Difference between revisions of "ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Customer journey map"

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|structuredtext={{BarbFeatureTemp|Feature=Web messaging}}This section only applies to Genesys Cloud customers using [[Draft:ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web messaging|web messaging]].  
|structuredtext=This section only applies to Genesys Cloud customers using [[Draft:ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web messaging|web messaging]].  
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
{{{!}} class="wikitable"

Revision as of 11:49, August 10, 2021

In Live Now, learn to use a graphical representation of a visitor's path through your website. This information provides the full context of a visitor's questions and can help you understand their needs. For more information about the icons, see icon descriptions.


  • Configure the following permissions in Genesys Cloud:
    • Journey > Customer > View (to see information about existing customers)
    • Journey > Event > View (to see events on the customer journey map)
    • Journey > Visit > View (to see live tracking information about visitors who are currently on your website)

View a visitor's journey

View journey map

The visit journey map indicates:

  • Which pages a visitor saw and in what order
  • The engagement types that the visitor had with an agent or with Genesys Predictive Engagement while on a page
  • When the visitor matched segments
To see URLs instead of page titles, click URL.

See point-in-time details

View what a visitor did at a particular point

To see more information about what the visitor did, rest your mouse on an icon.

About the icons

Messaging icons

This section only applies to Genesys Cloud customers using web messaging.

Icon Tooltip Description
Chat offered.png Messaging offered Genesys Predictive Engagement offered messaging to the visitor.
Chat accepted.png
Messaging accepted Visitor accepted the messaging offer.
Chat requested.png Messaging requested Visitor requested messaging.
Chat rejected.png
Messaging rejected Visitor rejected the messaging offer.
Chat timed out.png
Messaging timed out Messaging offer timed out before the visitor responded.
Chat ignored.png
Messaging ignored Visitor left the website before responding to the messaging offer.

Chat icons

This section only applies to customers using web chat.

Icon Tooltip Description
Chat offered.png Chat offered Genesys Predictive Engagement offered a chat to the visitor.
Chat accepted.png
Chat accepted Visitor accepted the offer to chat.
Chat requested.png Chat requested Visitor requested a chat.
Chat rejected.png
Chat rejected Visitor rejected the offer to chat.
Chat timed out.png
Chat timed out Offer to chat timed out before the visitor responded.
Chat ignored.png
Chat ignored Visitor left the website before responding to the chat offer.

Content offer icons

Icon Tooltip Description
Content offer offered.png
Content offer offered Genesys Predictive Engagement presented a content offer to the visitor.
Content offer opened.png
Content offer accepted Visitor accepted the content offer.
Content offer closed.png
Content offer rejected Visitor rejected the content offer.
Content offer timed out.png
Content offer timed out Content offer timed out before the visitor responded.
Content offer ignored.png
Content offer ignored Visitor left the website before responding to the content offer.

Form-related icons

Icon Tooltip Description
Form submitted.png Form submitted Visitor submitted a form.
Form abandoned.png Form abandoned Visitor abandoned the form before completing it.

Purchase-related icons

Icon Tooltip Description
Product added to cart.png
Product added to cart Visitor added a product to their shopping cart.
Product removed from cart.png
Product removed from cart Visitor removed a product from their shopping cart.
Checkout successful.png Checkout complete Visitor completed the checkout transaction.

Journey shaping icons

Icon Tooltip Description
Outcome achieved.png
Outcome achieved Visitor achieved one of your outcomes.
Segment matched.png
Segment matched Visitor matched one of your segments.

Miscellaenous icons

Icon Tooltip Description
Page viewed.png
Page viewed Visitor viewed the page.
It's possible for a web session card to have multiple page titles with the same name. If the URL of a page changes, a new line will form on the web session card and the URL will update. We aren’t facilitating dynamic values within a page if a visitor reloads the page.

Search.png Searched Visitor searched for something on your site.
Default Default icon used when no other icon is applicable.
Error An error occurred.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!