging Criteria

Recordings can be archived and/or purged from the system after a specified time. After recordings have been purged, they are no longer available for supervisors or compliance officers from the Genesys user interface. The corresponding policies are configured during setup. This use case provides one set of rules that are valid for all recorded calls. GIR does not manage archived files. It is the customer's responsibility to set up the lifecycle policy of these archives and purge them after the lifecycle period.

Access Control

Access control to recordings is managed by user roles and associated permissions as well as by the organizational hierarchy defined for the individual agents. This use case includes a default set of roles that can be provided upon request.

Encrypted Recordings

When configuring encryption, you are responsible for backup of the private key. If the private key becomes lost or corrupt, any recording encrypted using that key become unusable.

If screen recording is also used in the deployment, a screen recording certificate must also be provisioned. ==== Encrypted Communications ==== Communications between GIR components occur on a secure channel.

When configuring encrypted communications, TLS, you should follow your own company's security policies for creating and signing certificates.

Health and Alarming

Log level alarming is present for the critical components within GIR. MCP utilizes the SNMP MA for trap capture and upstream messaging.

N/A N/A The agent will have the optional capability to pause/resume a recording when confidential information is passed via the call via his agent desktop.

Auditing is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Recording. Genesys Interaction Recording provides audit logs for recording access. These audit logs contain the following information:

  • Who accessed a recording
  • Which recording
  • When accessed
  • Deletions
  • Playback requests
  • Exports
  • Report exports
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Reason Code
  • All attached metadata
  • Archive and Purging logs
  • The Record Interactions – Base package supports 100% voice recording at the DN level only (no other recording methods).
  • Apache is the only load balancer currently supported for GIR.
  • GIR MCPs will not be shared with GVP.
  • SNMP MA will be configured for each MCP.
  • The following activities are out of scope:
    • Configuration of network at its final state: SBC, Media Gateways, VLANs, Firewalls, NAT, Trunking services, etc.
    • Configuration or setup of additional Load Balancer software/hardware (DNS method or other)
    • Load balancing or cluster for API Servers
    • Setup of lifecycle policy for archived files
    • Installation of the standard out-of-the-box WDE
    • Customization of other desktop application to enable Dynamic Recording
    • High Availability for the Apache load balancer
    • Provisioning of recordings from other vendors
EE07 EE08 v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/EE30 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises EE30 GenesysEngage-onpremises Genesys Interaction Recording is a compliance and control platform based on Genesys SIP, the T-Lib protocol, and the Genesys proprietary event model. Fully integrated to the CIM platform, Genesys Interaction Recording provides economies and powerful recording control via a host of integrations across the suite.

This solution enables the modern contact center to record selective customer interaction, allowing the contact center to improve recording control and target discreet interactions for recording.

This use case allows for selective recording of agent for review purposes based on metadata such as percentage-based, business-unit based, and customer type-based interactions.
  • A need to monitor team performance.​
  • Need to guard your customer experience.
  • Define recording rules to capture the interactions needed to address the concern.
Defined No sellable items Please reference prerequisits Capabilities Assumption:
  • The Record Interactions – Base package supports up to 100% selective voice recording based on Recording Rules, at the DN level only (no other recording methods).
Details of the business flow described in the previous section depend on how the system is set up for your environment. This section describes the available options and how Genesys Professional Services does the initial setup for your environment.


Metadata are tags that are added to the recording and allow precisely targeted interaction search and selection for evaluation and analysis. What data is available depends on the distribution logic implemented in your environment.

Archiving and Purging Criteria

Recordings can be archived and/or purged from the system after a specified time. After recordings have been purged, they are no longer available for supervisors or compliance officers from the Genesys user interface. The corresponding policies are configured during setup. This use case provides one set of rules that are valid for all recorded calls. GIR does not manage archived files. It is the customer's responsibility to set up the lifecycle policy of these archives and purge them after the lifecycle period.

Access Control

Access control to recordings is managed by user roles and associated permissions as well as by the organizational hierarchy defined for the individual agents. This use case includes a default set of roles that can be provided upon request.

Pause / Resume recording

The ability for an agent to pause / resume a recording from their agent workspace is enabled or disabled based on customer requirements.

Routing Rule

The rule by which the decision to record is set. Requires a decision block within the routing strategy prior to the TRouteCall.

Configure the TRouteCall request in the routing strategy to include the key record, with the values:

  • destination for agent-side recording—Recording stops when the agent transfers the call, unless recording is set up on the new routing point.
  • source for customer-side recording—Recording stops when the customer leaves the call.

Attached Data

Add the following attached data key to prescribe the partitions with which the recording is to be associated.

N/A N/A Using Agent Workspace, the agent can pause or resume a recording when confidential information is passed via the call. N/A Historical reporting is provided by templates in the SpeechMiner UI (business interface), which is part of Genesys Interaction Recording.

In addition to the historical reporting, Genesys Interaction Recording provides audit logs for recording access. These audit logs contain the following information:

  • Who accessed a recording
  • Which recording
  • When accessed
  • Deletions
  • Playback requests
  • Exports
  • Report exports
  • Customer ID
  • Interaction Type
  • Reason Code
  • All attached metadata
  • Archive and Purging logs
  • The Record Interactions – Base package supports up to 100% selective voice recording based on Recording Rules, at the DN level only (no other recording methods).
  • Apache is the only load balancer currently supported for GIR.
  • GIR MCPs will not be shared with GVP.
  • The following activities are out of scope:
    • Configuration of network at its final state: SBC, Media Gateways, VLANs, Firewalls, NAT, Trunking services, etc.
    • Configuration or setup of additional Load Balancer software/hardware (DNS method or other)
    • Load balancing or cluster for API Servers
    • Configuration of External Storage system (such as SAN / NAS)
    • Setup of lifecycle policy for archived files
    • Installation of the standard out-of-the-box WDE
    • Customization of any other desktop application to enable Dynamic Recording
    • High Availability for the Apache load balancer
    • Provisioning of recordings from other vendors
EE07 EE08 v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/GenesysEngage-onpremises/SL06 Current Genesys Use Cases GenesysEngage-onpremises SL06 GenesysEngage-onpremises Business leaders want to improve their business Key Performance Indicators (KPI), leverage the innovation in Artificial Intelligence and drive business decisions with the abundance of data and context available in their business. Predictive Routing uses machine learning to support optimization of Sales KPIs.

A Sales KPI is a metric measuring the sales outcome of an interaction, in contrast to Service KPIs, which measure a Customer Experience or efficiency outcome. Sales KPIs can be a sales conversion rate, a sales revenue amount, a retention rate, a collection promise to pay. This use case focuses on improving revenue for inbound voice calls, but can also be extended to other sales-related KPIs. The impacts of choosing another KPI or another channel type are documented in this use case wherever applicable.

Predictive Routing also applies to optimize Services KPIs. See Genesys Predictive Routing for Customer Service (BO06) for Genesys Engage on-premises.

Traditional routing is designed to match customers to agents through skills-based or group-based logic rather than improving KPI. Unlike traditional routing, Predictive Routing uses machine learning to detect patterns in historical data to build a predictive model. This model improves KPIs by ranking agents before making the match with customers. This model also addresses the operational challenges that occur in understaffing and overstaffing scenarios while balancing the service level with improving KPI.

Predictive Routing has built-in A/B Testing to demonstrate the uplift of the KPI provided through use of machine learning. Predictive Routing leverages a variety of Genesys or third party data sources in order to build high quality predictors.

Consider a retail bank that wants to upsell credit cards to its existing customers. Depending on the customer attributes (such as income), the bank wants to maximize both the conversion rate and the credit limit that the customer accepts, resulting in a higher overall revenue. This use case is based on a measure of sales revenue driven from a Sales reporting application (such as CRM).

The underlying premise of this use case is that a customer interaction is associated to a credit card offer, either from the explicit customer intention from IVR, web, or mobile or from a business rule such as next best action. Next best action is out of scope of this use case.

The Contact Center Manager or Business owner wants to increase overall revenue generated per agent. The Predictive Routing solution can help with achieving this objective.

Predictive Routing:

  • Uses machine learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence, to compare feedback of the actual outcome with the predicted outcome, helping to improve future agent-to-customer matches.
  • Ranks agents predicted to maximize the expected revenue per interaction.
  • Provides the finest grain match of customer contact with agent to help maximize revenue per agent. Provides an uplift on revenue using continuous learning to rank the expected revenue for agents servicing customers.

The direct result is that the average revenue per interaction increases. Predictive Routing usually also influences adjacent service KPIs like first contact sale, CSAT or NPS, handle time, and transfers. It is a common best practice to monitor all Sales KPIs and adjacent Service Levels to evaluate all impacts (out of scope of this use case).

  • Low revenue per agent or customer. Variability in business outcomes.​
  • Frustrated customers or repeat interactions – cannot get access to an agent providing the proper proficiency on the offer​
  • Resource inefficiency and high costs – agents have a low conversion rate and waste customer’s and contact center resources​
  • Reduced employee satisfaction – employees don’t achieve their goals.​
  • Leverage Predictive analytics and machine learning to identify the optimal agent-customer match to improve Revenue before routing​
  • Employ continuous learning by feeding back actual outcomes to update predictive models​
  • Managers can gain insights to help identify root causes and employee training opportunities​
  • Managers can view reports identifying attributes that influence KPI​
  • A/B testing methodologies can be applied to evaluate lift​
  • Deep integration with Genesys routing and orchestration
Differentiated See Prerequisits
Parameters and Business Rules – Predictive Routing Revenue

Routing Step 1 The system creates an inbound interaction when a customer voice call begins. This use case supports inbound voice involving Genesys routing. See Use Case Interdependencies for details.

  • Precondition: This use case requires one or more use cases handling inbound interactions.

Routing Step 2

  • The inbound interaction use case identifies the primary intention of the customer (Service Type) and the initial target skill expression is set.
  • Any required additional customer or agent profile data available to the interaction in run time can be integrated through a project-based implementation.

Routing Step 3

  • This step queues the interaction and is designed to cover both agent surplus and customer surplus scenarios. When either one or multiple agents are available (agent surplus scenario), the flow immediately proceeds. Otherwise, Genesys queues the interaction until an agent is available (customer surplus scenario). The system starts to balance the service level with the business KPI through maintaining priority.

Routing Step 4

  • Once one or more agents are available, the necessary Customer Profile, Interaction Profile, Agent Profile, and predictor information is passed to Predictive Routing as a scoring request. The request is processed by the relevant machine learning model, resulting in a score for each available agent for that interaction. This process caters to both customer surplus and agent surplus scenarios.

Routing Step 5

  • The rank for each of the interactions against each of the agents is returned to routing to weight the customer-to-agent matching towards the agent(s) that can deliver the highest revenue.
  • In an agent surplus scenario, the score of the highest ranked agent will be compared to the configured minimum score threshold.  If the agent score exceeds that threshold, the system routes the interaction.  If not, then the interaction is held, pending either a higher ranked agent becoming available, or the threshold reducing.
  • In a customer surplus scenario, where multiple interactions are waiting when an agent becomes available, the agent’s scores for each waiting interaction are compared to the minimum score threshold.  If the agent score exceeds the threshold for at least one interaction, the system routes the highest scoring interaction for that agent.  If not, then the agent remains unassigned, pending either a lower scored interaction becoming available, or the threshold reducing.

Routing Step 6

  • The minimum score threshold is reduced over time according to the pre-configured fallback strategy.
  • The checks in Routing Step 5 are repeated regularly until an agent or interaction is identified.
  • Normal target expansion, such as relaxing skill level as configured within the underlying distribution strategy, occurs.
  • The continual re-prioritization of the interaction also occurs as do any treatments and the queued customer experience.

Routing Step 7

  • If at least one of the revenue values is above the threshold, the interaction is routed to the agent with the highest revenue.
  • The system delivers the interaction normally, handling any ring on no answer and exception situations (applicable to voice, chat or email) as defined in the underlying use case.
  • The customer and the agent are connected.

Routing Step 9

  • The outcome of the interaction is captured through the agent desktop or a server-side process. Genesys APIs are invoked automatically or after an agent action to map the outcome to a Genesys interaction attribute: custom attached data or disposition code.
  • Info Mart captures this attribute with the Info Mart interaction record.

Routing Step 10

  • Optionally, the customer receives a survey (the survey results are not connected with Genesys and are intended to evolve with the survey use cases)
  • The survey is completed (optionally) and the outcome is collected and stored by a 3rd-party application.

Routing Step 11

  • Optionally, the outcome data is produced and stored by third-party application.
The details of the distribution of an interaction to an agent are defined in the underlying inbound use cases. Refer to the preceding flow to understand how Predictive Routing influences the distribution logic.

Predictive Routing provides a routing lever that can be used to control how customer-to-agent matching behaves in customer surplus mode to distribute the interactions based on agent occupancy.

There is no content applicable to this section. This use case does not include specific agent desktop requirements. During the routing phase, data is attached to the interaction that the agent can see. Predictive Routing does not include real-time reports. Operational reports are available in the Predictive Routing UI.

Operational reports include:

  • KPI Outcome
  • Feature Coverage
  • Model Accuracy

The historical reports available through GCXI include the following:
  • Predictive Routing Operational Report - tracks Predictive Routing operational statistics.
  • Predictive Routing A/B Testing Report - tracks A/B testing results for Predictive Routing models and predictors.*
  • Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report - tracks Agent Occupancy while Predictive Routing is being used to optimize routing.
  • Predictive Routing Daily Queue Statistics Report - tracks KPIs for each Queue while Predictive Routing is being used to optimize routing.
  • Predictive Routing Detail Report - provides interaction level detail data about Predictive Routing use and its impact on KPIs.

*A/B reports can be developed from any standard or custom Info Mart data. If the outcomes data is NOT integrated with Info Mart, the creation of A/B reports must be evaluated as a separate effort.

  • Requires Product Management approval.
  • Predictive Routing solution is offered to on-premises customers in a hybrid architecture that incorporates core functionality served from components deployed in your own environment.
  • Predictive Routing is offered as a managed service by Genesys Professional Services, who deal with all aspects of machine-learning model creation and maintenance. A Professional Services package is mandatory for implementation and support of Predictive Routing.
  • The standard deployment materials address Inbound voice interactions based on Genesys Info Mart data only.
  • Integration of additional data sources, whether Genesys or 3rd-party, requires a dedicated assessment and implementation by Genesys Professional Services.
  • Customer must have implemented a use case for one or more channels and have deployed Genesys Info Mart reporting. These use cases populate the data used to build predictors and models, which direct how interactions are routed. Note that the capture and analysis of FCR KPIs is not part of Genesys Info Mart out-of-box statistics and is developed during model creation.
  • This use case is for revenue optimization but can be extended to other Sales KPIs.
  • Prerequisites: An implemented use case for one or more channels and Genesys Info Mart reporting. These use cases populate the predictors used to direct routing and the data necessary to build the models. This solution cannot use data that is not present.
  • The standard deployment materials address Inbound voice interactions only, and Genesys Info Mart data only.
  • The capture and analysis of Sales KPIs is not part of Genesys Info Mart out-of-box statistics and is developed during model creation.
  • The revenue definition chosen in this use case is illustrative and needs to be adapted for each project.

Note the exceptions where Predictive Routing cannot be integrated listed in the interdependencies section:

  • Self-Service use cases
  • Outbound preview and agent reservation used for Predictive and Progressive outbound
  • Customer has already optimized traditional routing strategies and processes and wants to achieve further improvements.
  • Customer has all compatible versions of URS, IRD, Genesys Info Mart, GCXI, and Pulse; or upgrades have been scoped in to the project plan.
  • Customer has the necessary systems and processes in place to track results and measure impact over the life of the model.
  • Customer identification is available and stored in Genesys Info Mart.
CE01 CE02 CE16 CE18 CE19 EE14 CE12 V 1.1.4
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/BO02 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect BO02 PureConnect The work distribution system is designed to capture, prioritize, and effectively distribute tasks across multiple departments to the best-suited employee, based on employees, skills, and availability. This is achieved when the system is integrated with one or multiple task source systems (like CRM, BPM, and Workflow systems) where tasks related to customers are created and stored.

To determine the individual tasks' priority, the work distribution system is configured to ensure the timely completion of all tasks for all customers.

The work distribution system understands the real-time status, readiness, and skills of the employees that handle tasks, and uses rules to identify how the distribution should be handled in the most effective way.

Once the organization has a list of tasks that need to be handled by employees (coming from different source systems), the tasks are captured by the work distribution system and automatically distributed to employees based on their skills, capacity, and real-time presence. Prioritization rules for the tasks ensure that all tasks are distributed on time to the best fit resource. The system provides functionality for near-real-time monitoring and historical reports on operational performance and on major business KPIs.

A customer journey initiates different process steps that may require manual intervention. The corresponding work items / tasks are created in CRM/BPM/Workflow systems, which play the role of source systems for tasks, but often distribute these tasks to separate queues.

The Genesys work distribution system captures tasks created in the source systems, then places them into the queue and prioritizes the tasks based on configuration. The Genesys work distribution system can distribute all interactions (voice / non-voice) to the best-skilled agent just in time, as they become due based upon their priorities. Through blending with other media types, this use case enables Front Office-Back Office integration.

  • Unable to measure and report on employee utilization
  • No visibility into work item queues and backlogs
  • Work items split across CRM, ERP, BPM and other enterprise systems
  • Employee’s cherry pick work
  • Work items are pulled rather than pushed to employees
  • Unable to plan omni-channel resourcing to match peak online activity
  • Single global task list (both real-time and offline)
  • Real time and continuous prioritization of work
  • Automation of SLA Management
  • Consolidated Employee Desktop with full context of the work item inputs
  • Equitable distribution of work items across employee base
  • Insights into workforce skills and proficiency
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Ecommerce, Head of Business Units Consistent CIM CIM HA (Optional) Genesys Infomart Genesys Infomart - HA (optional) GI2 for iWD (Business Objects) ​ GI2 for iWD (Business Objects) - HA (Optional)​ Workspace Desktop Edition intelligent Workload Distribution iWD - Back Office (Optional) Workspace Desktop Edition Capabilities Assumption:

This use case is available on PureConnect Cloud

Currently, there is real-time reporting that is specific to generic objects on Cloud and standard reporting is used to monitor current status.

  • No recorder support for Generic Objects
  • No switchover support for Generic Objects and tasks need to be resubmitted on switchover
  • Generic Objects will be treated as immediate work within Optimizer
  • Generic Objects should be contained within their own queues for Genesys WFM forecasting and scheduling
This use case is available on Premises. Currently, there is real-time reporting that is specific to generic objects on Premises and standard reporting is used to monitor current status.
  • No Recorder Support for Generic Objects
  • No Switchover Support for Generic Objects and tasks need to be resubmitted on switchover
  • Generic Objects will be treated as immediate work within Optimizer
  • Generic Objects should be contained within their own Queues for Genesys WFM forecasting and scheduling
Task Classification and Prioritization
  • Once a task has been created within the Genesys system, the systemassigns the priority settings for handling the task (Task Prioritization). For example, the business process defines the queues needed to handle the task. Prioritization is based on the attributes associated with tasks and on the configuration described below.


Task prioritization in Generic Objects is based on configuration. In order to apply the configuration within Generic Objects, a set of business attributes (parameters) needs to be passed from the source system to Generic Objects during the capture event.

The Generic Objects data model is flexible and allows the source system to submit any metadata that is relevant to the task.


The source system configuration defines the operating principles and constraints of your organization. Example: “All tasks associated with Department Finance and Customer Segment Gold are classified by the source system to be assigned a priority of high” or “If task attribute Department equals Credit and the Customer Segment equals Silver then the priority assigned by the source system is medium”. In Generic Objects, configuration uses attributes from the captured task to submit the interaction in a particular queue and to assign it to the proper group of employees. The position of the interaction in the queue is based on the total ACD queue calculation.

Priority Rules Priority rules are applied to the task initially after being captured by setting:

  • an initial value for the priority
  • the initial priority remains for the duration of the interaction
    • Priority rules can be changed through a professional services engagement to meet your needs
    • In a blended environment, the priority ranges used for tasks are synchronized with the priority ranges for other media.

Task Life Cycle/Task Completion

Tasks within Genesys are completed via the source system. The logical flow is as follows:

  1. The employee completes a task in the source system. After this, the employee clicks “Disconnect” in Genesys to signal that the task is complete.
  2. The employee is then ready for the distribution of a new task and setting the disposition code in Genesys.

Throughout the lifecycle of the task, supervisors and managers have access to the task. This enables management to view the status and contents and to manually retrieve work items.

Reclassify Tasks

An employee might also need to reclassify a task. Reclassification is handled through the source system and depends on source system functionality and integration with Generic Objects. The logical flow is:

  1. The employee determines that a task needs to be reclassified.
  2. Either
    1. The agent reclassified the task within the source system and disconnects within Genesys.
      1. The source system completes the first task and resubmits the reclassified task.
      2. In this instance, the source system is typically used for historical reporting.
    2. The agent transfers the task to the appropriate queue in Genesys.
      1. in this instance, the Genesys reporting is typically used.
Skill-based routing

This use case provides a predefined routing strategy that creates all the queues needed to assign a task to a specific employee. The routing strategy is based on distribution via skill, ensuring that a task is distributed to the best suitable employee independent of place in the organization. The required skill is defined by the Generic Objects configuration. Each employee has one or more queues associated with their profile and a skill level associated with each queue, known as proficiencies. The skill level is used to define primary, secondary, and tertiary targets within the routing logic described below. The targets are defined as follows:

  • Primary target = employees with base skill level > N
  • Secondary target = employees with base skill level > M
  • Tertiary target = employees with base skill level > P

The values for N, M, and P are configurable based on Queue.The distribution logic supports Redirect on No Answer (RONA): if an employee does not accept a distributed task, the task is routed to another employee after a timeout. The first employee is set to not ready. This use case is combined with use cases for different media types. In this case, blending with other media types is supported including the required configuration of capacity rules.

N/A Task Handling-related Requirements

The agent desktop provides the following functionality:

  • Task processing from generic objects
  • Auto vs manual answer
  • Popup of the task in the source system via URL, or display of the source system ID that is used to manually open a task in the source system

General Requirements

The agent desktop has multiple not-ready statuses configured (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, RONA, and Training). The configuration of disposition codes to report on the business outcome (Cross Sell, Need Follow-Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up-Sell).

The customer can choose for this use case from either:

  • Interaction Desktop or
  • Interaction Connect

Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager is a Genesys application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. IC Business Manager dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, generic objects handled, and the average handle time.

With IC Business Manager you can:
Monitor the current state and activity of contact center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling, and generic object routing strategies.

Monitor operational activity through the Generic Objects Activity views. Monitor agent resource activity through the Generic Objects Activity views. Monitor tenant service level through the Service Level views.

Statistics Displayed on the Desktop
The required statistics to be presented on the agent desktop consist of an agent, status, and interactions statistics.
The status statistics are easily configurable by the end user.

Below is an example of Generic Object statistics that are available in Interaction Connect Business Manager for the workgroup.
Business Manager Workgroup Statistics
Workgroup Queue

You can view live statistical data for a selected workgroup queue in an efficient and highly visual format. Service Level, Abandon Rate and Wait Time statistics display prominently. You can compare statistics for selected workgroup queues by displaying this view multiple times and selecting a different workgroup each time. With the appropriate license, you can select which statistics you want to view and also enable alerts for the statistics.

Agent Statistics

The Agent Statistics view summarizes the activity of a single agent in a selected workgroup. This view enables supervisors to manage agents. It shows user status, workgroup activation status, and the selected agent's specific statistics. It includes a queue view of the interactions assigned to the agent.

Queue Service Level

The Queue Service Level report provides the ability to see the summary and details of up to 12 configured service levels in an absolute or cumulative view with a percentage option.

Queue Summary and Detail

The Queue Summary and Detail report presents summarized statistical data along with detailed statistics on workgroup queues. The statistics are reported, grouped, and summarized by any combination of the queue, media type, interval, skill, or DNIS. Data for calls answered or abandons is summarized and displayed when a single service level configuration is present in the data selected but is otherwise suppressed. The report also displays a chart for interactions distributions and service level.

Wrap Up Codes

The Wrap Up Codes Report displays statistics for completed interactions, summarized by the group, including; Wrap-up code, Queue, User, or Date. The flexibility in creating this report allows the User to display the groups in any order or not include a group in the report. The report also allows the User to choose to display interaction details.

Queue Period Statistics Agent Wrap Up Code by Queue Detail Report

This report enables a supervisor to see the wrap-up codes and related detailed statistics (number of interactions, average talk time, total talk time, average ACW, total ACW, and the number of supervisor requests) for each agent in each queue. A wrap-up code of "NS" means the user did not specify a wrap-up code in the specified time period, even though wrap-up codes were enabled and offered.

Queue Period Statistics Wrap-up Code Summary Report

This report enables a supervisor to see the wrap-up codes and related summary statistics (number of interactions, average talk time, total talk time, average ACW, total ACW, and the number of supervisor requests) for each agent or each queue. A wrap-up code of "NS" means the user did not specify a wrap-up code in the specified time period, even though wrap-up codes were enabled and offered. A wrap-up code of "-" (dash) indicates a regular interaction where no wrap-up code was offered, specified, or entered.

There are known limitations on workforce planning for Generic Objects. For more information please contact your account team.
  • Integration of the source system with Genesys is handled by the customer.
  • Any changes within the source system that are needed for the integration with Genesys are the customer's responsibility.
  • The task is managed/completed in the source application, so the agent needs to have access to the source application (BPM/CRM). To enable popup of the task in the source activation, a URL must be provided to Genesys together with the task. Otherwise the agent must pull the task manually.
V 1.1.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/BO07 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect BO07 Genesys KPI Insights PureConnect Business users must be able to report, monitor and make decisions regarding their contact center/customer experience to ensure ongoing improvement and the best business outcomes. Knowing when changes need to be made, the impact of the change, and when not to make changes requires the ability to rapidly identify anomalies and understand the root cause behind the anomalies. Maintaining alignment between routing, reporting, and resources is essential in streamlining the business and driving optimization.

Companies set their business plans regularly along with the key performance indicator (KPI) objectives that they use to measure customer experience success. To manage the company's contact center objectives and meet end customers' business needs, there is a set of required operational KPIs.

A good business practice is to analyze contact center performance through the review of service level targets and agent performance. The goal is to assess areas of focus to improve the customer service quality and identify any remediation actions.

For example, a contributing factor for service level targets is the percentage of interactions answered within a time frame (target). A contributing factor for agent performance is the average agent negative/positive score. For example, an organization might set an objective to have the service level KPI and the average agent negative/positive score be within the reasonable limit that is set by supervisors according to business needs.

Improve efficiency through real-time reporting to improve agent utilization, reduce churn, and enhance customer satisfaction scores. Companies need the ability to monitor and analyze detailed interaction data to discover anomalies inservice levels and agent performance. Mapping this data against business outcomes across all channels, and where appropriate, companies can make informed strategic and operational decisions that minimize future anomalies. CX Insights Core - Premise Subscription (APN Number: SW-001-4.0-CXIN-SUB)

CX Insights Core - Cloud Subscription (SW-001-4.0-CXIN-PCC)

Bundling the feature license with the Core license since we are not charging for the feature license. Userswill be required to have a base agent license. Must buy at least 10 licenses.

Analytics License only applies to users. The Analytics license controls are not visible on the Station license pages.

Selecting the "Analytics License" checkbox enables the license radio buttons to select the access licensing tier.

Core refers to an I3_ACCESS_ANALYTICS_CORE license, which grants users the rights to login and view dashboards.

  • Limited data and reports – missing relevant business data and inconsistent data across channels​
  • Limited capabilities – business users unable to easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Reliance on IT - business users unable to take or automate action in a timely manner
  • Agent Performance - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions
  • SLA drops - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions​​
  • Make informed decisions based on business outcomes​
  • Provide end-to-end visibility into your business performance with consistent relevant business data across channels​
  • Allow business users to take actions in a timely manner with easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Set thresholds on various KPIs to monitor and take timely actions​
  • Wide range of agent and workgroup dashboards with relevant business data​
Business Analyst, Head of Customer Service, Head of Contact Center(s), Contact Center Supervisor / Manager Consistent

Parameters and Business Rules

Service Level Analysis

BL1: Assign reports to roles within the company

  • The business decides during implementation and operation which roles have access to view dashboards. The roles are based on users' access rights and are configurable in Interaction Administrator.
  • The roles are then assigned to report users to have a login to the online reporting.
  • This is part of CX Insights standard capabilities.

BL2: Comparison of reports with business level KPIs:

  • The actor analyzes the Multiple Workgroup Interval Analysis dashboards and notices that the service level target is low for the current shift or period.
  • The actor reviews the report against business level KPIs for service level and customer segmentation.
  • The actor reviews the service level in the report and notices that the number of interactions answered is low and decides to investigate.

BL3: Analysis of contributing factors

  • The parameters that drive service level target are interactions answered and average talk times of an agent.
  • When an anomaly is seen in service level target on the reports, the actor investigates the cause of the anomaly and makes a decision by evaluating the multiple workgroup intervals.
  • The actor has the service level set for their team and measures against these values. The service level target parameters are part of the reporting. Threshold values can either be set by the actor or be automatically calculated in Interaction Administrator.

BL4: Filter into details

  • The reporting user starts to filter the reports to identify the underlying root cause of the high average talk times and lower interactions answered.
  • The reporting user makes a decision as to where the underlying driver of the service level target is coming from and compares different KPIs with other agents.
  • The service level parameters are part of CX Insights. For example, calls answered, calls on-hold, and average talk time.

BL5: Identify correlations

  • The filtering continues to identify the underlying root cause of the high average talk times and lower interactions answered.
  • When an anomaly is seen in the reports, the actor investigates the cause of the service level anomaly and identifies that average talk time and average hold time have risen at the same time that the service level was not met by evaluating the Multiple Workgroup Interval and Agent Dashboards.
  • The actor sees that the average talk time for the period exceeded the service level.

BL6: Identify root cause

  • The parameters are part of CX Insights reporting.
  • The actor investigates the agents and decides whether the newly hired agent(s) require training to reduce the average talk times and hold times or if other corrective action should be taken, such as making changes to the routing, scheduling, skill levels, etc.

Agent Performance Analysis

BL1: Assign reports to roles within the company

  • The business decides during implementation and operation which roles have access to view dashboards. The roles are based on the access rights the user has and are configurable in Interaction Administrator.
  • The roles are then assigned to report users to have a login to the online reporting.
  • This is part of CX Insights standard capabilities.

BL2: Comparison of reports with business level KPIs:

  • The actor analyzes the agent overview and multiple workgroup overview dashboards and notices that the agent negative/positive score is high for the current shift/period.
  • The actor reviews the report against business level KPIs for agent performance and customer segmentation.
  • The actor reviews the average agent score in the report and notices that the agent negative score exceeds the set threshold value and decides to investigate.

BL3: Analysis of contributing factors

  • When an anomaly is seen in average agent scores in the dashboards, the actor investigates the cause of the anomaly and makes a decision by evaluating the agent and the subsequent workgroup.
  • The actor's team has set threshold values and measures scores against these values. The average agent score parameters are part of the reporting and the threshold values can either be set by the actor or be calculated automatically based on the percentage range.

BL4: Filter into details

  • The reporting user starts to filter the dashboards to identify the agents having high average agent negative scores.
  • The reporting user makes a decision as to the source of the high average negative score and comparesdifferent KPIs with other agents. For example, calls answered and calls on-hold.
  • The average agent negative score parameters are part of CX Insights.

BL5: Identify correlations

  • The filtering continues to identify the underlying root cause of the agent negative score.
  • When an anomaly is seen in the reports, the actor investigates the cause of the high agent negative score.
  • The actor views the average negative score time for the period that exceeds the threshold value.

BL6: Identify root cause

  • The parameters are part of CX Insights reporting in the agent and workgroup dashboards.
  • The actor investigates the agent performance and decides whether the newly hired agents require training to improve the call quality or if other corrective action should be taken, such as making changes to the routing, scheduling, etc.
N/A N/A N/A The agent and workgroup dashboards provide users with an easy way to see a wide range of real-time agent and workgroup activities to understand the current state of the contact center. The visualizations include the number of agents on- and off-queue, time in statuses, and insight into the interactions answered and on-hold, complete with filtering and sorting capabilities.

Master Filters on Dashboards:

  • Workgroup selection
  • Interval selection
  • Agent Selection

Agent Dashboards -It is possible to report the following KPIs:

  • Avg Wait Time
  • Avg Talk Time
  • Avg Hold Time
  • Longest Talk Time
  • Longest Wait Time
  • Agent Availability
  • Average Agent Negative/Positive Score
  • Average CustomerNegative/Positive Score
  • Workgroup Dashboards -It is possible to report the following KPIs:
  • Avg Wait Time
  • Avg Talk Time
  • Avg Hold Time
  • Total Talk Time
  • Total Wait Time
  • Total Hold Time
  • Service Level Missed Target
  • Service Level Target
  • Abandon Rate Missed Target
  • Abandon Rate Target
  • Longest Talk Time
  • Longest Wait Time
  • Longest On-Hold Time
  • Agent Availability

Release Notes:

Use Interaction Reporter for some performance analysis reports.
  • Customer should have new analytics feature license enabled to view the dashboards.
  • Drill down capabilities are available for some reports in Interaction Reporter.
  • This use case is for Inbound interactions only.
  • The following user roles will be supported within the scope of this use case: Team Lead, Supervisor, Business Analyst.
  • Other requirements
    • KPI captured and analyzed is part of CX Insights
    • This essential use case is based on the Servicel Level metric and Agent Performance
    • Once anomalies are identified in reports, the team lead/ supervisor can take actions:
      • Agent performance in terms of call quality, average wait times
      • Train additional agents with the impacted skill to take care of the call quality influencing interactions.
ver 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/BO11 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect BO11 PureConnect Dynamic Case Management (DCM) enables Genesys customers to leverage the back-office automation capabilities to help employees and supervisors better manage cases. Companies can improve processes for the resolution of cases by:
  • Providing a single interface for case resolution
  • Breaking the inflexibility of current processes
  • Getting a 360◦ view on the process handling and associated SLAs
  • Increasing advisors' satisfaction and autonomy
  • Increasing supervisor visibility and control
  • Giving agents visibility into other tasks or people associated with their immediate work

In addition to this, the benefits can be combined with the Workload Management use cases. For more information, see Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for PureConnect. Various Genesys partners can deliver the DCM component of this use case. While Genesys can integrate with many DCM partners, this use case focuses on Eccentex Appbase DCM offerings. To illustrate this use case and make it more tangible, we have provided technical information from the Eccentex platform. In a future release, we will introduce technical details from other vendors. If you are interested in another case management solution provider, the Genesys account team can help you contact our Genesys solution leads. The Genesys DCM solution can be deployed on cloud, on-premises, or in a hybrid model. Genesys DCM brings the omni-process concept, allowing integration of data and tools into a single user interface. This enables agents and advisors to work on a single application instead of having to switch between applications to resolve cases. In the background, the solution orchestrates the flow of information, ensuring that the required information is provided to the agents and advisors at the right time. The solution replicates new input in the relevant back-end systems.

Genesys sees the digital journey of the customer as something more than a technological process to be managed by a customer relationship management (CRM) or business process management (BPM) tool; rather, it is a whole-person digital journey that serves the customers on their terms in ways most effective for their needs at any one time or at any one place.

Genesys DCM provides customers with building blocks for the future to deliver automation, efficiency, sales, marketing, enhanced customer service, and a better experience for customers, employees, and external partners. Although Genesys is an open platform that supports integration with hundreds of other products and solutions in the market, the proposed approach is the recommended solution to provide a human-centric DCM omnichannel experience.

  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Get actionable insight into what customers are doing on the Web, and across other interaction channels, to ensure that help is offered when it is most likely to succeed.
  • Provide Employees with complete contextual customer information
Head of Customer Experience, Head of Operations, Head of Business Units Defined Case creation

For this use case, we have foreseen three ways of initiating a new case. A new case can be created: 1. Via a web form on a public or internal website. Completion of this form triggers a web service call, which creates a new case in DCM via its open API. 2. Via DCM user interface. An advisor or expert can create a new case manually. This method can be used if email or voice channels are used. The advisor (agent) who handles the call or email manually creates a new case. see:

Image2018-6-20 16 23 32.png

3. Via the Eccentex Smart API. This allows the creation of cases by other backend systems.

Simple DistributionThis use case includes simple distribution logic, where tasks are sent to workbins and it is up to the employees and experts to ensure they are processing the tasks according to the expectations of the company. Advisors need to pull tasks from their associated workbins.

The escalation monitoring part of the process ensures tasks are processed in due time, by sending at-risk tasks to experts.

This use case also enables supervisors to assign tasks from team workbins to one of their employee's workbins.

Advanced distribution

The advanced distribution can be implemented if one of the optional Workload Management distribution use cases has been selected and is deployed at the same time.

In this section, highlights some of the benefits of combining this use case with a workload distribution use case:

  • No cherry picking
  • Ensure employees and experts are working on the most important tasks for the company first
  • Measure employees and experts handling time
  • Enabling workforce management/optimization for employees and experts
  • The push of tasks reduces allocation bias and idle time
  • Employee performance visibility for the individual as well as for the supervisors
  • Fair distribution of tasks

For more information on these high-level benefits, refer to the Workload Management distribution use cases (Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for PureConnect

An additional benefit of combining use cases includes:

  • Fewer groups need to be configured in DCMAs distribution because additional parameters (for example, Language and Case_Type), enable each group to support multiple possibilities.

For example: Enterprises no longer need to foresee different target groups for all the languages and/or segments you support for a specific case type. The routing engine takes into consideration the skills (languages, segments, etc.) and proficiency levels of the advisors in the task distribution.

Advisor Case handling

Simple Case Handling environment

The Eccentex platform comes with its own advisor environment, where employees can review and manage the tasks to which they are assigned. With access rules, it is possible to provide the right visibility and capabilities to each of the people involved in the handling of the case.

Advanced Case Handling environment

If a Workload Management use case will be deployed with this use case, beyond the additional routing and distribution capabilities, new capabilities will also be provided to the employees.

With the Workload Management use case, an Advisor (Agent) toolbar is provided. With the toolbar, employees can log in and put themselves in the desired mode (for example, selecting their login status and ready state, communicating with colleagues, etc.). They can also easily interact with customers if some communication channels are available. Once they receive new tasks, they can get preview information and contextual information to provide an enhanced customer experience.

Note that all standard case handling capabilities are unchanged as the Eccentex DCM interface appears in a frame of the Advisor/Agent toolbar as shown below.

Image2018-7-16 12 23 2.png

Escalation Process

Escalation criteria

The following escalation criteria are foreseen in this use case:

  • Operation level agreement (OLA) for the task.
    • If a task is not performed in OLA time, the task is automatically escalated. OLA monitoring can escalate the task at any step of the normal handling flow. The only exception to this is if an advisor is currently effectively working on the task (task's screen open and active on the desktop). In this case, the task will be subject to escalation if the advisor does not finish the case before closing the task window. As there is only one escalation mechanism, escalated tasks cannot be further escalated. Note: Adding Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for PureConnect to this use case provides significantly more escalation options.OLA should be smaller than Case SLA, to allow sufficient time for experts to resolve the case. SLA and OLA can be defined in Open Office time or Calendar time. (Allowed format: Days; hours; Minutes)
  • Advisor manual escalation.
    • An advisor handling a task can decide to escalate the task if they think this is appropriate to secure in time 'Case Resolution.'

Detail escalation process

Once a task has been escalated, it will always follow the same escalation path. The target escalation expert group can be determined based on the case type.

Note:Adding Genesys Work and Lead Distribution (BO02) for PureConnect to this use case allows for escalation based on any metadata or context around the case.

Case_Type SLA SLA/OLA Type Handling_Target OLA Escalation_Target
Technical 16 hours Open office time Employees_group_A 12 hours Expert_group_X
Finance 3 days Open office time Finances_group_B 2 days Team_Supervisor
Calendar time

8 days Express_delivery_team

Once one of the escalation criteria is met, the associated task is escalated and the task is sent to the escalation target. The experts associated with this target then receive the escalation in their inbox and are responsible for handling it as quickly as possible. Supervisors can monitor the tasks (normal and escalated) through the reporting interface. Based on the input, they can assign or remove additional employees or experts. They can also change the task's targets and OLA/SLA.

Live notifications

At several steps in the process, notifications can be activated. The activation of the different notifications can be done based on the case type. Administrators and/or supervisors can alter the content of the notification messages. Assuming several notification channels are available, the selection of the notification channel can be done based on case type (communication channels will not be delivered in the scope of this use case).

Case_Type Creation Notif Create Notif Change Assign Notif Assign Not. Change Other Notify
Technical Yes Email No ...
Finance Yes SMS Yes Email ..
Replacement Yes Email Yes Mobile Notification ..

The content of the different live notification messages is configurable by the administrator and/or supervisors.The message is the same for all case types, but the message supports the following variable information:

  • Case_Type (for example: Technical, Finance, Replacement)
  • Case_Description (for example: technical issue)
  • Case_Id (for example: 1234566 2346)
  • Case_SLA (for example: 12)
  • Case_SLA_format (for example: Days, Hours, Minutes)
  • Case_SLA_Type (for example: Open office time/ calendar time)
  • Case_Target (for example: Finances_group_B)
  • Case_Creation_Date
  • Case_Creation_Time
  • Case_Status

Other variables coming from the case creation forms (Maximum of 20 fields. This is not a technical limitation, for more than 20 fields, additional PS effort is required.)

Examples of variables that can be captured in the creation form:

  • Customer_Name
  • Customer_ Firstname
  • Customer_Id
  • Customer_Email
  • Customer_Segment
  • Customer_request_description
  • ....

Example of Message::

Dear ,

With this email, we want to confirm that an ACME ticket has been created for your request < Case_Creation_Date> at < Case_ Creation_Time>. The related identifier for your ticket is the following.

You will receive an answer from us in the time frame.

Best regards

The ACME Company

Portal Case status dashboard frame

This use case can also come with case status dashboard for the customer, this is only applicable if the customer has been identified during the case creation and if the company is providing personalized portal capabilities to their customers. In this case, the Dynamic Case Management platform can provide a web dashboard with all the cases associated to this customer, as well as the status of these cases.

Any combination of the Case _Variables and case creation variables can be presented in this dashboard.

Case_ID, Case_Status, Case_Type, Case_SLA....

Note that the integration of this case status dashboard in the existing company portal is not covered in the scope of this use case. This integration can be done or by customer resources or partner resources.

CRM-Light- customer profile storing

The Dynamic Case Management platform comes with an out of the box CRM Light capability. It stores customer profile data, which can be used in this case management process (such as customer search, case report based on the customer).

Image2018-12-10 12-26-8.png

In the scope of this use case allows for the addition of up to five fields to the default customer profile data template. Additional fields can be added but are subject to a separated quote.

Image2018-6-20 16 34 43.png
Real-time, interactive reporting in the browser is achieved with AppBase Dashboards.

Reporting capabilities rely on 3rd party tools to achieve Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. Specifically, DCM works primarily with JasperSoft.

Standard reporting provided:

  • Number of cases open per Case
  • Case status report Per Case Type
  • Specific View on escalated Case
  • Number of cases open, closed, escalated per Case type in a defined period
  • Number of Cases closed per advisor in a defined period
  • Number of cases manually escalated per case types and per Advisor in a defined period
  • Report on closer times per case types in a defined period (+ average closer time per case types)

For more information, see About Interaction Reporter.

Tuned reports

The Platform allows also the possibility to create tuned reports for the specific needs. Tuned reports, can be requested and will be subject to an additional Professional services Quote (out of scope of the standard Use Case).Samples of tuned reports:

DCM reporting 1.png
DCM reporting 2.png
  • Compatibility with DCM hardware and software requirements.
  • Customer should allow access to the DCM Platform for their users, involved in the process.

This use case does not include any system integration. The case submission web form and web dashboard (provided in scope) will not be integrated into the existing web environment of the customer. On request of the customer, this integration could be done by Genesys resources, but this will be subject to a separate quote by Professional Services. Customer may also choose to implement this integration with its own or partner resources. The customer should provide the communication channel(s) for the customer notification (such as email, SMS and notification gateways). If the relevant notification channel(s) are available, the use case supports the following notification types:

  • Email (requires customer email address)
  • SMS (requires customer mobile number)
  • Mobile notification (requires customer mobile number).

Note that Genesys can provide optional additional routing capabilities for these notification channels (see the Interdependencies section below for more info). This use case includes:

  • One submission form,
  • One case status web Dashboard form,
  • Five case-types with one common case process.

If additional submission form(s), case dashboard(s) and/or case processes are requested they can be purchased as an add-on. Cases can be routed up to five different target group(s) of employees plus one escalation group. (If additional groups of employees are required they can be purchased as an add-on). The numbers of employees and supervisors are unlimited, but each agent and supervisor should be equipped with a valid license.

The maximum number of information fields requested in the case creation (web form or agent creation form) is limited to 20. Each of these fields can be made mandatory or not and can be submitted to classical format verification (example: date format, drop-down list, membership number format…). Note that format validation should happen in DCM, as integration to external systems is out of scope of this use case. Note that Complex field validation algorithm can be supported but, in this case, the algorithm should be provided by the customer. This part of the code remains under the responsibility of the customer.

Document or photo upload is supported by default, so advisors and customer can attach digital documents to the case. DCM can also provide advance capabilities in these areas which are out of scope, such as: document scanning, indexing, image editing, format changes. These capabilities can be added to the customer implementation but will be subject to a separate quote by Professional Services. If required, this could be delivered as an add-on (this might also require additional licenses purchase).

No data upload is included to populate the CRM light information (this can be done or by the customer or by Professional Services but is subject to a separate quote).

Use Case Interdependencies

This use case can be sold as standalone. However, it is recommended to sell it with one of the Workload Management Use Cases. See Interdependencies section below to review the compatibility and the availability of the Workload Management use case.

  • As stated earlier in this document, this use case supports notifications via email, SMS and mobile notifications. It is, however, the responsibility of the customer to provide access to the relevant gateways (email, SMS, mobile notification).

If direct communication is required between the customer and the case worker, it is recommended to select the relevant additional Genesys use cases to orchestrate the communication channels. This will ensure that:

  • Customer replies are routed to the relevant Advisors,
  • Customer interactions are stored in a central place: Universal Contact Server.
  • Provide Advisors with an intuitive and easy to use desktop tool to initiate and professionally manage the interaction.
  • Provide Standard response library

and many more capabilities, depending on the additional Use-Cases selected. Please find below a list of possible use cases for the different platform.

Note:This list is for the indicative purpose, contact your account team to get the list of relevant use cases for your configuration.

Benefits of Combining with Genesys Task Distribution use case and PureConnect

By combining the system of resolution that Eccentex provides with PureConnect system of engagement, the unified solution enables dynamic human based workflow to handle and automate the workflow. PureConnect provides the ability to engage with customers, handle exceptions that occur in the workflow and journey moments where work needs to be performed by an employee.

N/A BO02 CE01 CE03 CE09 CE11 CE16 CE18 CE22 CE29 V 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE01 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE01 Genesys Call Routing PureConnect Organizations want to provide an exceptional customer and sales service experience by reducing transfers, hold time and repetition.

To achieve this experience, they need customizable software to fit complex rules, distributed using skills-based routing while automaticity capturing each call disposition for analysis.

When companies enable call routing within their Genesys environments, benefits can include:

Customer wants to contact the company for a specific service or for further information around a product or offer and then calls the company. The system performs hours of operation, special day, and emergency checks, and then plays corresponding messages. The customer selects an option from a menu (prompt and collect) that maps to an agent skill expression. If no agents are available, the target expands to include an additional agent skill or skill-level before routing to an optional overflow number.

After the initial implementation, customers can enhance the service with more Genesys routing capabilities.

  • ​​​​Poor customer experience scores due to excessive wait times, transfers, hold times, agents who do ​not have needed expertise, and the need for ​repeat contacts​
  • High staffing costs to meet service levels; some sites may be overloaded while agents are idle in others​
  • Inefficient use of agents who are responding to simple inquiries or requests, such as balance inquiries or change of address​
  • Inability to use context of previous interactions to optimize each customer call ​​​
  • Optimize customer experience by connecting them to a knowledgeable, efficient agent available within a configured time period
  • As customers wait in queue, remove skill requirements to expand the pool of available agents
  • Route interactions without conversations leaving the queue to better understand why customers are calling and keep your data clean for clear reporting
Consistent Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here available in the cloud.
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • The full use case outlined here is available on premises.​
This section describes the parameters Genesys uses to drive routing decisions and describes how these parameters are configured.

These operational parameters allow an administrator to configure a number of settings related to routing logic, including the target skills for each menu option, priority tuning, timers, and overflows.

Some parameters are only available at DNIS/Route Point level. These parameters are either needed only once at the beginning of the call flow (for example, greeting message), or they are used across the entire call flow independent of the caller's subsequent DTMF menu choices. Other parameters are available at both the DNIS/Route Point level (to be used if no call steering has been activated) and at the level of the choice of a specific touch point.

The following tables illustrate example parameters that are configurable through Genesys configuration tools.

Parameters to configure Service Line Announcements

The following parameters are configurable by service line:

Name Description
Business hours Sets the hours that the business is open and accepting calls.
Special day A list of exceptions to the regular business hours for a holiday or other reason.
Emergency declared Activates the emergency announcement (such as a power outage or general closure).

Parameters to define the Call Steering/DTMF Menus

This use case defines call steering options through multiple levels within the call flows. It also describes the menu options within each level. Four independent call steering flows are included: business hours, after hours, holiday, and emergency. Flows include up to two languages.Call steering for business hours flow includes a tree with 2 menu layers and up to 25 exit routing points. A caller's choice of DTMF menus and sub-options determines the service they need, and the agent skill required to best meet that need. After hours, holiday, and emergency call steering each includes a caller prompt and one exit routing point. An exit point may include items such as routing, voicemail, external transfers, or internal transfers.

Distribution Parameters

The parameters in the following list define the behavior of the distribution logic. These parameters are configurable according to the combination of possible DTMF choices in the call steering.

Name Description
Workgroup Primary ACD group that will receive the interaction
Skills Secondary ACD group that will receive the interaction
Priorities Value that defines the level of interaction importance

The skill expression that defines the target is a combination of workgroup, skill(s), and proficiencies. Best practice includes using all possible agents in the initial skill group.Agents may be configured with different proficiency levels to provide preferred assignments.

  • Time in Queue: The amount of time the caller has been in queue waiting for the next available agent; this may be disabled on a workgroup basis.
  • Priority: The configured priority level of the call; defaults to 50.
  • Proficiency: The proficiency level configured for each agent.

Audio Resources

The following audio resources are configurable by service line:

Name Example
Business Hours A message announcing office closure and inviting to call again at opening time
Please Wait on Hold A message inviting callers to wait
Welcome A greeting message
Emergency An emergency message
Special Day A message announcing office closure due to special day (such as a public holiday)
Music waiting in queue Music
Main DTMF Menu Message The main Call Steering menu announcement
Sub-DTMF Menu Messages (multiple messages) The sub-menu messages for the Call Steering menu as required
The distribution logic includes the following functionality:
  • The workgroups, skills, and priority are configurable by (final) DTMF choice.
  • Proficiencies are configurable on the agent level.
  • ANA functionality: If an agent does not accept a voice interaction, the voice call is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time-out. The agent who did not accept the call is set to agent not answering.
  • Blending with other media types is possible. Priority settings for voice interactions are configurable to enable proper priority ranges between different media types. Agent utilization is configurable for agents and agent groups to define which interactions can be handled in parallel (if any).
  • Agents can view the workgroup, DNIS, ANI, caller name, and duration when the call is presented.
  • Agents can transfer calls to other individual agents and workgroups.
  • Agents can transfer calls to defined route points. The routing logic defined for these route points is similar to the routing logic defined above. Only route points to transfer calls are visible to agents in their desktop.
  • Agent can set their availability status to influence routing.
  • Out-of-the-box Marquee templates and IC Business Manager views are used. These include reports and widgets based on agent, agent group, and queue statistics.
    • The corresponding KPIs are available per (final) menu selection and per DNIS/Route Point (customer intent).
    • Calls deflected because of emergency condition, special day or outside of business hours are reported separately.
    • Calls transferred to an external number are reported separately.
  • The availability status of each agent can be displayed.
  • Alerts are configurable based on agent and workgroup statistics using upper- and lower-bound thresholds.
  • IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports for reporting on inbound voice calls and agents are used, including Queue Summary and User Productivity reports.
    • A report displays workgroup data broken down by the skill that was assigned on the call
      • Shows the total volume of calls that entered, were answered, or were abandoned.
      • Shows the total duration and average duration for talk, hold, and ACW.
    • The system gathers data for each agent regarding the volume of calls answered for each queue, and the duration of associated calls.
  • Implementation of this use case is based on the corresponding Functional Requirement Specification.
  • Routing parameters are configurable through Interaction Administrator, Interaction Attendant, and Interaction Connect.
  • Text-to-speech and speech recognition are not included.
  • All customer input is via DTMF prompt and collect.
  • There are no integrations with third-party systems.
  • Customers must provide all prompts and audio files in .wav (8bit, mono, mu-law, 64kbps) format. Files will not be altered, converted, or otherwise edited.
  • MPLS is an optional add-on for this use case.
  • All data connectivity will be over Internet (secured).
N/A v 1.2.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE02 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE02 Genesys Personalized Routing PureConnect Callers expect a company to know who they are. Customer experience scores suffer when callers are connected to agents who don’t have any information about them or their previous interactions — resulting in unnecessary repetition, effort and time.

This use case connects callers with the best-fit agent based on choices within the IVR, the type of request, and customer context. Routing parameters are configurable and flexible enough to achieve a variety of desired business outcomes.

A call is qualified within the IVR. The customer is identified and authenticated, if needed, within the IVR menu (not part of this use case). Based on the caller's choices within the IVR, the caller is routed to the best agent able to serve the request, which can potentially lead to additional services (for example, to realize up-sell potential). The logic of this use case is business rules driven and therefore flexible to changing needs and business environments.
  • Unable to use context to enable a finer granularity in matching the customer to the best agent in the target agent group
  • Calls with long handle times, with customers having to recap previous interactions
  • Missed service levels within or across channels
  • Increasing interaction abandonment and repeat contacts
  • Offer self-service and call back options
  • Inform customers of expected wait/process times
Defined Emergency Check

Emergency mode activation is enabled at the IVR entry point for the call. Genesys runs a parallel stream to continually check if agents are logged in on the platform. If no agents are detected, then an emergency mode is automatically activated.

EWT Announcements

Announcement of expected wait time to customers is handled based on predefined recordings. It is a good practice to announce expected wait times in approximate language, to not mislead caller expectations.

Busy Treatment

Messages and music are played for calls in the queue. Any number of queue messages or hold music is configurable.


Genesys routing uses skills for enhanced routing logic and personalization. Skills are defined by caller-specific context data. For example:

  • A caller calls the service hotline for “Account Transactions.”
  • The caller successfully identifies and authenticates in the IVR. The corresponding data is passed to Genesys.
  • In this case, the call should ideally be routed to an agent with the skills “Account_Handling” and the supplementary skill “Up-Sell” to ensure that the agent can handle both the original request and successfully convert the up-sell opportunity for the caller.

Skill level

Each agent has one or more skills associated to their profile, referred to in this use case as proficiencies.

Priority Model

Different priorities are set for calls according to business value of the type of request. If priorities are set and an agent becomes available, Genesys distributes the call with the highest priority matching the agent's skills. This is specifically relevant if the agent can receive interactions for different types of request. The priority of a call is increased over time to make sure that low-priority calls are still distributed to an agent after a potentially longer waiting time (priority tuning). Priority tuning is configured by defining the beginning priority value for the interaction.

These values are configurable at the point where the caller enters the workgroup queue.


The agents can transfer calls to defined internal agent groups or business lines. The routing logic defined for these route points is similar to the routing logic defined above (without initial announcements). Only transfer route points are visible in the PureConnect Client.

Additional functionality

  • RONA (Redirect On No Answer)-functionality: If an agent does not accept the call, the call is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time-out. The agent is set to not ready.
  • This use case can be combined with other non-voice use cases. Blending is possible. The configuration of priority values need to be synchronized with priority settings for other media types to allow an ordering of interactions within the universal queue, according to business requirements. Capacity rules are configurable for agents and agent groups to define which interactions are handled in parallel (if any).

Context Service Data

The Genesys IVR can use database dips, REST, or SOAP requests to third-party systems to gather additional information about the caller while the caller traverses the IVR. This data is usable for more advanced IVR routing and decision-making. This capability would be incremental and is not included as part of standard Professional Services delivery.

Parameters available per type of request / service

The following is a list of business parameters that are configurable by service. These are configured in Genesys Interaction Administrator and Interaction Attendant. Note that the list is not exhaustive as additional parameters for technical settings might be required. The list does not reflect the technical realization and naming conventions to be used. Also, some of the parameters are combined for ease of readability. The list is intended for business readers to give an overview of the flexibility in the configuration of the routing logic.

Name Description
After Hours Message Message played if the call is outside of business hours
Emergency Flag Flag to set emergency status for the service
Emergency Message Message played in emergency situations
Enable Profile Flag to indicate if this Profile is enabled. If not enabled, the Default Profile is used instead
EWT Flag Flag to determine if EWT is announced to a customer
Open Hours Sets the open hours of the service
Schedule Defines the dates/times when certain IVR logic should be followed

Example: Holiday scheduled

Special Day Message Message played if the call is on a special day

Parameters available per customer context and type of request/service

The following is a list of business parameters that are configurable by service and customer context. Default values for these parameters are configured by Genesys Interaction Administrator or Interaction Attendant. These base parameters are overwritten by parameters defined by rules using additional customer context. The list is not exhaustive as additional parameters for technical settings might be required. It also does not reflect the technical realization and naming conventions to be used. The list is intended to give business users an overview of the flexibility in the configuration of the routing logic:

Name Description
Skill Skill(s) required for this call
Workgroup Primary ACD group that will receive the interaction

Reporting Parameters

The following business parameters represent reporting categories and they are completely customizable to a company's business model. An administrator can assign different combinations of these parameters to each of the inbound and distribution parameter groups. The assignments can distinguish them in reporting and enable identification of the unique properties of the parameter group.

Name Description
Profile Where caller enters IVR
Schedule Route in Profile taken to determine system schedules
Nodes Each configured decision point throughout the IVR

Parameters to define the Call Steering

This use case defines call steering options through the use of conditional evaluations based on customer context. At each evaluation, a followup action is carried out to personalize the IVR experience for the caller. These actions may include playing prompts, setting dynamic workgroups or skills, or taking different menu paths based on who the caller is (requires CEO1). The base use case includes up to 8 evaluations, each one including a follow-up action. The use case supports up to two languages.Additional evaluations may be included within this use case through expanded scope or Project Change Request.

Call Qualification and Customer Identification (outside of the scope of this use case)

As a prerequisite for this CE02 use case, call qualification and customer identification are handled by an IVR application before the start of this use case. This IVR application is outside the scope of this use case. Use case CE07, Effective Identification & Validation in IVR, can be used for this functionality.The CE02 use case assumes that Genesys receives the following information from the IVR:

  • Type of Request / Service (either via DTMF, natural language recognition or IVR intelligence)
  • Caller language
  • Caller identification
  • Information on the status of the identification:
    • Anonymous
    • Identification provided
    • Identification and verification (ID&V) provided
    • Customer ID -The customer ID might be any ID as used by the organization that identifies the caller.Alternatively, the CLI is usable for caller identification, but is less reliable.
    • This input determines the parameters for the specific call.

Remark on naming convention in this document:

“Type of request/service” is the mapping of a call to the caller's need using an IVR pre-qualification, such as a DTMF menu. Therefore, it may be more granular than a published service number for the contact center, or a department within the contact center (for example, sales or billing). The latter is sometimes also referred to as service within some organizations. However, in this use case, “service” is used interchangeably with “type of request” and refers to the more granular definition.

  • The agent can view the workgroup, DNIS, ANI, caller name, and duration when the call is presented.
  • Agents can transfer calls to other individual agents and workgroups.
  • The agents can transfer calls to defined route points. The routing logic defined for these route points will be similar to the routing logic defined above. Only route points to transfer calls will be visible to the agent in their desktop.
  • The agent can set their availability status to influence routing.
  • Out-of-the-box Marquee templates as well as Interaction Center Business Manager views will be used, which include reports and widgets based on Agent, Agent Group and Queue statistics.
    • The corresponding KPIs will be available per (final) menu selection and per DNIS / Route Point (customer intent)
    • Calls deflected because of emergency condition, special day or outside of business hours will be reported separately.
    • Calls transferred to an external number will be reported separately
  • The availability status of each agent can be displayed
  • Alerts can be configured based on agent and workgroup statistics using upper and lower bound thresholds
  • IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports for reporting on inbound voice calls and agents will be used, including Queue Summary and User Productivity reports.
    • Display workgroup data broken down by the skill that was assigned on the call
      • Show the total volume of calls that entered, were answered, or were abandoned.
      • Show the total durations and average durations for talk, hold, and ACW.
    • Gather data for each agent regarding the volume of calls answered for each queue, and durations associated with them.
  • The IVR application to determine the type of request and customer ID is not part of this use case and has to be provided separately.
  • All announcements are to be provided by the customer.
  • Routing parameters are configured through Interaction Administrator and Interaction Attendant.
  • IC Business Manager is used for historical reporting.
  • Interaction Desktop or Interaction Connect is used as the agent desktop.
  • IC Business Manager is used for real-time reporting.
CE01 ver 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE03 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE03 Genesys Callback PureConnect This functional use case enables you to improve customer experience by providing wait time information and callback functionality. Depending on the length of the wait time, the system can play different messages and provide optimized customer experiences for various situations. You can specify the upper wait time threshold and the automatic transfer out of queue behavior based on the business. You can monitor the outcome of caller behaviors using reports and quickly adjust the settings if required. Enhance your IVR application with the possibility to offer a callback. For example, if the customer has chosen to transfer to a representative but a long wait is expected, they can hear a message letting them know the estimated wait time along with an offer to receive a callback later. Temporarily listing these here for ease of reference and to solidify SFDC updates


  • Contact Center Level 1
  • Interaction Supervisor add-on
  • Interaction Supervisor add-on - Concurrent
  • Basic Server
  • Advanced Session
  • Basic Session
  • Media Session
  • Interaction Media Server - Large Appliance - Gen9
  • Available as part of the base agent package
  • Available as part of the base agent fee

Professional Services Expert Applications: (Upsell opportunity, see your CSD for more info)

  • Automated Callbacks
    • Automates Agent side of the callback. Places outbound call and disconnects callback objects once call is complete. This prevents agents from abusing the callbacks and reduces overall handle time for callbacks.
  • Advanced Callbacks
    • Enhances callbacks to allow callers to select what time they would like a callback.
  • Long queue times lead to abandons and missed service levels
  • High staffing costs in order to have resources available for peak periods
  • Unable to obtain view of operational performance through reporting & analytics
  • Customer dissatisfaction with long waits and lack of options

  • When caller requests agent assistance from IVR, the queue times are dynamically checked
  • When queue exceeds threshold set by business, the caller is played a message relaying the current wait time and given callback option
  • Caller can choose to accept or reject the callback option
  • When accepted, the callback is registered in the queue
  • When the callback reaches the top of the queue, it is assigned to an available agent.
Head of Customer Experience, Contact Center Supervisor / Manager, Chief Information Officer Consistent Callback Offering and Registration This section describes the business rules which drive the decisions made by the voice application, such as how the business rules are configured. The voice application verifies the estimated queue wait time for the type of request before transferring a call. The returned wait time is checked against the user specified settings:
  • Automatic transfer threshold: If the expected wait time is less than this threshold, the call is automatically transferred to an inbound queue. The logic and business rules used to distribute the call to an agent from this queue are not part of scope of this use case.
  • Upper wait time play back threshold: If the expected wait time is in between the automatic transfer and the upper wait time play back threshold, the expected wait time is announced to the customer (rounded to minutes). If the business prefers not to announce an expected wait time, a generic message can be played instead. After this announcement a callback is offered to the customer.
  • If the wait time is greater than both thresholds, a generic message is played before offering callback to the customer.

The business can configure the messages played and the thresholds.

Callback The following parameters are configurable for the callback logic:

  • Voice prompts for announcements / treatments for the callback

It is possible to assign a priority to callback requests. This is important in the case when this use case is combined with other inbound media types (e.g., chat or e-mail).

These parameters are configurable per type of request. The type of request is determined by the point in the IVR where transition from self-service to assisted service is required. It is defined by the auto attendant application using this callback functionality.

Distribution logic to define IVR callbacksIncluded in this use case is the addition of a single logical callback point within the IVR, with a single inclusion of the business logic. Additional instances of this use case may be added for expanded callback use.

Distributing transfer calls to agents This functionality is outside the scope of this use case. The solution will transfer the call to an existing queue for inbound voice routing and will leverage existing inbound voice routing functionality.

Distributing callback requests to agents

The following lists the minimum functionality for distributing a callback generated from the IVR to agents:

  • Routing of callback requests to agent is based on agents' workgroup and skills. The required skills for a callback request depend on the type of request and the language. The mapping between subject and workgroup and skills is configurable.
  • If this use case is used in combination with other use cases for inbound interactions of a different media type: Blending with other media types is supported including configuration of capacity rules.
N/A The following lists the minimum functionality for the agent’s callback interface:
Customer phone number
Disposition Codes to classify call and call outcome for reporting purposes
We assume that this use case is used in addition to existing inbound voice functionality, so all agent desktop functionality available to handle inbound voice calls as part of this use case will also be available for handling callbacks.
PureConnect provides callback queue statistics (offered, answered, abandoned, service levels, etc.). A callback interaction is an interaction type just like calls, chats or emails. PureConnect provides callback queue statistics (offered, answered, abandoned, service levels, etc.). A callback interaction is an interaction type just like calls, chats or emails.

Additional statistics are available with Professional Services customizations.


This use case contains only the functionality described in CE03, which can be integrated in existing voice (self-service) applications. This additional voice application functionality is not part of this use case.

The use case contains the functionality to transfer the caller directly to an agent without callback. This functionality consists of transferring the call to a route point / queue. The routing functionality for these calls is not part of the scope of this use case; rather existing inbound voice routing capability will be leveraged. Similarly, existing queues will be used to determine the expected wait time. The routing logic for these inbound voice calls needs to be implemented in Genesys.

This capability can be provided by one of the following use cases:

NA CE01 CE02 ver 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE07 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE07 PureConnect In most IVR applications, customers call into companies, such as their credit card company, bank, or cable company, and must manually identify themselves. If the call goes to an agent, customers normally need to identify themselves again to the agent. This is frustrating and time consuming for callers. IVR systems can and should contain self-service to identify the customer automatically based on their caller ID, and this information should then be used throughout the call flow for progressive identification and verification (ID&V), passed as context to a visual session or passed on to the agent, store. This makes customers feel that they want to do business with the company as their identity is proactively recognized and maintained. For example, as soon as the call connects, a data dip should be completed to identify the customer based on their caller ID. The IVR application can then configure logic to greet the caller by name, skip identification for new self-services within the same call, or skip identification or verification if they move to a visual IVR. The IVR system proactively identifies the caller at the beginning of the call. The IVR then asks the caller to identify themselves by entering information to verify their identity. Depending on the business logic configured in the Control Center, the system routes the caller to self-service in the IVR, a main menu, or an agent. If the customer needs to go through another self-service option, the customer's ID&V status persists. This ID&V status also persists if they transfer to a visual IVR and continue their journey there. Finally, if the caller transfers from the IVR to an agent, the data captured by the IVR is displayed to the agent, providing a better experience for both the caller and agent.
  • Increasing competitive pressure​
  • High customer churn​
  • High purchase abandonment​
  • Unable to use context​
  • Poor customer experience scores​​
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels​
  • Calls with long handle times​
  • Unable to connect to the best agent​​​

  • Integrate with customer database for identification​
  • Identify customers based on their caller id​
  • If no identification, ask identifying question before verification​
  • If identified, ask verification question & determine whether to authenticate customer or not​
  • Call can be routed to continue in the IVR​
  • Alternatively, the call can be routed to an agent​
  • If an agent receives the call, they are notified that the caller is already identified & verified and do not have to repeat those steps​​​
Consistent PureConnect: Voice XML Interpreter ​ GIA: Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service GIA: Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) PureConnect: Speech Recognition Services (Optional) PureConnect: MRCP ASR Feature License (Optional) PureConnect: Secure Input IVR (Optional) ​ PureConnect: Interaction Speech Recognizer (ISR) (Optional)​ Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Additional Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 2 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 3 - Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Text-To-Speech (ITTS) (Optional) ITTS Base Langage ITTS Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Attendant Remote Data Query (Optional) PureConnect:Secure Input IVR (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTS​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation requires VoiceXML Interpreter
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTS
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation requires VoiceXML Interpreter
BL1: Customer identification by ANI / CLI- Step 3 in the business flow above can be enabled or disabled depending on specific customer requirements. If this step is disabled, the flow always asks for a customer identifier (for example, customer ID, account number, or tracking number). This parameter can be set per company service line.

BL2: Configuration to define the next steps -After successful identification and verification, the call is transferred to the next step of the overall call flow. This might be an agent assisted service, a self-service application or an IVR menu. This parameter can be set per company service line.

Progressive ID&V: Configuration to define preceding authentication question(s)- Configuration can be set from within the ID&V module to give the business user control on the order of authentication questions. The configuration of other ID&V modules that contain these questions are out of scope for this use case.

Omnichannel ID&V: Passing of ID&V token- This authentication use case can be configured to pass an ID&V token from IVR to a visual IVR, so a customer can continue their journey on visual IVR if previously identified.

General: Voice Prompts The customer can flexibly change all voice prompts within this flow.

N/A N/A Only available if this use case is used in conjunction with the Genesys Personalized Routing (CE02) for PureConnect use case:
  • If the call is transferred to agent-assisted services: The agent receives an indication whether the customer is
    • Identified and verified
    • Identified only
    • Neither identified nor verifiedCustomer identifier and name are displayed to the agent as well (if available and required).
  • Users with appropriate permissions are able to follow the interaction journey throughout the IVR. Each step of the IVR process the caller enters(and after, if going to a user or to queue), is identified with time-stamps.
  • Report that indicates the number of customers proactively identified by ANI/CLI
  • Report that indicates the number of customers successfully identified and verified themselves
  • Report that indicates the number of customers who were unsuccessful in identifying and verifying themselves
The company has a database that can be used to identify their customers. This database must provide the appropriate web services and must be web accessible.
  • The company provides access to an application to validate the customer identity.
  • The company must have a unique identifier for each customer.
  • Complex alphanumeric inputs (for example, check digits) may require custom grammar development - available as optional add-on.
  • ASR functionality is an optional add-on service for numeric input (see above) and for the phrase "I don't have it" (and synonyms of this phrase) in the flow above.
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation supports Nuance if ASR and TTS is required.
CE02 ver 1.1.2
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE08 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE08 PureConnect This functional use case enables companies to use Payment Capture capabilities to provide PCI PA-DSS certified payments out-of-the-box (PCI PA-DSS = Payment Card Industry - Payment Application Data Security Standard). Dynamic treatment is applied so that only relevant questions for the card are asked. The use case can be deployed in fully automated or agent-initiated mode. This use case provides the ability to quickly add a PA-DSS certified Payment Capture MicroApp** to a call flow to capture payments. The Payment Capture Microapp integrates with a third-party payment gateway to complete the payment. The application includes automatic card type detection and applies appropriate rules for collection and validation of the card data. Payments can be agent-assisted or fully automated.

**Microapps provide a range of capabilities whose functionality is both highly focused and task-based, thus enabling users to quickly get in, interact, and get out of it. In the personal and business spheres, end users clearly benefit from an application interface that is tailored to their specific use case.

  • Inability to achieve PCI DSS for taking card payments​
  • Low payment capture rates​
  • Struggling to meet evolving compliance requirements​​
  • Existing technology no longer meets business needs​

  • Customer is transferred to the payment capture IVR application (transferred from IVR or agent)​
  • Payment application determines if customer has been identified & verified​
  • If yes, the payment application requests the credit card information via either DTMF or Voice​
  • Based on the card used, the payment application requests the needed card details (expiration date, CCV, etc)​
  • Application plays back details to confirm before submitting​
  • Application is integrated with Payment Gateway, completes payment through Gateway​
  • When successful, application informs customer of successful payment​
Consistent PureConnect: Voice XML Interpreter PureConnect: Secure Input IVR PureConnect Cloud: PureConnect Cloud PCI Zone (Monthly Fee) PureConnect Cloud: PureConnect Cloud PCI Zone Setup (Setup Fee) Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional) PureConnect: Speech Recognition Services (Optional) PureConnect: MRCP ASR Feature License (Optional) See list of optional Nuance items in NOTES section Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation requires PureConnect Voice XML Interpreter Server
  • ​Payment Gateway Integration occurs via http(s) post web-service​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTSfor Speech enablement​​
Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation requires PureConnect Voice XML Interpreter Server
  • Certification of the full PCI environment is outside the scope of this use case
  • ​Customer will provide access to XML/HTTP(S) interface for integration to Payment Gateway​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTS for Speech enablement
This section describes the business rules that drive the decisions that the Genesys system makes within the payment capture application,such as how the business rules are configured.

Parameters to be passed to the payment application

The payment application requires the following parameters:

  1. Customer or Account Identifier (mandatory)
  2. Outstanding Balance or Payment Amount (mandatory)
  3. Payment Merchant ID (optional)
  4. Payment Reference (optional)
  5. Call type Conference (required if payment attempt is agent-assisted)

Configuration Settings

The following parameters are configurable within the system:

  • The minimum payment amount (required). For payment requests below this amount, there is an error flow where the customer is asked to enter the amount they want to pay.
  • The maximum number of declined payments allowed before exiting the flow.
  • The result to return when the maximum attempts are reached, possibly to send the call to an agent or initiate some other handling.
  • The types of cards that are allowed for payment (such as Amex and Visa)
  • The currency of the payment.
N/A N/A N/A Available KPIs:
  • Number of times the payment application was entered
  • Number of times a payment was successful
  • Number of times a paymentwas unsuccessful
  • Number of times paymentwas attempted
  • Number of times a caller hung up within the payment application
  • Average duration of task per outcome
Available KPIs:
  • Number of times the payment application was entered
  • Number of times a paymentwas successful
  • Number of times a paymentwas unsuccessful
  • Number of times paymentwas attempted
  • Number of times a caller hung up within the payment application
  • Average duration of task per outcome
  • The integration between Genesys Intelligent Automation and the payment gateway (or CRM or other system used to process the payment) is provided by the customer/partner. This is an XML over HTTP(S) interface which typically requires a small translation later between Genesys Intelligent Automation and the backend systems in order to ensure the required data contract is met.
  • Certification of the full PCI environment is outside the scope of this use case.
  • Audio prompts:
    • Genesys recommends that pre-recorded prompt recordings be used for any dynamic playback of information such as payment amounts, or order numbers, as this provides a higher quality caller experience than using text-to-speech.
    • Sellable item Concatenated Prompts Recordings is the preferred option.
    • TTS is optional for playback of prompts.
  • Input modes:
    • If the agent initiates payment capture by conferencing the customer with the IVR, customer inputs areDTMF only. DTMF clamping is used to prevent the agent from hearing DTMF inputs.
    • If payment capture is initiated from IVR, customer inputs can be voice or DTMF.,

Genesys Intelligent Automation requires PureConnect Voice XML Interpreter Server, Certification of the full PCI environment is outside the scope of this use case, Customer will provide access to XML/HTTP(S) interface for integration to Payment Gateway

  • Payment Gateway Integration occurs via http(s) post web-service.
  • PCI compliancy is handled in Cloud.
  • Use case may use DTMF or ASR.
CE07 CE01 CE02 v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE09 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE09 PureConnect IVRs have historically been designed to maximize the containment of callers to reduce staffing costs associated with increased call volume, often without a careful assessment of customer experience. This has led to deep and complex IVR menu trees that frustrate customers, create an undesirable customer experience, and result in high opt-out rates. IVR personalization addresses the following:
  • Simplifies the menu structure (both depth and within a single menu)
  • Presents meaningful options to the caller
  • Increases containment and use of the IVR through ease of use and relevance of options
  • Increases customer satisfaction through simpler, more relevant navigation and completion of tasks IVR personalization is proven to increase self-service rates and improve customer experience.
Customers presented with personalized menus and messages are more likely to self-serve. This functional use case lists several types of personalization as follows:
  • Proactively play status or balance before presenting any options. For example “Your next order is due to be delivered on Thursday.”
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason. For example, “Are you calling about the loan application you have in progress?”
  • Personalize menu options. For example, play a mortgage option in the menu only if they have a mortgage, or present a promotion option only if they are eligible.
  • Persona-based personalization is the ability to change the wording of input and messages based on language or customer context, such as age.These types of personalization can lead to an increase in self-service rates. They can also improve customer experience by shortening the time spent on the IVR or bypassing self-service based on the context of the customer’s call.The context to drive this personalization can be retrieved from native or from third-party data sources.Personalized IVR can also update customer context so that this information is available across other channels.
  • Low self-service adoption​
  • Unable to identify customers to provide a personalized experience​
  • Long handle times from increased call volume​
  • Low customer satisfaction due to generic IVR Experience​
  • Increased agent frustration and low morale due to handling of low value and monotonous queries​
  • Lower KPIs due to lack of segmentation​​​

  • Identify caller using context or IDV data​
  • Personalized treatment based on context and business rules – for example:​
  • Proactively play status or balance update​
  • Proactively offer most likely call reason​
  • Personalized menu options​
  • See context for transfer to an agent​
  • If no personalized treatments, then continue with IVR application​​
Defined ​ For additional personalization Genesys recommends this use case in conjunction with Genesys Customer Authentication (CE07) for PureConnect. PureConnect: Voice XML Interpreter Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service ​ Intelligent Automation Omnichannel Self-Service - HA (Optional)​ PureConnect: Secure Input IVR (Optional) PureConnect: Speech Recognition Services (Optional) PureConnect: MRCP ASR Feature License (Optional) PureConnect: Interaction Speech Recognizer (ISR) (Optional) Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 1 - Additional Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 2 - Base Language Interaction Speech Rec Tier 3 - Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Text-To-Speech (ITTS) (Optional) ITTS Base Langage ITTS Additional Language PureConnect: Interaction Attendant Remote Data Query (Optional) PureConnect: Secure Input IVR (Optional) Capabilities Assumption:
  • ​Client has web services accessible
  • ​Client provides access to application to validate customer identity​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTS for Speech enablement​
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation requires PureConnect Voice XML Interpreter Server
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Client has web services accessible​Client provides access to application to validate customer identity
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation uses Nuance ASR and TTS for Speech enablement
  • ​Genesys Intelligent Automation requires PureConnect Voice XML Interpreter Server
This use case is supported by industry templates that contain examples of personalized treatments using built-in variables or external variables. See below for an example list of these variables. Personalized treatments are confirmed during design.

Built-in Variables

Name Description
Dialed Number The number the caller dialed.
CLI Calling Line Identifier - The number the caller is dialing from (also known as Automatic Number Identification - ANI).
Recent Failure Flag Indicates if a call has failed. When a call fails, for example due to technical error, a flag is set in the database to True or False. This parameter can only use the True or False logic.
Random Percentage Used for A/B testing. A specified percentage of calls can be randomly selected to be sent down a new leg of the call flow. The results of this testing can be monitored using the reporting.
Last Result The outcome of the last call flow block. For example, for a menu this would be the menu choice, or for a self-service task it could indicate if it was completed successfully. This value is set by the speech application.
Number of Calls Today The number of times the customer has called into this call flow today.
Number of Calls in Last Week The number of times the customer has called into this call flow in the last week.
Number of Calls in Last 2 Weeks The number of times the customer has called into this call flow in the lasttwo weeks.
Number of Calls in Last 4 Weeks The number of times the customer has called into this call flow in the lastfour weeks.
Date A specified date.
Time A specified time of day.
Date and Time A specified date and time of that particular day.
Current Day of the Week This parameter allows you to select a day of the week. Further logic is required.
Opening Hours Rule This parameter allows you to select whether an opening hours rule is currently open or closed. No further logic is required.
Variable Variables can be populated with context from within the same dialog or by integrating with other Genesys or third-party systems.

External Variables

In addition to the built in variables described above, additional customer variables can be used in the rules. These can be:

  • Retrieved from a third-party system via a web service.
  • Set by the IVR application that leverages this use case. This can be based on caller input, for example.

Business Rules

Business rules are applied to the variables to see how they compare to the configured value. The outcome of the business rule determines which personalized treatment applies. Business rules consist of logical comparisons of one variable with predefined values. Examples include:

  • Variable customer segment is equal to VIP
  • Current Date is equal to 24.12.2020
  • Number of calls in the last week is greater than 3
  • Multiple logical conditions can be combined within one business rule so that the treatment is applied only if all conditions are met. There is also the option to apply the treatment if any of the conditions are met. Examples for business rules:
    • If Customer Segment = VIP and Number of Calls Today > 1, then route directly to VIP agent
    • If Customer Segment = Platinum or Customer Segment = Gold, then play preferred customer announcement

The list below defines the possible options for comparison:

Name Description
Equal to Compare variable with a value to see if they are equal.
Not equal to Compare variable with a value to see if they are not equal.
Containing Compare variable with a value to see if the variable contains the value.
Not containing Compare variable with a value to see if the variable doesn't contain the value.
Matching pattern Compare variable with a value to see if the variable matches the pattern in the variable.
Not matching pattern Compare variable with a value to see if the variable does not match the pattern in the variable.
Starting with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable starts with the value.
Not starting with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable doesn't start with the value.
Ending with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable ends with the value.
Not ending with Compare variable with a value to see if the variable ends with the value.
In list (comma separated) Compare variable with a comma separated list to see if the variable is one of the values in the list.
Not in list (comma separated) Compare variable with a comma separated list to see if the variable isn't one of the values in the list.
Between Compare variable with two values to see if the variable is between those two values.
Not between Compare variable with two values to see if the variable is between those two values.
Greater than Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is greater than the value.
Greater than or equal to Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is greater than or equal to the value.
Less than Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is less than the value.
Less than or equal to Compare variable with a value to see if the variable is less than or equal to the value.
Blank Check to see if variable is blank.
Not blank Check to see if variable is not blank.

Multiple Rules

Multiple rules can be added to the business logic for personalized routing so that many different personalized treatments can be handled within the same call flow.

N/A N/A N/A Supervisors have the ability to view interactions in the IVR and see which stage the call is in. The Genesys solution provides reports to determine:
  1. Whether customers were presented with contextual options.
  2. Whether dynamic menus were presented and if so, whether customers select a self-service option or are transferred to an agent (deflection rates).
  3. How long customers spent in the IVR.
  • External variables require customer integration into a third-party system. We assume that this data can be accessed using a web service.
CE02 CE07 v 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE11 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE11 Genesys Outbound Dialer PureConnect A company needs to make outbound calls to initiate contact with its customers based on specific business rules for sales, marketing, care, or collections. This use case describes the ability to configure and execute outbound dialing campaigns – both automated and agent-assisted – based on customer-provided contact list(s).

Generating new business and up-selling existing customers is a critical part of any business. Sales and marketing organizations are challenged with improving the efficiency of their team members; increasing reach, contact rates, response rates, and revenue; and complying with industry regulations.

Happier Agents

  • Predictive dialing is used when appropriate to improve agent efficiency and satisfaction by removing low value calls and wasted time
  • Productive and highly utilized agents will have more opportunities to serve customers, close business, and meet their sales quotas

Happier Legal Team

  • Compliance and business rules are accurately maintained to ensure enterprise-wide contact strategy adherence

Improved Effectiveness / Higher Return on Investment

  • Improved return on investment of outbound sales and marketing campaigns (e.g. telemarketing; upsell/cross-sell; customer win-back; loyalty/promotions) and outbound campaigns.
  • Leads are routed to sales agents within seconds (not minutes, hours, or days) since "speed to lead" follow-up is crucial in many sales environments. This drives lead contact rates and conversion rates, while decreasing call abandonment rates.
  • Sales departments are using predictive, progressive, and/or preview dialing modes instead of making manual dials. Outbound call volume is efficiently paced, which results in more sales conversations and increases agent productivity.
The Genesys system supports both agent-assisted and automated outbound calling campaigns using dialer and outbound IVR channels. Companies can blend contact strategies and escalate outreach attempts from automated to agent-assisted calls. Dialer calls can be made in predictive, progressive, preview, or manual mode. The company can use its marketing, CRM, or collections system to generate contact lists based on a one-time event, recurring events, or trigger-based events. The lists include the appropriate contact details, such as contact name, contact phone number, and contact reason. Delivery results are recorded in the system to feed into reports.

Sales and lead development reps are manually dialing customers and prospects for sales and marketing purposes, which is expensive and wastes time. Companies are managing communication in silos and don't have an integrated, outbound dialing campaign. All companies must follow industry regulations and manage for compliance risk.

Professional Services Expert Applications: (Up-sell opportunity. See your CSD for more information.)
  • Contact List Importer
    • Provides multiple interfaces for the customer to insert records into Dialer call lists. Supports single and multiple lead insertion with the ability to insert just-in-time leads and remove leads. Application uses IceLib to remove the necessity to access the database directly, increasing security and data integrity to the PureConnect database.
  • Calls by agents are effective, but they are expensive and can lose effectiveness over time.
  • Low agent utilization due to subpar predictive dialling or an overreliance on manual dialling.
  • Unable to efficiently pace outbound volume resulting in agent idle-time or call abandonment inefficiencies.
  • Inability to prevent too many contact attempts to the same consumer or to meet compliance requirements such as excluding mobile numbers without opt-in.
  • Cannot proactively contact sales opportunities.
  • Optimally pace contact attempts while taking the expected impact on inbound/outbound interactions and agent availability into consideration
  • Self-service campaign management enables business users to create rules and maintain compliance
  • Contact opted in consumers (assumes company provides preferences as part of their contact lists)

Contact Records

Contact records are either manually uploaded (Cloud and On Premises), added on-demand via API (Cloud and On Premises), or by managing a the Dialer contact database directly (On Premises only). This would be configured by the organization admin or Genesys Professional Services, based on the goals of the customer and the source of the contact. There is no limit on the number of contacts.

Campaign Settings

The organization admin or Genesys Professional Services can configure various campaign settings: start/stop timing, frequency of contact per consumer, filtering treatments, answering machine detection, opt out options, connect to agent options, agent desktop display (scripting), sorting of contacts, and assigned agent group.

Calling Mode - Predictive, Power, Preview

The organization can choose to run Dialer campaigns using Agentless, Preview, Power, and/or Predictive modes. This mode is configured by the organization admin or Genesys Professional Services.

Scripting Settings

The organization configures scripts for agents using provided script building tools. Scripts have dispositions, text that contains verbiage for agents to read to live party or instructions, and data from the contact list displayed with labels, or embedded within the text area ("Hello John Customer, this is Sally Agent calling about Our Product").

Answering Machine Detection

The organization can choose whether to disconnect or to play a message when an answering machine is detected. Machine detection may be completely disabled, in which case machines are treated as live party connects.


For Agentless campaigns, the content and flow of the message may use personalized information from the contact list database to determine which messages to play, and perhaps text-to-speech playback. The audio files are provided by the organization.

  • The agent must be able to view data about the contact provided in the list of contacts assigned to a campaign.
  • The agent must be able to read instructions or verbiage displayed on their screen specific to the campaign call.
  • The agent must be able to enter a wrap code for each call. The code is used to define the next step in the recall strategy and is captured for historical and real-time reporting.
  • Each of the above items must be configurable by an Administrator.
Interaction Center Business Manager

For PureConnect, Interaction Center Business Manager contains the real-time reporting features for outbound capabilities. The views are documented in PureConnect help.

The outbound views show statistics regarding campaign performance, agent performance, campaign status and activity, and outbound system health.

Outbound historical performance reports are documented in the PureConnect help.

The reports are accessible via the Interaction Reporter view of IC Business Manager. The reports provide information about campaign and agent performance over a provided time range.

  • A customization is required to correlate an inbound interaction resulting from an outbound campaign. This includes updating the contact’s status or adding them to a Do Not Call (DNC) list.
  • Customer provides an MSSQL or Oracle database for use by Interaction Dialer.
  • Automating the import of contacts to the database will be defined as provided by Genesys PS, via customer-developed usage of contact list API, or customer direct updates to the provided database.
NA CE01 CE02 ver 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE16 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE16 PureConnect Email is still one of the most reliable and desired ways for customers to interact with companies for support. It is an essential avenue for companies to serve and engage with customers while providing a consistent and positive customer experience. Genesys can improve handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction by automatically distributing emails to the best available agent based on content analysis and keywords, and automating acknowledgements and responses.

A customer sends an email to a company email address. The email is captured by the Genesys system and a content analysis is performed. It is then queued to the best available agent with the corresponding skill set. Priority tuning functionality can improve the service level adherence to customer's emails. The reporting functionality of this use case provides management visibility into the email interaction channel to drive further improvements.
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Website not offering or providing the right information or online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels
  • Inconsistency in responses
  • Unable to connect to the best agent
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer
  • Poor customer experience scores
  • Enable email contact options from website​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Manage SLA's​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency​
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service Consistent Advanced Server Contact Center Level 1 Interaction Supervisor add-on Interaction Tracker Add-on (Optional for conversation history) Interaction Recorder Add-on (Optional for recording) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Capabilities Assumption:​See notes section for assumptionsSee notes section for assumptions
Capabilities Assumption:​
  • See notes section for assumptions
In the logical flows in the previous sections, there are a number of process steps driven by configuration parameters and additional business logic within the system. These parameters and the underlying logic are described in this section.

Capturing of Incoming Emails

In step 2 of the business flow, the Genesys system checks a set of mailboxes for new emails. The following configuration options are available:

  • Address of email server for mailbox
  • Authentication details for mailbox
  • Protocol for communication (POP3, IMAP, Exchange Web Services protocol)
  • Delete email (any emails captured by Genesys are deleted from the mailbox)
  • Polling frequency (how often the mailbox is checked for new emails)

Automatic Replies

In step 4, the Genesys system checks for automatic/system replies from the mail server to automatically stop email processing when no agent intervention is needed.This includes:

  • Detection of automated answers to prevent “ping-pong” between mail servers by answering with auto-acknowledge on emails of type auto-response or auto acknowledgement.
  • NDR Handling (Non-Delivery Report Handling): The system recognizes automatic responses due to failed delivery (assuming these automatic responses are following standards).

Keyword Categorization

Keyword matching allows the system administrator to configure a number of screening rules to identify emails belonging to different categories. For example, an email that contains the word “order” in the body of the email, would be categorized as a sales email. Screening rules can be configured to look for different words or phrase patterns that help categorize emails. Screening rules are applied to the email body and subject.

Standard Responses

In the response library window, the workspace displays suggested responses to the agent based on keyword searches. Standard responses are generated by the customer for specific scenarios of desired email responses. Standard system-wide responses created in Interaction Administrator are detailed in Add a Response Management Library. The standard responses can be used in Interaction Connect or Interaction Desktop

Using response management in an email is described here for Interaction Connect users and Interaction Desktop users.

Available Parameters for Configuration by Customer

The following parameters are used for the distribution logic. These parameters are configurable by category:

  • Overflow time-outs for overflowing from last workgroup routing to originally defined workgroup target. These timeouts are based on age of interaction.
  • Priority start (the starting priority)
  • Enable / disable last agent routing.

The following parameter is configurable by the “To” address:

  • Auto-acknowledge message

Draft Emails and Agent Queue Alerts

If the agent cannot complete an email, it remains as an open interaction in the agent's queue.Supervisors can set up an alert within IC Business Manager to notify them when queue items have remained beyond a specified threshold.

Additional Distribution Functionality

The following lists additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • Re-route on no answer (RONA) functionality: If an agent does not accept the email interaction, the email interaction is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a time-out. The agent is set to not ready. The priority of the email can be increased by a configurable parameter.
  • Blending email interactions with other media types is possible.
  • Transfers are possible to agents satisfying the skills of a different category. In the case of a transfer, the priority is increased to a level set in a configurable parameter.
N/A The following lists the minimum requirements for the agent desktop:
  • Configuration of status messages (Available, Away, Meeting, etc.).
  • Configuration of wrap-up codes (Codes are configurable to customer's preference)
  • Access to a standard response library where customers can build their own messages for specific email responses
  • Agent to Agent transfer
  • Agent to Queue transfer
  • Review functionality for supervisors
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager is a Genesys application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical, or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical widgets that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, email interactions handled, and the average handle time. With IC Business Manager, a customer can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of contact center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling, and email routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from scratch or user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Monitor operational email activity through the Email Queue Activity views.
  • Monitor agent resource activity through the Email Agent Activity views
  • Monitor the tenant service level through the Email Service Level views.
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports are used to:

  • Assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions.
  • Measure the effectiveness of the routing rules and efficiency of the use case.
  • Calculate the conversion success rate using disposition/wrap-up codes.
  • Evaluate resource performance with a variety of reports for agents and interaction details. There are many reports available, including the following.

Queue Service Level - The Queue Service Level report provides the ability to see the summary and details of up to 12 configured service levels in an absolute or cumulative view with a percentage option for the relevant media type.

Queue Summary and Detail -The Queue Summary and Detail report displays summarized statistical data along with detailed statistics on Workgroup Queues. The statistics are reported, grouped, and summarized by any combination of Queue, MediaType, Interval, Skill or DNIS. Data for calls Answered or Abandons is summarized and displayed when a single service level configuration is present in the data selected, but is otherwise suppressed. The report also displays a chart for Interactions Distributions and Service Level.

Agent Utilization Report - The Agent Utilization report displays time usage information by agent across all campaigns, including: talk, ACW, non-Dialer, idle, break, preview.

For more information, see About Interaction Reporter.

  • Interaction Center Business Manager is required for historical reporting.
  • Interaction Desktop or Interaction Connect is used as the agent desktop.
  • Customer must ensure proper network connectivity between the PureConnect server and their mail platform, either through a private MPLS connection and the customer’s network or via the public internet.
  • Genesys captures emails typically from one primary corporate email server. The customer is responsible for configuring the email server appropriately so that Genesys can retrieve the requested emails.
  • For customers who want to retain an archive of original messages, two approaches are available. Customers can configure their server to create and separately store a duplicate copy of all emails. Or, Professional Services can be engaged to create a handler to accomplish the task. Processing emails from the corporate server to Genesys software results in emails being deleted from the original customer server folder.
  • Genesys provides documentation about the required connector configurations and the sequence of email handling between servers as part of the described email functionality. The Genesys documentation references third-party documentation about processing limits for particular kinds of email connectors and queues. Genesys does not support customer configurations or a desire for higher performance beyond the published guidelines and limits.
  • Email is handled through POP3, IMAP, Exchange Web Services, or Gmail Connector protocols according to those tools' published documentation.
  • Customers are responsible for creating their own automated responses within Interaction Administrator.
  • Spam is handled at the level of the customer's corporate email servers. A third-party spam solution is required.
v 1.0.3
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE18 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE18 PureConnect The web chat channel has become an invaluable tool in communicating with and engaging with customers to provide better service for answering questions, completing orders, general guidance on company’s product and features, and personalized customer support. With this solution, Genesys can improve handle time, first contact resolution, agent utilization, and customer satisfaction. A website visitor can request a chat session with an agent from the company's website on a specific topic. The request is routed to the best available agent depending on the subject and the agent skill. The agent will be provided with the visitor's context (requested subject).
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Website not offering the right information or providing online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time resulting in missed service levels
  • Unable to connect to the best agent
  • Unable to provide a personalized assisted service experience
  • Too hard to get the right information for the customer
  • Poor customer experience scores

  • Enable chat on web site​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Meet SLA​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency​
Consistent Advanced Server (Interaction Web Tools necessary for this use case) Contact Center Level 1 Interaction Supervisor add-on Interaction Tracker Add-on (Optional for conversation history) Interaction Recorder Add-on (Optional for recording) Capabilities Assumption:​
  • Tracking conversation history described in the business flow requires a Tracker license. Tracker requires an additional license purchase for on-premises, Genesys customers are responsible for creating their own automated responses within the Genesys toolset.
  • Genesys customers will handle the integration of the solution into their website.​ ​
Business logic and rules determine the distribution of chat requests and the standard responses agents can use. Distribution depends on a combination of agent skill and availability. The following table shows the parameters that can be configured based on the subject:
Parameter Description
Skill Required agent skill for distribution of the chat message
  • Required minimal skill level for the first target group of Min Skill level 1 agents
  • Required maximum skill level for the first target group of Max Skill level 1 agents
Idle time warning (for customer) Idle time warning that the interaction will be disconnected after the website visitor has not communicated for a specified period of time.
Idle time disconnect Message (final time out) This message is displayed to the website visitor when the idle time limit has been reached.
Disconnect Message (no agents) This message is displayed to the website visitor when no agents are logged in for this service.
Welcome message This message is displayed to the website visitor when the chat session is started.
Wait Time This message is displayed when a website visitor first connects.
Position in Queue This message is displayed when a website visitor first connects.
Option to Leave a Chat Voicemail This message is displayed when a website visitor first connects.
Chat Transcript Available as an option to print from the chat window.

Standard Responses

In the response library window, the workspace displays suggested responses to the agent based on keyword searches. Standard responses are generated by the customer for specific scenarios or steps of the chat flow.

Operational Hours

Operational hours should be configured on the customer’s webpage. The chat initiation functionality should not be displayed to website visitors outside of business hours.

Additional Functionality

The following list includes additional functionality for the distribution logic:

  • The distribution logic looks for agents with the requested skill and a skill level within the boundaries of minimum and maximum required skill levels.
  • The skill, minimum and maximum skill levels, and timers will be configurable by subject (see section “Business Logic”).
  • Re-route on no answer functionality: If an agent does not accept the chat interaction, the chat interaction is automatically put back into the distribution flow after a timeout. The agent is set to Agent Not Answering.
  • Blending with other media types is possible. Priority settings for chat interactions is configurable to enable proper priority ranges between different media types. Utilization rules are configured for the agents or agent groups to define which interactions can be handled in parallel (if any).
The user interface may be based on a customer-created template or generic Genesys template:
  • The registration window is customizable, but initially includes the Customer Name field.
  • Customization for customer corporate identity is possible, including adding customer logo and usingcorporate identity colors & fonts.
The following list includes the minimum requirements for the chat interface:
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Agent Not Answering, Away From Desk, Meeting, etc.)
  • Configuration of disposition codes to report on business outcome (Cross Sell, Need Follow-Up, Not Right Skill, Processed, Terminated, Transferred, Up Sell)
  • Access to a standard response library where customers can build their own specific response messages for specific steps of the chat flow
  • Agent to agent transfer
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager is a Genesys application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, chat interaction handled, and the average handle time. With IC Business Manager you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of contact center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling, and chat routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from scratch or user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Monitor operational chat activity through the Chat Queue Activity views.
  • Monitor agent resource activity through the Chat Agent Activity views.
  • Monitor tenant service level through the Chat Service Level views.
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports are used to:

  • Assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions
  • Measure the effectiveness of the routing rules and efficiency of the use case
  • Calculate the conversion success rate, with Disposition/Wrap-Up codes
  • Evaluate resource performance with a variety of reports for Agents and Interaction Details

Queue Service Level - The Queue Service Level report provides the ability to see the summary and details of up to 12 configured service levels in an absolute or cumulative view with a percentage option for the relevant media type.

Queue Summary and Detail -The Queue Summary and Detail report displays summarized statistical data along with detailed statistics on Workgroup Queues. The statistics are reported, grouped, and summarized by any combination of Queue, MediaType, Interval, Skill or DNIS. Data for calls Answered or Abandons is summarized and displayed when a single service level configuration is present in the data selected, but is otherwise suppressed. The report also displays a chart for Interactions Distributions and Service Level.

Agent Utilization Report - The Agent Utilization report displays time usage information by agent across all campaigns, including: talk, ACW, non-Dialer, idle, break, preview.

For more information, see About Interaction Reporter.

  • Historical reporting requires IC Business Manager.
  • Interaction Desktop or Interaction Connect is used as agent desktop.
  • There is no integration with third-party systems.
  • If customers require advanced chat window customization, they must deploy Web Chat Server on a premises system. Basic customizations are available in the Genesys hosted chat solution.
  • The Genesys customer handles the integration of the solution into the website.
  • Customers are responsible for creating their own automated responses within Interaction Administrator.
  • Checking for Agents Logged In/Availability on every subsite of a website is not recommended as excessive requests can strain the CIC server. It is recommended to cache this information and check on intervals, or to only check on the leaf/end page of a tree.
v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE19 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE19 Genesys Social Media Routing PureConnect Social media features in PureConnect allow agents to receive and reply to inbound, ACD-routed Facebook and Twitter messages, as well as Facebook private messages and Twitter direct messages. PureConnect routes social media interactions to workgroups that are associated with Facebook and Twitter channels. Consistently provide customer service across Twitter and Facebook by delivering interactions to the best available resource with social media public and private messaging. Agents are able to advice customers based on customer information and social media context. Standard responses enable your agents to provide consistent response to customers engaging via Facebook or Twitter.
  • Increasing calls related to service and support
  • Website not offering online service and support or providing the information customers need
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Customer having to call multiple times resulting in repeat contacts
  • Missed service levels
  • Inconsistency in responses
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

  • Enable chat on website
  • Recognize customers
  • Understand intent and sentiment
  • Deliver personalized response
  • Leverage standard response library when needed
  • Meet SLA
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information to improve efficiency
Defined This chapter describes the business logic and business rules, which drive the decisions made by PureConnect social media features within the business flow above.

Engagement Scenarios

The following scenarios describe typical social customer care engagement which have been used successfully.

Scenario 1: Twitter - Tweet to company

This scenario depicts an engagement when the social media user sends a Tweet to the company's Twitter handle using their account.


PureConnect captures this message according to the predefined Twitter channel configuration and routes it to the next available agent in the configured workgroup.

The incoming Twitter interaction is routed to the next available agent in Interaction Connect.

The incoming Twitter interaction is delivered to the agent desktop. The agent reads the incoming Twitter message and can then send a public Twitter response. In order to consider the interaction complete, the agent disconnects the interaction. Upon disconnection, the agent may be given the opportunity to assign a wrap-up code to the interaction.

Twitter in Interaction Connect

If the agent responds, PureConnect sends the response back to the social media user as a Twitter reply.

Scenario 2: Twitter - Direct Message (DM) to company

In this scenario, a social media user sends a Twitter direct message to a company's Twitter handle. This is only possible when one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • The flag “Receive Direct Messages from anyone” is activated in Twitter (not recommended as this might result in a high volume of messages).
  • The company follows the social media user.
  • A Twitter direct message conversation was previously established.

Note that the Twitter policies that allow sending unsolicited direct messages may change. This is outside of Genesys control and the flow and/or preconditions to send direct messages may change.


Customer sends a Twitter direct message to the company:


It is a typical use case for a social media user to first publicly Tweet at the company before initiating a direct message conversation. The company can publicly respond, asking the social media user to first follow the company if necessary, and then asking the customer to send a direct message to the company to carry on the conversation in private.

Twitter DM in Interaction Connect

If the social media user then sends a direct message to the company, the interaction is routed to the configured workgroup and assigned to the next available agent. The agent can then respond to the user to continue helping them in private. Once the interaction is complete, the agent can disconnect the interaction and may have an opportunity to assign a wrap-up code at that time.

Scenario 3: Facebook - post on company's timeline (wall) or comment to post (Reply)

A social media user uses their account to post a message on the company's Facebook page or replies to a post the company made on its Facebook page.


PureConnect captures this Facebook post or reply according to the predefined Facebook Channel configuration, and routes it to the next available agent in the configured workgroup.

The incoming Facebook interaction is routed to the next available agent within Interaction Connect.

The incoming Facebook interaction is delivered to the agent desktop. The agent reads the incoming Facebook post or reply and can then send a public Facebook reply. In order to consider the interaction complete, the agent disconnects the interaction. Upon disconnection, the agent may be given the opportunity to assign a wrap-up code to the interaction.

Facebook in Interaction Connect

If the agent responds, PureConnect sends the response back to the social media user as a Facebook reply.

Scenario 4: Facebook - private messaging

A Facebook Messenger interaction can only be initiated by the social media user, and not directly by the agent.

The customer needs to invite the company to a chat session via the “Message” button on the main Facebook page.


PureConnect receives the Messenger message and routes that interaction to the next available agent in the workgroup configured for that Facebook page.


The agent is then assigned the Facebook Messenger interaction.

Facebook Messenger in Interaction Connect

The agent picks up the Facebook Messenger interaction and begins a chat conversation with the customer.


PureConnect sends the agent's replies back to the social media user in Facebook Messenger.

Facebook Channel Configuration

An admin can add and remove Facebook accounts in Interaction Connect. The Facebook accounts added should be associated with Facebook pages. The Facebook pages are the representation of the business for Facebook. A Facebook channel is an association of a Facebook page or pages and the workgroups to route the Facebook public posts (conversations) and Facebook Messenger messages (private messages).

Facebook Config in Interaction Connect
Twitter Channel Configuration

An admin can add and remove Twitter accounts to PureConnect. The Twitter accounts are the business representation of the company for Twitter.

A Twitter channel is an association of Twitter handles and keywords to filter on and the workgroups to route the Twitter public posts (conversations) and Twitter direct messages.

Twitter Config in Interaction Connect
Facebook and Twitter social media interactions are distributed to agents based on the workgroups configured for the Facebook and Twitter channels. Common browsers or mobile apps for social media sites. The following lists the minimum requirements for PureConnect Social Media:
  • Social Media feature license enabled.
  • Agent has ACD Social Media license.
  • PureConnect Social Media is enabled and Facebook and/or Twitter accounts and channels are configured.
  • Agent is in workgroup configured for Social Media interactions.
Minimum Requirements:
  • ICBM Statistics Views
  • ICBM Reporter Views

ICBM System Statistics View

  • Longest Social Conversation
  • Longest Social Direct Message
  • Active Social Conversations
  • Active Social Direct Messages

Other ICBM Statistics Views

  • All non media-type specific interaction statistics supported.

ICBM Reporter Views

  • All non media-type specific interaction real-time reports supported.
Minimum Requirements:
  • ICBM Reporter Views
  • All non-media-type specific interaction historical reports supported.
  • Interaction Connect is used as agent desktop.
  • Please note that public posts, comments and tweets can be edited or deleted by a user while an agent works on a resolution, which is not addressed or reflected in this use case.
  • PureConnect Social Media in configured to handle interactions from the company’s Facebook Page and/or Twitter handle.
ver 1.0.0
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE22 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE22 PureConnect Sometimes customers who are browsing your website or mobile app realize they need agent assistance. You can create a seamless transition by offering a callback option that gets the customer to the right agent based on their stated issue. The contact center agent is provided with context of the request for a seamless customer experience. A customer browses the company's website or mobile application and requests a callback from the contact center for additional support. The customer provides their information, including the subject of their inquiry, and chooses either a callback as soon as possible or within a convenient time frame. At the designated time, a call is placed to the customer and they are connected to an agent with the matching skill needed given the provided subject of the call.
  • High online purchase abandonment
  • Website is not enabled to offer assistance for online sales and e-commerce
  • Unable to recognize customers within and/or across channels to provide a personalized experience
  • Customers spend a lot of time waiting on hold adversely impacting NPS
  • Unable to connect customers with the best skilled agent
  • Call center is not staffed to handle peak call load, resulting in long wait times
  • Cannot service customers outside of normal business hours

  • Ability to capture customers on the web as they are conducting a transaction by providing a way to get in contact with a representative
  • Provide an alternate way to resolve customer requests by offering an immediate or scheduled callback
  • Enable the business to identify customers that have originated the interaction from the web including context about their previous activity
  • Reduce the time a customer needs to wait on hold to improve customer satisfaction and lower costs
  • Reduce transfers by using the entire context including the customer selected reason for callback to determine the most appropriate skill given the availability of the resource
  • Provide a single stack with fewer components that need to be installed and maintained, resulting in lower total cost of ownership

Defined Advanced Server Contact Center Level 1 Interaction Supervisor add-on Advanced Session Basic Session Media Session Interaction Media Server - Large Appliance - Gen9 (or other applicable media server types based on deployment) Optional: Professional Services customization for advanced callbacks Capabilities Assumption:
  • See notes section
Capabilities Assumption:
  • See notes section
The following parameters are configurable for callbacks:
  • Maximum number of times a callback is presented to an agent.
  • Length of time until the next callback attempt is presented.
  • Priority assignment for callback requests. This is important when this use case is used in combination with other inbound media types (e.g., inbound calls or email). All callback requests have the same priority.
The following lists the minimum functionality for distributing a callback generated from the webpage to agents:
  • Routing of callback requests to agents is based on the workgroup. The workgroup is provided via website development during the callback initiation.
  • If this use case is used in combination with other use cases for inbound interactions of a different media type: Blending with other media types is supported, including configuration of capacity rules.
The following lists the minimum functionality for the agent’s callback interface:
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Away from Desk, Training, Meeting, etc.).
  • Display of user name, user phone number, subject, and target (as provided by the web app).
  • Wrap-up codes to classify call and call outcome for reporting purposes.
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager is a Genesys PureConnect application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical, or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical widgets that can be viewed as graphs or tables. The widgets display information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, callback interactions handled, and the average handle time. With IC Business Manager, a customer can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of contact center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling and callback routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from scratch or user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Monitor operational callback activity through the Queue Activity views.
  • Monitor agent resource activity through the Agent Activity views.
  • Monitor tenant service level through the Service Level views.Below are several examples of dashboards that are available in IC Business Manager.
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports are used to:

  • Assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions.
  • Measure the effectiveness of the routing rules and efficiency of the use case.
  • Calculate the conversion success rate using disposition/wrap-up codes.
  • Evaluate resource performance with a variety of reports for agents and interaction details. There are many reports available, including the following.

Queue Service Level - The Queue Service Level report provides the ability to see the summary and details of up to 12 configured service levels in an absolute or cumulative view with a percentage option for the relevant media type.

Queue Summary and Detail -The Queue Summary and Detail report displays summarized statistical data along with detailed statistics on Workgroup Queues. The statistics are reported, grouped, and summarized by any combination of Queue, MediaType, Interval, Skill or DNIS. Data for calls Answered or Abandons is summarized and displayed when a single service level configuration is present in the data selected, but is otherwise suppressed. The report also displays a chart for Interactions Distributions and Service Level.

Agent Utilization Report - The Agent Utilization report displays time usage information by agent across all campaigns, including: talk, ACW, non-Dialer, idle, break, preview.

For more information, see About Interaction Reporter.

  • A configured media server and a PureConnect client are required.
  • IC Business Manager is required for real-time and historical reporting.
  • Interaction Desktop or Interaction Connect are used for the agent desktop.
  • There are no integrations with third-party systems.
The specific configuration and features of digital callbacks are the responsibility of the customer. Web development work is needed to complete the deployment. Web or mobile scenarios may need to be considered. Genesys provides an API for integration with Genesys, which enables the functionality described in this document. Genesys Professional Services can provide consulting services to introduce web developers to the API.The integration needs to satisfy the following requirements:
  • An integration with Web Services API delivers the following data to the Genesys system with every callback request:
    • User name (optional)
    • User credentials (optional)
    • User telephone number (mandatory)
    • Subject (mandatory)
    • Language (mandatory)
    • Target –workgroup or user (mandatory)
    • Target type (mandatory)
    • Context (optional)
    • Custom info (optional)
  • The company is responsible for the development of the website logic that calls the Genesys API as described in the use case above.
  • The company has the option to configure callback components via the Genesys API, including checks for whether agents are available, logged in, the wait time, and when to offer the callback feature to their site visitors.
v 1.0.1
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE29 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE29 PureConnect In today’s digital world, customers want a simple, convenient method of communication through their preferred channel at a time that meets their schedule. Increasingly customers are choosing asynchronous channels, such as SMS, for the convenience it provides. Using SMS customers can avoid having to call and wait on hold for an available agent. SMS also allows customers to engage "on the go" without a dedicated mobile app. And because customers engage via SMS at faster rates than any other messaging channel, issues can be resolved more quickly. A customer sends an SMS to a company. The SMS is captured by the Genesys system and a content analysis is performed to assign a category to the SMS. It is then queued to the best available agent with the skill set corresponding to the category. After the agent has completed the SMS response, a supervisor may review the SMS, depending on the agent, for quality management. Priority tuning improves the SLA adherence to customers' SMS messages. The use case provides reporting capabilities to provide management visibility into the SMS interaction channel.
  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Website not offering online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Customer having to call multiple times
  • Online help not providing the information customers need
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

  • Enable SMS service​
  • Recognize customers​
  • Understand intent and sentiment​
  • Deliver personalized response​
  • Leverage standard response library when needed​
  • Meet SLA​
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information
  • SMS broker / aggregator options are limited to the key supported brokers.
  • Genesys broker is the preferred solution.
  • Other brokers are available if a requested SMS service is not available from Genesys.
  • SMS broker / aggregator options have flexibility for Premise customers setting up their own outbound SMS services.
  • Genesys support is primarily focused on delivering service through the Genesys broker.
  • Other brokers are also available if a requested SMS service is not available from Genesys.
In the logical flows in the previous sections, there are a number of process steps driven by configuration parameters and additional business logic within the system. These parameters and the underlying logic are described in this chapter.

SMS message Categorization

Keyword Matching us a method for categorizing of SMS. This is a system wide setting and only one method will be used at any given time. (Optional)

Keyword Categorization

As an alternative to advanced content analysis, it is possible to replace this functionality with more straightforward keyword matching categorization.Keyword matching allows the system administrator to configure a number of screening rules to identify SMS belonging to different categories. For example, an SMS message that contains the word “order” would be categorized as a sales SMS. Screening rules can be configured to look for regular expressions that look for different words or phrase patterns that help categorize SMS messages.Additionally, screening rules can be used to detect patterns like customer ID, and account number to either display or mask sensitive information to the agent. Configuration of up to three regular expressions to display to the agent / mask information are within the scope of this use case.

N/A N/A The following lists the minimum requirements for the agent desktop:
  • Configuration of not-ready reason codes (Admin Work, Lunch, Meeting, Pause, and Training).
  • Configuration of disposition codes
  • Access to standard response library
  • Agent to Agent transfer
  • Agent to Queue transfer
  • Recorder functionality for supervisors
  • Interaction Queue Management for supervisors
Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager is a Genesys application that offers personalized dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organizational needs. Pulse dashboards present information using graphical “widgets” that can be viewed as graphs or tables, showing information about specific key performance indicators, such as service level, chat interaction handled, and the average handle time. With IC Business Manager you can:

  • Monitor the current state and activity of contact center objects to help make decisions about staffing, scheduling, and chat routing strategies.
  • Create widgets from scratch or user-defined templates for a fast and easy text or graphical presentation of selected or user-defined object statistics.
  • Monitor operational chat activity through the Chat Queue Activity views.
  • Monitor agent resource activity through the Chat Agent Activity views.
  • Monitor tenant service level through the Chat Service Level views.

SMS messages are included with the webchat type for reporting.

Premises and Cloud

IC Business Manager out-of-the-box reports are used to:

  • Assess the day-to-day operations of the contact center resources for the routing and handling of interactions.
  • Measure the effectiveness of the routing rules and efficiency of the use case.
  • Calculate the conversion success rate using disposition/wrap-up codes.
  • Evaluate resource performance with a variety of reports for agents and interaction details. There are many reports available, including the following.

Queue Service Level - The Queue Service Level report provides the ability to see the summary and details of up to 12 configured service levels in an absolute or cumulative view with a percentage option for the relevant media type.

Queue Summary and Detail -The Queue Summary and Detail report displays summarized statistical data along with detailed statistics on Workgroup Queues. The statistics are reported, grouped, and summarized by any combination of Queue, MediaType, Interval, Skill or DNIS. Data for calls Answered or Abandons is summarized and displayed when a single service level configuration is present in the data selected, but is otherwise suppressed. The report also displays a chart for Interactions Distributions and Service Level.

Agent Utilization Report - The Agent Utilization report displays time usage information by agent across all campaigns, including: talk, ACW, non-Dialer, idle, break, preview.

For more information, see About Interaction Reporter.

  • An SMS server must be purchased in each Genesys DC to serve as the reverse proxy server for cloud customers.
  • Requirements for integration with SMS Aggregator
    • Check local requirements for character set, against SMS Server's supported list (Deployment Guide and Release Notes)
    • Best practice recommends to keep in mind the 160 character limit in the U.S., check on SMS Center restrictions
  • Customer has secured and provisioned a dedicated short code, long code, or text-enabled toll-free number in order to send SMS messages
  • SMS requires a reverse web proxy server, that is typically provided by premise customers. For cloud customers a web server must be purchased to server as the reverse web proxy.
  • Customer will need to review the content and volume of messaging traffic to comply with short and long code regulations from the CTIA (Wireless trade association that governs SMS usage.)
  • Configuration, SMS routing, and testing steps will need to be handled by some team in coordination with the message broker. This might be handled by Genesys professional services, an implementation partner, or the customer. It requires experienced SMS routing, setup, and troubleshooting capability.
  • Genesys broker is the preferred solution.
v 1.0.2
UseCases/Current/PureConnect/CE31 Current Genesys Use Cases PureConnect CE31 Genesys Blended AI Bots PureConnect The proliferation of digital channels has led to more demanding customer expectations and a drastic increase in the number of interactions that companies have to deal with when servicing their customers. Coupled with increased usage of AI for business applications, this has resulted in organizations implementing chatbots that can interact with customers to automate tasks and assist their queries on channels such as web, mobile, social, SMS, and messaging apps.

Chatbots can alleviate strain on contact center employees while improving the customer experience and controlling costs. Chatbots are always on and available, and automated chats. Chatbots are always on and available, and can be handed over to an agent at any time if needed.

While chatbots can also be used by employees and for business optimization purposes, the remainder of this document refers to omnichannel bots in the context of customer engagement. The primary benefits of chatbots are to increase self-service success, deflect interactions from the contact center, and improve the customer experience. Benefits typically include:

Genesys supports a “design once, deploy anywhere” concept for bots to enable organizations to provide a seamless customer experience across voice and digital channels. This use case, however, focuses on deploying a bot on web chat, mobile chat, Facebook Messengerand/or SMS.

The chatbot supports or orchestrates the following capabilities:

  • Personalization – to tailor the experience based on context from the current interaction or from previous interactions
  • Natural Language Understanding – to derive intents and entities
  • Identification & Verification (ID&V) – to identify and verify the customer if required
  • Directed Dialog – to automate relevant business processes or provide information
  • Involve another NLU/AI platform including (e.g. Amazon Lex, Microsoft bot framework, IBM Watson or Google Dialogflow) – if it specializes in a particular topic
  • Hand-off to an agent – to connect the customer to a live person with the full context of the interaction
  • Offer a chatbot survey depending on business context
  • Supported channels include web & mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, and SMS. The LINE integration through web chat will be improved and WhatsApp will be added in H2 2019.
  • Genesys Intelligent Automation integration through PS is needed for all channels except web chat.
  • Dialog Engine is under restricted release. Please contact the PureConnect Product Manager with any questions regarding product availability.
  • Callback capability is available for PureConnect through customization by Professional Services.
  • Increasing interactions on digital channels​
  • Low first contact resolution rates​
  • Generic customer experience across all customers​
  • High online purchase abandonment or lack of assistance​
  • Increasing repeat contacts​
  • Customer having to queue for a long time for chat agents​
  • No seamless customer experience across channels
  • Introduce self-service through chatbot​
  • Pass conversation history when handing over to an agent​
  • Offer callback outside of business hours​
  • Personalized interactions for customers based on natural language understanding​​
  • Context-aware chatbot to assist purchase process or service requests​
  • Better user experience based on customer context​
Chief Digital Officer, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Contact Center(s) Differentiated Delivery of this feature in a privately hosted cloud depends on coordinating with the schedule of the customer, some features require a lead of time to be able to deploy the implementation.
  • <meta charset="utf-8">Supported channels include web & mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, and SMS. The LINE integration through web chat will be improved and WhatsApp will be added in H2 2019.
  • Transfer to agent is on same channel (unless callback is selected).
  • Widget based callbacks can be included starting May 2019R2 release.
  • Native NLU capabilities through Dialog Engine are English or German only. Dialog Engine is under restricted release.
BL1: Agent Hand-off: The customer can ask to be connected to an available agent. At that point the chatbot is disconnected and the chat transcript (excluding sensitive data) is displayed in the agent desktop. Other context can also be displayed as Case Data.

BL2: Retries: The number of retries for self-service tasks and questions can be configured by a business user. Upon maximum retries the dialog can be configured to present a message, hand off to an agent, or offer a callback if busy or outside of business hours.

BL3: Response Type: The interaction flows can be configured to accept natural language responses as well as closed responses, such as account number, date of birth, and yes/no questions. This means that customers can backtrack to a different point in the dialogue when required. For example, if a customer is midway through making a payment and says “actually just tell me where your nearest branch is,” then the chatbot shows the nearest branch.

BL4: Callback: If outside of business hours, or estimated wait time (EWT) is high, the chatbot can offer an immediate callback. If this option is not included, then a message states that a transfer is not possible.

BL5: Survey: The customer can determine whether to address a survey or not. This can be based on:

  • Genesys User Data
  • Journey context from Altocloud or customer journey data
  • API call to third-party data source
  • Internal logic
When the conversation is handed over to a live agent, the interaction moves to one of these use cases, depending on the channel the customer is using: Genesys Widgets Are handled as part of channel-specific use cases:

Chat transcript between customer and chatbot is populated in the chat interaction window in the agent desktop.

  • Current Chat interactions waiting in the system
  • Total Chat interactions
  • Agent Group Status
Historical reports cover:
  • How many conversations took place over a period of time
  • Length of time for each conversation: maximum/minimum/average
  • How many unique customers/contacts and how many repeat customers/contacts
  • Supported channels include web & mobile chat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and SMS. The LINE integration through web chat will be improved and WhatsApp will be added in H2 2019.
  • This use case is supported by industry templates that contain examples of chatbot applications combining personalization, natural language understanding, AI, and microapps. Chatbot application requirements including required microapps will be confirmed during design. These application templates will be created for Financial Services, Telco, and Travel.
  • Hand-off to agent is on the same channel (unless click-to-call or callback).
  • Supported third-party NLU/bot platforms are Microsoft bot framework, IBM Watson, Amazon Lex and Google DialogFlow.
  • Our schema-based approach to supporting the big four bot providers can also be used for other bots via customization.
  • Rich Media (for example buttons & carousels) requires PS customization.
  • Secure payment options vary by channel (for example, Apple Pay on Apple Business Chat is secure; SMS is not).
  • The Genesys Intelligent Automation Control Center to configure Chatbots is currently localized to support the following languages:
    • English (United Kingdom)
    • French
    • Spanish (Mexican)
    • German
  • Callback requires customization from professional services for Intelligent Automation to make callback requests to PureConnect.
  • Chat transcript is not passed to callback agent.
  • Survey dialog flow is provided by Questionnaire Builder microapp. Results available for download from Intelligent Automation Control Center or via web service.
  • Dialog Engine is not available for PureConnect. It is only available for Genesys Cloud CX.
CE18 CE19 CE29 CE37 v 1.1.1
