About the data we track
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Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks data about what visitors do on your website.
Transparency about our data tracking practices
When visitors come to your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement collects data about what they do and where to they go on your website. For example, we track which pages each visitor views, any forms they submit, and any searches they complete. We collect this data to improve your understanding of the effectiveness of your website and the needs of your customers.
- To be compliant with GDPR, it's important that you create and implement a tool (message, dialog box, etc.) to obtain each visitor's consent to be tracked.
- For more information on using Genesys Predictive Engagement in a GDPR-compliant manner, see General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Data we track about each visit
Visit information tracked does not contain any personal information related to the visitor, but contains information on their current session.
Data in a visit can include:
- Visit and visitor identifiers used to identify visit information within Genesys Predictive Engagement
- Visit timestamps, such as start time, when the visitor will be considered idle, and when the visitor was last active
- Current web page information including the number of pages visited, web document properties and device properties
- Journey information such as matched segments and outcomes achieved
- Referer information from where the customer accessed your website, and marketing campaign information associated with it
Data we track about each visitor
Visitor information contains personal information gathered from submitting data to the Genesys Predictive Engagement system about a specific visitor. Data on a visitor can include:
- Genesys Predictive Engagement specific identifiers
- Third-party identifiers
- Personal details, such as name, DOB, job information, and phone numbers
- Genesys Predictive Engagement visit information