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This topic is part of the manual Widgets API Reference for version Current of Widgets.


Learn how to access Widgets utility functions and dynamically generate the common HTML containers used throughout Genesys Widgets.

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Common is a utility object available for import into Plugins/Widgets and Extensions. It is also accessible directly from the path window._genesys.widgets.common.

Common provides utility functions and dynamically generates common HTML Containers used throughout Genesys Widgets.

For all examples below, assume that _genesys.widgets.common has been stored in a local variable named 'Common'.

var Common = _genesys.widgets.common;


Dynamically generates a new HTML Container in matching the style of Genesys Widgets with the selected components you request in your options object. Returns the generated container HTML as a jQuery wrapped set.


'Generate an Overlay Container'

var ndContainer = Common.Generate.Container({

	type: 'overlay',
	title: 'My Overlay',body: 'Some HTML here as a string or jQuery wrapped set',
	icon: 'call-outgoing',
	controls: 'close',
	buttons: false

'Generate a Toast Container'

var ndContainer = Common.Generate.Container({

	type: 'generic',
	title: 'My Toast',body: 'Some HTML here as a string or jQuery wrapped set',
	icon: 'chat',
	controls: '',
	buttons: {
		primary: 'OK',


Argument Type Description
options object An object containing options to apply to the generated container.
options.type string 'generic' or 'overlay'. Overlay containers have special CSS properties for appearing inside the Overlay widget. Default is 'generic'.
options.title string Title to apply to the container's titlebar area.
options.body string or jQuery wrapped set The HTML body you want the container to wrap.
options.icon string CSS Classname of icon to use.
options.controls string Select from a set of window control buttons to show at the top right. 'close' = Show only the close button. 'minimize' = Show only the minimize button. 'all' = Show both close and minimize buttons.
options.buttons object Options for displaying action buttons at the bottom of the container, such as OK and Cancel buttons.
options.buttons.type string Currently 'binary' is the only supported button set at this time. Additional sets and arrangements will be available in a later release. Please pass 'binary' as the type here if you wish to show typical 'accept' and 'dismiss' buttons.
options.buttons.primary string Display name on the primary button. (for example 'OK', 'Yes', 'Accept', 'Continue', etc.)
options.buttons.secondary string Display name on the secondary button. (for example 'Cancel', 'No', 'Dismiss', 'Reject', etc.)


Dynamically generates a new HTML Binary Button set in matching the style of Genesys Widgets with the selected options in your options object. Returns the buttons as a jQuery wrapped set.


'Generate Binary Buttons'

var ndButtons = Common.Generate.Buttons({

	type: 'binary',
	primary: 'OK',
	secondary: 'Cancel'


Argument Type Description
options object Options for generating buttons, such as OK and Cancel buttons.
options.type string Currently 'binary' is the only supported button set at this time. Additional sets and arrangements will be available in a later release. Please pass 'binary' as the type here if you wish to show typical 'accept' and 'dismiss' buttons.
options.primary string Display name on the primary button. (for example 'OK', 'Yes', 'Accept', 'Continue', etc.)
options.secondary string Display name on the secondary button. (for example 'Cancel', 'No', 'Dismiss', 'Reject', etc.)


Dynamically generates an icon from the included icon set. Icons are in SVG format.


'Generate Chat Icon'

var ndChatIcon = Common.Generate.Icon('chat');

'Insert Chat Icon'



Argument Type Description
name string Select the icon you want to generate by name. See the icon reference page for icon names.

Common.Generate.Scrollbar(element, {options})

Dynamically generates a widget scrollbar for selected DOM element.


'Generate Scrollbar for a container'

var scrollContainer = Common.Generate.Scrollbar($('#your_container'))


Argument Type Description
element DOM element or jQuery selector Select the element to which you would like to apply scrollbar.
options object This is an iScroll component. So, all the options that iScroll supports can be passed here.


Configure some debug options for Common at runtime.


'Enable full debug logging'

Common.config({debug: true, debugTimestamps: true});


Argument Type Description
object object Supported options are 'debug' and 'debugTimestamps'. Setting debug to true will enable debug messages created by Common.log(). Setting debugTimestamps to true will add timestamps to the front of each debug message created by Common.log(). Default value for both is false.

Common.checkPath(object, path)

Check for the existence of a sub-property of an object at any depth. Returns the value of that property if found otherwise it returns undefined. Useful for checking configuration object paths without having to check each sub-property level individually.


'Check for window._genesys.main'

var oMainConfig = false;

if(oMainConfig = Common.checkPath(window, '_genesys.main')){
	 //... Utilize oMainConfig


Argument Type Description
object object An Object you want checked for a particular sub property at any depth.
path string The object path in dot notation you wish to search for.

Common.createPath(object, path, value)

Related to checkPath, createPath lets you specify a target object and path string but lets you create the path and set a value for it. This saves you the pain of defining each node in the path individually. All nodes in your path will be created as objects. Your final node, the property you are trying to create, will be whatever value you assign it.


'Create window._genesys.main'

var oMainConfig = false;

if(oMainConfig = Common.createPath(window, '_genesys.main', {debug:true})){
	 //... Utilize oMainConfig


Argument Type Description
object object An object you want to add your new path to.
path string The object path in dot notation you wish to create.
value any The value you want to assign to the final node (property) in your path.

Common.linkify(string, options)

Search for and convert URLs within a string into HTML links. Returns transformed string.


'Check for window._genesys.main'

var sString = 'Please visit';
sString = Common.linkify(sString, {target: 'self'});
// sString == 'Please visit <a href='' target='_self'></a>


Argument Type Description
string string Any string you want to check for URLs and have them converted.
options object A list of options to apply to the linkify operation. string Choose the HTML TARGET attribute to apply to the generated links. Default is '_blank'. Set this option to 'self' to apply the target '_self' to the generated links.

Common.log(mixed, type)

Log something to the browser's console. When using Common.log, _genesys.main.debug must be set to true to see your logs. This allows you to add debug logging to your code without worrying about unwanted debug messages in production. If timestamps are enabled, they will be prefixed to all messages printed through Common.log.


'Check the contents of window._genesys.main'

var Common = _genesys.widgets.common; 

	Common.log('window._genesys.main is not defined', 'error');


Argument Type Description
mixed Any Any value or message you'd like to log.
type string You can specify the log type, such as 'log', 'debug' and 'error'. Default type is 'log'. Note, if your browser doesn't support the 'debug' or 'error' log type, use 'log' instead.


Search for and escape < and > characters within a string. Returns transformed string. Useful for escaping HTML.


'Check for window._genesys.main'

var sString = 'Please visit <a href=''

sString = Common.sanitizeHTML(sString);

 // sString == 'Please visit &lt;a href='' target='_self'&gt;;/a&gt;''


Argument Type Description
string string Any string you want to be transformed.

Common.updateTemplateI18n(element, object)

Searches through an element's contents for i18n string elements to update with new strings. Used when updating the language in real-time. Works by searching for elements with the CSS classname 'i18n' and reading the custom attribute 'data-message' to match the string name in the language object. See example below.


'Check for window._genesys.main'

var ndContainer = $('<div><button class='i18n' data-message='CustomButton001'>

Common.updateTemplateI18n(ndContainer, {CustomButton001: 'Accept'});

// ndContainer == <div><button class='i18n' data-message='CustomButton001'>Accept</button></div>


Argument Type Description
element jQuery wrapped set Element you want to search within to replace i18n strings.
object Object of i18n Strings The list of languages strings you want to update your UI with. This object comes from the App.i18n event or you can define your own custom object inline or using some other system. Object format is a simple name:value pair format. the 'data-message' attribute on your HTML element must match one of these property names to be updated.


Returns the list of all the Icons with their names that Widgets support.


'Fetch and Display list of icons present in Widgets'



Adds debug logs in to the browser's console. When using Common.debug, _genesys.main.debug must be set to true to see your logs. This allows you to add debug logging to your code without worrying about unwanted debug messages in production. If timestamps are enabled, they will be prefixed to all messages printed through Common.debug.


'Check the File upload limits in WebChatService'



Argument Type Description
mixed Any Any value or message you'd like to add debug log. Note: This is only supported if your browser supports debug log type.


Adds error logs in to the browser's console. When using Common.error, _genesys.main.debug must be set to true to see your logs. This allows you to add error logging to your code without worrying about unwanted error messages in production.


'Logging error messages'

Common.error('A widget plugin did not receive the following config: ....');


Argument Type Description
mixed Any Any value or message you'd like to add error log. Note: This is only supported if your browser supports error log type.


Adds place holder content to the input elements in a form with the given text strings.


'Show placeholders strings in a form'

Common.populateAllPlaceholders($('#your_form'), {strings})


Argument Type Description
Form Selector jQuery DOM selector for a form Form containing input elements. Note: Input elements should contain i18n class name and data attribute 'data-message-type' with value 'placeholder' for the place holder details to appear.
Key/Value pairs object Placeholder messages that needs to be displayed. This is an object with key-value pairs where, key should be equal to the 'data-message' attribute value of an input element and value can be any text that you would like to display.


Adds the preferred language place holder text to the given input elements in a form.


'Show placeholders strings in a form'

Common.populateLanguageStrings($('#your_form'), {strings})


Argument Type Description
Form Selector jQuery DOM selector for a form Form containing input elements. Note: Input elements should contain i18n class name and data attribute 'data-message-type' with value 'placeholder' for the place holder details to appear.
Key/Value pairs object Placeholder messages that needs to be displayed. This is an object with key-value pairs where, key should be equal to the 'data-message' attribute value of an input element and value can be any text that you would like to display.


Show all the Icons on a Widget.


'Populate all Widget Icons'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM selector Specify the Widget container for which all the Icons have to be displayed.


Adds an icon before the selected element.


'Insert a check mark icon to an element you desire.'

Common.insertIcon($('#your_element'), 'alert-checkmark', 'alert')


Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM selector An html element to which Icon is to be displayed.
icon name string Name of the Icon that you would like to display. Note: Refer to Common.debugIcons method to find out all the icons names that widgets supports.
icon Aria Name string Name for the icon to be read by screen readers.


Injects javascript code dynamically into widgets with the help of a script tag.


'Inject your Widget WebChat extension plugin.'



Argument Type Description
Script file name string path to JavaScript file JavaScript file name that needs to be injected into widgets.


Re-sizes and fits Widget to any mobile screen.


'Fit your widget to any mobile screen.'

var mobileScaledWidget = Common.mobileScreenScale($('#your_widget'));


Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM Selector Your main Widget wrapper container selector that contains the entire Widget with 'cx-titlebar', 'cx-body', 'cx-footer', 'cx-button-container' and 'cx-message-container' classes in it.


Show loading spinner Icon.


'Show loading spinner during an Ajax request'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM Selector An html container where loading spinner should appear. This adds a class name 'cx-loading'.


Remove loading spinner Icon.


'Remove loading spinner after the Ajax request'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM Selector An html container which contains the loading spinner.


Show waiting Icon.


'Show waiting Icon when uploading a file.'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM Selector An html container where waiting symbol should appear. This adds a class name 'cx-waiting'.
Aria Label string The value of the aria-label attribute for the loading screen icon. The default value is ‘waiting’


Remove waiting Icon.


'Remove waiting Icon after file upload is done.'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery DOM Selector An html container which contains the waiting symbol.

Repeat your function execution for every 'x' milliseconds (default 1 second) up to a maximum number of times (default - infinite) or till your function returns true.


'Make Request Notifications till none are pending.', maxIterations){

	 // ..POST Request 
	return !bRequestNotificationsPending;
}, 3000, 30)


Argument Type Description
function name function The function that you would like to execute. It should return true/false.
frequency milliseconds Execute the function for every 'x' milliseconds until it returns true.
limit number The maximum number of times function is executed.


Create your own dialog box and append it in to the Widget.


'Add a dialog box on your preferred container div

Common.addDialog($('#your_container'), $('#your_dialog_box'), 'my_warning')


Argument Type Description
element jQuery selector The parent container that holds the dialog box.
element jQuery selector The actual dialog box that you would like to display. This should contain the data-dialog attribute with the value equal to the dialog box name.
name string Dialog box name.


Show the dialog box that you prefer, using the dialog box name created with Common.addDialog().


'Show the dialog box created using Common.addDialog()'

Common.showDialog($('#your_container'), 'your_dialog_box_name');


Argument Type Description
element jQuery Selector The parent container which has the Dialog box appended in to it.
name string The actual dialog box name.


Hide the dialog box that you showed using Common.showDialog().


'Hide dialog box'

Common.hideDialog($('#your_container'), 'your_dialog_box_name);


Argument Type Description
element jQuery Selector The parent container which is showing the dialog box.
name string The actual dialog box name.


Hide all the dialog boxes. Dialog box name is not needed here.


'Hide all dialog boxes.'



Argument Type Description
element jQuery Selector The parent container which is showing all the dialog boxes.


Show a native alert dialog box on the Widget you prefer with your own text message. By default, a primary button is added to dismiss the alert dialog.


Show an alert dialog box on the Widget you prefer. But default it adds the dismiss button.

Common.showAlert($(''), {text: 'your alert message', buttonText: 'Ok'})


Argument Type Description
element jQuery selector The Widget plugin container that should display the alert dialog. This should be the top level container wrapper holding the Widget.
options object The data options containing the text to be shown on the Alert dialog box.
options.text string Display text on the Alert dialog box.
options.buttonText string Display text on the primary button. (for example 'OK')


Convert any number in bytes to Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes and Terabytes.


'bytes to KB, MB, GB or TB.'

var fileSize = Common.bytesToSize(parseInt(fileSizeInBytes));


Argument Type Description
bytes number Number in bytes size.


Returns time in 12 hrs or 24 hrs format from the actual date timestamp. If no timestamp is provided, it uses current time.


'convert date timestamp to return time in 12 hrs format'

var formattedTime = Common.getFormattedTime(timestamp, 12);


Argument Type Description
timestamp Date JavaScript Date timestamp object.
format number Time format with value 12 or 24.
Retrieved from " (2024-10-02 06:13:01)"
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