View action maps

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Learn how to search for, create, edit, duplicate, and delete action maps.


View action maps list

View action maps

Name: Action map name.

Updated: Date the action map was last modified in Predictive Engagement.

Type: Type of web action associated to the action map, such as web chat or content offer.

Active: Indicates whether the action map is active and ready to trigger on your website.

Options: Menu of options available for the action map, such as edit, delete, and duplicate.

AI-328 Update "View action maps list" section

Update the field definitions and replace the screen capture in the "View action maps list" section. Also, replace all other screen captures in this article.

Entity Description
Name Action map name.
Type Type of web action associated to the action map, such as web chat or content offer.
Qualified Number of times that the action map qualified to offer a web action to visitors.
Offered Number of times that the action map offered a web action to visitors.
Offered % Percent of qualified action maps that offered a web action (Offered / Qualified).
Accepted Number of times that visitors accepted the action map's web action.
Accepted % Percent of web actions that visitors accepted (Accepted / Offered).
Engaged Number of times that agents engaged with a web chat or web messaging.
Engaged % Percent of web chat or web messaging engagements that visitors accepted (Engaged / Accepted).
Rejected Number of times that visitors rejected the action map's web action.
Outcomes Number of outcomes that have achievements because of the action map.
Outcomes Achieved Number of times that the outcome associated to the action map was achieved.
Active Indicates whether the action map is active and ready to trigger on your website.
Updated Date the action map was last modified.

Search for an action map

Type one or more characters (not case-sensitive) for which to search. As you type, only the action maps that match your criteria appear in the list.

A column heading with an arrow indicates that you can click the arrow to sort the list by that entity. An upward-pointing arrow indicates that the list is in ascending order and a downward-pointing arrow indicates that the list is in descending order.

Create an action map

To create an action map, click Create action map and then follow the instructions in Create an action map.

Edit an action map

To modify an action map, search for it and then click the Edit menu option. Follow the instructions in Create an action map.

Duplicate an action map

To simplify the process of creating an action map, duplicate an existing one. Search for the action map to duplicate and then click the Duplicate menu option. The duplicate action map displays in edit mode. Specify a new name for the duplicate action map and then modify the remaining information as appropriate.

Delete an action map

To delete an action map permanently, search for the outcome, click the Delete menu option, and then confirm.
Deletion is permanent. To suspend the action map from triggering, change its status to inactive.

Change the status of an action map

When you create an action map, it is active and ready to trigger on your site immediately. To prevent an action map from triggering, slide the toggle to No. The toggle is also available when you create or edit an action map.

Journey Action Maps Summary view

Feature coming soon: Journey Action Maps Summary view

To learn how visitors interacted with a specific action map and whether the outcome of the action map was achieved, see the Journey Action Maps view in the Genesys Cloud Resource Center.

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