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Table structure:

  • alignment - String
  • anchor - String
  • sectionHeading - Text
  • FAQHeading - Text
  • structuredtext - Wikitext
  • structuredtextwide - Wikitext
  • image - String
  • Media - String
  • Status - String

This table has 17,278 rows altogether.

Page alignment anchor sectionHeading FAQHeading structuredtext structuredtextwide image Media Status
&single Horizontal To know about the information available in the different columns of the journey action map reports, see
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (&single).

For more information about the granular performance of individual action maps, click the action map name. The report specific to the action map opens. For more information about the configuration and the other options within action map reports, see individual action map performance report.

JourneyActionMap.png Image No
&single Horizontal To view the individual outcomes that are impacted by each action map, click the maximize arrow mark at the bottom of the outcome number mentioned. The outcomes that are impacted appear.To view the performance of a specific outcome, click the outcome name. The
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (&single).
ActionMapDetailed.png Image No
&single Vertical To know more about customization of the report to suit your needs, see customization of journey action map report. No
&single Vertical JourneyActionMapPerformance The Journey action maps report displays the performance of your action maps. For example, the number of times an action map qualified to be offered to a visitor. Learn how visitors interacted with a specific action map and which outcome achievements were attributed to each action map.

Use the journey action map performance reports to view the following:

  • All the action maps configured in your organization and their overall effectiveness.
  • The number of actions that are offered, accepted, blocked, and rejected in each of the action map.
  • The number of individual outcomes that are impacted by each action map.
  • The number of individual outcomes that are impacted after action map engaged.

To view the report, go to Performance > Predictive Engagement, and then Journey Action Map. The following report appears.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About data tracking Vertical DataTrackingTransparency Transparency about our data tracking practices When visitors come to your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement collects data about what they do and where they go on your website. For example, we track which pages each visitor views, any forms they submit, and any searches they complete. We collect this data to improve your understanding of the effectiveness of your website and the needs of your customers.


  • To achieve compliance with GDPR, it's important that you create and implement a tool (for example, message, dialog box) to obtain each visitor's consent to be tracked.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About data tracking Vertical DataVisit Data we track about each visit Visit information tracked does not contain any personal information related to the visitor, but contains information on their current session.

Data in a visit can include:

  • Visit and visitor identifiers that identify visit information within Genesys Predictive Engagement
  • Visit timestamps, such as start time, when the visitor is considered idle, and when the visitor was last active
  • Current web page information including the number of pages visited, web document properties, and device properties
  • Journey information such as matched segments and outcomes achieved
  • Referrer information from where the visitor accessed your website, and marketing campaign information associated with it
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About data tracking Vertical DataVIsitor Data we track about each visitor Visitor information contains personal information gathered from submitting data to the Genesys Predictive Engagement system about a specific visitor. Visitor data can include:
  • Predictive Engagement-specific identifiers
  • Third-party identifiers
  • Personal details, such as name, date of birth, job information, and phone numbers
  • Predictive Engagement visit information

Feature coming soon: Web messaging
To pass this no-default data to Genesys Predictive Engagement, you need specific JavaScript code on your website.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About Predictive Engagement's data tracking Vertical DataTrackingTransparency Transparency about our data tracking practices When visitors come to your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement collects data about what they do and where to they go on your website. For example, we track which pages each visitor views, any forms they submit, and any searches they complete. We collect this data to improve your understanding of the effectiveness of your website and the needs of your customers.
  • To be compliant with GDPR, it's important that you create and implement a tool (message, dialog box, etc.) to obtain each visitor's consent to be tracked.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About Predictive Engagement's data tracking Vertical DataVisit Data we track about each visit Visit information tracked does not contain any personal information related to the visitor, but contains information on their current session.

Data in a visit can include:

  • Visit and visitor identifiers used to identify visit information within Genesys Predictive Engagement
  • Visit timestamps, such as start time, when the visitor will be considered idle, and when the visitor was last active
  • Current web page information including the number of pages visited, web document properties and device properties
  • Journey information such as matched segments and outcomes achieved
  • Referer information from where the customer accessed your website, and marketing campaign information associated with it
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About Predictive Engagement's data tracking Vertical DataVIsitor Data we track about each visitor Visitor information contains personal information gathered from submitting data to the Genesys Predictive Engagement system about a specific visitor. Data on a visitor can include:
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement specific identifiers
  • Third-party identifiers
  • Personal details, such as name, DOB, job information, and phone numbers
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement visit information
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal ArchiveOffer Archive a content offer If you no longer need a content offer, deletion is not possible. However, you can archive the content offer. Click the content offer and then click the Archive menu option.
After archiving the content offer, change the status of the action maps that use it to inactive.
ActionArchive.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal CreateOffer Create a content offer Click Create content offer and then follow the instructions in Create a content offer. ActionCreate.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal DuplicateOffer Duplicate a content offer To simplify the process of creating a content offer, you can duplicate an existing one. Click the content offer to duplicate and then click the Duplicate menu option. The duplicate content offer displays in edit mode, with -COPY appended to the name. Change the name of the duplicate content offer and then modify the remaining information as appropriate. For more information about the available options, see Create a content offer. ActionDuplicate.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal EditOffer Edit a content offer Click the content offer and then click the Edit menu option. For more information about the available options, see Create a content offer.
You can only edit content offers that you saved as a draft. You cannot edit published content offers.
ActionEdit.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal RevertOffer Revert published content offer to draft To edit a published content offer, revert it to draft mode first. Click the content offer and then click the Revert to draft menu option. ActionRevert.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal SaveOffer Save a content offer When you create or duplicate a content offer:
  • If the content offer is not ready to use in action maps, click Save as draft.
  • If the content offer is ready to use in action maps, click Save and publish.
You cannot edit published content offers. However, you can revert published offers to draft mode and then edit them.
ActionSave.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal ViewDetails View content offer details
  1. To view details, click the content offer.
  2. To view an action map that uses the content offer, click the action map name.
  3. To close the details view, click the arrow.
ActionDetails.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action library Horizontal ViewOffer View content offers
  1. In Admin in Genesys Cloud CX, open the Action Library page.
  2. To sort the list, click the ascending or descending arrow next to the column heading by which to sort.
  3. To view a description of a column's contents, click the Information icon.
Web chat, web messaging, and Architect flow actions do not appear in the Action Library.

Name: Descriptive and meaningful action name.

Status: Status of the content offer.

  • Published: Configuration is complete and the content offer is available to use in action maps. You can no longer edit the content offer.
  • Draft: Configuration is in progress and the content offer is unavailable to use in action maps.
  • Archived: Content offer is no longer available to use in new action maps. However, the content offer continues to work with the action maps that were using it before archival.

Date Created: Date that an administrator created the content offer.

Last Modified: Most recent date that an administrator modified the content offer.

The action library gathers the following metrics in 3-month intervals.

  • Offered: Total number of times that Genesys Predictive Engagement offered this content offer to web site visitors.
  • CTR: (Click-through rate) Ratio of visitors who clicked the content offer to the number of visitors who saw the offer.
ActionLib1.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Horizontal AboutReports About action map reports Action Map reports display metrics about the effectiveness of your action maps. For example, you see details such as when the action map triggered and how visitors responded to its engagement offer. For more information about the specific metrics available, see Action Map report metrics.

For more information about the availability of the data in this report, see About analytics data.

ActionMapPerfPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Horizontal ConfigureReport Configure an action map report
  1. Select the date range for the report.
  2. Indicate whether you want to see hourly or daily results. For more information, see Granularity.
  3. To turn on or off a metric, click its name.
ActionMapPerfConfigPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Horizontal ExportReport Export an action map report You can export the details of an Action Map report to a CSV (comma-separate value) file. Configure the report so that it displays the data that you want and then download the file. The report downloads to your local Downloads folder.

About time values in exported reports

When you export a Visitor Activity report, the name of the exported file includes from- and to- timestamps in the standard ISO-8601 format (mmhhddmmyyyy).

If you import the CSV file into Excel, use the following formula to convert the ISO-8601 time formatted-cell to the Date type:


(A1 represents the cell location of the first ISO-8601 time formatted cell in the Excel worksheet.)

AMPExport.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Horizontal ViewDetails View report details To view details, rest your mouse on a point on the report. ActionMapPerfDetailsPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Horizontal ViewReports View action map reports In Admin in Genesys Cloud CX, open the Action Map Report. A card appears for each action map.

Card details indicate:

  • What triggers the action map: a segment or an event
  • Whether the action map is active

To see the performance report for an action map, click its card.

ActionMapCardsPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Vertical Reporting discrepancies Following are possible reasons for discrepancies between qualified and offered web engagements (web chat, web messaging, content offer):
  • URL conditions specified but not met
  • Another action map qualified and offered a web engagement
  • No agents available
  • Cannot answer chats within the service level
  • Outside of business hours
  • Visitor left your website
  • Frequency capping
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action Map Performance Vertical AMPRmetrics Action map report metrics Action Map reports display metrics for the time period that you select.

Not all states are applicable to all action map types. For example, content offers, web chat offers, and web messaging offers could share some states. However, content offers and web messaging offers only use a subset of the states.

Metric Web chats Web messaging Content offers Architect flow actions
Web Actions Qualified x x x x
Web Actions Offered x x x x
Web Actions Accepted x x x
Web Actions Started x x
Web Actions Engaged x x
Web Actions Rejected x x x x
Web Actions Errored x x x x
Web Actions Timed Out
Web Actions Abandoned x x
Web Actions Outside Schedule x x

For more information about the metric definitions, see:

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action maps Horizontal High-level steps
  • Some options are only available for certain actions.
  • To create an action map after you reach the limit of 200 action maps, delete an existing action map.
  1. Specify a descriptive name for the action map.
  2. Set the action map's priority relative to similar action maps.
  3. Tip
    The action map is active and ready to trigger on your site by default. To prevent the action map from triggering on your site, slide the toggle to No.
  4. Select which action to use when the action map triggers: web messaging, web chat, content offer, or advanced orchestration flow.
  5. Specify what triggers the action map (segment, visitor activity, outcome).
  6. Configure an outcome probability.
  7. Specify the webpages where you do or don't want the action map to trigger.
  8. If the action map is for a web chat offer:
    1. To route the action map to a specific agent queue, select an agent queue.
    2. To only present chat offers when agents are available to receive them, select a schedule group.
  9. To ignore the global frequency cap settings and always offer web engagements that this action map qualifies, override the frequency cap for this action map.
GPE_create_action_map2_diagram.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action maps Horizontal VideoExample Example: How to create an action map This video shows how to create an action map for offering a proactive chat to visitors on your website. 384131154 Video No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action maps Vertical AI-23 Add to High-level steps section For more information about the number of action maps that you can create for your organization, see Limits for Genesys Predictive Engagement objects. Yes
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action settings Horizontal FrequencyCapping Configure frequency capping If a visitor qualifies for multiple action maps during a single session, Genesys Predictive Engagement could offer each web engagement separately. The offers can present even though the visitor rejected, accepted, or completed an offer previously during the same session.

To stop offering web chats, content offers, or web messaging to visitors during the same session after specific criteria is met, configure the global frequency capping settings.

  1. In Admin in Genesys Cloud CX, open the Global Settings page and then click the Action Settings tab.
  2. Configure the web chat, content offer, or web messaging settings as needed.
    You can override these global settings for an individual action map. For more information, see Override global frequency capping settings.
ActionSettings.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action settings Vertical ContentOffers Content offers Configure whether to stop presenting content offers to a visitor during the same session and under certain conditions.
  • Don't present another content offer after an acceptance: Indicates whether to stop presenting content offers to a visitor after the visitor accepts a content offer.
  • Don't present another content offer after a rejection: Indicates whether to stop presenting content offers to a visitor after the visitor rejects a content offer.
  • Apply a minimum wait time before presenting next content offer: Period of time, in HH:MM format, to stop presenting content offers to a visitor. A session can last for hours but if it times outs after 20 minutes of inactivity, this setting is inapplicable. The maximum number of hours that you can specify is 23; and the maximum number of minutes is 59.
    If both toggles are set to Yes, the time picker is unavailable as it has no effect in this instance.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action settings Vertical WebChats Web chats Configure whether to stop offering web chats to a visitor during the same session and under certain conditions.
  • Don't offer another web chat after a conversation with an agent: Indicates whether to stop offering web chats to a visitor after the visitor chats with an agent.
  • Don't offer another web chat after a rejection: Indicates whether to stop offering web chats to a visitor after the visitor rejects a web chat.
  • Apply a minimum wait time before offering next web chat: Period of time, in HH:MM format, to stop offering web chats to a visitor. A session can last for hours but if it times outs after 20 minutes of inactivity, this setting is inapplicable. The maximum number of hours that you can specify is 23; and the maximum number of minutes is 59.
    If both toggles are set to Yes, the time picker is unavailable as it has no effect in this instance.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Action settings Vertical WebMessaging Web messaging
Feature coming soon: Web messaging
If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer, we encourage you to use the new web messaging feature to replace web chat.
If your organization doesn't use web messaging, these options aren't visible.
Configure whether to stop presenting web messaging offers to a visitor during the same session and under certain conditions.
  • Don't present another web messaging offer after a conversation with an agent: Indicates whether to stop offering web messaging to a visitor after the visitor chats with an agent.
  • Don't present another web messaging offer after a rejection: Indicates whether to stop offering web messaging to the visitor after a visitor rejects a web messaging offer.
  • Apply a minimum wait time before presenting next web messaging offer: Period of time, in HH:MM format, to stop offering web messaging to a visitor. A session can last for hours but if it times outs after 20 minutes of inactivity, this setting is inapplicable. The maximum number of hours that you can specify is 23; and the maximum number of minutes is 59.
    If both toggles are set to Yes, the time picker is unavailable as it has no effect in this instance.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Additional information Horizontal Browsers Browsers Browsers.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Additional information Horizontal Devices Devices Devices.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Additional information Horizontal OS Operating system OperatingSystems.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Additional information Horizontal ViewAdditionalInformation View additional information View additional information, including the visitor's: AddInfo.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Analytics data Horizontal Granularity Granularity of data For each report, you select the granularity of data that you want to see. The more specific the granularity, the more detailed the report.

If you select hourly granularity:

  • Your maximum date range is 14 days.
    • 03/02/2018 13:00 to 03/02/2018 14:00 is valid.
    • 03/02/2018 13:00 to 05/02/2018 13:00 is not valid.

If you select daily granularity:

  • Your maximum date range is 365 days.
    • 03/02/2018 to 04/02/2018 is valid.
    • 03/02/2017 to 04/02/2018 is not valid.
HourlyGranularityPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Analytics data Vertical Processing data for reports As a cloud-based product, Genesys Predictive Engagement receives data from timezones around the globe. Each night, Genesys Predictive Engagement processes this data in your organization's timezone for inclusion in reports. The reporting job processes all new data from 17:00 of the previous day to 17:00 of the current day. The reporting job begins at 22:45 local standard time and can take up to two hours to complete. Your fully processed, updated reports are available to you at 1:00 local standard time.
  • Local standard time refers to the time in your organization's timezone. This time may differ from your personal, local time.
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the standard of precision for time-sensitive information. To stay consistent relative to UTC, Genesys Predictive Engagement does not observe daylight savings time in determining when to begin processing reports.
  • The count for the most recent date available (yesterday) updates to include a full 24-hours of data when the next reporting job runs. Until this time, the count for the most recent date may not include all 24 hours of data because the reporting processing window is 17:00-17:00.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Analytics data Vertical Viewing updated reports When you view a report, you select the date range for the data it shows. The date picker restricts you from selecting an end date for which data processing is incomplete.
The date picker uses your local time. If users in different timezones look at the same report at the same local time, they may see different data.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Apply Horizontal Apply an action map to webpages When you create an action map that uses a web action, you can define an expression that determines on which webpages the action map should or should not trigger. The expression includes one or more operators, a corresponding operand, and one or more conditions. After you define the expression, verify that the expression is valid. ApplyToWebpages.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Apply Horizontal CheckTargeting Verify that the expression is valid After you define an expression, ensure that the expression is valid for all the webpages that you specified. Expressions are not case-sensitive.
If you see, "No" when you check a webpage, it means that the URL doesn't match the specified conditions. Check your expression:
  • If you are using the equals, or not equals operators, ensure that you specified a full URL.
  • If you are using the equals, not equals, or starts with operators, ensure that you specified the protocol.

Verify_conditions.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Apply Vertical Conditions About conditions You can add as many conditions as you need. For OR conditions, the action map triggers when either condition is true. For AND conditions, the action map triggers when both conditions are true. As you define conditions, Genesys Predictive Engagement checks for syntax errors, including a valid protocol, spaces and extra special characters. If there are syntax errors, Genesys Predictive Engagement displays an error message. For more information, see the notes for the operator that you are using.
If the action map isn't working as expected, check your URL conditions.
To remove a condition, rest your mouse on it and then click the x that appears.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Apply Vertical URLConditionsOperators Operators for URL conditions
  • Separate a list of values with commas
  • Available operators depend on the object type that you are configuring.
Operator Action map triggers when the page URL... Comments
contains all contains all the characters that you specify
contains any contains one or more characters that you specify
does not contain all does not contain all the characters that you specify
does not contain any does not contain any of the characters that you specify
equals matches the full URL that you specify exactly, including case Specify the full URL, including the protocol; either "http:" or "https:".

If you define an equals condition, you cannot define an AND condition.


  • equals OR OR


  • equals OR
  • equals AND equals
not equals does not match the full URL exactly as you specify, including case Specify the full URL, including the protocol; either "http:" or "https:".

If you define a not equals condition, you cannot define an AND condition.


  • not equals OR OR


  • equals OR
  • equals AND equals
like matches some of the characters that you specify This operator is useful when you want to target a unique query string parameter (a keyword) that appears in multiple URLs.

You can define conditions containing multiple like and not like operators.


  • like insurance AND like auto OR home OR health
not like does not match any of the characters that you specify
starts with matches the characters that you specify, starting from the beginning of the string, up to and including the last character in the string Use this operator when your URLs are generally unvarying but can include query string parameters at the end that you want to exclude.

Specify the protocol; either "http:" or "https:". You can have one starts with or one ends with operator per condition.



  • starts with OR AND starts with OR
ends with matches the characters that you specify, starting from the end of the string, up to and including the first character in the string Use this operator when you want to match a specific query string parameter at the end of the URL.

For example, you can match shopping cart pages with URLs that end with "/thankyou.html".

You can have one ends with operator per condition.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AttributesJourney Horizontal AboutVisitorJourneyAttributes About visitor journey attributes When you create action maps, segments, and outcomes, you use operators to define attributes. One type of attribute is a visitor journey attribute.

Visitor journey attributes are actions that visitors take on your website. When you define a condition that includes a visitor journey attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement matches visitors based on whether they do (or do not) take the action. For example, only visitors who complete a form or go to a specific webpage.

A visitor journey attribute can also reflect a negative event. For example a visitor journey attribute might include all visitors who added a product to their shopping cart but did not complete the transaction.

  • Track these actions as events in your code. To track a more complex visitor journey, add conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates all conditions in the visitor journey sequentially, in the order in which you define them.

For more information, see Examples of segments.

VisitorJourneyPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AttributesJourney Vertical TypesJourneyAttrs Types of visitor journey attributes
  • The system doesn't validate free form text. If you misspell a value, the segment doesn't trigger. For example, typing "ACB Retailer" when the page title is "ABC Retailer".
  • When specifying time for a custom web event, include milliseconds.
  • When specifying numeric values for a custom web event, only numeric relational operators are available. For example, say you have a custom event called "CartValue" and you want to target all customers who have a cart value of $100 or more. You would select the "greater than or equal to" operator and type 100 in the value box. Note: You can include decimal points but not the currency symbol.
Attribute name Description Example
Event name Represents actions that occur on your website. For example, object clicked (such as a button, link, or menu option), error generated, inactivity detected, URL changed, or scroll detected.

For more information about configuring events, see

The recommended format is object_action.

  • button_click
  • link_click
  • page_scroll
  • key_press
  • textbox_entry
Page URL URL of the page. Full protocol required.
Page title Meta title of the page (not the heading on the page). Contact Us
Page hostname Host name of the page's URL.
Page domain Domain of the page's URL.
Page fragment Fragment of the page's URL, sometimes called a named anchor. It usually appears at the end of a URL and begins with a hash (#) character followed by the identifier. #/journey/segment/create
Page keywords Keywords from the HTMLmetatag of the page. contact
Page pathname Path name of the page. /journey/admin/
Search query Represents the keywords in a visitor's search query. test
URL query string Query string that passes to the page in the current event. q=test
Custom attribute Allows you to identify groups of visitors based on characteristics and behaviors that are specific to your business. packageDeliveryStatus
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AttributesVisitor Horizontal VisitorAttributes About visitor attributes When you create action maps, segments, and outcomes, you use operators to define attributes. One type of attribute is a visitor attribute. Visitor attributes identify visitors based on characteristics like location, browser, device type, and so on. VisitorAttsPEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AttributesVisitor Vertical VisitorAttributeTypes Types of visitor attributes For more information on visitor attributes that enable UTM-tracking of campaign-specific activities, see Campaign attributes.
The system doesn't validate free form text. If you misspell a value, the segment doesn't trigger. For example, typing "moble" instead of "mobile" as the device category.
Attribute name Description Examples
Device category Category of device that the visitor is using. desktop




Device type Type of device that the visitor is using. Apple








SUN Microsystems


OS family Operating system family that the visitor is using. Android

Chrome OS

Firefox OS




Mac OS

Mac OS X



Windows 9x

Windows CE

Windows NT

Windows Phone


Browser family Browser family that the visitor is using, including all versions of the browser within that family. Chrome


HTC_HD2_T8585 Opera

IE Mobile

Internet Explorer





Browser version Major version of the browser that the visitor is using. 55
Campaign source* A search engine, newsletter, or other source (UTM parameter). direct



Campaign medium* Medium such as email or cost-per-click (UTM parameter). direct


Campaign name* Specific product promotion or strategic campaign (UTM parameter). test campaign


Campaign term* Keywords for this ad (UTM parameter). device


Campaign content* Ads or links that point to the same URL (UTM parameter).
Campaign Click ID* Unique number that generates when a potential customer clicks an affiliate link (UTM parameter). CjwKCAiA1ZDiBRAXEiwAIWyNC2J6QZBJYwXHJPsZ


Campaign network* Ad network to which the click ID belongs (UTM parameter). search network

display network

Country Visitor's country. United States
City Visitor's city or town. Chicago
Region Visitor's region.

To track by U.S. states, supply the 2-digit state code (all caps).



Post code Visitor's postal code. 60610
CCA2 code Two-letter country code. US
Browser language code Language to which the visitor's browser is set. en-gb

Standard browser language codes

Organization name Organization name derived from the IP.
Referral URL Referrer page URL.
Referral hostname Referrer host or hostname.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Best practices Vertical Best practices Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks activity on your website at a detailed level. To trigger a specific action map, the visitor's behavior must match exactly to the segments defined for the action map.
  • Create segment-based conditions with a specific action map in mind: group them logically and define them in the correct sequence.
  • To define a segment, you must specify at least one condition.
  • You can use a combination of segment-based conditions and outcome-based conditions.
  • The more conditions you define, the fewer number of visitors match the segment.
  • Conditions are not shared across segments and outcomes.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Blocked actions Vertical ActionMapReport View action map report To learn how visitors interacted with a specific action map and whether the outcome of the action map was achieved, click Create Action Map menu option, and then click the Action Map Reporting can be found here menu option
Entity Description
Name Action map name.
Type Type of web action associated to the action map, such as web chat or content offer.
Qualified Number of times that the action map qualified to offer a web action to visitors.
Blocked Number of times that an action map qualified, but did not offer a web action to the visitors. A web action could be blocked temporarily or permanently. Therefore, the sum of the offered and the blocked actions may not be equal to the number of qualified actions. To view the reasons for a blocked action, see Blocked offers.
Offered Number of times that the action map offered a web action to visitors.
Offered % Percent of qualified action maps that offered a web action (Offered / Qualified).
Accepted Number of times that visitors accepted the action map's web action.
Accepted % Percent of web actions that visitors accepted (Accepted / Offered).
Engaged Number of times that agents engaged with a web chat or web messaging.
Engaged % Percent of web chat or web messaging engagements that visitors accepted (Engaged / Accepted).
Rejected Number of times that visitors rejected the action map's web action.
Outcomes Number of outcomes that have achievements because of the action map.
Outcomes Achieved Number of times that the outcome associated to the action map was achieved.
Active Indicates whether the action map is active and ready to trigger on your website.
Updated Date the action map was last modified.
For more information about Journey Action Maps Summary view, see the Journey Action Maps view in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Blocked actions Vertical BlockedOffers Blocked offers Typically, when the conditions that trigger an action are met, the action is offered to the website visitor. However, all actions that qualify may not offered. These actions are called Blocked offers. The blocked status of an action could be a temporary or a permanent state.
Since the state of a blocked action is likely to change, the number specified in the Blocked Actions column is not fixed. Therefore, the sum of the columns may not entirely match the number specified in the qualified actions column.

To see the blocked actions in an action map and to determine the reasons, do the following:

  1. Click Create Action Map.
  2. Click the Action Map Reporting can be found here.
  3. In the Blocked column of the action map you want to analyze, click the hyperlink. The Blocked Actions report appears.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Blocked actions Vertical QualifiedAndBlocked Reasons a qualified action is not offered Why are all the qualified actions not offered? The Blocked Actions report lists the reasons for the qualified action not being offered. Next to each reason the action is blocked, the following details appear:
  • Sessions - The number of sessions during which the action is blocked. If an action is blocked multiple times during a single session, the session number is retained at one.
  • Count - The number of times an action is blocked. For example, if an action was blocked 30 times during a single session, the count number is 30.
Reason Description
Page URL condition The action map did not meet the page URL filters specified in the action map. For more information, see Define an action map's triggers.
SLA throttle The queue was saturated to capacity which prevented the action being offered. For more information, see How throttling works.
Existing offer An offer had already been rolled out to the customer at the time the action map qualified.
Future offer The action map specifies the future time period for the action to be offered and the action is not set to 'Immediately'. For more information, see web chat activation time and duration, content offer activation time and duration, and Architect flow activation time and duration.
Multiple offers The customer qualified for more than one action and received an offer in another action with a higher priority than this action. If all action maps have the same priority, the actions are offered in no particular order. For more information, see Prioritize an action map.
No agents The action map specifies that the action be offered only upon agent availability. For more information, see Route an action map to an agent queue.
Frequency cap The visitor qualifies for and receives an offer on another action map. For more information, see frequency capping settings.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Build attributes Horizontal AddAttribute Add an attribute
  1. Click Add first attribute (when adding initial attribute) or Add next attribute (when adding subsequent attributes).
  2. Select the attribute.
  3. Select the operator.
  4. Select or specify the value.
  5. Click the checkmark to save your attribute.
  6. To add another attribute, click add next attribute.
SaveCondition.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Build attributes Horizontal DeleteAttribute Delete an attribute When you choose to delete an attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement deletes it immediately. DeleteCondition.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Build attributes Horizontal EditAttribute Edit an attribute
  1. Click Edit next to the attribute.
  2. Make your changes.
EditCondition.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Build attributes Vertical Where you build Where you create attributes You create attributes to specify when: No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/BuildArchFlows Horizontal AFWorkflow Prepare the workflow
Always use the Workflow Architect flow type.
  1. Create a workflow.
  2. Import the integration-specific workflow. For more information, see Required workflow for the Salesforce Lead Creation and Campaign Attribution integration.
  3. Update the data action referential integrity constraints.
  4. Save and publish the workflow.
SFAFCreateFlow.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/BuildArchFlows Horizontal RefIntegrity Update referential integrity constraints Predefined data actions work in the Genesys Predictive Engagement development environment. To make them work in your environment, update the referential integrity constraints.

For each data action, do the following:

  1. In the workflow, select a data action with a red border. (Red signifies the referential integrity problem.)
  2. Under Data Action, select the name of the corresponding data action.
  3. Repeat these steps for every data action with a red border.
RIUpdates.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/BuildArchFlows Vertical SFCampaignParms Campaign parameters To create an integration using the Architect flow action in Genesys Predictive Engagement, use a Workflow type Architect flow. The workflow allows you to execute an action using the REST API.

The REST request requires certain parameters. For more information, see Required parameters for Salesforce Lead Creation and Campaign Attribution integration.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Campaign Attributes Horizontal About campaign attributes When you create action maps, segments, and outcomes, you use operators to define attributes.

If you use Google Analytics, you can target visitors coming from a marketing campaign where you track URL parameters. First, create a segment and then define the segment conditions using the campaign attributes. For more information, see the campaign attributes in the Visitor attributes table.

UTMParmsVisitorAtts.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Campaign Attributes Horizontal Enable campaign tracking To enable UTM tracking for your website:
  1. Work with your ad network to set up your ad campaigns and identify the UTM parameters to track. For example, suppose you want to create a new ad campaign called, "SpringSale'.
  2. For each UTM parameter that you want to track, create a corresponding segment in Genesys Predictive Engagement. For example, create a segment called SpringSale. For the visitor attribute, specify "Campaign name like SpringSale".
  3. When a visitor arrives at a site through a campaign link, Genesys Predictive Engagement assigns the SpringSale segment.
UTM parameters are specific to campaign tracking. To use UTM capabilities, select a parameter with a name that starts with Campaign.
CampaignNameLikePEPC.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Campaign Attributes Vertical How Genesys Predictive Engagement handles multiple visits to the same campaign Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks visits to a website in the following ways:
  • When a visitor visits your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement starts a new visit.
  • If the visitor leaves your website, or is inactive on your site for more than 30 minutes, Genesys Predictive Engagement closes the visit.
  • If a visitor arrives at your website from different sources, Genesys Predictive Engagement creates a new visit for each source and closes any previously open visit to the site.

For example, suppose your company posts a campaign ad on Facebook and Twitter. Someone sees the ad on Facebook and clicks it to arrive at your website. A few minutes later, the visitor sees a similar ad on Twitter and clicks the link, causing them to arrive at your website a second time. In this case, Genesys Predictive Engagement ends the visit that originated from the Facebook ad and begins a visit for the one that originated from the Twitter ad.

Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks each visit to the website as a separate visit, even if the existing visit is still open. An open visit means that less than 30 minutes have elapsed since the last time Genesys Predictive Engagement detected visitor activity on the tracked website.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Campaign Attributes Vertical Types of campaign attributes {| class="wikitable"

|- ||Attribute name ||UTM parameter name as it appears in a webpage URL or search string ||Example ||API attribute |- ||Campaign source ||'utm_source' ||direct, adWords,google ||mktCampaign.source |- ||Campaign medium ||'utm_medium' ||direct organicsocialppcwebsite-ppc ||mktCampaign.medium |- ||Campaign name ||'utm_campaign' ||test campaign Summer19 || |- ||Campaign content ||'utm_content' ||  ||  |- ||Campaign term ||'utm_term' ||device trialsubscription ||mktCampaign.term |- ||Campaign click ID ||'gclid' ||CjwKCAiA1ZDiBRAXEiwAIWyNC2J6QZBJYwXHJPsZkhECGKaZ7nRjmNEQzmn1Hqh8Labvn3FQ-Tn1pRoCEDYQAvD_BwE ||mktCampaign.clickId |- ||Campaign network ||'network' ||search network display network || |}

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Campaign Attributes Vertical UTMParms Syntax guidelines This example illustrates how UTM parameters appear in the address bar for a website.


To create an expression in Genesys Predictive Engagement that segments visitors based on these parameters, follow these syntax guidelines:

If your UTM parameter includes this... Type this in Genesys Predictive Engagement... Example
a hyphen a hyphen UTM parameter: Existing-Customers

Attribute value in Genesys Predictive Engagement: Existing-Customers

%20 a space UTM parameter: Mortgage%20High%20Credit%20Score

Attribute value in Genesys Predictive Engagement: Mortgage High Credit Score.

UTM parameters are case-sensitive.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal Configure the activation time and duration Specify when to present the web chat offer and the time period during which to present it.
  • Activation time
    • Immediately: Present the web chat offer as soon as a visitor arrives on your website.
    • On return to site: Present the web chat offer when a visitor returns to your website.
    • Delay: Delay presenting the web chat offer the specified number of seconds or minutes after a visitor arrives on your website.
  • Time range: Time period to present the web chat offer. To present the offer indefinitely, don't specify an end date.
    To designate when agents are available, you can select a schedule group. Genesys Predictive Engagement offers chats only when agents are available to connect with visitors who accept the chat offers.
Timing.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal ChatOffer Configure the chat offer content
  • Offer title text: Text to display in the title bar of the chat window.
  • Offer text: Text to display in the chat window to invite the visitor to chat.
  • Accept button caption: Text to display on the button that accepts the chat offer.
  • Decline button caption: Text to display on the button that declines the chat offer.
WebChatDesignGPE2920.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal ChatWindow Configure the visitor data to capture Your chat window can capture essential information about your visitors. For example, company name, email, family name, gender, given name, and phone number.

Genesys Predictive Engagement pre-populates some items for you. However, you can change the settings as necessary.

  1. [Type]: Type of data to capture.
  2. [Label]: Data label to display to visitors.
  3. Required: If selected, visitors are required to provide the data.
  4. Delete icon: Allows you to remove the data item from the chat window.
  5. Add more: Allows you to add another data item to the chat window.
  6. Done: Saves your changes.

Genesys Multicloud CX: Your chat window fields must include both the Given Name and Family Name fields. These correspond to the First Name and Last Name fields in Genesys Multicloud CX. Web chats without this information will fail to start.
ChatWindow.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal ConfigWebChat Configure an action map to offer a web chat To offer a web chat on your website, configure an action map for it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the web chat offer. For more information about creating action maps, see Create an action map. Create Web message offer1.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal SelectWebChatAction Select the web chat action WebchatAction.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Horizontal Video Example: Create an action map for a web chat offer This video shows how to create an action map for offering a web chat to visitors on your website. 384131154 Video No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Chat offers Vertical
This article only applies to customers using web chat. If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer, we encourage you to use the new web messaging feature to replace web chat.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal Checklist Go-live checklist When you are ready to go live with your content offer, verify the following items:
  • Is the content offer action (action template) published?
  • Is the action map that uses the content offer active?

After you go live, monitor your content offer's performance.

Checklist.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal ConfigActionMap Configure an action map to use a content offer To present a content offer on your website, configure an action map for it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the content offer. For more information about creating action maps, see Create an action map. ContentOfferActionMap.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal ConfigActivation Configure the activation time and duration Specify when to present the content offer and the time period during which to present it.
  • Activation time
    • Immediately: Present the content offer as soon as a visitor arrives on your website.
    • On return to site: Present the content offer when a visitor returns to your website.
    • Delay: Delay presenting the content offer the specified number of seconds or minutes after a visitor arrives on your website.
  • Time range: Time period to present the content offer. To present the offer indefinitely, don't specify an end date.
ContentOfferActionSummary.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal LinkVideo Example: Link a content offer to an action map After you publish a content offer, link it to an action map so that your website visitors can see it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the content offer. You can either create an action map to link the content offer to, or link it to an existing action map.

Specify when to activate the content offer and the time period during which to use the content offer. For more information about action maps, see About action maps.

537869652 Video No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal SelectAction Select the content offer action ContentOfferAction.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Configure content offer action map Horizontal SelectContentOffer Select a content offer Select the content offer to use with this action map. For more information about creating a content offer, see Create a content offer. SelectContentOffer.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offer lifecycle Vertical 1COInvite Content offer lifecycle states

The following table describes the lifecycle of a content offer, including the events that can occur and the data that is available for use with the Events Methods.

State Event Description Data available
offered Web Actions Offered Visitor's activity qualifies an action map and the action map presents a content offer. See Events methods with web actions.
accepted Web Actions Accepted Visitor accepts the offer (for example, clicks a Book now! button). This is a terminal state. See Events methods with web actions.
rejected Web Actions Rejected Visitor rejects the offer (for example, clicks X or a No, but thank you button). This is a terminal state. See Events methods with web actions.
errored Web Actions Errored An error occurred in the widget that prevented the engagement from occurring.

Note: This event does not have a corresponding metric in the Action Map Performance Report.

See Events methods with web actions.

In addition, the errorMessage field is available.

ignored Web Actions Ignored Visitor ignores the invitation (for example, navigates away from or around it). This is a terminal state.

Note: This event does not have a corresponding metric in the Action Map Performance Report.

See Events methods with web actions.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offer lifecycle Vertical ReportMetricsEvents Report metrics and events The metrics in the Action Map Performance report correlate with the event types for web actions. For more information about metrics for content offers, see Monitor a content offer's performance. No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offer lifecycle Vertical StateTransitions State transitions for content offers GPE content offer webaction diagram.png No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offer lifecycle Vertical Terminal Terminal states for content offers In the content offer lifecycle, certain states are terminal, or final, states. If a visitor goes to a webpage where an action map is set to trigger a content offer, the action map doesn't present the content offer when it's in a terminal state. This feature ensures that a visitor does not receive the same content offer after accepting the offer previously or after indicating that they are not interested.

Terminal states for content offers are:

  • Accepted
  • Rejected
  • Ignored

For more information, see Define an action map's triggers.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Horizontal Manage a content offer You can manage content offers in the following ways: StatusChange.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Horizontal ContentOptions Content options
  • Layout: Layout of the text and image within the content offer.
  • Image: Image to display in the offer. You can either upload the image to Genesys Predictive Engagement or point to its URL. For more information, see Include an image.
  • Heading: Prominent headline text. Example: Exclusive offer just for you! Restricted to a maximum of 50 characters.
  • Subheading: Secondary text to accompany the main heading. Example: Book now and get 10% off. Restricted to a maximum of 100 characters.
  • Body: Description of the offer. Example: Book now and add discount code 123456 at the checkout to save 10%. Restricted to a maximum of 500 characters.
  • Button text: Short string to display inside the call-to-action button. Example: Book Now. Restricted to a maximum of 15 characters.
  • Destination URL: URL of the page to display when a visitor clicks the call-to-action button.
  • Open link in: Indicates how to open the destination URL, either in the current window or in a new tab or window.

To preview your changes, in the content preview area, click the Refresh icon.
ContentOfferContent.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Horizontal CreateOffer Create content offer overview When creating a content offer, specify a descriptive and meaningful name and description (for example, Spring Break Getaway Offer 2019). Define the content and design of your content offer, as described in the tables that follow.

After you create and publish a content offer, configure an action map to use it.

To simplify the process of creating a content offer, duplicate an existing one and then modify the duplicate.
385526538 Video No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Horizontal StyleOptions Style options
  • Type: Indicates where the content offer appears on a webpage and whether the visitor can interact with other web page elements while the content offer is onscreen.
    • Modal - Content offer covers all other webpage content. Visitors cannot interact with other webpage elements onscreen. If the visitor clicks outside of the content offer window, the content offer window closes.
    • Overlay (Non-modal) - Content offer covers all other webpage content, but visitors can interact with other webpage elements while the content offer is onscreen.
    • Toast (Non-modal) - Content offer displays in a small notification window that does not obscure other webpage content. Visitors can interact with other webpage elements onscreen.
  • Background Color: Content offer's background color.
  • Heading, Subheading, Body, and CTA button: Style options for the heading, subheading, body, and call-to-action button. By default, the inherited font is the Google Roboto font. You can change the font or disable the Google font download. For more information, see Disable Roboto font download.
  • CTA Button color: Call-to-action button color.
  • Close Button: Opacity and color of the Close (X) button that appears in the top right corner of the content offer.
  • Position: Onscreen positioning of the content.
  • Padding: Padding around the content offer, either in pixels or as a percentage.
To preview your changes, in the content preview area, click the Refresh icon.
ContentOfferStyle.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Vertical COImage Include an image To include an image in your content offer, you can either upload the image file to Genesys Predictive Engagement or point to its URL.

Upload an image file

To upload images for content offers, you need the Uploads > publicAsset > upload permission.


Drag and drop the image file onto the upload area, or browse to the file and select it. The maximum file size per uploaded image is 512 KB. The optimal image dimensions are 400px X 400px.

Following are the valid formats for images.

Extension Name MIME type
APNG Animated Portable Network Graphics image/apng
BMP Bitmap file image/bmp
GIF Graphics Interchange Format image/gif
ICO or CUR Microsoft Icon image/x-icon
JPG or JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group image image/jpeg
PNG Portable Network Graphics image/png
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics image/svg+xml
WEBP Web Picture format image/webp

Point to a URL


Provide the URL address of the image to display in the content offer.
You must specify a complete and valid URL address, including the protocol. Example:

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Content offers Vertical PublishOffer Publish the content offer After creating the content offer, save and publish it so that it's available for an action map to use. For more information, see Save an action.
You can't edit an action after you publish it. So, if you're not ready to publish the content offer, save it as a draft. Then, you can publish it when you're ready.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/ContentOffersOverview Horizontal COHIW How it works A content offer is a type of web action that Genesys Predictive Engagement can take to engage a visitor and encourage action.

To set up a content offer:

  1. Create the content offer.
  2. Publish the content offer.
  3. Link the content offer to an action map.
ATC_ContentOffers_ThreeSteps.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/ContentOffersOverview Horizontal COOverview Overview Let's say you're doing mortgage research on a lending institution site. As you're about to leave the website in search of a better deal elsewhere, a pop-up window appears. It says that their mortgage program offers cash back at drawdown and on each monthly repayment for a certain period.

That's a content offer. The point of a content offer is to engage visitors and then encourage them to take some sort of action. (Find out more about the mortgage program, in this example.)

You use Genesys Predictive Engagement to create content offers for the scenario outlined above and for almost anything that requires a website visitor's buy-in or consent. For example, sign up for an event, subscribe to the newsletter, or try a new product.

Cashback.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Horizontal Colors Session card colors The following table explains the significance of the session card colors.
Color Description
White Abandoned. Customer ended the conversation before the agent could assign a wrap-up code.
Gray Inactive. Conversation session ended and the agent assigned a wrap-up code.
Blue Active. Conversation session is ongoing.

CardColors.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Horizontal SessionCards Conversation session cards Agents see a separate session card for each conversation session. The session card includes:
  • #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
  • Title
  • #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
    (indicates call or chat)
  • Duration
  • Queue
  • Agent name
  • Journey map (visible when card is expanded)
  • #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).

InboundActive.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Horizontal StatusWrapUp Status and wrap up codes The available statuses are:
  • Waiting: Customer is in the queue and waiting for an agent to accept the interaction
  • Ended by Customer: Customer abandoned the call or chat

When an agent assigns a wrap-up code to end a call or chat, the wrap-up code replaces the status. For more information about creating wrap-up codes, see About wrap-up codes.

StatusWrapUp.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Horizontal WebChatsWebSessions Web chats vs. web sessions Agents see separate session cards for web sessions and conversation sessions:
  • A web session begins when a customer comes to a webpage where the
    #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
    is deployed.
  • A conversation session begins when a customer accepts an invitation to chat or starts a web chat on their own. The title of a web chat is always Web Chat.

WebSessionWebVisit.png Image No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical ConvoEvents Conversation events in segments, outcomes, and action maps During a conversation, we record the following events:
  • Routed (waiting in queue)
  • Connected to agent
  • Ended (either of the following)
    • Agent wraps up
    • Customer abandons (ends the session before the agent wraps it up)
You can use these events and their corresponding attributes to create
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
. If an action map uses an
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
, you can use these events to trigger that action map.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical ConvoOverview Overview When you
#mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
with , we capture the history of conversation interactions between agents and customers. A conversation interaction is any interaction that involves a phone call or web chat. For each conversation interaction, we create a corresponding conversation session.
Both web chats and phone calls can occur within a single conversation session.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical HowBegin How conversation sessions begin A conversation session can begin when:
  • Customer calls the support center (inbound call)
  • Agent calls a visitor (outbound call)
  • offers a chat and the customer accepts the offer
  • Customer starts a chat on a web page (reactive chat)
  • Customer starts a web messaging interaction
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical Scenario: RegisterWarranty Scenario: Remind a customer to register their purchase for a warranty You can create a segment based on a conversation journey event. For example, suppose you want a segment for customers who purchase a product after speaking with an agent. You could use that segment to trigger an action map that reminds the customer to register the product for its warranty.

To implement this scenario:

  1. Create a wrap-up code called Completed sale.
  2. #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
    called Completed sale.
  3. #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
    called Register product warranty.
  4. #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
    • Trigger the action map when a customer matches the Completed sale segment.
    • Select the content offer called Register product warranty.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical SessionCardIcons Session card icons As a conversation session progresses, the icon displayed in the session card may change. The following table explains the icons that appear in the session card.
Channel In progress Missed/Abandoned
Call (inbound)
Call (outbound) Outbound-call.png
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical SupportedChannels Supported channels supports the following channels as conversation sessions:
  • Inbound calls
  • Outbound calls
  • #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
  • #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions).
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Conversation sessions Vertical Verify How we verify contacts in a conversation When a customer comes to your website, we attempt to verify their identity using their personal identifiable information (phone number or email address). Agents can also verify a customer manually. For more information, see About external contacts. No
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/Create messaging offer Horizontal CreateActionMap Create an action map to offer web messaging To offer web messaging on your website, create an action map for it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the web messaging offer.

Note the following:

  • If there is an active web messaging conversation, no other web messaging action maps trigger.
  • If an action map triggers during a web session, it does not trigger again during that session. However, another action map could trigger, depending on your frequency capping settings.
  • If an action map triggers in one session and the visitor rejects it, it can trigger again in subsequent sessions if it qualifies.
Create_Web_message_offer1.png Image No


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