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This topic is part of the manual Widgets API Reference for version Current of Widgets.

Learn how to fetch estimated wait time (EWT) details for a channel.

Related documentation:


StatsService exposes high-level API access to Genesys statistics services, allowing you to fetch estimated wait time (EWT) details for each channel, such as WebChat or Callback, and display these details across the channels.


StatsService and the Channel Selector widget work together right out of the box to display EWT details across all channels. Using the Channel Selector widget uses StatsService.

You can also use StatsService as a high-level API with bus commands and events and integrate in your own widget.


The StatsService plugin has the following namespaces, tied to each of the following types:

Type Namespace
Configuration stats
CXBus—API commands & API events StatsService


StatsService doesn't have any customization options. It is a plug-and-play plugin and works as is.



StatsService shares the _genesys.widgets.stats configuration namespace and has connection settings to fetch EWT details from each channel.


window._genesys.widgets.stats = 	
ajaxTimeout: 3000,
ewt: {
	dataURL: '',
apikey: 'n3exxxxxXREBMYjGxxxx8VA',		
apiVersion: 'v1',
mode: 'urs2'}


Name Type Description Default Required Accepted Values
ajaxTimeout number Number of milliseconds

to wait before AJAX timeout

3000 N/A N/A
ewt.apikey string Apigee Proxy secure token.
If apiVersion is v3, this holds the x-api-key value.
N/A Yes, if using Apigee Proxy or v3 API. N/A
ewt.dataURL URL String URL to the API endpoint for estimated wait time (EWT) N/A Always N/A
ewt.apiVersion string Version of EWT API.
Note: This value determines the version
of EWT API in GMS/v3. That is:
'v1' - GMS EWT v1
'v2' - GMS EWT v2
'v3' - EWT v3
Only GET request type with virtual queue name
as query parameters are supported.
v1' Yes, if using GMS EWT v2 or EWT v3 dataURL 'v1', 'v2', 'v3'
ewt.mode string EWT mode parameter for GMS/v3 API.

This value will vary based on the above apiVersion.

Will vary based on the above apiVersion as shown below.
'urs2' for 'v1' 
'ewt2' for 'v2' 
'mode2' for 'v3'
'urs','urs2' or 'stat' for 'v1' 
'ewt1,'ewt2' or 'ewt3' for 'v2' 
'mode1','mode2' or 'mode3' for 'v3'


StatsService doesn't have any localization options.

API commands

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can call commands on other registered plugins. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');



This is for internal use only. The main App plugin shares configuration settings to widgets using each widget’s configure command. The configure command can only be called once at startup. Calling configure again after startup may result in unpredictable behavior.


oMyPlugin.command('StatsService.configure', {


		apikey: '12345',
		dataURL: 'http://localhost:8080/foo/bar'
	ajaxTimeout: 10000


	// StatsService configured successfully


	// StatsService failed to configure


Option Type Description
ewt.apikey string API access token. Please contact your Genesys representative to obtain your API access token.
ewt.dataURL URL String URL of GES server.
ajaxTimeout number Number of milliseconds to wait before AJAX timeout.


Status When Returns
resolved Configuration options are provided and set. n/a
rejected No configuration options are provided. 'Invalid configuration'


Ask the Genesys Stat server to fetch EWT details.


oMyPlugin.command('StatsService.getStats', {

	group: 'EWT',
	vqName: 'chat_ewt_test_eservices',
	mode: 'urs2'


	// StatsService got stats successfully


	// StatsService failed to get stats


Option Type Description
group string Mention specific group name you would like to request, such as EWT, etc.
vqname string/array Specify a single virtual queue name as a string or a list of virtual queue names as an array. EWT will be fetched only for these virtual queues specified here. If nothing is specified, EWT will be fetched for all the available virtual queues.
mode string Specify EWT mode. This will vary based on apiVersion. Refer to mode configuration option for possible values.


Status When Returns
resolved Server returns EWT data. (AJAX Response Object)
rejected Server fail request fails. 'EWT request failed due to unknown reason'
rejected No EWT dataURL provided. 'Invalid EWT configuration'

API events

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can subscribe to and listen for published events. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.subscribe('StatsService.ready', function(e){});
Name Description Data
ready StatsService is initialized and ready to accept commands. n/a
updated Latest Stats data is available. EWT AJAX Response data
error.ewt An error occurred between the client and the server for EWT. {(AJAX data Response)}

Estimated wait time

Estimated wait time (EWT) is displayed in the ChannelSelector and Callback widgets. These widgets use the getStats command to fetch EWT data from the GMS or GES server. These servers support multiple API versions and this document will explain how to configure the StatsService plugin to use the version that you need.

Use the ewt.apiVersion configuration option to specify the API version. Each version value corresponds to a particular API of GMS/GES. For all possible version values and their mapping, refer to the Description section of the ewt.apiVersion configuration option.

Sample configuration:

_genesys.widgets.stats.ewt.apiVersion = <version value>

API versions


If ewt.apiVersion is configured to v1 (this is also the default value), the ewt.dataURL configured must be a valid GMS 8.5.1 EWT API url. If not, an incorrect EWT value might be displayed.

Depending on this API version, the ewt.mode configuration option can hold a set of predefined possible values for this version. They are 'urs', 'urs2' and 'stat', where 'urs2' is the default value if not specified.

Default example

_genesys.widgets.stats = {
      ewt: {
          apiVersion: "v1"
          dataURL: http://somedomain/genesys/1/service/ewt-for-vq
          mode: "urs2"

For the above configuration, the StatsService plugin will construct the relevant dataURL as shown below.


'vq1' is added to the URL via the vqName option passed into the getStats command.


If ewt.apiVersion is configured to v2, the ewt.dataURL configured must be a valid GMS 8.5.2 EWT API url. If not, incorrect EWT may be displayed. For this apiVersion, the possible values for ewt.mode are 'ewt1', 'ewt2' and 'ewt3'. 'ewt2' is the default value.


_genesys.widgets.stats = {
      ewt: {
          apiVersion: "v2"
          dataURL: http://somedomain/genesys/2/ewt
          mode: "ewt2"

For the above configuration, the StatsService plugin will construct the relevant dataURL as shown below.


'vq1' and 'vq2' are added to the URL via the vqName option passed into the getStats command.


If ewt.apiVersion is set to v3, the ewt.dataURL configured must be a valid GES EWT API url. If not, incorrect EWT may be displayed. For this apiVersion, the possible values for ewt.mode are 'mode1', 'mode2' and 'mode3', where 'mode2' will be the default value if not specified.


_genesys.widgets.stats = {
      ewt: {
          apiVersion: "v3"
          dataURL: http://somedomain/engagement/v3/estimated-wait-time
          mode: "mode2"

For the above configuration, the StatsService plugin will construct the relevant dataURL as shown below.


'vq1' and 'vq2' are added to the URL via the vqName option passed into the getStats command.

Where to look for EWT data

When the getStats command is called, it fetches the EWT data from either GMS/GES server based on the configuration. This response data is included in the updated event in a standard format as shown below. In this data format, the ewt section will contain the virtual queue name and the estimated wait time as a key value pair. The response section contains the original raw data from the server and may vary between each server API.

    ewt: {
        "VQ_GMS_Callback_Out":  9.999   // consolidated standardized EWT data for each virtual queue.
        "VQ_GMS_Callback": 5.12
    response: {                 // Original raw data from GMS.
        "VQ_GMS_Callback_Out": {           
            "time": 1506021728,
            "wt": 0,
            "calls": 0,
            "wcalls": 0,
            "pos": 1,
            "wpos": 1,
            "aqt": 9.999,
            "ewt": 9.999,
            "hit": 0
        "VQ_GMS_Callback": {
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