Configuration Reports

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Use the Configuration reports to summarize the configuration settings for the Activities and Shared Transport objects.

Related documentation:

The Configuration reports are:

To create a report, click that report's link (above) and follow the steps.

For a complete list of WFM reports, see the Reports List.


There are some restrictions when working with reports.

Security restrictions

You can view and print reports only for those sites for which you have security access.

Date restrictions

For reports whose wizard includes a Date Range screen:

  • If you select weekly or monthly granularity, the Start Date and End Date selectors may be constrained to particular days (to the week's start and end days, or to the selected month's first and last days).
  • If you enter dates that do not match these constraints and click Next, an error message alerts you to change your selection.
  • If you select intra-day granularity, the End Date selector is disabled.

Configuring the report

To configure the report:

  1. On the Reports tab, select Configuration Reports from the Views menu.
  2. From the list on the Objects pane select the report you want to configure.
    The Reports Wizard's first screen, Header, appears.
  3. To print a header on the report, select Show Header and type your header text into the text box.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Data screen, select the activities you want to include in the report.
    You can expand business units to display their sites; you can expand sites to display their activities. You can select any combination of activities from multiple sites.
  6. If you selected the Shared Transport Report in step 2, on the Shared Transport page, select the shared transport items you want to include in the report.
  7. Click Finish.
    The report appears in the Report Viewer.

Activity Properties Report

Here's what in the report:

Site [header] The selected site, its time zone, and the maximum number of seats available.
Activity Each activity that you selected to include in the report.
Hours of Operation (Start Time, End Time) The start and end times for each activity on the indicated day in hh:mm format. (A plus sign (+) before the end time indicates that the activity ends on the next day.)
Maximum Simultaneous Users The maximum number of agents scheduled to perform each activity at any one time.
Minimum Staffing The minimum staffing levels configured for each activity. Minimum Staffing Level can be shown as a percentage or shown as number of agents (see Activity properties). If the Minimum Staffing Level parameter is configured as percentage, then the value is shown as a percentage; For example, 20%. If set as agents, then this value is shown as a number; For example, 20.
Skills (Min-Max Levels) The skills, and minimum and maximum skill levels, configured for each activity.
Activity Set Name The name of the activity set in which the activity is included (if applicable).

Shared Transport Report

Here's what in the report:

Shared Transport Report The report title.
Each Shared Transport in the report has this information in its header:
Business Unit field Business unit of the shared transport.
Site field Site of the shared transport.
Transport field Shared transport name.
Status field Status of the shared transport.
Comments field Comments (if any) that are attached to the shared transport.
This is the bus with maximum size nn field Maximum size of the shared transport, if it is a bus.
Below the header, each agent in the shared transport is listed on a separate row, with these columns:
No. Number of the row.
Agent Agent name.
Team Agent's team name.
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