Configure CX Contact
Learn how to configure CX Contact.
Override Helm chart values
You can specify parameters for the deployment by overriding Helm chart values in the values.yaml file. See the Parameters table for a full list of overridable values.
For more information about Helm chart values, see Overriding Helm chart values.
Parameter | Description |
configserver.user_name, user_password | Defines the system username and password for CX Contact. |
redis.nodes | Provides a valid URI to Redis. |
redis.password | Provides a valid auth password for Redis. | | Provides a valid URI to Elasticsearch. |
gws.client_id | The name of the GWS service client that will be created (if it doesn't exist) and the secret that will be placed in the k8s secrets repository. |
gws.client_secret | The client that will be created with this secret string. If a GWS client with this name already exists, you'll need to enter the secret here. |
gws.frontend_host, frontend_port | The SSO GAuth URI where CX Contact redirects during log in. |
core.auth, environment | The internal URI to core services that is required for further provisioning. You can see, in our example GAuth is installed in namespace "gauth" |
platform.ocs, configration, .. etc. | The internal URI to the platform's GWS services. You can see, in our example GWS is installed in namespace "gws" |
ingress.cxc_frontend | Creates a URI that is used by Ingress to route external incoming requests to CX Contact (Web UI and API). |
internal_ingress.cxc_backend | Creates the URI that is used by Ingress to route internal incoming requests to CX Contact (API for OCS, GWS, Designer, etc) |
storage.size | Defines the appropriate size for the permanent storage, depending on the daily volume of interactions, etc. |
storage.storageClassName | Picks the existing Storage Class, which is described in this document earlier. |
Configure Kubernetes
Preconfiguring Kubernetes ConfigMaps and create a default secret when you are preparing the cluster resources.
Configure security
When configuring CX Contact, you must set the connectivity to the Compliance Data Provider (CDP).
As of 9.0.025.xx, CX Contact uses CDP NG by default. The following Helm chart settings control the CDP NG connectivity:
url: ""
gcloud_auth: ""
embedded_basepath: "/list_builder/data/ng_init_data"
areacode: "AU,CA,GB,NZ,US"
geo: "AU,CA,GB,NZ,US"
postal: "CA,GB,US"
dnc: "GB,US"
You can use the following parameters to switch to legacy CDP:
url: false
gcloud_auth: false
gcloud_id: false
gcloud_secret: false
embedded_basepath: "/list_builder/data/init_data"
Security Context
The security context settings define the privilege and access control settings for pods and containers.
By default, the user and group IDs are set in the values.yaml file as 500:500:500, meaning the genesys user. For example:
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500
fsGroup: 500
TLS authentication
TLS 1.2 connectivity is required for all connections to databases (Redis, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch) and connections must be authenticated using credentials.