Web chats
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Genesys Predictive Engagement Administrator's Guide for version Current of Genesys Predictive Engagement.
Web chats present current promotions or important announcements to visitors via simple chat windows.
About WebChats
Offer Text
Specify the text that appears when the chat first appears.
Specify the questions that the chat window asks the visitor. If the visitor must respond to the question before proceeding with the chat, select Required.
Apply to pages
Specify the pages where the Web chat should appear.
Route-to Team
Select the teams of agents that should receive notification of the Web chat.
Genesys Predictive Engagement uses only one action map at a time for a given segment. If two action maps of the same type target the same segment at the same time, then the priority determines which action map the visitor experiences.
If multiple action maps target the same segment at the same time, and they have the same priority, then Genesys Predictive Engagement will display each one a set percentage of the time. For example, if two action maps exist, then Genesys Predictive Engagement displays each one 50% of the time. If three action maps exist, then Genesys Predictive Engagement displays each one 33% of the time.Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!