iWD Attributes

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys CX Insights Multicloud Projects Reference Guide for version Current of Reporting.

Attributes that you can use to build reports based on IWD data.

Use this document for Genesys CX Insights Multicloud deployments. For information relevant to Genesys CX Insights on-premises deployments, see the corresponding page in the Genesys CX Insights on-premises Projects Reference Guide.

The iWD root folder contains numerous attributes that you can use to build intelligent Workload Distribution (iWD)-related reports.

Note the following:

  • When creating attributes, any forms you create must have a one-is-to-one mapping relationship. For example, an attribute that represents the name of a customer can have only one phone number form associated with it.
  • Objects in each folder or subfolder are designed to be used together to create reports. Avoid mixing attributes and metrics from multiple folders into your reports. One exception to this rule is objects in the Time folder; Time attributes can be used in any report, and most reports include at least one attribute from the Time folder.

The following Attributes are available in this folder and are described on this page.


iWD > Age

iWD > Agent

iWD > Capture

iWD > Classification

iWD > Email

iWD > Queue

  • There are no attributes in this folder

iWD > Service Objects

iWD > Time

Folder: iWD

Attribute name: Category Level 10

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 10th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 3

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 3rd category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 4

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 4th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 5

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 5th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 6

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 6th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 7

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 7th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 8

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 8th category level.
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Attribute name: Category Level 9

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the 9th category level.
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Attribute name: Custom Dimension

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of custom dimension. The name of this attribute was Customer Dim in some releases of GCXI.
Form(s): Custom Dimension Attribute 1, Custom Dimension Attribute 2, Custom Dimension Attribute 3, Custom Dimension Attribute 4, Custom Dimension Attribute 5
Forms in this attribute:
Form: Custom Dimension Attribute 1

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Custom Dimension Attribute 1.
Form: Custom Dimension Attribute 2

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Custom Dimension Attribute 2.
Form: Custom Dimension Attribute 3

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Custom Dimension Attribute 3.
Form: Custom Dimension Attribute 4

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Custom Dimension Attribute 4.
Form: Custom Dimension Attribute 5

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Custom Dimension Attribute 5.
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Attribute name: Department

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the department in which the interaction was handled.
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Attribute name: Media Type

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by media type. It is one of the following values: workitem, email, Unknown.
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Attribute name: Process

Folder: iWD
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of process or application.
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Folder: iWD > Age

Attribute name: Age Range
Introduced: 9.0.013

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age is defined in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
Form(s): Age Range Minutes, Age Range 15 min, Age Range 1 hour, Age Range 4 hour, Age Range 8 hour, Age Range 1 day, Age Range 1 week
Forms in this attribute:

Data type:

Form: Age Range 1 day

Table.Column: AGE.AGE_RANGE_1DAY
Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 1 day ranges.
Form: Age Range 1 hour

Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 1-hour ranges.
Form: Age Range 15 min

Table.Column: AGE.AGE_RANGE_15min
Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, wwhere age has a granularity of 15-minutes ranges.
Form: Age Range 4 hour

Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 4-hours ranges.
Form: Age Range 8 hour

Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 8-hours ranges.
Form: Age Range Minutes

Data type:

Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age is defined in minutes.
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Attribute name: Age Range 1 day

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 1 day ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range 1 hour

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 1 hour ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range 15 min

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 15 minute ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range 4 hour

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 4 hour ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range 8 hour

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of 8 hour ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range Minutes

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of minute ranges.
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Attribute name: Age Range Week

Folder: iWD > Age
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the age of the task, where age has a granularity of weekly ranges.
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Folder: iWD > Agent

Attribute name: Agent Name
Introduced: 9.x

Folder: iWD > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized by the agent name.
Form(s): Agent Name
Forms in this attribute:
Form: Agent Name

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by the agent name.
Form: Employee ID

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the Employee ID of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: First Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the first name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: Last Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the last name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: User Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the user name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
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Attribute name: Employee ID

Folder: iWD > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the employee identifier of the agent who assigned the task or work item, as reported by the source system.
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Attribute name: Interaction Subtype

Folder: iWD > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized by the interaction subtype. For Inbound interaction type, the following values are typical: InboundNew, InboundCustomerReply. For Outbound interaction type: OutboundNew, OutboundReply, OutboundAcknowledgement, OutboundAutoResponse, OutboundCollaborationInvite, OutboundRedirect.
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Attribute name: Interaction Type

Folder: iWD > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized by the interaction type. This field is set to one of the following values: Unknown, Inbound, Outbound.
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Attribute name: Result Code

Folder: iWD > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of result code.
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Folder: iWD > Capture

Attribute name: Business Value Range

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
Form(s): Business Value Range 5, Business Value Range 10, Business Value Range 50, Business Value Range 100, Business Value Range 500, Business Value Range 1000
Forms in this attribute:
Form: Business Value Range 10

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 10.
Form: Business Value Range 100

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 100.
Form: Business Value Range 1000

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 1000.
Form: Business Value Range 5

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 5.
Form: Business Value Range 50

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 50.
Form: Business Value Range 500

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by Business Value Range 500.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 10

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 100

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 1000

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 5

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 50

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Business Value Range 500

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: This attribute enables data to be organized by the type of business value.
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Attribute name: Capture Point

Folder: iWD > Capture
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of capture point.
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Folder: iWD > Classification

Attribute name: Category

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of category.
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Attribute name: Customer Segment

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of customer segment.
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Attribute name: Media Channel

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of media channel.
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Attribute name: Product

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of product.
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Attribute name: Product Subtype

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the subtype of product.
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Attribute name: Source Process

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of source process.
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Attribute name: Source Process Subtype

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the subtype of source process.
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Attribute name: Source Tenant

Folder: iWD > Classification
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of source tenant.
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Folder: iWD > Email

Attribute name: QA Review Disposition Code
Introduced: 9.0.019

Folder: iWD > Email
Description: Enables data to be organized by the disposition code type.
Form(s): QA Review Disposition Code
Forms in this attribute:

Data type:

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Folder: iWD > Queue

There are no attributes in this folder

Folder: iWD > Service Objects

Attribute name: Agent Name
Introduced: 9.x

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by the agent name.
Form(s): Agent Name
Forms in this attribute:
Form: Agent Name

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by the agent name.
Form: Employee ID

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the Employee ID of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: First Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the first name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: Last Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the last name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: User Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the user name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
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Attribute name: Batch ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the batch number, for jobs that are processed in batches.
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Attribute name: Batch Last Event ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by the ID of the last event.
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Attribute name: Capture ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by the ID of the task capture as issued by the originating source system.
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Attribute name: Component

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by the name of the CX Insights schema.
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Attribute name: Customer ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by customer ID, which is an extended attribute of a task or work item that the source system assigns.
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Attribute name: Data Source Name

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the database ID.
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Attribute name: Data Source Type

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the type of the primary data source, which is one of CONFIG, TASK, or DATAMART.
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Attribute name: Employee ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the employee identifier of the agent who assigned the task or work item, as reported by the source system.
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Attribute name: ETL Audit Key

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the technical key that identified the DataMart job.
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Attribute name: Finish Time

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the date and time when the job finished.
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Attribute name: First Extracted Event ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the ID of the first event in the range of IDs that were processed.
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Attribute name: Interaction ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the task ID, which is a unique identifier within a given Interaction Server database.
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Attribute name: Job Type

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the type of job, which is one of INTRADAY or HISTORICAL.
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Attribute name: Last Agent Name
Introduced: 9.x

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by name of the agent who was last assigned the task or work item, as captured by the source system.
Form(s): ID, Last Agent Name
Forms in this attribute:
Form: ID

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by name of the ID of the agent who was last assigned the task or work item, as captured by the source system.
Form: Last Agent Name

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by name of the agent who was last assigned the task or work item, as captured by the source system.
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Attribute name: Last Employee ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by ID of the employee identifier who was last assigned the task or work item, as captured by the source system.
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Attribute name: Last Extracted Event ID

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the ID of the last event in the range of IDs that were processed.
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Attribute name: Process Name

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the name of the job that processed the records.
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Attribute name: Source Tenant

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized by the type of source tenant.
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Attribute name: Start Time

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the date and time at which the job started.
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Attribute name: Status

Folder: iWD > Service Objects
Description: Enables data to be organized based on job status, which is one of FINISHED, IN PROGRESS, FAILED.
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Folder: iWD > Time

Attribute name: 15 Minutes

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by 15- or 30-minutes intervals.
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Attribute name: Day

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular day within a month and year. Day values are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
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Attribute name: Hour

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular hour within a day. Hour values are presented in YYYY-MM-DD-HH24 format.
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Attribute name: Month

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular month within a year. Month values are presented in YYYY-MM format.
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Attribute name: Month Year Ago

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Used in the Interaction Volume Summary Report to enable year-by-year comparisons of data that is aggregated by month. This attribute is specifically for the first year of the comparison. Month values are presented in YYYYMM format.
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Attribute name: Month Year Next

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Used in the Interaction Volume Summary Report to enable year-by-year comparisons of data that is aggregated by month. This attribute is specifically for the second year of the comparison. Month values are presented in YYYY-MM format.
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Attribute name: Quarter

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular quarter within a year. Quarter values are presented in YYYY-QQ format.
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Attribute name: Week

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by a particular week within a year. Week values are presented in YYYY-WE format.
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Attribute name: Year

Folder: iWD > Time
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by year, in four-digit format (YYYY).
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