Action maps

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An action map represents the steps Genesys Predictive Engagement will take when a customer satisfies the criteria you specify.

About action maps

An action map represents the steps that Genesys Predictive Engagement takes to steer your customers towards a particular business outcome. For example, you can create an action map that presents a chat to visitors who go to the page for your current promotional campaign. The chat might ask the customer whether they want to talk directly with someone in sales who could then help them complete their purchase.

When you create an action map, you define what triggers it. The types of triggers that you can define are:

  • Who the visitor is (what group or "segment" the visitor belongs to)
  • What actions the visitor takes on your website

In addition, Genesys Predictive Engagement automatically triggers action maps based on outcome probability scores.

You can use any number and combination of triggers for your action map. The more triggers that you use, the more targeted the action map becomes.


Before you create action maps:

Design action maps

When you design action maps, consider the following points:

  • If a visitor is progressing towards a business outcome, do not impede their progress by popping an unnecessary chat window. Intervene only when a visitor's activity indicates that they are no longer on track to achieve the outcome you want.
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement automatically tracks when a visitor:
    • Completes fields in a form
    • Searches for something
    • Responds to a chat offer
    • Does not respond to a chat offer
    • Initially responds to a chat offer but then remains inactive until the offer times out
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement can also track custom events that you define. For example:
    • A customer adds an item to their shopping cart but then removed items or abandoned the shopping cart

View your action maps

  1. Click Engagement > Action Maps.

Create an action map

  1. Click Engagement > Action Maps.
  2. Click Create. If this is your first action map, click Get Started.
  3. Give the action map a descriptive name.
  4. Define what triggers the action map:
  5. Define how Genesys Predictive Engagement should engage the customer.

Trigger based on customer activity

  1. Under Choose customer engagement, click Customer activity.
  2. Under Set conditions, define the activities you want to track.
Specify as many conditions as you need. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates the conditions in the order in which you define them.

Trigger based on segment assigned

  1. Under Choose customer engagement, click Segment Assigned.
  2. Select the segments.
  3. To engage all visitors regardless of their persona, click All visitors.
  4. To engage visitors based on their persona, click the applicable personas.
  5. To create a new persona for this action map, click New persona.
Use as many personas as you need.

Configure customer engagement

  1. Select how Genesys Predictive Engagement interacts with a customer.
  2. Select when the engagement begins.
  3. Configure the time range and end date.

Leave the Configure End Date option unselected if you want this engagement to last indefinitely.

Design the engagement

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