Service Client options
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Manage your Contact Center in Agent Setup for version Current of Agent Setup.
Learn about the Service Client options available in Agent Setup.
Related documentation:
Before using the Service Client API Reference to customize how your web application or website integrates with Agent Workspace, first set the Service Client options in Agent Setup.
In the Service Client section of the Contact Center Settings page, configure the following options:
- Block Mark Done Timeout specifies the duration of timeout in milliseconds. This timeout duration is started by the function interaction.blockMarkdone().
- List of User Data Read Allowed specifies the list of keys that can be read in the user data. This applies to the UserData property of the interaction object returned by a function or an event.
- List of User Data Write Allowed specifies the list of keys that can be written to when using functions interaction.setUserData() and interaction.deleteUserData().
- Auto Login returns an agent to their previous state if they are unexpectedly logged out of Agent Workspace.
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