Chat Attributes

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys CX Insights Multicloud Projects Reference Guide for version Current of Reporting.

Attributes that you can use to build chat-related reports.

Use this document for Genesys CX Insights Multicloud deployments. For information relevant to Genesys CX Insights on-premises deployments, see the corresponding page in the Genesys CX Insights on-premises Projects Reference Guide.

The Chat folder contains numerous attributes that you can use to build chat-related reports.

Note the following:

  • When creating attributes, any forms you create must have a one-is-to-one mapping relationship. For example, an attribute that represents the name of a customer can have only one phone number form associated with it.
Objects in each folder or subfolder are designed to be used together to create reports. Avoid mixing attributes and metrics from multiple folders into your reports. One exception to this rule is objects in the Time folder; Time attributes can be used in any report, and most reports include at least one attribute from the Time folder.

The following Attributes are available in this folder and are described on this page.


Chat > Agent

Chat > Async

  • There are no attributes in this folder

Chat > Thread

Folder: Chat

Attribute name: End Reason
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the reason why the chat ended.
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Attribute name: Ended By
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat
Description: Enables data to be organized based on what party ended the interaction (agent, customer, or timeout).
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Attribute name: Language Name
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat
Description: Enables data to be organized based on the language used in the chat interaction.
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Attribute name: Media Origin
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat
Description: Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS.
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Attribute name: Mode
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat
Description: Enables data to be organized by the mode (Regular or Async).
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Folder: Chat > Agent

Attribute name: Agent Group

Folder: Chat > Agent
Description: Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the groups to which agents belong. An agent can belong to more than one agent group.
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Attribute name: Agent Name

Folder: Chat > Agent
Description: Enables data to be organized by certain attributes of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form(s): User Name, Last Name, First Name, Employee ID
Forms in this attribute:
Form: Agent Name

Data type:

Description: Enables data to be organized by the agent name.
Form: Employee ID

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the Employee ID of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: First Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the first name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: Last Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the last name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
Form: User Name

Data type: Text

Description: Enables data to be organized by the user name of the agent who is associated with the interaction.
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Folder: Chat > Async

There are no attributes in this folder

Folder: Chat > Thread

Attribute name: Media Origin
Introduced: 9.0.011

Folder: Chat > Thread
Description: Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS.
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