Action maps report

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Learn how the action maps engaged with the visitors of your website.

View action map report

To learn how visitors interacted with a specific action map and whether the outcome of the action map was achieved, click Create Action Map menu option, and then click the Action Map Reporting can be found here menu option

Entity Description
Name Action map name.
Type Type of web action associated to the action map, such as web chat or content offer.
Qualified Number of times that the action map qualified to offer a web action to visitors.
Blocked Number of times that an action map qualified, but did not offer a web action to the visitors. A web action could be blocked temporarily or permanently. Therefore, the sum of the offered and the blocked actions may not be equal to the number of qualified actions. To know the reasons for a web action to be blocked, see Blocked offers.
Offered Number of times that the action map offered a web action to visitors.
Offered % Percent of qualified action maps that offered a web action (Offered / Qualified).
Accepted Number of times that visitors accepted the action map's web action.
Accepted % Percent of web actions that visitors accepted (Accepted / Offered).
Engaged Number of times that agents engaged with a web chat or web messaging.
Engaged % Percent of web chat or web messaging engagements that visitors accepted (Engaged / Accepted).
Rejected Number of times that visitors rejected the action map's web action.
Outcomes Number of outcomes that have achievements because of the action map.
Outcomes Achieved Number of times that the outcome associated to the action map was achieved.
Active Indicates whether the action map is active and ready to trigger on your website.
Updated Date the action map was last modified.
For more information about Journey Action Maps Summary view, see the Journey Action Maps view in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.

Blocked offers

Feature coming soon: Blocked offers

Typically, when the conditions that trigger an action are met, the action is offered to the website visitor. However, all actions that qualify may not offered. These actions are called Blocked offers. The blocked status of an action could be a temporary or a permanent state.

Since the state of a blocked action is likely to change, the number specified in the Blocked Actions column is not fixed. Therefore, the sum of the columns may not entirely match the number specified in the qualified actions column.

To see the blocked actions in an action map and to determine the reasons, do the following:

  1. Click Create Action Map menu option, and then click the Action Map Reporting can be found here menu option.
  2. Click the hyperlinked figure available in the Blocked column of the action map you want to analyze. The Blocked Actions report appears.

Reasons a qualified action is not offered

The Blocked Actions report lists the reasons for the qualified action not being offered. Against each reason an action was blocked, you can see the following details:

  • Sessions - The number of sessions during which the action was blocked. If an action is blocked multiple times during a single session, the session number is retained at one.
  • Count - The number of times an action was blocked. For example, if an action was blocked 30 times during a single session, the count number is 30.
Reason Description
Page URL condition The action map did not meet the page URL filters specified in the action map. For more information, see Define an action map's triggers.
SLA throttle The queue was saturated to capacity which prevented the action being offered. For more information, see How throttling works.
Existing offer An offer had already been rolled out to the customer at the time the action map qualified.
Future offer The action map specifies the future time period for the action to be offered and the action is not set to 'Immediately'. For more information, see web chat activation time and duration, content offer activation time and duration, and architect flow activation time and duration.
Multiple offers The customer qualified in more than one action map and was offered an action in another action map with a higher priority than this action. If all action maps have the same priority, the actions are offered in no particular order. For more information, see Prioritize an action map.
No agents The action map specifies that the action be offered only upon agent availability. For more information, see Route an action map to an agent queue.
Frequency cap An offer was already presented to the visitor by way of qualification on another action map. For more information, see frequency capping settings.

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