Deploy CX Contact
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) Private Edition Guide for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).
Learn how to deploy CX Contact into a private edition environment.
Related documentation:
- The instructions on this page assume you are deploying the service in a service-specific namespace, named in accordance with the requirements on Creating namespaces. If you are using a single namespace for all private edition services, replace the namespace element in the commands on this page with the name of your single namespace or project.
- Similarly, the configuration and environment setup instructions assume you need to create namespace-specific (in other words, service-specific) secrets. If you are using a single namespace for all private edition services, you might not need to create separate secrets for each service, depending on your credentials management requirements. However, if you do create service-specific secrets in a single namespace, be sure to avoid naming conflicts.
Review Before you begin for the full list of prerequisites required to deploy CX Contact.CX Contact is a shared service and is deployed in each region, as required. After deployment, it will be fully functional only in the tenant's primary region.
Prepare cluster resources
To prepare your cluster resources, create a storage class.
Creating the storage class is optional. If you have an existing storage class, you can use it and a different provisioner, but the storage class must have ReadWriteMany (RWX) capabilities.Create the Storage Class
- Log in to the cluster using the Command Line Interface (CLI).
- Go to Storage, and click Storage Claim > Create Storage Class.
- Click Edit YAML.
- Update the values in the template using the example below that works with the setup of your environment.
- If your cluster is on-premises (NFS-based storage):
apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: cxc-storage provisioner: cluster.local/nfs-vce-c00ds-vol1-nfs-subdir-external-provisioner reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: Immediate
- If your cluster is in the cloud (Azure files-based storage):
apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: cxc-storage provisioner: reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: Immediate
- If your cluster is on-premises (NFS-based storage):
- Click Create.
Deploy CX Contact
Complete the following procedure using Kubectl and the Helm tools:
- Create a new project or a namespace.
- For Kubernetes, enter
kubectl create namespace cxc
- For GKE, enter
kubectl create ns cxc
- For AKS, enter
kubectl create namespace cxc
- For Kubernetes, enter
- Create the pull secret.Use the following code snippets as examples of how to create the default pull secret:
- For generic Kubernetes:
oc create secret docker-registry mycred --docker-server=<docker repo> --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<API key from jfrog>
- For GKE :
kubectl create secret docker-registry mycred --docker-server=<docker repo> --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<API key from jfrog> --docker-email=<emailid>
- For AKS:
kubectl create secret docker-registry mycred --docker-server=<docker repo> --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<API key from jfrog> --docker-email=<emailid>
- For generic Kubernetes:
- Download latest version of the CX Contact installation Helm Charts from the artifactory. See the JFrog Platform Artifactory.
- Extract parameters from chart to see multiple (default) values used to fine-tune the installation.
helm install cxc ./cxcontact-<chart_version>.tgz > values.yaml
- You can apply multiple override values to customize your setup. However, Genesys recommends using minimal overriding values in the installation:
- For example, override_values.yaml
configserver: user_name: cloudcon user_password: cloudcon cxcontact: replicas: 2 log: level: info compliance_data: cdp_url: false cdp_ng: gcloud_id: false gcloud_secret: false # override: #if connecting to Nexus. Otherwise Dial Manager is off # dial-manager: # enabled: false # nexus: # host: .. # port: .. # api_key: .. #required monitoring: enabled: true dashboards: false alarms: false pagerduty: false redis: enabled: true cluster: true # can be comma-delimited list of redis nodes, for e.g. # nodes: redis://redis-node1:6379,redis://redis-node2:6379,redis://redis-node3:6379 nodes: redis://infra-redis-redis-cluster.infra.svc.cluster.local:6379 #use_tls: false requirepass: true password: <redis_password> elasticsearch: enabled: true host: http://elastic-es-http.infra.svc.cluster.local port: 9200 gws: # secret in plain text client_id: cx_contact client_secret: cx_contact # GWS Ingress URL frontend_host: https://gauth.apps.<your_cluster> frontend_port: 443 # Services. Will be used for connection to GWS if GWS Internal Ingress URL is disabled (empty values) core: auth: host: http://gauth-auth.gauth port: 80 environment: host: http://gauth-environment.gauth port: 80 platform: ocs: host: http://gws-service-proxy.gws port: 80 configuration: host: http://gws-service-proxy.gws port: 80 statistics: host: http://gws-service-proxy.gws port: 80 setting: host: http://gws-service-proxy.gws port: 80 voice: host: http://gws-service-proxy.gws port: 80 ingress: enabled: true #tls_enabled: false cxc_frontend: cxc.apps.<your_cluster> annotations: # !!!Ingress Session Stickiness is required. # Default annotations: cookie "Lax" "cxc-session-cookie" "0" tls: [] # - hosts: # - chart-example.local # secretName: chart-example-tls # Additional ingress to expose internal backend endpoints. # If disabled - all endpoints will be exposed on ingress.cxc_frontend internal_ingress: enabled: true tls_enabled: false cxc_backend: cxc-int.apps.<your_cluster> annotations: # Default annotations: "0" 'false' tls: [] # - hosts: # - chart-example.local # secretName: chart-example-tls storage: # Persistent Volumes Claim Configuration pvc: enabled: true create: true # Instructs Helm to skip deleting PVC when a helm operation (such as helm uninstall, helm upgrade or helm rollback) # would result in its deletion. However, this resource becomes orphaned. Helm will no longer manage it in any way. # # If PVC is already orphaned and you want to re-use it - set `storage.pvc.create` to `false`. keepAfterDeletion: false size: 10Gi name: cxc-claim storageClassName: cxc-storage
- Validate the Helm chart and provided values, enter:
$ helm template cxc ./cxcontact-<chart_version>.tgz -f override_values.yaml
- Install the CX Contact chart, using the override values file that you prepared in step, enter:
$ helm install cxc ./cxcontact-<chart_version>.tgz -f override_values.yaml
- If errors occur, verify the input values, YAML files syntax, and your Kubernetes context. enter:
$ kubectl config get-contexts $ kubectl get pods -n cxc $ kubectl describe pod <pod name> -n cxc
- If troubleshooting is necessary, try adding the --dry-run command line parameter in helm install .. for verbose error output.
- To see the full set of available parameters, extract the default helm values from helm package:
$ helm show values cxcontact-<chart_version>.tgz > values.yaml
- For persistent volume claims in production, Genesys recommends 100-200 GB.
This completes the CX Contact shared service installation.
Next steps:
- Provision tenant for CX Contact/outbound. See Provision CX Contact.
- Validate the deployment.
Validate the deployment
- Watch the helm output at the end of installation. It provides the status and additional information about where to log in to the CX Contact UI. See the following sample output:
Release "cxc" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: cxc LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jul 13 10:18:07 2021 NAMESPACE: cxc STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Please be patient while CXContact <release_number> is being deployed ENDPOINTS: UI: http://cxc.apps.<your_cluster>/ui/cxcontact/#!/campaign/list API basepath: http://cxc.apps.<your_cluster>/cx-contact/v3/ API swagger doc: http://cxc.apps.<your_cluster>/cx-contact/v3/explore CXC backend basepath: http://cxc-int.apps.<your_cluster>/
- Check the status of the Events and Pods. Pods should be up and running—8 CX Contact components in total (7, if you have not defined Nexus for digital outbound).
- Check the amark-app and other pods logs, primarily for errors related to connectivity to Redis and Elasticsearch.
- If you have provisioned tenants for CX Contact, log in to the CX Contact UI (use URL from the Helm output above) using the tenant's administrator credentials. If you can log in successfully, that confirms that CX Contact works with the Redis cluster:
- Check the CX Contact About > Versions page for the health status of the CX Contact components. They should be all green.
- Check the Analytics page. It should show your successful log in, and confirm that CX Contact works with Elasticsearch.
- Try to create a test Contact list. If you succeed, CX Contact will display a success confirmation message.
Configure monitoring and logging
CX Contact monitoring is enabled by default.
See monitoring details and how to configure logging parameters in Observability in Outbound (CX Contact).
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