Action Map Performance

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Use the Action Map Analytics report to gauge the effectiveness of your action maps.

Configure the following permissions in PureCloud:

  • Journey > Report > View permission
  • Journey > Action Map > View permission (to see action maps in the report)

About the Action Map Performance reports

The Action Map Performance reports allow you to see metrics about the effectiveness of your action maps. For example, you see details such as when the action map was triggered and how customers responded to its engagement offer. For more information about the specific metrics available, see Action Map Performance report metrics, below.

For more information about the availability of the data in this report, see About analytics data.

Action Map Performance report metrics

The Action Map Performance report shows the following metrics for an action map during the time period you select.

Metric Description
Web Actions Qualified Number of visitors who matched a segment, activity, or outcome score that triggered the action map.
Web Actions Offered Number of visitors to whom Genesys Predictive Engagement offered an engagement.

When a visitor qualifies for an action map, it does not necessarily mean that Genesys Predictive Engagement offers them an immediate engagement. For example, Genesys Predictive Engagement does not offer an engagement if the visitor matches a segment for the action map, but is not on the webpage that triggers the action.Genesys Predictive Engagement also does not offer an engagement if there are no agents available.

Web Actions Accepted Number of visitors who accepted an engagement invitation. These visitors are a subset of those to whom Genesys Predictive Engagement offered an engagement.
Chat Started The visitor started a chat session.
Chat Engaged The visitor engaged with an agent.
Web Actions Rejected Number of visitors who dismissed or rejected an engagement invitation. These visitors are a subset of those to whom Genesys Predictive Engagement offered an engagement.
Web Actions Errored Number of visitors who experienced an error while being offered an engagement. This can happen before or after a chat is offered.
Web Actions Timed out Number of times the action map's offer to chat timed out before the visitor either accepted or rejected it.

View Action Map Performance reports

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Altocloud, click Action Map Performance.
  3. A card appears for each action map. Card details indicate:
    • What triggers the action map: a segment or an event
    • Whether the action map is active or not
  4. To see the performance report for an action map, click its card.

Configure the Action Map Performance report

  1. To select the time period for the report, click the Start and End boxes.
  2. To indicate whether you want to see hourly or daily results, select the Granularity option. For more information, see Granularity.
  3. To turn on or off a metric, click its name.

See details

  1. To see details, hover over a point on the report.
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