Genesys Recording, Quality Management, and Speech Analytics User's Guide

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Article Description
Action Items Use Action Items to manage SpeechMiner tasks. Action Items allow you to create and monitor a task for yourself and/or others. For example, a supervisor can create an Action Item that asks a staff member to create a series of sessions. The staff member can add notes as he/she progresses with the task and his/her supervisor can monitor the progress.
Analyze related words Use the Related Words window to explore and analyze the usage of terms and phrases commonly found (that is, co-occur) in the same areas of an interaction. The Related Words window is a graphic representation of the frequency of terms, phrases and term clusters. Click a term, phrase and/or cluster to discover new business issues and zero in on existing customer and employee behavior trends.
Available report templates Use this page to learn about all the report templates that are available for the SpeechMiner UI. Reports allow you to drill down within the report to view additional details about any graphic component (for example, graph bars, line or table headers), by simply clicking the component.
Categories SpeechMiner UI extracts interaction content to categorize interactions, so you can better understand why customers are calling. That is, categorization provides quantitative information (such as an increase in customer complaints or repeat interactions), as well as qualitative information (such as customers stating that they want to switch vendors because of better prices) and subsequently, the intelligence you need to build more effective business strategies.
Configure the browser Learn to configure Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to enable you to access the SpeechMiner UI.
Content Browser Content Browser enables you to view the interactions associated with specific categories, agents, and programs. For example, selecting the category option will produce a list of all the categories and their sub-categories associated with one or more interactions.
Create a new dashboard Use the New Dashboard option to create a dashboard that displays summary information about a specific set of interactions. With this information you can quickly and easily obtain an overall and complete impression of the business issue you are investigating.
Create a Trending filter Use the Trending filter to create filters that enable you to monitor and analyze terms and phrases within conversations and to identify and explore familiar and unexpected trends. By analyzing term trends within a specific interaction set over specific time periods and/or according to a variety of search criteria (for example, agent and/or customer side, metadata, duration, categories, topics, agents, work groups, language and so on), Trending enables you to better understand emerging business issues, pinpoint events that may require close attention, identify process or service issues before they escalate and recognize strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s employees, products, and processes.
Create an evaluation Use Quality Management evaluations to improve agent productivity as well as customer satisfaction. Quality Management evaluations enable you to promote a specific agenda that results in easy detection and training of agents who do not adhere to compliance or specified procedures.
Create and manage forms Use the New Form option to create and manage forms that enable evaluators to provide feedback about a specific agent. When a form is included in an evaluation, it becomes part of a process that helps you identify how an agent is functioning, and subsequently what the agent needs to do in order to maximize your business goals and customer satisfaction.
Dashboard Use the SpeechMiner UI Dashboard to generate a summary view of interaction details relevant to a particular interaction set. A dashboard with one or more widgets allows you to quickly and easily understand the business issue you are investigating.
Evaluation Sessions Use Evaluation Sessions to help ensure that an agent's participation in an interaction coincides with a specific business agenda. A completed evaluation session provides a view into how an agent communicates with consumers. Such evaluation sessions provide consistent and regular feedback that helps surface insightful reports, comments and suggestions that can lead to formal skills training and action plans to improve an agent's performance.
Evaluations Manager Use the Evaluation Manager to create and manage Quality Management evaluations that enable you improve agent productivity as well as customer satisfaction. With the options provided in the Evaluations Manager you can provide agents with objective assessments, motivate agents with training opportunities, recognize and keep top employees, and create evaluation reports.
Explore Use the Explore options to filter massive quantities of interaction data to find interactions that are most related to the business issue you are investigating. The search query that you create can be of varying complexity, ranging from a specific agent to sophisticated criteria that define not only the agent to search for, but also their retrieval conditions (for example, date range, interaction type, metadata, and so on).
Export Trending Data Exporting Trending data enables you to compare data across different Trending Filter results. The Trending data is exported to a .csv file.
FAQ Article Use this page to get answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions about Quality Management (QM).
Form questions A Quality Management form must contain one or more questions. This page describes the types of questions you can use, how to create and use question groups, and how to weigh the answers.
Forms Manager Use the Forms Manager to create feedback forms to use when evaluating your contact center agents. When a form is included in an evaluation, it becomes part of a process that helps you identify how an agent is functioning, and subsequently what the agent needs to do in order to maximize your business goals and customer satisfaction.
Get started This guide describes how you can use the SpeechMiner user interface to perform search and playback for voice and screen recordings, traditional quality management tasks such as evaluation of interactions through form-based scoring, or advanced speech analytics such as topic analysis or trending and exploration analysis of transcripts.
Interaction lists Use the Interaction Lists options to create collections of one or more interactions for targeted analysis about a specific business issue.
Manage the Blacklist Use the Blacklist to manage a list of terms/phrases that should be ignored by the system when analyzing Trending data. The Blacklist applies to all users, views and languages.
Managing widgets Use Widgets to display summary information about a specific set of interactions. With Widgets you can better understand the nature of all interactions within a specific interaction list.
New in this release Review this page to discover the new features that were released for the latest SpeechMiner UI.
Performing and managing Evaluation Sessions Use Evaluation Sessions to provide to identify the skill sets of your agents, as well as any skill gaps that need to be filled by additional training. This page describes how to perform an evaluation session and how you can subsequently modify and/or archive it.
Permalink Use the Permalink feature to save a network address for a particular item, such as a query or a report. This makes it easy to access the item again.
Programs A program is a set of instructions that tell SpeechMiner UI what to recognize in recorded conversations between contact center agents and customers, in relation to a specific business issue.
Quality Management (QM) Use Quality Management (QM) to move beyond random sampling to gain a deeper understanding of agent/customer interactions. QM features can help you gain insight into customer interactions and ways in which agents can improve them.
Report templates Use the approximately 28 Report templates to view details about specific aspects of your organization. The variety of reports and the drill-down options within each one enable you to investigate a wide range of topics.
Report widget Use the Report widget to display the data for any report saved in your system. The Report widget can be configured to display information about a variety of topics. Adding more than one Report widget to a single dashboard enables you to display different types information.
Reports Use Reports to create a summary and analyses of interaction, speech, and external metadata. This page describes how to set up and generate reports and what you can do with them.
Search Results grid Use the Search Results Grid to find interactions that best match your business analysis. You can filter the results displayed in the Search Results Grid using the options in the Search Filter.
Specifying search criteria Use the Explore > Search menu to define searches to explore interaction or event data. The Search Filter allows you to specify the types of interactions you want to view.
Tools Use the SpeechMiner UI Tools to access an array of global SpeechMiner UI functions and management features. For example, manage and assign specific user views, configure names for metadata filter options, export completed Quality Management sessions, and define tags.
Topics A topic enables you to boost the recognition of a specific business issue by telling SpeechMiner UI what phrases to look for. For example, if you want to identify interactions in which the customer wishes to cancel an account, you could create a topic named Cancellation with the following phrases: "Close out my account" and "I need to cancel".
Topics, Categories, and Programs Topics, Categories, and Programs are SMART features that are used when creating a set of instructions designed to help gather and deliver valuable intelligence that business users readily understand and use.
Trending Use this page to monitor and analyze terms and phrases within conversations according to a variety of search criteria to better understand familiar and unexpected trends.
Trending chart data description Use the Trending chart to further analyze the relevance of a term/phrase, by studying the information panel that accompanies the Trending bubble chart.
Trending Filter toolbar description Use the Trending filter options to refine the data in the Trending page.
Trending Filter tooltip description The bubble chart that appears after you run the Trending Filter includes a variety of information that enables you to better understand the changes and distribution of terms and phrases within a selected interaction set.
Using the Media Player Use the Media Player to play back the audio of a recorded interaction and explore other aspects of the interaction. With the Media Player you can listen to an interaction, access a transcript of the interaction to view the words spoken, read comments to view other users ideas and thoughts about the interaction, add your own comments, view events associated with the interaction, an so on.
What is an interaction An interaction is communication between an agent and a customer.
Working with dashboards Use Dashboards to organize summary information about interactions. A Dashboard provides you with the tools that enable you obtain an overall and complete impression of the business issue you are investigating. For example, you can create a dashboard with a Report widget (to give you a snapshot of metrics and key performance indicators).
Working with interactions Use the interaction transcript to gain insight about specific characteristics associated with the interaction.
Working with saved reports Use a saved report to view specific information on demand or according to a schedule. Saved reports enable you to periodically view data for business issues that may reoccur.
Working with saved Trending filters Use Saved Trending filters to support historical analysis and/or to enable you to rerun the filter for different time periods.

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