Role Privileges

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Assign role privileges to users, enabling them to perform various actions or tasks in WFM modules and views.

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The Role Privileges pane in the Roles module displays an extensive list of modules and objects, to which you can control access. The same list of privileges appears when you select a user in the Users: Role Privileges pane in the Users module.

New users are automatically granted access to all modules, objects, and sites as described in the Role Privileges overview and sub topics.

General role privileges

The role privileges under General provide the following user access:

  • Show agent wage field—Controls user access to view the Hourly Wage field in WFM Web for Supervisors Configuration > Agents > Properties pane. It also controls whether the user will see agent wage information in the Agent Properties report.
  • Show unassigned agents—Controls whether the selected user can view unassigned agents that appear in all lists where agents appear. The lists appear in the Organization module in Sites > Teams > Add Agents and Sites > Agents > Add Agents.
    New agents without logins (or with logins to multiple switches) are imported automatically during synchronization even if the Show unassigned agents option is turned off for the user who triggers synchronization; although they are not visible to this user. The only security for these new agents is Tenant security.
  • Allow Backup/Restore—Controls user access to the WFM Database Utility to perform backups and restores. If cleared, the user cannot log into the Database Utility. For more information on this utility, see the Workforce Management Administrator's Guide.

Configuration role privileges

The role privileges under Configuration provide the following user access:

Many privileges under Configuration are Web for Supervisors views in the Configuration module (Read, Add/Edit, Access Backend Configuration, and Skills settings are not). Select the check box next to each item to give the selected user access to configure:

  • Roles/Users
  • Organization
    • Read—Controls user access to view all panes within the Organization module. If unchecked, all other privileges under Organization are also unchecked.
    • Add/Delete—Controls whether this user can add/delete items in all views and panes within the Organization module.
    • Edit—Controls whether this user can edit items in all views and panes within the Organization module.
    • Access Backend Configuration—Controls configuration access to certain panes in the Configuration module. If this right is not assigned to the user these panes are not visible:
      • The Configuration pane in Organization > Business Units and Organization > Sites views.
      • The Statistics pane in Activities and Multi-Site Activities views.
    • Skills—Controls user access to skills configuration in the Organization > Business Units view.
    • Time Zones—Controls user access to time zones configuration in the Organization view.
  • Schedule State Groups—Controls whether this user has access to the Schedule State Groups view in the Configuration module of WFM Web for Supervisors. Users with this permission can modify the configuration of these groups.
  • Notifications—Controls whether this user has access to the Notifications view in the Configuration module of WFM Web for Supervisors. Users with this permission can modify the configuration of email notifications.
  • Colors in Schedule—Controls user access to custom colors configuration for elements in the schedule.
  • Shared Transport—Controls user access to shared transport functionality (enabled by default). Clear this check box to disable.
  • Time-off Bidding Periods—Controls user access to the Time-Off Bidding Periods view.
  • Activities—Controls access to the Activities and Multi-Site Activities views.

Policies role privileges

The role privileges under Policies provide the following user access:

The items under Policies are all WFM Web views in the Policies module. Select the check box next to each item to give selected users access to configure:

To have this user receive email notifications when there are time-off requests that require manual review, select Get Notified About Time-Off Request Status Changes, which appears under Notifications.

Calendar role privileges

The role privileges under Calendar provide the following user access:

  • Read—Controls user access to view all panes in the Calendar module. If unchecked, all other privileges under the Calendar are also unchecked.
  • Add/Edit/Delete—Controls user access to view, add, and edit agent preferences and exceptions in the Calendar module.
  • Prefer/Grant/Decline—Controls user access to grant or decline agent preferences in the Calendar module.
  • Edit Time-Off Limits—Controls user access to edit time-off limits in the Calendar module.

Forecast role privileges

The role privileges under Forecast provide the following user access:

  • Read—Controls user access to:
    • Creating Forecast Scenarios.
    • Viewing and edit shared Forecast Scenarios.
    • Viewing the Master Forecast.
    • Extracting the Master Forecast to their own or shared Scenarios.
    • Viewing Historical Data.
      If Read is unchecked, all other privileges under Forecast are also unchecked.
  • Publish—Controls user access to all Read permissions plus permission to publish to the Master their own Forecast Scenarios or shared scenarios.

    Three security options are available under this Forecast Publish right:
    • Publish IV to Master Forecast
    • Publish AHT to Master Forecast
    • Publish Staffing to Master Forecast

      If only one or two of these permissions are granted, the user will not have full security access to the Publish.
      Only those users who have access to Publish before migration will have access to the new options after migration.
  • View All Scenarios—Controls user access to all Read permissions plus permission to:
    • View, edit and share all Forecast Scenarios.
    • Extract from the Master Forecast to all Scenarios.
  • Edit Historical Data—Controls user access to all Read permissions plus permission to:
    • Edit historical data to be used when creating a Forecast Scenario.
    • Copy/paste historical data to/from Excel.
  • Overlays—Controls user access to all Read permissions plus access to all Overlays functionality in the Forecast module.

Schedule role privileges

Select the check box next to each item to give permission to perform that action:

  • Read Master—Controls user access to view and extract data from the Master Schedule, but not publish to the Master Schedule (see About Read Master). If unchecked, all other privileges under Schedule are also unchecked.
  • Edit Master—Controls user access to edit the Master Schedule.
  • Publish—Controls user access to publish scenarios to the Master Schedule.
  • Clean Up Master—Controls user access to clean up the Master Schedule.
  • Create Scenario—Controls user access to create scenarios.
  • Access Shared Scenario—Controls user access to all schedule scenarios that are marked as Shared.
  • View All Schedule Scenarios—Controls user access to view all schedule scenarios that are marked as Shared.
  • Build—Controls user access to build schedules.
  • Approve Changes—Controls user access to the Changes Approval module, to approve or decline pending changes in schedules that you or others have made.
  • Access Overtime Requirements—Controls user access to all scheduled overtime requirements that are marked as Shared.
  • Overtime Bidding—Controls user access to the Overtime Bidding view and the ability to create, modify, and initiate processing of overtime bidding offers.

About Read Master

Check Read Master privilege to give user access to view and extract data from the Master Schedule, but not publish to the Master Schedule. Use the remaining check boxes under Schedule to give additional permissions.

When Read Master is selected, the user can:

  • Extract data from the Master Schedule to an owned or shared Schedule Scenario.
  • View their own Schedule Scenarios and/or other Schedule Scenarios designated as shared by the creator.

About schedule scenarios

When working in Web for Supervisors, you can build multiple Schedule Scenarios that may contain different agents, different types of shifts or rotating patterns, etc. You will eventually decide to publish all or part of one of these scenarios to the Master Schedule.

Trading role privileges

To have this user receive email notifications when there are agent trade requests that require manual review, select Get Notified About Schedule Trading Status Changes, which appears under Notifications.

For more information, see Trading.

Performance role privileges

The role privileges under Performance provide the following user access:

  • Read—Controls user access to view Performance information in WFM Web for Supervisors. All users who have the Read privilege for the Performance module can see alerts when the configured thresholds have been exceeded.
  • Update Alerts—Controls user access to modify alert thresholds and save changes in the Alerts view in the Performance module where users configure thresholds for each metric.
The Alerts function in WFM Web for Supervisors uses Master Forecast and Schedule data as a baseline for acceptable performance results. If user-defined performance limits are violated (for example, if too many interactions are being abandoned, or if service levels fall too low), an Alert warning in the Monitor view notifies that action may be necessary.

For more information, see Performance overview.

Adherence role privileges

The role privilege under Adherence provides the following user access:

  • Adherence—Controls user access to the Adherence module in WFM Web for Supervisors, which monitors real-time agent adherence to the schedule.

For more information, see Adherence.

Reports role privileges

The role privileges under Reports provide the following user access:

  • Read—Controls the user's read access to all views and panes within the Reports module. If unchecked, all other privileges under Reports are also unchecked.
  • Reports Scheduler
    • Allow Use of Reports Scheduler—Control user access to
    • View All Scheduled Reports—Control user access to

Selecting the check box next to a report enables the selected user to create that report.

For information on how to generate and read Reports, see Reports.

Notification role privileges

The role privileges under Notifications provide the following user access:

Selecting the check box for each item enables that notification (the default state). Clearing the check box disables that option:

  • Get Notified About Schedule Trading Status Changes
  • Get Notified About Time-Off Request Status Changes
  • Get Notified About Time-Off Balance-Affecting Changes
  • Get Notified About Time-Off Bidding Status Changes
You can set fewer objects (than those in Configuration > Notification > Targets) for each user that will be notified by the settings in Users > Role Privileges > Notifications.
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