Job Record Dashboard
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) CX Contact Help for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).
Learn about the Job Record Dashboard.
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The Job Record Dashboard contains data about a Job's status and its results.
Job records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
_id | keyword | Entry ID |
_index | keyword | Index name |
_type | keyword | Index type |
@timestamp | date | The timestamp (default timezone from settings) indicating when the Elasticsearch index was submitted for the event. Please note that this is not the time when the actual event occurred. |
address | keyword | The IP address of the component instance that executed a job. |
attributes.BasePath | keyword | Base path |
attributes.bDeleteRemoteFiles | keyword | Delete FTP file |
attributes.bFailureNotification | keyword | Failure notification |
attributes.bHeaderExists | keyword | Indicates whether the header is present in the input file |
attributes.bSuccessNotification | keyword | Success notification |
attributes.bTraceSFTP | keyword | Trace SFTP Flag |
attributes.contactsFilePath | keyword | The relative path to Import File |
attributes.ConvertedFileName | keyword | Converted File Name |
attributes.CronString | keyword | Cron String |
attributes.DayOfWeek | keyword | The day of the week to run jobs |
attributes.EndTime | keyword | The End Time |
attributes.FtpAddress | keyword | The FTP Address |
attributes.FtpUserName | keyword | The FTP User Name |
attributes.iAcceptedLines | keyword | Number of Accepted Lines |
attributes.iContactLines | keyword | Number of Contacts |
attributes.iListid | keyword | List IDs |
attributes.Importfile | keyword | Import File |
attributes.ImportfileFormat | keyword | Import File Format |
attributes.Increment | keyword | Schedule Increment |
attributes.IncrementUnit | keyword | Schedule Increment Units |
attributes.Inputloaded | keyword | Input Loaded |
attributes.inputMappingSpecFilePath | keyword | Relative path to Specification File |
attributes.Inputprocessed | keyword | Input Processed |
attributes.iProcessedLines | keyword | Number of Processed Lines |
attributes.iRejectedLines | keyword | Rejected Lines |
attributes.iTotalLines | keyword | Total Number of Lines |
attributes.JobClass | keyword | Job Class |
attributes.JobState | keyword | Job State |
attributes.Label | keyword | Label Schema |
attributes.ListIDs | keyword | List IDs |
attributes.ListName | keyword | List Name |
attributes.Lists | keyword | List Names |
attributes.ListSize | keyword | List Size |
attributes.listSource | keyword | List Source |
attributes.listsSplitted | keyword | List Split |
attributes.Mappingfile | keyword | Mapping File |
attributes.Mappingloaded | keyword | Is Mapping Schema loaded |
attributes.MappingSchema | keyword | Mapping Schema Applied |
attributes.mappingSchemaId | keyword | Mapping Schema ID |
attributes.MessageFileName | keyword | Message File Name |
attributes.OnDemand | keyword | Is Job scheduled or on demand |
attributes.OriginalFileName | keyword | Original File Name |
attributes.outputFileName | keyword | Output File Naming Convention |
attributes.PGPEncrypted | keyword | PGP Encryption |
attributes.RejectFileName | keyword | Rejected File Name |
attributes.Rejectfilename | keyword | Rejected File Name |
attributes.resultDetails | keyword | Result Detail |
attributes.RuleContexts | keyword | Rule Contexts |
attributes.ScheduleType | keyword | The Schedule Type |
attributes.SpecificationId | keyword | Specification File ID |
attributes.specificationId | keyword | Specification File ID |
attributes.StartTime | keyword | The Start Time |
attributes.submitJobId | keyword | Submit Job ID |
attributes.suppressionType | keyword | Type of Suppression |
attributes.tablename | keyword | database table name |
attributes.Timezone | keyword | The Timezone |
attributes.UploadMode | keyword | Upload Mode |
attributes.uploadMode | keyword | Upload Mode |
attributes.UploadRuleName | keyword | Upload Rule Name |
attributes.uploadRuleName | keyword | Name of the Upload Rule |
attributes.uploadType | keyword | Upload Type |
attributes.UseCustomTimezone | keyword | Using Custom Timezone |
attributes.UseSpecificationFile | keyword | Using Specification File |
ccid | keyword | Contact Center ID |
component | keyword | Job execution component |
created | keyword | The timestamp of when the job was created. |
duration | keyword | The Duration in milliseconds (ms). |
error | text | An error message. |
errorCode | integer | Error code |
finished | keyword | The timestamp of when the job was finished. |
hostname | keyword | The hostname of the component instance that executed a job. |
id | keyword | Index ID |
listSize | text | Size of the Contact List |
name | keyword | Job Name |
options.ccid | keyword | Contact Center ID |
options.consentChannels | keyword | Consent Channels |
options.contactsFilePath | keyword | relative path to Import File |
options.contentType | keyword | Content Type |
options.createdDate | keyword | Created Date |
options.customTimeInterval | keyword | Custom Time Interval |
options.cxSettings | keyword | CX Settings |
options.dashboard | keyword | Dashboard Name |
options.dataSource | keyword | Data Source |
options.eid | keyword | Environment ID |
options.envId | keyword | Environment ID |
options.envid | keyword | Environment ID |
options.exportAllPartitions | keyword | Export All Partitions |
options.folderName | keyword | customer Folder Name in CME |
options.importfile | keyword | relative path to Import File |
options.importFileSize | keyword | Import File Size |
options.inputMappingSpecFilePath | keyword | relative path to Specification File |
options.label | keyword | Label Name |
options.listDescription | keyword | List Description |
options.listid | keyword | List ID |
options.listName | keyword | List Name |
options.mappingfile | keyword | Mapping File Name |
options.mappingSchema | keyword | Mapping Schema |
options.mappingSchemaId | keyword | Mapping Schema ID | | keyword | Job Name |
options.panel | keyword | Panel Name |
options.parentid | keyword | Parent Job ID |
options.partition | keyword | Partition Name |
options.pgpEncrypted | keyword | PGP Encryption |
options.request_payload | keyword | Request Payload |
options.requestId | keyword | Request ID |
options.resolvedListPartition | keyword | List Partition |
options.specificationId | keyword | Specification File ID |
options.suppressionChannels | keyword | Suppression Channels |
options.tablename | keyword | database table name |
options.tenantInfo | keyword | Tenant Info |
options.tenantName | keyword | Tenant Name |
options.timeInterval | keyword | Time Interval |
options.token | keyword | token |
options.traceId | keyword | Request Trace ID |
options.type | keyword | Job Type |
options.uploadMode | keyword | Upload Mode |
options.uploadRuleName | keyword | Upload Rule Name |
options.uploadType | keyword | Upload Type |
options.useCustomTimezone | keyword | is Custom TimeZone used |
options.useSpecificationFile | keyword | is Specification File used |
parentid | keyword | Parent Job ID |
partition | keyword | Partition Name |
result | keyword | Job result: ['NONE', 'SUCCESS', 'FAIL'] |
started | keyword | The timestamp of when the job was started. |
state | keyword | State: ['STOP', 'RUNNING', 'COMPLETED'] |
trace | keyword | Trace Steps |
type | keyword | Type |
version | keyword | Job execution component version. |
@endtime | date | The timestamp of when the job was finished. |
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