Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard
Learn how to use this wizard to modify the data in scenarios.
Use the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard to modify the selected scenario by adding activities or agents to it, or by removing agents.
To use this wizard:
- Click Add/Remove Scenario Elements
on a schedule scenario view's Actions toolbar or select it from the Actions menu.
- The wizard starts and opens the Select Actions screen.
The Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard has seven screens (described in this article), but depending on your choices, you might see fewer screens.
- Click Help on any screen opens a Help page that explains that screen's options.
- Click Back returns you to the previous screen if you need to revise your entries there.
Select actions
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Select Action screen:
- Select a radio button from the group Actions:
- Add scenario elements—Runs the Select Activities, Filter by Contracts, Add Agents, Add Profile Agents based on real agents, and Add Profiles screens, enabling you to add new activities and/or agents to the scenario.
- Remove agents from scenario—Runs the Remove Agents screen, to remove agents from the scenario.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
Select activities
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Select Activities to Add screen:
- Select one or more activities from the Activities tree, which includes business units, sites, and activities.
- The tree shows only those sites that the scenario included when it was created, and by default, activities included in the selected scenario are selected in the tree, and you cannot clear their check boxes.
- Select or clear (default) the Additionally Filter Agents By Contracts check box. If you select it, the Filter by Contracts screen is next.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
Filter by contracts
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Filter by Contracts screen:
- Select one or more contracts from the tree, which includes business units, sites, and contracts.
- The tree shows only those sites that the scenario included when it was created, and by default, all contracts matching the activities that were selected on the Select Activities screen, are selected.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
Add agents
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Add Agents screen:
- Select one or more agents from the tree, which includes business units, sites, and agents.
- The tree shows only those sites that the scenario included when it was created, and by default, all agents matching the activities that were selected on the Select Activities screen are selected.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
Add profile agents
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Add Profile Agents based on Real Agents screen agents are displayed in a tree, which is inside a table with these columns:
- Agents—Each agent's name.
- Present—The number of agent profiles, based on this real agent, that are already present in scenario. This number is read-only.
- Add—Select the check box in this column to add this agent's profile to the scenario. Clear the check box to not add the profile. As a short cut, you can select a single check box for any branch of the tree: business unit, site, team—to select all items below it.
To add profile agents, based on real agents:
- Select or clear individual agent check boxes, as needed.
- Select or clear the check box Place Profile Agents, Based on Real Agents, Into Their Teams.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
Add profiles
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Add Profiles screen sites are displayed in a tree, which is inside a table with these columns:
- Profiles—Each profile's name.
- Present—The number of profiles, based on this contract, that are already present in scenario. (Read-only.)
- Add—The number of profiles of the type selected to add to the scenario. (Editable.)
To add profiles:
- Display one or more profiles in the tree, which includes business units, sites, and profiles.
- Select and edit numbers in the Add column, as needed.
- Click Finish to save your changes to the schedule scenario.
Remove agents
In the Add/Remove Scenario Elements Wizard Remove Agents screen:
- Select the agent(s) to remove from a tree of business units, sites, teams, and agents.
- Click Finish.