Observability in Outbound (CX Contact)

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This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) Private Edition Guide for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).

Learn about the logs, metrics, and alerts you should monitor for Outbound (CX Contact).


Private edition services expose metrics that can be scraped by Prometheus, to support monitoring operations and alerting.

  • As described on Monitoring overview and approach, you can use a tool like Grafana to create dashboards that query the Prometheus metrics to visualize operational status.
  • As described on Customizing Alertmanager configuration, you can configure Alertmanager to send notifications to notification providers such as PagerDuty, to notify you when an alert is triggered because a metric has exceeded a defined threshold.

The services expose a number of Genesys-defined and third-party metrics. The metrics that are defined in third-party software used by private edition services are available for you to use as long as the third-party provider still supports them. For descriptions of available Outbound (CX Contact) metrics, see:

See also System metrics.

Enable monitoring

CX Contact monitoring is enabled by default.

The following Kubernetes objects are created, based on default parameter settings in the Helm chart:

  • ServiceMonitor—Prometheus operator uses this object to auto-discover endpoints for metrics scraping.
  • PrometheusRule— AlertManager uses this object to import alert rules.
  • Several ConfigMaps—Grafana uses these objects to import dashboards.
Service CRD or annotations? Port Endpoint/Selector Metrics update interval
CX Contact API Aggregator ServiceMonitor 9102 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact Campaign Manager ServiceMonitor 3106 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact Compliance Manager ServiceMonitor 3107 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact Dial Manager ServiceMonitor 3109 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact Job Scheduler ServiceMonitor 3108 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact List Builder ServiceMonitor 3104 /metrics 15 seconds
CX Contact List Manager ServiceMonitor 3105 /metrics 15 seconds

Configure metrics

The metrics that are exposed by the CX Contact services are available by default. No further configuration is required in order to define or expose these metrics. You cannot define your own custom metrics.

The Metrics pages linked to above show the metrics the CX Contact services expose. You can also query Prometheus directly or via a dashboard to see all the metrics available from the CX Contact services.


No alerts are defined for Outbound (CX Contact).


Setting the logging parameters

Set/override the logging-related parameters to change the default Helm chart values as follows, if required:

    level: info
    # logs can be saved to .log files on log volume.
    log_to_file: false
    # Log rotation.
    # false - will store logs indefinitely, needs rotation configured on the volume level.
    # true - will keep last 10 files with size up to 100mb
    log_rotation: true
    # Log volume configuration, If using persistentVolumeClaim - it should be created outside of helm chart.
        # path on k8s nodes, that will be mounted to the pods
        # IMPORTANT! Should allow Write access to user with uid:guid 500:500!
        path: /mnt/log/cxc

CX Contact logs to stdout, by default. You can override this setting by changing the following parameter value to true:

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