Contact History Record Dashboard

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This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) CX Contact Help for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).

Learn about the Contact History Record Dashboard.

The Contact History Record Dashboard Analytics-contact.png contains statistical and contact data about the last call attempt to a specific contact associated with a calling list in a specific campaign group session.

Contact History records can contain data associated with one or more of the following fields:

Field Type Description
@endtime date The timestamp (default timezone from settings) at which the outbound record for the given call is considered complete and is removed from OCS active processing (for example, on dial error, or when a finalization event is received from the agent desktop).
@timestamp date The timestamp (default timezone from settings) indicating when the Elasticsearch index was submitted for the event. Please note that this is not the time when the actual event occurred.
areaCode keyword The phone number's area code.
blockingRuleName keyword Blocking rule name
blockingRuleSubType keyword Blocking rule sub-type
blockingRuleType keyword Blocking rule type
callResult string The call result.
callerID keyword The Caller ID presented on Outbound call
callerIDSetName keyword Caller ID set name
calluuid keyword The call attempt GUID.
campaignGroupName keyword The campaign group name.
campaignName keyword The Campaign name.
campaignTemplateName keyword The campaign template name.
ccid keyword The Contact Center ID.
chain_id keyword Chain ID (Same if have multiple numbers)
chain_n keyword Chain Number (Multiple entries per record)
clientCountryCode keyword The client's country code.
clientId keyword Customer Client ID
contact_id integer A composite property used to identify a contact in the calling list. For example, listID.chainID.
contact_info keyword The device's phone number.
contact_info_type keyword The Common library enum (GctiContactType) based on the cd_device_index. For example, ['No Contact Type', 'Home Phone', 'Direct Business Phone', ...].
countryCode keyword The phone number's country code.
customerId keyword The customer ID.
deliveryMode keyword The delivery mode.
deviceTimezone keyword The time zone for contact records.
dialingMode Keyword The type of dialing mode.
disposition keyword Indicates whether or not GSW_BLOCKING_RULE is available. If it is available the value is Blocked. If it is not available GSW_HIST_SEQUENCE_NUM == 0 and the value is Unknown or Called.
duration integer The processing duration (that is, endtime - timestamp).
groupName keyword The campaign group name.
id keyword Identifies the last call made to any device belonging to a contact listed in the Session GUID and calling list.
isFinal keyword The initial or final submission history.
listName keyword The Calling list name.
listid keyword The Calling list ID in the database.
mask.BLOCKED keyword Device Mask Blocked
mask.DEVICE_FROM_FREEFORMENTRY keyword Device from free form entry
mask.DEVICE_FROM_INBOUND keyword Device from Inbound
mask.DEVICE_FROM_LIST keyword Device from contact lists
mask.DNC keyword Device Mask DNC
mask.DUPLICATE_ON_CONTACT keyword Device Mask Duplicate Contatc
mask.DUPLICATE_ON_LIST keyword Device Mask Duplicate List
mask.EMAIL keyword Device Mask Email
mask.ENDS_00 keyword Device Mask Ends in 00
mask.ENDS_000 keyword Device Mask Ends in 000
mask.EXCLUSIVE_ONLY keyword
mask.EXTENSION keyword Device Mask contains an extension
mask.INTERNATIONAL keyword Device Mask International
mask.INVALID_AREA_CODE keyword Device Mask Invalid Area Code
mask.INVALID_DEVICE keyword Device Mask Invalid Device
mask.INVALID_EXCHANGE keyword Device Mask Invalid Exchange
mask.IP_PHONE keyword Device Mask IP Phone
mask.LANDLINE keyword Device Mask Landline
mask.MOBILE keyword Device Mask Mobile
mask.NON_GEOGRAPHIC keyword Device Mask Non Geographic Number
mask.NOT_SUPPORTED keyword Device Mask not supported
mask.NO_DEVICE keyword Device MaskĀ  No device
mask.NULL_TZ keyword Device Mask Null Timezone
mask.UNIQUE_ONLY keyword Device Mask Unique Only
maskValue long The device mask value.
mediaType keyword The media type
optimizationGoal integer Indicates the highest allowable percentage of proactively triggered interactions that can be closed by visitors prior to an agent joining the session.
optimizationMethod keyword The OCS optimization method.
partition keyword The partition name.
postalCode keyword The postal code.
recordStatus keyword The status of the record in the State machine (enum is GctiRecordType). The default value is Ready.
recordType keyword The type of chain (enum is GctiRecordType).
scheduledTime keyword Scheduled time
sessionuuid integer The Session GUID of the currently active or running campaign group.
successful keyword The call attempt result [false, true].
timezoneName keyword The name of the JAVA time zone.
timezoneNameCME keyword The name of the CME time zone.
timezoneOffset keyword The time zone offset.
voiceTransferDestination integer The GSW queue name.
_index keyword The index name.
_type keyword The index type.
_id keyword The entry ID.
timeBadCallReleased keyword The when an unanswered call is released.
timeClientRinging integer The timestamp for when the client number rang.
timeDialing integer The dialing timestamp.
durationCPD keyword The duration of call progress detection.
timeCPDFinished keyword The time in which call progress detection is completed.
timeClientPickedUp keyword The time when the customer picksed up the call.
agentLoginId keyword The Agent's login username.
blockingRuleName.keyword keyword Blocking Rule Name
blockingRuleSubType.keyword keyword Blocking Rule Sub-Type
blockingRuleType.keyword keyword Blocking Rule Type
callerID.keyword keyword Caller ID
callerIDSetName.keyword keyword CallerID Set Name
deviceTimezone.keyword keyword Device Timezone
dispositionCode keyword Agent Dispostion Code
durationACW keyword Duration of After Call Work
durationQueued keyword Duration of Queued Record
timeAbandoned keyword Time of Abandoned Call
timeAgentCallReleased keyword The time when theĀ  call was released.
timeAgentEstablished keyword The time when an agent establishes a call.
timeAgentRinging keyword The time for which a call rings for an agent.
timeQueued keyword Time Queued
timezoneNameCME.keyword keyword Timezone Name
callTime integer The timestamp of when the call started.
durationCall integer The call duration (ms). That is, (timeAbandoned - timeClientPickedUp), (timeAgentCallReleased - timeClientPickedUp), or (timeBadCallReleased - timeDialing).
userData keyword Includes all of the information received from OCS in a History HTTP POST. The information does not start with GSW_.

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