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This topic is part of the manual Widgets API Reference for version Current of Widgets.

Learn how to debug commands and events on the widget bus.

Related documentation:


Use the Console Widget to debug commands and events on the widget bus. You can use dynamically populated lists to test, debug, or demo all commands. You can also create event watch lists that alert you when an event has fired.

the Console Widget in dark theme used for or debugging the widget bus

Console provides an easy-to-use interface for debugging the widget bus that complements the standard command-line methods. You can drag and drop the console anywhere on your screen, and when you refresh the page or move to another one, Console reappears right where you left it. It is a great tool for getting to know the widget bus, the API for each widget, and debugging issues.


Launch WebChat manually by using the following methods:

  • Call the command
  • Configure the settings to show Console when the browser window is opened.
  • Create your own custom button or link to open Console (using the command)



Console option to open on initial loading.


window._genesys.widgets.console = {open: true};


Name Type Description Default Required
open boolean Set to true for console to open at start. false false


For information on how to set up localization, please refer to Localize widgets and services.


	"ConsoleTitle": "CXBus Console",
	"Commands": "Commands",
	"Plugin": "Plugin",
	"ConsoleErrorButton": "OK",
	"Execute": "Execute",
	"Event": "Event",
	"SubscribeTo": "Subscribe to",
	"Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
	"ReturnData": "Return Data",
	"EventsSubscriber": "Events Subscriber",
	"Watch": "Watch",
	"pluginNameEvent": "PluginName.Event",
	"ClearAll": "Clear All",
	"OptionsSample": "JSON Formatted Options {'option': value}"

API commands

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can call commands on other registered plugins. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');



Opens the Console UI.



	// Console opened successfully


	// Console failed to open


Status When Returns
resolved Console is successfully opened n/a
rejected Console is already open 'Already opened'


Closes the Console UI.



	// Console closed successfully


	// Console failed to close


Status When Returns
resolved Console successfully closed n/a
rejected Console is already closed 'Already closed'


Modifies the Console configuration options. See the Console configuration page.


oMyPlugin.command('Console.configure', {

	open: false


	// Console configured successfully


	// Console failed to configure


Option Type Description
open boolean If setting is open: true, the console will automatically be open when Widgets is launched and the console is ready.


Status When Returns
resolved Console configuration is provided n/a
rejected No configuration is provided 'Invalid Configuration'

API events

Once you've registered your plugin on the bus, you can subscribe to and listen for published events. Here's how to use the global bus object to register a new plugin on the bus.

The global bus object is a debugging tool. When implementing Widgets on your own site, do not use the global bus object to register your custom plugins. Instead, see Genesys Widgets Extensions for more information about extending Genesys Widgets.
var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

oMyPlugin.subscribe('Console.ready', function(e){});
Name Description Data
ready Console is initialized and ready to accept commands. n/a
opened The Console Widget has appeared on screen. n/a
closed The Console Widget has been removed from the screen. n/a
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