SMS/EMAIL Record Dashboard
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) CX Contact Help for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).
Learn about the SMS/EMAIL Record Dashboard.
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The SMS/EMAIL Record Dashboard contains data about SMS/email events. The data on this dashboard is continuously updated and displays only the current state of an event.
SMS/email records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
@timestamp | date | The timestamp (default timezone from settings) indicating when the Elasticsearch index was submitted for the event. Please note that this is not the time when the actual event occurred. |
batchID | keyword | The Batch ID in the message that was received from OCS. |
callResult | keyword | The call result. |
calluuid | keyword | The call attempt GUID. |
campaignGroupName | keyword | The Campaign group name. |
campaignName | keyword | The Campaign name. |
campaignTemplateName | Keyword | The Camaign template name |
ccid | keyword | The Contact center ID. |
chainId | integer | Indicates the contact ID in the database table. |
chainN | integer | The number of the device in the contact/chain. |
clientId | keyword | The Client ID in the input file that was provided from the specification file. |
contact_info | keyword | The device's phone number or email address. |
content | text | The content of an SMS message after personalization was applied. |
deliveryReceipt | keyword | The Nexus delivery result code. |
disposition | keyword | The Disposition code. For example, <Nexus Delivery Result>:<Nexus extended state> |
Error Msg | Keyword | The error message. |
errorMessage | Keyword | The error message. |
from | keyword | The sender's phone number or email address. |
groupName | keyword | The Group name. |
id | keyword | The Index ID. |
isTest | boolean | Indicates if a message has been sent as a result of the Send Test SMS or Send Test Email actions. |
listName | keyword | The calling list name. |
mediaType | keyword | The media type (sms, email). |
messageID | keyword | The unique Message ID. For example, ccid.calluuid. |
optout | boolean | Indicates if the user sent STOP (for SMS) or unsubscribed (for email). |
partition | Keyword | The associated partition. |
providerReceipt | keyword | The final SMS delivery state received from the SMS Aggregator. |
sessionuuid | keyword | The session GUID for the currently active/running Campaign group. |
status | keyword | The message status. For example, ['receivedFromOCS', 'queuedInternally', 'submittedToNexus', 'respondedFromNexus', 'notifiedOCS']. |
subject | keyword | The subject of the message. |
timeConsumerResponded | date | The timestamp of when the user response (STOP) was received from Nexus. |
timeOCSNotified | date | The timestamp of when OCS provided a result. |
timeReceivedFromOCS | date | The timestamp of when the message was received from OCS. |
timeResponseReceived | date | The timestamp of when the message was received from Nexus. |
timestamp | integer | The timestamp of the last time the index was updated. |
timeSubmittedToNexus | date | The timestamp of when the message was submitted to Nexus. |
timeSubmittedToPortico | date | The timestamp of when the message was submitted to Portico. |
triggerEventID | keyword | The ID of the trigger event. |
triggerRuleName | keyword | The name of the trigger rule that sent the message. |
userData | keyword | User Attached Data |
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