Create / Edit a Schedule

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This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) CX Contact Help for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).

Learn how to create and edit schedules that automatically and periodically run Campaign Groups.

Create or edit a Schedule

CX Contact Schedules allow you to create and run one or more Campaign Groups automatically and periodically using a predefined schedule. You can access and customize near-real time reporting data about Schedules from the Schedules Dashboard.

  1. Click the Schedules menu. The Schedules list appears. For details, see the Schedules List Properties table below.
  2. Select your preferred view.
    • Table View - Lists all the existing schedules.
    • Calendar View - Displays all of the existing schedules in the day on which they are scheduled to start.
  3. Select New to create a new schedule or click the name of the schedule you want to edit. Use the Global toggle to switch between global (UTC) and local time zones for the schedule.
  4. Select the Schedule Options tab and set the available options. The options in the Schedule Options tab enable you to define when the Campaign Groups associated with the schedule is run. For details, see the Schedule Options Properties table below.
  5. Select the Campaign Groups tab and select the Campaign Groups to which this schedule is applied. When the schedule is run, the selected Campaign Groups are activated. For details, see the Campaign Groups Properties table below.
  6. Select the Campaign Group Dialing panel and configure the following options:
    • Change Dialing parameters - Change the Campaign Group's pacing parameters.
    • Force Stop - Force the Campaign Group to be unloaded.
    • Start - Load the Campaign Group.
    • Start Paused - Pause the Campaign Group.
    • Stop - Unload the Campaign Group.
  7. Click Save Schedule.

Schedules List Properties

Column Description
Name Schedule name.
Description Provides information about the purpose of the schedule.
Last Run The last time and date the schedule was activated.
  • Active - Campaign groups associated with the specific schedule are currently running.
  • Idle - The schedule is active but is not being used.
  • Disabled - Campaign groups associated with the specific schedule are not active.
Schedule A plain text description of the Schedule activation rules.
Last Modified Date The last date and time the schedule was edited.
Created Date The date and time the schedule was created.
  • Enable - Instructs the system to run the schedule at its configured date and time.
  • Disable - Stops all subsequent runs. Note: Disabling a schedule doesn't delete the schedule. You can open and edit the schedule at any time to reschedule runs or hit the Play icon to restart it.
  • Delete - Removes the schedule from the system.

Schedule Options Properties

Column Description
Name Schedule name.
Description Provides information about the purpose of the schedule.
Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Once Indicates the type of recurrence and defines the view of the Schedules Dashboard where you can view reports on Outbound Schedules.
Start Condition Indicates the date and time interval at which you would like the schedule to be activated.
Stop Condition Indicates the time the schedule ends.

Campaign Groups Properties

Column Description
Name Schedule name.
Description Provides information about the purpose of the schedule.
Add Enables you to add an existing Campaign Group.
  • Channel - Select a Channel for the Campaign Group. For details, see CX Contact Channels.
  • Campaign Group - Select one Campaign Group associated with the selected Channel.

When a new Campaign Group is added, it automatically contains an empty Instant command and two Sequential commands:

  • Load immediately
  • Start immediately
Scheduledeletecampaign.png Enables you to delete a command/Campaign Group from the schedule.
Scheduleaddcampaign.png Enables you to add/edit a command to the Campaign Group. The add/edit Campaign Group command requires you to configure the following options:
  • Command - Select the visibility of the Campaign Group Dialing panel.
  • Condition - Select when the command is active with relation to the Set Time configuration.
    • Immediately - Indicates that the command is activated when the Schedule is run.
    • At time - Indicates that the command is activated at the configured Set Time.
    • After - Indicates that the command is activated after the configured Set Time interval.
    • Time in state - Indicates that the command is activated at the configured Set Time interval and state.
    • Time in state (Advanced) - Indicates that the command is activated at the configured Set Time interval and state for a specific campaign group.
      • Campaign Group - Enables you to select a single campaign group.
      • spent in state - Enables you to select the status of the selected campaign group.
    • Statistical Condition (Advanced) - Enables you to configure conditions based on the value of a specific statistic in a specific Stat Server application.
      • On Stat Server - Select a Stat Server application from which the statistic is required.
      • Name of the statistic - Select the name of the statistic configured for the selected Stat Server application.
      • Object type - Select the Stat Object type for which the statistic is calculated.
      • Object name - Provide the name of the configuration object for which the statistic is calculated.
      • Statistic value - Select one of the following conditions and set a target statistical value:
        • =
        • !=
        • >
        • <
        • >=
        • <=
      • Notification type - Select how the Stat Server should deliver the notification about the statistic change:
        • Change based - Enter a percentage value between 0 and 99. The notification is sent when the statistical value changes more than the provided value.
        • Time based - Enter a seconds value between 0 and 999999999. The notification is sent periodically, every n seconds.
  • Campaign Group Dialing - Enables you to determine when and how the campaigns associated with the schedule places calls.
    • Dialing Mode - For details, refer to Dialing Modes.
    • Optimization Parameter - For details, refer to Optimization Parameters.
    • Optimization Goal - Enables you to set your desired Campaign goal.
    • Engage agents first - Select this option to change the current Dialing mode to Predictive with Seizing or Progressive with Seizing before an Outbound call is made. For details, refer to IVR Modes.
Scheduleupdowncommand.png Enables you to place the command up or down one step in the sequential execution line.
Repeat Enables you to define a repeat interval for the Instant command.

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