Commit/Rollback Multiple Wizard
Use the wizard to commit or roll back pending schedule changes for selected agents on selected dates.
Approve changes security permission
If you have the Approve Changes permission, there are two additional ways to work with pending schedule changes:
- You can approve or reject pending changes to the Master Schedule using the Master Schedule Changes Approval module. The Changes Approval module enables you to view each pending change before deciding whether to approve or reject them. Using the Commit/Rollback Multiple Wizard, you commit or rollback all changes for the selected agents and dates without seeing each change.
- You can commit or rollback all items in an agent's schedule day that have pending status directly in the Master Schedule Intra-Day or Master Schedule Agent-Extended views. To do so, right-click the row showing the agent's schedule and then select Commit or Rollback. If you are working in a schedule scenario, you can do this regardless of whether or not you have Approve Changes permissions.
- Commit—Committing a pending change makes it part of the Commit/Rollback Wizard publically-available scenario or Master Schedule. When a schedule scenario is published, only committed changes appear in the Master Schedule.
- Rollback—Rolling back pending changes removes them from possible inclusion in the scenario or Master Schedule.
- Pending—A schedule change will be put in Pending status in three cases:
- The user making changes to the Master Schedule does not have security permissions to approve changes in the Schedule module.
- The user who is making changes to the Master Schedule does have permission to approve changes, but turns off the Auto-Commit icon (
- The user is working with a schedule scenario and turns off the Auto-Commit icon.
Users can see changes that are Pending because they will have an upside-down red triangle (yield icon) in the left-most column of the schedule view. However, if the user does have Approve Changes permission and does have the Auto-Commit icon enabled, then when the user clicks Save, barring any warnings, these changes will become Committed to the schedule.
So, with Pending changes, the user may invoke the Commit/Rollback Wizard to either commit pending changes for selected agents and dates, or roll those pending changes back, which is basically undoing those pending changes for the selected agents and dates.
Using the wizard
To commit or rollback pending changes:
- From the view's Actions toolbar or Actions menu, select Commit/Rollback Multiple.
- If you have unsaved changes, WFM Web prompts you to save them before proceeding.
- The Commit/Rollback Multiple Wizard's first screen, Select Activities, opens.
- Select the activities whose pending changes you want to commit or roll back.
- The Commit/Rollback Multiple Wizard's next screen, Select Agents, opens.
- Select the agents whose pending changes you want to commit or roll back.
- Note that agents without skills are not displayed in the Select Agents screen.
- Select whether to commit or roll back pending changes.
- Click Next.
- In the Select Dates screen, select the dates for which to save or delete pending items, and then click Finish.
- The view reappears.
Select activities
To fill in the Select Activities page in the Commit/Rollback Wizard:
- Select any combination of activities.
- You can select individual activities from multiple sites and multi-site activities from business units. Only activities that belong to the business unit and sites that are selected on the Object pane's Activities tree are available for selection here.
- Click Next to open the Select Agents page.
- Click Cancel if you want to close the wizard without saving or deleting pending changes.
Select agents
To fill in the Select Agents page in the Commit/Rollback Wizard:
- Select any combination of agents.
- You can select individual agents from multiple sites and multiple teams, or you can select whole teams or whole sites. Only agents who are selected on the Object pane's Agents tree, and who can work on activities that are selected in the first page of this wizard, are available for selection.
- Select Commit or Rollback.
- If you do not have the Approve Changes security permission, the Commit check box is cleared and disabled. In that case, you can only roll back pending changes.
- Click Next to open the Select Dates page.
- Click Cancel if you want to close the wizard without saving or deleting pending changes.
Select dates
The Select Dates page in the Commit/Rollback Wizard contains a calendar.
- Select the date or dates for which you want to commit or rollback all schedule items.
- The calendar works as described in How to use the Calendar.
- If you are working with a schedule scenario, be sure to select dates that fall within the scenario's date range.
- Click Finish.
- This action returns you to the Agent-Extended, Intra-Day, or Weekly view. If you committed items, these now appear in the schedule.
- If you want to review or change your entries on the Select Agents page, click Previous.
- Or, if you want to close the wizard without saving your selection, click Cancel.