Customer summary (admin view)

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Revision as of 12:45, April 26, 2022 by Gayathri.Jaishankar.IX (talk | contribs) (Published)
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In Live Now, learn how to see details about a visitor and their previous engagements with your company.


  • Configure the following permissions in Genesys Cloud CX:
    • Journey > Customer > View (to see information about existing customers)
    • Journey > Event > View (to see events on the customer journey map)
    • Journey > Visit > View (to see live tracking information about visitors who are currently on your website)

Customer summary

Customer summary details include the visitor's current status and the total number of times that they viewed any of your tracked web pages during the current session. When a logged-in user logs out and continues to use the website, Predictive Engagement considers the user as a new user and creates a new visitor journey map for all actions of the unauthenticated user. You can also see:

View a different session

Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks visitor activity by session. When you view a customer summary, you see information for the current session. To see a different session, click it in the list. Genesys Predictive Engagement displays the customer journey map, segments assigned, and outcome scores for the session that you select.
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