Scenario Intra-Day: Review Messages (Save) Dialog Box
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Workforce Management Web for Supervisors (Classic) Help for version Current of Workforce Management.
Related documentation:
Use this dialog box to respond to any warnings or errors that the server returned during your last attempt to save an agent's edited schedule.
The dialog box includes the following columns and controls:
Team Name | Displays the team to which this agent belongs. |
Agent Name | Displays the agent whose schedule generated this message. |
Messages | Displays the message type (either Warning or Error), numeric code, and the message text. |
Action | Use each message's drop-down list to select an action to resolve the warning or error:
OK | Closes the dialog box, applies your selected actions, and retrieves fresh data from the server. |
Close | Closes the dialog box without saving or refreshing data. |
These errors and warnings are generated by schedule changes that you made manually in the Intra-Day view. They differ from Validation warnings and errors, which WFM Web generates during the schedule building process.
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