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ATC/Current/AdminGuide Create actions and action maps Learn about the types of actions available in Genesys Predictive Engagement. Learn how to create action maps that use actions to engage visitors and further your business goals.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Get started Get started implementing Genesys Predictive Engagement in your organization.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Glossary Learn Genesys Predictive Engagement terminology.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Pre-configured settings Learn about the pre-configured settings that Genesys Predictive Engagement contains. The settings cannot be edited.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide See results Learn about the analytics capabilities that Genesys Predictive Engagement provides.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Solutions, best practices, and business scenarios Review these articles to improve and extend your use of Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Third-party integrations Use an Architect flow action to send journey context data information to third-party systems using a special type of Architect workflow.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide Track journey events Learn how to start tracking visitors on your website with Genesys Predictive Engagement. Then, learn about the tools for identifying and organizing types of visitors and their trackable behaviors.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Apply to webpages An action map can trigger on any page where you use Genesys Predictive Engagement to track visitor activity. When you build an action map that uses a web action, identify the webpages where you want the offer to appear. You can also specify pages where you don't want the offer to appear.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Attributes and operators When you create an action map, you specify the conditions that make it possible. To specify the conditions, define an expression that includes an attribute and an operator.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Create an action map Learn how to create and manage your action maps. Action maps work on desktop applications and mobile devices.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Define outcome probabilities Predictive Engagement uses AI to predict the actions that your visitors will take. Help refine its modeling by identifying outcome probabilities.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Maintain action maps Genesys Predictive Engagement provides several features for maintaining action maps.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Monitor action maps Use analytics to assess the effectiveness of your action maps.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Override global frequency capping If frequency capping for web engagements is configured at the global level, you can override it for an individual action map.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Overview and best practices Improve your action maps by reviewing the overall process for creating them and our suggested best practices.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Prioritize the action maps Multiple action maps can trigger on a webpage. To ensure that Genesys Predictive Engagement picks the most appropriate one, configure the priority for each action map.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Route the action map Configure how Genesys Predictive Engagement routes visitors who respond to a web action and who are ready to work with an agent or sales representative directly.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Schedule group For an action map that offers a web chat, you can select a schedule group to designate when agents are available. Genesys Predictive Engagement offers chats only when agents are available to connect with visitors who accept the chat offers.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Select an action Select and configure the action for the action map to use to engage your visitors.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About action maps Trigger an action map Configure an action map to trigger based on segment match, outcome probability, and/or visitor activity. Use the audience size estimator to understand the potential reach based on the segments and the outcome probability you set.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Architect flow actions Architect flows allow you to send journey context data to third-party systems using a special type of Architect workflow. For example, you can send information about campaign contacts to Salesforce or another CRM.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Content offers Content offers allow you to present highly customized, personalized offers to your website visitors.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Monitor your actions Genesys Predictive Engagement's analytics allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your actions.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Overview of actions and action maps An action represents the steps to take to engage with users or to further related business outcomes. Genesys Predictive Engagement supports numerous types of actions, including content offers, webhooks, web messaging, and webchats.

An action map defines when and how you use an action.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Web chats Web chats allow you to present a standalone chat window to visitors.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About actions Web messaging Web messaging allows you to support interactions that occur when a visitor enters and exits your site numerous times. For example, a visitor might converse with an agent, leave your site, return to your site, resume the conversation, and then place an order.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About analytics Availability of analytics data Understand how Genesys Predictive Engagement's machine learning processes visitor data for reports. Learn when data results are available to you. Understand how you can select the granularity of data that appears in reports.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About analytics Billing and usage View your billing and usage information.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About analytics Reports Learn about the Genesys Predictive Engagement reports and the performance views in Genesys Cloud CX.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About attributes Create attributes Create attributes for use in segments, outcomes, and action maps.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About attributes Types of attributes Genesys Predictive Engagement organizes attributes by type:
  • Visitor attributes are characteristics that all users in the group share. For example, location, browser, and device type.
  • Campaign attributes enable UTM-tracking of user activity on campaign websites.
  • Visitor journey attributes are actions that all users in the group take. For example, they all complete a form or go to a webpage.
  • Custom attributes allow you to define criteria that are specific to your business needs.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About compliance and data Compliance Learn how to use Genesys Predictive Engagement in a compliant manner.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About content offers Configure an action map to use a content offer Learn how to configure an action map to use a content offer.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About content offers Create and publish a content offer Learn how to create a content offer and publish it for use with action maps.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About content offers Manage a content offer Learn how to manage content offers in the Action Library.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About content offers Monitor a content offer Learn about the tools you can use to see who is viewing your content offer and how effective it is.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About content offers Overview Learn what a content offer is and how it works in Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About global settings Action settings Configure frequency capping for presenting web chats and content offers to visitors during a single session.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About global settings Tracking settings Configure how to track visitors as they move through your website. For example, you can specify the domains to track and configure web-related tracking settings, such as whether to exclude query parameters and track URL fragments.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About global settings Tracking snippet Start tracking visitors on your website using the tracking snippet.

If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer, we encourage you to use the new web messaging feature to replace web chat. To start tracking visitors on your website, configure and deploy messenger instead.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About journey data Customer journey data Learn what types of customer journey data that you and your agents can see about the visitors on your website.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About outcomes Attribute and operators When you create an outcome, you specify the conditions that make it possible. To specify the conditions, define an expression that includes an attribute and an operator.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About outcomes Create outcomes To allow Genesys Predictive Engagement to predict visitor behavior, define your business goals as outcomes.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About outcomes Outcome score prediction When visitors come to your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks how they navigate your website and complete web-based forms. Genesys Predictive Engagement uses AI and machine learning to analyze the traffic on your website to identify patterns of behavior. Based on these patterns, Genesys Predictive Engagement determines the probability, or likelihood of a visitor completing an outcome.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About outcomes Use outcomes in an action map After you create an outcome, you can configure an action map to trigger based on the probability of a visitor achieving it.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About outcomes View outcome scores You can see the outcome scores for users changing in real time in Live Now.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About segments Attributes and operators Conditions are the criteria by which Genesys Predictive Engagement assigns visitors to segments. Every condition must have an operator.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About segments Best practices and examples Review best practices and examples to improve how you create segments.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About segments Segment usage Use segments to trigger action maps and evaluate visitor activity.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About segments Segments
Feature coming soon: Customer segments

Create and maintain session segments, customer segments, and third-party segments. Determine when segments are available for use in action maps and reports, and when agents can see them in the Journey gadget.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About sessions Event types Event types are templates of attributes that you capture for events. You can view the available event types and configure how specific instances of events appear to agents.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About sessions Overview As a business, you want to collect data about all the ways in which a customer interacts with your company, along with the outcomes of those interactions. Genesys Predictive Engagement captures this information as sessions and events.

You can analyze this data to acquire business intelligence, develop a unified view of the customer, improve agent and bot performance, deflect calls, improve customer satisfaction, and improve business outcomes.

ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About sessions Web sessions Genesys Predictive Engagement allows agents to view the complete history of web-based interactions that customers have with your website. We verify contacts when web sessions begin and track specific types of web events.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web chats Create and monitor web chat offers Learn how to create a web chat offer and monitor its performance.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web chats Overview Learn what a web chat is and how it works in Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web messaging Get started with web messaging Learn how to start using web messaging with Genesys Predictive Engagement. If you are using web chat offers currently, you must complete the migration tasks first.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web messaging Monitor web messaging offers Learn how to monitor the performance of your web messaging offers.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/About web messaging Overview Learn what web messaging is and how it works in Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AboutArchFlows Monitor an Architect flow action's performance Use the Action Map Performance report to monitor an Architect flow action's performance.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AboutArchFlows Overview Learn the purpose of Architect flow actions, review the process of creating Architect flow actions, and review a business scenario to understand how Architect flow actions work.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AboutArchFlows Prepare Architect components To use Architect to integrate Genesys Predictive Engagement with a third-party system, prepare a special type of flow called a workflow that calls a session ID. Genesys Predictive Engagement provides a predefined example workflow that you can use. You just need to import it and update the referential integrity constraints.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AboutArchFlows Prepare Genesys Cloud CX components The first step in creating an Architect flow action is to configure an integration and configure its data action in Genesys Cloud CX.
ATC/Current/AdminGuide/AboutArchFlows Prepare Predictive Engagement components Finally, create an action map that uses the Architect flow action.
ATC/Current/AgentGuide Agent experience Learn what information appears when a visitor accepts an offer to chat from Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AgentGuide Get started Get started using Genesys Predictive Engagement.
ATC/Current/AgentGuide Journey details Learn what information you can see about a visitor's journey on your website.
ATC/Current/AgentGuide Visitor experience Learn how Genesys Predictive Engagement engages visitors on your website.
ATC/Current/Event Business scenarios and best practices See example business scenarios and review best practices.
ATC/Current/Event Get started Get started tracking events with tag managers.
ATC/Current/Event Tag library Learn how to use predefined tags to customize how Genesys Predictive Engagement works.
ATC/Current/Event Tag managers Learn how to deploy Genesys Predictive Engagement tracking on your website using your preferred tag manager.
ATC/Current/Event/About event tracking Adobe Launch You can use Adobe Launch's pre-built extensions, rules, actions, events, and conditions, to track events that are specific to your webpage and business needs.
ATC/Current/Event/About event tracking Examples and scenarios View examples of the types of event tags you can use to refine how Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks user activities. Review the scenario to understand the complete process of building custom tags, deploying them on your website, and then using them with Genesys Predictive Engagement segments.
ATC/Current/Event/About event tracking Google Tag Manager You can use Google Tag Manager's pre-built tags, triggers, and variables, to track events that are specific to your webpage and business needs.
ATC/Current/Event/About event tracking Tag library Use prebuilt tags to streamline your implementation.
ATC/Current/Event/About scenarios and best practices Examples and scenarios View examples of the types of event tags that you can use to refine how Genesys Predictive Engagement tracks user activities. Review the scenario to understand the complete process of creating custom tags, deploying them on your website, and then using them with Genesys Predictive Engagement segments.
ATC/Current/Event/About tag managers Adobe Launch You can use Adobe Launch's pre-built extensions, rules, actions, events, and conditions, to track events that are specific to your webpage and business needs.
ATC/Current/Event/About tag managers Google Tag Manager You can use Google Tag Manager's pre-built tags, triggers, and variables, to track events that are specific to your webpage and business needs.
ATC/Current/SDK APIs Learn how to use APIs to track user activity, form submissions, and abandonment events.
ATC/Current/SDK Get started Learn how to get started using the Journey JavaScript SDK.
ATC/Current/SDK Methods Learn about the methods that are available in the Journey JavaScript SDK.
ATC/Current/SDK Modules Learn about JavaScript files that enhance the functionality that the Journey JavaScript SDK provides.
ATC/Current/SDK Trait mapping Learn how to map multiple records for the same customer to see more complete customer profiles.
ATC/Current/SDK/About events methods Events methods Events methods allow you to receive notifications about activities that the Journey JavaScript SDK tracks.
ATC/Current/SDK/About events methods Use Events methods with content offers You can use Events methods to capture data related to Content offers.
ATC/Current/SDK/About events methods Use Events methods with web chats You can use Events methods to capture data related to web chats.
AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide Configure and deploy Find out how to configure and deploy Genesys Authentication.
AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide Observability Learn how to monitor Genesys Authentication with metrics and logging.
AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide Overview Learn more about Genesys Authentication and how to get started.
DC/9.0.0/Deployment Deploy Learn how to deploy Digital Channels in Kubernetes or using Docker Compose.
DC/9.0.0/Deployment Integrate with the tenant Learn how to configure tenant objects and enable a tenant.
DC/9.0.0/Deployment Provision Learn how to configure and provision Digital Channels.
DES/Current/Designer/Features Building applications Using the various blocks to build applications in Designer.
DES/Current/Designer/Features Getting started Learn the basics.
DES/Current/Designer/Features Managing resources View and manage your application resources.
DES/Current/Designer/Features Reporting and Analytics Designer has an integrated set of dashboards that provide detailed information about your operations.
DES/Current/DESPEGuide Configure and deploy Find out how to configure and deploy Designer.
DES/Current/DESPEGuide Kubernetes platform specific information Learn more about settings specific to the Kubernetes platform or the container orchestration platform you are deploying Designer on.
DES/Current/DESPEGuide Operations Learn how to monitor Designer with metrics and logging.


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