Working with saved reports

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Use a saved report to view specific information on demand or according to a schedule. Saved reports enable you to periodically view data for business issues that may reoccur.

A saved report is a customized report template that you can run as often as you need. You can run the saved report on demand or according to a schedule.

The System Alert report is automatically generated and saved by the system. For additional information, see Alerts.

From the Saved Reports grid you can:

Column information

Column Description
Run Click the Run icon Run list.png to run the report and display the results in a new window. 
Edit Click the Edit icon Reportedit.png to open the report in the Edit Report tab where you can change the parameters and settings.
Delete  Click the Delete icon Smicon delete.png to delete the selected report.
Name The saved report name.
Template The template on which the report is based.
Created By The name of the user who created the report.
Sharing A black Sharing icon Sm shareicon.png marks reports that you created.

A faded Sharing icon marks reports that other users created and shared with you.
The names of the groups and users that share the report appear in the table beside the Sharing icon.
Click the Sharing icon to open a dialog box in which you can select the groups and individual users with whom you want to share the report. The members of the selected groups and selected users will see the report listed in their Saved Reports tab. 

Note: You can only edit reports that you created. If you want to edit a report that you did not create you must first save the report under a new name.

Schedule Indicates whether the report is scheduled to run at a specific date and time.

Click the Schedule icon Sm calendar.png to activate, deactivate, create or modify the report's schedule.

Last Modified             The date on which the report was last edited and saved.
Permalink Click Copy to create a Permalink to the specific report.

Filter the Saved Reports list

Use the filter options to limit the saved reports that are displayed in the list to those that meet specific criteria.

The following filter controls are located in the top right corner of the list:

Filter Description
Delete  Click the Delete icon Smicon delete.pngto delete the selected report.
Name Enter a sequence of characters.

Only the saved reports whose name contains the letters you entered are displayed.

Template        Select the report template to include in the list and click Done to activate the filter.

Only the saved reports based on the template(s) you selected are displayed.

Created By Select the users to include in the list and click Done to activate the filter.

Only the saved reports that were created by the selected user(s) are displayed.

Sharing Select My Reports to display only those reports that you created or Shared Reports to display only those reports that were created by other users and shared with you. Click Done to activate the filter.

Drill down and view additional details about the report

  1. Create a new report or open a saved report.
  2. Run the report. The report is opened in the SpeechMiner Report Viewer.
  3. Click a graphic component in the report to drill down to the underlying data represented by the graphic component.

Delete a saved report

  1. Select Reports > Saved Reports
  2. Select the report or reports you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon Smicon delete.png.
  4. Click Yes. The report is deleted.
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