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This topic is part of the manual Journey JavaScript SDK for version Current of Genesys Predictive Engagement.

Learn how to use the record method to capture website events.

This article only applies to customers using web chat. If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer, we encourage you to use the new web messaging feature to replace web chat.


The record method records custom website events.


ac('record', eventName, [customAttributes], [options])




  • Description: Adds extra information to pageview event
  • Type: Object
  • Status: Optional
  • Restrictions: Flat object with properties of type string, number, Boolean, or customAttribute


ac('record', 'product_added', { price: 15.99, code: 'CDE-123', name: 'Product', hasBatteries: false });

Additionally, define the datatype for the attribute to define the value better.


ac('record', 'product_added', { price: {datatype: 'integer' value: 15, name: {datatype: 'string' value: 'Product'}‎​}​​});​ 

customAttributes for outcome value tracker

To derive the value of an outcome, create an event that comprises an associated value field. Then, using this event and the value field (within the same event), track the value of the outcome you created.

For example, the following event tracks the products added with the value, price. When you create an outcome using this event, the products added along with their value is tracked as part of the outcome.

  • Description: Adds extra information to pageview event
  • Type: Object
  • Status: Optional
  • Restrictions: Flat object with properties of type string, number, or Boolean


ac('record', 'product_added', { price: 15, code: 'CDE-123', name: 'Product', hasBatteries: false });


  • Description: Used for more configuration
  • Type: Object
  • Status: Optional
  • Properties: See the following table.
Name Description Type Status Default
traitsMapper Used to map custom attributes to traits. For more information, see Traits Mapper. traitsMapper

callback Called once beacon is sent function optional
callbackTimeout ms to wait for beacon to send number optional
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