forms: track

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This topic is part of the manual Journey JavaScript SDK for version Current of Genesys Predictive Engagement.

Learn how to use theforms:track method to capture when users complete web-based forms.


The forms:track method tracks form submission and abandonment events. By default, forms tracking captures form data upon submit or abandon.

  • Recorded form data includes the values of all input, select, and textarea fields.
  • Recorded form data excludes the values of hidden, submit, and password fields, along with any fields that contain any of the following sensitive input strings:
Credit and debit card information Personal information
  • ^cc
  • cardnum
  • ccnum
  • creditcard
  • csc
  • cvc
  • cvv
  • exp
  • pass
  • billing
  • seccode
  • securitycode
  • securitynum
  • socsec
  • socialsec
  • ssn
In order for Altocloud SDK forms tracking to capture form data, each input needs to have a properly defined name attribute.

See also Form Tracking API.


ac('forms:track', [selector], [options]);



  • Description: The element you want to track.
  • Type: string
  • Status: optional
  • Default: form


  • Description: The activity or behavior that you want to track.
  • Type: object
  • Status: optional
  • Default: {}
  • Properties:
Name Description Type Status Default Arguments
boolean optional true  
boolean optional true  
function optional
traitsMapper   traitsMapper      
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