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This topic is part of the manual Outbound (CX Contact) Private Edition Guide for version Current of Outbound (CX Contact).

Learn about CX Contact architecture


CX Contact is set of microservices that run in Kubernetes containers, each scalable in N+1 horizontal mode. It has a state-of-the-art user interface (UI) and middleware components, and uses Genesys servers on the back end (Configuration Server, Outbound Contact Server (OCS), and Stat Server). Genesys Web Services (GWS) is a prerequisite.

CX Contact supports Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for Compliance Manager and Dial Manager.

For information about the overall architecture of Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, see the high-level Architecture page.

See also High availability and disaster recovery for information about high availability/disaster recovery architecture.

Architecture diagram — Connections

The numbers on the connection lines refer to the connection numbers in the table that follows the diagram. The direction of the arrows indicates where the connection is initiated (the source) and where an initiated connection connects to (the destination), from the point of view of CX Contact as a service in the network.

CXC PE architecture diagram.png

Connections table

The connection numbers refer to the numbers on the connection lines in the diagram. The Source, Destination, and Connection Classification columns in the table relate to the direction of the arrows in the Connections diagram above: The source is where the connection is initiated, and the destination is where an initiated connection connects to, from the point of view of CX Contact as a service in the network. Egress means the CX Contact service is the source, and Ingress means the CX Contact service is the destination. Intra-cluster means the connection is between services in the cluster.

Connection Source Destination Protocol Port Classification Data that travels on this connection
1 Customer Browser/API CXC Front-end Ingress RTP/RTCP 443 Ingress RTP connection to CX Contact from a customer browser or API client.
2 CX Contact Job Scheduler SFTP server TCP 20, 21, 22 Egress A connection for remote authentication on customer-specified SFTP server.
3 Compliance data provider CX Contact List Builder HTTP 443 Egress A connection to read compliance data and rules from a compliance data provider.
4 CX Contact UI CX Contact Backend HTTP 3004-3008 Intra-cluster HTTP connection between the CX Contact UI and backend services.
5 CX Contact Redis TCP 6379 Egress TCP connection between CX Contact and Redis for caching data on user sessions and dialing history.
6 CX Contact Network file share TCP 2049 Egress A connection for network/cloud file storage to store import and export files for both contacts and suppression lists.
7 CX Contact PostgreSQL TCP 5432 Egress Connection between CX Contact and PostgreSQL to store data about contact and suppression lists from different outbound campaigns.
8 Outbound CX Contact TCP 8888 Ingress Connection between Outbound contact server (back-end components) and CX Contact.
9 GWS Outbound TCP 5050 Intra-cluster A connection between GWS and Outbound contact server for config data.
10 GWS Config server TCP 8888 Intra-cluster A connection between GWS and Config server for config data.
11 CX Contact GWS HTTP/HTTPS 443 Egress An HTTPS connection between CX Contact and GWS for managing config data, campaigns, tenant settings, and authentication.
12 CX Contact Nexus HTTP/HTTPS 443 Egress An HTTPS connection between CX Contact and Nexus for SMS/Email support.
13 Outbound PostgreSQL TCP 5432 Egress A connection for Outbound DB access to update contact list data.
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