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This topic is part of the manual Widgets API Reference for version Current of Widgets.

Learn how to use CallbackService to schedule a callback with customer service.

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CallbackService exposes high-level API access to Genesys Callback services, allowing you to use our Callback Widget to schedule a callback with customer service—or to develop your own custom Callback Widget. CallbackService dramatically simplifies integration, improving the reliability, feature set, and compatibility of every widget on the bus.


Callback Service and the matching Callback widget work together, and they share a configuration object. Using Callback uses CallbackService.

You can also use Callback Service as a high-level API using bus commands and events to build your own Callback widget.


The CallbackService plugin has the following namespaces tied to each of the following types:

Type Namespace
Configuration Sendmessage
CXBus—API commands & API events CallbackService


CallbackService does not have customization options. It is a Plug and Play plugin and works as is.



Callback and CallbackService share the _genesys.widgets.callback configuration namespace. Callback contains the UI options and CallbackService contains the connection options.


window._genesys.widgets.callback = {

	apiVersion: 'v3',
	serviceName: 'service',
	dataURL: 'http://host:port/callbacks',
	userData: {},
	countryCodes: true


Name Type Description Accepted Values Default Required
apikey string If apiVersion is v3, this holds the x-api-key value. n/a n/a Yes, if using Apigee Proxy
dataURL URL String URL to the API endpoint for Callback.
The base URL for your API endpoints is:


You will receive the <region> information from Genesys at the same time that you receive your API key.
n/a n/a Always
apiVersion string Version of Callback API.
This value determines the version of Callback API.
'v3' 'v1' Yes, if using Callback v3 dataURL
serviceName string Name of the Callback virtual queue. n/a n/a Yes, if using Callback v3 dataURL
userData object Arbitrary attached data to include while scheduling a callback. n/a {}  
ajaxTimeout number Number of milliseconds to wait before AJAX timeout. n/a 3000  


CallbackService does not have localization options.

API Commands

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can call commands on other registered plugins. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.command('CallbackService.schedule', {

	userData: {},
	firstname: 'Bob',
	lastname: 'Jones',
	email: '',
	subject: 'product questions',
	desiredTime: '2017-04-04T00:24:17.804Z',
	phonenumber: '4151110000'


Internal use only. The main App plugin shares configuration settings with widgets using each widget’s configure command. The configure command can only be called at startup. Calling configure again after startup may result in unpredictable behavior.


Schedule a callback service with the callback schedule API.


oMyPlugin.command('CallbackService.schedule', {

	userData: {},
	serviceName: 'service' // service name from callback API v3 version,
	firstname: 'Bob',
	lastname: 'Jones',
	email: '',
	subject: 'product questions',
	desiredTime: '2017-03-03T00:24:17.804Z',
	phonenumber: '4151110000'



Option Type Description
firstname string Receive a Call entry Form Data: 'firstname'.
lastname string Receive a Call entry Form Data: 'lastname'.
phonenumber string Receive a Call entry Form Data: 'phonenumber'.
subject string Receive a Call entry Form Data: 'notes'.
email string Receive a Call entry Form Data: 'email'.
desiredtime string The preferred desired time user would like to get the callback scheduled. Time should be in UTC format.
userData object Arbitrary data that is to be attached with callback schedule. Properties defined here will be merged with default userData set in the configuration object.
serviceName string Service Name of Callback API to be passed if the apiVersion is v3.


Status When Returns
resolved Server confirms callback is scheduled 200 OK AJAX Response - Schedule Callback
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
rejected Selected time slot is not available 400 Bad Request AJAX Error Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
rejected AJAX exception occurs 429 Too Many Requests AJAX Error Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
rejected Server exception occurs 500 Internal Server Error Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
rejected No form data is found to schedule callback 'No data found to schedule callback'


Get the list of available callback time slots using the callback service.


oMyPlugin.command('CallbackService.availability', {

	serviceName: 'service' // service name from callback API v3 version,
	startDate: '2017-04-03T00:24:17.804Z',
	numberOfDays: '5',
	maxTimeSlots: 20


	// CallbackService successfully showing availability


	// CallbackService failed to show availability


Option Type Description
startDate string The start date is specified in ISO 8601 format, using UTC as the timezone (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
endDate string The end date is specified in ISO 8601 format, using UTC as timezone (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). If neither endDate nor numberOfDays is specified, the end date is assumed to be the same as the start date.
numberOfDays string Used as an alternative to the end date. If neither endDate nor numberOfDays is specified, the end date is assumed to be the same as the start date.
maxTimeSlots number The maximum number of time slots to be included in the response.
serviceName string Service Name of Callback API to be passed if the apiVersion is v3.


Status When Returns
resolved Server confirms the list of available callback time slots 200 OK AJAX Response - Query Callback Availability
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
rejected Time slots are not available for selected period 400 Bad Request AJAX Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
rejected AJAX exception occurs 400 Bad Request AJAX Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
rejected Server exception occurs 500 Internal Server Error Response
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
rejected No query data is found 'No query parameters passed for callback availability service'

API Events

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can subscribe to and listen for published events. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.subscribe('CallbackService.ready', function(e){});
Name Description Data
ready CallbackService is initialized and ready to accept commands. n/a
scheduled Callback is scheduled successfully. 200 OK AJAX Response - Schedule Callback
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
scheduleError An error occurred between the client and the server during a callback schedule. The JSON data returned by Callback server.
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Schedule Callback V3
availableSlots Callback available slots fetched successfully. 200 OK AJAX Response - Query Callback Availability
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
availabilityError An error occurred between the client and the server while fetching the available timeslots. The JSON data returned by Callback server.
For Callback API v3, refer to 'Responses' in Availability Callback V3
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