Campaign Group Event Record Dashboard

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This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) CX Contact Help for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).

Learn about the Campaign Group Event Record Dashboard.

The Campaign Group Event Record Dashboard Analytics-call.png contains data about the status of a Campaign group.

Campaign Group Event records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:

Field Type Description
@timestamp date The timestamp (default timezone from settings) indicating when the Elasticsearch index was submitted for the event. Please note that this is not the time when the actual event occurred.
action keyword The action that was applied to the Campaign Group. For example, ['None', 'LoadCampaign', 'StartDialing', 'StopDialing', 'UnloadCampaign'].
actualBusyFactor float The current agent's busy factor (reported by OCS).
actualHitRatio float The current Hit Ratio (reported by OCS).
actualOverdialRate float The percentage of abandoned calls (reported by OCS).
actualTimeToComplete float The time it took to complete the Group Campaign lists (reported by OCS).
campaignGroupActor keyword The request originator.
campaignGroupCompliance keyword Strict compliance mode
campaignGroupType keyword The campaign group type.
campaignGroupDBID integer The Campaign group DBID.
campaignGroupName keyword The Campaign group name.
campaignName keyword The Campaign name.
campaignTemplateName keyword The Campaign template name.
ccid keyword The Contact center ID
dialingMode keyword The Dialing mode.
details keyword Request details
groupName keyword The Group name.
id keyword The index ID.
inSchedule keyword Indicates whether controlled by a schedule
lists.actualHitRatio keyword The actual hit ratio for a calling list.
lists.DBID keyword The List DBID. object The Campaign group calling list name.
mediaType keyword The media type.
objectName keyword The object's name.
optimizationParameter keyword Optimization parameter
optimizationType keyword Optimization type
partition keyword The name of the partition.
scheduleName keyword The name of the schedule.
SenderID keyword The Sender ID
sessionuuid keyword The Session GUID of the currently active/running campaign group.
state keyword The current Campaign group state. For example, ['NotLoaded', 'Active', 'Running', 'UnloadInProgress', 'WaitingUnload', 'NotLoaded'].

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