Difference between revisions of "ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Manage outcomes"

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Line 11: Line 11:
**'''Journey '''>''' Outcome '''>'''Add ''', '''Delete''', '''Edit''', '''View'''
**'''Journey '''>''' Outcome '''>'''Add ''', '''Delete''', '''Edit''', '''View'''
|structuredtext={{BarbFeatureTemp|Feature=Add value to an event and track value of associated outcome.}}
|sectionHeading=Create or edit an outcome
|sectionHeading=Create or edit an outcome
Line 25: Line 21:
*Starting on June 14, 2021, you can no longer create more than 10 outcomes. To create an outcome after you reach the outcome limit, delete an existing outcome. For more information, see {{Link-Standalone|topic=ATC/outcome_limitation_change}}.|2=}}<br />
*Starting on June 14, 2021, you can no longer create more than 10 outcomes. To create an outcome after you reach the outcome limit, delete an existing outcome. For more information, see {{Link-Standalone|topic=ATC/outcome_limitation_change}}.|2=}}<br />
|structuredtextwide=<br />
|structuredtextwide=<br />
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
{{!}}Descriptive name of the outcome.
{{!}}(Optional) Description of the outcome.
{{!}}{{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Manage_segments|anchor=VisitorAttributes|display text=Visitor attributes}}
{{!}}Attributes that identify visitors based on characteristics such as location, browser, or device type.
{{!}}{{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Manage_segments|anchor=VisitorJourneyAttributes|display text=Visitor journey}}
{{!}}Attributes that identify visitors based on their shared behaviors. For example, completing a form or going to a specific webpage.
{{!}}{{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Manage_outcomes|anchor=SessionTypes|display text=Session type}}
{{!}}Session type for grouping data about a visitor's activities.
{{!}}Outcomes are active by default.  When an outcome is active, it is ready to use on your web site. To deactivate an outcome temporarily, slide the toggle to '''No'''. To remove an outcome permanently, {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Outcomes#Delete|display text=delete it}} instead.
|sectionHeading=AI-400 - Outcome value tracking
|structuredtext=*AI-400 - Replace above table with the one below.
*Screenshot to be updated above.
New Table:
<br />
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
Line 77: Line 39:
{{!}}Session type
{{!}}Session type
{{!}}Select the type of session:
Select the type of session:
*Web session: An example of a web session is when a user goes to your website and completes a form to place an online order. The associated events for the web session are: visitor visiting a website, visitor filling out the online order form, and visitor submitting the form. For more information, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Web_sessions|display text=Web sessions}}.
*Web session: An example of a web session is when a user goes to your website and completes a form to place an online order. The associated events for the web session are: visitor visiting a website, visitor filling out the online order form, and visitor submitting the form. For more information, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Web_sessions|display text=Web sessions}}.
Line 88: Line 49:
{{!}}Assign value to first event
{{!}}Assign value to first event
{{!}}When you create an outcome, you can attach a perceived value to quantify the benefit of the specified outcome. For example, you can derive the value of an abandoned cart by creating an outcome.
{{!}}When you create an outcome, you can attach a perceived value to quantify the benefit of the specified outcome. For example, you can derive the value of an abandoned cart by creating an outcome. In the Value field, provide {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=SDK|topic=Record|anchor=outcome_value|display text=a value to be extracted}} from the outcome that you are tracking. Currently, only numeric value types are supported.{{NoteFormat|You can assign a value only to the event you added last. For example, if define a series of three events to achieve your outcome, you can assign a value only to the third event.|}}
In the Value field, provide {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=SDK|topic=Record|anchor=outcome_value|display text=a value to be extracted}} from the outcome that you are tracking. Currently, only numeric value types are supported.{{NoteFormat|You can assign a value only to the event you added last. For example, if define a series of three events to achieve your outcome, you can assign a value only to the third event.|}}
{{!}} colspan="2"{{!}}'''Define your visitor characterstics'''
{{!}} colspan="2"{{!}}'''Define your visitor characterstics'''
Line 96: Line 56:
{{!}}Attributes that identify visitors based on characteristics such as location, browser, or device type.
{{!}}Attributes that identify visitors based on characteristics such as location, browser, or device type.
|sectionHeading=AI-23 Add to section above
|sectionHeading=AI-23 Add to section above
Line 117: Line 77:
|sectionHeading=Visitor journey session types
|structuredtext=For more information about each type of session, see:
*{{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Web_sessions|display text=Web sessions}}
*{{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Custom_sessions|display text=Custom sessions and custom events}}
|sectionHeading=AI-400 - Outcome value tracking
|structuredtext=*Remove the above section. Session types merged with outcome creation section.
*In the table below, update the customAttribute row with Xref to {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=SDK|topic=Record|anchor=outcome_value}}.
*In the table below (in the Visitor journey attribute section, add the following rows.
*Remove screenshot in the journey section below.<br />
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
!Attribute name
{{!}}To track the value of webpage form submissions. For more information, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=SDK|topic=Forms:track|anchor=outcome_value_tracker}}.
{{!}}To track when and where a visitor clicks on a webpage. For more information, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=SDK|topic=autotrackClick|anchor=outcome_value_tracker|display text=autotrackClick}}.
{{!}}Clicks 'More' button.
|sectionHeading=Visitor journey attributes
|sectionHeading=Visitor journey attributes
|structuredtext=When you define a condition that includes a visitor journey attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement matches visitors based on whether they take the action. For example, visitors who complete a form, go to a specific webpage, or add a product to their shopping cart but don't complete the purchase.
|structuredtext=When you define a condition that includes a visitor journey attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement matches visitors based on whether they take the action. For example, visitors who complete a form, go to a specific webpage, or add a product to their shopping cart but don't complete the purchase.
For more information about visitor journey attribute operators, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Operators|display text=operators}}.{{NoteFormat|To track a more complex visitor journey, define multiple conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates all conditions in the visitor journey sequentially, in the order that you define them.|}}
For more information about visitor journey attribute operators, see {{Link-SomewhereInThisVersion|manual=AdminGuide|topic=Operators|display text=operators}}.{{NoteFormat|To track a more complex visitor journey, define multiple conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates all conditions in the visitor journey sequentially, in the order that you define them.|}}{{VisitorJourneyAttributes}}

Revision as of 13:00, September 20, 2022

Learn how to define the business goals that you want to track and predict.


Create or edit an outcome

To simplify the process of creating an outcome, duplicate an existing outcome.

  • You must specify as least one condition.
  • Starting on June 14, 2021, you can no longer create more than 10 outcomes. To create an outcome after you reach the outcome limit, delete an existing outcome. For more information, see Outcome limitation change.

Entity Description
Outcome Details
Name Descriptive name of the outcome.
Description (Optional) Description of the outcome.
Status Outcomes are active by default.  When an outcome is active, it is ready to use on your web site. To deactivate an outcome temporarily, slide the toggle to No. To remove an outcome permanently, delete it instead.
Define your outcome conditions
Session type Select the type of session:
  • Web session: An example of a web session is when a user goes to your website and completes a form to place an online order. The associated events for the web session are: visitor visiting a website, visitor filling out the online order form, and visitor submitting the form. For more information, see Web sessions.
  • Custom sessions and custom events: An example of custom session is an order that is shipped. The associated custom events are: removing from inventory stock, loading the stock on a plane, delivering to a distribution center, transferring stock to a delivery truck, and delivering to the customer. For more information, see Custom sessions and custom events.
First event Attributes that identify visitors based on shared behaviours. For example, completing a form or going to a specific webpage.
Assign value to first event When you create an outcome, you can attach a perceived value to quantify the benefit of the specified outcome. For example, you can derive the value of an abandoned cart by creating an outcome. In the Value field, provide a value to be extracted from the outcome that you are tracking. Currently, only numeric value types are supported.
You can assign a value only to the event you added last. For example, if define a series of three events to achieve your outcome, you can assign a value only to the third event.
Define your visitor characterstics
Visitor attributes Attributes that identify visitors based on characteristics such as location, browser, or device type.

AI-23 Add to section above

For more information about the number of outcomes that you can create for your organization, see Limits for Genesys Predictive Engagement objects.

(Adding the link to the Object_limits article causes the article not to save. So, add it at publication time.)

Visitor attributes

For more information about visitor attribute operators, see operators.

For more information about visitor attributes that enable UTM-tracking of campaign-specific activities, see Campaign attributes.

The system doesn't validate free form text. If you misspell a value, the segment doesn't trigger. For example, typing "moble" instead of "mobile" as the device category.
Attribute name Description Examples
Device category Category of device that the visitor is using. desktop




Device type Type of device that the visitor is using. Apple








SUN Microsystems


OS family Operating system family that the visitor is using. Android

Chrome OS

Firefox OS




Mac OS



Windows 9x

Windows CE

Windows NT

Windows Phone


Browser family Browser family that the visitor is using, including all versions of the browser within that family. Chrome


HTC_HD2_T8585 Opera

IE Mobile

Internet Explorer





Browser version Major version of the browser that the visitor is using. 55
Campaign source* A search engine, newsletter, or other source (UTM parameter). direct



Campaign medium* Medium such as email or cost-per-click (UTM parameter). direct


Campaign name* Specific product promotion or strategic campaign (UTM parameter). test campaign


Campaign term* Keywords for this ad (UTM parameter). device


Campaign content* Ads or links that point to the same URL (UTM parameter).
Campaign Click ID* Unique number that generates when a potential customer clicks an affiliate link (UTM parameter). CjwKCAiA1ZDiBRAXEiwAIWyNC2J6QZBJYwXHJPsZ


Campaign network* Ad network to which the click ID belongs (UTM parameter). search network

display network

Country Visitor's country. United States
City Visitor's city or town. Chicago
Region Visitor's region.

To track by U.S. states, supply the 2-digit state code (all caps).



Post code Visitor's postal code. 60610
CCA2 code Two-letter country code. US
Browser language code Language to which the visitor's browser is set. en-gb

Standard browser language codes

Organization name Organization name derived from the IP. alto-universal.com
Referral URL Referrer page URL. https://alto-universal.com/auto#quote-details
Referral hostname Referrer host or hostname. alto-universal.com

Visitor journey attributes

When you define a condition that includes a visitor journey attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement matches visitors based on whether they take the action. For example, visitors who complete a form, go to a specific webpage, or add a product to their shopping cart but don't complete the purchase.

For more information about visitor journey attribute operators, see operators.
To track a more complex visitor journey, define multiple conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates all conditions in the visitor journey sequentially, in the order that you define them.
  • The system doesn't validate free form text. If you misspell a value, the segment doesn't trigger. For example, typing "ACB Retailer" when the page title is "ABC Retailer".
  • When specifying time for a custom web event, include milliseconds.
  • When specifying numeric values for a custom web event, only numeric relational operators are available. For example, say you have a custom event called "CartValue" and you want to target all customers who have a cart value of $100 or more. You would select the "greater than or equal to" operator and type 100 in the value box. Note: You can include decimal points but not the currency symbol.
Attribute name Description Example
autotrackClick To track when and where a visitor clicks on a webpage. For more information, see autotrackClick. Clicks 'More' button.
Custom attribute Allows you to identify groups of visitors based on characteristics and behaviors that are specific to your business. packageDeliveryStatus
Event name Represents actions that occur on your website. For example, object clicked (such as a button, link, or menu option), error generated, inactivity detected, URL changed, or scroll detected.

For more information about configuring events, see About modules.

The recommended format is object_action.

  • button_click
  • link_click
  • page_scroll
  • key_press
  • textbox_entry
form:track To track the value of webpage form submissions. For more information, see forms:track. sign-up-form
Page URL URL of the page. Full protocol required. https://www.genesys.com/?s&q=predictive%20engagement
Page title Meta title of the page (not the heading on the page). Contact Us
Page hostname Host name of the page's URL. app.genesys.cloud
Page domain Domain of the page's URL. app.genesys.cloud
Page fragment Fragment of the page's URL, sometimes called a named anchor. It usually appears at the end of a URL and begins with a hash (#) character followed by the identifier. #/journey/segment/create
Page keywords Keywords from the HTML<meta>tag of the page. contact
Page pathname Path name of the page. /journey/admin/
Search query Represents the keywords in a visitor's search query. test
URL query string Query string that passes to the page in the current event. q=test

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