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Table structure:

  • featurename - String
  • ShortDescription - Wikitext
  • overviewtext - Wikitext
  • featureoverview - Wikitext
  • productshort - String
  • ComingSoon - String
  • Role - String
  • DisplayName - String
  • TocName - String
  • Dimension - String
  • Context - Wikitext
  • Product - String
  • Manual - String
  • Standalone - String
  • Application - String
  • UseCase - String
  • Platform - String

This table has 40 rows altogether.

Page featurename ShortDescription overviewtext featureoverview productshort ComingSoon Role DisplayName TocName Dimension Context Product Manual Standalone Application UseCase Platform
Draft:PE-GPR/HIW Predictive Routing Predictive Routing uses Machine Learning to match agents and interactions so as to optimize your most important KPIs. Your environment provides a rich source of historical data about your agents, customers, interactions, and interaction outcomes. Predictive Routing (GPR) ingests this data in a systematic way, then uses it to score your agents for each interaction. Agent scores indicate how well each agent should be able to resolve the customer's need in a way that optimizes whichever metric you are trying to improve. The machine learning component ensures that GPR continuously improves scoring accuracy based on outcome data from previous interaction-agent matchups. For a high-level view, take a look at the following overview video:


There's more detailed information about how to deploy and use Predictive Routing here:

Predictive Routing (GPR) consists of three components:
  • The GPR Core Platform - a set of services deployed in the Genesys Multicloud environment
  • Data Loader - deployed in a Docker container
  • The URS Strategy Subroutines - integrated into your routing solution

Data Loader uploads your data to the Core Platform. The Core Platform enables you to view your GPR account and access reports showing feature coverage, KPI outcomes, and model accuracy. It also scores agents and provides the GPR API. The URS Strategy Subroutines submit interaction details to the Core Platform, which scores agents scored for their historical ability to handle such an interaction, and then route the interaction based on the scoring response.

Draft:PE-GPR No How Predictive Routing works How Predictive Routing works Learn how Predictive Routing scores agents to find the best match between agent and interaction for the KPI you want to optimize. Genesys Predictive Routing Yes GPR Core Platform GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-AD/HIW Agent Workspace The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, such as chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems. The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors:
  • communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, including voice, chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems
  • get help from team members
  • meet contact center expectations and personal KPIs
  • find and manage contact information
  • retrieve work from personal and group workbins
  • search for existing interactions
  • provide standard responses
  • engage in co-browsing your corporate website
  • track customer journeys
Use Genesys Agent Setup and Genesys Designer to enable channels and features of Agent Workspace and decide what capabilities you want your supervisors, agents, and agent groups to have to meet the goals of your contact center business needs. Draft:PEC-AD No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Agent Workspace works How Agent Workspace works The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, such as chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems. Supervisors can use Workspace to monitor and coach their teams. Agent Workspace Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer, Outbound CE16, CE18, CE19, CE27, CE29 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-AS/HIW Agent Setup Use Agent Setup to manage the controls and settings that run the contact center and enable the users within it to handle and manage interactions. Use Agent Setup to manage the controls and settings that run the contact center and enable the users within it to handle and manage interactions. Basically, your contact center consists of the following:
  • The people who run and operate it – that’s the administrators who control the technical ins and outs and run the day-to-day operations and administrative aspects of a contact center, the supervisors who oversee agents, and the agents who communicate with customers.
  • The systems and programs that make the day-to-day stuff possible – that’s the telephony, the software, the servers, the routing and dialing strategies, and so on.
  • The features and capabilities we use to meet our business needs and requirements - those are things like Caller ID capabilities, voicemail, agent transfers and conferencing, and so on.

All of these things need to be configured or controlled in one way or another so that you have a fully-functioning contact center that aligns with your company’s goals and meets your customers’ needs.

Draft:PEC-AS No Administrator How Agent Setup works This article provides a high-level overview of Agent Setup. Agent Setup Yes Agent Setup GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-CAB/HIW Callback Businesses sometimes cannot offer on-demand, low-wait agent help because of resource limitations or increased service usage. In these situations, the best option is to offer some form of deferred service that can connect consumers and agents later, at a mutually-beneficial time. That deferred service is called callback. Pec callback hiw diagram.png

When calling a contact center, very few of us like to wait on hold. When wait times are long, many consumers would rather have someone call them back instead of waiting on the phone for an agent to answer.

Genesys offers classic callback services, allowing consumers to request a callback as soon as an agent with the correct skills is available or to schedule the callback for a specific day and time that is convenient. In addition, Genesys offers robust and feature-rich callback services so you can use Push Notifications and CAPTCHA widgets with your callback offering. You can monitor and manage your callback services in a UI, which includes a view of your callback queues. Key components of the consumer's app or web journey can be preserved for agent or reporting use.

On top of the traditional callback services and scenarios, Genesys also offers the Click-To-Call feature, which lets consumers call your contact center by simply tapping a button in your mobile app.

Genesys offers callback services through a Callback Widget and through Genesys Callback. Genesys Callback and the Callback Widget are two separate offerings that work independently of one another.

Callback includes a UI with which you can provision callback features and manage your callback services. It uses Designer applications to provide callback services. The Callback UI is available on the Genesys portal.

The Callback Widget comprises a service and a customizable UI plugin that you integrate into your website. It provides basic callback service, either immediate or scheduled, based on agent availability. The service allows you to use the widget in order to schedule a callback, or to customize your own callback widget.

Callback hiw callback-product-options.png

Draft:PEC-CAB No Administrator, Developer, Supervisor How Callback works Callback Find information about Genesys' callback offerings, which include classic callback services as well as more robust offerings that include Click-To-Call features and CAPTCHA integration. Callback Yes Callback, Designer, Platform Administration, Pulse Reporting, Reporting GCXI GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-CDDS/HIW Cloud Data Download Service Cloud Data Download Service (CDDS) enables you to securely export and download your contact center data. Cloud Data Download Service (CDDS) allows you to securely export your Contact History (i.e. contacts or interactions) data.

The exported data files are encrypted with your public encryption key and stored for 30 days, during which time you can download the files and decrypt them using your private encryption key.

After 30 days, the exported data files are deleted.

To use Cloud Data Download Service, you must provide public and private keys for data file encryption/decryption and a valid X.509 RSA-compliant certificate.

From the Jobs page (under the Administration menu), you can set up your data download jobs. During the generation of data export files, the original files are zip-compressed and packaged in an S/MIME message with an enveloped-data content type that is encrypted using the public key of the encryption certificate that you provided.

From the History page (under the Export menu), you can monitor and review the status of active and completed jobs. When the job completes, you can download the resulting file(s) from the Artifacts page (also under the Export menu). The files can then be decrypted using the private key that is associated with the certificate you provided.

Draft:PEC-CDDS No Administrator How Cloud Data Download Service works Cloud Data Download Service enables you to securely export and download your contact-center data. Cloud Data Download Service Yes Agent Setup, Cloud Data Download Service GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-Chat/HIW Chat Chat incorporates chat interactions into your customers’ overall engagement history, routing them to the agents whose expertise best matches their needs. Chat incorporates chat interactions into your customers’ overall engagement history, routing them to the agents whose expertise best matches their needs.



Genesys Multicloud CX supports various online chat types:
  • Internal chats enable agents to chat in real time with others in their organization
  • External chats include:
    • Webchats
    • Social media
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • WhatsApp
    • SMS
Draft:PEC-Chat No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Chat works How Chat works Learn how chat works in Genesys Multicloud CX. Chat Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-COB/HIW Co-browse Here are some of the main features of Co-browse:
  • The agent and the customer can browse and navigate the same web page, at the same time.
  • Browsing always happens on the customer side, and both the agent and the customer can take control of the session.
  • Co-browse sessions begin in Pointer Mode where the agent cannot enter information or navigate for the customer.
  • The agent can send the customer a request to enter Write Mode where the agent can enter information for the customer.
  • Sensitive data can be hidden and control of elements (buttons, check boxes, and so on) can be restricted.
Sometimes your customers need help when they are browsing your website. Maybe they can’t tell exactly where to click—or perhaps they need help filling out a complex form. Genesys Co-browse lets your agents use Agent Workspace to do some of the driving for them, by showing them what the customer sees in their browser window (not the whole screen) and allowing the customer to give them control of the web page.

Here are some of the main features of Co-browse:

  • The agent and the customer can browse and navigate the same web page, at the same time.
  • Browsing always happens on the customer side, and both the agent and the customer can take control of the session.
  • Co-browse sessions begin in Pointer Mode where the agent cannot enter information or navigate for the customer.
  • The agent can send the customer a request to enter Write Mode where the agent can enter information for the customer.
  • Sensitive data can be hidden and control of elements (buttons, check boxes, and so on) can be restricted.
A Co-browse session lets an agent and a customer navigate the same web page at the same time. Unlike conventional screen-sharing applications where one party sees an image of the other party's browser, in a Genesys Co-browse session both the agent and the customer share the same instance of the web page.

As part of the initial setup, a Genesys administrator configures Co-browse for you based on the following information that you provide to us:

  • Allowed origins: your domains and sites from which Co-browse can start
  • Allowed external domains: your domains where static resources for the site are stored
Draft:PEC-COB No Administrator, Developer How Co-browse works Co-browse Co-browse lets your agents view and control your customers' browser windows. Co-Browse Yes Agent Workspace CE27 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-DC/HIW Digital Channels Digital Channels power your customer interactions across channels such as chat, email, SMS, messaging and social media. They provide a platform that enables you to grow sales, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver exceptional customer service. The Digital Channels service processes, manages and archives customer and agent interactions across media. Digital Channels power your customer interactions across channels such as chat, email, SMS, messaging and social media. They provide a platform that enables you to grow sales, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver exceptional customer service. The Digital Channels service processes, manages and archives customer and agent interactions across media.

Enabling Digital Channels in your contact center opens up Agent Workspace to chats from Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and SMS.

Chats from Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and SMS are treated just like regular Genesys interactions. When customers communicate with your company on one of these channels, Genesys matches them against customers already in the contact database. If there's a match, the agent handling the interaction has access to all previous interactions with the contact. Until the interaction is marked Done, agents can also return to the chat conversation at any time in the future — for example, they might need to take time to find additional information for the contact or initiate a business process in your company. Draft:PEC-DC No Administrator How Digital Channels works How Digital Channels works Digital Channels powers your customer interactions across channels such as chat, SMS, messaging and social media. Digital Channels Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Digital Channels GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-Email/HIW Email Genesys Email classic enables:
  • Monitoring of inbound mailboxes
  • Automated responses to incoming emails
  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis
  • Supervisor review of outgoing emails

Genesys Multicloud CX Email enables all the features of Email classic, plus:

  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on both content analysis and your Categories and Prioritization schemas for Engage cloud Email
  • Near real-time dashboards for monitoring your backlog

Genesys Email classic enables:
  • Monitoring of inbound mailboxes.
  • Automated responses to incoming emails.
  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis.
  • Supervisor review of outgoing emails.

Genesys Multicloud CX Email enables all the features of Email classic, plus:

  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis plus your Categories and Prioritization schemas for Engage cloud Email.
  • Near real-time dashboards for monitoring your backlog.
Email classic uses various applications:
  • Provision mailboxes and agent features in Agent Setup.
  • Create standard responses in eServices Manager.
  • Send and respond to emails in Agent Workspace.

Engage cloud Email uses various applications:

  • Provision mailboxes and auto-acknowledgments in Intelligent Workload Distribution.
  • Provision agent features in Agent Setup.
  • Create standard responses in eServices Manager or Designer, depending on your implementation.
  • Send and respond to emails in Agent Workspace.
Draft:PEC-Email No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Email works Email Genesys email ensures that agents receive the right emails for their skills and the best resources to respond to those emails and provide an excellent customer experience. There are two email solutions: Email classic and Engage cloud Email.
Email Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Intelligent Workload Distribution CE16 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-GPA/HIW Gplus Adapter for Salesforce Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. The integrated solution presents a complete customer view allowing your contact center agents to service your customers. It supports Salesforce Click-to-dial, Screen Pops, and Activity History. You must integrate Gplus Adapter with Salesforce so that your agents can handle interactions with the Genesys Workspace Agent Workspace from within Salesforce. See the architecture diagram at the bottom of this page to see how it works. Draft:PEC-GPA No Administrator, Agent How Gplus Adapter for Salesforce works Gplus Adapter SF Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. Gplus Adapter for Salesforce Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-GS/HIW Genesys Softphone Genesys Softphone can be deployed in either standalone or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. Genesys Softphone can be deployed in either standalone or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. It runs in either Connector Mode, where it is controlled by another application, such as Genesys Agent Workspace, or Standalone Mode, where it acts as a soft phone and includes call controls. In addition to SIP-based modes on private networks, it also supports WebRTC, which enables the Softphone to operate through the public internet and provides the option to use the functionality as a web-based phone in a browser. You can deploy and configure Genesys Softphone in a variety of ways to suit your softphone needs:
  • Workstation
  • VDI environment
  • Connector mode
  • Standalone mode

For information about using Genesys Softphone with WebRTC, see WebRTC Media Service.

Draft:PEC-GS No Administrator How Genesys Softphone works How Genesys Softphone works Genesys Softphone is an application that supports different SIP-based dialing modes, third-party call control, single sign-on (SSO), a variety of voice codecs, and WebRTC. With Genesys Softphone, agents can make and receive calls from their workstation instead of through a hard phone. Genesys Softphone Yes Agent Workspace, Platform Administration GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-IVR/HIW IVR IVR assists in resolving your customers' issues when they call into your company. Use the Genesys IVR to:
  • Drill down on what the customer wants to do when they call into your company.
  • Ideally, resolve the issue without having to transfer the call to an agent.
  • In association with GVP Reporting, have a diagnostic look at your contact center's performance by monitoring how the components perform.

Designer and IVR Administration

Genesys Designer is a web-based tool for developing self-service (Interactive Voice Response, or IVR) applications and assisted service (Routing) applications that run on the Genesys platform.

IVR Administration is an application that assists your business with providing cost-effective customer interactions 24/7 for voice, video, and web-based interactions.

A key part of the Genesys omnichannel customer experience platform is Designer, which allows you to create and customize applications that let you fine-tune the routing requirements according to your business needs.

Designer is the tool to create the IVR (the menus – press 1 for sales, press 2 for service). The IVR is what the caller interacts with (hearing the prompts and pressing the dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits).

You author and publish the IVR from Designer.  You access the specific IVR based on DID groups and IVR Profiles (which are configured as part of IVR Administration).

Genesys IVR offerings:

User roles

PaaS IVR Administrator - This role is responsible for managing PaaS Users, IVR applications, DID groups, and its associated reports for the Production environment.

PaaS IVR Reporting - This role has access to all tenant reports (using the GAX Reporting Server) for the Production environment.

Draft:PEC-IVR No Administrator, Agent How IVR works How IVR works Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice and DTMF tones input via a keypad. IVR Administration Yes IVR Administration CE09,CE10 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-IWD/HIW Intelligent Workload Distribution IWD lets you capture work items, emails and leads ("work items") from existing enterprise workflow systems and create, monitor and manage a Universal Queue for your contact center. This queue is sorted on business value and prioritized to ensure that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location. IWD takes work items from existing enterprise software applications (such as ERP, BPM, DCM, Salesforce) and homegrown systems, analyzes the business context of the work item—for example, the associated business process, product requested, or value of the customer making the request—and creates a Universal Queue, sorted on business value, that ensures that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location.

With IWD, enterprises can effectively manage all customer service resources and business processes across the enterprise, going beyond the walls of the formal contact center and into other areas of the business like branch offices and experts in the back office.

Use the START_WIDGET08efee4f27b9a986-1END_WIDGET to create, update or delete work items which are then categorized, prioritized and routed to employees according to configured rules and assigned routing application logic. A Genesys Designer application handles routing/distribution of the workitems. Workitems are continually re-prioritized according to Service Level Agreements, and are then handled by employees using Agent Workspace.

Monitoring of real-time activity is available in Workload Manager and also in Pulse. Historical reporting is available through Genesys CX Insights.

Draft:PEC-IWD No Administrator How Intelligent Workload Distribution works How IWD works IWD lets you capture work items from existing enterprise workflow systems and create, monitor and manage a Universal Queue for your contact center. This queue is sorted on business value and prioritized to ensure that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location. Intelligent Workload Distribution Yes BO02, BO03 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-OU/HIW Outbound Use CX Contact (the Genesys Multicloud CX Outbound solution) to engage with customers seamlessly—at the right time and in the right way.
  • Run aggressive sales campaigns
  • Send automated alerts, notifications, or reminders without ever engaging agents
  • Run collections campaigns that target high-risk accounts
  • Run SMS or Email campaigns
  • Run multi-channel blended campaigns
Use CX Contact (the Genesys Multicloud CX Outbound solution) to engage with customers seamlessly—at the right time and in the right way.
  • Run aggressive sales campaigns —The predictive dialing algorithm paces calls efficiently, minimizing both agent idle time and abandoned calls.
  • Send automated alerts, notifications, or reminders without ever engaging agents—Reduce agent count or allocate agents to higher-value campaigns.
  • Run collections campaigns that target high-risk accounts—Manual dialing capabilities enable agents to carefully review high-value customer records in advance of an interaction.
  • Run SMS or email campaigns—Send text messages or email alerts to a group of contacts.
  • Run multi-channel blended campaigns—Blend voice and digital channels into a unified customer journey. For example, you can schedule a service call by phone and send an SMS reminder the day before the scheduled appointment.
Draft:PEC-OU No Administrator, Agent, Developer How Outbound works Using CX Contact (an outbound campaign management application), Outbound lets you run voice, SMS or email campaigns using a cloud-based dialing engine on the back end. Outbound (CX Contact) Yes CX Contact CE01 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-REC/HIW Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. SpeechMiner UI reviews and analyzes this data to uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance. For more information refer to: Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics (SpeechMiner UI). The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. SpeechMiner is the name of the user interface (UI) within Genesys Multicloud CX (PEC) that provides a single UI with which you can review and analyze this data to uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance.


Recording, also referred to as Genesys Interaction Recording (GIR) provides cradle to grave dual channel voice recording for customer-ivr and customer-agent conversations as they occur within the Genesys Multicloud CX Contact Center. For more information refer to: Recording Administrator's Guide.

Quality Management (QM)

Quality Management (QM) enables you to monitor quality and evaluate agent performance on a periodic and consistent basis while minimizing effort through automated interaction selection to improve customer experience and engage with your staff.

Speech Analytics

Speech Analytics, also referred to as Genesys Interaction Analytics (GIA), provides automated speech analytics capabilities on all recorded customer-agent interactions to provide deep insight into these conversations.

To review, analyze and uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance, SpeechMiner UI users can perform search and playback for voice and screen recordings, perform traditional quality management tasks such as evaluation of interactions through form based scoring, or advanced speech analytics capabilities such as topic analysis or trending and exploration analysis of transcripts. For more information refer to: Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics (SpeechMiner UI). Draft:PEC-REC No Administrator How Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics works How Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics works The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. Genesys Recording, Quality Management, and Speech Analytics Yes Recording CE01 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-REP/HIW Reporting Reporting lets you see what's going on in your contact center, by providing a suite of tools that gather, aggregate, and format data to help you see what's currently happening in your contact center, and what has changed over time, so you are better able to make informed, timely business decisions. Reporting lets you see what's going on in your contact center, by providing a suite of tools that gather, aggregate, and format data to help you see what's currently happening in your contact center, and what has changed over time, so you are better able to make informed, timely business decisions. Genesys provides reporting information through several different interfaces, tailored for specific users in your organization:


Agents can view information about their own performance, about their team's work (completed / waiting in queue), and so on. This type of monitoring is provided in near-real-time in Agent Workspace (see Navigating Agent Workspace).


Contact Center supervisors can view information about their team, about individual agents, or about the overall state of things in their contact center. This type of information is provided in real-time in Agent Workspace and Genesys Pulse (see Navigating Agent Workspace, and Get Started with Genesys Pulse) and in historical reports through Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) or Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) (see Get started with Genesys CX Insights, and Get started with GVP reporting).

Managers and administrators

Contact Center managers and administrators can also view more detailed information about the overall state of things in their contact center. This type of information is provided in historical reports through Genesys CX Insights or Genesys Voice Platform (see Get started with Genesys CX Insights, and Get started with GVP reporting).

Report developers

If your historical reporting offering includes the Data Export (or BI Data Feed) feature, your report developers have access to the data behind the Genesys CX Insights reports. The data is exported periodically from Genesys Info Mart, which is the behind-the-scenes component that processes and stores the unaggregated data. See the Genesys Info Mart Historical Database Reference for full details about the Info Mart database schema.

Draft:PEC-REP No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Reporting works How reporting works Discover what kinds of reports are available, and how to access them. Reporting Yes Pulse Reporting, Reporting, Reporting Administration GCXI, Reporting GCXI GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-ROU/HIW Routing Routing is the process by which an interaction is directed to the appropriate target destination. Customers can contact you from a variety of sources, including:
  • voice calls
  • emails
  • chats
  • SMS (text messages)
  • social media platforms

Routing is the process by which each of these voice and digital interaction types are directed to their appropriate target destinations.

You can manage how interactions are routed by creating a set of decisions and instructions that specify how an interaction is to be handled when certain conditions are met. For example, you might direct certain customers to an agent who has a particular type of skill, such as a high level of proficiency in the customer's preferred language. If such an agent isn't available, the criteria can then be relaxed to find the next best-skilled available agent, and so on.

The technical aspects of routing are handled behind-the-scenes by the Genesys Multicloud CX platform. However, there are several key components that provide customizable features and options related to routing:
  • Designer applications provide both self-service (IVR) and assisted-service (routing) capabilities. If a customer is not able to resolve their issue in self-service, they can be connected with an agent for assistance.
  • Predictive Routing uses machine learning to predict which agent-interaction matchups can best improve your specified KPIs, or create applications specifically designed to offer surveys or callbacks to customers.
  • Genesys Task Routing can accept workitems submitted from an external source (such as Salesforce or NetSuite) and treats them like any other type of Genesys interaction. For example, you could use a Designer application to route workitems to the best-skilled agent.
  • Agent Setup enables you to designate incoming and outgoing mailboxes for Genesys Email classic.
  • Intelligent Workload Distribution enables you to designate incoming and outgoing mailboxes for Genesys Multicloud CX Email.

Draft:PEC-ROU No Administrator How Routing works How routing works Learn how routing ensures that each customer interaction received by your contact center is directed to the appropriate destination. Routing and Designer Yes Designer GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-Voice/HIW Voice Using caller input and caller ID, inbound voice routes calls based on agent skills, service levels, caller history, or other criteria. Using caller input (such as interactive voice response (IVR)) and caller ID contact information, inbound voice routes calls based on agent skills, service levels, caller history, or other criteria. While Genesys handles much of the initial configuration of inbound voice, you use Agent Setup and Platform Administration to tailor the configuration, Designer to set up call routing and IVRs, and Agent Workspace and Genesys Softphone to handle calls. You can also record calls, view reports, and add functionality such as Callback. Draft:PEC-Voice No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Voice works How voice works Inbound voice processes calls and distributes them to the right agents at the right time. Voice Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer CE01, CE02, CE03 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:PEC-WFM/HIW Workforce Management Workforce Management (WFM) provides the tools that enable contact center managers to manage their workforce and achieve their service level goals, by using WFM's advanced forecasting, scheduling, and real-time adherence capabilities. Workforce Management is designed for the true multi-media, multi-site environment, providing optimal schedules for multi-skilled agents who handle customer interactions of different media types. Agent preferences, skills, proficiency, customer segmentation, historical trends, email response times, and outbound call lengths are all considered within the forecast, schedule, and adherence components. WFM is designed to integrate with the Genesys Management Framework components and Genesys Universal Routing. WFM's key functionality is presented through a web interface, which includes Supervisor and Agent applications.

Supervisors can create forecasts and proposed future schedules. They can also integrate agent's schedule and overtime bids into real schedules, and perform real-time contact-center performance and agent-adherence monitoring.

Agents can request time off, specify working hours, and trade schedules with other agents without sacrificing optimal staffing levels.

Draft:PEC-WFM No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Workforce Management works How Workforce Management works Workforce Management (WFM) provides the tools that enable contact center managers to better manage their workforce, by creating accurate staffing plans that account for projected contact volumes and average handle times, and the various agent skills and skill levels.

Managers achieve these goals, by using WFM's advanced forecasting, scheduling, and real-time adherence capabilities.

Workforce Management Yes Designer, Platform Administration EE01, EE02, EE03, EE10-A, EE28 GenesysEngage-cloud
Draft:WID/HIW Widgets Genesys Widgets is a set of APIs that provides specific types of user interface elements—normally referred to as widgets—and the services to drive them, enabling you to enhance your website with chat or callback, or your own customized contact center functionality. Modern contact centers need more than voice channels to keep up with their customers. Whether it's a chat session or screen sharing—or even if it's just a matter of scheduling a callback—digital channels and other modern customer support functions are a necessity for providing a unified customer journey.

Genesys Widgets is a set of APIs that provides specific types of user interface elements—normally referred to as widgets—and the services to drive them, enabling you to enhance your website with chat or callback, or your own customized contact center functionality.

Web Chat window displaying how to start a chat session.

Genesys Widgets is built on top of the CXBus messaging bus. CXBus uses the publish–subscribe pattern to facilitate communication between the Widgets components, all of which are plugins that can both publish events on the bus and subscribe to the events they are interested in.With the help of the Widgets-Core plugins, CXBus makes it possible to combine the logic implemented by user interface plugins, service plugins, and utility plugins into cohesive products that can provide chat sessions, schedule callbacks, and so on.
Widgets architecture diagram displaying how Widgets is built on top of CX Bus.
Draft:WID No Developer How Widgets works How Widgets works Genesys Widgets relies on certain technologies in order to function. This article describes the requirements for widget implementation. Widgets Yes GenesysEngage-cloud
PE-GPR/HIW Predictive Routing Predictive Routing uses Machine Learning to match agents and interactions so as to optimize your most important KPIs. Your environment provides a rich source of historical data about your agents, customers, interactions, and interaction outcomes. Predictive Routing (GPR) ingests this data in a systematic way, then uses it to score your agents for each interaction. Agent scores indicate how well each agent should be able to resolve the customer's need in a way that optimizes whichever metric you are trying to improve. The machine learning component ensures that GPR continuously improves scoring accuracy based on outcome data from previous interaction-agent matchups. For a high-level view, take a look at the following overview video:


There's more detailed information about how to deploy and use Predictive Routing here:

Predictive Routing (GPR) consists of three components:
  • The GPR Core Platform - a set of services deployed in the Genesys Multicloud environment
  • Data Loader - deployed in a Docker container
  • The URS Strategy Subroutines - integrated into your routing solution

Data Loader uploads your data to the Core Platform. The Core Platform enables you to view your GPR account and access reports showing feature coverage, KPI outcomes, and model accuracy. It also scores agents and provides the GPR API. The URS Strategy Subroutines submit interaction details to the Core Platform, which scores agents scored for their historical ability to handle such an interaction, and then route the interaction based on the scoring response.

PE-GPR No How Predictive Routing works How Predictive Routing works Learn how Predictive Routing scores agents to find the best match between agent and interaction for the KPI you want to optimize. Genesys Predictive Routing Yes GPR Core Platform GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-AD/HIW Agent Workspace The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, such as chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems. The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors:
  • communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, including voice, chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems
  • get help from team members
  • meet contact center expectations and personal KPIs
  • find and manage contact information
  • retrieve work from personal and group workbins
  • search for existing interactions
  • provide standard responses
  • engage in co-browsing your corporate website
  • track customer journeys
Use Genesys Agent Setup and Genesys Designer to enable channels and features of Agent Workspace and decide what capabilities you want your supervisors, agents, and agent groups to have to meet the goals of your contact center business needs. PEC-AD No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Agent Workspace works How Agent Workspace works The Agent Workspace lets contact center agents and supervisors communicate with customers and team members through phone calls and Outbound Campaigns and Genesys Digital channels, such as chat, email, social media, SMS, WhatsApp, and workitems. Supervisors can use Workspace to monitor and coach their teams. Agent Workspace Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer, Outbound CE16, CE18, CE19, CE27, CE29 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-AS/HIW Agent Setup Use Agent Setup to manage the controls and settings that run the contact center and enable the users within it to handle and manage interactions. Use Agent Setup to manage the controls and settings that run the contact center and enable the users within it to handle and manage interactions. Basically, your contact center consists of the following:
  • The people who run and operate it – that’s the administrators who control the technical ins and outs and run the day-to-day operations and administrative aspects of a contact center, the supervisors who oversee agents, and the agents who communicate with customers.
  • The systems and programs that make the day-to-day stuff possible – that’s the telephony, the software, the servers, the routing and dialing strategies, and so on.
  • The features and capabilities we use to meet our business needs and requirements - those are things like Caller ID capabilities, voicemail, agent transfers and conferencing, and so on.

All of these things need to be configured or controlled in one way or another so that you have a fully-functioning contact center that aligns with your company’s goals and meets your customers’ needs.

PEC-AS No Administrator How Agent Setup works This article provides a high-level overview of Agent Setup. Agent Setup Yes Agent Setup GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-CAB/HIW Callback Businesses sometimes cannot offer on-demand, low-wait agent help because of resource limitations or increased service usage. In these situations, the best option is to offer some form of deferred service that can connect consumers and agents later, at a mutually-beneficial time. That deferred service is called callback. Pec callback hiw diagram.png

When calling a contact center, very few of us like to wait on hold. When wait times are long, many consumers would rather have someone call them back instead of waiting on the phone for an agent to answer.

Genesys offers classic callback services, allowing consumers to request a callback as soon as an agent with the correct skills is available or to schedule the callback for a specific day and time that is convenient. In addition, Genesys offers robust and feature-rich callback services so you can use Push Notifications and CAPTCHA widgets with your callback offering. You can monitor and manage your callback services in a UI, which includes a view of your callback queues. Key components of the consumer's app or web journey can be preserved for agent or reporting use.

On top of the traditional callback services and scenarios, Genesys also offers the Click-To-Call feature, which lets consumers call your contact center by simply tapping a button in your mobile app.

Genesys offers callback services through a Callback Widget and through Genesys Callback. Genesys Callback and the Callback Widget are two separate offerings that work independently of one another.

Callback includes a UI with which you can provision callback features and manage your callback services. It uses Designer applications to provide callback services. The Callback UI is available on the Genesys portal.

The Callback Widget comprises a service and a customizable UI plugin that you integrate into your website. It provides basic callback service, either immediate or scheduled, based on agent availability. The service allows you to use the widget in order to schedule a callback, or to customize your own callback widget.

Callback hiw callback-product-options.png

PEC-CAB No Administrator, Developer, Supervisor How Callback works Callback Find information about Genesys' callback offerings, which include classic callback services as well as more robust offerings that include Click-To-Call features and CAPTCHA integration. Callback Yes Callback, Designer, Platform Administration, Pulse Reporting, Reporting GCXI GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-CDDS/HIW Cloud Data Download Service Cloud Data Download Service (CDDS) enables you to securely export and download your contact center data. Cloud Data Download Service (CDDS) allows you to securely export your Contact History (i.e. contacts or interactions) data.

The exported data files are encrypted with your public encryption key and stored for 30 days, during which time you can download the files and decrypt them using your private encryption key.

After 30 days, the exported data files are deleted.

To use Cloud Data Download Service, you must provide public and private keys for data file encryption/decryption and a valid X.509 RSA-compliant certificate.

From the Jobs page (under the Administration menu), you can set up your data download jobs. During the generation of data export files, the original files are zip-compressed and packaged in an S/MIME message with an enveloped-data content type that is encrypted using the public key of the encryption certificate that you provided.

From the History page (under the Export menu), you can monitor and review the status of active and completed jobs. When the job completes, you can download the resulting file(s) from the Artifacts page (also under the Export menu). The files can then be decrypted using the private key that is associated with the certificate you provided.

PEC-CDDS No Administrator How Cloud Data Download Service works Cloud Data Download Service enables you to securely export and download your contact-center data. Cloud Data Download Service Yes Agent Setup, Cloud Data Download Service GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-Chat/HIW Chat Chat incorporates chat interactions into your customers’ overall engagement history, routing them to the agents whose expertise best matches their needs. Chat incorporates chat interactions into your customers’ overall engagement history, routing them to the agents whose expertise best matches their needs.



Genesys Multicloud CX supports various online chat types:
  • Internal chats enable agents to chat in real time with others in their organization
  • External chats include:
    • Webchats
    • Social media
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • WhatsApp
    • SMS
PEC-Chat No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Chat works How Chat works Learn how chat works in Genesys Multicloud CX. Chat Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-COB/HIW Co-browse Here are some of the main features of Co-browse:
  • The agent and the customer can browse and navigate the same web page, at the same time.
  • Browsing always happens on the customer side, and both the agent and the customer can take control of the session.
  • Co-browse sessions begin in Pointer Mode where the agent cannot enter information or navigate for the customer.
  • The agent can send the customer a request to enter Write Mode where the agent can enter information for the customer.
  • Sensitive data can be hidden and control of elements (buttons, check boxes, and so on) can be restricted.
Sometimes your customers need help when they are browsing your website. Maybe they can’t tell exactly where to click—or perhaps they need help filling out a complex form. Genesys Co-browse lets your agents use Agent Workspace to do some of the driving for them, by showing them what the customer sees in their browser window (not the whole screen) and allowing the customer to give them control of the web page.

Here are some of the main features of Co-browse:

  • The agent and the customer can browse and navigate the same web page, at the same time.
  • Browsing always happens on the customer side, and both the agent and the customer can take control of the session.
  • Co-browse sessions begin in Pointer Mode where the agent cannot enter information or navigate for the customer.
  • The agent can send the customer a request to enter Write Mode where the agent can enter information for the customer.
  • Sensitive data can be hidden and control of elements (buttons, check boxes, and so on) can be restricted.
A Co-browse session lets an agent and a customer navigate the same web page at the same time. Unlike conventional screen-sharing applications where one party sees an image of the other party's browser, in a Genesys Co-browse session both the agent and the customer share the same instance of the web page.

As part of the initial setup, a Genesys administrator configures Co-browse for you based on the following information that you provide to us:

  • Allowed origins: your domains and sites from which Co-browse can start
  • Allowed external domains: your domains where static resources for the site are stored
PEC-COB No Administrator, Developer How Co-browse works Co-browse Co-browse lets your agents view and control your customers' browser windows. Co-Browse Yes Agent Workspace CE27 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-DC/HIW Digital Channels Digital Channels power your customer interactions across channels such as chat, email, SMS, messaging and social media. They provide a platform that enables you to grow sales, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver exceptional customer service. The Digital Channels service processes, manages and archives customer and agent interactions across media. Digital Channels power your customer interactions across channels such as chat, email, SMS, messaging and social media. They provide a platform that enables you to grow sales, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver exceptional customer service. The Digital Channels service processes, manages and archives customer and agent interactions across media.

Enabling Digital Channels in your contact center opens up Agent Workspace to chats from Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and SMS.

Chats from Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and SMS are treated just like regular Genesys interactions. When customers communicate with your company on one of these channels, Genesys matches them against customers already in the contact database. If there's a match, the agent handling the interaction has access to all previous interactions with the contact. Until the interaction is marked Done, agents can also return to the chat conversation at any time in the future — for example, they might need to take time to find additional information for the contact or initiate a business process in your company. PEC-DC No Administrator How Digital Channels works How Digital Channels works Digital Channels powers your customer interactions across channels such as chat, SMS, messaging and social media. Digital Channels Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Digital Channels GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-Email/HIW Email Genesys Email classic enables:
  • Monitoring of inbound mailboxes
  • Automated responses to incoming emails
  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis
  • Supervisor review of outgoing emails

Genesys Multicloud CX Email enables all the features of Email classic, plus:

  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on both content analysis and your Categories and Prioritization schemas for Engage cloud Email
  • Near real-time dashboards for monitoring your backlog

Genesys Email classic enables:
  • Monitoring of inbound mailboxes.
  • Automated responses to incoming emails.
  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis.
  • Supervisor review of outgoing emails.

Genesys Multicloud CX Email enables all the features of Email classic, plus:

  • Routing of email to the best-fit agents based on content analysis plus your Categories and Prioritization schemas for Engage cloud Email.
  • Near real-time dashboards for monitoring your backlog.
Email classic uses various applications:
  • Provision mailboxes and agent features in Agent Setup.
  • Create standard responses in eServices Manager.
  • Send and respond to emails in Agent Workspace.

Engage cloud Email uses various applications:

  • Provision mailboxes and auto-acknowledgments in Intelligent Workload Distribution.
  • Provision agent features in Agent Setup.
  • Create standard responses in eServices Manager or Designer, depending on your implementation.
  • Send and respond to emails in Agent Workspace.
PEC-Email No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Email works Email Genesys email ensures that agents receive the right emails for their skills and the best resources to respond to those emails and provide an excellent customer experience. There are two email solutions: Email classic and Engage cloud Email.
Email Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Intelligent Workload Distribution CE16 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-GPA/HIW Gplus Adapter for Salesforce Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. The integrated solution presents a complete customer view allowing your contact center agents to service your customers. It supports Salesforce Click-to-dial, Screen Pops, and Activity History. You must integrate Gplus Adapter with Salesforce so that your agents can handle interactions with the Genesys Workspace Agent Workspace from within Salesforce. See the architecture diagram at the bottom of this page to see how it works. PEC-GPA No Administrator, Agent How Gplus Adapter for Salesforce works Gplus Adapter SF Gplus Adapter for Salesforce enables the integration of Agent Workspace within the Salesforce environment to handle Genesys contact center interactions. Gplus Adapter for Salesforce Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-GS/HIW Genesys Softphone Genesys Softphone is a standalone SIP endpoint. It can be deployed in either standalone or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments to enable call control from an agent's workstation. Genesys Softphone is a standalone SIP endpoint. It supports different dialing modes, third-party call control, SSO, a variety of voice codecs, and WebRTC. It can be deployed in either standalone or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. It runs in either Connector Mode, where it is controlled by another application, such as Genesys Agent Workspace, or Standalone Mode, where it acts as a soft phone and includes call controls. You can deploy and configure Genesys Softphone in a variety of ways to suit your softphone needs:
  • Workstation
  • VDI environment
  • Connector mode
  • Standalone mode
PEC-GS No Administrator How Genesys Softphone works How Genesys Softphone works Genesys Softphone is a standalone SIP endpoint installable. That means it takes on the role of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Endpoint, the target of a SIP call, and call control. With Genesys Softphone, agents can make and receive calls from their workstation instead of through a hard phone. Genesys Softphone Yes Agent Workspace, Platform Administration GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-IVR/HIW IVR IVR assists in resolving your customers' issues when they call into your company. Use the Genesys IVR to:
  • Drill down on what the customer wants to do when they call into your company.
  • Ideally, resolve the issue without having to transfer the call to an agent.
  • In association with GVP Reporting, have a diagnostic look at your contact center's performance by monitoring how the components perform.

Designer and IVR Administration

Genesys Designer is a web-based tool for developing self-service (Interactive Voice Response, or IVR) applications and assisted service (Routing) applications that run on the Genesys platform.

IVR Administration is an application that assists your business with providing cost-effective customer interactions 24/7 for voice, video, and web-based interactions.

A key part of the Genesys omnichannel customer experience platform is Designer, which allows you to create and customize applications that let you fine-tune the routing requirements according to your business needs.

Designer is the tool to create the IVR (the menus – press 1 for sales, press 2 for service). The IVR is what the caller interacts with (hearing the prompts and pressing the dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits).

You author and publish the IVR from Designer.  You access the specific IVR based on DID groups and IVR Profiles (which are configured as part of IVR Administration).

Genesys IVR offerings:

User roles

PaaS IVR Administrator - This role is responsible for managing PaaS Users, IVR applications, DID groups, and its associated reports for the Production environment.

PaaS IVR Reporting - This role has access to all tenant reports (using the GAX Reporting Server) for the Production environment.

PEC-IVR No Administrator, Agent How IVR works How IVR works Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice and DTMF tones input via a keypad. IVR Administration Yes IVR Administration CE09,CE10 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-IWD/HIW Intelligent Workload Distribution IWD lets you capture work items, emails and leads ("work items") from existing enterprise workflow systems and create, monitor and manage a Universal Queue for your contact center. This queue is sorted on business value and prioritized to ensure that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location. IWD takes work items from existing enterprise software applications (such as ERP, BPM, DCM, Salesforce) and homegrown systems, analyzes the business context of the work item—for example, the associated business process, product requested, or value of the customer making the request—and creates a Universal Queue, sorted on business value, that ensures that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location.

With IWD, enterprises can effectively manage all customer service resources and business processes across the enterprise, going beyond the walls of the formal contact center and into other areas of the business like branch offices and experts in the back office.

Use the START_WIDGETe659aff40ce82ec0-1END_WIDGET to create, update or delete work items which are then categorized, prioritized and routed to employees according to configured rules and assigned routing application logic. A Genesys Designer application handles routing/distribution of the workitems. Workitems are continually re-prioritized according to Service Level Agreements, and are then handled by employees using Agent Workspace.

Monitoring of real-time activity is available in iWD Manager and also in Pulse. Historical reporting is available through Genesys CX Insights.

PEC-IWD No Administrator How Intelligent Workload Distribution works How IWD works IWD lets you capture work items from existing enterprise workflow systems and create, monitor and manage a Universal Queue for your contact center. This queue is sorted on business value and prioritized to ensure that the most critical or highest-value work items are distributed to the right resource at the right time, regardless of media type, system or location. Intelligent Workload Distribution Yes BO02, BO03 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-OU/HIW Outbound Use CX Contact (the Genesys Multicloud CX Outbound solution) to engage with customers seamlessly—at the right time and in the right way.
  • Run aggressive sales campaigns
  • Send automated alerts, notifications, or reminders without ever engaging agents
  • Run collections campaigns that target high-risk accounts
  • Run SMS or Email campaigns
  • Run multi-channel blended campaigns
Use CX Contact (the Genesys Multicloud CX Outbound solution) to engage with customers seamlessly—at the right time and in the right way.
  • Run aggressive sales campaigns —The predictive dialing algorithm paces calls efficiently, minimizing both agent idle time and abandoned calls.
  • Send automated alerts, notifications, or reminders without ever engaging agents—Reduce agent count or allocate agents to higher-value campaigns.
  • Run collections campaigns that target high-risk accounts—Manual dialing capabilities enable agents to carefully review high-value customer records in advance of an interaction.
  • Run SMS or email campaigns—Send text messages or email alerts to a group of contacts.
  • Run multi-channel blended campaigns—Blend voice and digital channels into a unified customer journey. For example, you can schedule a service call by phone and send an SMS reminder the day before the scheduled appointment.
PEC-OU No Administrator, Agent, Developer How Outbound works Using CX Contact (an outbound campaign management application), Outbound lets you run voice, SMS or email campaigns using a cloud-based dialing engine on the back end. Outbound (CX Contact) Yes CX Contact CE01 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-REC/HIW Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. SpeechMiner UI reviews and analyzes this data to uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance. For more information refer to: Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics (SpeechMiner UI). The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. SpeechMiner is the name of the user interface (UI) within Genesys Multicloud CX (PEC) that provides a single UI with which you can review and analyze this data to uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance.


Recording, also referred to as Genesys Interaction Recording (GIR) provides cradle to grave dual channel voice recording for customer-ivr and customer-agent conversations as they occur within the Genesys Multicloud CX Contact Center. For more information refer to: Recording Administrator's Guide.

Quality Management (QM)

Quality Management (QM) enables you to monitor quality and evaluate agent performance on a periodic and consistent basis while minimizing effort through automated interaction selection to improve customer experience and engage with your staff.

Speech Analytics

Speech Analytics, also referred to as Genesys Interaction Analytics (GIA), provides automated speech analytics capabilities on all recorded customer-agent interactions to provide deep insight into these conversations.

To review, analyze and uncover the cause and effect relationships that influence business issues and contact center performance, SpeechMiner UI users can perform search and playback for voice and screen recordings, perform traditional quality management tasks such as evaluation of interactions through form based scoring, or advanced speech analytics capabilities such as topic analysis or trending and exploration analysis of transcripts. For more information refer to: Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics (SpeechMiner UI). PEC-REC No Administrator How Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics works How Recording, Quality Management and Speech Analytics works The Genesys Recording, QM and Speech Analytics solution evaluates recorded customer interactions for data about what is happening in your organization. Genesys Recording, Quality Management, and Speech Analytics Yes Recording CE01 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-REP/HIW Reporting Reporting lets you see what's going on in your contact center, by providing a suite of tools that gather, aggregate, and format data to help you see what's currently happening in your contact center, and what has changed over time, so you are better able to make informed, timely business decisions. Reporting lets you see what's going on in your contact center, by providing a suite of tools that gather, aggregate, and format data to help you see what's currently happening in your contact center, and what has changed over time, so you are better able to make informed, timely business decisions. Genesys provides reporting information through several different interfaces, tailored for specific users in your organization:


Agents can view information about their own performance, about their team's work (completed / waiting in queue), and so on. This type of monitoring is provided in near-real-time in Agent Workspace (see Navigating Agent Workspace).


Contact Center supervisors can view information about their team, about individual agents, or about the overall state of things in their contact center. This type of information is provided in real-time in Agent Workspace and Genesys Pulse (see Navigating Agent Workspace, and Get Started with Genesys Pulse) and in historical reports through Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) or Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) (see Get started with Genesys CX Insights, and Get started with GVP reporting).

Managers and administrators

Contact Center managers and administrators can also view more detailed information about the overall state of things in their contact center. This type of information is provided in historical reports through Genesys CX Insights or Genesys Voice Platform (see Get started with Genesys CX Insights, and Get started with GVP reporting).

Report developers

If your historical reporting offering includes the Data Export (or BI Data Feed) feature, your report developers have access to the data behind the Genesys CX Insights reports. The data is exported periodically from Genesys Info Mart, which is the behind-the-scenes component that processes and stores the unaggregated data. See the Genesys Info Mart Historical Database Reference for full details about the Info Mart database schema.

PEC-REP No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Reporting works How reporting works Discover what kinds of reports are available, and how to access them. Reporting Yes Pulse Reporting, Reporting, Reporting Administration GCXI, Reporting GCXI GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-ROU/HIW Routing Routing is the process by which an interaction is directed to the appropriate target destination. Customers can contact you from a variety of sources, including:
  • voice calls
  • emails
  • chats
  • SMS (text messages)
  • social media platforms

Routing is the process by which each of these voice and digital interaction types are directed to their appropriate target destinations.

You can manage how interactions are routed by creating a set of decisions and instructions that specify how an interaction is to be handled when certain conditions are met. For example, you might direct certain customers to an agent who has a particular type of skill, such as a high level of proficiency in the customer's preferred language. If such an agent isn't available, the criteria can then be relaxed to find the next best-skilled available agent, and so on.

The technical aspects of routing are handled behind-the-scenes by the Genesys Multicloud CX platform. However, there are several key components that provide customizable features and options related to routing:
  • Designer applications provide both self-service (IVR) and assisted-service (routing) capabilities. If a customer is not able to resolve their issue in self-service, they can be connected with an agent for assistance.
  • Predictive Routing uses machine learning to predict which agent-interaction matchups can best improve your specified KPIs, or create applications specifically designed to offer surveys or callbacks to customers.
  • Genesys Task Routing can accept workitems submitted from an external source (such as Salesforce or NetSuite) and treats them like any other type of Genesys interaction. For example, you could use a Designer application to route workitems to the best-skilled agent.
  • Agent Setup enables you to designate incoming and outgoing mailboxes for Genesys Email classic.
  • Intelligent Workload Distribution enables you to designate incoming and outgoing mailboxes for Genesys Multicloud CX Email.

PEC-ROU No Administrator How Routing works How routing works Learn how routing ensures that each customer interaction received by your contact center is directed to the appropriate destination. Routing and Designer Yes Designer GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-Voice/HIW Voice Using caller input and caller ID, inbound voice routes calls based on agent skills, service levels, caller history, or other criteria. Using caller input (such as interactive voice response (IVR)) and caller ID contact information, inbound voice routes calls based on agent skills, service levels, caller history, or other criteria. While Genesys handles much of the initial configuration of inbound voice, you use Agent Setup and Platform Administration to tailor the configuration, Designer to set up call routing and IVRs, and Agent Workspace and Genesys Softphone to handle calls. You can also record calls, view reports, and add functionality such as Callback. PEC-Voice No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Voice works How voice works Inbound voice processes calls and distributes them to the right agents at the right time. Voice Yes Agent Workspace, Agent Setup, Designer CE01, CE02, CE03 GenesysEngage-cloud
PEC-WFM/HIW Workforce Management Workforce Management (WFM) provides the tools that enable contact center managers to manage their workforce and achieve their service level goals, by using WFM's advanced forecasting, scheduling, and real-time adherence capabilities. Workforce Management is designed for the true multi-media, multi-site environment, providing optimal schedules for multi-skilled agents who handle customer interactions of different media types. Agent preferences, skills, proficiency, customer segmentation, historical trends, email response times, and outbound call lengths are all considered within the forecast, schedule, and adherence components. WFM is designed to integrate with the Genesys Management Framework components and Genesys Universal Routing. WFM's key functionality is presented through a web interface, which includes Supervisor and Agent applications.

Supervisors can create forecasts and proposed future schedules. They can also integrate agent's schedule and overtime bids into real schedules, and perform real-time contact-center performance and agent-adherence monitoring.

Agents can request time off, specify working hours, and trade schedules with other agents without sacrificing optimal staffing levels.

PEC-WFM No Administrator, Agent, Supervisor How Workforce Management works How Workforce Management works Workforce Management (WFM) provides the tools that enable contact center managers to better manage their workforce, by creating accurate staffing plans that account for projected contact volumes and average handle times, and the various agent skills and skill levels.

Managers achieve these goals, by using WFM's advanced forecasting, scheduling, and real-time adherence capabilities.

Workforce Management Yes Designer, Platform Administration EE01, EE02, EE03, EE10-A, EE28 GenesysEngage-cloud
WID/HIW Widgets Genesys Widgets is a set of APIs that provides specific types of user interface elements—normally referred to as widgets—and the services to drive them, enabling you to enhance your website with chat or callback, or your own customized contact center functionality. Modern contact centers need more than voice channels to keep up with their customers. Whether it's a chat session or screen sharing—or even if it's just a matter of scheduling a callback—digital channels and other modern customer support functions are a necessity for providing a unified customer journey.

Genesys Widgets is a set of APIs that provides specific types of user interface elements—normally referred to as widgets—and the services to drive them, enabling you to enhance your website with chat or callback, or your own customized contact center functionality.

Web Chat window displaying how to start a chat session.

Genesys Widgets is built on top of the CXBus messaging bus. CXBus uses the publish–subscribe pattern to facilitate communication between the Widgets components, all of which are plugins that can both publish events on the bus and subscribe to the events they are interested in.With the help of the Widgets-Core plugins, CXBus makes it possible to combine the logic implemented by user interface plugins, service plugins, and utility plugins into cohesive products that can provide chat sessions, schedule callbacks, and so on.
Widgets architecture diagram displaying how Widgets is built on top of CX Bus.
WID No Developer How Widgets works How Widgets works Genesys Widgets relies on certain technologies in order to function. This article describes the requirements for widget implementation. Widgets Yes GenesysEngage-cloud
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